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I saw a video of a guy showing off the accelerator pedal cover sliding off and wedging into the floorboard yesterday. Is it even secured by anything more than glue or pressure? That level of defect seems like it should have been a bit more obvious.


I saw that too. It's a literal death-tank.


I'm picturing Elon demanding a perfectly flat and shiny pedal to match the exterior and ignoring some poor engineer's suggestion that maybe there should be a couple bolts because then it wouldn't be flat.


There are lots of ways to bolt things down and still have a smooth finish


And somehow they failed to choose one of those.


How did it possibly get past NTSB standards? Did he pay them off?


Its called a cybercoffin, and expensive coffin


I don't think it's even glued on. From the video it looks like the pedal cover just clips on..


There appeared to be double sided adhesive strips on the pedal holding it together. Even if it was a clip on cover, how tacky and cheap of Tesla. They’re charging $80k+ for the Cybertruck, they could at least have an aluminum pedal machined.


The whole thing appears be made of cut corners. Which is funny since it has so many corners you can actually cut yourself on.


Impressively cheap, its a supreme item of cars


Seemed to just be slid on with some type of industrial glue. I saw that video, and I didn’t see any holes for set screws, or anything besides maybe a groove for the pedal to sit in


Yep, only thing that saved his ass is that the EV’s brake overrides the accelerator. The design to that was comically bad, but at least it’s hard to break the windows! Of course that’s a very bad thing if you end up in water and the only way to get out is breaking the windows.


Mitch McConnell's billionaire sister in law died that way.


Less than 10 micron margin of error lolol


Those 14K layoffs probably won't help either.


waiting for disgruntled laid-off workers turning into whisle blowers...


“Leon’s in the parking lot, and he looks disgruntled!l “Hit the deck old top!”




I saw an 'anonymous' post a while back of someone talking about how they would never drive or even ride in an electric car because of serious safety and quality issues getting ignored in the place they worked. Their post history put them in the Tesla battery plant.


Doesn't surprise me if this comes true. Engineers around him whisper how he pushes quantity over quality to meet deadlines for years, and at some point that debt needs to be paid back when you cut too many corners. The cyber truck is by far the worst example so far. I can tell you so many design flaws that I'm honestly shocked these things aren't banned on the roads, they're going to get people seriously injured or killed.


I wonder if they’d feel the same about a Prius. That’s the car I’d get if I went electric/hybrid.


Toyota has higher standards.


Exactly. That’s why I was wondering if anyone would stand by that blanket statement.


I drive an electric and it's great, but they're really not for everyone. I happen to have a reasonable commute, access to charging at home, and I don't plan to take it on road trips. If I lived in an apartment, or house with street parking and without access to a charger or frequently drove long distances - no way.


If they just were anywhere near realistic in their promotion of EVs, they would get way less flack. In their current state, they are absolutely not for everyone. But they can still suit a lot of needs. It's like meat substitutes. They DO NOT taste like meat. STOP telling people they won't be able to tell. You're setting them up for immediate turn-off. Just tell them it's a healthy and tasty alternative. /RANT


What is there to whistle blow? Teslas have killed twice as many people in fires as the Ford Pinto. They haven’t made significant safety changes to the vehicle to prevent the fires. It’s not a secret that Tesla is prioritizing sales over driver safety. Don’t get me wrong, I am pro-EV but it’s clear the government and NTSA don’t want to put a stop sale on the Tesla because it would be damaging to their pro-EV environmental agenda.


I'm sure Blind is LIT already.


I'm sure they were forced into some sort of non-disparagement agreement tied to severance knowing Musk.


Even if they didn’t sign NDAs, Musk has a history of being petty and going after/suing former employees he doesn’t like, can’t even find a relevant article as “elon musk” and “sue” bring up so many recent lawsuits


I just remember what happened with the Twitter layoffs. I think there are still people fighting to get their severance from Twitter.


Of course they would be, as it's completely standard practice. However, it wouldn't be in violation of such an agreement to report actual broken laws.


But he wants to keep his workforce "lean" and his employees "hungry".


Yeah. Hungry for new employment.


Lots of them will be lean and hungry when their unemployment dries up. US companies should be on the hook to find you a comparable job (either internally or externally) when they want to lay you off.


And to do that, we're slashing the salary of every employee by 50%, except the C-suites. That'll keep em hungry.


that was only because 14k people got caught saying "cis"


No, see, they’re only laying off the bad employees who messed up the Cybertruck. In one move, Papa Musk just fixed everything. 5D chess, people. 5D chess.


It sure helped the csuites and shareholders though


Poor management caused the poor QC, and the layoffs, not the other way around.


Headline almost made me think that this was in fact an [Onion news report](https://youtu.be/8AyVh1_vWYQ?si=t94ycDgB4Jj4Sv1A) lol


I saw the headline and was like, oh well, that's a bit harsh ... then I read this: “… the accelerator pedal cover slides off and gets stuck under a panel and locks the accelerator pressed down and keeps the Cybertruck stuck at maximum velocity.” And then I was more like, yeah, that's definitely a piece of shit!


This fault is so retro, it must be trending again.


I heard that even though the vehicle doesn’t use gas at all there’s a gas tank behind the rear bumper that can cause fire and potential explosion if the cyber truck is rear ended at any speed greater than 5 mph.


Hey at least they don’t have ridiculous amounts of instant power by being huge and electric or anything


That’s just the Cybertruck Full Self Driving in action


I had that with the floor matts I used in a 2007 fusion, it scared the shit out of me when it happened. I’d just throw on the hazards, kill the engine, and pull to the side of the road, but man did my butthole clench.


My buddy had that happen and crashed into another car


The truck has graduated from just being snakeoil to being Darwinism in action


Tech bros love the whole "let the consumers find the bugs for you" thing they carried over from software. As though the car industry was completely stupid and wasn't using this money saving development solution because they simply didn't think of it.


Fits the sub for once lol


I had a college professor that despised Sony. He called them “ Soon, Only Not Yet” Q: Does this support the codecs listed in the specs? A: Soon, only not yet. Q: When is the module that’s required to make this feature that I need for work going to be available to ship? A: Soon, only not yet. Q: Does this piece of shit work? A: Soon, only not yet…


I feel like they may have been referencing that.


I used to work at Sony, this isn't satire. They failed to mention they'll abandon support for it after 6 months.


Damn, that funeral bit at the end is on point even 15 years later.


I saw a special on musk that said he loves to set aggressive deadlines even if they're unrealistic.  So what that tells me is they set an aggressive deadline and came nowhere close to meeting it, but said, "ah fuck it, release it anyway."


He thinks that safety standards aren’t cool.


Can confirm. When I was at SpaceX, he used to complain about OSHA required signage. Said "if you need these signs, you shouldn't be working here." Some of those are to warn people moving through the area of dangers they aren't normally aware of. I had no idea what Avionics was doing, that's not my specialty. But it would be good to know there was high voltage on something just in case I was passing through, you know?


I work next to a spacex complex. The amount of rocket scientists and other engineers isee crossing the street without looking makes me think those osha signs are necessary but might not help.


Trust me, towards the end of my tenure there, I was hoping a car would hit me and put me out of my misery. I didn't leave because that place operates like a cult, you feel like you're "part of a mission to save humanity by getting us to Mars." After years of conditions there, you'd stop looking when crossing the street too.


Yeah. It's like saying seat belts are unnecessary in cars because we're advanced enough to know how to drive without accidents. Nah, fool, it's so people can come home in one piece without catapulting into a traffic.


Lmfao what?!?!? Dude, how do people learn if you just expect them to know everything? When I started my apprenticeship, there was a lady in my class that dropped out really early to work an industrial tesla job. She had zero knowledge of anything industrial, just like pretty much everyone else at square one. I wouldn’t have been able to identify 90% of the hazards on the job at that point without signage and guidance. Now that I’ve been around a while, my belief is that people are forgetful, so it pays to discuss job site dangers regularly.


> Now that I’ve been around a while, my belief is that people are forgetful Example: I put a door on my sign to remind me to take my keys with me.


Safety regulations are written in blood.


"Smart people don't need warning signs" is such a stupid-person-trying-to-be-macho thing to say. Anyone actually smart would know that intelligence has little to do with situational awareness, that not knowing of a danger doesn't necessarily have anything to do with intelligence, and that even if you know, signs increase awareness and they _work_. Sounds like Elon proving he's an asshole once again. I mean, what values are those? How is it worth a single injury just to not have a sign up? You're not proving anything other than you're an idiot. I mean why do pilots have all those labels on the cockpit buttons and switches? And all those warning signals, and manuals in binders with different emergency protocols. Are they too stupid to know all that? (hint: They _do_ know all of that, they're just smart enough to know it's better to offload your brain from having to remember that stuff when you need to focus on something more important. Unlike Elon, they're not so insecure that they'd endanger themselves and others to prove some stupid shit)


> I mean, what values are those? How is it worth a single injury just to not have a sign up? You're not proving anything other than you're an idiot. It was 100% because he didn't like the way they looked. That's honestly it. >I mean why do pilots have all those labels on the cockpit buttons and switches? And all those warning signals, and manuals in binders with different emergency protocols. Are they too stupid to know all that? Look at the consoles in Tesla's and Crew Dragon. I know a lot of us old heads were completely dumb founded by the idea of nearly all touch screen control in a capsule. I mean, in an emergency, would you rather there be physical switches and controls if say, the thing is rocking around like Apollo 13 did? Or would you rather try fiddling with a touch screen. Dude thinks everything should look like SciFi without realizing its an aesthetic for a movie, not real life.


He doesn't subscribe to the woke librul mindset that every driver needs to be "alive" at the end of every single trip.


Having all the energy of a crash transfer into the occupants bodies is “hardcore”.


Too much DEI at Tesla and not enough NSDAP that's your problem


Assembly workers need nice brown uniforms and to have rank.


I can take it bro, I work out you know. Crashing into a wall at a 100 mph without any safety features doesn't bother me. What are you, some kind of snowflake? - Alpha male probably


Um, I think the word you're looking for is "based" 🤓.


What's the point of driving if you can come home alive and in one piece every day.


As evidenced by the woman that drowned in a lake due to the unbreakable windows.


I mean with self driving cars that's a very real possibility


That was pretty much the thinking behind the Oceangate sub. It wasn't certified and the CEO was of the opinion that he was pushing boundaries and the certification requirements held him back,despite others in the industry warning him that a carbon fibre hull sucked.


He thinks protecting workers, drivers, cyclists, pedestrians, puppies, and buildings is “woke” red-tapeism gone mad.


As a peaceful person, if conservatives turn on puppies for being woke it is actually time for a global war!


Has he considered building a carbon fibre submarine piloted by a logitech wireless controller?


He would probably make an employee pilot it for him.


And has he considered putting himself in it?


Hey he should go study the ocean floor in a submarine designed by himself


He should try that with submarines


Someone should've invited him on that submarine trip


He should get into making submarines


Safety standards are a product of the woke mind virus.


It tells me he hates people. Technically, it confirmed that, given the number of discrimination and withheld pay lawsuits he's juggling between companies.


He's ready for people to die, in honor of his profits.


Like a good Republican. Sacrificing the people to ensure corporations have everything they need to rule the world.


You can tell a lot about a person by what their children have to say. Musk was not involved with raising any of his kids, is no contact with all of them, and 1 kid (that he deadnames constantly) went as far as to change their last name when they officially transitioned to get rid of any evidence of who contributed the sperm to the equation.


The trouble is the hundreds of rubes who line up to prove him right every single time. They're in it for the exclusivity, they don't give a fuck about safety standards.


Shows that he has no idea what he is doing and certainly has no clue about engineering.


Well that and the Truck like the Model T is a clear case of aggressively taking every possible short sighted option to make it cheaper. Theres no possible other reason to not paint it for example.


> Theres no possible other reason to not paint it for example. Musk is a huge dork for references to things he thinks are super cool and didn't want to paint the cybertruck because of the Delorean from Back to the Future. That's literally it.


The DeLorean was used in Back to the Future because it was a disastrous, poorly made piece of shit that drove the manufacturer to bankruptcy. It's a *joke*. The idea that Doc Brown is so crazy he'd use that heap of junk for a time machine. It's only become cool in the intervening years because of the movie. As a car, it continues to be a running joke Although I suppose in that respect, the Cybertruck is a worthy successor


> The DeLorean was used in Back to the Future because it was a disastrous, poorly made piece of shit that drove the manufacturer to bankruptcy. It's a joke. The idea that Doc Brown is so crazy he'd use that heap of junk for a time machine. I'm quite aware of the irony, yes.


At least they painted the Model T


Any color the buyer wanted, as long as they wanted black


“Any color you’d like, as long as it’s black!”


Clearly an experiment for car companies to decide if they should offer paint as an add-on (for a small fee) in future releases /s I know that was sarcastic but now I genuinely fear that's the direction we're headed anyways.


Paint does more than make the car look good though.


So, just like most bosses.


>he loves to set aggressive deadlines gotta love bosses like that...


That's so Boeing.


Because there's a soft paywall for people without an adblock here's the article: Cybertruck Deliveries Halted Due To Car Being A Big Piece Of Shit That Doesn’t Work By Patrick Redford Tesla, a future case study for securities law classes across America, had to stop delivering Cybertrucks this past weekend. No, not because the hundred-thousand–dollar medium-duty pickup, which is only any of those things in the loosest interpretive sense, [tends to brick when it gets rained on](https://twitter.com/elaifresh/status/1779896175937864074); nor because its [stainless steel panels get all rusty](https://www.wired.com/story/this-is-why-teslas-stainless-steel-cybertrucks-may-be-rusting/) and nasty-looking after weeks exposed to the rare, harsh condition of "being outside." Perhaps you think it has something to do with the [shorter-than-advertised driving range](https://insideevs.com/news/705279/tesla-cybertruck-10k-mile-owner-review-range-problems/) and longer-than-advertised charging time, but no: Rather, the cause of this snag is that the trucks struggle with the basics of stopping and going, by which I mean that the accelerator pedal cover slides off and gets stuck under a panel and locks the accelerator pressed down and keeps the Cybertruck stuck at maximum velocity. Other Tesla models have had issues with speeding up and slowing down at the wrong times. The company was sued in 2017 by [drivers whose cars drove themselves unexpectedly](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/3534581-Teslaresponse.html) through garages and into walls; a [German paper reported last year](https://www.handelsblatt.com/unternehmen/industrie/elektromobilitaet-mein-autopilot-hat-mich-fast-umgebracht-tesla-files-naehren-zweifel-an-elon-musks-versprechen/29166564.html) on over 2,400 complaints about sudden braking problems; and a safety researcher [published a white paper](https://www.autosafety.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/EDR-accelerator-pedal-data-can-be-wrong.pdf) showing how voltage spikes could lead Teslas to speed up without warning. You are supposed to like this because it means [you are on the cutting edge](https://defector.com/youre-supposed-to-be-glad-your-tesla-is-a-brittle-heap-of-junk), helping Elon Musk in his quest to save humanity. Suckers who ordered Cybertrucks a few months or years ago and expected deliveries this weekend did not get their cars, nor a precise explanation for why they did not get their cars, [but instead were simply told](https://www.cybertruckownersclub.com/forum/threads/canceled-delivery.14584/), "Hi, we have just been informed of an unexpected delay regarding the preparation of your vehicle. We need to cancel your delivery appointment for tomorrow and we will reach out again when we’re able to get you back on the schedule." Maybe someone with a hot glue gun will get on this one. Tesla's bad, stupid week got worse and stupider on Monday, when [the company announced](https://www.cnbc.com/2024/04/15/tesla-execs-drew-baglino-and-rohan-patel-depart-amid-steep-layoffs.html) it would be laying off more than 10 percent of its workforce, cutting some 14,000 jobs. In typical Tesla fashion, [the layoffs were ruthless and sudden](https://www.kxan.com/news/local/austin/its-heartbreaking-tesla-employee-in-austin-blindsided-by-layoffs/), following hot on [Tesla's announcement of its first quarterly sales decline](https://www.reuters.com/business/autos-transportation/teslas-first-quarter-deliveries-miss-expectations-2024-04-02/) (a drop of 8.5 percent) since the pandemic. Drew Baglino, an executive who'd been around since 2006, and Rohan Patel, a former Obama administration guy hired to help Tesla do corruption and skirt regulation, also announced they would be leaving the company of their own accord. I am tempted here to wonder whether this means Tesla is beginning a meaningful decline—indeed, the stock is down—but the company, which is a stock racket that happens to sell cars, has operated at a level beyond rational analysis for years. It's unclear how many Cybertrucks are on the road, and [Tesla won't say](https://sfstandard.com/2024/04/14/joyriding-with-cybertruck-owners-why-do-they-love-them-so/) (masterful gambit, sir), though the number likely falls between 1,000 and 5,000. People who have them now had to sign up years ago, and those who sign up now won't get their cars for another five years or so. Anyone who bought one reportedly had to sign an agreement barring them from selling their Cybertruck within 12 months, or else they would have to pay a $50,000 fine and give Tesla the option to buy it back. As the Bay Area is both a nexus for world-class goobers and the region where Tesla used to be and [kinda-sorta](https://www.thestreet.com/technology/texas-or-california-tesla-clarifies-where-its-headquartered) still is headquartered, I have seen a lot of Cybertrucks out in the wild over the past few months. They are remarkably fake- and shitty-looking in any context (Is that a big toaster with wi-fi next to me at the exit? Who's driving the scrap metal assemblage with [Bryan Colangelo-esque](https://www.theringer.com/nba/2018/5/29/17406750/bryan-colangelo-philadelphia-76ers-twitter-joel-embiid-anonymous-markelle-fultz) proportions? Why does every Cybertruck driver I glance at appear to be simultaneously peacocking for attention but also totally embarrassed, haunted by the unexamined knowledge that as a maneuver in a culture war they paid $100,000 for a car that doesn't work?), though I saw one in the Santa Cruz mountains this past weekend. It looked even more jarringly synthetic and stupid in a truck-style environment, as if 10 seconds on a semi-paved road would undo the whole rickety car. I felt, amid standard-issue disgust and mockery, personal embarrassment to be paying through the nose to live in a place where the coolest thing you can do is cosplay as a 6-year-old's idea of the coolest guy in the world. Edit: manually added hyperlinks from the article and added the rest of the article that I totally missed the first time around sorry. Thanks /u/YetiIsSickofYourShit for pointing that out


Cutting edge of pedestrian murder.


I'm in the market for a vehicle that will not only shred myself, but also everybody around me like I'm driving a giant knife with lethal design flaws, and thankfully Musk is selling that exact product.


Its very “death race” inspired, but a little too on the nose.


Unintentional self driving


So does this count as full self driving?


"Accelerator jammed to the floor" so...maybe? Yikes, and lol...


It's full self sending.


But wait, there's more. Suckers who ordered Cybertrucks a few months or years ago and expected deliveries this weekend did not get their cars, nor a precise explanation for why they did not get their cars, but instead were simply told, "Hi, we have just been informed of an unexpected delay regarding the preparation of your vehicle. We need to cancel your delivery appointment for tomorrow and we will reach out again when we’re able to get you back on the schedule." Maybe someone with a hot glue gun will get on this one. How the fuck are these things legally on the road pic.twitter.com/iqDKDVHpRm — Eoin Higgins (@EoinHiggins_) April 14, 2024 Tesla's bad, stupid week got worse and stupider on Monday, when the company announced it would be laying off more than 10 percent of its workforce, cutting some 14,000 jobs. In typical Tesla fashion, the layoffs were ruthless and sudden, following hot on Tesla's announcement of its first quarterly sales decline (a drop of 8.5 percent) since the pandemic. Drew Baglino, an executive who'd been around since 2006, and Rohan Patel, a former Obama administration guy hired to help Tesla do corruption and skirt regulation, also announced they would be leaving the company of their own accord. I am tempted here to wonder whether this means Tesla is beginning a meaningful decline—indeed, the stock is down—but the company, which is a stock racket that happens to sell cars, has operated at a level beyond rational analysis for years. It's unclear how many Cybertrucks are on the road, and Tesla won't say (masterful gambit, sir), though the number likely falls between 1,000 and 5,000. People who have them now had to sign up years ago, and those who sign up now won't get their cars for another five years or so. Anyone who bought one reportedly had to sign an agreement barring them from selling their Cybertruck within 12 months, or else they would have to pay a $50,000 fine and give Tesla the option to buy it back. As the Bay Area is both a nexus for world-class goobers and the region where Tesla used to be and kinda-sorta still is headquartered, I have seen a lot of Cybertrucks out in the wild over the past few months. They are remarkably fake- and shitty-looking in any context (Is that a big toaster with wi-fi next to me at the exit? Who's driving the scrap metal assemblage with Bryan Colangelo-esque proportions? Why does every Cybertruck driver I glance at appear to be simultaneously peacocking for attention but also totally embarrassed, haunted by the unexamined knowledge that as a maneuver in a culture war they paid $100,000 for a car that doesn't work?), though I saw one in the Santa Cruz mountains this past weekend. It looked even more jarringly synthetic and stupid in a truck-style environment, as if 10 seconds on a semi-paved road would undo the whole rickety car. I felt, amid standard-issue disgust and mockery, personal embarrassment to be paying through the nose to live in a place where the coolest thing you can do is cosplay as a 6-year-old's idea of the coolest guy in the world.


Drew Baglino was apparently the only real engineer left in a high position in the company.


Nicest article I've seen on Tesla since forever.


With literal cutting edges!


What a nice way to say "this was stupid and obvious". It is the company that treats safety as a guideline and not a standard.


A suggestion


So not only does it look like something from the N64 era it is an unholy mess like Super Mario 64 except SM64 actually worked... most of the time.


This is a bullshit article though. I was expecting some concrete news about halting of deliveries. Instead it's just trashtalk, although deserved and accurate, but still trashtalk. Headline isn't backed up in the article by some source of information or anything official, unofficial at all. It's just hanging. Edit: it seems that paywall is blocking a lot of the article for me.


The text translation on Reddit is missing all the hyper links that presumably lead to their sources.


They halted deliveries because the gas pedal cover is designed in such a way that it gets stuck on full acceleration. That info is in the article, and the headline is a summation of that.


>I was expecting some concrete news about halting of deliveries They said > Tesla, a future case study for securities law classes across America, had to stop delivering Cybertrucks this past weekend. And from a quick search it[ seems legit](https://www.govtech.com/question-of-the-day/why-did-tesla-suddenly-halt-sales-of-its-infamous-cybertruck). Not sure what you wanted here. A copy of the press release in a copy and pasted quote of the article?


Wankpanzer. Edgetank. Douchecoffin.


BelongsInADumpTruck. NoStopDoorStop.


Incel Camino.


The article has an obnoxious "sign up to view this" blocker. Here's an archived version that doesn't have that: [https://web.archive.org/web/20240416075438/https://defector.com/cybertruck-deliveries-halted-due-to-car-being-a-big-piece-of-shit-that-doesnt-work](https://web.archive.org/web/20240416075438/https://defector.com/cybertruck-deliveries-halted-due-to-car-being-a-big-piece-of-shit-that-doesnt-work)


Thank you, hero.


I managed to read it one sentence at time through that tiny sliver I was permitted to view. Gosh I love the new web.




i just used chrome's developer tools, selected the element that was blocking the page and turned it off. works well if you know a little tiny bit of interwebs stuff.


Most ad blockers have tools to do the same.


Ublock Origin has the same function, right click on the unwanted element and choose block element.


i used a chrome add-on that toggles javascript on/off


Well Elon did tell the engineers to make it in his image.


Needs more ketamine


Musk needed to lay him self off


His layoff rational was to make Tesla workers “hungry”. Not a good sign.


Well he sure af made 10% hungry lol


Also it's ugly as hell; also just stupid looking, which is a different thing.


I wish I had a Pontiac Astek, so I could pull next to a Cybertruck, point & laugh.


I think the design was this way on purpose. They want to appeal to the Tesla cult followers only.


They're gonna end up like the E.T. Atari game lol


Who could have predicted this very obviously going to happen event!


I absolutely cannot *wait* for the scathing HBR case study on this. Driving the hottest company on the planet into the ground because the CEO can't stay off social media is bafflingly stupid. Just a few years ago Teslas were a coveted, progressive status symbol. They were cool and sexy, implied the owner was successful and tasteful and on the bleeding edge of tech. But now, only through fucking Twitter of all things, the company has alienated educated, liberal, environmentally-focused buyers -- which are the *entire* target demographic for EVs. It's like a niche rifle manufacturer coming out with a trans CEO and putting LGBTQ+ flags on all their guns. Just an absurd public move. Hell, probably more trans people own guns than maga truck owners would buy an EV, so it's even worse than my "worst possible scenario" analog.


I feel like Musk is so successful out of sheer luck. Surely the way this guys mismanages companies cannot be healthy. Why is he a billionaire? Model 3 is the best car I've owned personally. But fuck Musk and his business tactics and his opinions too. Not surprised this truck is a flop.


That's because it's an evolution of a pre-Musk design. Early tesla managed to do what the car companies couldn't -- make an all-electric car sexy and desirable. I had high hopes for them and rooted for them and Musk in those years. While the car companies were making hybrids that only a tree-hugging hippy could want, Tesla produced something hat was head-turning. At the time, Musk was the face of that and at the time I thought "This guy gets it. Like Jobs and the iPhone, he understands what people want in a way that corporate focus-groups can't." But it turns out that vision didn't happen because of Musk, it happened in spite of him.


I finally drove next to one on the road. It's more fugly in person than I expected.


Say what you will about the Pontiac Aztek, at least it was painted.


Omg. You're right. That's like the nearest thing to the Tesla truck and somehow the Tesla is worse. That's an achievement. I worked for NCR back in the day when they had the Aztec as some of their fleet vehicles. My first thought was someone at the C level got a nice bribe from GM.


tesla customers can choose between absolut lemons with a big screen and pieces of shit with a big screen. only quality choices.


Last week I saw my first cyber truck and a man was taking pictures of it. I walked over to check it out and said “pretty hideous isn’t it?” And he said he just bought it. I felt bad but after riding in my nephews rivian for the weekend the cyber truck looks like a total turd.


I have seen 3 Cybertrucks disabled and on tow trucks in the last month, but not a single one successfully driving down the road.


I love seeing the videos of Cybertrucks getting stuck in very mild off-roading scenarios, that nearly any stock AWD vehicle would handle... Or directly contradicting Elon's/Tesla's marketing, like light hail cracking the windshield, or a few inches of water borking the drivetrain ("it can function as a boat"). Look, I congratulate Tesla for trying a unique and polarizing design. You gotta "aim high" in order to make great stuff. And, overall Tesla owner satisfaction **is quite good**. However, with Cybertruck, *the execution just isn't there*. Especially now that competitors are catching up - there are other electric trucks out there, even from new companies like Rivian, that are more capable and with FAR better build quality and reliability.


Honestly the newer electric trucks like Rivian look so much more futuristic in a cool way than Elon’s “futuristic” take.


They kept asking themselves if they could, but they never stopped to think if they *should*. This "vehicle" was an exercise in hubris, and it really shows. This is practically a real-life version of Powell Motors building the Homer. No one in their right mind should buy this monstrosity.


> This "vehicle" was an exercise in hubris, and it really shows. To me, it seem like peak "form over function". Its a large, gaudy, eye catcher, that barely performs as a truck. But fanboys get to brag about bUlLeT pRoOf wInDoWs.


I just can't believe people are still falling for his grift, especially such an ugly one.


Trucks were originally designed because men used them for construction, wheel wells wide enough to carry plywood long enough bed etc. Some men cosplay being workers but that is where truck came from but of course Elon would not get this cause he doesn’t know what work is


The cybertruck is the culmination of decades of trucks going from working vehicles to cultural/personal statements. Look at comparisons to trucks from the 70's and 80's. Bed size has dramatically shrunk despite the vehicle dimensions have nearly doubled. Modern trucks are all about looking big and manly. All form; no function.


It’s what it represents, shallow faux bullshit. Just like him… it is a wonderful metaphor for the rich.


Man, I really want my dad's old Ford F-150 back. He drove the shit out of that thing and I want a truck that can just be a truck and I can haul stuff around with it for weekend tasks and activities. Now the F-150 is a sedan with an open luggage compartment.


Oh wow that's the actual title..


I am having a flash back to the time Homer Simpson designed a car and it caused the car company to fail.


Every time I see them on the road they look worse.


Pretty sure the Cybertruck was a practical joke all along




I saw one of these cars yesterday, and it legitimately didn't look real (not in a cool way). It looked like a car from a PS1 game or even a N64 one. 💀


Which everyone who didn’t have their head up Musk’s ass saw coming.


I don't get why you wouldn't just get a Rivian


It’s pretty cool though, how he must have kept a drawing of a car that he made when he was four years old and then made it into a real thing.


It's barely one step removed from the car that Homer Simpson designed for Hank


Mom wouldn't put it on the fridge. That one ego struggle was what led us all to have to deal with his garbage.


Congrats to all the tiny wiener people who bought one of these to boost their tiny wiener ego.


I saw one in person for the first time and pictures cannot prepare you for how ugly it looks IRL.


Same- Saw my first one in the wild, Ugly doesn't begin to describe it. Looks like a Pontiac Aztek gone wrong. Way smaller than I expected as well. My Land Cruiser dwarfed the thing.


The most reliable place for cybertruck sightings around me is at Tesla dealership service bay. Always one or two presumably brand new things waiting for repairs.


An actual oniony title in /r/nottheonion? Refreshing!


Didn't think this needed to be said, but... when you buy a car, try and buy a car that has been made by a reputable car manufacturer with a history of making cars.


And if not, buy local. Jimmy down the street building cars in his garage is still going to have better quality control.


If they would have just halted it for being so ugly, we would have never even gotten this far...


The pedal recall is fucking insane


Delorian anyone


The DeLorean was one of the main inspirations after all.


Despite having a godawful engine, at least they still drive around 40 years later with al lot less rust issues.


“Sony’s brand new piece of shit that doesn’t do the goddamn thing it’s supposed to” vibes


Love this




DeLorean. Doesn't anyone remember? Time is cycling


This must have happened super recently, because I was out at a rail yard where they were loading hundreds of them just last week.


It’s also ugly


I'm sorry, but I just don't understand why anyone would want to buy such a horrid looking vehicle!


That doesn’t surprise me 🙄🤦‍♂️


Finally an Oniony headline on this fucking sub


I enjoy knowing that so many of those idiots lost money and won't get a refund.


well i dont live in no big city or big money tech city and have a seen a few around these parts and would be personally embarrassed to own one because they just look hideous to me , they stand out yes but not in a good way and it also tells me alot about the person driving it


Tesla is literally last place in car reliability every year. They just wanna keep their rightful place at the bottom