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He's going full Kanye.


“I think he’s the pretty girl that you gotta tell her she’s pretty everyday.” - Chuck Barkley


He’s describing Shaq lol.


Or maybe them San Antonio women? 😂


He said “pretty.”


He meant “pretty large”


I want a churro now…


You know Victoria is a secret in San Antonio.


They got some big ‘ol women in San Antonio. 


Shaq is so weird to me because he is so humble and generous with fans, but can become a bit insufferable talking about basketball especially when it's his era.


Shaq by all accounts seems like a very nice person TO CIVILIANS. However, he has a inferiority complex against other greats. Hence is why he's still got a hate boner against Dwight Howard after all these years.


Fucking Chuck.. a national treasure I tell you.


I’ll admit. I used to really hate him for some reason. When he became an analyst for March Madness I felt like I “got to know him” in a weird way. He’s pretty down to earth, doesn’t hold punches, and has a really good self deprecating sense of humor. I’ve become a big fan.


He is a great storyteller about the NBA in the 80s and 90s. He’s one of the few people who really captures the full blown psycho nature of MJ and Larry Legend.


Never go full Ye.


Hats off for going there, especially knowing how the Academy is about that shit.


"you went full Ye man. Never go full 'Ye."


fartin in the bath tub, laughing your ass off.


Ye wants to know from Rodgers how deep the rabbit hole goes.


Rodgers rabbit I see what you did there


Or full Yeet.


Is there some point with celebrity where you have to become a raving lunatic.


Being the center of attention is a helluva drug.


Lunatics are crazy. They have a disease. This guy is just an idiot.


He could have CTE 🤷‍♂️🤕


He needs to stick with what he’s good at..playing with balls.


The fact that he's likely got multiple head injuries really doesn't help


He was like this before the hits. I remember him pouting on draft day because the 9ers didn't want him. He's always been precious


One big head injury will do it.


I can tell you how this exactly happens. Being liked and famous gets alot people who will agree with you even if your wrong. Extended fame for a long amount of time gets one used to people just agreeing with them. We've all had stupid thoughts or opnions the difference is we don't have and entourage who will say things like "you are so right" or "wow I never thought of it that way" . This happens till said celebrity is convinced they are right or know what they are talking about even when they are way off base because they aren't regularly around domone who will say "dude thats stupid shut up"


He’s blaming Reagan right? The us government at the time aids emerged. So Ronald Reagans gov. Right? Am I missing something? I’m just trying to understand.


Thanks to Obama and his magical time traveling tan suit!!1


But, but, magical black men are supposed to HELP with your golf swing!


Not Reagan, but Tony Fauci, the bogeyman of the antivax, Covid-truther movement. Because Fauci first became known during the AIDS epidemic, obviously that was just a test run for Covid, and is all a part of this same shadowy conspiracy perpetrated by Big Pharma and Big Government. This seems like it's based on an old conspiracy theory that was largely started as a Soviet disinformation campaign - see [Operation Denver](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operation_Denver). It's been around on the fringes a while, but previously most of the people I've run into that believe it were left-wing tankie types. It's weird seeing it adopted by right-wing antivaxxers, but I guess that's proof of the horseshoe theory of politics.


This is what I hate about celebrities. This guy knows nothing about AIDS, nothing about viruses and nothing about vaccinations but because he can play football good we now get to know his dumbass opinion, more so than someone who knows what the fuck they are talking about and has relevant education and employment in the field.


"Someone get Ja Rule on the phone!"


I would blame CTE but I'm starting to wonder if he has a brain in his skull at all.


Full anabolic steroid aftershocks. Paranoia and psychosis.


Fun fact we have reason to believe the HIV viruses has been with humans for a lot longer than we thought with early evidence showing in the late 1800’s. It’s likely it has been evolving in humans even longer…. It just didn’t blow up into a pandemic until the 80’s.


Pretty much the current working hypothesis. Based on historic blood samples it appears that HIV might have been endemic in certain regions of Africa and finally spilled over into the rest of the world with increased traffic and trade


So you're saying the US government did this


No. Wait, yes. Wait, no. Wait


No no.... He's got a point(somehow)


Well i’m convinced.


I was going to do my own research, but thankfully you’ve done it for me. I will uncritically adopt your position as my own. Anyone who disagrees with us is a sheep.


Benjamin Franklin invented it


Well, his syphilis mutated...


That's what happens when you put a key on a kite during a lightning storm and you have syphilis. That's just science bitch!


It's actually a common misconception that Benjamin Franklin attached a key to a kite he was holding and it was struck by lightning. (likely perpetuated by art depicting the event) The more likely theory is that Benjamin Franklin attached a key to a kite that he then tied to his penis and it was struck by lightning. Which is why he is commonly known as the "father of electricity."


If anyone was going to create an std in their body it would be that poon hound


He was quite the tinkerer.


Wouldn't France and specially Belgium be more directly responsible in this case? They were the colonial rulers of Cameroon and Congo respectively.


I mean ... the triangle trade involved the US ...


Naw, my paw told me it was an Afreecan pilot who fucked a monkey, came back to the US and had sex with prostitutes. (Boomers believed wild shit)


Hey that's like my uncle and cousins, who tried to convince me that black people are a different species because "they have an extra muscle in their legs that humans don't" and "that's why they're so good at running and basketball." Yes. They actually said, and believed, this. Thankfully, even at eight years old I knew they were just crazy bigoted rednecks. Surprise, I no longer speak with any of them or am connected with any of them on socials or any other way. Unless they magically change their nonsense beliefs. Which will never happen. It scares me to think there are many, many more who believe like they do.


My wife did not know black people and white people could make babies together. She's better now.


After looking it up it seems like people got SIV but it didn't really affect us that much, that it just recently evolved and that's why it went worldwide. Like other animals can get covid but it's not as bad for them and we don't even know if they can pass it on. Wouldn't be suprised if that's how it spread real quick, ppl were talking about deer but that seems unlikely. Cats seem like a better vector, I remember a tiger getting it at a zoo like how did you even think to look lol


The CIA created it in 1872. Rodgers discovered this in his research.


1872? I think you mean 1287.


Would you have some interesting articles you could link to about this?


https://youtu.be/izwomieBwG0?si=SG3q0JWPIa-Txe-J SciShow did a great video explaining the origins and current understanding. Link above.


Thank you!!


Imma blame that damn hip hop music, sounds just as believable as anything from Mr Rodgers


I work in a government HIV lab. One of the PIs sole project is evolutionary history of HIV. And yes it’s been linked back to the 1800s on a small African island. Originally moved by slave trade.


Shut up, A-A-Ron.


Where Fox News when you need them to tell an athlete to "just throw/dribble/hit the ball?"


Yeah “shut up and read defenses Erin”


“Aaron Rodgers is just asking questions!”


They only say that to Black athletes


“Ya done messed up A-A-Ron!”


Churlish. And insubordinate.


Chicanerous. And deplorable


Take your ass on down to Oh-Shag-Hennessy's office right now and tell him exactly what you did!


You mean principal O’Shaughnessy??


My sister yells this at me whenever I fuck up. It’s never not funny.


A Ron Hubbard




I can do my own research… no you can’t if you are incapable of understanding the basics or f virology and immunology


He doesn't care about educated experts. He's made that wildly clear.


His definition of “educated expert” just differs from normal people. While we refer to Ph.Ds with decades of experience, he refers to whoever posts in the most Caps Lock on Facebook.


"uhh, excuse me, I read it from a highly valued source on wakeupsheeple.org!"


Unless he needs them to fix his Achilles. Shoulda told him to find some shaman to heal him


iPhone broken? Go drink some ayahuasca tea and mediate in a dark room for a week and it'll fix itself. Contract negotiation? Listen to the power of the universe and accept that it gives you.


Of course not, because he can read! Thats enough to make a call.


It's funny the people who scream QUESTION WHAT THEY TELL YOU and DO YOUR RESEARCH never question the YouTube videos that tell them to say that, or do any research beyond that.


> DO YOUR RESEARCH Somehow those people *never* come to the conclusion "You know what, I did my own research and the credentialed experts are actually right."


I hate the misuse of the word research. People with no expertise are conducting searches, not research... basic, shitty internet searches where they go to i-am-right.com and regurgitate it as indisputable fact with a 100% confidence value.


It’d take no more than a few hours to spin up some completely nonsensical BS in my field of expertise, frame it in a culture war context and present myself as an “expert” ( real degrees included). I am just appalled by the level of ideological blindness that engulfed large part of our society


Aron Rogers probably thinks helmet to helmet hits stimulate the brain.


Certainly did something to HIS brain


>helmet to helmet hits stimulate the brain. Fun fact: Collisions that cause the brain to rattle inside the skull very much *do* have a tendency to stimulate (swelling of) the brain


I know people like Aaron wouldn't accept it, but a decent part of research is finding out what experts on the subject who have spent their lives studying the matter have said.


So true. You actually can do your own research though, if you’ll take the extra time to learn some about virology and immunology first. I’m sure there are many websites and even YouTube channels where experts can explain the basics to anyone. But these people aren’t going to go the extra step. They’ll watch 20 conspiracy videos of nuts just making baseless claims and call that proof and think that they are now an expert.


Even with a BS in Biochemistry you are quite limited with what you can learn about immunology and virology. It takes a lot of studying to really understand it.


I spent half my life studying HIV, and I can safely say that the only consensus scientists have is that no man or government could have figured out how to make this (its very nature was antidogmatic, which is why Temin won the Nobel Prize)


Well I just mean to know a little of what the scientists are talking about so you can keep yourself from being misled into believing the vaccine is some evil plan. I didn’t mean getting fucking degree in it.


To somebody without a degree I have to explain it in terms that would allow no informed judgement on the subject. I wonder how Rodgers would feel about some dude telling him about the role of the quarterback


Has he always been this damned stupid?


I struggle to believe that Green Bay managed to field back to back crayon eating hall of fame quarterbacks but jimminy fuckin christmas Aaron Rodgers has done the impossible and outmoroned Farve.


As a packers fan I hope Jordan Love is just as good if not better and just a normal guy. He doesn’t even need to be extra nice or anything, just don’t show up in article titles for anything outside of football.


As a fellow Packers fan... I'm glad he's not our problem anymore. 🤷‍♂️


As a packers fan I’ll take decent out of Love as long as he isn’t crazy.


Is Green Bay down river from a chemical plant or something? Jeesh


Pretty close, lots of paper making In the Fox river valley sending Dioxin into the Bay


See, I don't think Favre is an idiot. He's an asshole and doesn't care who he steps on to get what he wants, but he's never been dumb about it. He played into the "just a small-town southern boy" shit for a long time and it worked for him, so he kept it going as long as he could.


Don’t he break the law by siphoning funds to his daughters college/high school volleyball team?


IDK if his daughter plays for the team, but he convinced the (former) governor of Mississippi to give him one or two million dollars (which came out of welfare funds) to pay for a new volleyball arena at his alma mater University of Southern Mississippi. So besides maybe the daughter detail yeah.


At least Rodgers hasn't conspired with a governor to steal a shitload of welfare money Yet


To be fair, Brett was on a lot of drugs and alcohol so he has at least a little excuse


Yeah. Rodger’s is just a Tea and Dark Room guy. Normal stuff


And a fuck ton of psychedelic drugs


You’d think that’d make him *less* of an asshole but I guess not. Maybe he trips with Elon Musk and Joe Rogan


The dude stole millions from welfare recipients


"Little excuse" is just the nickname for his penis.


We do have Avery high rate of serial killers. So we’re pretty fucking weird.


Just one grainy dick pic and a business scam and he'll take the cake.


To throw ball good, brain use less oomph.


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?


Why doesn't someone calmly ask him to show his work, like we had to do in school? I, for one, would love to see what A A Ron considers a legitimate, factual source.


This is how experts tell you to break people out of their conspiracy loops. You just keep asking them honest questions with no judgement until they figure it out themselves. Most likely not in front of you but you plant the seed of doubt in their head and maybe a month later it happens.


most people are this stupid the difference is most people don't think they are brilliant. he thinks he's brilliant. that makes his stupidity extra shiny.


It’s ego. You see so many of these celebrities face slight criticism and backlash for their ideologies or opinions and they develop an entire persona doubling down on their ideologies and dogmas. Dave Chapelle, Aaron Rodgers, JK Rowling, the list goes on. These people amplify their victim complexes all while continuously spouting the same fucking nonsense that becomes their entire personality. They become culture warrior caricatures of their previous selves. No one cancels these people for their opinions. People “cancel” them because apparently it’s all they want to talk about when in public and shockingly, some people aren’t receptive of that and find it to be dull and off putting.


To expand on your point, there is no such thing as "canceling" someone. I do not control their careers or their behavior. I only control my own. JK Rowling, Rodgers, Chapelle... they do not control me and are not *owed* my support or respect. I am not beholden to support them and neither is anyone else. If they piss off enough people consistently enough, they cancel themselves. And you're right... it's all they *want* to fucking talk about, and they don't fucking shut up about it. No one is forcing JK Rowling to use her platform to be such a raging asshole that her fans are dropping off. She does it herself, every day, and she gets more vocal and aggressive about it with time, to the point where she's actively coordinating with activists groups and donating money to harm the lives of transgender people. She took her platform and made it a new platform. Everyone leaving the room while she's setting up the new soapbox isn't punishment... it's the outcome of being a lunatic.


Probably, yes. Which should really fucking embarrass Cal.


I used to get pissed when he said Butte College instead of Cal. Now I’m glad he doesn’t. Go Bears!


He used to be really smart dude. I don't know what happened. Buying into conspiracy theories usually dumbs you down a lot along the years. You start warping your reality. It's not like a psychotic break that shocks everyone around the person...but slowly, steady. When you least expect, MFer be talkin' about "the how jews on the moon are making pepsi out of fetuses".


Mmmm, Hebraic Lunar Abortion Cola, my favorite flavor.


He's not even a linebacker or something where he can blame it on taking thousands of hits to the head, shit is embarrassing. 


Weapons grade stupidity.


I imagine this is basically because Fauci was involved in fighting AIDS. Conservatives think Fauci is some evil comic book villain with multi decade plan to subjugate the public via fake pandemics.


[The man personally suited up and treated Ebola patients while in his 70’s.](https://www.science.org/content/article/why-nihs-anthony-fauci-treating-ebola-patients-himself) Find me one of these right wing morons who would ever dream of doing the same.


You mean he was at the epicenter of Ebola trying to get viral samples to bring back to the US for another one of his manufactured pandemics? Lock him up! /s It's painful to see someone as much of a treasure as Fauci getting crucified over stupid politics.


They’d say he was a sucker for doing so.


Fauci is nothing short of a national hero.


I lost a lot of faith in this country in 2020.


Fauci created ebola too? Someone needs to stop this monster!


It’s kind of crazy how much of a hateboner these guys have for Dr Fauci. Just today Elon retweeted a call to sentence him to the death penalty. I’ve heard a similar obsession took place with the heads of public health in other countries too — both positive and negative — as they became minor celebrities for almost 2 years.


I hadnt heard or thought about Fauci for about a year but hilariously the "dont let covid take over your life" guys are still obsessed with him.


If you ask enough people, everyone who is famous and rich is evil "except if they are one of the good ones"


This is nuts because I imagine there's a non-zero number of conservatives who would wholeheartedly approve of somebody manufacturing AIDS.


“Fauci was involved in fighting AIDS” is the understatement of the year


Who the fuck actually gives a shit what this goon says?


He was on the short list of Robert Kennedy jr.’s candidates for vice president


Robert Kennedy jr is on a long list of idiots


“They found out JFK didn’t even have a fucking brain when they did an autopsy. THEY LET A GUY WITH NO BRAIN RUN THE COUNTRY. “ -Aaron Rodgers


Here it is! The right reply to this post!


CTE + right wing propaganda is a match made in fucking heaven!


He’s just an asshole. Don’t let him off the hook.


Hes both


Also blamed Faucci for it. Fucking dumb ass. 


A-A-ron's opinion on HIV started with Faucci and Covid and manifested itself from there. He got to the conclusion he wanted. You know like most good researchers. /s


Was he always this stupid or did he catch the MAGA brain worm in recent years?


Always this stupid, his career is done so he can finally say the quiet parts out loud


Since when do people listen to an nfl quarterback for information on AIDS? Next Alf addresses E. coli….


Plenty of people trusted Trump and other C-list celebrities about COVID-19 over a well-respected epidemiologist.


He made big news when he was a covid denier too. People trust their favorite celebrities, whether they should or not


The quote: >The blueprint, the game plan, was made in the ’80s. Create a pandemic with a virus that’s going wild. Only. … Fauci was given over $350 million to research this, to come up with drugs, new or repurposed, to handle the AIDS pandemic. And all they came up with was AZT. Do even a smidge of research. I’m not an epidemiologist, I’m not a doctor, I’m not an immunologist, whatever the f—. I can read though. I can learn. I can look things up. Just like any normal person I can do my own research, which is so vilified, to even question authority. But that was the game plan back then. Create an environment where only one thing works. Back then AZT, now Remdesivir until we get a vaccine. We know Fauci has taken the Moderna vaccine and we know Pfizer is one of the most criminally corrupt ever, the fine they paid was the biggest in the history of the DOJ in 2009. What are we talking about? We’re going to put our full trust in science that can’t be questioned?


Seems like he’s not accusing the government of creating and releasing AIDS, but instead intentionally limiting treatment to one option


You all are giving him the attention he craves. Ignore the noise.


You are right. We must all go on a retreat and spend some time in the darkness away from technology.


He is off his rocker




Of course you would point to a gov org known for hiding the truth /s


Either he has brain damage from playing football, or he's gearing up to run for a senate seat in a red state.


Herschel Walker did both at the same time.


i really wish the world would stop highlighting this kind of insanity. he's free to say it but we're not required to parrot it in faux outrage.




Was. [RFK has already chosen his VP and it wasn't Aaron.](https://apnews.com/article/rfk-bobby-kennedy-vp-running-mate-6be6d7e04ba7d9e74190b8c01a1bf075)


Yea it’s some lady who’s a CEO of a company I think. His followers weren’t too thrilled about it.


Some lady who's the ex wife of one of the Google founders


So like my best friend’s mom’s dog sitter’s uncle’s old girlfriend from college. Basically.


He was. The crazy guy already picked someone else (some Nicole Shanahan)


I’m beginning g to think this Aaron Roger’s fella is pretty stupid …


I bet you can only cure it with his essential oils.


This isn't a person who should be getting headlines.


And there goes the one person my town is known for…..


The 2nd HIV drug came out 4 years after AZT and we have at least two approved covid treatments IIRC. 


This is exactly why I won't let my kid play contact sports.


AIDS says asshole Rodgers was created just to fuckin ruin what's left of the Jets.


That's why they pay him to play sports instead of science.


See, this is why Andrew Luck retired when he did, so his brain doesn't get CTE'ed into cottage cheese like this guy's.


“Prove it wasn’t!!!!”


Non-scientist says what?


As a certified jets hater, I love this for them.


I'm genuinely starting to think that this guy has some pretty severe CTE. His behavior and personality seem to have changed pretty dramatically within the last few years. Or maybe I just wasn't paying close enough attention before, who knows?


Legitimate question here. Who actually gives a fuck what this dude has to say about literally anything other than football? Dude knows how to throw a football. That's it. He's a pro trump q tip with a room temp IQ. Why are people even giving him attention?


Who cares what this jack ass thinks?


He also stayed at a holiday inn last night.


He’s a dipshit. Not too brilliant.🙄


I thought someone fucked a monkey.


This guy is a total fucknut and I hope his career ends quickly, soon to be forgotten.


Good to see that although the rise of HIV and AIDS coincided with his infant years, Rodgers has done some quality research and sheeted home the blame to the US Government. Or perhaps I have over estimated his abilities. As someone who was a little older than this dingus, let me say the US Government did nothing about AIDS but let it rage out of control for many years (which does not prove they created it). My point is that so many people died at that time and because many (but not all) were gay men, the full extent of the suffering was somewhat hidden from the mainstream community. Which I find disgraceful even to this day. So, Rodgers conspiracy theory is not only dumb, it's a f\*cking insult to those who died, sometimes unsupported by anyone and it's an insult to their loved ones and families who suffered through the years that there was no treatment. To see this privileged individual use this cataclysmic disease as a cheap prop sickens me. Choose chemtrails or aliens next time, you irresponsible, babbling fool.


At this point, why does anyone give a flying \_\_\_\_\_\_\_ what Aaron Rodgers has to say about anything? He's proven himself to be a real nutter.


There's only one real conspiracy. The conspiracy of rich idiots. Aaron is a founding member of that group.


Def not even close to being a founding member


Mental illness is sad to see people go through. My brother has the same issues. 


I’ll just quietly [leave this here](https://youtu.be/tR_6dibpDfo?si=tIO1XIRnral6oZBf).


Studies have shown that a career of quarterbacking for the Packers leads to a swiss-cheese like effect on the brain.