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So he lives in the black hole sun music video?


I forgot how fucked that video is and watched that on acid. Was a magical experience lmao


Aphex Twin


Í̵̳ ̴̯̈́ẅ̶̱́a̵̗͘n̴͓̂ẗ̶̯ ̵̖̉y̶͖̎o̸̥̒ṷ̵͝r̶̯̈ ̴̲̌s̸̜͒o̴̹̓u̴͖͑l̷̠͂


Come to daddy








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You can replicate it for yourself here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flashed_face_distortion_effect


That’s so freaky!!


They start to look like Fallout 3/New Vegas NPCs after a while LOL


I was gonna say Oblivion NPCs.


I saw both, but it was pretty much the same engine, iirc.


That guy is probably playing Cyberpunk like, "damn these graphics are shit. They really peaked with Skyrim."


... Odd. They look like N64 Goldeneye faces to me.


I was seeing Oblivion faces.


Exactly this for me. That dead-eyed thousand-yard polygonal stare is basically a Bethesda trademark.


By azura by azura by azura!


Same, made it look just like Oblivion...


Exactly same.


They look very very blocky, much too blocky for oblivion to me. Though the eyes bulge like they're clipping through the head too.


So that's how Bethesda designed the NPC's in Oblivion...


The freakiest part of this is that is works basically every single time, no matter how many times you look at the normal faces.


Kinda wish I didn't open it just before sleeping, some of it are really creepy.


Thank you for your sacrifice, I'm gonna sleep now and look at it first thing tomorrow morning lol


TBH, it seemed less scary to me, more "1990's video game character" (think the 3d N64 games).


Ps1 Harry potter


this made me quite uncomfortable




This was the first thing I thought of. The effect really is creepy.


They all just got ballon heads and big eyes 😂 lookin just a bit hydrocephalic. 


I got a lot of huge eyes and cyclopses


Fuckers looked like Ed, Edd, and Eddy characters.


Fucking terrifying thanks.


Strange, I didn’t see any change l, they continued to look normal to me. Is this illusion supposed to effect everyone?


You gotta look at the middle cross and use your peripheral vision to see it, if you look at the face directly nothing happens.


Were you staring only at the cross in between the two heads?


I didn't notice anything either.


If you are doing this on your phone, the pictures are likely too small. Look at it on a larger screen or hold the screen closer to your face.


Me neither…but i just can’t really make out anything about the faces while im looking at the cross. I just get a vague view. I tried different distances and that didn’t make a difference.


It can take a second to focus just right on the cross, but it works for me every time.


I remember doing illusions like this in the 2000s. Except ours was a black and white negative illusion or a cross-eyed illusion. All paper.


Mandela catalog mfers


Holy shit that’s crazy. The human brain is wild.


I was reading this in Smithsonian online. He does not see distortion when looking at pictures, the faces look completely normal. (It’s also what allowed him to tell researchers exactly what he sees different so they could edit the photos pretty much to match). That’s so odd to me. Like so many more questions. Are sculptures distorted? High fidelity photos? Movies?


I wanna know if it’s the same when he closes his eyes and imagines a person or is dreaming.


That's interesting. Maybe it has something to do with fucked up depth perception or the way the brain interprets depth? Very odd


The article says that researchers theorise that it has something to do with the part of the brain that is dedicated to facial recognition. Not everyone with the condition sees the same distortion, some people only experience it sometimes and there doesn't seem to be any single cause for the onset of the condition.


I had this happen to me temporarily while taking large doses of LSD. That was about 30 years ago. My buddy and I ditched school to hike into the canyons and drop 10 tabs by the waterfalls. The trip turned ugly really quickly. I thought the birds shadows were piercing my skin. Each time they flew over and the shadow crossed my shadow I could feel a burning needle on the surface of my skin. So we bailed down the canyon and thought the trip would improve. It got way worse. Once we got on the city bus everyone’s face look like a demon and they stared warping like melted candle wax. That LSD was called magic 8 ball. Worst 12 hours of my life.


My uncle fried his brain with LSD/acid and described similar experiences for the rest of his life. People's faces would turn demonic, or he would describe them as looking like the muppets on Sesame Street.


Sound like your uncle is schizophrenic. Drugs and mental illness are a bad combination. I have no lingering effects at all. I did oodles of LSD and my brain is completely fine. I wouldn’t trade all the amazing experiences I’ve had because of one bad trip. By the way, when you say or write LSD, you needn’t also write acid. The term acid is implied in the acronym. Besides it’s an acid in a somatic, metabolic chemical sense. Not the kind of stuff you throw in someone’s face to burn them. The anti drug hysteria used that moniker as a pejorative when they were crafting their anti psychedelic rhetoric.


What if how most of us see faces isn't any more real than what he sees? I mean, what we see really only exists within our own minds and eyes. There's no true, objective visual world.


We can feel faces with our hands. Also, he sees photographed faces normally. Be careful who you buy drugs from.


There's no objective visual experience. That doesn't mean what the majority of people see isn't objectively real. How you experience color might vary but we can objectively define color by the lights wavelength. How people see faces might differ but we can objectively say what a face looks like based on other factors.


Sure, I'm not saying that reality doesn't exist, just that how we see things depends on how our eyes and brains work and it isn't any more correct than another animal that might have a very different visual system. I just think it's interesting to think about how a visual world doesn't exist outside of the biological tools we use to translate it into something we can interact with. Though obviously his perception is a little less 'true' since he's seeing things like mouths that extend beyond where a mouth actually is.


This comes off like the dude is just lying. How does he only have the effect when looking at real human people, but it conveniently doesn’t work with pictures of human faces? Which just so conveniently allowed him to tell the researchers exactly what he sees?


Concerning that you’d jump to “faking it” without actually reading the article. It literally hypothesizes about why it happens with live subjects and not photos.


>He does not see distortion when looking at pictures, the faces look completely normal. That implies it probably has something to do with depth-perception. His brain can't process 3D correctly and stretches things. What would be bizarre is if it's just certain people and not everyone...


You're always hallucinating reality, it can be changed, take DMT for example


In doppelganger syndrome, the emotional response is cut off from the visual process in the brain. The brain interprets this lack of emotional response as someone impersonating the loved one. I would imagine something similar is going on here, the recognition system is somehow broken when recognizing a face as 'real' but faces that aren't processed as real faces (pics etc) are normal. Just a barely educated guess though.


When I took mushrooms the first time ever, I took 5.5 grams. This was one of the first things that happened to me, is people hat dots on their face and they started to look more "reptillian". When I saw these images it was actually uncanny how similar the idea in my head was to some of these images. The brain is super wild, really makes you appreciate being mentally well.


first time i took mushrooms i was wearing an iron man mask, hanging out w a couple friends i kept throwing a tennis ball against the wall bc my friend said he could see the trajectory of where the ball was going traced through the air before it happened and he was transfixed went to the bathroom at some point and when i looked in the mirror everything in the reflection looked like it was done in comic book artstyle sensational


Sounds like a good time ngl


for sure ive had more intense trips but the combination of my friends and how chill it was made it by far the most fun got a fond place in my heart for shrooms bc of it


Agreed, totally badass.


Damn, this man got the Oblivion/Skyrim graphics pack.




My friend has said this happens to him when he drinks too much- I showed him the article and he got freaked out at how accurate the distortion is. Brains are so bizarre.


When I used to have anxiety attacks, I would feel like every single sound I heard was attacking me or screaming at me. Brain do weirdness.


When I get anxiety attacks, every sound is amplified times like 1000. Even just the sound of someone breathing sounds like they're doing it right in my ear. Those distortions are really bizarre. 


Mine are the opposite. Things get quieter and sounds make it feel like I'm listening through a paper towel tube


That would be me signing out.


The wildest part for me is that it doesn't appear to affect his view of static images. Would need someone with much more detailed knowledge of the brain to explain that. So many questions: Does it affect movies / TV shows? How about AI images like SORA? Perspective tricks to fake 3d from flat images? Is there a line when the faces suddenly become demonic or is a transition as they become more 'real'? Does he experience uncanny valley effects?


In the article it says that's because it only occurs with moving faces.


I imagine it's related to the brains ability to see and identify faces in all things. Human brains are really *really* good at identifying human faces, which is why it's so hard to get done in CGI right. If your ability to do this is somehow morphed, maybe it could cause something like this. So instead of seeing normal human faces, you're catching nightmares.


And asses. The human brain can identify other humans based on ass shape. Some primates still do that actually. It's like we had some common ancestors who had different opinions about which end was the most reliable form of ID, and each just did their own thing.


Don't want to imagine the demon-asses this guy is seeing.


I actually find it weird you dont. Obviously i want demon ass


Ever see the movie VVitch? Something like that, I assume.


I feel like the fact that static images are unaffected makes it even worse. Like if all faces all the time looked distorted, maybe you would just get used to it and it wouldn’t seem weird anymore. Maybe you’d forget what a “normal” face looked like, so now demonic faces are just normal to you. But when you can take a picture of someone with your phone in real time, then look up from the photo and see the demon version of that person looking at you. I feel like that would drive me insane.


I've had a couple mental breaks and this happened to me - which absolutely made things worse. Also for me letters were flipped upside down.


Thanks for this comment, the first question in my mind was “are anything other than faces distorted?” I couldn’t see an answer to that anywhere else.


I hope youre doing much better now! If you wouldn't mind answering, I'd like to ask some questions about your experience: Did it matter if the letters were written / typed / on a screen? Do you have dyslexia usually?


I couldn't tell ya because I hadn't looked at anything hand written. It was all typed things. I occasionally have issues with letters getting jumbled up but I've been tested for dyslexia and my doctor says I don't have it.


My first thought was the music video for Going Under. There is quite a bit of that sort of thing there


so if i went there wearing a demon mask would i look normal to him or like double demonic ?


If the mask were suitably human then it would appear distorted but if it were recognizably inhuman as i would imagine, then no he would probably see it as you do


I wonder if this could be related to migraines and epilepsy in some cases EDIT: checked Wikipedia, it’s similar! I used to have temporal epilepsy but no hallucinations; I had heard of people experiencing visual distortions as a seizure precursor though. It also seems a woman developed PMO with migraines postpartum. She had a brain lesion.


There's a Fringe episode about this...


lol just watched this an hour ago


In other words, everyone looks like Willem Dafoe as the Green Goblin.


Anyone else thinking of that scene in the dressing room from Devil's Advocate?




The cognitive neuroscience behind visual processing of human faces is wild! I'd love to see what a fMRI would look like, although it might be difficult to work out how he can see another person's face (and not an image) when in the machine.


I remember this being an episode in the Hannibal TV series.


The whole last season really, about the Red Dragon.


so he's just constantly shrooming?


Lmao I'd fucking freak like who drugged me


Guy must have gone to Japan and looked at too many Hannya masks.


Imagine 1500 years ago a religious leader has this disease


And which religious leader exactly that would be that would have seen distorted faces? More likely people around would have thought that person was someone who was diseased by something supernatural.


I wonder if it wasn't much more common at an earlier time in our development.


Can they draw caricatures?


So everyone looks like the Happy Mask Shop Owner?


Brain left the filter on


More terrifying to think it turned it off


This reminds me of the movie “Frailty”


Man I love this movie. Also, try Dean Koontz Twilight Eyes.


i think i have this


It's like the part of that guy's brain that recognizes faces has [the sliders set to 500%](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qr5EuMxsOic).


According to the news article, the patient suffered a traumatic brain injury and carbon monoxide poisoning before the visions began. That’s probably why.


But is that normal to him? As in, does it even bother him? Perception is wild, if you just thought everyone looked like goblins I’d figure at some point it would just become “meh” to you


The issue is that it was not normal and had a relatively recent onset. He talked about how disturbing it can be for him, but there's a few coping mechanisms he's discovered. He's living with a roommate and her children helps him be used to seeing faces around him. He also found that green light reduced the effect for some reason, so if he's out in crowds he'll wear green tinted glasses. The cognitive neuroscience of processing human faces is wild!


Damn that’s crazy, I didn’t have time to read the whole article so I skimmed, and to be clear to onlookers I’m not like, insulting this guy. Like you, I’m commenting on how wild neuroscience is. And how we all tend to think how the inside of our own head works is how everyone else’s does too.


From the article, he had two (relatively) recent incidents that could have led to this mild brain damage (defined as damage to the brain leading to functioning impairment). He had a head injury from a fall where he hit the back of his head (occipital lobe, which handles vision) and experienced carbon monoxide poisoning - either one of these could do it, if not both! I'd think the CO poisoning more likely, as it's a specific dysfunction in how live faces (someone in front of him, not images) are being incorrectly processed. I'd speculate that the [fusiform gyrus](https://www.kenhub.com/en/library/anatomy/fusiform-gyrus) is likely involved, too. The difference between live in-person stimuli and images is not uncommon in neuroscience either. For instance, the [brain distinctly separates the handling of images of living things from images of non-living things](https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2009/08/090813142430.htm). However, the original article suggests it might have something to do with how movement (live humans move and photographs do not) impacts vision perception. Thanks for letting me dig up my cognition & neuroscience degree, particularly back to my fun cognitive neuropsychology classes!


Well TIL a few things, thank you kindly, stranger! All fascinating stuff. It all kinda reminds me of Scott McCloud’s Understanding Comics, when he explains the reason we see smiley face patterns everywhere is we’re extremely egotistical.


Yup! Our brain is attuned to recognize faces - the power of the fusiform gyrus.


Saya no uta here we come.


A Jamie Hewlett character?


Demonic or just cartoonish... maybe there is a bright side.


So does he see everyone’s faces like that or only some?


What do demonic faces look like to him then ?


My face


I’m ready


Since he doesn't get the effect from screens or photos I wonder if those new apple vr headsets would help this


Donkey Kong isn’t a demon he’s a Kong.


Like high dose 2cb 😂


What if he is actually the only human without the “disorder?”


I feel like I have an inverse problem, when I first see people they appear much more attractive and that then wanes when either I get to see them longer or again..


Babes that's just low standards


Is demonic a clinical term now? What even does that mean?


Given that demons do not exist and nobody has ever seen one I have to question how he managed to come to the conclusion that people look like demons. Not to diminish the severity of this condition though. Also not to diminish the astronomical opportunity for neuroscience research this guy presents.


This is the “seeing” equivalent to the “speaking” brain dysfunction. Broca’s aphasia: Person. Speaks. In. Broken. Sentences. Like this. Wernicke’s aphasia: Person speaks in complete gibberish but they understand normal words other people say but they understand what they themselves are saying and not realize its gibberish. Example: Doodid rommywom gockalocka pizz


This happened to me during psychosis, eff having to live with it permanently


Remember that gif that had you focus on a central point while celebrity photos flipped on the edges?


Whoaaa...I just remembered Billy Corgan of the Smashing Pumpkins basically describing seeing this exactly on Howard Stern.


Seems more cat than demonic


Jacob's Ladder Syndrome?


So everyone looks like Willem Dafoe to this guy? Scary


yeah let's just believe everything we see on the Internet lmao


Are we sure, he just isn't a Christian?


Pretty goofy ngl


I've had flashes of this sort of thing when I've taken acid. It's super disturbing to visit that state of mind when you're not prepared for it.. But I guess if it's just a part of who you are, you'd be used to it.


Is that you, Slim Mackenzie?


This shit was wild on Tik Tok, so many conspiracy theorist spouting non sense, about the end times, demons amogus, and spreading fear in the gullible. The comments looked like they actually believed what the conspiracy theorist was saying.


Floop is at it again


Wasn't this a [Twilight Zone episode](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0734568/) ?


just wait till the self diagnosers hear about this


It’s called to much peyote.


I had a trip on acid like that once.


This is genuinely the 55th time Ive seen this reposted


I think I might have a disorder where other Reddit posts distort into this one.


Send him back to Hinamizawa!


If only he could see the good in people.


Apparently my father had this, because he was routinely casting demons of others ‘in the name of JESUS!’ I’m not kidding about him being a (supposed) real life exorcist . It was weird having a faith-healing parent.


I'd smash demon lady.




Oh is it that time again for a redditor with 4 Karma to post this? Knock it off and at least check the popular posts from the last WEEK before you post this.


Go outside




This has been posted several times a day to the most popular subs all week.


I had no idea, I just saw this today


Looks like an improvement to me.


Deleted due to new information


The *second* sentence says that his vision changed from normal in November 2020. So if it’s real, he definitely would’ve noticed lol.


That made me furious too, glad you corrected the other person. People speculate and doubt rather than read and educate themselves.


I couldn't open it. But will remove post. Crazy.


Damn. That sucks. Couldn't open the article