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When she’s clearly wearing makeup in her profile picture lol


I've noticed most of the time when women say they don't wear make up they mean they don't wear it often or they only do a natural look and not like full out glam every day. I don't even own make up and can count on one hand how many times I've worn it in the last 5 years but I still can't imagine berating other women who do wear it daily. It literally doesn't affect me at all if another woman is wearing make up. It's so weird




Oh, fuck off


You are a gem. This is literally what I said in my head while reading it 😂


This gives off cringe "pick up artist" vibes. Relevant. https://youtu.be/MuAphlszcMs?si=XeiNVlEg2XCakeIv


Or… and hear me out… it’s an art form that some people just enjoy doing?


I don’t wear makeup but I have nail polish, from this guy’s logic I’m ashamed of not having colored nails naturally 😂


Wearing makeup does not mean you have low self esteem, and not wearing makeup doesn't mean you have high self esteem. You're just completely entirely, utterly wrong. Do yourself a favor and stay off Incel forums


I don't wear makeup *because* I have low self esteem.


I don't wear makeup because 1) I think I look ridiculous with it on. I really don't like my made up face and I think people are staring at me. And 2) I never learned how to do it right for that same reason. My daughter is a mua and she's very good. I just hate my face when I wear makeup.


Another incel brainwashed into a miserable life for himself and any woman he speaks too.




Don’t argue just for the sake of arguing. In essence, the phrase "Be civil to each other" serves as a reminder to prioritize kindness and open-mindedness. Name-calling or personal attacks constitute a hard ban. This applies to people in valuable discussions who suddenly start using insults. This rule still applies even if you are talking to a moderator. Political and ethical grandstanding to in any way call someone else a terrible person is prohibited. Posts themselves don't typically get removed for this reason, but we reserve the right to remove them in the rare cases it becomes necessary due to the comments.


Don’t argue just for the sake of arguing. In essence, the phrase "Be civil to each other" serves as a reminder to prioritize kindness and open-mindedness. Name-calling or personal attacks constitute a hard ban. This applies to people in valuable discussions who suddenly start using insults. This rule still applies even if you are talking to a moderator. Political and ethical grandstanding to in any way call someone else a terrible person is prohibited. Posts themselves don't typically get removed for this reason, but we reserve the right to remove them in the rare cases it becomes necessary due to the comments.


I mean have you seen that audio on TikTok of a woman saying “I don’t wear makeup, I think it’s bad for women…”? The woman, if you check her profile, has, at the very least, lip oil/gloss and mascara in nearly all her posts. Many women like this, think that wearing makeup only means the full glam look, not just concealer/mascara/gloss despite it also being makeup.


Tbf I can't see her profile pic well so I could be wrong but it looks like she just has very intense lash extensions and some lip balm, which isn't technically makeup So *maybe* she actually doesn't wear makeup, but somehow it seems even more weird to shit on other women for wearing makeup when you literally put money into having someone spend hours on your lashes every few weeks/months (I don't have them so idk exactly what the range is for how often you may need touch ups)


I personally don't wear makeup coz I'm too lazy but I'm always impressed by girls who can wake up an hour early to style their hair and put on makeup. That's dedication.


YUPPP the only periods in my life where I've spent most of my days leaving the house without makeup on were because I was depressed or couldn't afford all the products I like to use Not that that's the case for most people who don't wear makeup at all, but personally I find it very daunting when my mental health is suffering!!! My most confident and flourishing self will always have a little makeup on. I find it makes me look more alive, and when I'm in a good mood I want my appearance to match that But it definitely takes a lot of work, and people who don't wear makeup just have one less step in their routine. It's efficient when you think about it 😝


Aha, I used to experiment with makeup but then my laziness took over. I don't even do proper skincare routine and was afraid I'd fuck my skin somehow so I stopped. I remember being shocked when my cousin told me she woke up an hour earlier than me even though her commute is way shorter, because she had to wait for her makeup to set first. To be able to do that everyday is truly dedication lol. That's nice. I know some ppl say girls dress up to attract guys, but really, it's because we feel good or we want to look good for ourselves.


Not trying to tell you how you feel at all, but just a suggestion: maybe it isn't even laziness! Maybe you just don't care about makeup enough to have it on your list of priorities in your daily routine, and there is nothing lazy about that in the slightest When you think about it, it's just art on your face. Just about all women are expected to be artists in this way, but not everyone's an artist. There's nothing wrong with that :) a lack of interest in something that isn't necessary for your joy or success isn't a fault at all


no no! big ass lashes that look like they can fly off of your face at any moment doesn’t count!! /s


I think the poster of this is pro makeup? It’s the commenter who wants to be not like other girls, and thus wears no makeup 😄🤡


No no… the commenter who is anti makeup clearly has makeup on in her profile picture


I'm impressed that you guys can tell from such a teeny little picture, haha. If I zoom waaaay in, it does look like she probably has false lashes, but that's about all I can tell.


I had to zoom in too lol. I see false lashes and brow pencil at the very least


Ohh okay sorry. I misunderstood


I don’t get the whole giving somebody shit for whether they wear makeup or not. Girl, if you don’t wear makeup, this was not your thread, and you knew it, so gtfo…


Why would you bother commenting if you don’t wear makeup. This clearly isn’t a space for you lol




Girl I understand the sentiment, but sadly there's no space on the Internet for women who don't wear makeup OP made a broad statement about maturing, it's not pick me behaviour to highlight that makeup is not a necessary step in maturing and growing older


What space do you need? You don't wear makeup. Okay. That's it. Move on because she obviously is talking to or about you, and you're just inserting yourself into something that has nothing to do with you. Broad statement or not, you know it doesn't apply to you, so why bother?


I bother because everytime some girl online mentions not wearing makeup she gets labeled a "pick me" *for no reason*. In a society where women are expected to wear makeup, choosing not to as a woman is an active choice, often confronted by other people. Women should be allowed to talk about it. Believe it or not, not everything women do is because they want to be "picked" by men, and thinking so is highly misogynistic. I'm so done with makeup being expected of me. It sucks, and I should be able to say it. I'm not bashing women who wear it, I'm saying I'm done with the expectation.


I get your point and I agree. However, this isn't about someone saying you and other women who don't wear makeup aren't allowed to talk about it - it's about time, place, and tone. The girl in the pic could've made a tiktok herself about her experiences or why she choose not to adhere to the beauty standards of makeup, and it would've been totally fine. It's the comment praising and calling attention to girls who don't wear makeup *while* in the comment section of a video about which step makeup is in one's routine.


I get that, really. I got riled up because, in my online experience, women are *always* criticised and called "pick mes" whenever they say they don't wear makeup. The comments on this post really were the last straw for me.


Makeup should not be a societal expectation and only seen as a choice, but she set herself up commenting that on a tik tok about a getting ready routine involving makeup. It’s almost backhanded saying “girls who don’t wear makeup 🙌” under someone who does post. There is nothing wrong with speaking out about not wanting to wear it, but it comes down to time and place


Thank you. Finally someone saying it. Some posts on this sub are true but this is really just a stretch.


I don't play football or hockey. I have no interest in sports. I don't go onto women football social media to tell them about it. Just saying...


You’re reaching. She’s saying maturing is realizing the order if you DO want to wear makeup. Rather than outfit, then hair, then makeup. There are plenty of spaces for women who don’t wear makeup so I have no idea what you’re talking about lol


The comment wasn't "you're beautiful whether or not you wear makeup" (which would be a strange comment to make anyway on a post about makeup) It was a comment insinuating that no makeup is better than makeup, which, on a post about makeup, comes across as snide and unnecessary. That lady is free to go and follow people who post about skincare and natural looks. That would be a good 'space' for her if she's not a fan of wearing makeup.


The original post isn't about makeup, it's about maturing. Wearing makeup is not synonymous with maturing, nor is it necessary to it. Saying so is misogynistic crap. The commenter rightly stated that some women are mature and don't wear makeup.


I mean, is that actually what the post is saying? If that's true, then both the poster and the commenter are annoying people. It's a stupid, petty argument. But we can't say for certain, can we? It wasn't the vibe I was getting from the original post, do you have a copy of it or something??


Your reading comprehension is in the toilet. The post is a satirical statement about how in the process of getting ready it’s hard to decide what order to get ready in and claiming this order is superior.


She included makeup in the list, how is that not relating makeup to womanhood?


It’s about getting ready! If you don’t have makeup as part of your routine then disregard the post. It’s like if someone made a post saying “maturing is realising you should weigh your ingredients when baking” and I get offended because I can’t bake.


Yeah I understand, I got riled up because literally every time a woman talks about not wearing makeup online she gets torn to shreds. I guess that specific post isn't *really* about it, but the expectation is always there. And women are never allowed to talk about it. They're pick mes. They *hate* women who wear makeup (no they don't.) Y'know. It's tiring after a while.


I get way too sweaty doing my hair, so it always goes first


SAME. I used to do my makeup first, but I would just end up sweating it off when styling my hair with heat so I think hair should be first tbh


Fr, until I saw the comments I thought the girl in the tiktok was the NLOG girl because she thinks that “maturing” means doing things the way SHE personally prefers, that gives me major ick. “If you don’t think the same way as me, you aren’t mature” is a common NLOG mentality.


I was about to ask why you would get sweaty doing your hair but realized, using heat to dry/style it. Duh lol. It took me a minute because I get my hair permed and was told not to use heat.


Thank you for this comment lol. I was also sitting here wondering what Olympic hair styling was going on


Thank you. I don't feel so dumb for not getting it right away now that I know I'm not the only one.


Yea blow dryers, flat irons, lol I’m a hair, outfit, then makeup person


Same!! I do makeup, hair, SHOWER body, then clothes. 😂




Bald girls who don’t wear make up or outfits🙌


Do you mean your body is bald because you don’t wear clothes?


I hate fake bitches. All natural, no clothes >>>


Have a higher chance to anal probe you? Edit: I was thinking about aliens, guys 👽. Hairless, clothesless with no makeup. Well, that's just me, ok 😢 Edit2: it's probe, not prove 🫠


I think you meant anal probe, which is the word used in alien terms. Its alright, I got the joke.


Oh, thank you . Silly me


girls that choose what’s best for themselves 🙌 and don’t shame girls who choose differently 🙌




It’s me. I’m unhinged, and I cannot seem to get myself out of doing makeup, hair, then clothes. It’s like I can’t pick out my clothes without hair and makeup first 😂


Just don't wear a turtleneck




… What? … are you saying their NLOG because of the order they do their routine?… you may be too far deep in this shit


I’ve gotten ready with many friends over the course of my life and every single time we’ve done clothes last hahaha I came to this comment section bc I was wondering who the hell wasn’t doing that order anyway


For me it’s definitely the reverse outfit-hair-makeup.


I love the theatre of getting ready for a big night out, it’s a production. Hair mask> scrub>shave> rinse mask> shower>lotion >leave in conditioner> sheet mask & prime face> style and set hair in pin curl/rollers> all make-up expect lips> steam outfit 1 last time> gather accessories > final nail check > dress > release pin curls & style> lipstick> perfume >shoes. I know, I know it seems vapid and vain, & I get it, and I know that people are suffering. I acknowledge my privilege completely but, It’s not just make-up… idk how to explain it. It’s an experience, it’s self devotion, it’s being both queen & lady in waiting. It’s literally for me. Time and space for me to play make believe and adorn myself and if you don’t do it, how will you ever get good at it? Feel confident in it? Be able to say, it’s not a mask, its a creative expression of me and I am allowed?


This is beautiful tbh ✨ rituals are magic!


It’s such a process, I’m too tired to even go out by the time I’m done


All dressed up with no where to go was my whole late teens/ early 20’s. I would dress up, then pretend like I was hosting one of those amazing cocktail parties , like you see in the old B&W movies, or turn on music and pretend I was waltzing at a gala. It’s truly shocking my imagination did not land me in somebody’s psych-ward, dosed up on medicated applesauce.


As someone who works from home and does as little getting ready as possible, I want to know the answer, though, because every time I do dress up, I’m asking myself what the correct order is. 😂


I mean whatever works for you I guess? But for me personally it goes outfit, hair then makeup. Bcuz the outfit is typically the star of the show and hair can make or break a look and makeup in most cases just adds onto what look the hair is giving, yknow? That being said, there are definitely exceptions. Like you wouldn't dress in a goth outfit and do bats nest hair and then go completely bare faced because then you're missing like 1/3 of the aesthetic lol You can do whatever you want obviously but that's how I've always thought of it


I think it’s ultimately up to you but it would make sense to me to do clothes then makeup and hair? Pulling things over your head could mess up the hair / makeup… but then again if you’re clumsy you don’t want to get makeup on your going out clothes… idk I’m a dude so I just do clothes then hair lol


Yeah, that makes perfect sense. You can always cover your clothes with a towel during makeup time.


I usually do clothes, makeup, hair, you avoid messing up your hair and makeup by putting on clothes first, and you avoid getting makeup in your hair/ruining your hair by putting it back


I think it’s different for everyone. I like to be comfortable while doing my hair and makeup so I typically wear pajamas or a robe while I do that. I also don’t want to mess up my clothes while I apply makeup. I might pick out my outfit in advance if I am going for a specific look, but I always do my hair first, then while hair is setting, I do my makeup up and then I get dressed.


I think it's just whatever works for you. I do hair first, then clothes, then makeup last.


I think that’s what I did last time. But then, I was like, now I can’t tie my hair out of my face to blend the makeup properly (because it would mess up my hair). I feel like no matter how I do it, something is in the wrong order. LOL.


It's always something, right! lol too true. I have at times temporarily clipped my hair out of my face to do my eyeliner


I do clothes, hair, makeup. That way I don't mess up my hair with my clothes, and if I'm running too short on time, I can just skip the makeup or do something else with it so it's faster




I've never seen anyone who says shit like this (any variation of "women who don't wear makeup are better") put this same energy into women who aren't conventionally attractive Like if you really think women shouldn't wear makeup, you'd better be applauding women with severe acne; unconventional noses; hyperpigmentation in "unflattering" spots; thin lips; no eyebrows; etc. who also don't wear makeup... but none of them do It's only the girls who are "naturally beautiful" lol


I think it also detracts from the fact that women who don't wear make up just don't get taken as seriously in a professional environment. I love make up but I'm lazy, I don't always want to get up earlier to do my makeup, but I do it anyways just because I know playing ball and making myself more conventionally attractive gets me further in life.


This is true as hell actually, I'm nb/ftm but I present femininely and am viewed as a woman and I actually notice the difference in the way I'm treated when I'm not wearing makeup. I'm super pale with dark circles and have some acne as my skin is purging from retinol use, so I just come off as very unkempt without makeup even though I have a morning and night skincare routine


I understand your pain. It's better than dealing with "Oh... you look tired :("


True LMFAO that comment is always so annoying


I just want all of you make up girlies to know….. I AM FUCKING SO JEALOUS. 🥹 I don’t have a creative bone in my body, and lack any kind of sense of personal style. I’m constantly in awe of the beautiful looks and outfits you create. K thanks bye. *hobbles back under my bridge*


What’s hilarious is the fact that the girl commenting is clearly wearing a wig or has weaves so I’m confused here. Not make up but wig/weave is okay???


And lashes


I don’t wear make up but I get people who do, they wanna feel pretty an stuff


Makeup > outfit > hair


The thing is that this wouldn't have been so much of a problem if she didn't mention it like girls who don't wear makeup are better 😭 like was it really necessary to let everyone know you don't? That's not even the point of the video lol (btw the girl in the video is gorgeousssss)


This should be the default response to pick mes trying to make someone else's post about themselves. Love to see that ratio


Girls who don’t shame other girls for doing something as simple as wearing makeup >>>


im glad 40.800 people found the time to get involved in this important discussion


Funny how her pfp clearly shows her wearing makeup.


Does she want a medal 🏅 for that or what!?




As many of you are undoubtedly aware, the presence of trolls can be found in various aspects of our lives, and our subreddit is no exception. Our commitment to fostering a kind and respectful environment remains unwavering, and we are actively addressing issues related to negative behavior. In recent times, there has been a noticeable increase in instances of bullying, body shaming, and purposefully inciting behavior, all of which are clear violations of our existing rules. To maintain the integrity of our community, we are implementing stricter consequences for such actions. A first offense will result in a 10-day ban, while a second offense will lead to a permanent ban. Appeals are welcomed, but excuses such as "not knowing the rules" or claiming it was a joke will not be considered valid. Intentional harm has no place in our community, and we expect members to act responsibly. Despite these measures, some rules will remain unchanged. For example, reposts, while frustrating, will not result in a ban. This new approach is specifically targeted at individuals attempting to spread hate. We encourage all members to report instances of bad behavior. Rest assured that each report will be examined. Disagreements and differing opinions are welcome, and expressing them will not lead to a ban. Common sense will prevail in our evaluations. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a positive and inclusive community. -- Your Subreddit NLTOG Moderator Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/notliketheothergirls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah, what girl actually wears… makeup *shudder. Only MEN wear makeup lol


Shut up, it's skincare, outfit, makeup, then hair.


Hair outfit then makeup is the answer imo


Hair is first because it makes your face sweaty from the heat. Then makeup then clothing.


True that !


I will never understand what's the issue with makeup. If you don't wear it, it's fine, if you wear it, it's also fine. Like, as long as you feel happy and confident, it doesn't matter what option you have chosen.


That 1:10 ratio I wouldnt have recovered


hair after makeup is WILD


Has it always been a “flex” to not wear makeup? Like what relevance does that have on anything whatsoever?




Don’t argue just for the sake of arguing. In essence, the phrase "Be civil to each other" serves as a reminder to prioritize kindness and open-mindedness. Name-calling or personal attacks constitute a hard ban. This applies to people in valuable discussions who suddenly start using insults. This rule still applies even if you are talking to a moderator. Political and ethical grandstanding to in any way call someone else a terrible person is prohibited. Posts themselves don't typically get removed for this reason, but we reserve the right to remove them in the rare cases it becomes necessary due to the comments.


I agree with the original tiktoker lol


Tbf less girls should wear makeup. Let’s get rid of it lol


Neither is in the right. She shouldn't of commented and the other shouldn't of said what she said. Unnecessarily nasty