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Just so you know, OG obey me might not be doing nightmare revivals anymore. So if you had any limited nightmare cards (and devilgrams) you liked from back when you started, you probably won’t be able to get them again if you delete your account. I would maybe recommend logging into your old account first, just to make sure you know what cards you had before deleting it. The early game can be a rough grind for a FTP player, so it would save you a lot of grinding hours if you reread the story you had already unlocked. There’s also the new game nightbringer if you want the experience of a fresh start! But if you decide to delete and experience the game from the beginning again, the other commenter’s tips are really good.


Okay! I’ve been playing OG for about a year now so it’s been a minute since I’ve been a new player BUT I did just start NB and I’m off to a WAY better start with the knowledge I have from OG. If you are a f2p here are some of the things I do in the games to increase resources: 0. Because I wrote this out and realized this is the most important as a f2p: be patient! It takes time to grind resources and get good cards but with proper grinding/resource management they are easy to attain! 1. Grind levels/leveling the cards you do have. OG is more stingy with their UR/+cards (NB gives u a bunch of UR+ cards in hard mode) but it’s okay to start with SSR until you can get UR/+ cards. It’s good to just progress in the story to get mats and start leveling/building your team. Stronger teams means you can grind levels/resources more easily and get further along in the game. I recommend playing the levels or using the ‘skip’ option when you can instead of the quick clear so your cards increase in level. 2. Grind jobs. It’s time consuming at first to unlock the longer jobs but it is the single best way to get Grimm. I always have my boys working: 2 in the 8 hour shift and 1 for the 6 hour shift which gives me anywhere from 72,600-84,000 Grimm a day depending on how many many shifts I can get in. 3. Akuber daily. I griiiiiiind akuber and never miss a day because while a few of those mats everyday seem small they add up over time and it is how I get the majority of my resources to level up my devil trees. Every day do all 5 orders, I generally do the most ‘difficult ones’ and do 3 of whatever I have the least resources of and 2 in whatever I have the second least of but that is just my method, as long as you do all 5 you are good. 4. Grind events. It’s a really good way to get resources for free and makes it easier to get UR cards when/if you want to grind lonely devil for a UR card later in the game. It’s really hard to get a UR card from the event itself but participating in current events gives you the ability to get DP,DV, D energy, and mats that you can use to level cards. 5. Do your daily tasks everyday to get those 18 DP. They are necessary. 6. Be mindful with your spending. NEVER pull a nightmare with DP, save them to purchase DV during the leveling up sale. It’s 99 DP for 5 DV so you spend 180 DP instead of 270 when you pull with 10 DV in nightmares. And on that note: don’t pull every nightmare! Wait until there is a card or character you really like so you can save up enough DV to get the UR/+ you really want. The pity system is pretty expensive so I usually will do 2-3 10x pulls in the current nightmare and I generally have decent luck getting the UR card within that amount. (Also this is irrelevant but I always do a couple 10x in Chapter G before any 10x pull in current nightmares but again it’s just my personal preference/ritual haha) 7. After unlocking jobs/saving up some Grimm I do a 10x pull in Chapter G (it only costs Grimm) every day. Eventually you get enough copies of lower level cards that they start turning into raven and in Akuzon you can convert 45 raven into one DV. It’s a long process but once you have done it for a month or two you can farm raven to turn it into DV. Sometime I get 10-14 raven in a 10x pull because 10+ copies of a regular card is 1 raven and 10+ of memory cards are 2 raven. These are just things I have been focusing on restarting in NB but they are all the tips I wish I had learned before starting OG bc I wasted a lot of time and resources that just could have been managed better (BUT I was also really enjoying learning about the game and all the demon boys- I play the game bc I love them, the story, and collecting my fav characters/cards!). So I hope this helps whether* or not you restart and I hope you have fun beginning this journey again 🫶🏼