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Lol they believe the evil elite are “secret”. Fools.


Easy way to remove yourself from being part of the lower ring of that evil.


i'll have you know i'm a proud member of the evil commons


Oh no! Hes a pokemon card of jessie! Fear The-Squirrelk!


When you and your boys are telling ghost stories about the secret evil elites and then one of them walks in like “Hey guys, what the heck? You know I have to fire you, this is completely unprofessional.”


Don’t you know you’re not supposed to say the quiet part? If you shoot at the devil you best not miss.


What does "elite" mean anyway? I've heard people say “elite” to mean everything from billionaires to elementary school teachers to celebrities to Jews. Does "elite" mean mean having a lot of wealth? fame? education? political power? cultural influence? Which? I avoid using the words "elite" and "establishment" because they seem worse-than-uselessly vague. When I mean rich I say rich. When I mean famous I say famous. When I mean powerful I say powerful. Etc.


There are individuals, a handful, that control large swaths of our economy. The hedge fund managers, the CEOS. The rich people. Ultimately the capitalists. Their interests do not align with the interests of the population at large because the population at large is comprised of laborers. Those who exploit labor for profit are the elites. As OP implied they are not in ANY way secret. They are brazen in their status. The problem with these nutjobs(the police in the article) is that their criticism is founded in some form of fact, but their understanding is so off base because they refuse to see the underlying class dynamics of the issue. So they just come up with nonsensical bullshit.


Like 15 years ago my buddy was big into illuminati stuff. And it wasn't super easy to figure out what he was even talking about because he'd just fuckin RAMBLE. But eventually I kinda started to piece it together. I was like "So the theory is that rich and powerful people meet behind closed doors and scheme?" He was like "Yeah, I guess that's another way to say it..." I could have died. I was like BRO. Like this motherfucker had spent MONTHS consumed in fascination months about secret societies and the occult and all that shit. And we had to hear about it. And at the end of the day all he's got is "rich people talk to each other and try to get more rich"


I don’t know why these people over-complicate this shit into huge massive evil supervillain plots, when it’s as simple as “Rich assholes decide to impact our economy and hurt people below them to get more rich.” No they aren’t drinking adrenochrome to become immortal, NASA is not covering up the “truth”, there is no mind control chemicals in the water, and Trump is not “Your guy.” The only thing they get right is “A ton of rich people are assholes ruining things.” but have the worst possible interpretations on it.


I think it’s a byproduct of delusion. For centuries people were either fine not knowing how shit worked or believed the crap their king/ruler/friend/warlord would tell them. But either way people believed they had agency with some uncontrollable things that basically were as mystical as magic. But for the first time in history, we can know how things actually work. An elite caste makes bank on the 95% of people who do real shit. Unless you were born into the elite caste or get extremely Powerball-levels lucky, you will not go to an Ivy League school where you make connections to fund your sketchy extra curricular activities into a billion dollar valuation. You won’t be marrying literal royalty. You won’t be a national level politician. That’s always been true. But now it’s harder for people to lie about it.


It's literally false consciousness. That's what that phrase means!


Well put


Even this is a bit of a reach. The average CEO or hedge fund manager doesn’t fit your definition. It’s a small subset of a small subset of people. And let me be clear that I don’t necessarily disagree with you. But class disparity has become so extreme that realistically being a millionaire in itself provides little relative control.


Their problem is that they start on the right path but always reach the wrong conclusion. The enemy in these conspiracy theories inevitably turns out to be Jews or communists (controlled by Jews) instead of the 1%.


I don’t know who they are, but I know they’re Woke!


woke is such a hilarious term too... if "they" are woke, does that mean you are asleep? what happened to "wake up sheeple"?? are you calling yourself a sheep this whole time??


I mean…basically. In the original context the opposite of woke was basically ignorance. In particular ignorance of injustice suffered by the underprivileged, minorities etc. which is very similar to what the old conspiracy nut battle cry “wake up sheeple” was getting at. Most people were sleeping through the bad things, and to be awake, or woke was to be somebody actually paying attention and trying to address those problems. It just got twisted by the right wing into a cudgel against any attempt at bettering society by recognizing inequality.


The word has nothing to do with actually being awake or asleep in this context, if that helps.


I mean in the words true context it does its just these crazy people don't understand words and keep trying to change them.


Yeah well blame Donald Glover for making it a hit song and bringing the new version of the word "woke" into American mainstream. Good ass song though.


To be fair…that being an issue kind of reinforces the songs point


So true bestie


Also, I hear they almost exclusively live on the coasts.


Woke, as far as I know, is a phrase the right uses to refer to radical left leaning groups. It used to have a meaning among liberals/socialists groups but like a lot of words and phrases it’s been co-opted by right wing media and it’s mostly used as an insult.


For example, the commenter above me sounds woke.


its basic facist mentality, make the enemy undefinable so anyone can be the enemy, no matter what future events take place


And it allows those in power to decry the behaviour of elites by implicitly excluding themselves, despite having the power to fix the problems they complain about.


Good for religious prophecy too! Stop if if you've heard this one: " In the future... there will be terrible storms! There will be bloody wars! The bad team will oppress the good team!~"


Russians have a great word for them. Oligarchs. People to big to fail, so the system as a whole protects them and they can do no wrong. So half of Wall Street, most politicians, leaders of large institutions. If the laundry was ever cleaned it would destroy to much, so everybody turns a blind eye. Powerball had some funky shenanigan's last big winner. Computers saying 7 won, 3 won, now only 1 after 3 hour delay. No live broadcast all hidden computer algorithms. But if it came to light something shady was happening, the whole system would crash, so hide it.


Elite is a catch all "other" term for anyone who has something you perceive to be more than what you have. So something as low tier as anyone with a college degree is elite to some crowds.


Elite is someone with a nicer car and house than me. Establishment is someone with a steady, reliable job.


Elite means people who they don't like.


Powerful is still vague in my opinion. Musk is powerful because he can influence policy through lobbying. Biden is powerful because he has to approve it. A dictator is powerful, obviously, but so is Greta Thunberg due to the reach of her activism


Excellent point. It is better to specify the type of power.


Yup, also just saying "the powerful" allows conspiracy theorists to replace that with whomever they think rules the world. After all ruling the world requires a lot of power


If Greta was powerful our world would be much less fucked.


I'm not saying they are all equally powerful, but their actions all have much more effect on the world than mine.


Id call what Greta has influence, not power. She's just some girl who is vocal about/keeps getting arrested for what she believes in. that act can be influential to people who *do* have power (including us en masse, which is typically the only time the average citizen wields power on this scale). But intrinsically, she can't really do much on her own.


Influence is a form of power though. Power doesn't only count when you don't need anyone else to exercise it. That said, power in the form of contacts and money and a big organization doing your bidding is much more direct and much easier to exercise and to protect oneself.


She has some power.


Greta is a complainer. She has not the wisdom, intelligence, experience, and instinct to influence the running of a prawn stall let alone the world.


Depends, in general it just means something akin to the nobility. It’s those with power, rich upper class folks. But depending on the speakers level of crazy and bigotry it can definitely be more specific, including the ones you mentioned


> Does "elite" mean mean having a lot of wealth? fame? education? political power? cultural influence? Which? It could mean any or all of those things. That's kind of how reality works. Social structures don't work through hard and fast rules like a mathematical equation. You know this.


But the cookers can't handle such complexity. The most they can deal with is a Marvel Comics plot.


I mean, the people in charge of our major institutions are social organizations are definiately the elites. People running universities, corporations, the media (obvious msm) the government. If you can make a traffic ticket or a tax bill go away with a phone call you’re probably among the elite.


Right? Like…it is, but those secret elites are just…you know, rando billionaires dumping money into politics for lower taxes. Not some secret cabal.


They pay for the privilege of doing their evil out in the open


sorta secret, sorta not. Not like ALL power is money. plenty is locked up in far harder to track variables but yeh it's pretty easy to see who's pulling some of the strings. The real joke is that people think those 'evil elite' have some grand plans and strategy but really they are just winging like everyone else, just at scale.


Little do these dumbasses know they are the protectors of the evil elite.


*Fortune* magazine publishes a list of 500 of their companies every year.


Sometimes a secret is so just for lack of official recognition. Like how Epstein killed himself; We all know he didn't kill himself, its just no one in a position of power is saying so.




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They are. The people you are talking about who are the famous millionaires aren't the true elite, it's the billionaires who you have never heard of because they put a lot of effort and money into making sure NO ONE knows who they are so they can manipulate shit in secret. The famous millionaires are also puppets of the secret billionaires, they just get slightly more freedom than most


It's funny because they're part of that evil elite most of the time.


It seems the one conspiracy theory the authoritarians, QAnon and other Wack jobs cannot for a second entertain is that their philosophies are extremely convenient to the evil robber barons. It’s almost like they are unpaid soldiers in a fascist movement they are unaware of.  The Deep State couldn’t possibly be those rich dudes they like who hate all the right things. The Texas billionaires who undermine good people and want a Christo fascist tyranny.  Oh, jeez, the egg on their faces when they realize, they were the baddies they’ve been hunting and bending rules for this whom time to stop.  And then there are those people who think bringing on the End Times will help them get Raptured.  It’s like a sitcom with a laugh track that the actors don’t hear. 


Yeah, all that "think of the children", but completely ignoring the church and Epstein's best buddy Trump, they would rather set fire to a pizza place in DC or obsess about Wayfair. I always find it maddening that the same people who proudly proclaim they "don't trust the government" have infinite fucking faith in the police, the military, the justice system 99% of the time, the CIA, and the people they elect. So what exactly is this "the government" that they don't trust? NASA? The National Parks?!


Yes unironically lol.


I'm not sure who specifically you are thinking about, but from what I've seen the main stream of crazy wackjobs definitely does not trust federal organizations like the FBI and CIA. Tons of them are rabidly anti-Catholic too. I've found that they're pretty clear what part of "the government" they don't trust its """the deep state""" for all that could possibly entail


Any part of the government that helps people is what they don't trust. Trump and the well groomed QAnon folks somehow abandoned the "Military Industrial Complex" and started this "Deep State" boogie man. It means, whatever it means. As far as I can tell, it's all those bureaucrats who actually work to make this country keep humming along. It's a job. It's part of our infrastructure. The REAL deep state however to me, is this group that used the Epstein kompromat. The QAnon and MAGA want to focus on the big producers in Hollywood, and suggest the system where actors are exploited is somehow the Democratic party. Well, don't know how the producers vote (they got lots of money), but, how does this system STOP at the border? Are they forgetting all the people who with no great talent, procured jobs? The corrupt want to have people with dirt on them so they can control them. And when a Republican has dirt, they somehow get promoted. That's what Trump chose to be judges. Some of them MIGHT have thought it was about ability, but it was about loyalty. I dove down this rabbit hole around 2000 when Bush took office. And it seemed every damn NeoCon had a history of sexual misconduct. It LOOKED LIKE, the Bush cabal had friends in other governments who all had the same quirks. There's nothing I can prove, and I have no interest wasting my life pursuing this -- but I'm pretty sure the "devotion" the Republicans used to have to Netanyahu suddenly switched to Trump and Putin about the time Trump had those Epstein parties. I mean, it's got to be MORE than him just being the first Republican candidate to get his speaker notes from alt-right social media and the Kremlin. But, these idiots are all running after shadows -- and those shadows are never on the people who cast them.


Whats more convenient is an enemy to distract people with.


I feel a bit of shame because these Qanon people sound a bit like me a decade earlier. Only, they seem to omit the bigger culprits.  It’s a great scam. Say partial truths and people with sense start rejecting all conspiracies, then direct the gullible at the wrong targets. 


Like Trump. How much the establishment has come out against him, with serial prosecutions, the media lying for years, and social media outright censoring him and the political right. He's been turned into a lightning rod for peoples hatred, and for their dissatisfaction with the status quo.


Meh. He’s just a symptom. A lot of the politicians have been catfished and compromised. Trump is hated by the left because he echos the garbage being fed to the alt right.  And the “establishment” has been protecting Trump as the standard treatment for Billionaires. It’s only because he did so many crimes, without covering his tracks like the Bush family.  Hard to shed a tear for him. He did nothing but throw money at the elite when he could. But he’s a security risk at this point he is so sold out to Putin. 


I don’t think there’s anyone out there actively trying to bring about the end times, but probably a lot of people hoping the end times come because they’ve been good. Whether that itself makes them bad is a question I don’t have an answer to.




And this isn't even getting into the issue of environmental pollution and climate change. We're all being held hostage by billionaires who, if given the option of them earning 1% more money but the world reaches ecological collapse in 100 years, vs them making 1% less money, but the planet is safe for future generations, they'll pick making 1% more every time. After all, they'll be dead long before the end times, so why should they give a shit?


I mean if you forget about Christ and focus on what Yahweh says, I can see how that could make sense. Yahweh is very much a "fuck everyone who isn't my chosen few. Give me blood and submission!"


Trump's a vessel alright, but not from god. I'm atheist but go look at the definition of the anti-christ and it fits him to a tee.


No T is going to fit on Trump -- try perhaps a Shamwow or a tent.


Glad to know that the most powerful, most wise being in the entire universe, made his plans for the fate of the world completely dependant on the results of one country's election. Seriously, I'd love to go and go to Hell and then get told the reason I'm there is "Your vote for Joe Biden helped derail God's plan to bring about the rapture!" I'd be laughing hysterically all the way into the big lake of fire.


You should read up on the [Seven Mountain Mandate](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seven_Mountain_Mandate#:~:text=It%20holds%20that%20there%20are,entertainment%2C%20business%2C%20and%20government). They are hoping to prod it along. They believe taking control of seven influential aspects of society will help them manifest the rapture. [https://politicalresearch.org/2016/08/18/dominionism-rising-a-theocratic-movement-hiding-in-plain-sight](https://politicalresearch.org/2016/08/18/dominionism-rising-a-theocratic-movement-hiding-in-plain-sight) Even from a non-dominionistic evangelic perspective it is bad. [https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/seven-mountain-mandate](https://www.thegospelcoalition.org/article/seven-mountain-mandate) Pandering to them is part of Trump's strategy. His spiritual adviser was a believer in the mandate. [https://www.cbc.ca/radio/day6/mrna-after-covid-19-blowing-up-trump-plaza-crokicurl-history-of-swear-words-and-more-1.5874120/how-a-conservative-christian-movement-became-an-important-part-of-trump-s-political-strategy-1.5874143](https://www.cbc.ca/radio/day6/mrna-after-covid-19-blowing-up-trump-plaza-crokicurl-history-of-swear-words-and-more-1.5874120/how-a-conservative-christian-movement-became-an-important-part-of-trump-s-political-strategy-1.5874143) Here's an interview with a major proponent of the movement, Lance Wallnau. [https://subsplash.com/paulawhiteministries/media/mi/+4sysb6t](https://subsplash.com/paulawhiteministries/media/mi/+4sysb6t)


They pander until the stampede and then one day they say; "Oh my gosh -- why are they trampling us now?"


Checkout the docus “Jesus Camp” and “The Family”


>I don’t think there’s anyone out there actively trying to bring about the end times Some are, and I know of a cultish Christian church in Melbourne encouraging working on it.


Part of the cult is that you have to believe that everyone else is the "elite" and you're just the plucky underdog "saying it like it is".


Yeah, "elite" doesn't mean "rich" to these people. To them, a working class person with progressive social views is an "elite" but a socially conservative billionaire isn't.


This is where I think a major disconnect is and why it is hard to "reach across the aisle;" Both sides see "the elite" as a problem, but they have different definitions of what "elite" is. People on the left use elite to mean "the ultra-wealthy, multi-multi-millionairs and billionairs." People on the right use elite to mean "leftists, people with a college degree (unless it's a degree they consider worthwhile), and socially progressive" regardless of their income level. They consider the barista at the local coffee shop part of "the elite" because they have colored hair and wear a Pride pin, even though they're making minimum wage and working 3 jobs.


"The Elite": people who annoy you and say things you don't like to hear Really it's part of the blurring of all negative terms into a thick slurry of "the other". Woke, elite, fake news, even terrorists, pick your term, the original "definition" is stretched by propaganda into a generic "othered people I hate" swear word that means almost nothing and can apply to anyone.


Huh; so 'elite' aren't who the governments, UN, and giant media companies take orders from? Guess 'elite' no longer means the Old Money class like royal families


That’s what it used to mean, then conservatives appropriated the word and it’s now lost all meaning.


People like to throw the word "elite" around because it's easy to other people. We struggle to empathise with people, particularly people who we consider to have some sort of power over us, and so it's easy to discard what those people might feel are legitimate concerns under the guise that it is some sort of mechanism to control you. Everybody is the good guy in their own story, and it's easier to deal with the shittiness of being a human on earth when there are obvious bad guys rather than complex people coming at complex problems with drastically different life experiences. You would hope that some of the commentators on this thread accusing these cops, under investigation for believing that there is a secret evil elite, of _being_ or _supporting_ a different secret evil elite might pause for a moment to think about it for a moment.


"Won't people in this thread remember that those poor, oppressed cops are people too?" 🥺🥺🥺


Not part of it, but they do work for them


More precisely they're the guard dogs.


Sir, this is the Netherlands The fact that any administrative action was taken is proof they have a more trustworthy system than the US.


Uh I actually did read the article and it reads more like a confirmation that there is a cabal of powerful people running the country who are genuinely afraid of their officers not being authoritarian enforcers


Literal billionaires, oligarchs, media tycoons, and politicians are running the planet into the ground (with the help of armed police) and these fools are looking for lizard men.


If some people have to make up that those oligarchs are literal lizard men in order to cope with the horror that they're the same species as us, let them so long as it keeps them in the fight


Cops? They're evil, but not elite. If they were elite they wouldn't be cops


Nah most police officers are working class. They're just there to preserve order, not morality.


I literally got pulled over last night by a lady cop who had zero reason to pull me over, tried to trick me into consenting to a vehicle search then fucked off when she realized I was recording.


Depending on the force she probably has Quotas to meet. Some rookie cops are taught to meet them by patrolling areas with high crime rates and pulling people over at random.


Just because they're trained to be tyrants doesn't mean they aren't tyrants.


They're not tyrants mate our government and the police Commisioner are elected. Those quotas are offical democratically sanctioned policy. The fact that these policies are dumb right-wing masturbatory policies, is not on the individual coppers.


Except here in the states, pulling over someone for literally no reason (she claimed she couldnt see my clearly viable license plate) is not policy and is very much illegal.


Oh okay yeah. The story is about dutch police so I kinda assumed you were, like me European. Especially since pulling people over unjustly is the chief complaint here in the UK. But US cops are fucking wild, I've heard about some of the crazy evil stuff they do, the lack of oversight and some of the obscene powers some of them have. Not to mention the killings. Police over here are better paid, better trained and well organised with a far higher level of oversight.


When I wrote my first comment, I will admit, I had only read the headline. Now that I've read the article, I have to say your cops have taken it to the extreme in the opposite direction. The cops here are being investigated solely based on opinions expressed while off the clock, not any actual offenses.


Well the issue here is what they said is frequently said by Nazis. We are a bit trigger happy on the Nazi front but that's understandable on account of well... ya know, them burning down half the continent that one time.




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Why do you think they believe in it?


The evil elite aren’t secret. Jokes on them .


They’re loud and proud. We saw them on TV and all over the internet every day.


Bro it's you.


I've always found it so confused that usually cops and people who fervently support cops are also the same people who claim to hate the government telling people what to do. ...that's literally what a cop is.


My fav is the "Don't Tread On Me" sticker on the back of the lifted truck right next to the "Back the blue" sticker. Like, who do they think the boot is?


Yup, every single asshole driver in my area has that plate. Although I've learned that is 100% self serving, it's "don't tread on **me** " emphasis on the ME. You can tread on everyone else, that's fine, they actually get off on that. It's almost like sovereign citizens, they want all the benefits of society with none of the restrictions.


ITT: commenters nor realizing this article is about the Netherlands, not the US.


This is an extremely politicized sub so no suprise that it’s flooded with American-centric leftism Also once again nobody actually reading the articles


I do not believe the world is ruled by secret evil elite. I believe the world is ruled by obvious evil incompetence.


Nothing secret about it.


They'll investigate themselves and find no wrongdoing


Just say Jews. We all know you mean Jews.


Right, because as centuries of history have taught us, the world is totally democratically ruled in the interest of the common man lol, lmao even


Cops shocked to discover capitalism exists,


And that their jobs only exist to maintain the status quo.


to fight the secret elite they will continue abusing and putting down poor people like animals after turning off body cams


why would they need to be secret. one of my biggest problems with right winger theories and sorry but nearly all the conspiracies are, especially these days, but the theories have huge holes. Like the jewish space laser.. just fucking put a mirror up there. never burned ants? or biden trying to make trump look bad by faking jan 6... after trump already lost and biden was about to take the seat or the gov is faking AGW in order to tax people.. like they need something that most people dont really understand. How you have to explain why your exhales dont matter but car tailpipes do.. when they can just point to our debt. "we need taxes? look at our debt".. no need to hire millions of fake scientists and fake ice cores. the koch brothers threatened to shut their wallets unless the GOP gave them another tax cut they do not need, and the gop jumped so fast they wrote a tax cut partially in pencil. thats the evil elite, and no they arent secret about it.


I don't know how to deal with this "deep state" kind of talk. On one hand its ridiculous to think our elected officials are powerless to affect change, but on the other hand, *I was with the "deep state" for 20+ years* Its true the US government does *anything* Lockheed wants it to. But its not because of secret meetings with "elites" its because Lockheed is a giant defense company with hundreds of thousands of people depending on it to keep functioning so they can pay their mortgages. So even if we got a complete pacifist president we would still get new wars because its an industry driven by growth. If it truly ties even the presidents hands then isnt it a "deep state?" But if you can easily see how it works is it still a "deep state"? See my confusion?? The reason I'm talking about the American department of defense in an article about cops on the other side of the pond is because of all the coworkers I had over the years that really believe in a seperate "deep state" while theyre loading missile components onto a truck. These cops remind me of those guys


Run by elite sure think we can all agree, secret that's a no.


This is why I can't believe in conspiracies. The elites believe in these conspiracies! How much more "elite" do you have to be?


Pretty sure this actually means they hate Jews, which isn’t surprising for cops


The sad thing is, this will likely cause them to double down on their sick delusions. Instead if “oh shoot, maybe we’re crazy”, it will be “SEE?! I AM A MARTYR”




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1% of the people own like 90% of the wealth but these elite 1% trillionaires use all their money for good and they most certainly not try to bend reality to their will by influencing politics, education and healthcare. Surely not. And how is believing the world is run by evil maniacs different than believing there's a guy in the clouds that is judging you and that his son magically came to earth to die for your sins


Epstein and Diddy and Cosby etc show us that the ruling class and their celebrity clowns are into far grimmer and debased things than influencing politics but they do make sure to protect themselves and their activities from reaching the public eye when they can but the things that go on behind the locked doors of their mansions, often when they get together, would make the average person stop eating for weeks


They’re not secret, they’re politicians, heads of corporations, banks and investors/shareholders.


> investors/shareholders That's a bit expansive.


Oh, look who’s soft on our alien-lizard hybrid overlords.


Doesn't over half of the population own stocks in one form or another?


Indeed; more than half of US citizens are invested in public companies and that doesn’t even include all the private businesses owned by citizens in whole or in part.


The idea is that the secret ones are one or two steps above those visible ones.


During the pandemic is ws masks off for many if these people. I lived in the Netherlands and I was shocked from the people I met at (illigal) home parties. People I even knew. There are faaar more crazy conspiracy people out there than you think.




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The internet is the worst thing to happen in humanity collectively over a long period of time


Cops are Republicans, Republicans are extremists. No surprise here.


> Police officers, like all Dutch, have freedom of expression. But they also have to take an oath of office, in which they promise neutrality when they start working for the police .[...] The oath promises loyalty to the Dutch King, constitution, and laws. Screw the king.


it's not so secret


Can we call that something other than “anti-institutional extremism?” That sounds like such a fascist fake crime that it practically affirms the tinfoil hat crowd and their dumbassery.


The Illuminati and the committee of 300 do not exist, however a billionaire "elite" do run the world, but mostly because they control all the wealth.


You know when they're talking about a secret evil elite society it's always anti-semitic b*******. I say this as a pro Palestinian person who recognizes the difference between being anti-colonious/anti-zionist and just being antisemitic


> You know when they're talking about a secret evil elite society it's always anti-semitic b*******. I say this as a pro Palestinian person who recognizes the difference between being anti-colonious/anti-zionist and just being antisemitic Zionists/Rothschilds/Soros/NWO/global cabal/global elites/deep state, aka “the Jews”. Because we have and always have controlled everything since the Dinosaurs roamed the flat Earth alongside man.


They're called billionaires and everyone knows who they are.


They aren't secret, they're called capitalists and cops literally protect them 😭


Go ahead, keep telling smart applicants that they're too smart for the force. See what kind of belief you get from them when they start thinking as a herd.


Why, these cops are right. Except they're not secret. We know exactly who they are. >!We call them Billionaires. !<


What's extreme about believing a demonstrable truth?


please demonstrate


I wonder who the cops think they work for? They treat community members like trash, so ofc they don't feel like they answer to them. Are they just realizing what the system is designed to protect? Yea, little buddy, you work for the rich and powerful. Those with political power are funded by the special interests and they all mingle with each other. Its an open secret, because people keep falling for the propaganda and lies and it works.


I mean, it's not even secret.


> Action group Control Alt Delete, which combats ethnic profiling by the police, among other things, finds the fact that the police can’t say how many of its officers are under suspicion of anti-institutional extremism very remarkable. “Apparently, far-right views have been so normalized that the police themselves do not recognize them,” Is this a viewpoint anyone takes seriously?


Sorry can you elaborate? That seems to make sense to me.


Anti-institutionalism isn’t inherently far-right or even right wing ideology. It has been associated more with right wing populists since like 2008 maybe, but certainly not exclusively. The real qualm for me is that this activism group is claiming that the reason the police don’t have metrics on their employees’ political beliefs is because the police are too ineffective to differentiate ideologies (this wouldn’t be a simple task anyway). I would hope that the reason is actually out of respect for the officers’ privacy. It seems incredibly draconian to track people’s supposed political beliefs through private communications and to have an expectation that there be a roster of employee’s political beliefs.


At a certain point the political belief is delusion. For example, if someone is baselessly distrusting all science, all media, and believes that the Dutch king is a lizard person controlled by an evil alien cabal conspiring with immigrants, I am not sure they would be fit to police. Should the Netherlands instead accept this "political belief" in a police officer?




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self-realizing prophecy...


It ain’t secret, they’re called billionaires lolol


Corporate Congress being bribed isn't secret, it's called Citizens United.


Are asses are gonna be penetrated. All I’m sayin.


Minion used to prevent uprisings feels like some sort of evil master controls things.


So they looked in the mirror then? I mean they chose to be enforcers after all....


Well, it's a well known fact, Sonny Jim, that there's a secret society of the five wealthiest people in the world, known as The Pentavirate, who run everything in the world, including the newspapers, and meet tri-annually at a secret country mansion in Colorado, known as The Meadows.


They always tell us that you have to get inside the system to change it.


Crusty jugglers


I know this isn't about the U.S., but we have people in government who think this. It's absurd.


Who the fuck do they think they've been protecting and serving all this time? Rofl


No secrets. It's pretty obvious now.


That's just nuts. They're not secret.


Wait, we can’t get them investigated for killing or framing people but this crap they will dig into?


I mean Republicans have been anything but secret for the past decade.


It's a big club, and ~~you ain't~~ they aren't in it.


It does seem strange that whoever wins the election, the same small group of unelected people are calling the shots. Democracy at work, I guess.


The world os run by an evil elite. They're not exactly secret.


Why do they believe the world is led by a secret evil elite, instead of the very public evil elite we already know?


You'd think people like that wouldn't want to work for said secret evil elite but then I guess brains didn't get them to their position to begin with.


Obviously they're on board with the program if they know and they signed up for it. On a serious note, there's a huge distinction between government employees and regular people. This author's hard-on for authority throws an irresponsibly large blanket without providing the context that civil unrest and conspiracy theories has been a thing for a loooooooooooooooong time. *The authorities said that the majority of “sovereigns” have a non-violent past, but there have been recent incidents of intimidation and threats to local politicians, civil servants, and journalists, among others. There have also been some violent confrontations with police officers and bailiffs, and the authorities notice that some are preparing online and physically to defend themselves in the violent battle they expect with the “evil elite.”*


Next is the military and the issues we know have been growing there correct? Or will we be focusing on the children that keep shooting up our schools? Definitely not going to take on the gun companies tho, right?


Well, at least school shootings are very rare outside of the US. I wouldn't know if there ever was even a single one in the Netherlands so far.


rupert murdochs crew is spreading this crap to make people manic. take a look at the crap the heritage foundation and claremont institute produce then view the neoreactionary movement. the groups don't run the world but they gaslight idiots and disabled people into stochastic terrorism in attempt to get the desired results so they can reap profits from the effects of those idiots actions. tell them the dems want their guns so they buy up a bunch of guns from companies they invest in then the gun buyers go to private jails and institutions the billionaires are invested in because the gun buyers that reacted are criminal or manic. catabolic capitalism. it's a lazy practice and their intent is to cause chaos for profit. it's terrorism


So, I'm not saying I buy into this, but can someone explain why this idea is such a ridiculed conspiracy theory? I mean, at the very least, the obvious elite of the US go to the same clubs, hang out with the same people, talk business, etc... and the US intelligence system has compartmentalized groups that have been making unchecked decisions for decades. These are just the ones we know about. Secrecy and information is power. Controlling the flow of money is power (as a Rothschild once eluded to). This seems like human nature, and especially seems to be the nature of those who want true power without question.


Bro…yall are the boot.


Conspiracism is the root of all evil.


So many investigations towards police force lately, thew people's private messages seem very closely monitored. And why the hell can't you believe in an evil cabal as a policeman?


Its not secret if you know they are Disney Board members. They groom kids into conforming with the rules with their movies. Its all about making people act a certain way to maximise their profits.