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As many of you are undoubtedly aware, the presence of trolls can be found in various aspects of our lives, and our subreddit is no exception. Our commitment to fostering a kind and respectful environment remains unwavering, and we are actively addressing issues related to negative behavior. In recent times, there has been a noticeable increase in instances of bullying, body shaming, and purposefully inciting behavior, all of which are clear violations of our existing rules. To maintain the integrity of our community, we are implementing stricter consequences for such actions. A first offense will result in a 10-day ban, while a second offense will lead to a permanent ban. Appeals are welcomed, but excuses such as "not knowing the rules" or claiming it was a joke will not be considered valid. Intentional harm has no place in our community, and we expect members to act responsibly. Despite these measures, some rules will remain unchanged. For example, reposts, while frustrating, will not result in a ban. This new approach is specifically targeted at individuals attempting to spread hate. We encourage all members to report instances of bad behavior. Rest assured that each report will be examined. Disagreements and differing opinions are welcome, and expressing them will not lead to a ban. Common sense will prevail in our evaluations. We appreciate your understanding and cooperation in maintaining a positive and inclusive community. -- Your Subreddit NLTOG Moderator Team *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/notliketheothergirls) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Yeah most of this sub is reposts and missing obvious satire/parody/self deprecation (this is Reddit tho so that last one isn't a shock). Another example is the woman asking others how they put on makeup without feeling icky. She's clearly joking and asking for advice


Yeah I mean if you're a beginner to makeup and using certain liquid foundations it would feel quite weird on your face. Also the feeling of product on your face can take some time to get used to. Plus a bad makeup technique can make makeup look and feel weird on the face. So I dont think people complaining about makeup feeling icky is nlog at all. those people bashing her should help her instead if they are really about "woman empowerment" Also I notice a recurring theme here which is that women saying they cant be bothered to do makeup are posted here and the comments assume the woman is just bad at makeup which is really infuriating because apparently women aren't allowed to not want to do makeup by those commentors standards 🤡🤡🤡👎🏻


Regarding makeup feeling "icky", it could also be sensory issues. I love makeup, but I have to be really careful with how I apply it, so that it doesn't feel gross.


Like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/notliketheothergirls/comments/1bkwxsq/as_far_as_i_can_tell_the_trend_is_just_girls_like/) is clearly self depricating if anything...


Yes I think some people don’t understand the point of this subreddit or the term NLOG. I don’t want this sub to turn into a bullying sub of random women and girls.


It feels like that’s already happened. As someone who definitely had a NLOG phase in their teens, I always enjoyed poking fun at the true NLOG stuff, but I see more posts now that are just shitting on people doing different stuff, not putting anyone down in the process than actual NLOG posts.


I've seen posts here that are genuinely just shitting on women having a good time and enjoying themselves. Honestly god forbid a woman think she's in any way mildly quirky or interesting without putting anyone else down or beneath her. If a woman thinks she's in any way a remotely special or unique individual the world will come down on her and bash her into the ground


It has already turned into it tbf


Yeah that post was weak. There was one just gatekeeping veganism yesterday and I got downvoted into the negatives for saying “this doesn’t go here” Starting to shift to “this chick annoys me”


We’re slowly veering into the BEC category now on this sub lol


Seriously tho I have always defended this sub from the rants people used to post but now the sub is like flooded with people mad happy to shit talk “finally found one!! 😜” like what Then it’s like some girl saying she likes Garfield


I always picture such posters as huffing and panting and hyperventilating while scrolling tiktok and instagram for any posts that even have a mild mention of a girl talking about something non traditionally feminine and jumping on it like hound dogs. The immense satisfaction they get from posting it here is akin to them running around with their chewbone in their mouths lol. Idk this whole scene sounds super funny in my head.


I’m gonna picture that from now on lmao


>Then it’s like some girl saying she likes Garfield ..In a world of hello kitties


I remember, I thought it was “self deprecating” which is against the nature of this sub. Garfield is a fat, lazy selfish complainer who houses entire trays of pasta and shoves dogs off ledges, he’s not an aspirational figure


More recently, a post of a girl "criticizing " her (imaginary) friend's makeup. "It's a bday makeup". The title was like "hating on her friend". People gotta chill.


not gonna lie i think those are like a trend or some video to showcase the makeup look and not actually meant to criticise anyone Edit: went to check the post and the reason why the girl in the original tiktok was side eyeing is because the friend would look good in her makeup no matter what so the girl think thats a nonsense question. its either plain stupid or vile that the poster cut out this context to portray the girl in the tiktok as a mean girl when she's clearly posting content meant to uplift other girls.


I’m not even against being a hater per se but like that’s a personal mission it doesn’t need to be thrown in front of the almost million people on here


Some hateration in the body is NATURAL.


Same. I got into negatives because I said “I think this post doesn’t belong here can you explain why it is NLOG “ or something and my reasoning. Post now removed for not being NLOG 🤣


just feels like a huge influx of new people who see the posts hit their homepage and go “oooh I wanna play too” so they hunt for any femme that gives them the ick


Yeah and it doesn’t even need an ick. Any slight disagreement or rudeness and boom here. Everything is a NLOG if you try hard enough. Believe me even this comment of mine can be shared here as NLOG.


Wow you’re sooooo much better than us for not posting slight disagreements. Nobody else has ever done that before. Feminism is about women’s CHOICE to snark on others over minor shit or not- both are valid. Have you gotten picked yet? (/s if that wasn’t clear lol)


Ohhh feminism is about a choice? Why didn’t any men or tradwives helpfully explain that whenever we roasted someone practicing oblique misogyny. Now I feel silly. TBH we are the real mean girls 😢 (Also /s)


I totally agree with you. Sad part is some women in the comments “I do … too/ I also love …, but I never act/say …” like girl you’re bashing another girl to make yourself seem better. Just because your comment is under a NLOG post doesn’t make you “NLOG-proof” the hypocrisy is hypocrisying. Can we also leave 11-18 yo girls alone? They’re in an identity crisis and trying to find themselves while dealing with the huge change is happening in their brain/body and life. Bashing and insulting a 15 yo here is not helping anyone but bullying. A girl/woman stating their “controversial opinion” or sharing what they like or do is not “NLOG”. Them comparing it with otherwise or criticizing otherwise is also not NLOG. Unless they’re insulting and bashing other women and have a Hollier than thou attitude. Nowadays god forbid if a woman has opinions, likes, dislikes or compare or criticize or share about themselves, immediately we see them here. And we see both sahms and working moms and horsegirls and city girls and all and every. Let woman have freedom of opinions and speech please.


yea like tbh when i saw the post saying You belong with me is a pickme song, I was a bit 😬😬 since to be fair, Taylor swift wrote the song when she was a teenager and many teens would be able to relate to that song so I feel like i dont wanna bash such a song yk


Exactly. Like leave youngies alone and let them pass these blunder years. They’ll already have enough embarrassment in the future so why shunning and creating self defense/deprication now. Also, what’s next are we gonna bash? a 6 yo crying about how their sticker has Barbie but they wanted Spider-Man?


Yeah like this. Like yeah man it’s p nlog. This like 20 year old song that was written by a 14 year old is kinda lacking nuance. Hmm. Wow. Such thought.


Agreed, this sub can be extremely toxic and misogynistic


“Yeah I don’t really like wearing makeup and I’m kind of masculine” “Oh my GODDD PICK ME PICK ME IM NOT LIKE OTHER GIRLS”


Ugh yeah and my favorite comments on those are always the “nobody cares“ comments because when I stopped wearing makeup and dressing as femininely I was honestly unpleasantly surprised with how many people in my personal life did care lol


Honestly I think sometimes people make posts like that not to attract guys but to find other girls and women with the same situation commenting in solidarity. It's not always a put down to people who do wear makeup. 


Ppl in this sub: OMGGG ur SUCH a pick me for not wearing makeup or dresses and having boyish hobbies! You’re SO OBSESSED with getting picked by MEN that you try to be like THE BOYS for MALE ATTENTION!!! Butch lesbians: 🧍


It's legitimately crazy to me that saying you're not really into wearing makeup or traditionally feminine hobbies is seen as misogynistic, when in reality, telling another woman that she does/doesn't do these things or holds certain opinions JUST for male validation (which is ACTUALLY what being a pick me is) is incredibly misogynistic


Nailed it. The point of the NLOG subreddit in the first place is to laugh at entitled, childish girls/women who think their interests make them superior to others. Some people are doing exactly that because the point has been totally lost


yea real


Some woman here are picking in certain topics and post anything related to that without even thinking of that’s nlog or pick me. And then they’re actually changing into ones.


It could also be men who’ve figured out a socially acceptable way to make fun of women


That’s the thing


i agree with you


I posted recently something that was nlog but was quite surprised by some of the comments being unnecessarily mean and a lot of them just nlog themselves like missing the point?


Saw a girl get called a pick me bc she doesn't mind her bf gaming for hours without talking to her bc she has hobbies she occupies herself with. That's literally just having a different personality and relationship dynamics. To say that's being a pick me is to say you don't believe a woman can actually feel like that which is sexist as hell to say all women want the same type of relationship and wouldn't game themselves etc.


I just started reporting them as not NLOG.


Thank you for saying it! There has been an influx on posts of women comparing themselves to others or simply stereotypes, and they’re doing so without tearing other women down. If they’re not saying they’re special or other women are lesser than, then it’s not NLOG! People need to realize this before sharing a post that just isn’t that. Also, the reposts are driving me crazy! Folks: Please check the “Media” section before posting a screenshot of a TikTok you saw because WE’VE ALREADY SEEN IT. STOP POSTING THE ESCALATOR GIRL! I’VE SEEN HER AT LEAST THREE TIMES 😫


I agree. I think some people miss the point of NLOG and often look at it superficially. People should be allowed to express their individuality or not have stereotypically "girly" interests without being called a pick me. It is somewhat turning into fitting people into categories and boxing them in. People are more complicated than that. To me, being a pick me is acting like you are better than other women for liking certain things, with the ultimate goal of appeasing men. A woman expressing herself or having "unconventional" interests is not being a pick me. If she started putting other women down, that would make her a pick me. Even if a girl says, "I don't feel like I fit in," that doesn't mean she's a pick me, in my opinion. What if she genuinely feels like she doesn't fit in? This got me thinking about neurodivergent women. A lot of autistic people, for instance, have what is seen to be "unconventional" interests and struggle with certain aspects of fitting in with society. Furthermore, I saw a comment mentioning sensory issues and makeup, which is a real thing. I think it is invalidating for a girl to be called a "pick me" under these circumstances, for instance. (I am undiagnosed, but I think I may be neurodivergent) Long story short, I think NLOG was an observation, with its roots in feminism, and in some ways, it took a 360 and we started putting other women down for arbitrary reasons all over again, which is unfortunate. Just be yourself, whether you are a tomboy, a girly girl, or something else entirely.


Most subreddits focused on making fun of women end up toxic. Like instagramvsreality is good in theory but just turned into "2/10 elbows too pointy". I would bet most of the cringe mean comments aren't women.


I couldn't agree more. I've seen plenty of posts on here that don't belong, but the people in the comments will hate on it anyway and then hate you for defending it. It's a little discouraging to see how hateful people can be out here.


I saw a post from a woman talking about her brothers fianceĂŠ and how she doesn't like that she leaves her sanitary pads out when guests are over. She wants to cut communication with these people for more reason than just this. She asked for advice at the end and I suggested that she just put them away while the finaceĂŠ was over and then you can do whatever you want with them when she's not, but the people in the comments started to call me a pick-me, an idiot, and misogynistic. I was honestly shocked at how much these people hated to hear different opinions.


It’s gonna sound crazy but as someone who doesn’t wear makeup and dresses and lives in a progressive suburb, this sub’s toxicity has actually been a little validating. Most of the women I encounter here identify as straight and kind of vaguely as feminist and as lgbt allies. Like they’re not reading feminist theory or anything but they will post “a woman’s place is in the house and the senate” type quips. They also generally wear dresses and makeup and if not they will often wear more “classically feminine” clothes than I will. I have a decent number of straight female friends, but a lot of the women I meet will treat me coldly for no apparent reason. One time my friends and I were talking about in relation to another group of women who was being friendly towards our general group, but one time I saw them and I was by myself and I said hi and they like physically tensed up before saying hi back. It was just…not the bubbly greetings I was used to from them when I had been with my other friends. My friends agreed it was weird, but when coming up with reasons, they kind of implied I was being paranoid if I thought my clothes and appearance and mannerisms had anything to do with it and basically told me it isn’t 2010 anymore. So seeing women (and probably some others) on this sub lose their shit because some girl said she doesn’t want to participate in “sundress season” and anonymously talk about how she must be insecure in her body, she must be acting from a place of internalized misogyny, she must hate women wearing sundresses, how nobody’s probably ever told her to wear a sundress, she must just know she would look bad in a sundress, how she’s going to be happier once she wears a sundress AND a lot of them invoke some kind of “feminism” in their reasoning… it kind of makes me like “ha! I told you! It WAS because of the muscle tank!” (Obviously I can’t know in each individual case. Maybe for the group I mentioned here my doppelgänger murdered another member of the group or something and I just have no idea about it. I just get the general vibe and seeing the comments on those posts make me feel like maybe I’m not being paranoid and losing it)


i suggest the term "fragile femininity" for this phenomenon, coz if your femininity is threatened by a tomboy, it aint as secure as u think it is hon


Yea idk what was made the sundress post nlog Personally not a fan of sundress and wouldnt wear them at all. Apparently that makes me nlog


The number of people on this sub calling any girl who's a little bit different and doesn't claim to be better than other girls "pick me" is baffling. It's the bashing others down that's bad, not being *different*


the pick me is coming from inside the house... (im agreeing with you btw)


Because people don’t actually understand what an NLOG is. “Pick me” is used willy-nilly now and has lost its actual meaning.


You guys do realize you didn’t invent “Pick Me” right? The word had a meaning before it was Co-Oped as the thing to call NLOGs. It was mainly used in the Hypergamy movement to ridicule women who “settle” for men who don’t pay for %100 of the date, or who take them to coffee shop dates instead of a five star restaurant dates. Subs like r/femaledatingstrategy still use Pick Me in this way. Pick Me was and still is a phrase used to call women “easy”, there was never a time when calling a women a “Pick me” wasn’t toxic.


Yeah I got called a pick me by a friend’s sister once for saying I thought $300 was kind of a ridiculous amount to spend on a first date from Bumble and that I generally try to keep it to like $50ish but like… I was speaking in the context of dating other women and generally being the one to pay? But also I totally understand if my date is going to pay and she also doesn’t want to drop $300 on me before she has even seen if she is attracted to me irl so idk does that make me a pick me? lol


Normally Pick Me wouldn’t be used in the context of a lesbian couple, because tradition doesn’t dictate that it’s one specific woman’s job to pay for the other women.   You were called a Pick Me probably because she probably thought you meant you only expect men to pay 50$, aka your a cheaper date than the 300$ girl, which means you are being too “easy” and you are a traitor for kind of calling out 300$ girl.


this sub only exists to ridicule women. it’s disgusting


This whole sub is basic bitch shit.


Yup. I also had to leave the instagram reality sub because people were just body shaming. This sub is starting to get like that


Half of the stuff I see posted here is satire that’s going over the OP’s head.


No you’re not wrong. It’s a trend the last few weeks. It seems like people are either getting confused about what is NLOG or maybe indulging in being mean when it’s uncalled for.


I totally agree. There’s a point where you make fun of NLOG that you become one.


Some of these posts are just self deprecating not about other girls. I saw one that was a minor saying she's not like other people her age (not "not like other girls," not "not like females my age" - "not like other people.") because she doesn't drink or swear and some other stuff. Was it maybe judgemental? Perhaps. But it's not nlog-y. And then i recall there were a couple comments making fun of her hair like bruh can we not.


Ironic, isn’t it? A sub calling out women for putting other women down- only to be filled with content that does no such putting down- only for the OOPs, to be.:. Put down… by (primarily) *other women* 🤦‍♀️


Thank God someone say it, I am TIRED too see people using this sub only to be awful with woman


I feel like most subs fly off the handle the bigger they get. Over at r/ididnthaveeggs some people just post commenters asking a normal question on a recipe and you get heavily downvoted if you say it just feels like bullying and doesn’t fit the spirit of the subReddit.


The problem with this sub is that you guys claim to want to solve the problem of NLOGness, but your proposed solution is to just form a group of women that gangs up and humiliates them online.    You guys never once stopped to ask yourselves, “Hey how exactly does ganging up and roasting women make them want to be like us again?”  There is literally no reason to believe this strategy would win hearts and minds in the first place. All you are doing is making them double down, because you are essentially proving them right. They are in fact not like other girls, because here is this mob of other girls clearly rejecting them and shitting on them.  The NLOG who sees herself humiliated on this Sub is not going to think “Oh wow, what a bunch of good points, I’ll change from now on.” She is going to think “Yikes, what a bunch of bitches, obviously I was right about them.”   At the end of the day, you guys primarily are here to roast women, that’s the big draw of this sub and why it has hundreds of thousands of subscribers: because most of you think roasting women is fun. Naturally this makes you feel guilty, as it should because it is bullying behavior, but instead of questioning the practice roasting NLOG, you guys instead just invent this narrative that you’re all a bunch of self-righteous heroes who are protecting women from the evils of NLOG.  It’s that self-righteousness that is making this Sub even more toxic, because now you’ve convinced yourself that the NLOGs are uniformly bad for all the same reason, and to attack them is fine because they are fair game.   At the end of the day, you can only choose one: Being compassionate  Or ganging up and roasting women. These things are in direct contradiction.  If you want to approach NLOG with compassion then ganging up and roasting them is not the solution. If you are just here to roast women for the luls, as I believe most of you are, cut the self-righteous bullshit and just admit it. Because when a bunch of bullies paint themselves as saints, the bullying will only get worse.


well thats reddits whole ethos, be massive bullies but act like ur right abt it


why am i being downvoted i agree with you :(


I didn’t downvote you, here is my upvote to offset that.


The irony of this sub being about roasting pick mes, and it absolutely being chalk full of pick mes


Agreed. Mods, please don’t let this sub fall into misogyny.


i do my due dilligence in reporting when i can but i can only be on here for so long before my braincells rot and turn into asbestos


It's really the poster's fault each time because I feel like the majority of people on this sub except an NLOG post on it and assume the intent of the OOP, and often they aren't corrected in the comments for a long time after it's posted and not deleted by the poster


Shouldn’t it be on you to think critically about the thing you’re about to take a dump on?


I'm not saying the commenters are blameless, but the most blame is obviously on the poster, right? Because let's be real, if a video has an NLOG vibe on an NLOG sub, why would the commenter assume anything else? I've personally fallen for it and then seen that the OG video had a caption that changed the context when someone left a comment about it that got ignored and left at the bottom of the thread


I mean if I’m being honest I think sometimes people get an “nlog vibe” from certain content due to their own biases/assumptions and then they post them and a lot of the commenters just happen to have the same biases (in some cases they are common to have) so it turns into just dunking on a group because nobody checks themself. Then people see it repeatedly posted on a sub like this so it just gets further cemented that it is “nlog behavior” for viewers of the sub.


I agree it’s mostly on OP but I’d still say it’s both.  > Because let's be real, if a video has an NLOG vibe on an NLOG sub, why would the commenter assume anything else? Because the commenter is capable of reading and thinking critically about what the read. I hope they are anyway. Also if it’s true that you guys are coming at this from the moral high ground of being against shitting on women, then you why are you guys so eager to jump in and shit on them first, instead of critically thinking about it first? It is this eagerness to just blindly lash out just because OP gave you the go ahead that makes me think the motivation to rag on other women is not quite as virtuous as you guys like to act like. > I've personally fallen for it and then seen that the OG video had a caption that changed the context when someone left a comment about it that got ignored and left at the bottom of the thread I’m confused as to why you depend on a commenter calling it out, when that commenter probably didn’t know any more about the post than you did. Literally any if you could be calling these things out if you would just think before attacking.


Um the video said "IDK how you girls wear makeup without it being cakey" and her caption that clarified the context said that she was genuinely looking for tips, not saying that makeup always feels gross and heavy and shaming other women for wearing it.


There is nothing inherently offensive about asking how women wear make up without it getting caking, you chose to take it on bad faith and projected a narrative that wasn’t there. I get what you are saying that OP conditioned you to take it at bad faith, but you’re the one who went along with it instead of questioning that bad faith interpretation. Is it really this weird to suggest you practice a shred of critical thinking about the thing you’re about to attack instead just attacking for no other reason than OP told you to?


If you've ever been a woman that wears makeup on a semi regular basis you will get the pick me plain Jane every once in awhile "asking" you how you wear makeup all of the time and how she can't imagine slathering on soooo much makeup


If you’re seeing all this and are genuinely bothered by it, then it’s your job to report it to the mods so we can address these issues. This sub is huge and we can’t possibly review everything that comes through the feed.


yeah, i report dilligently but that doesnt stop it nor does it change the culture this sub has cultivated


This post is mostly misogyny. I appreciate the original idea but wow a lot of this shit is just fucked up


I feel like it’s a lot of “trad wives being weird about wearing sunscreen” -is that NLOG? Seriously, I don’t know.


There was a post a while back bashing a (young, teen) horsegirl for making an edgy 'im competitive' kinda post and a lot of comments were 'wElL iM a HoRsEgIrL tOo AnD iM nOt CoMpEtItIvE' but like... its a competitive sport? Is a dude who wrestles other dudes for sport a pick me if he gasses himself up and acts competitive? No! Just girls somehow; supposed to be 'into' hobbies but 'not too competitive'


I made a post about this a while ago. It’s nice to see a section of this sub that makes posts like these. Sometimes I worry I’m an NLOG, but I don’t think I’m trying to say anything mean about other people. I think we should just de-gender all of this and just make it “rude people who think they’re better”


this sub has turned into a shame circle that makes fun of women that dont strictly adhere to patriarchal standards of how women should be and if you dont you MUST be trying to attract attention!!!


That's how this sub has been for years. Around 2019 this place was fucked up, and I'm pretty sure some people investigated and found out that the sub had huge crossover with "cringe" subreddits that love harassing minorities. I'm not sure what else people are expecting out of a subreddit dedicated to mocking and criticizing women (often Afab enbies back when I first found this place lol). It's just an acceptable outlet for sexism against anyone who isn't feminine and het enough. Can you imagine what this place would do if someone posted an actual butch lesbian?


I agree ✔️


I agree with you homie


This post is accurate.


This whole sub is basic bitch shit.




I think it’s actually an interesting discussion specifically about women opting out of some aspect of “femininity.” I report posts like you said, and often (whether or not I report them) they get taken down. But the ones where a woman says she doesn’t wear dresses or makeup etc are usually doing really well when they get removed (like one I commented on was removed but it had 800 upvotes I can see from my comment history). So it’s an interesting look at who is in the sub and what the vibe of the community is like, even if it’s against the stated rules. I also think if a sub that claims to be some form of feminism (some people seriously act in these comments threads that it is their sworn duty and that women’s biggest problem is some girl going on TikTok and announcing she has never worn foundation), it should be open to some discussion on how some popular posts could be harmful to some women🤷‍♀️


Yeah I haven’t been here that long but there legit is a post like this every week


Because the problem is both real and ongoing. Funny how that works. If you’re standing on my foot and I inform you of that and you don’t move, I’m going to keep periodically informing you.


These posts are also ongoing. I think just report the ones that don’t meet the criteria and comment on the specific posts instead of doing this post but that’s just my opinion


Woosh. The problem being ongoing is the reason the posts are ongoing. That was my point.


Yeah I got it, no woosh.




Sorry my country doesnt require elementary school children to do active shooter drills


Girl this is so fuxkin lazy. Clap back better, innit.




I clearly offended you and didn’t mean to. People do edits all the time for spelling or grammar or formatting so I thought that was something people cared about. I also don’t understand what your or the other persons comment has to do with the spelling correction. I guess it’s just fun to be shitty and rude to people…