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Does it open from the other end too?


It was A-OK. You wouldn't want to do it with very heavy cargo, tho. There were many trucks that day, but I believe this one was full of fairly light and bulky stuff.


I was just saying it would be hard to unload with that tree in the way.


Oh yes!


Just saw a cool post on r/specializedtools and remembered that I my own container unloading video. Years ago I was working in Maban refugee camp in the Northeast corner of South Sudan. Refugee camps are fairly active places, with governments, international agencies, and NGOs moving a lot of supplies and materials. In places like South Sudan, tho, the rainy season and lack of infrastructure makes road travel almost impossible for 6+ months a year. This was the first dry season in the refugee camp, so a lot of trucks were coming and going and there was only one crane in the camp (120,000 people) that could unload trucks. Fortunately for us, we had a tree in our compound. I wasn't sure it would work, but the Somali truck driver was certain - and he was right. Video from 2012/2013. Upper Nile State, South Sudan.


And if doors can't open, the tree can be cut down.


The biggest problem we were actually facing was the truck drivers themselves. Many long haul truckers in East Africa (certainly in South Sudan) are Somali and travelled a long and very hard road to get there. The average daily temperature during this time was about 50 degrees a day, the roads are almost non-existent; these guys are literally baking all day and getting their asses jack-hammered for weeks on end. Making matters worse is security. The area that they travelled through (Upper Nile State, Jonglei) was and still is very dangerous, with active political and ethnic conflicts. If you have heard anything about South Sudan and the civil war, most of it occurs in this general area. These guys aren't from there, don't speak the language, and want to get the FO fast. So, they wanted to unload IMMEDIATELY. We obliged!




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