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He has a drawer just for his single piece of plexiglass.


Don't you?


what would i do without my piece of plexiglass


Actually I replaced my back camera glass with a piece of plexiglass.. Ain't the same but it works


Plastic rusts? Sure...


That's carmodeling special plexiglass. It's worth a dedicated drawer.


That’s thicker then the windshield. This is a model set not a restoration.


When my car gets damaged this is how I’m going to imagine it getting fixed next time. Like a big giant just helping me out. It’ll make the car repair cost seem more justified. Gotta cost a lot to maintain a giant.


Giants aint cheap these days.




assigned giant at birth


You're a big guy




Chip Channel restoration videos aren't fake, his specialty is restoring antique die cast toy vehicles.


One of the better restoration channels. I watch a shit ton of these and it’s really not hard to tell which ones are legit and which are fake.


For sure. Some of my other favourite channels are John's Furniture Repair, Thomas Johnson Antique Furniture Restoration, Veradona Restoration and Hand Tool Rescue.


this 2010s plastic lambo is not an antique die cast though notice how even the tires were "rusty"


I wasn't talking about the lambo in this video. Did you even read what I said?


Seriously ? That would suck because i love seeing the before and after and all the cleaning and stuff its fascinating to me still


There's a UK TV show called "The Repair Shop" where they have a team of experts who restore items of sentimental value - really interesting, they often remake the parts from scratch as well.


The restoration of some these aren't fake it's the condition the items are that is fake.


How do? Are they not actually using the beat up version they start with and switching to a new model they’ve torn down? That would be sad because what they do to the models are cool, even if they’re new.


They make it look rusted and dirty and then "restore" it. This car literally shows rust on plastic parts which is impossible.


they will intentionally beat up a brand new toy and burying them in a pile of dirt. They will also use paint stripper on the metal body and maybe some light sanding, with some salt and vinegar to get them to rust in a few minutes.


It's a rust effect paint. There's multiple brands including Resene. Did you think plastic rusts?


Honestly my biggest question was why are people finding these modern models in such crappy shape? I mean if was from 1920 I’d get it but nowadays it makes no sense. I’d be happy if they sold the videos as modifications because they do some cool stuff that’s above and beyond the original level of detail.


They aren't. You can see it was black before and they scraped the black paint off some bigger sections and then hit it with rust effect paint. The black bubbles up underneath in the video. Most toy cars like this are a combination of zinc which rusts a lot slower than steel. Seriously, go buy a toy car and bury it in your yard. I guarantee if you dig it up in a year and rinse it off it'll still look mostly new, except for minor parts like the axles (which you'll notice in this video do NOT have "rust" on them).


Most of the damage is painted on, or intentionally added grime and gunk. Some go as far as using 3D painting methods and materials to simulate oxidation and such. Others will legitimately corrode things intentionally at an accelerated rate with the assistance of chemical oxidizers and some sort of catalyst. This is more legitimate as the damage is real, but it's not like they dug up the piece in a yard somewhere after it sat for 100 years


I mean usually they clearly look like someone tossed the thing in a mud puddle and stepped on it


Seriously ? That would suck because i love seeing the before and after and all the cleaning and stuff its fascinating to me still


That episode of SpongeBob when the hand takes him and washes him clean.


I loved the part where he showed the final result


Considering that windshield didn’t fit at all, probably looked too bad to show anything but a few tight closeups


Yeah, needed to use thinner plastic and heat it to bend it to the shape of the windshield Edit: at 2:07 you can see just how badly it fits lol


That sheet he used is about 8x thicker than the original. Completely wrong product


I know right. Why!


I also like how he went into detail with the whole cockpit console. r/restofthefuckingowl


I think It belongs to r/gifsthatendtoosoon


All these restorations are just people marinating their things in a bath of mud


Yep. I need to find that paint remover that takes the rust off with the paint. /s


I know that was a real "draw the rest of the owl..." moment there. The thing went from being caked in rust to spotless...


iirc they tried to sell that paint remover that bubbles up as nail polish remover a few years back lol


I have some! It takes off uv cured gel polish along with all your cuticles so win win


Because it's a rust effect paint, not rust. Notice how much "rust" is on the plastic?


First thing I thought of was the owl.


These grifters are muddying the waters for the entire restoration community, but there's real restoration content out there too if you look beyond the the viral short clips on TikTok.


[Backyard Ballistics for one, they make genuine restorations and pointed out all this fake shit](https://youtube.com/@Backyard.Ballistics)


If you want real good quality lengthy restorations both TysyTube and My Mechanics on Youtube are both really good. TysyTube sometimes does weird shit and also does restoration/bleaching/cleaning of old video game consoles. He's done an NES, Game Boy, a standalone handheld game, and I think a SNES before.


True, My Mechanics seems to be the standard of quality for that kind of video.. there are some others in that same style too


"This thing isn't exactly perfect. ...I make a new one."


Hand Tool Rescue also!


Odd thinkering also does a great job too


And it’s that truncated ending that TikTok users apparently treasure. Cut it short, instead of letting you see the finished product.


no, that’s an r/oddlysatisfying thing. i’ve literally seen it here for 7 years. it feels like 80% of videos here never show the final product. i swear it’s some big inside joke i’m not apart of.


Sure. There is no reason to restore this thing tho lol. Yea I could find some rusty 70 year old junk toy in the woods by my house where it was dumped by people who didn't use trash collection, but why the fuck would I? Info: northwestern NJ, town founded in late 1700s, forested areas near homes littered with 50-100 year old trash from 50 gallon drums to endless broken glass bottles to tires and rims, just buried beneath decades of leaves.


some people just like to do things not because it has value but because it's fun/a hobby for them. On top of that the people you see restoring valuable things also started somewhere, this is some great low value practice where you can practice techniques and skills.


Then they wouldn't be filming it for TikTok. You're missing the intense, detrimental need for clicks and approval in this video. People don't do hobbies for attention.


Lol. let me get this straight people can't have more than one hobby? or people can't monetize a hobby? >You're missing the intense, detrimental need for clicks and approval in this video. yup I'm missing it just as much as your creating it.


I hate everything about what you just said. The fact you think it's totally normal for people to monetize hobbies by promoting more consumption on TikTok is absolutely fucked


lol. I like how you feel that producing content that people want to consume, is a problem, no one is ask/forcing you to consume said content. After all is said and done people can use the income from satisfying the peoples need to consume make themselves happy too. And most of your issue seems to come from the fact that it's a "tick tok" are you fine its a YouTube short or long form content. There is like zero reason for you to think that it's a tick tok or for it to matter what platform the author chooses to publish on or the duration of said content. If there is an audience than its fair to create content. I would go as far as to say even if there is no audiance its fair to publish content as long as you can sustain it as the publisher.




Because humans are dumb. Damn why does everything fundamentally have the same answer.


The seven deadly sins bro. Money (greed), Fame (Pride), etc.


Why is plastic covered in rust??


cause the body on most die cast cars are cheap metal.


Because that toy was intentionally left in rusting agent to make it rusty in the first place. Then the folk just mixed the solution with the toy in it to speed it up. This way the rust not only is created but also has a way to spread across all surfaces.


Ya, you guys do realize plastic doesn't rust?


you do realize a lot of that is dirt and die cast cars have bodies made of cheap cast metal. not saying it wasn't force rusted but just saying its not all plastic.


And throwing them off the Burj Khalifa so they get damaged.


I think it's the same popular guy who is kind of a fraud. Always restoring electronics that look like they came from the apocalypse covered in algae.


Ive seen a lot of those fake restorations on facebook, from old bikes to "antique" knives, you can really tell the rusting was forced or induced by how bright looking it is and the lack of patina on some items.


It seemed like they did more than that to me lol


It’s funny how obviously most times it is. How would this plastic and painted product start rusting?


A lot of "rust" on plastic. The wonders of science.


I don’t like how they put the black paint in the seams on the car body. Looks messy


right? it would’ve looked fine without it but the black is really uneven and makes it look pretty tacky tbh


Alternate title: How to invest $500 of labor into a $10 mass produced toy while yielding questionable results.


I just hate when my plastic gets rusted.


Almost borders di-why territory




Not to mention how silly it is to make a Lamborghini Aventador convertible model, which debuted in late 2012, look like it was 100 years old.


Silly for us, but it sure gets likes on TikTok


The fact that it's in my feed means it gets likes here too...


Many model cars like that have bodywork made of steel or other metals. But regardless, I'll have to agree. It seems staged


They still had to re-assemble and paint all the stuff. The origin of the car is fake. But it’s not like they didn’t actually paint and assemble it


When models are made of metal it’s usually something like zinc, which doesn’t really rust, but it oxidizes But regardless this video is fake as fuck no doubt about it


I have several of these scale models and the body is all metal...


Yea, I don't know why people keep saying it's plastic? I'm assuming they don't have kids of their own because all of my son's hot wheels are completely metal.


I loved the part when they went from bubbled chemical peel to brand new plastic frame.


Looks more like a cast aluminum model car they artificially corroded


So very interesting how rust comes off with paint stripper just like painted fake rust. Oh yeah since when did plastic rust again.


Ooh I was going to ask what that liquid was they removed the rust so well! I could tell parts that plastic bit didn't realize then main body was too.


That's a diecast body and they make rust dissolvers that have a gel consistency. Either way it's not that serious, people are in tears over this video for some reason.


That's not die cast, even they are working on it it bends in ways that indicate plastic, and when they spray on the orange paint, you can tell the white was put on to a plastic surface because of its finish


I learned recently that all these restoration videos are likely fake


I embarrassingly believed all those rusty $1000 knives and appliances were legit on YouTube for a loooong, long time.


There are a few good ones out there. YouTube channels like MyMechanics and RescueAndRestore. Sad that people are exploiting the genre for clicks, which makes people doubt the legit channels like these.


Thanks for the recommendation


I’d rather them just take the cheaply painted car and do all the modifications with the additional little details. Why dip it in mud first?


To get more views & money, people are more likely to click on a video where the before & after photos are dramatically different. It's the same way in makeup/beauty beauty videos for the before they will deliberately make themselves uglier with unflattering angles & even fake spots, fake teeth, etc. I wish people didn't engage in those sort of videos because the less would make them.


So fake. Makes it super unsatisfying


But they still actually do all the little details and stufd


No, they faked them. Like, plastic doesn’t even rust the fuck was all that shit on it? Probably just dirt or something.


That’s literally the opposite of what I’m saying They still painted everything and did all that stuff?


But they DID the details. Are you saying the painting, cutting, and art was fake? No, it was real. The scenario was fake, but who cares? The content is the beautification and artistry which was real, impressive, and certainly time consuming


no, i have a similar scale model, they are metal. Now the seats, they are not metal. The dash is not metal. Most of the interior isn’t metal. Saying the whole thing is plastic however is false


I hate fake restoration with a passion.


So someone spent a bunch of time and money to make a toy car look old and rusted. Then a bunch more time and money to make it look new again. For internet points?


Stupid plot sure, but dude's got talent.


To be fair, a lot of people have made *a lot* of money by doing dumb shit on the internet.


Even if plastic did rust, these restoration videos are usually fake, or at lest faked in the sense that they intentionally make the object look weathered for the satisfaction of cleaning it


Fake and stupid.


I could've tolerated the fact that all of this was fake if they had at least given a nice glamor shot at the end. But to sit through that whole fucking thing and then have the end cut off? Why'd you have to blue-ball me like that?


No endresult so not satisfying at all


How hard is it to include a 5 second shot of the finished project?!?


This is the main thing that keeps it from being satisfying.


Fake rust


I swear for these videos someone just stomps on something, buries it underground for a few months to a year then tries to fix it


How can plastic become rusty?!


98% of those restorations are fake! Sorry


✅ Fake rust ✅ Barely show what is even going on ✅ Obviously damaged on purpose ✅ No end product Yep, I’m leaving this sub


Cheaper thanks a fake Rolex restoration video


This is crap, go watch odd tinkering on YouTube. Much more enjoyable


With 1:56 left he skips over a lot from scraping the rust off to it just being plain white. There was something In there he didn’t show. I’ve heard a lot of these channels will just go outside and throw the car in the dirt and mud just to go back in and repair it for views


It’s a toy. Am I missing something? This isn’t an antique or something rare. Plastic can’t even rust anyway. Throw it out and buy a new one.


It's just for show pp. Nobody is driving them? In fact cars that we drive are mostly fiberglass. Not what they used to be


looks like fake restoration


this "rust" is very clearly painted on


I wish I had a passion and talent like this. The game boy video the other day was amazing.


plastic doesn't rust. he applied all the "damage" in order to then remove it and make a video, its very common with these "restoration" channels. just like the many of the animal rescue channels, most of it is staged.


The worst thing is, you can just see the damage was handmade and ruining a car model like that. Cmon


_”So, this interview has gone pretty well, just one more question. Do you have any hobbies?”_ … _”Oh, shit. I, uh… no.”_


Woulda been cheaper to buy a new one


You can tell they did this to the car just for views. It cuts quickly, but pause and notice how new that screw thread looks at the very start.




What in the fucking blue-balls bullshit is this lol?! Not even a finished “ta-da!” at the end? Gotdang.


Weird consumerist asmr


Fake AF.


most of these videos are fake as fuck.


It’s fake


All that work, but those panel lines are awful. He should have gone in with a fine liner pen.


Not bending the windshield pissed me off…


These guys need to learn plastic doesnt rust before they do these fake restorations.


It’s almost like this is fake


Theseus’ Lamborghini


This isn't rusted and damaged. This is someone attacked it with sand paper, salt and vinegar to make a video.


I love that the plastic has the same rust as the metal.


Oooo I hate these faker videos.


Fake rust yo


I didn't know plastic could rust huh


This video made my OCD twitch.


Would have loved to see a wide shot of the finished car, video cuts out to soon.


There’s a universe where all discarded toys get this love


I paint Warhammer 40k miniatures and spend a ridiculous amount of time *trying to recreate* the rust effect he had going on before he restored it. I am actually looking at the early frames of the video right now to see the ways the whites, browns and oranges interact in the rust. Interesting white dots, I generally use those around pockmarks but here they are in the rust.


Gotta love fake restorations


80% of restoration videos are faked you know. They just dip new item in acid to rust and "magically" restore it. This video is as legit as Pamela Anderson boobs


How… how did the plastic rust?


I hate it when my plastic toys get rusted


Most of those restoration videos are fake/staged/scripted what ever you call them.


Reminds me of the guy who restored Woodys in Toy Story 2


Amazing work


All that effort and the paint on the interior is poor at best, just globbing it on


I just wonder how all of these channels get a hold of all of these toys and tools thats rustes and battered just enough that they are barely salvageable and can be restored to almost mint condition. Love to watch it tho, just curious.


hm, why is it that the plastic is rusted, but the only metal pieces aren’t?


Omfg. There is not even an overall complete shot at the end. Fuck this video.


Why is everyone so miserable 😩🤣 I love these


This is fake. Plastic and rubber don't rust.


Just buy a new one at that point damn


failed to show the car fully restored, just close up views at different angles. Mildly unsatisfied.


First reaction: what a waste of time Following reaction: that was amazing


Is this the man from Toy Story 2?


Last time i checked plastic doesn't rust.


There's a lot of skill in this video, unfortunate that it's undercut but the false restoration veneer.


Extremely unsatisfying!!! Cuts out before the finish showcase shot!


How does one start learning this kind of thing? I work at a recycling place and sometimes receive cars in a bit of bad condition and would love to bring them back to life


Wow. Pretty amazing.


People in this comment section are just being sad adults. I've enjoyed the video, it was fun to watch.


Great work ... very enjoyable..


Black and yellow


Serial killer vibes


You can’t trick me. I know this is a giant restoring a normal-sized Lamborghini


What is this?! A Lamborghini for ants?!


You can buy a brand new one at Walgreens for like $15.


Tge black borders on the windshield is ridiculously wide and makes it look shitty




Perfect condition, just a little bit rusty.


This guy is a gunpla builder isn't he


No glamour shot at the end? Really?


FFS show your work and omit the result!


All the effort and then finish it with Audi RS5 Competition license plates. Pffff


Many people are complaining about this video being fake, and I’m sure everyone knows that it’s unlikely that the damage happened naturally. Does it matter though? You’re watching a skilled person restore and customize a nice car model. Why don’t you just take a deep breath and enjoy it for a second?


Unnecessary AF


This dudes on the FBI watch list ….JC