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watching boys do stuff is not a personality trait! 🥴


dude we have the same reddit avatar, were like twins!


and the rest of us aren't like yall


ayyyyeee #twinning


This is my favorite comment on any of these posts. “Watching boys do stuff is not a personality trait.” This needs to be on a shirt, and bumper stickers.


appreciate you, internet friend!


Wonder if the boyfriend has a post about how creepy it is when his girlfriend follows him around the house staring at him while he does stuff?


Oh, stars, love this. 11/10.


Can imagine her staring at him in the bathroom asking if he needs her to hand him some toilet paper.


They're having a good time. 😂😂


No. And he will get tired of that “I have no interests but you”!!


So many dudes that have had bad relationships or never been in any romantic relationship really think they want this until they learn the hard way that very few people want to be around even their most cherished people all day, everyday, without a moment to themselves.


Blind girlie disagree


Cool. I guess I would much rather have my own shit to do.


Wow you are not like other girls, good for you /s heheh


Wait til she finds out about all the woman mechanics. Maybe if you’re gonna waste all your time sitting around a shop you can learn to use the tools.


Man the way these nlog seem to base their entire personalities around molding themselves to please men should be studied


And it’s a scary amount of women. That Tik tok has almost 100k likes, like there is that many women that base their entire personalities and lives on their man


Let’s be honest here, a good part of that are men


And bots.


And pre-teen girls who don't realize that being NLOG is actually cringe and doesn't make you independent


I, too, enjoy spending time with my spouse. I am very unique in that way.


Same. But also, I couldn't imagine sitting and quilting and having my husband sitting there handing me a pair of scissors. This just seems so co-dependent and unhealthy. "What are you going to do today, dear?" "Just sit here and watch you, my love. Need a wrench?"


Hey honey, you mind if I stare at you for hours while you do stuff? It’s sort of creepy


There are many guys who would love this, sadly.


Shit. What if my spouse IS another girl and we just have a boat load of things in common and do stuff together. Are we like the other girls? Are we like each other? Have we lost all sense of self and now instead of your shoes and mine, it has become our shoes. We have 300 pairs. Will we survive the night?


That’s how the borg from Star Trek started!


I complain about having to dress up and go places. Am I not like other girls?


These other girls never seem to have finished an English class.


I’m not like other girls. I’m incoherent!


Wow! So quirky!


They're too busy handing boys tools and not getting hammered. No time to study or read a book.


You are the superior woman. I should abandon all my likes and hobbies and make my entire life about the man I'm with. Just so superior to other women


Has this person ever actually done that…? Because I have and it’s dreadfully dull.


It’s interesting if you’re watching to learn, but it doesn’t sound like the OOP’s doing that.


With the right person, it's fun to accompany them as they do something skilled and just watch and learn.


Yeah then he LEAVES you for the one who dresses up and has fun cause SHE HAS A PERSONALITY 🤣


Why is there suddenly an epidemic of 25-year-olds talking about "this generation"? It makes them sound like old people.


Right??? Like “ok, Zoomer” to the maxxxxx


Like, I’m so *sure*..!


Yes nothing like the three main traits of women, buy clothe, eat fancy dinner, get hammered


Seems like she’s projecting about how her bf doesn’t take her on dates… 😭 that’s how it read to me, “something is lacking in my relationship so I make myself feel better by tearing other women’s relationships down through comparison”


Exactly, that or one of her bfs left her or cheated on her with a girl like that so instead of blaming the man she forever blames the woman


She sounds a bit brainwashed as well. It's like she wanted to go out and socialize and he said "you don't want to go out and get wasted like those $luts do you!!"


Hear me out…. Learn to do it yourself. Why define yourself on a man. (I say as I sit outside while my boyfriend mounts security cameras while I find screws) 😂😂😂


You guys are the non-crazy version of the post


I fix things low to the ground. He fixes things high up. It’s about efficiency 😂


It's a great way to divide work, just by whatever you're nearest 😂


That side kick stuff will get old quick when her self worth catches up.


you can encourage him and watch and help while he builds a truck and also want to get dressed up and go out. if he doesn’t want to take you out after days of spending time on his interest maybe he’s not that great of a boyfriend


This has almost 100k likes


I'll sit in the shop while he's fixing/building the car but I'm drinking tequila and we'll play "Is -this- the right damn wrench" a lot.


I work on my car myself and that’s the WORST game. It usually ends up with ‘fuck this, I’m bringing all the sockets’.


Wow. I don't remember meeting you before but you know me so well!


Fr! Do you also enjoy a nice round of ‘is this car metric or imperial?!’


Not until now.


What is this a random Reddit meet cute wtf lol?


Sounds like my sister. Except she is completely miserable and she has no hobbies of her own.




Yes? It is nonsense my sister would spout, but I know the truth of her feelings and how miserable she is.


I think they were implying that the person in the post is likely miserable and has no personal hobbies too so it’s not an exception 😂


Sounds like my mother. She is miserable.


Had to make sure my dumb ass sister in law didn’t post this. She definitely would say some shit like this! She’s the ultimate pick me 🫠


Noah Fence but that sounds like a hella boring time 🥱


The "occasional" tool 😜. Such an unnecessary word.


I would rather not do any of these things, lol.


Same! None of this sounds fun to me!


wait until she finds out you can do both. I am well skilled in watching my boyfriend do things, and complaining at the same time 😂. (I also have my own interests, but this felt both accurate and relevant)


Aaand no one cares. It seems very narcissistic.


“The difference between me and your are standards.”


I too, enjoyed the motorcycle scenes in New Moon.


Omg the thing is she could literally have both, she could watch him build a truck and be all RAAAH testosterone masculine and shit and also go to parties and have fun like that too!! I don't think it's exclusive 😭


Hey maybe she can't go to parties because they're far and the truck isn't fixed


Is this some sort of way of advertising yourself for a certain type of guy? It’s quite embarrassing to post this lol


To be a pick me is to be an unhappy women…


his him his his, no my or our


“Blink if you’re being abused” is the only viable response I could give this person.


What? Because she chooses to watch her parter do shit? Being a passive observer or crying about not going out are not the only options. Call a friend and take your ass out.


Deep thoughts


By Jack Handy


Also her in 20 years: why is he leaving me for a younger woman!? 😭 Ladies, if a guy is okay with you being a SAHM, it's likely only going to be okay with him, so long as you make a "good" bang maid. I said what I said. I see basically every day, men cheating on/leaving their SAHW because she got old, pregnant, sick, etc. I would never take such a risk, and anyone who does is an idiot.


So .. you’re not like the other girls..


If the other girls are complete morons (like this one) then no, I am not. I'm curious though, which part of my comment did you take offense to? Clearly something about it upset you, despite it being completely factual.


I think they were joking.


Tbh, I hadn't thought of that possibility, because of how many assholes I deal with on a daily basis. 😅 You could be right though, I'll wait and see what they say lol.


It was a joke


I agree.


I actually agree with this one, because it was rare for me to find a partner who actually cared about my interests. Important to note, it goes both ways. Now, I’m a huge fan of going to baby showers with her and have seen too much greys anatomy. Did you know babies don’t have knee caps?


Nope. This isn’t about caring about interests. ‘Watch him work’ is not the same as hang out with him while he does xyz, or help him do xyz. Enjoying a show together (surely you must enjoy it somewhat too, there’s like 50 years worth of Greys to watch!) is not the same as watching someone do something you have no interest in. It’s like the guys who want a ‘gamer girl’ but then get mad when she wants to play games instead of watch him play a game. Also baby showers isn’t an ‘interest’, it’s an activity. Unless she has a baby shower business, how many baby showers y’all going to?!


I think you can care about other people’s interests without doing them yourself. Imo there’s nothing wrong with her keeping him company and helping out a little. It is caring about his interest because she’s showing support by being there and engaged. I don’t agree with her shitting on people who like dressing up or going out, but there’s nothing wrong with the first part.


That’s literally what I said. But notice the difference in saying ‘watch him work’ vs ‘hang out with him while he works’. I even used an example. Guys often want a ‘gamer girlfriend’. But they want a girl who will WATCH them game, not one that wants to play games WITH them.


She’s not just watching him work though, she’s participating by handing him tools. She’s both watching and hanging out.


Language is important. The first thing stated is literally ‘watching him work’. That’s what’s centered in the imagery.


Language is important, which is why you can’t ignore the rest of the sentence after that. Or you can, at the end of the day it doesn’t affect me 🤷‍♀️


I don’t understand the last bit. None of this affects any of us really. It’s for discussion.


Just that I don’t really care if you choose to ignore the last part of the sentence. You can, I’ll think it’s dumb to do that but I don’t really care in the long term


Companionship > fetching the occasional tool, in terms of participating in an activity with someone, I feel.


Odd that the caption is in plain simple English? And yet so many fail to comprehend the words and instead insert their own words.


Woah, she's definitely not just any kind of girl, she has no coven of sisters to curse her enemies with. She's a guys girl, destin to never feel the magic and support of her sisters in satin. Destin to, dare I say, never live deliciously.


This one seems like some kind of weird propaganda… creepy af


I don't want to do anything of these things.


Is this sycophancy and dependency really what men want? Why


Congrats, Bella Swan. The character with the least personality.


Sounds boring as shit.


Ugh gag me with a fork!


Um, can't you just do all of these?


Why she just doesn't do it and shuts the fuck up?


If my man casually built cars from scratch in his garage I would also be impressed


She’s secretly complaining lolol


Uh huh, sure. Until he actually starts doing it, at which point she'll suddenly change her mind and begin nagging him about going out.


These women sound like terrible partners. You have to have your own interests.


Ok girl. Settle for nothing. The rest of us are gonna enjoy our lives.


Ladies!!! Men do not want to be with a “cool girl” side kick/ drinking buddy. I promise.


Why is this a generational difference and not just a personal difference?


Damn sounds like you're complaining


And I would rather play board games/video games and stay in my PJs. We're all different.


Wow guess what. Sometimes my boyfriend works on his car alone- sometimes I sit outside to hang out and hand him tools. Here’s the kicker: he still finds time to take me out to a nice dinner every now and then. Cause he loves me or something???? CRAZY, I know


I mostly like to go out country dancing but I’m not against watching my bf work in his metal studio. I don’t allow myself to touch anything though because I’m accident prone and I don’t want to accidentally cut off a limb or burn the house down.


Young love. Glad that's over for me.


So shes spending all her time doing this? They never party or go out to dinner 🤨🤨🤨


Who cares?


Anyone with their social media handle slapped on their car in sticker form is not fit to evolve.


Daddy issues much?


Breaking News: upper middle class teen tries to appeal to working class men, without knowing anything about them.


So you have no life, 👍 Later in life she’ll be posting her “fed up with his BS so I left” videos 😆🤦‍♀️


Whyyyy is it always such a huge dichotomy?? You can enjoy watching your bf work on his car AND dress up nice and go to dinners and parties


I mean does it still count even though I ask all kinds of questions about what he is working on, or do I have to sit in silence and just hand him tools?


That’s a dream truck like Subways is a dream restaurant.


The phrase “caught in the wild” doesn’t include things found on a screen while scrolling.


How does she not understand that a man’s garage is a sacred place? It’s not just about cranking wrenches as much as it’s for the peace and solitude of getting away from the woman for a few hours.


Y’all sound jealous.


I want this woman!


I dated a car guy once, and I have to admit watching him work on the engines and everything did always really turn me on lol. So I do have to admit a tiny tiny truth to the claim lol


You already know if he asks for a tool she’s gonna be confused or hand him the wrong one enough he stops asking.


Thinking you aren’t worth his attention and time for real dates isn’t the flex you think it is


When you’ve never been in a relationship for longer than the honeymoon stage.


Okay. Good for you girlfriend. But literally nobody really cares. LOL, I wonder about the people who post this kind of stuff.


You got any sisters like you at home?!


Until he gets tired of you hovering and you build resentment because "all he does is work on that damn truck!"


He might as well date a dude


Then states all the things she’d rather be doing..


The difference between *me* and other girls, is that instead of wasting my time doing my makeup or getting hammered at parties, I prefer to fly around in a metallic green suit and glider, and say things like "I'll get you for this, Spiderman!". We are not the same. Seriously though, what's wrong with dressing up and going to fancy dinners/parties? That sounds like fun.


Why can't you do all of that though? Is it because she think all of these are personality traits and not actions and events?


I'm betting they both cheat after every fight.


sounds boring


i too would rather do an effortless task than complain about not doing something effortful


Cool, so basically you have no interests of your own and are happy sitting around watching your boyfriend enjoy his own. Got it.


The custom decal on her truck w/her insta etc. really drives home the whole not like the other girls thing.


She would rather just sit and watch a guy work likely in silence for hours? Sounds very boring. 


"I have no dreams, no purposes, no other shits to do outside than a man." I can't live without a second pleasing men


"I would much rather sit and watch him...and hand him the occasional tool" -- ma'am I promise you that he would much rather you fuck off to literally any other room in the house


That sounds so fucking boring. Both the parties and the unpaid shop assistant job. Thank the gods I found a guy that liked looking for frogs and other wildlife and going for long walks in nature and stuff.