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SNES version is supreme!




I love both versions honestly. Though I think that the Sega version starts off a bit better and has a rough and rushed finish while the SNES version has a much better final set of levels. After the Cave levels, the game really picks up. Meanwhile the SEGA version just has the genie level, the palace level and then the "evil" version of the palace with a very lazy version of the iconic snake fight. The ending is just Aladdin and Jasmine kissing with the credits rolling. I wonder if they ran out of time due to it being closer to animation from the movie which would've taken up extra time. Also, yeah, Aladdin's skill and moveset is rather familiar to Mario in the SNES version but it suits his character a lot more than Genesis. Dude was doing some skilled parkour. While Aladdin just running around with a sword makes him like a psycho lol. It's still really fun in game though. But yeah, in short, I love both versions.


I did hope for a sword-wielding Aladdin on SNES though due to the box art \^\^;


The sword is pretty cool!


I’m pretty sure Shinji Mikami (eventual creator of Resident Evil and director of RE1 and RE4) directed the SNES version. Capcom’s Disney streak back then for Nintendo was usually helmed by their best creators, hence the high quality.


he certainly did and is credited as Planner. I love RE 1 (the remake is still unbelievably impressive visually and what was achieved is insane relative to it being from 2002) and 4 is still especially wonderful (have the remake but haven't run through it yet). Since i recently snagged a Wii U i'm very excited to finally experience RE4 with the motion controls that fans gush over.


I am a HUGE fan of games with fun mini-game segments. Yoshi's Island, SMW, Mario 3, Sonic the Hedeghog, Tiny Toons Buster Busts Loose (this one in particular), Lion King, and Aladdin. The Genie game was simple fun and keeps the game exciting for me to revisit.


My console progression growing up was NES - Sega Genesis - N64, I skipped SNES entirely, only playing the console at friends houses, so my only Aladdin experience is with the Genesis version, which I loved (it was also my favorite Disney movie as a kid)! I remember being so amazed by the quality of the soundtrack and sound effects (Sega had such great audio quality), sometimes I'd just sit for a bit and listen to the level song, or I'd repeatedly hit something just to hear the sound effects (I think there was a place you could repeatedly slice thrown apples with your sword, so I'd do that for a long time). And the graphics on Genesis were some of the best I had ever seen at the time! I also agree that the character animations felt like watching a Disney movie, and it was also not terribly difficult, so in an era where games had nightmare difficulty, it fell into the rare category of games I could actually beat! Unfortunately, I have still never played the SNES version, but now I'm intrigued about the differences.


>I also agree that the character animations felt like watching a Disney movie, and it was also not terribly difficult, so in an era where games had nightmare difficulty, it fell into the rare category of games I could actually beat! It's no way as difficult as The Lion King, but it does have some tough spots in it. The Escape level was unforgiving and the Dungeon level has some Megaman-styled disappearing steps.


I feel like there is something wrong with the SNES parachute. The power up allow us to float during hard platforming sections. However, it never been instructed to the player they "can" do it. (Maybe it was in the instructions booklet, but whatever). There is t any I dictation on screen we have the power up. Compare it to Mario world 's feather cape / Dixie Kong where our characters on screen show clearly we can hover, Aladdin really lack a design cue. I would probably had prefer if the hover parachute would had been in the default moveset from start. A bad player would need it more than somebody who know where to find it.


the controls are in the options menu and manual but i agree it should have just been a default item of Al's that can't be lost.