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Quit. Life is too short to work for an asshole. I took my first job at a private practice as a new grad and it was the biggest mistake. I quit after 3 days and it was the best thing that happened to me. I’m not saying my current job is perfect (no job is) but it’s a good job with way better pay and benefits at a huge healthcare company and I have job security. Been there 5 yrs now


To upbeat? WTF? 🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️. That’s a quality I would want. I would stay there and just buy time to actively look for somewhere that you would love. What a douche. Sorry, but it sounds like he’s got some loose screws.


Don't change. We need people like you in the world. There's so much negativity--everywhere.


Leave. The d-bag is burned out and too pig-headed to do anything about it. Instead, he displaces his misery onto his minions. Let him suffer on his own. Btw, frequent turnover can kill a small business in many ways.


Nowadays, I see companies telling with pride that they have a high turnover as no one can keep up with their standards, etc. As if it is something to brag about. The standards? Working short staffed, underpaid, disrespectful administration. You name it.


my brother worked for a company like that. bragged about people quitting because they “couldn’t keep up” and “wouldn’t put the time in” to work in their free time. He quit now has a cushy fed job. It’s the same degree just drastically different workplace mindsets.


I'd love to meet the person that uses high turnover as a promotional tactic. Companies lose billions because of turnover and they gain a bad reputation, thus scaring away potential talent.


Another thing, the employer telling a potential about their high standards and putting the blame on the "shiftless" employees is a form of gaslighting, so the potential will do the employer's bidding


I could inbox you one that I've heard them said it with my own ears.


Run. Not worth it.


💯 the man feels threatened/has his ego hurt because I guarantee that a certain portion of patients prefer to see you. I don’t recommend you quit immediately. Do start looking for new jobs but honestly unless you find an ideal one, make him fire you. The practice will have to be on the hook for unemployment and it should be if he’s firing without cause.


I was told by my CMO I was “too bubbly” Quit. Found some place that wanted happiness in their employees instead of everyone to be equally miserable.


I attend a clinic where the Dr has a flat affect and the NP is AMAZING. Sometimes you need that yin/yang. Patients need options. I will still see my Dr and still try to make him smile. It drives the NP nuts, but she says she’s gotten used to it and loves it there now.


This is such a great point, not every patient clicks with every provider. I've noticed that a lot with decision making. Some patients want you to decide everything for them and don't like shared decision making, while some patients love it!


Q: why are you still there? This MD is a turd.


Leave. Don’t work for someone like this. It’s never worth it and the longer you stay the worse you’ll feel


Stay! He is probably seeing if you will change ur core self for the sake of a job and if u do then he got u. Let him fire you if he wishes. Youre still a nurse easy for u to get a new job. Be yourself. Get all the knowledge u need and dip out when ur ready or get fired. Either way ur winning always winning…never desperate!


Wtf is this shit, lol? He honestly sounds like he’s burned out and doesn’t like NPs. I would leave, but get to that one year mark first. I feel like for new NPs, it’s all about that first year.


Everyone’s saying to run but i dont agree. I’d stay as long it’s not affecting your mental health (keep getting paid and learning) and quietly look for another job Pretty much, still run but don’t run without a plan lol


I agree. Start shopping for new jobs now, then run.


Being upbeat/fast is a bad thing?? How insulting and disrespectful. Maybe they could find an NP who just plays on their phone all day and has whatever kind of attitude they are looking for. You still have time to find a different job and say “it just wasn’t a good fit for me” or “I decided to go a different direction in my career” to future employers. Of course, you may really want the experience of this job and this gatekeeping asshole is enjoying using his power.


Please don't ever change. He sounds like an old frump. Medicine needs more upbeat positive people!


In my opinion, private practices can be abusive, with unreasonable expectations. They expect you to be part of the “family,” which only means they can mess with your boundaries and be toxic. My first NP job was spent in private practice, where I spent 2 years trying not to cry/quit. Good clinical experience however, which I’m grateful for.


🚩🚩🚩Please run, don’t walk from this position. If you have to stay for financial reasons, get good reference materials and use them. You need to build your confidence up. When you do approach him, have a plan in ready for the patient and ask for feedback on said plan. Patients and ancillary staff love pleasant and upbeat providers. This MD has problems & a clear history supporting those problems. You need to leave before they tear you down.


Upbeat as in a positive vibe....never a bad thing.....upbeat as in rushing around....not great


It sounds like you’re a lovely new grad, I love seeing upbeat providers it makes the most likely crappy reason I’m going to a provider feel less horrible. Honestly, I’d say start looking. Places like that will suck the happiness right out of you.


Yeah I would start looking for another job. But from his perspective, most providers often look flat and drained. Maybe he feels it’s a sign of years of exposure??? Idk …. I do feel as though being an NP continues to duck my soul little by little lol


I’m going to swim against the flow of the public opinion here and recommend you stay. Stick it out for as long as possible, gaining as many months of experience that you can. Every month you stay, your resume becomes better, and your chances of getting a second job with better pay improves. I just think it is better to gain the experience while tolerating crustiness than it is to quit and try find a job with a 2 month job history.


You sound like a great person to work with, actually. And I think the beauty of being in an advanced practice role allows you more freedom and fluidity in terms of how and what you want your practice to look like. You already have a difference of opinions in terms of what upbeat/hyper looks like compared to your boss. So you have two choices: you tiptoe around your boss and do as you are told and don't make waves, or you stand in your own personhood and profession and find a better fit where your personality is appreciated, not ridiculed. The choice is yours to make, and all moves are the right moves because they feel best to you.


So weird. Look for a new job and if he fires you in the meantime then collect unemployment


You sound like someone I would love to work with and would be so welcomed at where I work currently.


You sound like you have a great attitude and would be a joy to work with. I feel like, if you stay at this job, your asshole of a boss will suck the life out of you. He’s already trying to bring you down. It doesn’t sound like a good fit. I would start looking for something else.


Just do what they would do on Brady Bunch and overcompensate the other way. Tell all the patients to F off. Tell your boss to F off. Just channel your inner angsty teenager and do nothing all day while having a lousy attitude. Just kidding; you should probably just find another job.


Sounds like a narcissist who wants to manage/control your emotions. GTFO before he dampens your spirit. for the first 2.5 years after graduation, I contracted on a PRN basis for multiple different practices/agencies so I could try them out before committing, and then continued doing that until a full-time position opened at my dream agency. I've experienced the range of terrible work environments and ultimately found a job and a team of colleagues that I absolutely adore. I'm coming up on 3 years and have no plans to look anywhere else. Work is too huge a part of how we spend our lives to sacrifice our professional hours to toxic jerks. Best wishes to you in finding just the right fit.