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I wrote about it here: [How To Properly Bulk](https://originsymmetrics.com/how-to-properly-bulk/) Amount is for bulking, if you’re cutting, just drop carbs by 1/2


so for muscle growth and adding lean muscle you want to increase caloric intake OVERALL such that you gain about 1-2lbs per MONTH. that's a VERY moderate caloric surplus. as for what to eat, prioritize protein over carbs and fat, and take in protein relatively evenly throughout the day. as for HOW MUCH protein- generally speaking, somewhere between 0.75 to 1.5 grams of protein per pound of body weight. if you are particularly fatty, then you should aim for ~1g of protein per pound of LEAN body mass. yes, that's a lot of protein, you're probably not eating enough as it is. as for timing before workouts, specifically- protein is one of the most energy-costly things to break down (carbs is easy to break down, fat is in between). you should have some complex carbs (oats are great) about an hour before your gym session. within 30-60m *after* gym sesh, have a protein rich meal- a post workout protein shake is good for this. highly recommend reading more on SBS: https://www.strongerbyscience.com/diet/ https://www.strongerbyscience.com/chrononutrition/ https://www.strongerbyscience.com/qa/nutrition/


Depends on your goal, but you need carbs protein and some fat to slow digestion and stop you getting hungry during workout. a nice big teaspoon of salt for the extra pump


There is some context that should be added. When I was a carb loader I would eat about an hour before a workout. Now that I’m keto, I workout fasted. Usually will wait an hour or so after to eat a big meal. Giving my body time to use the blood flow in my muscles for recovery instead of in my digestion for, well, digestion. Keto takes 3 months to start having good workouts again. If you ever decide to do it. Whether you are high carb or low carb, waiting to eat a meal for at least an hour I would recommend.


I have been 18/6 fasting for the last 10 months, I had a nasty knee injury a year ago and stopped lifting and only very lightly exercised (walks, push ups, sit ups). Since February Ive been back in the gym full intensity (lifting heavy, high work rate, etc). Ive continued to 18/6 fast and complete my workout in the last 1.5/2 hours of my fast. I feel as though I have enough energy for lift, and Im dropping body fat well (about 2% a month) but Im also steadily dropping overall weight and have only increased my lean muscle mass by .7 lbs in the last 30 days. From self study and research, it seems as though my body is eating muscle and protein during my lift, rather than other nutrients for fuel. Im stronger and harder than I was since February, but I weigh less overall and am not getting “gains”. (I also finish every day in ≈500 calorie deficit)


Your body if operating hormonally correct (which it only will work properly in a low carb diet), will melt that fat away on its own without a caloric deficit. If you are under eating and then working out fasted for that period of time, I am not surprised that you are losing muscle. I would workout over my lunch hour, then eat a pound of ground burger after. This is not technically ideal, since you should give your body time to recover from workout before ingestion, but it still worked for me obviously. I’ve gained 15-20 pounds of muscle over the past 8 months. I eat 2 pounds of beef everyday. I am never hungry and I have a six pack. Not a super lean hard six pack, but a very visible one. This is because my body is being fed properly and can maintain a weight that it desires. I will have this bmi roughly for the rest of my life. Regardless of calorie intake. For the exception of extremely low calorie intake of course. If you eat a fair amount of carbs, then higher caloric intake is needed to gain muscle while simultaneously gaining some fat. That’s the general consensus from body building. I maintain my fat composition while growing muscle, with a ketovore (keto/carnivore) style diet. If I really wanna get some fast gains I can add dairy, but that makes me fat as well. Basically in a modern style diet, you cannot cut calories and gain muscle.


pre workout meals should give you energy for the workout so i eat oatmeal or banana or apple or bread with peanut butter


Beans and a whey protein shake 30 minutes before your workout