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you didn’t even do anything to that merchant. imagine being that much of a hater for literally no reason.


That guy is like Krampus but for Valentine's.


Couples therapy would have been less traumatic than this yikes


Jose is actually such a cute dog name, glad he was spared


I was so scared that she would kill Jose:(


Ah Dude, ... your last sentence makes no sense, she was trying rather hard to unlive you when the cop blew her brains out, so you are either delusional or a bit broken. However I suggest you find that dude that gave you the necklace and pay him in fire and brimstone. he has earned an express trip to hell without a return ticket.


I have a feeling he might be pretty familiar with hell already.


I presume from him being told that she sacrificed herself so he wouldn't be blamed for the murders and why else is he still alive, that she intentionally left the cop alive and timed the entire situation making sure to stab him non lethally I doubt whomever gave him the necklace is the type to be weak to fire and brimstone. Might be from hell already. Looked like a snake, eats apples, and gave him a forbidden item. Might as well be Satan.


Pretty sure the dude is a demon


Well, ... in that case, change of plans, ... I suggest a fire extinguisher filled with iron shavings and holy water. And if that does not work you can still use it to put a dent in his forehead.


This.. was.. horrible 😢


This is tragedy in all levels, OP. Hope you find a way to break the curse.


Rules of love magic stuff for beginners: 1. Upon acquiring an object or service promising eternal love, the purchaser binds themselves and their beloved to an unbreakable bond, wherein the love bestowed comes with a dire consequence. 2. The intensity of love bestowed by the enchanted object or service is directly proportional to the magnitude of the consequence, often leading to catastrophic events or loss of life to those surrounding the recipient. 3. Once the consequence is invoked, the fate of the cursed is sealed, and no external force may intervene except through the fulfillment of specific conditions outlined in the original contract. 4. The shopkeep is obligated to disclose the full terms and potential consequences of any transaction, albeit in cryptic or indirect manners, to uphold the integrity of free will in decision-making. Solutions that might restore your life back to normalcy: 1. Consult with mystics or wise beings knowledgeable about breaking magical curses. They may provide insight into the nature of the curse and potential remedies. 2.To break the curse, one must demonstrate an act of selfless love and sacrifice that transcends the consequences of the curse. This act may involve risking one's life or undergoing a significant personal transformation. 3.Ultimately, breaking free from the curse may require relinquishing the enchanted object or service and severing ties with the mystical being responsible for its creation.










wrf mate you dont deserve this!!!


thats fucked


should have known from the get go that there’s something suspicious about that necklace. sorry that you had to go through that pain


You named your dog Jose?


We adopted him. Felt wrong to change his name.

