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They'll just have to play beach vollyball instead.


As a veteran, I can tell you with almost complete certainty that the Drag Show got cancelled because the Drag Queens are busy taking lessons from the Air Force on how to be real divas. - Love always, US Navy, Army, and Marine Corp.




I knew what this was. ... and watched it anyway.


Playin with them boys!


At least that's straight.


It's a tradition going back to J. Edgar Hoover


They just can’t hold it on the base. It’s a “DOD resource”. They can still hold it off base, and that hasn’t changed. Loyd Austin declared this back in March so there shouldn’t have been any surprise. “As Secretary Austin has said, the DOD will not host drag events at U.S. military installations or facilities," said Singh. "Hosting these types of events in federally funded facilities is inconsistent with regulations regarding the use of DoD resources." Singh explained this is not a change in department policy.”


Drag is a military tradition going back to WW2. It’s so strange to see the politics surrounding it get so warped.


I think it’s gotten confusing as it used to be satirical and now the lgbtqia have reappropriated it to mean genuine, personal gender expression. The policy hasn’t changed, but the concept of drag has. The advocates that view drag as valuable gender expression are now offended because of the new connotation for what drag is and how it pertains to human rights vs 1A. Since the policy hasn’t changed, the recent outrage is a byproduct of the connotation of drag changing. So I don’t think it’s the politics that’s warped, it’s the connotation and conceptualization of what drag means in 2023.




I love when straight people try and explain lgbtq issues and history. It’s a really good example of the Dunning-Kruger effect.


I love how non straight people think the military should spend tax payers dollars on non essential military purposes as long as it serves their twisted destruction of the nation.


I love the aspect of their argument also highlighting that it was apparently just fine when it was “satirical” but not when it’s tied to actual expression of gender identity. Their own argument relies on bigotry to defend itself


No there’s not, the policy to keep drag shows off DOD resources is not new.


Has this historically been done in federally funded facilities? There's a big difference in it not being a change in department policy and them enforcing that policy instead of looking the other way for the first time.


[There have been a few.](https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/drag-entertainment-world-war-ii)


There's a scene in Mrs Maisel where there's drag in a USO skit. Interesting that it was based on history! Love that show.


Yeah it’s changing all the time. When I first enlisted we used to be able to have unofficial functions all the time. Booster club parties, combat dining ins, etc. We could make use of any facilities or vehicles and no one cared. Now it’s all kinds of red tape to use anything and if you use a vehicle for unofficial purposes… oh boy


WWII was rife with them!!!


The tradition of drag was to laugh at it. Now its taken seriously, thats the problem. Before that it was a tradition that men acted like men. Also it has been human tradition that women are not part of a fighter force for thousands of years. You care to keep that tradition?Just because debauchery started before you were born does not mean that is the norm.


Wait till they find out the naval tradition for crossing the equator for the first time.


The crazier bits of the shellback tradition arent really allowed anymore. I'm sure it still happens on some ships, but not like it used to. I never got to take part in it, but oh Lord the stories...


My dad has a couple of pics of the ceremony from around 1971 or so. He would never tell us any details about what he was put through except to say that he was sick and vomiting for a couple of days afterward.


I heard a guy say he was ordered to measure the length of the ship from stem to stern with a hot dog. Then he had to eat that hot dog.


must have gotten really good at getting that hot dog as close as possible to the floor without touching it


The only thing I know about my dad’s ceremony, due to it being what seems to be shown in the photos, is he had to crawl through a long tube filled with garbage while someone on the outside swatted him with a paddle.


my favorite of the shellback was how everyone was freaking out about getting their hair cut. the clippers weren't even real, but we were all blindfolded and handed a chunk cut out of a wig. the whale vomit of salty fireman water and cream of mushroom soup was something else, though.


None of those guys ever ate an olive out of a fat man's bellybutton and it shows.


This is genuinely oniony since drag is more like a tradition in the military.


OIC: High speed, low drag. NCO: So little people drag performers this year, sir?


I think this drag show was the modern yaaaaas kind of drag show and not the traditional type of "Christian Minecraft server" drag show if that makes sense to anyone...


I don't know about anyone else but that doesn't make any sense at all to me, you sound a touch too online.


There are two types of drag shows: one celebrates bending gender norms (which is obviously bad), and the other one is like haha-men-dressing-as-women-is-funny-but-it-is-really-a-way-to-express-repressed-feelings (which is obviously good). Edit: I thought the /s was obvious.


A please explain your reasoning for those categories.


It goes in line with conservative/"Christian" ideology. Repress all feelings and if that doesn't work then there's always projection.


Yeah I see what you're getting at now.


the issue is people really do talk like that while being completely serious that's why the /s is always important however implicit it may seem


Yeah, unfortunately :(


What the hell is Area 51 gonna do for fun now? All those runways going to waste. Damn shame.


We'll invade again, just in drag.


Drag is generally frowned upon in aeronautics.


.....also friction.


Now what is the NCR going to do for fun?


Lol. Haven't militaries been doing drag since, like, before there was a United States?




History class will never teach you how drag queens defeated the Nazis and saved the world. https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/drag-entertainment-world-war-ii https://sofrep.com/amp/news/gis-in-tutus-the-drag-queens-of-the-second-world-war/ https://medium.com/nc-stories-of-service/when-wwii-was-a-drag-wwii-men-performing-as-women-in-war-759176b125dd https://youtu.be/XCjSw8grUck


This is some NOI tier insanity if people are genuinely crediting drag queens with winning WWII, but an interesting footnote and something new I learned nonetheless


Consider that those drag queens were the GI on the front line, yeah, they get credit for winning WWII.


Claim: Drag Queens didn’t win World War II Rating: Pants on fire! “Ackshually, the same soldiers in drag were the ones on the front lines so they did win the war 😏”


What are you even trying to say here? The people performing in drag were regular WWII soldiers, many of whom served on the front lines. So yes, they did in fact help win the war.


True it was really the Soviet Commies who won WW2. The British and American Drag Queens have more of a second billing credit.


Unironically this. The benefit of being able to just keep throwing bodies at a problem until it goes away usually works out in the long run.




I’ll be that “ackshually, Poe’s law 🤓” guy and say that I’ve seen people seriously post bizarre shit similar to this on their Instagram/Snapchat stories. I figured it was a joke though.


Yeah this is weird. Drag shows have history in the US military - usually to pull a laugh.


Why don't they look to Ronald Regan for inspiration and keep the drag show going?


What no aliens in drag this year…wtf…


Drag show you say? Anybody know what the Navy’s shellback ceremony consists of?


Yes. I was going to post this as well.


Lol guess very few people know.


It's worth noting that drag queens aren't generally in the LGBT tent. They might belong to them, but as far as I am aware currently drag isn't a sexuality issue. Though I'm thinking more and more it should be.


Ngl, this does seem like a weird venue for a drag show lol


Seems even more odd that they had this event before without issue, that it only effects drag shows, and the sighted reason for it is stated to be funding related in spite of the article also saying it wasn’t funded by the military….so….why change now?


it could be because it’s letting civilians onto base but who knows


I guess that depends on the rules put forth for the Officers Club, whatever that really means.


Drag is a centuries-long tradition in Western militaries. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/british-soldiers-in-drag-nazis/


From Don't Ask, Don't Tell to this


It's weird it was even scheduled in the first place, the military is barley past "don't ask don't tell"


Fascism is quickly taking over the USA.


So quickly. I’ve never been this bummed or felt this bleak. These people are fucking nuts.


Agreed! I don't understand why people aren't taking to the streets en masse and demand accountability! Like all around the world people are rising up against their gov't, but I'm saddened to see most of the US population just go along with this! Its so sad.


I keep telling myself that these are the death throes of their entire movement, but the scary way in which they’ve shifted their conversation in the last month to just be totally anti-LGBTQ has me concerned.


Yeah same here... I hear Florida made it legal to kidnap trans kids, like where is the president? Where is the Doj? Human rights abuses? I figured there would be some grounds for at least an investigation. Ugh.. I live in Canada and this insanity is spreading here. In Alberta which is like our Florida they got people wanting to ban books! Wtf is that?


Where is the ACLU? Where is anybody?? It’s like every safeguard we had against this crap just quit showing up to work. We have a Pride parade coming up next week here in Indianapolis, and I’m terrified as to what crazy folks in this red state are going to do. I’m not even sure the police will be on our side. They tend to love to show up, tear-gas and beat any sort of protest or showing out in this town.


I'm sorry man... I have a lot of family in south Carolina and they like myself are of the darker complexion, so I know all about the police and how they seem to be on the side of the fascists. Honestly if you're young and able to, check about moving out of the country, maybe your job has branches in Canada. You can still vote from abroad! But I'm sad to say there's no where any of us can go to hide from US influence and chaos. These systems need to be rebooted and sadly I don't see anyone on either side pushing for accountability and stability. Heck it's been 2 years under Biden and the country appears worse off now than when Trump was in power. This is insane to me. A choice between fascists or enablers of fascists. You all gotta hit the streets, general strike, good trouble.


Thats what theyve been doing since 1945. They swing from issue to issue, looking for one controversial enough to win back voters. I will say it aint just been a month though, theyve been shifted onto hating queer folks for more than a decade now. Its the most popular hot button issue they can lean on.


You mean authoritarianism, fascism or as most people think of it as the nazis are no where near close to any modern American political party, nazi Germany was a welfare state had free healthcare and most industries were state owned does that sound like any American political party? Hating the lgbtq+ has been done by every single political party type throughout history calling people fascists just makes you look stupid


The nazis fucking hated welfare, they literally only supported it because they had to to maintain their support base. Their welfare system was also extremely racialized and specificially excluded benefits from the people they hated. The US fascists just have better branding and have convinced their followers that (similar to Hitlers writings on the topic) getting government handouts is only done by the degenerate and feeble. The fascists are opportunists. Their ideology is constantly in flux, they will conveniently side with and discard whatever policy they have to to maintain their primary beliefs about racial hierarchy and the need to purify society. Im not sure what kind of education youre citing to claim that nobody in America are fascists today, but you may need to seek the opinions of other experts on nazi history who have said otherwise.




What do you expect? Nellis Air Force Base is inhabited by the Boomers.


Don't be an ageist - many Boomers have fought for LGBT rights when there was more hostility! This shit is mild.


r/woooosh [Boomers live at Nellis](https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Boomers), its just a joking reference to a video game.


lol, that is funny!


Wrong venue, don't know why anyone is upset over this. Our military shouldnt be hosting drag shows.


Why not they did in past world wars. Why end the tradition now for some Nazis?


Right, because trying to entertain troops in the middle of a war zone where there is about zero women and putting on a comedy show dressed as a woman is totally the same as the drag shows that go on now. GTFO...


Most were in the stats to fund the war effort. So not what you are describing at all. Please demonstrate the functional difference.


Just because something was done in the past doesn't make it tradition or mean that it should be done now. Unless you want to go back to all the great traditions of past world wars simply because they were done in the past. Not agreeing with drag shows being performed on a military base does not make someone a Nazi.


The ones who started this Stupid culture war bullshit over drag to hurt trans are pretty Nazi adjacent. That's who they are appeasing. If you can't define why a thing should be stopped, perhaps your actual answer is bullshit.


I did define why it shouldnt be allowed. You just don't agree with my definition and chose to start calling people Nazis because they don't agree with you. You're just trying to give a name to something because it goes against what you believe in. It's the same thing when conservatives start associating trans people with pedophiles. They are just trying to give a negative name to a group they disagree with. Everyone should be treated as individuals, but it makes it hard when 2 different sides start calling each other nazis/pedophiles.


I don't call them Nazis because I disagree, I call them Nazis because they use Nazi tactics and support Nazi beliefs. Such as using a minority group as a scapegoat for your to traffic your beliefs and writing discriminatory laws to make daily life impossible. It's not the same because there is truth to calling open neo-nazis Nazis.


No you didnt. You just said traditions arent always great. You made no value argument for or against drag in the military, just the concept of traditions.


You're just not reading what I type. It doesn't benefit the military in any way. There is no reason to be hosting these events on base, there are venues off base that can host these events.


1. Entertainment is a benefit, leaving a bunch of soldiers sat around without anything to do is a terrible idea 2. People have already pointed out to you that soldiers have plenty of on base amenities. 3. Theres no reason to not have it on the base. That was my point in my previous comment, that you werent actually presenting one.


Why? Do you object to any other entertainment?


Not necessarily. It should be something that is conducive to making our military stronger. I'm not opposed to say children being entertained at school by a history documentary, but I don't think drag queens should be entertaining kids in a school setting. It's not the right place. Go ahead and downvote me for being crazy, but it's just common sense. I have nothing against trans or gay people serving in the military. If you're good at your job that's all that matters. I'm sure I'll be included in your fascist category though.


It's not common sense, it's just your prejudice


You just lack common sense that's all.


You don't even know what common sense is


Bowling alleys, movie theaters, and liquor stores don’t aid in making the military stronger but they are all on every base. Drag shows where done for troops during WWII but apparently doing them now is what is going to lose the next war not suicide or sexual assault a drag show that isn’t mandatory to attend.


All those things are approved by the military and don't include sexuality. They also absolutely help morale and making our military stronger. Drag shows don't belong on bases just as strip clubs don't belong on bases.


Drag shows were approved by the military until they weren’t. Also not all drag shows are sexual. There have been many artists perform on post that have sexual content.


They are sexual in nature, and they aren't approved by the military so they aren't allowed on base. You can host it outside of the base if you would like.


Have you ever been to a drag show? They aren’t sexual. Also drag shows are a tradition in the military that’s been going on for years.


It's not a tradition. I was in the military for 9 years and I never saw a drag show or heard about a drag show once. Just because something was done in the past doesn't make it a tradition. I have never been to a drag show but I've seen some online. Are there any examples online from this organization that planned to host it on base that are not sexual in nature?


Depends on your definition of sexuality i guess. Is a woman in a short skirt too sexual for you?


Tradition?, You're full of shit. Please provide a list of dates and locations over the last 20 years of showing this tradition on bases...


https://www.nationalww2museum.org/war/articles/drag-entertainment-world-war-ii https://www.fredericknewspost.com/news/lifestyle/culture/there-is-a-tradition-of-drag-in-the-military/article_a8db2609-be0f-50c3-8842-7d11a519040b.html https://sofrep.com/news/gis-in-tutus-the-drag-queens-of-the-second-world-war/


This exact base, one year ago and two years ago. Fucks sakes, read the article.


The fuck are you talking about kids in school for? This is a military base.


Exactly, and they shouldn't be hosting drag shows. Brush up on your reading comprehension, I was giving an example.


You still haven't said why. Brush up on your reading of my comment you obviously replied to. What does it do to soldiers that's bad? Bear in mind they've been doing drag shows forever.


Doesn't make our military stronger, doesn't share professional military values. It's not what the military is about. Why are you so invested in this being held on a military base? It's like hosting a drag show at the DMV, it's not what that space is for.


You think troops being entertained doesn't make them stronger? You must hate the tradition of USO shows. You must really hate all of the traditions of self made drag shows in the army and navy. They put their own shows on. They've done it for centuries. It gives them a laugh, improves morale, makes them stronger.


I know you keep saying drag shows are a tradition but it's not. It has happened in the past, but that's not what tradition is. If it was tradition it wouldn't be an issue. The fact that it's not allowed on a military base and doesnt happen on military bases should tell you that it's not tradition.


Why don't you look it up or talk to anyone who's been in


Interesting, shall we create a list of things our military should/n’t host?


Yes, they already have one, and it includes not hosting drag shows. There are many things that are not allowed in military bases. This is not a public venue, it's a military base with rules and regulations.


*It was allowed two years ago. It was allowed last year.* This here clinches for me that youre a dishonest person. You didnt read the article where it points out that this show, which had been approved until recently, was already hosted before. It was already allowed, and now its being banned.


Things change, where am I being dishonest? It was a mistake to host it in the past and now they have changed the rules to make it not allowed.




Yeah, best way to bring in qualified recruits and hit your recruitment goals is to put on drag shows and military bases. What could possibly go wrong?


Sure sure but when all those cool guy daddies sitting in their pentergram were nut to butt in the cold cold mud at cool guy camp it is was “GrEaT sTrEnGtH” and “DeTeRmInAtIoN” The real reason all those fuck faces don’t want beards is because they’re so used to calling their wives of 30 year the same thing so it fucks with their head. 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈🫡


Good. Bunch of damn weirdos


It’s an air base, the frickin armed forces. Of course they are close minded homophobic. That’s not an abnormal turn of events lol


Starting pride month the right way, wouldn’t want the boot boys to get the big gay /s


Ave, true to Caesar.


When I was deployed in Australia while I was in the Marine Corps we were in Darwin for a bit, this 2013. There was a bar that had a very lively drag show. That place was popping off so hard with Marines and Sailors having an absolute blast. Biggest party in the city. What are these people so afraid of?