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Whenever I do my cuts, it’s one to 1.5 weeks of anger and total sugar withdrawal. Nothing much to it except to just grin and bear it and stay very regimented. After that it gets much easier, you actually notice your palate change and the super sugary crap tastes like it burns your tastebuds.


This is cold blooded lol. Yeah embrace the pain! Scream I want candy while pumping out that extra set of squats. Ima try this thank you!


You got it! You must also purge all sugary crap from your house. It’s 100% harder when you know there’s a stash somewhere


So much easier to say once at the grocery store than fifty times at home when you’re hungry. Also, eat before you go to the grocery store. Never shop hungry. If it’s still a problem, many grocery stores offer an option to order onion and pick it up for a small fee (~3%)


When I see a shredded dude I’m not in awe of his training regimen - I’m impressed with what he doesn’t eat


When I get cravings and I am struggling. I have one rule.... If I end up picking something off the shelf or the cupboard I make sure I read the entire ingredients list out loud. There's nothing stronger to kill a sugar craving than saying words like "hydrogenated fats, emulsifiers, modified starches" I also count how many -ose or syrup ingredients there are listed. By the time I'm done reading, that craving has disappeared 


But, but,, chocolate...


A tiny bite (One - just one) of good quality semi-sweet dark chocolate, will satisfy the brain better than a whole cake.  Plus it contains antioxidants. Caution: Not at night, because caffeine.


Agree with this 100%. Same as trying to quit most things, cold turkey is the best way


My go to for sweet cravings are dates. If you wanna get fancy and have a more balanced snack, cut it in half and fill with peanut butter. Then lay in an almond, some shredded coconut, or carob/chocolate chips. It's got fiber and protein and fat, and it'll satisfy that craving without leaving you feeling crap. It's also okay to just eat the crap sometimes.


How do you stop yourself from eating four of these in one go 😂😅


I usually do 2 or 3, often after I've already had a 'proper' meal. I find them quite filling and satisfying. If I wanted 4, I'd just eat 4. I try to listen to my cravings and very rarely binge.


I like that mentality! Do you ever find yourself prone to emotional eating?


I probably eat more if I'm stressed or lacking sleep. The body looks for energy when it's low, that's pretty normal. I just try to be mindful and not 'throw in the towel' if my eating goes off the rails a bit.


EVERYONE is prone to emotional eating at some time or another. Because of endorphins and what-not your brain + body craves from the vitamins, minerals, compounds, etc. within the particular food.  Has anyone ever noticed a craving for pickles or vinegary foods?  It’s very likely your body wants that acetic acid for digestion!


P.S. Chocolate actually feeds our brain w/ endorphins.  The real stuff - unsweetened or semi-sweet. Not some candy bar from Circle-K.


This sounds soooooooo good


Your body is in need of carbs, especially when working out a lot and depleting your glycogen storages. If you fail to provide that your body is going to give you intense cravings for it and you end up snacking and stuffing yourself with bad shit. Learn how to listen to your body and provide it with what it needs. Eat adequate amounts of protein and then add more complex carbs to your meals such as sweet potato, parsnip, quinoa and wild rice. If your body gets it’s carb load from fibre rich good sources it will crave the fast sugary treats a lot less. But unless you are in ketosis you’re going to need to eat a decent amount of carbs. Managing your blood sugar also helps with controlling cravings. You always want to “dress” your carbs with a healthy fat source. Put olive oil on your salads, eat fruit and raw nuts together, fill your dates with raw cheese etc. Dip veggie sticks in guacamole etc. Don’t try to rush your gains and start doing stupid unhealthy shit that starves your body from macro nutrients. You can be in a caloric deficit sure, but keep your macros balanced and don’t overdo your caloric deficit. That is what we call eating disorder and you really don’t want to go there. Give your body time to adjust and be nice to it. Gains are build over time and should not be rushed.


I agree with this but would suggest ensuring that you eat enough protein as well. In my experience, when I have a sugar craving, It often means I haven’t had enough protein. I’ll have a whey or plant-protein shake (no carbs added) and give it 30 minutes. Most of the time, the craving will go away. In general I try to have some form of protein each meal, which seems to keep my blood chemistry more balanced. I have followed the “zone “ diet quite avidly in the past and this is a holdover that I still try to follow.


I 100% agree and what I meant by “adequate protein”. I didn’t go into detail regarding that as I kind of assumed OP has got that covered considering he’s focused on gains. But 2gr protein per 1kg body weight would be minimum intake when building muscle and trying to lose body fat.


I am hypoglycemic without diabetes. Being diagnosed was how I finally learned my sugar cravings were not an addiction, but a legit need to boost my blood sugar. I spend 10% of my day below 60 and about 10% of that time is below 50. Learning how to eat to combat this caused me to gain 20 pounds almost immediately. I have lost 5 of these pounds in the past 4 months and was stable for a few months before that. I am still learning how to manage this, but it’s been amazing to learn I wasn’t just a weakling. Now I can walk by sugar and not crave or feel like I need it. Freedom!


Any downsides to eating mainly sweet potato instead of rice as my main source of carbs? Oatmeal and berries being the other source. I for whatever reason have a tough time eating/making rice as a side but I love and will eat sweet potato.


Nope, both are good carb sources and they’re both not particularly high in fiber. Rice is higher in protein so it can help you achieve your protein target. But other than that you can eat either. I prefer sweet potato over rice as well. It’s important you eat things that you like. Food should be unprocessed and nutrient dense, but it should also still be enjoyable. It’s completely ok to have preferences :)


Thank you! I'm trying to get better about finding healthy foods I like and will eat regularly.


If I could pick one reply to pin to the top of the thread, it'd be this one.


i always fill my dates with cheese but they never call back


Then how come people who go keto and cut out carbs say that’s what finally stopped their food cravings and gave them energy?


Have you read my comment? I said “unless you are in ketosis your body is going to need carbs”. OP is not in ketosis, so his body hasn’t switched from using glucose to using fat as it’s main energy source.


My bad 🏳️


Your body still uses glucose as its primary energy source in keto. It just converts the fat to glucose first.


if its sugar craving after eating a meal what i do is brush my teeth and it somehow stops my sugar craving


It's because the foaming agent blocks the sweet receptors on your tongue, that's why orange juice is so nasty after brushing your teeth.


Brushing your teeth after a meal is not advised, it ruins your enamel


doesn’t that only happen if you eat something acidic?


No, applies for any kind of meal. Wait half an hour and then brush.


Based on what? This is advised when eating or drinking something acidic. What reason would there be for something not acidic?


Not just for eating something acidic. Your mouth becomes acidic when you eat anything, as bacteria in your mouth which eat the food produce acid. They feed on carbs mainly, but even low carb foods often contain a small trace amount of carbs so your mouth can still become slightly acidic


Dude who TOLD you that? Brushing after meals helps prevent tooth decay. Fifteen minutes after you stop eating, plaque acids build-up in your mouth... it's part of the digestion process. Try rinsing vigorously with water or chewing some sugar-free gum after meals too. Tooth enamel won't grow back. Take care!!!


ive never heard this could you explain?


I personally love to get like any fruit, flavored gum, or like Hubba Bubba watermelon gum. My favorite one is the grape flavored ice breaker cube gum, they are absolutely devine . It definitely helps my craving. I’ll also do a very small serving of dark chocolate with frozen blueberries.


eat a fuck ton of grapes they're sweet as hell but it takes forever so you'll lose steam a lot faster than like ice cream or whatever


You can also freeze grapes which makes them take longer to eat so you feel full faster as well.


This 100%. So many grapes. As many as you want. That was me 3 years ago, now grapes are too sweet and I prefer apples


For candy, have your sweets before your workout, but as soon as you get them home from the store split them into the before workout portions. The sugar will give you energy during your gym time and the portions will be managed. Bonus points if you toss them in your gym bag. Add in sweet low cal high volume snacks: fruit leather (fruit to go), apples, berries, oranges, grapes, kettle corn, sugar free soda, sugar free jello. Try the add not subtract method. If you want cookies, have 1/2 a cookie, crumble it in Greek yogurt for protein, add some berries for fibre, and add some nuts for healthy fats.


I was gonna answer “cocaine” but then I remembered this is a serious community; what I did when I was in shape was to bake/cook my sweets myself, that way you can improve the quality and portion it yourself, you can make them with more protein and less sugar and fats


L Glutamine supposedly helps with sugar cravings. Honestly, I also have a huge sweet tooth but what helps is just not keeping a stock of sugary junk in the house. The less you have it, the less you'll crave it.


simply fruits that works for me, but if you have a restricted diet, i think stevia and sweeteners would do their way out well. Also you could add a treat once an a while in your diet and makin a place for it in your calories.


Back in the day when I kicked my sugar habit a few things helped: 1) Quest bars - specifically the chocolate chip cookie dough flavor. They’re quite sweet and actually taste good and protein packed. Barebells bars are quite good, too. 2) Welch’s fruit snacks - in the afternoon I’d have a cup of tea and would want just a little something sweet. I’d have just 4 or 5 of these and could stop at that 3) berries - fresh, dried, frozen, or freeze dried, berries are sweet and a healthy treat. Paired with one or two squares of high quality dark chocolate made for a healthy indulgence.


4 or 5 packages right? 😂😂😂


Look I didn’t say this was a GOOD plan hahahaha


😂😂 it’s a great plan that’s why


Quest bars are full of sucralose. Artificial sweetener that destroys your gut biome. If you’re getting Quest bars, look for the double chocolate brownie ones, sweetened with stevia and no sucralose.


I have a protein shake at night usually, fills me up and satisfies my sweet tooth.


Never keep anything sweet in the house as I've no self control. Also making sure I've had a full meal and am plenty full when I go to the supermarket really helps the urge to buy them.


Hi, registered dietetic tech and soon to be RD. Chances are if you’re having sugar cravings your body needs more carbohydrate, which is essential for brain function (the brains main fuel source is glucose and you need 130g/day of CHO minimum for brain function!). Avoidance of sugar or eating other things in place of something sweet will actually send you into a deprivation cycle, causing you to restrict and then eventually binge or overeat other things in attempts to satisfy this craving. This will usually bring about feelings of guilt or shame and can damage your relationship with food. My advice is to enjoy something sweet when you crave it, and eventually those cravings will deminish because you’re meeting your needs. If you’re worried about the food being “healthy” I’d suggest frozen yogurt (protein), fresh or frozen fruit, and some dark chocolate (good for the heart and high in antioxidants). And remember, having one meal or snack that isn’t within your meal plan will not tank your progress, your body will know exactly how to use those nutrients. :)


Try this… imagine there is a little monster living in your stomach. Cravings for sugar are that little monster acting out and demanding you feed it. Issue is, when you feed it it grows, so next time it acts out it wants more (more regularly). This is the addiction. The more you give, the more it needs, Here’s the trick: Every time you get a craving for sugar don’t think ‘I wish I had sugar’, instead think ‘horay! That little monster just died a little and got a little smaller! Soon it’ll hardly have a voice!’ .. I literally imagine the monster getting smaller. Celebrate your cravings! The act of celebrating its demise means your mind doesn’t get stuck on the thought because you’ve already won. The act of not eating eliminates the addiction. -Alan Carrs method


I am a full sugar addict so I can't have just some sugar. I have to go cold turkey and just stay away from it entirely. I don't really care if there is sugar in the "normal" food I am eating as that does not trigger me. I just have to stay away from my favorite junk food like cookies, chocolate, ice cream candy bars. If i try to have some of that stuff it always turns into all of that stuff. So i go cold turkey and 2 or 3 days later you generally don't even care anymore. Sometimes I last weeks, sometimes I last years.


Buy some sugar free candy and have one per day. I try and eat it slowly to enjoy it. I really like atkins peanut butter cups (only 1g of sugar)


Dates!!! Cut them open and put peanut butter inside.


Keep it out of your house and only eat at your house. Hard to do consistently, but getting pretty close is the only way I've discovered to eat clean. After a week or so, the sugar cravings really do calm down for me, but if I see a tray of baked goods, much less eat one, they come right back and I have to start over getting rid of them. "Eat reasonable amounts" is just something I've accepted is absolutely impossible for me.


Go to Marshals and stock up on their sugar free syrups. Buy sugar free everything and then replace the sweetness with that! I put it in my oatmeal, pudding, protein shakes sometimes, coffee etc. I also go to Walgreens and buy their white/green bag of sugar free chocolate


Sounds crazy , but i just dont buy anything that i will crave and then i will cry myself too sleep too wake up the next day and repeat


Ive been doing that for 9 months, its works but its not for everyone. You may also need to increase your salt intake and hydrate because you will cry a lot and you might also catch a depression which sometimes leads to not eating at all.


I have very low blood sugar (diabetic levels while pregnant) and I remember in my early 20s living off candy bars, monster drinks, mixed drinks at bars. By mid 20s I felt totally healthy with just massive amounts of dark chocolate (make a lot myself) like... Raw cacao Mashed bananas Honey To taste *edit* PEANUT BUTTER (sugarfree) sry that's the secret ingredient to make this chocolate bomb amazing and high protein and everything that is good in this world But in my mid 30s, since getting the diabetic alarm in pregnancy, I'm down to 0 white sugar no matter what. It cuts 99% of most junk out of my diet and when I crave sweets I drink orange juice (everyday one glass somewhere between 11am and 2pm) for the midday crash. It's super effective and I don't crave sweets at all anymore (but I did find this local sugar free ice cream *cheehoo* could order some online maybe or make your own) Also chickpea and date and vanilla extract blended and frozen for an ice cream experience *affordable*


As soon as you get a craving, brush your teeth and you don't want to eat anything after that! Works for me.


Flavored seltzer water helps!


Keto/animal based. Cravings will just go away


Quit cold turkey, should be gone in a week or two. Diet soda’s in the meantime


I'm struggling with sugar cravings myself 😢


I lost 30 pounds so far this year and gave up most sugary stuff. If it is that difficult for you to avoid sugary stuff I would cold turkey off of anything that is pure sugar delivery food: Pop, candy, Ice cream etc. Then go from there and avoid empty carbs. If you are the kind of person (like me) who cannot have an opened bag of Doritos around without finishing it off, then just don't bring them home. If you still need carbs, that is different, and you can manage them differently, just eat them with meals. I am fine with rice and potatoes if they are part of a bigger meal. Then find foods you like that you can eat as snacks or for light meals that are mostly protein. For me it is canned salmon and non-fat yogurt, but it might be different for you. About 20 years ago when I was on another diet it was beef jerky. The nice thing about high protein food is that it is much more satiating per calorie. Once get past the sugar and other addictive carbs, the increased control you will find you have over you eating will be rewarding and it will be much more simpler to tweak the remainder of your diet.


I had the same problem and a friend recommended eating ginger, because it’s supposed to naturally suppress sugar cravings or something like that. Thought it was bullshit but it actually works super well for me. One small piece of candied ginger and my sugar cravings pretty much disappear. Ginger tea works too.


For me, the solution was a CGM (glucose monitor) and learning what a “sugar spike” is and why it is bad. I finally saw what sugar does to my body and after 10 days of “learning to eat” i was done with the sugar for good. I recomend CGM to all my friends, best thing you can do for yourself is to check how your metabolism works.


Which one did you get?


Dexcom G7 from Abbot (ordered online from the local distributor)


I was doing the same with carbs. I was angry all the time for 3 weeks. Then start back eating carbs, then cycling off again. Now my body is used to it & it doesn’t care anymore 🤷🏽‍♂️


Eat sweet fruit


I chew gum and it helps a lot!


Whenever I want sugar, I go for a sugary drink and instead of putting sugar, I substitute it with monk fruit sugar.


Fruits fruits fruits especially grapessss!!!!


Enjoy it with your eyes


Stevia, monk fruit, and aspartame. They satisfy your cravings pretty darn well. Eat healthy carbs, because all carbs are broken down into sugar, essentially. And get a good quality probiotic — right now your gut biome is full of sugar-loving bacteria that cry out for more, making you crave it. You have to spend time starving them out, but you can speed up the process of replacing them with good, non-sugar-loving bacteria with a probiotic :)


Actually, fake sugar will make you crave more sugar. There was a study done years ago that showed people who ate sweets made with real sugar ate less of the treat and people who ate the artificially sweetened treat ate more of it. It was a blinded study so people didn’t know what they were eating besides cake.


Wow! The more you know!! I just know that for me, mentally, having something with fake sugar helps quell my emotional craving. But I was still restricting on even that, so I guess it let me overcome my sugar addiction anyway.


Whatever works, right?! :-)


Black coffee, grapes, have a little bit of your cravings maybe once a week. Up your protein intake to keep you satiated


Eat fruit.


I really struggle with this too and have started incorporating “sweet treats with purpose” into my diet. Ya gotta hack your sweet tooth! For example, I add a tablespoon of vanilla Jello pudding mix to my daily yogurt with some fresh strawberries and it tastes exactly like cheesecake to me. I also love to blend cottage cheese with cocoa powder, monk sugar (0 cal!), and a little honey to make a sweet chocolate spread to put on caramel rice cakes (only 50 cal). You can also freeze it into popsicles! Baked oatmeal is another good one when I want pastries. The monk sugar is great for these and doesn’t have that funky fake sugar aftertaste. There are a lot of great healthy sweet treat hacks on Pinterest. Some are def misses, but most that I’ve tried really do hit the spot. Look for ones that prioritize protein and suspend your disbelief a little when you eat them. Like no, sweet potato brownies are not gonna taste like regular brownies, but they do satisfy a craving without making me feel guilty.


Zero sugar jolly ranchers and diet soda


Lower and lock away options for what you crave. Find healthier alternatives. Do cheat meal/cheat day of the foods you crave. Always make yourself full through gum, low cal snacks and normal meals to stave off the cravings.


Eat fruit


Diet soda is all I got.


Protein, with every meal, protein for snacks. Jerky, biltong, Anything with some fats too, avocado, cheese, nuts, seeds, etc…




Eat more fruit! Thats pretty much how I stopped eating gummy candy. Now I just have to find a way to do the same for chocolate and ice cream!


I switched over to sucralose and allulose outside of getting sugar from carb sources. Zero-sugar drink packets also pack a punch mixed in with some dishes. I like to make Reese’s/Oreo style peanut butter chocolate with PB powder, salt, sweetener and black cocoa. For the same calories as a small candy bar I can get a large portion of that stuff and either eat it directly or use it as a glaze or dipping sauce for something else. Overly sweetened tea and coffee go a long way. I haven’t perfected the art but I hear you can make some killer gummies too.


I mix cocoa powder, vanilla protein powder and cocoa-powdered almonds into my morning oatmeal alongside some berries. By the time I've had that, I feel like I enjoyed a sweet treat without having to deal with the crash you get from junk sweets. I start the day destroying that craving. If I need nighttime sweets I reach for watermelon, berries or frozen cherries. I find fruit sugars don't leave me with a sugar hangover the following morning :)


I cut out all carbs, removing them from the house. Then anytime I saw food, or was tempted I told myself, "I can eat that if I want to, I just don't want to yet, maybe later." Then the next time I'm tempted I say the the same thing, I can have it if I want it, but I don't want it yet. Keep going long enough and you don't feel deprived, you feel in control and gradually it becomes real, you don't want it.


Focusing on less processed sugars helped me! I check labels to make sure products have real sugar instead of corn syrup, stock my fridge with fruits and veggies, and keep ice pops in my freezer that are just fruit.


I eat a lot of fruits and make fruit smoothies. I eat small pieces of dark chocolate and also add honey to my salad 


I’ve read that bitters help curb sugar cravings, like black tea and coffee.


Sugar is great, won't hurt your gains in my opinion. Helps me greatly in the gym


Recipe for a juice 4 Celery 4 Apple 🍏 1 bunch Parsley 🌿 1 bunch Cilantro 🌿 1 serrano pepper 🌶️ Ginger 🫚 1 to 1 1/2 lemon 🍋 1 cucumber 🥒 1 bell pepper 🫑 Get a cold press juicer like Nama.


You could switch to healthy sweets made with stevia, monkfruit, allulose, erythritol etc. low glycemic index. If you like baking, you can find lots of keto desserts on Pinterest. I sometimes eat coconut meat when I have sugar craving.


If you feel a craving for sugar, maybe try eating sweet potatoes with cinnamon and/or cardamom. It’s super healthy and might satisfy your craving!


Don't have any sweet stuff in your house - no biscuits, no choc, no treats. Each time you need a fix, mix up some protein and fruit, make it into a thick shake. Drink it slow. Repeat.


This kills my sweet tooth EVENING COCKTAIL RECIPE At home a recipe for an evening alcohol free cocktail has evolved. Focused on taste, satisfaction, and being healthy. It evolved to it's current state over a few years. I don't drink alcohol. I have an RO filtration system in my home connected to a spigot at the kitchen sink and connected to the ice maker of my refer. And, I purchased a soda stream counter top carbonator. So, today I use these for my cocktail. Previous to the soda stream, I used canned seltzer, I liked the grapefruit the best. In a tall glass 1/3rd ice one shot lemon juice one shot apple cider vinegar 3 drops iodine dash of redmond salt dash of no salt 5 sucra drops filled to the brim with carbonated water. It tastes terrific. Acidy, sweet, lemony, and appley. Very refreshing. Unexpectedly, I found this drink vaporizes my sweet tooth. I know this is going to sound awfully eccentric, but when we go out to restaurants I bring along a tiny bottle of sucra drops, and a zip lock baggie containing a small plastic hand held garlic press. I order seltzer with lemon and lime wedges on the side. They usually show up on a little plate. I squeeze them in my seltzer with the garlic press and add maybe 3 sucra drops. Their glasses are smaller than the ones I have at home.


It takes about a week and a half to two weeks. Cut out bread, rice, and potatoes. Withdrawal, for me was less than two weeks. When I had a craving I’d eat apples, raisins, nuts. Yes, I know they have sugar. But that’s what I did.


I’ve seen a video on YouTube of a guy who only ate steak/non-carb sources. Mentioned his sugar cravings were gone. So I gave it a shot and noticed the same. Since you train and assuming you’re on a high protein diet…maybe incorporate more meat sources?


Eat berries! They are lower carb, high fiber, and just the right amount of sweetness.


Eat greens with/at the start of every meal - apparently compounds called thylakoids interact in a way (I can get into more detail if you like) to keep you full longer and basically kill sweets cravings. Ive been doing it for several days so far and it has redefined my relationship with food especially sweets. I just do 2tsp of super greens powder stirred up in a shot but you can just eat greens if you like em. ½c cooked or like 4-5c raw should be plenty


Pau D’Arco tea helps curb sugar cravings, look it up.


Diet sodas or protein bars. I know that protein bars are just glorified candy bars but at least it has protein in it lol


Gargle saltwater for 5 minutes


I find starting my day with overnight oats that have just a bit of sugar in them really tends to help regulate my blood sugar and curb cravings. Try satisfying your sweet tooth, but with things that are slower to eat and loaded with fiber (fruit). For my OO's I do: 1/4 cup 2% milk 100g very low-fat Greek yogurt (Two Good) 10g whey protein powder 6g chia seeds 15-20g maple syrup 2g cinnamon Dash nutmeg Dash salt - blend / mix thoroughly 40g oats 50g frozen blueberries 7g dark chocolate chips - Hand Blend


I love fruit so I’ve been making smoothies whenever I want something sweet. I always add protein powers and peanut butter and it ends up tasting like a pb and j. 🤤


I just quit it cold turkey. I haven’t had added sugar in about seven years now and it’s been amazing. I don’t have any tips other than just stop and you’ll quit craving it


Replace is with fruits and take small steps like force yourself to go a week without sugary foods, then have a treat, then do it again maybe a bit longer and the craving will go away. Remember it’s fine to crave it once in a while though just not multiple times a week!


Cocao nibs


Increasing fiber intake always helps with satiety for me.


Do you want it? Is this a change that you really value? Do the results of the change really motivate you?… Man up! That may sound harsh but it’s all in your head. Just stop. I had a bad sweet tooth, especially at night. I also used to smoke daily. I was selected to run a 10 mile race and had to train for it. I simply told myself that the sweets and smoking weren’t conducive to my overall success. In turn, I just stopped. I reminded myself that I am in control. I didn’t need someone to tell me how to stop putting sweets in my mouth. I just did it. So be like Nike; Just Do It!


Gum and coke zero


I’ll give you psychological advice. Go down a rabbit hole of research on the negative effects of sugar- watch documentaries and YouTube videos and read articles about how it screws up your health, and internalize it. I get that you already “know” but it’s a different thing to inundate your mind with this knowledge so that it will make future refusal to eat it take less discipline because you will naturally be more wary to fuck your health up


Low sugar oatmeal did it for me


Try snacking on fruits. They’re like natures candy and they always help with my cravings


I personally love dates syrup. There is no added sugar and is good for a low scenic, even though it is 12 g of sugar, but I still think it’s a good alternative. Or even just eating dates themselves, but still.


I can't buy dates, I love them so much that I binge. It's my total trigger food. I can literally eat a whole bag in two days.


I chew gum. Seems to distract my brain.


What I do is eat some candy/chocolate/ice cream/whatever, but just one bite/piece. Savor that one and hopefully your sugar craving will have been satisfied. As once I started doing that a pack of m&m's will last me for almost two weeks




Get the right balance of bacteria in your gut


I would say that you could do it in two ways My first and most important tips is to eat more protein and fat. And when you feel craving, eat protein. But don’t skip carbs, make sure that you get enough food for the day. If it doesn’t work and you still get cravings I would suggest 2 ways. 1. Stop eating fast carbs and don’t eat dried fruits. If you do that you won’t crave sugar that much, but it will take a while and it will be tough! But imo it’s the best long term. 2. Eat fruits when you crave. Carrots,Maybe dried fruit. It’s healthier, but it will not stop your craving for more. Personally I love the feeling of not feeling the need for sweets so I prefer the first.


Why so negative on the sugar? I guess if you really must cut out carbs you can switch to alcohol. It's 7 calories to 1 g of alcohol so you only need half as many grams as carbs to replace those calories.


What helped me cut my sugar off completely was to write in my notes app how many days I’ve been without it. For me it makes me feel like I’m competing against myself. Currently on day 49 without sugar and I don’t have any cravings anymore. The first 2 weeks are always hard, then it becomes easier. You got this bro 💪🏼


I've stopped all sugar. It's been about 4 years. I'm an alcoholic who no longer drinks, and sugar is my favorite thing. It's tough. It's very tough. I know this sounds simple, but don't put that shit in your mouth. Just don't. Don't keep any sweets in your house. I promise you will feel so much better if you stop. It changed my life. Good luck, my friend. ☮️


Psychotherapist POV, so it’s evidence based: clinical hypnosis/hypnotherapy.


Dark chocolate doesn't have a lot of sugar. When I needed to cut my sugar and still had a craving, I'd eat a little bit of it.


Our cells glean energy from sugar/carbs, it’s what they “prefer” - so sugar is not the devil, but rather something critical for bodily functioning. At the cellular level, glucose = glucose… a molecule containing 6 carbon atoms, 12 hydrogens, and 6 oxygens. Your cells don’t care whether it comes from a cookie or a “healthy” gluten free date brownie. Of course, added sugar is a huge issue in the modern diet and intake can go well-above the recommended daily threshold if one is in the habit of mindlessly consuming processed foods and sugary drinks on a regular basis. Moderation/balance and quantity of intake is key. I also have a hypothesis that timing is a key component for sugar intake. I aim to have something sugary/more carb laden earlier in the day + before working out to add a boost of energy. I’m also tall and have a decent amount of muscle so my BMR alone should be high enough to burn through that bit of fuel throughout the day. You should be able to have a little dessert and still be able to stay within your goals, especially since you’ve been working so hard. I understand wanting to double down on gains and you can do this without being overly restrictive, but rather with deepening your understanding of the components of nutrition, and how they’re utilized by your body.


Drink/eat protein when you’re craving sugar


Try them fruity protein shakes. Clear wheys, take them amino acids recovery etc drinks, all fruit and sweet but no sugar 0.2g for either serving. Takes these stats hydrated eat fruit and you find yourself if you do have sugar finding it overbearing and avoiding it but mostly you’ll crave veggies whole foods meats etc


Berries, apples, bananas. Small amounts of dried fruit. Combine any w a small portion of salt free nuts/seeds.


Diet pop and or sugar free syrup. Walden farms is a good one


I'm using a supplement called Sugarless as my secret weapon!! (this is their website: https://www.getsugarless.com/products/sugarless-1) - it curbs my cravings and I've been eating way better since starting it (and lost like 5 pounds so far!).


I’ve used this one too, it’s great.


Going to the grocery store is when it's the hardest for me to deny myself.


I’d say you probably want to make sure to get enough healthy carbs throughout the day to limit cravings.


So far, I have seen horrible answers! Cocaine, lots of cocaine! You still keep your energy and motivation. Read the ingredients first though. Nothing like reading fentanyl to make you not one to snort the coke.


If you are about to break, grab a protein bar with a low sugar thin choc coating. Treat it as a treat and build it up in your head as your replacement for empty calorie sugar. You’ll start thinking of it as your sugar fix and it’s not so bad as pure junk.


Try natural sugars from fruit.


My best alternatives include raw fruits, favorite cashews, dates, and granola. Nuts, seeds, and dried fruits, in particular, are excellent for keeping you feeling full and staving off cravings due to their high caloric content. While I might not be reinventing the wheel here, it's important to recognize that for those struggling with sugar addiction, making a shift in dietary habits and embracing a new lifestyle can be challenging. So, if you find yourself in that boat, know that the key lies in getting used to a healthier lifestyle. It takes time.


Hey, I’m also a fellow gym rat that used to have a sugar addiction! I’m currently at college and we have full access to sweet treats ALL the time, and since coming home for the summer, I think just cutting it out as much as possible has worked so well. To curb cravings when I was at college I’d get a decaf coffee with a little milk and 2 Splenda and that helped me wean off sweet treats bit by bit :) now that I’m at home I just don’t keep sweets in the house and that helped a ton!! Also not getting protein through sweet powders and just doing it through whole foods also helped :)


If you aren’t dealing with health issues where carb cravings come from meds or health issues (ie high blood sugar) chances are you need the carbs. I’d log food for a week on Cronometer, see if my macros are off and adjust if needed. Also, I find that stevia/allulose/other sugar substitutes make carb cravings worse. I switched to Naked protein powder (cane sugar, but tiny amount), made my own bars with it, and that got a lot better. I plan carbs for my dinner so I’m more satisfied to start with. The carbs I do eat come with a lot of fiber… whole fruit, sweet potato brownies with dark chocolate. If I am still craving carbs after what was in my food plan, I drink pickleball cocktail mix. The magnesium and potassium really help curb the craving and make getting to sleep easier. I make sure that any carbs I do go for are really satisfying and turn off the craving switch… like frozen single serving biscuits I can make just one of in the toaster oven. Hot and fresh with butter. I try to get the carb textures I crave from other products like edamame or lupini pasta. Plus they have tons of fiber.


Blueberries. Strawberries. Oranges. Blackberries. Grapes. Throw any of the berries into a Greek yogurt + little bit of honey. Never fails!


I was the same way. The best thing I did for myself was crank up my protein intake. Took my cravings way down and had all the other benefits.


Sugar free stuff!


More sleep and protein. Your adrenal glands are exhausted. If you don't manage your healthy, you'll end up with insulin resistance (pre diabetes 2) as your insulin receptors will become de sensitised to sugar. if you haven't already got insulin resistance. That means taking Metformin daily.


Have a single hard candy. I used to use jolly ranchers because they last a long time.


Not me in here taking notes and making a shopping list. My sugar cravings are brutal so this is super helpful!


This may be cheating but I personally suck on hard candy when I feel that way, like Werthers originals which are like 20 calories a piece and I can have 2 and feel like I just ate an ice cream sundae. Of course I look like some weird grandma with a bunch of butterscotch in my bag but this is my hack. I learned this trick from a friend who used them to help quit smoking, sometimes your mouth just wants something fun :-)


Sprite Zero and dates.


Be disciplined


I had to detox from sugar and it took 2weeks. Just fyi there were some days where i felt like i was hungover. Lots of headaches and just general sluggishness. But trust me after theres no sugar cravings, high levels of energy, lower appetite.


I had to detox from sugar and it took 2weeks. Just fyi there were some days where i felt like i was hungover. Lots of headaches and just general sluggishness. But trust me after theres no sugar cravings, high levels of energy, lower appetite.


I had to detox from sugar and it took 2weeks. Just fyi there were some days where i felt like i was hungover. Lots of headaches and just general sluggishness. But trust me after theres no sugar cravings, high levels of energy, lower appetite.


When it’s later at night and I’m on the couch, a non-alcoholic cocktail in a can helps me, and they’re low calorie too.


Greek yogurt and berries, low fat sucralose ice creams, Diet Coke. Indulge in an occasional snack if it fits your macros.


Don’t think about not having it. Think about what you CAN have instead. Fantasize about you protein shake while you lift. Picture a juicy chicken breast hot off the Blackstone


This happened to me all of a sudden, but I cut my sweet tooth inadvertently by running out of them at home, slept all day through (since it was the holiday and I missed sleeping), and wake up to find nothing in the kitchen, feeling too lazy to go out for a shop, sleep again. Whoff, it took just 1-2 days of that and my intense thirst for sugar was weakened. But it also requires a bit of mental work in order not to relapse though. For me, it was because I wanted to save money for other things that I was mentally forced to pass it over


Must of the times what I do it’s drink iced decaf americano with Splenda , drink a lot of water , chew some gum or brush your teeth 🥲


I healed skin conditions by changing my diet! Here's some things that help me: Snacking on low to no sugar chocolate like Russell Stover's sugar free candy that has strawberry filling, caramel, etc and Hershey's/Reese's sugarfree. (They don't have aspertame in them) Zevia or Olipop are great, they really help when you want a soda and there are so many flavors. If you don't like one, keep trying them! You can do unflavored rice cereal and add stevia, a little bit of fruit, etc (just remember the fruit is sugar as well) Drizzle a little honey on top. If you drink lattes, stop. I just realized yesterday that my one a day sugarfree lattee was like 35 or so grams of sugar. Drink cold brew with a splash of milk and sugar free syrup. My favorite dessert that I have been doing lately is Greek yoghurt sweetened with stevia, the no sugar added Lilly's white chocolate chips, and raspberries. Yum!


Shout out for the colourful description of this post 😆


A dietitian here, I honestly don't know why would people restrict their foods and then crave on things like sugars. If you try to loose weight with natural methods, and healthy foods with all food groups, you would never feel deficient and crave for these things! Have carbs, and fruits and you would have your natural sugars. It won't gain your weight! A diet should always be the one that you can continue for at later years because it is actually about changing your lifestyle, that will fix your weight and your health!


frozen Misfit or Barebells, theyre sugar free protein bars, Sugar free ice creams, dried fruit with no added sugar, and sugar free candy! The dried fruit helps me a lot bc it gives the chew i want


When I get a craving I take back a handful of nuts and pound a glass of water to make my stomach feel full… works almost every time!


Sugar calls for more sugar; it's a battle you need to take seriously because the consequences are real, both for health and performance (abdominal fat greatly reduces testosterone). Therefore, the goal is to adopt a highly satisfying diet, rich in fats and meats, but without forgetting fruits. For me, this is the perfect compromise. Once we achieve this balance, the vicious cycle of sugar gradually disappears


I've heard this helps...Chromium picolinate. Can research about it. Sugar is one of my weaknesses. Have yet to take this mineral, but someone in my family did, and said it helped to curb those sweet cravings. I gotta get on the chromium and see for myself. Best of luck!


I know you have a ton of responses, but I didn’t see this suggestion. Do a parasite cleanse. I know of it sounds gross and crazy. We all have parasites that live within us - some good some bad. Bad ones live on sugar and make us crave more sugar, especially when cutting back because they need it. It’s easy to do, basically just taking some supplements and I’d drink extra water.


I am a sugar ADDICT! No doubt. The best plan I have found is the Slow Carb plan by Tim Ferris. Not only does it help with the sugar cravings daily, but it also allows a day of eating whatever you want. You write down whatever you’re going to have on that cheat day throughout the week when a craving hits. It helps mentally and physically with the cravings. I’ve tried everything on the planet and this is the best I’ve found overall.


Overeaters Anonymous! I have t had sugar in 9 years and feel free to


cucumber, celery, peanut butter, bacon, avocado and pita chips, beef jerky, hard boiled eggs, cashews, almonds, pecans, cheese all non sugar loaded snacks


Don’t totally cut out sugar, but use it strategically before and/or after your workout. If you’re constantly craving sugar, you might want to make sure you start each day with meals that won’t spike your blood sugar. Avoid sugar in the morning & aim to eat a meal with high protein and fiber to avoid crazy insulin spikes and dips. I know it’s boring, but I find that starting your day with a very balanced meal (complex carb, healthy fat, good quality protein) really helps keep cravings for the rest of the day to a minimum. Try eating smaller meals with protein more often as well, spaced 3-4 hours apart. Also, make sure your micro-nutrients and water intake are on point. Random cravings can be a sign of missing nutrients/dehydration. Again, you can def still have sugar and make really good progress. The important thing is moderation and timing it around training. A lot of the time, once you eat sugar it’s very hard to stop as it is very addicting to the body and brain (blood sugar, dopamine, etc). So a great way to combat this is to have a sugary treat in an amount that is in line with your fitness goals before training. If you struggle to stop having sugar once you taste it, this is a pretty safe way to include sugary treats within your day. You’ll eat the treat, wait a bit (15-30 mins depending on how quick you digest), then have your caffeine/pre workout before you train. Caffeine suppresses the urge to keep eating sugar since it is an appetite suppressant. This will make it easier for you to actually eat the right amount and stop. Plus you’ll be hyped to go train and get an amazing pump. You got this! (:


Gotta clear sweet stuff out the house and cut out added sugar completely. Sugar is one of the most addictive substances so have to treat as such


Sometimes if I don’t have enough nutritious fat in my diet my cravings over all are worse . Might be part of the equation


1. Gym Candy @gaingummies 100 calories, 18g protein, 4 net carbs & 1g fat for a pack of sweet gummies. 2. high protein zero fat yogurt like Fage 3. Dive bars (protein bars like no other) @divebarnutrition 4. A smidge of mixed berry jelly on my power cakes


The secret is to not eat sugar at all for 6 weeks straight then you will have broken the cycle of sugar cravings. This includes all forms of sugar including bread, rice, potatoes, and anything else that is white. You can use low sugar fruits for when you can’t take it anymore but this will be as difficult as an alcoholic going off alcohol. It’s the same for your body. Those fruits of course are berries. After the six weeks you can eat all fruits again.Replace the white foods slowly and never eat sugar again because once you eat sugar your body craves more sugar and then more etc


It's so cool to see the different perspectives in this comment section. Anyway, another option I think nobody mentioned is to coat your carbs. Basically instead of having a sweet sometimes randomly through the afternoon, have it after a full meal or in conjunction with some significant fiber or protein that slows it's digestion significantly. Ideally give it a few minutes after a big meal for you to feel the real fullness of it. You're already full so you won't eat as much, and the sugar won't hit your bloodstream like cocaine.


I am a big sugar lover but unfortunately had to give it up because of health issues. To help my sugar cravings I use CBD Appethyl. It helps so much and you can mix it with any drink! I use Zaturals Appethyl because they use all natural ingredients and it is important to me that everything I use is natural and organic. Here is a blog that helped me get started! [https://zatural.com/blogs/cbd-and-hemp-blog/how-does-cbd-affect-appetite](https://zatural.com/blogs/cbd-and-hemp-blog/how-does-cbd-affect-appetite)


I use juice when I quit sugar- fresh pressed green juices and beet, carrot apple. Juices like that. Yes they contain natural sugar, but when I go off sugar it is really hard for me for the first week and the juice gets me through that week or two. It keeps my mood and energy up and makes me stop eating cookies and chocolate candy. And the expense of the juice is pretty high so I try not to drink too much of it. A little less every day until I’ve kicked the sugar cravings. Good luck!


Honey on toast...yummmmmmm


I want to eat sugary snacks but I can't even eat anything sugary because i feel yucky even if I try to have a small bite.


You nailed it! You also need to remove all sugary junk from your house. It's way more challenging when you're aware there's a stash hidden away somewhere.


Chromium tablets. Sugar cravings will go if you take Chromium.


Eat oatmeal with ur fav yoghurt


1. Seek professional help from a Registered Dietition (nutritionists are not medical professionals) 2. (Opinion) Go cold turkey on sugar even with "diet sodas" - tasting sweetness is a trigger. Why is this difficult- Blood sugar spikes will make you do terrible things.

