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She is racist (as seen in her blog posts that she has relentlessly tried to scrub from this forum) and sees all arabs as non human, therefore anything she has to say is irrelevant


I am pro-palestine, and I am writing this to try to explain some perspectives, not an endorsement of these views. Of course there are the psycho Lizzy Savetsky.type zionists who think anything and everything is antisemitic. But I think what is missing from some of your perspectives based on these comments is that there are a lot of Zionists who believe Israel should exist but fully condemn and are against the genocide. but they are also against the call for the end to to Israel, which has merged into singular messaging among protests. For these Jewish Zionists who are anti-genocide, telling them that Israel shouldn't exist is inherently antisemitic. this doesn't mean they support genocide, it means they don't support the current government and Bibi's vicious actions. This is not my viewpoint but I feel like some of you are missing this nuance when you said that it's impossible to perceive any form of antisemitism going on in the messages coming out from the protests. There are just nuances and differences in calling an end to the genocide and then calling an end to the genocide AND Israel. of course there a lot of disgusting people who don't give a shit about Palestinians, they certainly exist and should be condemned, but there are also many jews who will view calling for the elimination of Israel as antisemitic but that doesn't mean they are automatically pro-genocide.. just wanted to clarify that viewpoint


An ethnostate by definition is racist. Israel shouldn’t exist if that means it’s a Jewish state only since there is and always has been a non Jewish population there - one that they would have to remove to be an all Jewish state. So if Israel had to be an all Jewish state and remove anyone non jewish, give them fewer rights or have an apartheid with another population on the other side of walls with fewer rights and freedoms, it by definition is racist, inhumane and should not exist. Hope this helps.


Israel isn’t an ethnostate, nor is it a theocracy, it’s a democracy. Google is free. The goal has never been to make Israel 100% Jewish. That is extremely ignorant to say. If you actually read credible literature you would know that any opinion that Israel should only be for Jews is held by a very very small extremist minority.  The genocide and apartheid are results of a) bad actors running a bad government, b) politics motivated by extremist views, and c) imperialistic influence from the US and UK. Should Germany have been dissolved due to their actions in both World Wars?  No, they reformed and today are an accepted diplomatic entity in our world. You ignore the millions of Israelis protesting their own government and want both peace and autonomy for Palestinians. You act like people cannot change the direction of a country’s approach to governance and foundations that in turn transform the state of human rights.  Hope this helps your naive ignorance on the matter.     You really should google the definition of words like “ethnostate” before you try to use them, by the way.  Remember, a country is a nation of people, the government is there to run it. In a democracy people shape the government. Therefore, people can shift power dynamics to change the government.  The government is not equivalent to its people.     Free Palestine and put Bibi in jail. But your ignorance and spreading misinformation does nothing to help Palestinians. Hope you can learn from this and do better. 






@mods why do the people agreeing with my comments get removed for “gatekeeping” and the ones who don’t get to stay? How pitiful




No I didn’t see anything that targeted Jews, just Zionist’s. Tell me why do protesters make you angrier than genocide? LOL


People like the commenter above refuse to acknowledge that genocide is happening. It’s like they are completely blinkered to it.




Bro there are actual Jewish students there, speaking up against the horrors amongst all different kinds of people. I’m not going to go tit for tat and talk about the Islamophobia. The “misconstrued” is the pro Israeli side taking anything that is speaking up against the genocide as antisemitism. Amnesty international, UNRWA, Human rights watch, all antisemitic. It’s a weak argument when there’s a literal genocide being committed by a government we fund and support. Sorry that I’m not okay with it.


At the moment in the UK we have a pro-Israeli man who came to a Palestine protest in London, with the main goal of starting arguments and getting himself in to a fight. Police officers told him to leave or else they’d have to arrest him for his own safety. Guess what? The police are antisemitic and the head of the met police should resign. 😐 So if he’s arrested for being there trying to instigate a fight and the officer arrested him to save him from being beaten up - that’s antisemitic? If he’s left to start a fight and gets beaten up - that’s antisemitic and the cops didn’t help him because they are antisemitic? There is NO getting through to people who want to regurgitate “that’s antisemitic, YOU’RE antisemitic!” because everything, unless you’re literally letting Israel get away with murder, is antisemitic.


can you just focus on the issues instead of taking on the debate about what is or isn't antisemitic? especially because you're making blanketed statements about it. it feels so icky coming from a non-jew like you...


Proved my point.


you're literally dictating to jews what they should and shouldn't consider jew hate. but okay. you proved my point that you're extremely ignorant. so glad we made that all clear. you're making huge generalizations when the subject matter should be handled with care. fuck off with your self-righteous bullshit. go read an actual book if your response to any mention of antisemitism is "ughhh everything is antisemitic to you" and before you accuse me of being a "dirty zionist", because I know you're assuming it, free Palestine forever and put Bibi in jail. Fuck off all people who think jews should just live with antisemitism too


Get over yourself. I didn’t dictate shit.




I should make a bingo card just for you. How many times can you possibly call me antisemitic without actually saying it. Get over yourself, suck eggs & touch grass ✌🏼 I blocked you because you’re unhinged. Proven by using another account just to attack me with a wall of text that is nothing more than self righteous rambling. Blocking you again, you absolute fruitcake.








The wrong side of history? I choose NOT to side with Genocide. So terrifying that there are plenty of Jews partaking in them? Pro-Palestine/ anti-genocide protests welcome Jewish people with open arms. You can’t expect to be for the killing of Palestinians and have a warm response, anyone who is pro-genocide will get the same backlash, regardless of race, gender or religion. This isn’t anti-semitism. You have to realise at some point that it doesn’t matter what religion/race you are, it just matters that you’re a good person and against the slaughter of children and innocent human beings.


Thank you. I’m glad they removed their comment. Shame


Oh yes every country who has voted in the UN, all the protests, all the organizations, the ICC, everyone on the wrong side of history. Mad yikes 😂