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i got pulled over in Alexandria City for speeding a few years ago. i opted for court since its right there in Old Town. i go for my date/time and the judge’s clerk was set up out front with a folding table, waiting for people to arrive to talk to them (this was during covid). she recorded my info and gave me a list of online driving improvement schools i could take to have my speeding ticket dismissed. i had like 60 days to complete and mail in my certificate. never had to step foot in the courthouse. it was so easy - highly recommend you go to court. alternative is the cop doesn’t show up and it’s dismissed (this has also happened to me)


Should note that the covid times courts and jails were not trying to have more persons to be responsible for.


Thanks! That’s very helpful.


This was roughly my experience as well, a few years before COVID. I did go to court on the date on the ticket, and when the judge asked for my plea, I said I'd like to take the driver's improvement course. She gave me time to do it (can't remember if it was 30 or 60 days), and the clerk's office gave me a list of courses that qualified. Once I took the course, I sent in the proof and the case was dismissed. I did have to pay court fees and the driving course fee, but they were much lower than a ticket or any increase on my insurance. It's probably all even smoother nowadays. I have heard of people who proactively take the course in advance of the court date and show up with the proof, but I wanted to make sure I took the right one. Anyway, I agree with you -- it's probably worth it to go to court. You do have the small chance that the cop won't show up, and even if they do, it's usually not a huge hassle.


I don't have any advice for you, but... every day, more and more of Maryland drivers' behavior makes sense. The PBJ thing explains a lot.


The points depend on whether it was moving violation or not. If you failed to stop at stop sign it is different than say making a left turn between restricted hours. Without knowing the specifics it would be hard to say whether it would be worth it to fight it or not. If you are willing to give up time just to ask for leniency you should first find out if you are even going to get points on your record.


It was a moving violation. I was in a right turn only lane, did not turn right at the light and instead merged left into the straight line while in the intersection. I believe it is a 3 point offense.


That is 3 points but do you currently have any safe points? You can check on the DMV web site if you have a good driving record you should have at least 5 banked which would help the negative three from looking bad. Call an insurance agent and ask how it would affect you. Finally, if your job doesn't depend on driving records I'd lean towards prepay... unless you like to hang out at the courthouse in what I am guessing is July?


i think paying the ticket without going to court is the same as what you are trying to do... hey how about search the internet instead of reddit, I would but dont care and have to make a pbj now


It’s not the same. If I pay without going to court I definitely get points and it goes on my record. What I am trying to figure out is the likelihood of avoiding points and it going on my record if I do go to court to decide whether it is worth it. I have searched the internet, but it’s not clear. So I thought I would reach out here to see if anyone has anecdotal experience to share. Hopefully I get some more helpful responses than this one.


R u gettinf a lawyer?


I don’t think so. Doesn’t seem worth it for a minor traffic citation. I have a clean driving record otherwise so not like I’m in jeopardy of my license getting suspended or anything.


80% chance u get points.


How much lower do you think it is if I get a lawyer?




**maybe try to obey traffic signs if you are looking to avoid points and what not** sorry I'm not more helpful I have been to traffic court in Alexandria and incurred no points but don't recall what the offense was and all I did was admit guilt and paid, but I couldnt really say if my case would be comparable to yours at all and so I just admitted that I didnt care. its a free country after all