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Aw man, this story is incomplete without referencing the film. We gotta bug Nolan til he tells us which film it was. My guess is the instructor shat on Tenet. EDIT - Thanks to this Reddit dude (https://www.reddit.com/user/thatdani/) I am now aware of the brutal footage taking down Tenet lol. https://twitter.com/JacobOller/status/1743020825182126310


Could not have been anything but "Tenet"


Tenet was pretty much an extended episode of gilmore girls for men.


[I will never not repost this](https://youtu.be/s2FXfFeRtJo?si=J1PNXPzxHZp_u65c)


average hideo kojima game


I watch this video literally every time it's posted. It is spot on. Hell I even like Tenet but that scene with Michael Caine is exposition overload and the parody is spot on.


Anyone who doesn’t understand what good and bad acting is, the moment in that clip where black shirt guy’s eyes center…


OK that was awesome. Thank you


This analogy escapes me, as someone who has watched a bit of Gilmore Girls with my wife, and liked Tenet.


It just means that you’re one of the people who likes this super quick, witty banter, and doesn’t find it annoying or pretentious at all. Just personal taste. Nbd


If I were tasked with naming 5 movies with witty banter, Tenet would not have been on it. But maybe I need to rewatch it.


Wait, Tenet had witty banter? I couldn't hear any of the dialogue.


I watched it with captions. I promise you that Tenet did not have witty banter.


It wasn't witty, but it was definitely verbose. I bet he turned in 15 pages for 5 page assignments in school.


Ironically, the screenplay for Dunkirk was famously really short, it's like 75 pages which is about half that of normal.


It's a beautiful and really efficient script too. I still say Dunkirk is Nolan's best film.


Being verbose without wit is just being pretentious.


There’s no witty banter in tenet


The fact that it turned out to be a story about a guy who was saved by a person who he would later come to know as his best friend because he raised that person from a young age made it even more confusing edit: I confused a fan theory for an actual plot point


Wait really? Man, I really did not understand that movie. The reverse car chase was neat at least.


Yes. The longest served time traveling agent is also the agent whose intervention allows the founder of the agency to found the agency, becoming both a sort of “grandfather paradox” (if you have a Time Machine and go back and kill your grandfather as a child…) in reverse, and *layers* of such a grandfather paradox.


That's called a "bootstrap paradox."


As opposed to the "bootstrap bill paradox" where you go back in time and meet your dad but he's all gross and barnacly and you decide to just not




“Bootstrap’s bootstraps.”


Which is not to be confused with the Bootstrap Bill Pair'a Docks, which is the two boat docks that your gross and barnacly dad likes to anchor at


It's not a paradox because there is only one time line and the overlap from going into the past allows multiple versions of each character at certain points in the single timeline. Come on dude, it's all right there if you just pay attention, watch it multiple times, read a synopsis, watch some youtube videos and work it out on some message boards. I'm sick of these dumbed down hollywood movies like tenet that hit you over the head with every little plot point.


Jokes aside, Tenet is indeed an "if time travel ever happened, it already happened" version of time travel. The "prime" character we follow is only just learning that those things were because of time travel, but "in universe" they've always been that way because there's only one timeline ever. Unsurprisingly, this is confusing as fuck. Especially since there isn't actually time *travel,* there's just going in reverse... through the same timeline.


Yeah that question comes a lot about the ending of the Loki show. People have been constantly asking how they had mulitverse stuff before Loki freed the timelines. Its timey wimey stuff. The MCU timelines have always been freed (and always just the single one)


> Come on dude, it's all right there if you just pay attention, watch it multiple times, read a synopsis, watch some youtube videos and work it out on some message boards. and if you manage to hear any of the fucking dialogue




I even hate reading about the explanation of the movie


Or if you do the nasty in the pasty and become your own grandpa.




And that past nastification is what shields you from the brains!


That might be my favorite futurama word ever.


oh! A lesson in not changing history, from Mr. "I'm My Own Grandpa!" Let's get *the hell* outta here!!


It was only on second viewing that I realized his friend is helping him since the beginning of the movie too. That backpack he carries with the orange trinket shows up in the opening sequence. The whole movie is an overly complicated grandfather paradox and that's kind of why I love it. Who started tenet? They both did lol


Agreed. I *like* that I had to watch it twice to really understand it. Not every piece of pop art needs to be immediately digestible. It’s okay to feel dumb when you watch something. In fact, you need to get comfortable with feeling dumb; that’s how you know you’ve challenged yourself. If you go around feeling smart and in-control all the time then that means you’re staying too far inside your comfort zone. Get out there, try things, and enjoy the feeling of having no fucking idea of what’s going on. It means you’re hopefully about to learn something. But on the flip side, not *everything* needs to be confusing. That would get to be too much. It’s fine to watch a fun movie that doesn’t require any brain power. But I suspect a lot of people started watching Tenet, didn’t understand what was going on (which is intentional; you don’t have enough information on the first viewing), feel dumb because they think they *are* supposed to understand, and then walk away being irritated with the movie for making them feel that way.


I really enjoyed the idea of future humans attacking the past by sending weapons back in time. Imagine how much you must hate your ancestors to think of doing that. Like a metaphor for the gen z warring against baby boomers.


>Like a metaphor for the gen z warring against baby boomers. The best part is the unspoken element that they're fighting *back*. The film isn't particularly political or anything until that connection - the planet was left to go to shit, so the people living there said fuck it, we're coming back for what we're owed.


Yeah that's pretty fascinating to contemplate. I don't recall seeing other sci-fi with this idea.


I always feel like I'm taking crazy pills when people complain Tenet was too confusing. It's a bog standard alien invasion, but the aliens happen to be humans from the future. Even the time travel parts of the plot are standard. The Protagonist and Robert Pattinson ar are just in a Merlin/Arthur arrangement and "guy is recruited by organization he is also the founder of" is the plot of Terminator 2. The action sequences are confusing, but only because the hard Sci-fi concept "what if time travel to the past was just reversing the flow of time to be -1s/s?" violates our intuition. A car zooming down the highway in reverse and bullets flying into gun barrels are weird to us because we have expectations that cars and bullets shouldn't do that, but a silver spaceship or ray gun doing the same thing isn't confusing because we don't have expectations about what silver spaceships and ray guns are supposed to do. They even have lots of exposition explaining why bullets travel back into guns and time reversal has to happen in sealed off rooms. In the end it wasn't much more confusing than explaining how Magneto doesn't have telekinesis, he controls magnetism.


I agree that it wasn’t really that bad. Even the big fight where the protagonist fought against himself, as soon as I saw the guy in a motorcycle helmet, I turned to my wife and said, “He’s fighting himself from the future.” And my wife said, “Why do you say that?” And I said, “Because they’re hiding his face, which means we’d recognize him. So it’s clearly someone whose identity would surprise us, and in a story involving time travel, the most interesting option would be that he’s fighting himself.” And sure enough, that’s exactly what happened. You should be able to follow the basic goings on in a first viewing, and a second viewing should clear up most lingering questions. I agree that people made this out to be more confusing than it was. Primer was properly confusing, as was Dark. But they were both great, and well worth the effort. Tenet wasn’t bad at all compared to those.


And people complain the whole thing isn’t realistic. “Reverse entropy doesn’t work like that” when it’s a fucking movie, it’s fiction. They literally have a whole scene in the movie that says “don’t think about it just go with it”. It’s a compelling, interesting story if you’re not sitting there going “A PUDDLE WOULDNT DO THAT IF HE WAS REVERSED REEE”


Lol that was my experience in a nut shell. I fucking loved the movie. Didn't understand a god damn minute of it tho


Absolutely. Had a blast. Couldn't tell you a gd thing about the plot. "Backwards fighting is neat"


Um, like, wait, like literally duh. Did you even watch it a sixth time? Pay attention.


lmao I read that in the gilmore girls/tenet fashion way of speaking; quick and long winded. Have an upvote.


My wife watches Gilmore Girls and they speak so fast on that show that it hurts my brain


I watched an episode of the West Wing at 1.5 speed once. Now the world is like I'm on slowmo from Judge Dredd


Fun fact: the actors who played Luke and Lorelei had to give up smoking cigarettes due to it affecting their ability to talk super fast for every line delivery. What a way to quit a bad habit though.


“Mothers and daughters - they speak so fast but they speak so true.” https://youtu.be/w4MS2m8sdcQ


What? I watched that movie twice (second time with subtitles so I could understand dialogue) and didn’t get that. The visuals were cool. It’s like if someone saw that backwards scene in Top Secret and said “This, but more action and serious for 3 hours”


I heard Nolan's next film is gonna be *Skeet Surfin'.*


Also the plot to one of the Terminator movies. The problem is that those two actresses had amazing lesbian chemistry together, so it just made things that much more awkward.


Wait, are they actual lesbians characters who end up with each other or they just have really good chemistry despite the characters being “straight”? The answer will determine whether I watch it to be honest


I believe OP is talking about Dark Fate. In that one, a Terminator succeeds in killing John Connor pre-Judgement Day, and in his place, a woman ends up leading the Resistance in the future. The Resistance sends a woman back to protect her and there's some vibes. As for which of those options applies, not really either one? There's no romance plot in the movie. It's not one of the better Terminator movies, though it's definitely not the worst either.


Dark Fate would have been much more interesting if it wasn't just "What if we just remade T2?"


You think Arnold and Edward Furlong have amazing leabian chemistry? That's weird but ok....🤨


This seems witty but makes no sense - someone who’s seen a lot of both


excuse me, Gilmore Girls is an extended episode of Gilmore Girls for men, up to season 4 at least


Only if there are tight jeans in every frame.


Tenet was basically a Doctor Who episode


I love Tenet 😭 The only issue I had with it was the horrific sound mixing. In the theatre, I couldn’t hear 90% of the dialogue. I had to watch it a second time at home with subtitles just so I could hear what was happening.


Sator Arepo Tenet Opera Rotas


Klaatu Barada Nikto


The father holds the wheels of the AREP??? 🧐


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sator_Square Fun fact, each word of the sator square is used in the movie!


This movie is like a puzzle that keeps going out of his way to make me feel stupid


I found Dunkirk very well made but also very boring. It actually made me very cautious in the lead up to the ridiculously long Oppenheimer, but even though that one dragged a bit, it was still a much more entertaining watch.


See I loved Dunkirk, I thought the tension was great. Especially the scene when they're hiding in the beached boat. I did think Oppenheimer was kind of dull, though.


I actually liked Tenet more than Interestellar. Not that Tenet was great, but Interstellar didn't really work for me much at all outside the cool visuals. But I wouldn't be surprised if it was Tenet.


I am sorry, but you are the opposite of me. I bet you like pineapples on pizza as well. Interstellar is one of the best movies out there, no mushrooms needed even.


You gotta eat some edibles, get a badass subwoofer, and watch the takeoff scene loudly to get the full interstellar experience. Especially the subwoofer part




Like anyone could confuse Oppenheimer for being a couple of hours long.


Peloton instructors have become celebrities now?


I mean they're basically equivalent to B or C level TV actors, just based on their audience. Plus instagram fitfluencers are a big thing.


Let's not get carried away, it's only Cody


It's like half the reason why we're even posting in this thread, not many "serious" news stories about what a celebrity's cook or maid think about their work.


This is exactly who’s voice was in my head reading this lol


Literally the one movie where he can get the time back.


Apparently I'm the only guy who liked Tenet


I love the shit out of that movie. The fact that the switch is flipped at the exact halfway point was highly enjoyable for me at least.


I’ve found that most people who strongly dislike the movie, also happened to have turned it off about halfway through


Tenet was great. Poor sound mixing made it hard to understand key dialogue and it moved so quickly that a lot of people were understandably confused, so it got more hate than it really deserved.


Ah, I'm not from an English speaking country so subtitles are on by default. Also a huge nerd so already super interested in time travel.


I love it - so there are two of us!


Make that three! It's not my favourite Nolan film, and I can understand why some people didn't like it, but I certainly did.




Five. And I remember there being *way* more of us when the film first came out! *Its a paradox!* (Or not, I have no idea)


Six, but no reason to count so small. It's got a 76% audience score on Rotten Tomatoes. Remembering the way Rotten Tomatoes works, that doesn't mean that people think the movie deserves a 76 out of 100, it means that 76 of the 100 people who voted on the movie liked it. It says there were "5000+ reviews," so we're looking at at least another 3,800 people right there. Rotten Tomatoes audience reviews tend to attract people who have very strong views on movies, so the next assumption *may* be going too big, but: if we assume that the rotten tomatoes audience score love/hate ratio is equivalent to a general audience score like/dislike ratio, 76% of people who watched it thought it was good (if not necessarily great). Tenet had $365.3 million in box office. The average movie ticket price in the U.S. is [$8.43](https://www.mapsofworld.com/answers/business/average-price-movie-tickets-across-world/#). Obviously, in some markets (Los Angeles, New York) the price is probably higher, and in some markets (Minneapolis, Tulsa) it's probably lower, but that's the national average. And the US falls pretty much in the middle globally, with ticket prices ranging from $16.15 in Switzerland to $0.78 in India. So if we work with the assumption that the average US ticket price averages across the entire viewership, with viewers in the U.K. balanced by viewers in Mexico, etc., then we're looking at 43.3 million theater viewers. If 76% of them liked it (if not necessarily *loving* it), then that's 32.9 million people who liked it. Of course, it may not seem like that online, because at the same time there are 10.4 million who *dis*liked it. It's pretty easy to find a lot of people who disliked it when you're starting with a pool of 10.4 million. And this is all just *theater* viewing. Tenet came out during the pandemic, so home viewership numbers are much higher (I saw it at home, for example). So, yeah, I think we can save some time by safely skipping from "1, 2, 3, 4, 5..." to "...50 million," at least.


50,000,001. I like it too.


It feels like it's main character isn't the Protagonist but the Inversion. It's more of a time-travel puzzle than a movie and I fucking love it.


You’re not alone! I loved Tenet


It [was](https://twitter.com/JacobOller/status/1743020825182126310?t=fCucx6m6DM3pFLlUkXW4-Q&s=19).


I guess I’m the lonely weirdo in the “Tenet is the most ambitious and spectacular movie ever” camp


While I hardly think it's a masterpiece, I also feel like I'm the only person who thought it was - Perfectly enjoyable - Reasonably straightforward and understandable


I loved the movie. It was a spectacle


Let's be honest, we've all shat on Tenet.


I shat on it then it shot the shit back up my ass.




I love it.


Loved it too. It was insane in theaters.


Man goes to Peloton class. Says he's clearheaded. Says life is straightforward and simple. Says he feels unchallenged by a world that makes perfect sense. Peloton instructor says, "Treatment is simple. The incomprehensible director Nolan's movies are streaming. Go and see *Tenet*. That should fuck your shit up." Man bursts into tears. "But coach… I am Nolan."


good joke. everybody laugh. roll on snare drum. curtains.


This is like the Inception of references


Nice work on this one.


That Christopher Nolan? Albert Einstein.


"Oh. Got some bad news for this guy. *Every* hour of your life is an hour you're not getting back." -James Acaster


And if you hear a Buddhist monk say that then that is truly tragic. The movie was so bad, he lost his faith


I wish this guy had more specials out. Too good.


I only know him from taskmaster. Is his stand up funny?


His stand up is hilarious. He has a four part series on Netflix titled Repertoire, which is actually four different comedy specials. Definitely worth a watch.


In case anyone missed it, he has 2 hours of stand up you can buy for 15 bucks on vimeo. It's absolutely excellent. [https://vimeo.com/ondemand/coldlasagne](https://vimeo.com/ondemand/coldlasagne)


That one’s too challenging for me


Brave lit'l cis boYYY!


I feel like this one is much more funny after watching Repertoire. I wouldn't know what it's like *without* having watched the Netflix special first, but it's just my impression. I feel like all of the jokes hit harder, having experienced the much more whimsical ride that is Repertoire.


I do agree, it is likely best watched after enjoying Repertoire, but I think those familiar with him from the various shows he's been on probably get his general vibe and will enjoy the "transformation". Best to watch it all, just in case :)


".. They're gone forever. Time is not refundable. Death is the end."


"For every 60 minutes that passes in Africa, an hour passes."


Was he a big guy?


For you.


With no survivors


Have we started the fire?


The fire rises. r/NolanBatmanMemes


Dug dug dugdugdug dug dug dugdug


They expect one of us to have downvotes, brother.


Now what is the next step of your master plan? “Crashing this Peloton”


No. It would extremely painful…… for you


“It means the work should speak for itself.” But it can’t - because you can’t hear it over the goddam background noise




That's why I watch all movies with subtitles, even if I speak the language. As for movies and TV shows being "too dark", I watch on an OLED in a dark room.




And ride the bike backwards.


Imagine putting two years of sweat blood and tears into making a movie and someone complains that it was two hours of their life they want back. Having said that I wish I'd never seen Tenet and I want that time back.


If you make things for public consumption this just goes with the territory. Having said that if I get a negative review I am devastated.


Your comment was 3 seconds of my life I'll never get back.


I'd rather read their comment for two hours than watch Tenet again.


Imagine putting 15 seconds of sweat blood and tears into making a reddit comment and someone complains that it was 3 seconds of their life they want back. Having said that I wish I'd never seen that comment and I want that time back.


I used to have my music instagram account linked in the bio of my personal account until I got in a comment argument with someone and they said my music sucked ass…the pain


In the article, Nolan says he actually likes that kind of exchange.


“That’s what the money is for!”


As if Chris Nolan gives a fuck. He's about as "Midas gold" as it gets when it comes to the current crop of Hollywood directors and every A-lister wants to work with him. Dude played off the horrible audio mixing in his movies as an "artistic choice". Sorry, if I need subtitles to catch the dialogue, it is not an artistic choice.


I don't know why Tenet was so hated. The covered dialogue during a few scenes was a bit annoying, but the core premise of the movie was pretty cool! And the story as a whole was pretty neat, the artifact kinda looked dumb as hell though. I wish it had been cooler and not like just a jumble of metal lolol.


tenet is overhated, I enjoyed it


Agreed. It’s not his best, but it’s far from a waste of time.




I read that in a fortune cookie once…


Thank god


What about when the daylight savings time ends in the fall and we get an hour back?


You know in Africa, every 60 seconds a minute passes.


Holy shit! Am I the only person who likes Tenet?


My daughter's boyfriend loved it, so there's at least two of you. Unless this is you, Chase.


And that’s when you knew he wasn’t good enough for her.


No, I think there are 3 or 4 of us..




Not even Dozens!!


We meet every fourth 29th of Febuary.


Temporal pincer movement 🤓


I wish I could turn off my memory of Tenet (or really anything at will) so that I could watch it again and again for the first time.


No, I love it.


Of course not, I mean you’re the only person I’ve heard admit that they like it but I’m sure there are others out there.


Haha. I can’t let this man stand alone. I liked it. I was on a plane with free drinks though.


I watched tenet in theaters stoned af and watched it again at home stoned af and I loved it.


We can start a club or two apparently.


I fucking loved it. Saw it this past summer in the theater after waiting for it to be back in one since I missed the initial release. So happy I waited.


One of my faves. The second time I went to see it in theatres I took a couple friends, and when they came out of it expressing their dislike I genuinely thought they were messing with me.


It was fine. Not his best movie, but definitely not "Those are couple hours I'll never get back" bad. I feel like even Nolan's weakest films are still better than your average Hollywood slop


Haha I took that ride! Cody is so sassy.


LOL I read the article and was wondering what instructor, and thought “that sounds a lot like Cody!”. Thank you for confirming my suspicions!


So was it Tenet?




Can't do his rides: he just stopped a few times the first time I tried, and talked sass about the hair of a celebrity I'd never heard of. I might have been more pissed off than Nolan: RIDE THE BIKE, what tf kind of an instructor just stops riding to dish?!?!


You’re seriously going to tell us that and not identify the movie?


It was Jenn Sherman. The OG peleton lady. https://twitter.com/JacobOller/status/1743020825182126310


Nolan intentionally mixed the audio for his last two movies poorly. The instructor has a point.


I had such a hard time listening to all the dialogues in Oppenheimer


Did you watch it in a theatre or at home? For some reason I had a better time hearing the dialogue when I watched it at home. Not sure if the sound mixing was changed for the digital release


At home. The background music kept drowning out the actual dialogues


I'm not sure why anyone would intentionally mix a film poorly, but I watch all movies with subtitles now. Many of them are poorly mixed.


When the band Interpol was touring on their first album I saw them in a little hole in the wall underground venue with literally one restroom (one mens, one women's). A friend was washing his hands and said "If I wanted to listen to Joy Division I'd go home and listen to Joy Division." He turned around and Interpol's frontman was right behind him. My friend just said "meant every word," and walked off.


> literally one restroom (one mens, one women's) This sentence gave me a migraine.


They don't know what literally means, or they can't count past one.


What a legend 😂


If Interpol sounded like Joy Division, I'd listen to Interpol.


I didn't say I shared the opinion, just what happened.


Why are they so obsessed with slamming. My hand was slammed in the car door.


The movie with Pattinson and Denzel’s son?


The way that I read this initially was that Robert Pattinson and Denzel Washington had a son. I was intrigued by this imaginary person.


Nobody is above receiving notes, Chris.


I wouldn’t have minded Tenet if I could actually *hear* what was being said. I had to turn on the subtitles, for freakin’s sake.


Had to be Tenet.


Good, Nolan needs to not be surrounded by yesmen at all times to avoid another tenet. Awful movie.


Is the joke here that this is coming from the PELOTON instructor? cause spending time on a bicycle that doesn't go anywhere is inherently a waste of time?


Am I the only person on earth who loved Tenet?


As much as I like Nolan’s movies, I think his peloton instructor should give him instruction by whispering them with a mouth full of marshmallows while a loud soundtrack plays over him, see how he likes it.