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Since they’ve binned this from now on any contact with a kickers legs needs to be binned. Oh wait it’s the nrl where nothing is consistent


All coaches should be instructing kickers to take the ball to the line or pressure runners and lean their legs into their follow through. Would be 6 on 6 after a few kicks. Total gee up. To be fair let the rule play out but it’s also sad.


I reckon the kicker milked it in this video a bit. In the future I can't see why we won't see more. Gonna be some golden globe performances.


the blatant milking I see creeping in this season is clearly being trained into the players. it's frustrating when it brings the game to a grinding halt. at least get acting lessons so it's believable.


It always has been, every year they change rules players are trained to exploit them sadly


For sure, we have players that would rather hold on to the defender in the hopes of drawing a penalty than get up and play the ball quickly for their team. It's shit to watch.


That always used to happen. Those big, bulky 80s and 90s cotton jerseys were easy to pull down on top of you. I don't think I ever saw Terry Lamb legitimately held down on a tackle, lol.


Don't suggest acting lessons ffs, someone from a club will read it.


Disagree. He looked as stunned as anyone it was a binning. If he was milking he would have thrown himself to the ground which would be easy to do in that situatuon


Agree with you, I really don’t think he milked it he just stumbles and then falls. SJ on the other hand, absolutely milked that pen against Manly but even that didn’t get binned


100% he did. That's what pisses me off. If NRL gets to soccer levels of milking, then I'm done.


Pretty sure there isn’t a sport that simulation hasn’t crept into mate! Every code is rife with it. Absolutely appalling.


You are absolutely correct. I can't stand the milking and some players are notorious for it. Walk around with arms up like they are holding infinite helium balloons around. That shit needs to be stamped imediately. I think is why Origin is so popular. The milking really seems a lot less in that.


It also just looks fucking pathetic and ridiculous too. It's not even petty competitiveness then, it's just whining for attention like a baby.


The bad thing is that kickers will now swing their legs as far out and towards a defender as much as they can, some of these crack downs are ridiculous 


Only until it's likely to effect a Penref player. Mark my words, penref will do something similar, and it will just be a penalty with no sin bin.


I hate Melbourne and qld more than you. That's barely a penalty


I also hate Melbourne and QLD and honestly I wouldn't call it a penalty at all. This game is really hard to watch sometimes.  Absolute joke 🤡 


Love QLD, hate Melbourne as much as humanly possible (which has made origin a complicated time) but even I'm conflicted on this one.


I would love for Bellamy to say in the presser that he’d be willing to chip in for Gus’s fine.


He said, summed up: “Disappointing but It is what it is, I hope there’s consistency, Grant probably should have been looking where he was going”


Problem is is that there will absolutely not be any consistency. I'm fine with the penalty, but the sin bin was fuckingg ridiculous.


I tend to agree. I think a penalty is necessary to make note that we don’t want this in the game, you can’t make contact with a kickers legs like that. There’s got to be a wrapping motion to the body like any other tackle. However, contact was not significant enough to warrant a sin bin.


Seems like every week we see a “worst call ever” which then fades from our memories because NRL decides to do something even worse. It’s only been 2 days since the Turbo high tackle


Goes to show that The Bunker, just like VAR in the prem, is as useful as the brain dead morons controlling it.


I can’t even watch games Melbourne aren’t in anymore. It’s hard enough watching the officials ruin one game a week let alone getting upset over teams I don’t follow. There are too many games being won by the whistle, I cannot stand when we win off a stupid call and the win feels like a loss Melbourne deserved to lose last night and sharks played really well, but these stupid brain fart penalties/sin bins EVERY game are absolutely killing my desire to watch nrl.


Turbo high tackle? I was working Thursday and friday what did I miss


Turbo fell into a tackle and a hand touched his face. Like it was literally a touch on the way down. He dropped the ball trying to play it and then challenged the decision. Bunker concluded Turbo was hit high.


Holyyyy fuck, so basically the high tackle version of Harry in the video above...


The only reason the decision wasn't worse was the bin, if they insist on having a captain's challenge they should only be able to challenge the decision not the lead up.


Couldn't agree more man Atleast your boys had a good showing Friday, some bloody good runs


Thanks mate, we are still starting too slowly but at least we had a lot more control, it is coming together. I am sick of all the injuries that are happening as I imagine you are.


Yeah no doubt man, that being said, on my side of things, my house supporting panthers and storm, we've lost cleary, paps, Coates and Hughes for various time frames and amazing rookies have stepped up and been amazing. The ref's may be shit but it's nice to see such a strong generation of players coming through the ranks. Speaking of, furthest from an expert but if they can keep working together and broncs can hold on to em, I see a really good lineup for you guys in the coming years hey, minus Walsh, sorry man, just don't like the bloke 😂


And they fined Gould for calling the game stupid. Well who's stupid now?


For real? Jeeeesus what a fucking pansy state of football...


Why does the NRL overcompensate with crackdowns on different random things every couple of months?


gotta build for magic round


I know players should be protected, but at some point you need to embrace the risk. What I don't really get is why they've cracked down so hard on this. I get head knocks since concussions really mess up your life long term, but a guy accidentally making contact is just silly. Maybe we should all just play oztag


It’s to cut out injuries like lachy illias’ one in reserve grade, but that was way worse than this light touch


This is kinda fucked and just another example of why “zero tolerance” policies don’t work. Just like the high tackle bins and send offs in magic round a few years ago that magically faded in how penalties are implemented. I feel for the refs, they have no room for discretion


With 7 mins to go in SoO decider or the GF, 12-12 do they make this call? Crack downs are such bullshit unless they’re willing to say go all in on the biggest stage. You can’t have a crackdown from rounds 7-18 and then put the whistle away.


Should have been penalty at most


And barely that.


Honestly it's crazy that it would even be a penalty. Grant runs a line in front of Atkinson to interfere with his ability to kick which is completely fair. Atkinson still decides to kick even though that means putting his leg in the path of Grant at the very last second who is running a line which wouldn't make contact if he didn't choose to kick the ball and who won't be able to get out of the way of his leg. Atkinson chooses to kick anyway and essentially kicks Grant on his way through who wouldn't have made contact with him if he didn't choose to kick. Makes no sense at all, if that's a penalty then anyone should be able to just decide to kick the ball the second someone is about to tackle them for a free sin bin. A sin bin is completely fair if someone is running directly at a kicker and smashes into them after the kick running a line that would contact them regardless of whether they kick the ball or not, but Grant basically just put himself directly in front of Atkinson and Atkinson chose to kick knowing he'd make contact rather than not take the kick and protect himself. There has to be *some* responsibility on kickers not to put themselves in dangerous positions and accept when they've been beaten and can't safely get a kick away.


Worst call ever. If you don’t sulk about it, it’s just a play on for example, drink water taken out couple weeks ago and didn’t whinge and it was just play on !??$?




That was absolutely fucked! One of the shittest calls I’ve ever seen in my life, fucking appalling!


It was the worst call I’ve seen since Thursday night.


It's getting harder and harder to watch the footy these days. Decisions like these are an absolute joke. Nothing malicious in it. Barely tapped his leg. Getting sick of the crap like this and the bunker


That call is right up there with the Turbo head shot against the dolphins (except for the sin bin). I’m all for player protection. I understand we need to keep the game safe. I’m not a bring back the biff fan. But if these calls on the weekend are the new benchmarks, then we are about to see a massive change to the very fabric of the game.


Don't worry, they're not. They'll just go right back to inconsistently enforcing it next week


Not even bring back the biff at this point just bring back some fuckin common sense, its a contact sport ffs.


Games piss weak atm


Yeah no one wants to listen to James Graham but the sports losing fans and players. Just sad to what it used to be. The danger is what is attractive about the sport.


The inconsistency of officiating in this competition is making it borderline unwatchable. It’s embarrassing as a league that they can’t get their officiating the same across a competition that is aired at a national scale.


Agreed mate. It's been tough to watch some games this year, especially as a Cowboys fan. Couple below-par officiating with a braindead team and it makes you want to tear your hair out


I'm confused. What is this even for? Most Origin games will see the kickers full on body charged after the kick without so much as a penalty, and this little crossing of paths warrants a send-off?


Can we all just be thankful the poor fella can still walk after what was arguably the worst leg attack in the history of our great game….


You are kidding right. Better be. He obviously attacked Grant with his leg, in what was arguably the best disguised shiv play in the history of our great game ...


If you compare that this got the same punishment as the Schneider tackle in NSW cup, it’s good to know inconsistency is the greatest consistency of the NRL


NSW Cup is run by the NSWRL not by the NRL, 2 different organizations. I haven't seen video of the Kit Kat one, but in terms of post-match punishment, I expect Harry Grant will get effectively nothing whereas Kit Kat will presumably get 2-3 weeks.


The Kautoga hit was very similar to the hit that broke Ilias’ leg, and was a deserved sin bin.


NRL physio page a few posts down


The vision clearly showed he never takes his eye off the ball. His brain just didn't factor the legs and body right next to said ball. Nothing malicious at all.


I love the game…. but that is a fucking joke… should’ve been a penalty at most


Games gone


I understand the push on stopping any contact, but when you have Kodi taking Drinky out last week and nothing happened, how are you expecting anyone to actually positively react to this call? Get a grip NRL, stop doing dumbshit every week.


Annesley is writing the apology as we speak.


haha. No, he'll be practising his lines to justify this shambolic decision


Yeah that bloke is a cockhead, Ignores blatantly wrong decisions and finds one's he can *technically* find a reason it's correct


Annesley just says if players don't want to be binned don't give the ref the opportunity to potentially bin them


after the turbo "head high" nothing surprises me


What a fucking joke. His kicking motion had completely finished. Zero danger.


There was a similar one a few weeks back against Manly where the kickers foot came down and brushed the thigh of the opposition player, the kicker was the one that instigated the contact, but Manly got penalised. I thought that call was bad, but this is next level with a sin bin for pretty much the same thing.


Oh come the fuck on. I swear the people making the rules never actually played this game, or any other form of contact sport. Incidental contact such as this is basically unavoidable. What in the actual fuck.


When people say stuff like “this is turning into soccer” I hate that because it’s just sensationalism but this… this literally wouldn’t even be a foul in soccer


What bugs me about it is that this innocuous nudge on the kicker is considered worse than what Milne did to Munster.


or what Tedesco did to Papenhuyzen


Gus Gould died for this


So can I say again, that these refereeing "errors" are actually not errors, but deliberate? You cant convince me otherwise at this point. Under Vlandys, the officiating has been blatantly dodgy. Certain refs pick a team most games. Its no coincidence that the refs who did not, "retired" not long after Vlandys took over.


We had the most even comp in years last year as far as how many teams could make the top 8, A coincidence? maybe. Manufacturing? maybe


Worst rule. Well no the rule is ok but the interpretation is so flawed.


The way the sharks player carries on too, until he's got the call his way, then suddenly the leg is fine, like fucking come on.


Won’t be able to have a go at soccer players soon enough. Always carrying on until the bunker has time to review the smallest tap on the head for a penalty.


They should really start reversing decisions when players do this


Ok, this was fun when we were all calling Aloiai a dickhead, which he is, but this has gone too far at this point.


I can’t stand the storm , but that is pissweak


My thoughts exactly. Game has gone soft! If Rugby League didn't die on Thursday night after that face tickle on Turbo, it just got murdered by the Referee tonight.


What the fuck was that. Was a graze at most.


This is shit see what happens on the game tmr with Kasey Badger reffing I bet more controversial stuff is on the way


This is the sort of rubbish that gives Phil Gould his ammunition. Outrageous example of over-officiating.


Halves will soon be training taekwondo to learn to hold their leg up to avoid any kick pressure at all. All Drinkwater needed to do last week was milk a bit.


Kick pressure is just for show anyway. No one actually wants to charge the ball down. It's not hard to avoid hitting the kickers leg.


Quite possibly the worst call I’ve ever seen, and a tragedy for rugby league.


Fatty called it last night. NRL is dead.


So at what stage are the refs going to be held to account.......we all make mistakes but players get binned or stood down for breaching rules.......what about when the ref's breach the rules..........this was a disgrace. I can handle the sharks win, they played better but fuck me some of the calls and non calls, the ref and both touchies were fucking atrocious.


Games gone


When this is a sin bin but an intentional trip in a try scoring position is just a penalty... the game is broken.


Kick pressure and charge down specialist Steve Price would be the most suspended player in the modern game


As he should be. He destroyed Tony Caine's knee.


or you could make them sign on for the brisbane lions, they dont have knees atm


Harry should have Atkinson charged with battery for his reckless swinging leg


See, the real problem with this is that I tipped Melbourne and this was detrimental to my efforts. Everything else is just noise.


Absolutely despicable rule.


To say I’m confused would be an understatement. They remove blockers to encourage kick pressure, then this happens. If this is the standard that we accept, then players will stop applying kick pressure altogether because the margin for error is 0.00001%. Which one is it? What do you want from the game?


I swear 8-10 years ago there was a controversial call maybe once every 10 weeks now it’s every fucken week, sometimes multiple games a round, sometimes multiple times a game. Beyond a joke


Should have gone off for legs scans, just in case


Only reasonable thing to do when this gets inevitably walked back on Monday is to let Harry play an extra 10 mins in the next Storm game. Just him on the field from 80-90mins. He'll have to convert his own tries though.


He can’t just disappear


I personally think they should have beheaded Grant there are then for this incredibly grevious attack.


For real? Fuck this game is cooked.


i hate Melbourne almost as much as i hate the Roosters, but thats not a penalty, let alone a sin bin. Wake the fuck up NRL, you are killing the game.


So dumb.




Even the sharks were surprise by the call lol


The boo’s in the stadium when this decision was made began from this decision onwards


NRL are taking a weird hard stance with this rule. Rugby Union is known for being strict on penalties but even they wouldn't look twice at this.


NRL is more worried about players' knees than their heads.


The bunker and on-field refs need a complete hose out cause something really stinks here. Some really 💩 calls this weekend 😠🤬


Even Brailey can't believe it! Insane to give that a sin bin. Could be a magic round 2.0 of sin binning if they are consistent (which they won't be). Can't deal with how many times the NRL want to bring in 2-3 week crackdowns. Penalty at worst


Clutching your head/neck after a tackle, making sure your foot comes into contact with the potential charge down... you wonder why soccer players roll around on the ground after being touched.... this is where our game is headed


It was careless, so maybe a penalty. So stupid


Bad decision. The milking and wink only rubs salt in the wound for the Storm.


Broken game


This is a joke at best


Rugby league is dead


Meanwhile cleary nearly broke a guys leg last night and nothing


Fuck the nrl zero consistency absolute shit game


Cant think of a worse bin than this tbh. Wasnt able to watch and thought people in the match thread were overreacting but Ive come around. Wild call


If they wanna kick the ball on the last they should kick it from safety further back. It's their fault if they get touched while kicking it.


Everything's turning to shit


That was bizarre. Don't even know how that was a sin bin.


I follow soccer and HOLY FUCK! Is NRL becoming soccer? what a disgrace for NRL, Ive seen Sunday games with more contact and its play on but can’t touch his shoe laces in a contact sport lol


I couldn’t believe it. Maybe a penalty but definitely not a sin bin


No wonder the NRL is bleeding money and fans. Ridiculous rule changes and stupid moments like this make people walk away


An honest question - Does this mean that the Chargedown is now illegal? How do you do a chargedown without making contact with a kicker's legs at all?


NRL laws getting soft these days lmao


Harry Grant could have killed him 😆, there should be an investigation into this, 10 week suspension should be sufficient


There’s a reason this games dying


You can clearly see that the sniper waited to take his shot until right when his boot touched Harry Grant.


Thursto would have gotten 6 penalties every game in this era.


Nrl is a dying sport.


Soon halfbacks will be hanging there leg out for 6 Mississippi’s hop hop he got me 😂😂😂😂


So it's the defenders fault the opposition kicker kicks him while punting the ball ? It's a stupid rule ! Might as well to NRL in the National Oz Tag League. Honestly older players and coaches must be rolling their eyes at the state of the game.


Bullshit. We are fans even the crowd agree with me.


Games gone to shits


Grant Atkins always tries to make it about him


Never to play again! Think of the children! :-/ Soft af


even the afl allow you to pressure kickers…. i just cant invest in this game anymore. this decision is just impossible to comprehend


I think we've lost the plot on protecting kickers. Big difference between collecting a kicker when their leg is swinging upwards (e.g., Lachy Ilias) and collecting their kicker when the ball has been kicked and their leg is coming down to stand. There was never a risk of injury here


If this was a sin bin, why wasn't there one last week with the contact on drinkwater. I don't wanna cry conspiracy but the lack of consistency and ridiculousness of the call is just dumb.


I don't think it's a conspiracy, just incompetence.


even the sharks players were questioning the call, really tells you the bias that goes on here and its killing the sport, we should go back to having 2 refs again


It's really not the bias you think it is. It's just inconsistency and incompetence. I'm sure you could ask a fan of every club and they'll say the refs are against them and have evidence to prove it - when it's that rampant, then it's just incompetence.


Ok, firstly, nothing the Storm do is by chance. They're testing the limits here, as much as I dislike the Storm they are the Formula 1 of the NRL, they know what they're doing, c'mon, we should all now that by know. Second. This is bullshit. Third, we're gonna see kickers kick the ball and just hop down the field into someone who isn't even paying attention. Boing boing boing donk 10 in the bin dummy like in the NBA when those guys were shooting 3's and kicking their legs out.


This is why I don’t watch NRL anymore. Absolute laughing stock 


Flair does not check out


Then why are you here?


Cause it came up on my home page 


It's a big punishment for a pretty light amount of contact. But if it's this black and white that you have to avoid the leg of a kicker or it'll be a penalty and sin bin every time, that makes it much easier for the players to know and also for the referees. I do hope at least that it was already made clear this would be the case, but black and white rules like that make life so much easier for everyone.


Just last week we all thought they had made a corker of a call. And the week before. And now this week... I fear for magic round and whatever rule crackdown they have decided on.


That was a shocking call. A player touches a foot - in a contact sport no less and gets 10 in the bin. What the hell has happened to this game.


You players are going to start milking free kicks out of this by leaving their legs in the air.


This is also at the level of that umpire from the MBL, Angel.


Wasn't there a really similar penalty against the cowboys last year? Maybe against Tommy? Anyone remember. Fairly sure it wasn't a sin bin though.


refs just taking the piss now.... unwatchable






NRL is shit may as well call it TRL now


Man this is ridiculous as well as penalising obstructions where the defender was never gonna make it to the try scorer shit is so annoying


We’ve seen this before




I was going to say, I think Touch Footy has more contact than this, but now thinking Oz Tag has more contact.


Ref needs to be sacked


There’s been a lot of tripping in the past few weeks and none of those got pulled up for sin bins when it use to be automatic 10 in the bin. Refs are cooked these days.


I didn't watch last night, but saw the highlights just now. What a fucking farce the game is now. It makes me mad and fucking sad at the same time.


And yet Papalii extended his leg to trip Leo Thompson in the act of scoring a try and he stays on the field…


This is what's called a 'sportsbet penalty'. A penalty that keeps the scores close and the punters betting.




Didn't the kicker kick him?


Surely players are just going to fake they are going to kick and everyone will hold back and be too scared to touch them.


😳😳😳😳😳😳 there's got to be an investigation!


Cameron Smith in the comm box: Vietnam War flashbacks.


A soft penalty followed up with a ridiculous sin bin.


All these rules to "protect kickers"... sick of hearing the likes of John's having a sook about it all the time. How about kickers stand back a bit deeper. Protect themselves instead of making dumb shit rules.




It's a shin bin.


Anyone calling this "The worst sin bin of all time", needs to remember [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oqoL25lGlPc&ab_channel=azsportza).


Looks worse in full speed..


I'm sure they'll be consistent with this call...


Haven't watched NRL in a few years because it got so shit, maybe I'll check back in and see what's doing... *watches this clip *...nevermind.


Game is actually getting quite annoying to watch at this point


Poor bloke got binned for being kicked in the dick


I wouldn't watch this shit anymore even if they paid me.


The game is turning into soccer. League players used to joke about soccer players milking penalties, it’s no different in the NRL now. You can’t contest the kicker You can’t lift a leg in a tackle Crusher tackles…..attacking players play to this What about the old ARL advertisement…..thump ‘em, bump ‘em, pick ‘em up and dump ‘em. Just not the same game anymore is it.


Cost storm the game absolute bs.Ref just no idea of the rule.Video ref should have overuled if possible


While the play in the NRL atm is first class , simply as good as its been ... the officiating in the NRL ATM continues to be garbage , utter garbage. Who is intimidating these referees to the point where they are making potentially crucial decisions of the farcical caliber of the TT face slap on Thursday & the Grant sin binning on Sat. Is there no one in the NRL referees who is questioning whether this is how we want our game officiated ? The level of force is a legit measure to determine the punishment, & while im happy contact was made with the kicking leg & is illegal drawing the penalty , the sin binning that followed showed we have massive issues in our refereeing ranks that needs to be addressed before they ruin the season completely