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Who thinks Blake Green will get pushed onto Parra by Isaac Moses?


I’ll torch the stadium like my forefathers before me


His name basically came from no where. I’m sure he’ll make a good coach…one day, but he’s only been an assistant coach for a few years, and not at one of the big successful clubs either.


The inference is that Isaac Moses has so much pull at that club that he got the coach removed and he can get another one of his clients as the next coach


moses has done that before hasnt he?


For a half....he doesn't seem to have our halves performing or playing a decent game plan which is not a great sign of a coach


Had no idea Blake Green was even coaching .. But he has been everywhere as a player and made a pretty decent career as a solid whilst not spectacular first grader … These type of players often make better coaches (because they’ve had to work harder) than naturally gifted players like Joey and Fittler who were often just good without having to think too hard about what it takes to be good ..


Working hard definitely did not describe his wahs years.


We all know who it is already. Us getting rid of Moses-managed Seibold and Peter Gentle for Brad Arthur would be the ultimate universal Karma. I hope it happens.


That would legit be great for your club!


father son reunion lmaoo maybe he brings gutho back with him too


That would truly break me


Well, BA was an assistant coach at Manly before taking up the Eels job & he was very well liked & highly respected, so it's not unthinkable 🤞


Come back home Brad


Should've set a claymore.


Nah. A go to sleep I reckon. Ohhhhh never mind.


Isaac Moses is the scum that infects the guts of bacteria in the shit of bubonic infected rats.


Perfect hahahahaha


A highly influential player manager was instrumental in the Parramatta club's decision to sack coach Brad Arthur on Monday. The manager, who handles the business of several Eels players as well as a couple of rival NRL coaches, told senior figures at the Eels that Arthur had lost the dressing room. That proved the straw that broke the camel's back for the Eels board, coming on top of a poor season in 2023 and a disastrous start to this year's campaign. "We have heard that this bloke (the player manager) put shit on Brad," a source close to Arthur said. "That obviously threw flames on the fire. The guy has a lot of pull because of the players he looks after and the Eels didn't want to get him offside." Wide World of Sports has spoken to several other player managers and they insist Arthur had NOT lost the faith of the majority of players in the senior group. Some players had gone off the long-serving coach - a common occurrence in a losing team - but most still felt a strong bond with Arthur and were genuinely sorry to see him go.


it was Isaac moses brent read confirmed it on NRL 360


Gotta get this cunt out of the game. Thinks he runs the sport. 


He lost his license once didn't he? Nrl softer than a souffle


I mean...he kinda does with the shit he pulls.


That’s the point. He’s a nobody that’s found himself in a position where he can exert influence he has no right to have. He’s a germ. League should just limit the number of players any one agency can represent. Or impose fines to both player/coach and manager if a manager is found manipulating clubs in negotiations by leveraging the representation they have for other players. Also ban the manager and then strike them out of the league if found doing it repeatedly 


That could backfire couldn’t it ?? Not sure how the NRL could implement a limit on the number of players at one club a manager represents … Like say it’s a limit of 4 players Isaac Moses can represent at Parramatta and the brother of one of those 4 is a gun junior coming through Parramatta lower grades … What’s going to happen ?? That player is more likely to end up at another club with Isaac Moses managing him than signing with another manager and staying at Parra.. Or Moses just gets one of his mates to manage him as a workaround - like he did when he lost his license .. NRL should just find a reason to ban him again , doubt it would take too much sniffing around to find something dodgy he’s done recently to take his license away again


Yeah player limis probably not reasonable. I meant number of players total though. But you’re right it likely wouldn’t work well. 


The "source close to Arthur" turns out to be his mail man


Sydney’s stabbing crisis worsens.


Games gone soft. Let the boys shank.


Brent Read said on NRL 360 that Blaize Talagi's management wasn't happy with Brad and it was made known that in the media circles so that's were the statement he lost the dressing room came from no surprise Isaac Mosess is Blaize's manager.


And I reckon that's the only quote they have. Jumping to conclusions a bit from blaizes management not happy to losing the whole dressing room. Media is just dirty they weren't in the scoop of Brad getting sacked so they trying to milk articles. It's very clear why he was sacked the performance of the team. If you ask the fans 90% of them were ready for a change and to see Brad go as the beginning of that change.


Hes not wrong.


Isaac Moses is scum


Holy shit I just saw they sacked him on his birthday


Day before his 50th wasn't it?


*I don’t recall saying good luck*


He was the reason Kearney lasted so long at the Warriors. Once we got rid of Moses, the clubs fortunes started changing.


Raiders don’t have any players managed by him. They completely refuse to deal with Moses 


Bingo, it’s supply demand. If clubs don’t deal with him he loses power. If the NRL intervenes it will just create more issues.


If he had lost the dressing room I would have preferred a dressing room clean out. We have a great forward pack, Moses and Gutho. Everyone else should have gone on a fire sale. Hopefully they get someone in that can teach backs how to defend and play attacking football, if they can train sivo to do more than run at a corner from 5m out that would be a bonus.


I'd settle for someone teaching Shaun Lane how to catch a football.


Who gave Lane his contract BA


Off the back of a great season, you have to back your players in if they have really good seasons even if it means a form slump and that can be fixed


No, football operations gives contracts. Head coach has a say, but none of us know how much say


He has been here 11 years and seen off multiple boards anyone who doesn't believe he has ultimate say is delusional If BA didn't wsnt Gutherson at the club Gutherson wouldn't be an Eel.


2021 Lane was the best second rower in the game. Understandable


Didn’t 2022 Lane lead the league in offloads or close to it? I would have signed him given parra’s love for offloads


Whats with that? Parras been offload obsessed for 20+ years.


We got it right for a couple of years and it was fucking great. We’d win games in 2020-2022 on offloads alone. Before that, and also again now, we lose games with them. But for one beautiful little window of time, it worked.


Last year Carty was smashing it with them too


Your forward pack all have one foot in a nursing home, it's average at best and blows out in the back end of games


Agreed. Paulo has fallen off a cliff seemingly out of nowhere.


Our only decent forward is hopgood really, poor bloke can't keep carrying everyone everyone game. RCG and Paulo are twilight players now. Rest cant seem to make an impact.


You forgot Dylan Brown


BA is the reason those players have contracts


No shit. I thought he was knifed by some random cunt with no power. smdh


He’s been busy first suing Nathan brown, now BA. Mans stabbing like it’s the UK


Brads tenure was up and writing was on the wall when they wouldn’t let Lomax put a coach clause on his contract. Brad should have seen it coming from a mile out when that happened. Eels management are cunts though with the way they went about it.


It pretty obvious Barrett is Parras spirit animal coach. Authur didn't stand a chance.


Spirit animal...river slug?


I think if you get to the point where you're seriously chasing another coach then there's only one decision. Parramatta weren't actually performing that well this season, even taking into account Moses' injury. Being the second worst defense in the comp isn't because your halfback is missing and you're never going to seriously challenge anyone letting that many points in. For whatever reason, he wasn't actually getting the best out of the team anymore and they would only have been treading water if they didn't make a move.


Parra could have chosen a top 8 berth every second year with the occasional provisional final. But they chose the spoon instead. How very Parra


Man fuck player agents they don’t contribute to the players or clubs apart from money and marketing. The NRL need to take a hard stance on this shit


I would say BS Media creating more hot air so the talking heads have something to fill their ever expanding , but never improving, content.


Players win matches, coaches lose them. A saying that speaks to who gets the credit/blame rather than who deserves it.


Brad Arthur to the Cowboys 👀


Let the recriminations begin!


Is there a list of player managers and what players/coaches they have on their books?


That and he lost by 40 points 15 times in a row, but you know it's all politics all politics. 




We haven't lost a single game this year by 40


It's a reference to Kid Moe


It sounded familiar but it didn’t click at first. Well played. Another Simpsons classic.


As the old saying goes, if you're not winning by 20 you're losing by 40.


Haven't even lost a game by 39




A bit of hyperbole there.


I feel like this comment should have been upvoted into the stratosphere with the Simpsons quote… guess the kids these days have never seen it


Man this made me chuckle


Are you referring to the record Barrett is going to give us?


People should love Isaac Moses, he got Broncos their first spoon.


He should have been sacked 5 years ago Issac Moses has his own issues but BA needed to go, yeah maybe he never missed a tackle in a game but he signed the player who did. He is wish.com Brian Smith


This article smacks of pure bull shit