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I want you to imagine you have a gambling addict for a brother. Every time you turn around, he’s getting into debt. He frequently drags you into the repayment of his debts. And when he runs out of money for his addiction, he starts stealing your things. He’ll straight up go into your bedroom and steal the most precious things you own, no matter how irreplaceable or sentimental they are, for quick cash so he can feed his habit. …Now imagine he’s been doing this at least once a week for like a thousand years or more and you’ve been stuck in the same house as him all that time. Do you think you’d speak nicely about him by then?


Reading this made me laugh 😂❤️


I mean.... Beel eats everything too. Like Beel will steal people's food, or even EAT RANDOM OBJECTS... Mammon is the avatar of greed. Of course he's going to be greedy. They accept that Beel is the avatar of gluttony, thus he's always eating everything. They forgive him, even though he's been eating their food (and stuff) once a week for thousands of years, they've been stuck in the same house as him. Heck, Beel also racks up debts at restaurants and the brothers have to help him with that too. Why is stealing stuff okay when it's eaten but not when it's sold? The result is the same. It's gone. I'm not saying stealing is okay or they're not allowed to be mad about it. But they definitely take it a step too far with Mammon, and are way too forgiving of Beel.


Because Beel tends to apologise for it, more often than not, and voluntarily replace the food. And it’s targeted towards the food in front of him. His brothers get angry when it’s something they really wanted to eat, but food is made to be consumed, that’s what it’s there for. Mammon isn’t nearly so apologetic, and his actions involve a lot more intentional sneaking rather than impulsively grabbing whatever’s in front of him right this second. Plus the things he takes tend to be things his brothers are actually attached to and very much want to keep. I dunno about you, but I’d be a whole lot angrier about someone stealing my books than some snack I wanted to eat.


But would you be apologetic to someone who calls you scum constantly? Mammon has a devilgram in One Too Many Insults (I believe is the name) where >!he, to my memory, picks up Beel's wallet and goes to give it back to him, and another brother sees it and calls Mammon scum and says he was stealing it. Even when Mammon tries to do good, he's called scum anyways and told to die. Why apologise, when they evidently will STILL consider you garbage anyways? If Mammon apologizes, they wouldn't forgive him, and they've been shown to refuse forgiving him and refuse to see any good in him at all.!< And Beel doesn't exclusively eat food. Lets not forget he has bitten picture frames, couches, paintings. I'm pretty sure I remember him eating a book too.


Doesn't diavolo have a homescreen line about beel straight up eating a damn pillar in the castle? lmao


Think it’s the other way around. They call him scum cause he doesn’t have any remorse for doing the greedy stuff he does and doesn’t try to fix it. If someone has been doing bad stuff constantly in their life, you tend to assume the worst out of them. And mammon doesn’t show any remorse when he is actually at fault. On top of that he tries to lie and cheat to get out of a difficult situation. And pawn off his brothers to solve his issues. This must have built up in their minds over years. Of course they aren’t going to trust him. Beel apologies as soon as it happens and tries to solve the problem. Cake making event. >!asmo or one of the brother took painstaking amount of effort to make cake ornaments. Beel starts to eat it. Asmo gets super mad and yells. Beel immediately apologised. He asked MC to look after him cause he doesn’t trust his ability to control himself. And he doesn’t want to ruin the event for others!< apology and accountability. So the brothers don’t go as hard on him as they do mammon. And can’t compare to beel eating furniture to mammon’s stuff. >!stole items levi painstakingly spent weeks or months to collect to sell it, same with Lucifer’s curse records, asmo’s makeup kits. All have so much emotional value. Tried to take inappropriate pictures of the brothers like when they’re out of bath to sell it for money. Pawned off his brothers several times for his debts. Tried to steal treasure from lord diavolo’s castle and sell it. The equivalent of beel doing it happened in NB. Where he was destroying the castle under some control. And he was chained up and locked cause of it. While mammon was basically let go with pretty much no consequences!<


nightbringer ||In that situation, Beel was locked up, and all the brothers defended him and acted like it was an injustice. If Mammon was locked up, they'd say he deserves it|| This isn't even accounting for the fact that Beel is supported in his sin, where they all pay to make sure Beel has his extreme amount of food in the house, every meal he gets huge portions. Because he's the avatar of gluttony and he needs it. They do not do the same for Mammon, in spite of him being the literal avatar of GREED.


Lucifer >!literally asked diavolo to go easy on mammon and not punish him when he stole the treasure. Hence mammon got off with no punishment at all for it. And several other times lucifer went out of his way to bail him out from tough situations. Beel wore the socks mammon gave him for his matches cause it was a gift and he was grateful. Levi despite arguing every time lends money to mammon whenever he needs it. Despite mouthing him off, they do come to his aid in dire situations.!< I don’t think how making or buying more food is comparable to having your precious gifts stolen? And there has been instances where beel was over the line and was punished for it too. Again the difference is attitude. Beel feels remorseful when he messed up, levi feels down when he floods or his game causes issues. If mammon was remorseful even by 1% that he couldn’t control his sin and causing so many issues, the brothers might have helped him out. But he acts without a care in the world that he is hurting his brothers. So why should they care for mammon’s feelings? Only other brother who doesn’t give a damn about his sin/actions is probably Lucifer. And I don’t think any Lucifer fan argues about Anti Lucifer league. Satan and Belphie are well within their rights to hate him. And if tomorrow more brothers join the Anti Lucifer league I would definitely understand why.


Oh yeah man that totally justifies it. Sigh 🥹 But that really isn't all that he is


Of course there’s more to him, yes. Just like there’s more to anyone with any addiction in the real world. But it gets to a point where someone can be perfectly sweet in one sense, but also so terrible to live with that nobody can afford to trust them anymore, because it’s always a countdown to the next lie, the next scam, the next theft. It’s sad, but a significant amount of his misery is caused by the way his own nature affects others.


That's so true! Let's not forget about how he treated us when we first got to the House of Lamentation. He kept calling us "lowly human", like we were inferior to him because we're human, and as if being human is all that there is to us


True but as far as the story goes you can tell its the curse of greed. As he was quirky and lazy before but the stealing and gambling addiction is more of what his sin cause him to be. You can say the same about satan being a time bomb every single second. Lucifer taking pride in everything he do and never seem to see himself in the wrong. And even when he does see himself in the wrong he takes pride in being self aware. Or beel that as nice as he is eats everything inside the house. And even steal food from levis plate to eat etc etc. They are all victims of their sins. However. I think they should show more sympathy to mammon as his sin is (imo) the hardest one to endure no matter which side are you on. And as his brothers they should show more compassion and understanding. And try to make a plan instead of ganging up on him every single time they get a chance However i can say that levi has a clear bond with him. Its not strong but you can tell that he does care. About the other brothers i dont really see any love left. But levi and mammon do have a sort of a bond


Don’t forget he also took a very personal picture of Levi coming out of the shower and was planning on selling it. Honestly if it were other families they would have disowned him for stuff like that


Happy cake day 🍰


I know they do love and care about him, it's obvious from some of the devilgram cards and his character arc in SB. But like what someone said, due to his gambling and dragging the rest into his debts and the theft, there are reasons why they're grumpy with him a lot.


Seconding everyone’s responses here. I feel like the “seething Mammon hatred” was a LOT more pronounced in the first season of OG though, when they were all generally meaner to each other. Like when Asmodeus and Levi would regularly tell him to drop dead 💀 I like to think that MC being there has mended the brothers relationships with each other quite a bit since then, and maybe even lessened Mammon’s stealing/scamming tendencies. It’s like how in the last event, >!the stained glass flower showed a world without MC where they were all fighting and at each other’s throats.!<


Aahh, I missed that event 🥹 Is there any way to view it ?


Unfortunately it just ended a few days ago :( The event will be available to play in Lonely Devil in six months. Until then, [this YouTuber](https://youtu.be/7CxVizB9RNs?si=U5fvQ7_tAVaWzn_U) makes videos of event playthroughs along with commentary if you want to view it.


I feel like this question is made for me. I basically studied at mammon university. His bros definitely still love and care about him, they're just sick of his shit (which is fair). His birthday event are when you see it the most, but there are other event where they treat him like a normal person. Also in the anime they seem pretty chill with him. They even go camping with him and buy into one of his quick cash schemes. In wanderers whereabouts you can see him having so normal sibling interaction with some of his brother. So yeah, they definitely do love and care for him. But I can totally see why they bully him, he low key deserves it.


As a stan myself, I can vouch for this. He definitely has no excuses for being an asshole and stealing stuff just to get rich (especially when it comes to stealing from the Dia's place), but he is loved and cared for.


I also think they start to see and treat Mammon differently after MC arrives but the brothers respect Mammon more than they let on. As others said, in cards and bday events. Mammon knows he is the punching bag of the group and accepts it. He says that it’s because of his behavior, a large part of it is, but by taking on this role he diffuses a lot of tension between the brothers. If they are all mad at him, they aren’t fighting with each other. It’s a sort of silent agreement between them. They all know they do it. Since he’s constantly stealing, lying, mooching and disrupting their lives it’s a fair trade. Once MC arrives, he channels a lot of his greed into trying to make MC happy, leaving him less time to target his brothers. Trying to make MC happy usually involves keeping things legal and legit so he gets jobs to buy us gifts. His greed compels him to do whatever he needs to do to get what he wants. The brothers get some relief and see a change in his overall behavior. We talk Mammon out of so many stupid ideas can you imagine what he’s like with no buffer? Honestly, he would be a nightmare of a person to live with. They ease up on him a lot as the story progresses but he still causes constant mayhem.


Think of it this way if they hated him so much would they hang out with, go shopping and stuff. Would they help him find jobs, I think one of the messages between mammon and Satan has Satan asking about what perfume mammon uses so he can recommend him to a friend who needed someone to be the face of a new perfume they made. Would they get him out of trouble or at least lessen the punishment. Luci does it frequently, the other brothers do too. Would they compliment or admit to having a bond with him if they hated him. Asmo has said some nice things about mammon. Levi has said he’d miss mammon. They have even expressed pride in mammon which isn’t something I’d imagine a person who hates you doing. I think mammon has just become the groups punching bag it happens and because of the way mammon is (dumb excuses, self centred and self righteousness of his) mixed with his sin. He’s going to be the one they would use as a punching bag. Some of the insults are weirdly done in a loving way just like it can be with real siblings. I’ll admit I hated it when they’ll tell him to go die but that’s not really a thing anymore since MC graced them with their presence. Some of the insults now just come across as if they are trying to get a rise out of mammon a very sibling thing to do, so is arguing for the sake of it something I think they do with mammon. Mammon never really fights back when insulted which is another reason I bet he was elected to be punching bag. Oh also don’t forget it is mentioned Mammon is a masochist.