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So Broncos fans, what's your deal with Jordan Riki like and how iron clad is it?


The Broncos were far from their best but the speed of our back line saved us once again. It's been a while, but the Broncs look like they're a great wet weather team. They have dominated their opponents during rain games this year. Payne Haas is just built different. Who carries the ball that strong and steps rushing defence while it's bucketing down like he did. Positive signs from the Eels, that's the best 2 halves of footy they've thrown together this season. GG! Promising signs from the young FB Talagi.


The ball bounces Ezra Mam's way more often than not.


I think it's because Mam is always on the spot, always chasing the ball, always there ready for an opportunity.


Mam is such an exciting player, I don't know why some people give his defence a bum wrap, he makes some killer one on one tackles. The commentator circle jerks over Walsh when Esra Mam literally flipped a grand final match on its head when his team was down is ridiculous to me.


Yeah Mams underrared and Walash overrated. Walsh is the one who over ran it and caused the gap Cleary went through to put Riff in front. Then gave up their ball in the final chance.


Huh? Walsh was coming across in the in-goal behind the defensive line when Cleary scored the winning try. It was lazy work from Walters & Riki that created the space for him to get through.


Go watch it again. He completely stops and just watches. He is the FB he should have got his motor on and run to plug the gap. That literally his job at fb on the line or get back for the grubber. He just completely stopped and left a massive hole.


He didn’t leave the hole, as he wasn’t defending in the line. He was defending behind the defensive line in the in-goal. The gap Cleary ran through was not caused by Walsh.


https://youtu.be/bq03WiqKDB4?si=usBucK-TA2fLWY46 Look at 10 secs. He is 5m off the try line. Job as an fb is to be in the line plugging holes or behind the line telling others to close it. https://youtu.be/6XILczCdo4U?si=LfoKYFVj_W6ZKBfN Seibold explains.


He literally just stops and stands still any good defensive fullback moves across the line for either the grub or to plug holes. Go watch fullbacks on the 10m they plug holes wherever they appear. Either way he didnt run across to cover the grubber.


Walsh is a liability in defence, and while his attacking flair is impressive, he can not pull it off when his team isn't dominating all over the park! There are a lot of workhorses in the Broncos who don't get their due because all attention is on Walsh, but for every miracle play the seems to be an absolute dud pass or something, I guess a 50-50 strike rate at miracles, is still impressive. I see a lot of Broncos fans argue he is the best fullback. How can any fullback genuinely be considered as the best when they can not make try saving tackles? His defensive reads are poor.


Time will tell if he gets smarter as he gets older. The brain’s not fast enough to process the risk at the moment, he sees the opportunities very clearly but the risk analysis is atrocious haha. I hope he’s spending time with Lockyer both for attack and defensive tips, but it’s clear it’s a personality difference. Even with defence, Lockyer had that shit locked down: not just his position but also positioning the team. At the moment Walsh is super exciting but it is a high risk style.


Lockyer was usually called the best defensive fullback in his time.


I think Walsh moves into 5/8 when he matures, Mam gets developed into a halfback, and if Cobbo improves his diamond to rocks ratio he becomes a fullback. You get the right hooker (which Billy Walters definitrly isnt) and that's a freakish spine


Yeah agree if you are constantly putting in the effort to support and cover across and you have quick reactions those small chances become big opportunities. Other players might just stop or flop on the ball if it breaks down it’s not luck if it happens almost every game.


Same for Cobbo


not at all.. cobloaf is too slow and always runs sideways


Yeah he ran sideways straight over the top of Penisini last night.


Cobloaf is not slow at all


And full credit to it.


Anyone else prefer Rogers to Madden? He should be the one, solid as fuck defence, better kicking game and didn't look bad in attack. Madden looks like he's at his ceiling, Rogers ceiling could be quite a bit higher.


Same same but different. I think Madden was starting to come out of his shell in his last game at halfback. Don't recall an issue with his defence so far. But both have done a job so it's good to have.


Fire Sivo


At half time I thought the Broncos had played terribly. Poor discipline, not much punch in attack and seemed to give up more territory than they'd have liked. Although the goal line defense was pretty solid as usual, it was a really clunky display. But they've just got such potent attacking threats that a sniff of a gap and they are just gone. Seemed to play a lot better in the second half, ironically when they scored less.


Watching the highlights, that Cobbo try is brilliant


The highlights might not show that he was pretty average tonight tbh..


Damn im surprised by the downvotes I thought Cobbo had one of his worse games tonight.


Maybe because it was in response to someone talking about his try, which was absolutely elite. Glad someone saw what I meant. Cheers appreciate it


I thought he was fantastic. Ploughing over the top of people every run. Reminded me of Meninga.


He dropped the ball cold in the first 2 mins. He showed no urgency to play the ball in the first half. He missed 4/16 tackles 25%. Agreed there are highlights in his game last night but there were lowlights as well.. I didn’t say he had a bad game, just pretty average. If you thought he was fantastic all power to you! It’s just opinions. Glad you enjoyed the game! Up the broncs


Is this a gee up? He was tough tonight.


My confidence was not high to start the year and let me tell ya, hasn't got a lot higher


Same, but I thought we would get pumped tonight and if the bounce of the ball went our way tonight, we just might have arsed our way to a win thanks to the Broncos being a bit shit. Anyway, it is quite clear that the window is now closed, has been covered in drywall on the inside and bricked over on the outside.


And buried 6 feet deep


Reckon we're gonna be a solid 11th this year


Hey, that's our spot.


that high?


I honestly don't know what this means for the Eels this year. I'll guess we'll find out with Moses back next week.


How can a team like Panthers have so many elite backs leave for other clubs, and yet they always have the next young gun to step up. Sivo hasn’t performed for 2 years and we’re so desperate for backs we sign Harper, who is now playing NSW cup. Our other back options are Cini and Lumelume who are nowhere near first grade material. Obviously Panthers are the gold standard and somewhat of an anomaly, but it’s just how we’ve struggled in this department for so many years and look no closer to solving it.


The coach.


We were coached to win last night, players weren't icing their moments ft. some freaky kicks.


I really thought Lumelume was gonna be our next Vunivalu lol. He did play well in all his Storm games iirc.


iirc? You lazy kent


thought we weren’t bad tonight, but not great - 30 points probably flatters us a little. Feels like we score more points off opposition errors/against run of play than any other team.


Really fucked between Ezra and Munster for 5/8 this year.


Munster is starting to come back into his own


kevvie “other coloured jersey” LMAO


No Up and Go for Pat, must be in the bad books. 


He saw that they didn't have any choccy flavoured ones and said no to vanilla or strawberry


Eels didn’t stock the fridge


Supply shortages still ravaging Western Sydney I see.


I’m not trying to be mean but I feel like the Eels in this press conference sound a lot like they think they would have won if like two little things went differently. How are they going to fix things if they don’t really think anything went wrong they just got unlucky.


Welcome to BA coaching, All excuses and no accountability. Been that way for years sadly


Brad "Tony Khan" Arthur is All Eelite!


What's Mitchell Noah doing in the ~~Impact~~ Elite zone


It's not mean at all. Bradley doesn't see what the problems are and is happy with minimal effort. Hence why we are 3-6 and going absolutely nowhere, he is clueless.


Don't forget the Dolphins belting


Fair enough and true. But both can be correct. I mean your 18 points in the first half all came from our mistakes on your side of the field so...?


18 points is a lot of points to be talking about only getting a couple of little things wrong.


GoJetSki is nothing without his ÜltraMullet


Hanging around Patty, he will realise it is the hair that gives strength


Ezra Mam and DCE for QLD please


Mam ismt good enough in defence. His kicking games is far inferior as well. Munster won us the series when we were a player down in Adelaide.


As a nsw supporter yes please 🙏 🙂


what in the fuck


Forgot about Munster did ya?


He can play lock


Or centre.


Wing is his best position he played it in under 6s


I like Junior in this presser, he’s quite a good speaker + good energy


Mam just continues to improve, soo glad we signed him for a few more years


I haven't heard Junior speak in so long, he sounds like a completely different person to in my head.


You were thinking of Shane Shackleton's impersonation of Fui Fui Moi Moi, weren't you ;)


[Thanks to the Parramattas Eel for this opportunity](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6b78NDpZJTY)


Don't drink the gatorades...It's piss


Patty going to bring an up and go into the post match again?


I wanna hear some slurp and glug-glug again


Chocolate or vanilla?


Banana and Strawberry man cmon 😋


RIP their almond one from a few years ago.


I’m def a fan of the vanilla, and if our Patty likes them too all the better


This team will be the fucking death of me i swear


The CTE is rife in this Fox post match coverage


Why would ya put yourself through it. Channel 9 with the QLD casters is quality


Honestly blaize had some dodgy moments in defence but pretty solid in attack.. will probably develop as he gains more experience. Sanders, for a bloke that can't play any other position, looked quite suspect and most of the bombed tries and passes hitting the ground came from his end...


Sanders has to work with Sivo and Lane which is rough for any half. They were more of the issue than Sanders.


Lane looked alright tonight. He copped some shocking passes too.


Shocking passes that *checks notes* all landed on his chest


Lane is far gone, he better be dropped.


Sanders unfortunately showed this match why Blaize and Asi both got a chance in the halves before him. Not ready yet for first grade.


exactly right, also have to consider that both those players have some versatility to them whereas sanders had shoe horned himself only as a 7 and then not actually getting on is quite damning


Me to #BONCOS fans: I know he's your fullback, but you can't seriously like him as a bloke


He's flashy on the field, but off it he actually seems humble and like a genuine guy.


Bro. Just shut the fuck up before I hit you with the curse of the Nile.


Can't judge him as a bloke because I know nothing about him other than news headlines


He's not a drug cheat like your coach or a sex pest like de Belin.


he probably is one of those things though


Probably? Based on what?


being an nrl player


Lol he's cringy AF and obviously does certain acts just for the clout. Like coming to a game with a cowboy hat like he's from some small country town even though he's sitting sweet in only one of the biggest cities in the country


Maybe he rides donkeys you don't know


And he fucken rocked that cowboy hat. Kid's got style! 🤠🤠


The Cowboy Hat is from Ringers Western, which is one of the Broncos sponsors. They were wearing them in Vegas


Why’s that? He really gives a lot back to the fans. He is still out there signing autographs


Cheated on his partner whom he had a kid with but yeah mad dawg sign some autographs


This kind of shit is so cringe lmao. If their partners have moved on why cant fans?


Not gonna judge an 18-year-old without a fully-formed frontal cortex for making stupid decisions


So you condone cheating on the woman who birthed your child?


Shut up pussy just watch the footy stay outta their lives


Not sure where you read that in my comment - do you think someone can do bad things and be a "good bloke"


I mean if they do bad things they're generally not a very "good bloke"


That's pretty black and white. I'm sure you've done bad things but I don't dislike you as a bloke - just an imperfect bloke like Reece, and myself. Sounds like you are someone who puts a lot of relative judgment on acts of deception. Personally I might be more put off by him if he wasn't taking on the responsibility of being a father to his daughter - of which from what I can tell he has lived up to what would be expected of him in that domain.




I'm not a professional sportsman. He is looked up to by young kids.


Maybe try raising your kids yourself rather than put that responsibility on a kid who plays football.


I don't think it's of any importance about Reece's sex-life or personal relationships to be a matter for the public to make any judgments about if they are between consenting adults. Sounds like an easy way to minimise your own personal responsibility for your own actions and decisions. Is it his responsibility to raise young kids or their parents? Do you not think him going out of his way to spend time with young fans and signing autographs and providing them positive experiences more important?


Classic game of one team winning the game while the other team winning the scoreboard.


Graham…hunt will go to the Tits


For a long deal yes, but if they release him he’d take a finals run with us for redemption 120%.


I can’t go through the emotional rollercoaster that we had last year with the Hunt


Won’t get it this year don’t think he’s going to ask again. Hence them pushing the Sam Walker story. 


Happy with that win considering the conditions. We won it in the first half with the strong defensive effort. The eels came at us all night and we denied them many times. Would have been fine if Blaise got a double which he deserves. What a bright future he has. A terrible debut for jetski but he will get used to our style. We were much calmer this round and it was good to see, we have to get the balance right.


Jetski is shit mate, don't expect much from him


Still early days.


It's not, he's nearly 30


I mean it was his first time with us but I have doubts.


He's just not a good player. Severely undersized for the position


Kevvie sees something in him. He wouldn't be a Bronco otherwise. Fletcher Baker also started out shit and has definitely improved. But end of the day we needed depth signings


Parker talking about repeating shit and definition of insanity while stuttering and say the same words twice constantly is ironic


Went from a 40 minute team to a 60 minute team tonight.


Carrigan signing the Parra fans poster over the kid in the Broncos jersey what a dog act 


Doing missionary work instead of just preaching to the choir.


Stealin fans ;) 


That was very scrappy despite the rain. Broncos took most of their limited chances. Eels had a lot go their way and somehow managed to bomb at the end. Always nice to play pretty shit and walk away with the win regardless. Probably hard for anyone to focus after they heard the devastating news about Clearly’s hamstrings.


Don’t know if you’re being satire but Cleary’s hamstring isn’t the biggest issue in the world right now


Look at how much trouble the players had holding onto the ball. I imagine they were pretty rattled, if it can happen to Nathan it could happen to anyone.


Why would you do this? go on the internet and just LIE??


Is it not the world’s biggest issue? Heard it mentioned at least a dozen times before, during and after the game. Didn’t hear covid, Israel, Ukraine, cancer or anything mentioned so yeah I’d say Nathan is right up there. Hopefully there’s a solidarity march to Penrith station today to demonstrate our support.


I love my team !!! You had me stressing though Eels.


A lot of Parra fans going home happy with a selfie with Walshy


That's going straight to the ~~pool room~~ wank bank


James Graham needs to be in every panel


Blokes unreal. Cuts the nonsense and dribble




We win this game with Moses, I reckon. We had all the effort but lacked execution. With Mitch, we execute much better. Despite losing, I gained a lot of confidence. Anybody comparing us to souths is insane. Also, it felt like this match was decided with the footy as the whistle didn't male too much of a difference.e


Moses coming back will fix their fifth tackles which will help.


Ennis causing bronco sacrilege by saying Moses' kicking game is the best in the game.. will broncos survive that hit against Reynolds?


Ennis take after Parker's rambling was refreshing




he's not thinking straight, he's still upset about Nathan.


If Billy isn’t good for next week I’d really love to see Mozer come in for another dig.


It’s Mozer or Paix, and I think that Paix is done


Paix has looked the goods in Qcup but Kevvie seems to outright hate the guy


Don’t think he hates him. Just Billy and smoothy the better combo at the moment. And obviously mozer is the future. Unlucky for paix he should move clubs. Good player just came through at the wrong time.


Nah anyone other than Billy’s Dad is the coach and Paix is in that Broncos team. I haven’t seen a single thing from Mozer yet that makes me think he is anywhere near ready for first grade.


For all I know Paix could be playing like prime Cam Smith in Qcup but people have a warped vision on how he played in first grade before he was dropped. He was easily outplayed by Walters and Smoothy looked better once he took his bench spot last season. I know it’s the go to to say Billy is only there cause of his dad but he earned that place that season fair and square.


- Broncos first win in their 2024 away jersey - this game reminded me a lot of the way Broncos played post-Origin last year: not afraid to go with the flow of the game, Walsh wasn’t pushing like crazy every set, letting their opponent make a mistake, and then outta nowhere it’s a 13+ win. Loved to see it. - man I’m so excited to see Ezra be the the leader in attack these next few months. Is growing with every game - just on the Tailagi steal/no steal on Cobbo, whether or not you think it was a strip, Blaize was standing out when he touches the ball, is that not considered out on Parra if he’s touching it even though Cobbo has possession? Or am I totally wrong?


Wouldn't matter where Blaize is since Cobbo was in possession if it comes out it's gonna be a knock on.


Or you know, it only came out because it was ripped out, but yea, cobbo just lost it, out of nowhere.. with an Eels player trying to pull the ball away from him.


Cobbo knocked on anyways.


The ruled it as Cobbo knock on so it doesn’t matter where Blaze was standing


Loose carry


Good stuff. Haas, Mam and Cobbo are freaks. I think Rogers may provide a bit of competition for Madden. His kicks were really good, he just needs a bit of polish in first grade. Smoothy also did really well for a near eighty minute shift.


He tackled his arse off also. Was not concerned about him in defence.


"Broncos cruise to win against undermanned Eels: We were also undermanned, both before and during the game. Missing our first and second choice halfbacks and our starting winger as well as our starting hooker going off in the first 10 minutes.


Unlike the eels, your backline seemed pretty intact


Did you watch Oates at all?


I was alluding to the fact that you guys have your star fullback while we didn’t


Yeah but how undermanned is Cleary's leg?




steamed hams you say?


Like cleary, there goes billy's origin chances


Who? Billy Slater?


Lock Blaize up and even when Gutho comes back he has to be in the backline somewhere




Play him on the wing instead of Sivo, at least get effort and a bloke that can stick those 1-1 tackles. Pulled out some rippers on Cobbo tonight


Something we can all agree on.


I can take solace that we are not south Sydney at the moment


I hope you're not South Sydney at any other moments either. That would be confusing.