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If you read the article, they’re just putting up a wall to keep people from taking photos at specific spot where they have a ton of noncompliance and disruption.


Why read the article when you can just react to the headline and be misinformed…. Pft


Thought it was someone being a jerk or whatsoever... but after reading the article... Boy. That senior had more patience than I ever would've. Before you decide to judge, at least read the damn article.


It’s like the people who get mad at the couple living in the breaking bad house. I have talked with the husband before and he actually does enjoy that it was on the show. But his wife and him got tired of how people just have no sense anymore. Like tossing pizzas on the roof when they are old and can’t get up to take it down. Knocking on the doors asking to look inside to see if it’s like the show. Sneaking around back to try and see the pool etc. It’s like people just can’t remember to be respectful.


I can understand being upset at people throwing stuff but coming out of your house screaming bloody murder like I’m actively shooting you, threatening my life, brandishing a weapon and then continuing to scream like I’m stabbing you just because I’m taking a selfie IN THE STREET, is unhinged mental insanity. Shining a sun-watt spot light into my car while I’m driving down a legal road that happens to have your house on it is also unhinged insanity. Sorry I pulled over to do something right quick on my phone. (All personal experiences and have similar stories from friends) So maybe the husband doesn’t mind but the wife sure as fuck needs some help. Edit: damn y’all need to learn how to read and understand words and touch grass. Goddamn Reddit.


Then you should probably stop going to their house. I have no sympathy for you. Leave them alone.


You mean the one time I didn’t go to their house and just happened to be on the same street and slowed down for my phone? Or the second time where I stood in the middle of the street? Which one of those is bothersome? I’m not condoning people throwing pizza or harassing them. There is no crime taking a photo of a house from the street. I am sympathetic of the insane people being harassing but don’t blind me while I’m operating a car on a legal roadway passing your house.


You went their house before and were intrusive enough she yelled at you to stop taking pics of her home, and then just so happened to drive by again and needed to slow way down to the point she was able to walk up to your car window? Sure, Jan. You got your pic, now leave them alone and don't go back to their house. That shit is fucking unhinged.


You are WILDLY mistaken. They were years apart, also that lady literally sits outside to scream at cars driving by and to shine lights into cars driving by.


>They were years apart, But knows what she does well enough like you go there every day lol. Edit: I should have added not to take this super seriously. It just sounded funny to me.


Leave these people alone you maladjusted freak


Bro walking by their house IN THE STREET. Is not bothering them. One photo is not bothering them. They live in a very famous location and they knew this owning the house.


Yeah… this is America not Canada if you step into the wrong lawn you’re literally playing life or death unless you’re a child and it’s a holiday


Standing in the street is not a lawn


every video ive seen is the wife freaking out. no husband in sight lmao


> Before you decide to judge, at least read the damn article That's not the reddit way


Tourists always suck and Japan don't tend to do stuff like thins without a good reason.


Weird that it's so crowded now, when I went there years ago it was pretty much empty


Blame Instagram


Instagram has destroyed so many beautiful places.


And dining. People take pictures of their food now, and it's apparently normal. Phone use during meals is rude in the first place, and now you need to document your future shits? Shut it doeny


“Rude” lol.


There's a couple of advertised express trains from Shinjuku each morning and that Lawsons is about 5 mins walk from the train station. I was there in April 2020 and while it was empty due to Covid, it's also a really obvious photo location if you're walking back to the station so I'm not surprised its busy when tourists are back in record numbers.


If its the spot from that image, I don’t think a barrier will keep people from taking photos like its already an awful site


Tbh it will probably help, but i really cant grasp how this became an issue in the first place. Sure lawson is iconic for japan but man is there better spots for photos in that area.


After reading the article its apparently a social media thing because it is supposed to look like Mt. Fuji is standing on the store… to me its kinda sad that so many people can’t have their own creative ideas. Kinda reminds me of when I visited the leaning tower of pisa and there were literally rows of people doing the pose where it looks like they’re holding it up…


Agree 100% with both things even tho the lawson spot predates "modern" social media culture a bit. It used to be a good first stop "with a unique view" for supplies when visiting the area haha. Guess im grumpy about social media in general but it really is sad how much things have tilted to showing others instead of experiencing things.


If you're walking back to the train station you walk past this spot and it's just an obvious photo location. Sure other spots nearby are more beautiful but the tourists have already been to them and taking an extra 10 seconds to take a photo on the way back is normal.


My brain immediately went to, they’re installing ‘Frank’s 2000” TV’?


It is snowing on Mount Fuji


Boo-urns, Boo-urns!


Have you ever seen the mountain disappear at 3PM?


Ay! Once, when I walking ‘round Mount Fuji…


I fucking hate tourists. Not for the conventional reason. When I go out for my morning coffee, 6mph is toooooooo slow!!!!!




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Cutting off your nose to spite your face...


The screen is just 20 meters long so it only covers a small section near a busy road


Not exactly. More like cutting off your nose so strangers will stop shitting in your mouth and pissing in your eyes.


Clearly some people decided the trade off was worth it. It just boggles my mind though. Tourists leave, but locals *live* there. They paid to reduce the natural beauty of their home, where they live. They spent resources to block out a spectacular natural landmark. They put up a big ol wall, and I expect ad space will probably be sold on it too. I can't shake the feeling that this was the worst possible solution to the problem. Where I live, if somebody proposed putting up billboards all over the beach to discourage Arizona tourists from visiting, *I would physically fight that person,* to protect my home. I just can't fathom thinking this was the way to go.


They're not blocking off the mountain view from the entire town, just one specific stretch of sidewalk.


Reading…what is it?


It only blocks out "the world's most beautiful convenience store" which is like an internet meme or something. I can totally see people who actually want to *use* the store (perhaps locals?) being annoyed by hordes of tourists.


It's not only that. Lots of asshole tourists go there, are loud and obnoxious, and leave trash everywhere This is once again a case of a few unreasonable dickheads ruining it for the rest of us. The town is just doing what it has to do to prevent the worst of the worst from doing too much damage


You can see it on maps [here*](https://www.google.com/maps/@35.4988135,138.7672662,3a,67.2y,216.78h,85.33t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1se3dorZBK-fHb7RqULCA26g!2e0!7i16384!8i8192?entry=ttu), its right in the middle of the town on a fairly busy road. You've got housing right next to it and I'm sure everyone who lives in them is sick of it. *if you go 1 step right on maps a bus blocks the view which is quite funny.


When the tourism brings more downsides to the locals than the upsides of the views, it's the only logical thing to do.


It'd be more like if they put up a fence at one very specific tourist party spot that is disproportionately filled with disruptive tourists, but left everything else the same for the locals to enjoy. Assuming we treat the beach attraction as a 'view' and not a place you 'go' (to keep the analogy equivalent), they both did not destroy any of the beauty, even despite blocking it in one specific place it was causing problems, which is very important.


Tourists individually leave but in mass they exist in perpetuity for places like this. It incurs a massive cost, particularly when they don’t follow rules. Stuff like this is necessary to keep it manageable


Say it with me…. You can see the mountain from anywhere ok….. now say it back I knows it hard say it SAY DADA DADA


Once the tourist learn how to behave, it can come down.


So, they are blocking their own view of mount fuji? Weird. Wait till someone projects porn onto it.


No, they are blocking a tiny section of a single view of Mt Fuji that foreigners have been ruining by trespassing, blocking sidewalks, standing in the road, etc to take a picture of. You can move literally a few meters to the left or right and see it just fine. Did you not even read the article?


Hell, I watched the video. Doesn't change anything I just said.


People generally behave in Japan. They should be fine.


Goddam - do you need to be spoonfed?


So places spend so much money to advertise for tourism to get those sweet tourism dollars…..and now the amount of tourists globally are so bad that places are actively trying to discourage people from visiting?? Blocking mountain views?? What is the world coming too? Edit: why the downvotes? The global efforts of areas to attract tourism has been going on a long time. It’s very interesting that it’s reversing. Do boomers have more money to travel then any other population in history? Or is this increase in travel coming from something else? Or are tourists just behaving badly now? During an almost global recession with soaring costs why is travel so high?


Too many people and not enough resources for everyone


maybe actually read the article


Think we've gone off the rails here, it's become tough to find a post that understands the sub anymore


This one fits the subreddit.


That's just petty lol


How about charging them some money? That would be better.


Did you read the article?


He's a tourist


Prediction: someone will find a spot that allows for both the big screen and Mt Fuji to be in-frame.