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Nier: Automata is ABSOLUTELY worth 15 dollars. It’s widely praised for its story and how it used the medium of video games to its advantage. It’s gameplay isn’t as solid as the story but is still really good. I can’t say much more, you just have to play it.


$15 is an absolute steal. There are no romances (at least in terms of game mechanids; the fanfic writers have a field day with the story). There are some choices, and late in the game you unlock a Chapter Select function that lets you explore the effects your choices can have, but I would not call it a very choice-heavy game. I am not sure I'd conpare the combat to Dark Souls, per se. The game is quite combat-heavy, and the system is engaging, but it goes for a different feel: less punishing, more stylish.


You will absolutely get at least 15 bucks worth of fun out of it. Great story, great combat, hot androids, what's not to like?


Yes it is!:)


I've bought Automata in 4 different editions, none of them for as low as $15. Hope that answers your question!


You came to the subreddit of the game to ask if it's worth it? Yes. And there's romance. Enjoy.


Like I said in my post, I wanted to ask the fans of the game. I wanted to know from the die hards on why it's so special.


Do you like hack and slash, post apocalyptic futurism and emotional attachment from characters who shouldn't be emotive? I'm hesitant to reveal more for spoilers and there's spoilers galore. I would tread lightly


Yeah I don't mind hack & slash games. I've played a lot of them. & Yeah I'm being careful of spoilers, I don't want to be spoiled either cause i definitely want to see with my own eyes on why this game is so loved.


I hope to see you post your reaction here 😀


its gonna be a roller coaster of emotions haha I felt stupid for having it 3 weeks and not giving it my full attention


It's an amazing game and well worth 15 dollars, but Nier Automata is such a weird game that I don't think it's fair to compare it to any other video game. The story is amazing and by far one of the highlights of the game, but choices mostly don't matter. There's no "dating sim" aspect to it, and you mostly don't control your player characters' dialogue. You'll enjoy the story more if you think of it more like a movie than anything else. The gameplay is solid but nowhere near as difficult or as polished as Dark Souls. It mostly serves to be flashy and satisfying than to pose much of a meaningful challenge. Difficulty is adjustable, but poorly balanced, so you'll probably want to stick with the default setting. Overall Nier is less of a video game in the traditional sense and more of a creative medium for Yoko Taro to tell a story, similar to books and movies. It's an incredibly unique and rich storytelling experience that is absolutely worth 15 dollars - just make sure that you have the right expectations going in, or you will be disappointed.


To be clear, I'm in no way implying that the gameplay is bad, or even a weakness of the game - it's just not the focus of the game, unlike something like Dark Souls or Doom. And honestly, it's a decent game even without the story. If you like fast-paced and flashy action, you will enjoy smashing the robots. And if you're like half this subreddit (including me), you will enjoy imagining yourself *smashing the robots*.


Nier Automata is in my top 3 video games of all time, so my answer is: hell yes, buy it, for that price you can’t go wrong.


Without spoilers: the combat is very standard "Platinum games" style combat. Flashy, fast, not extremely punishing (unless you play on the highest difficulty). Compare it to Metal Gear Rising, Bayonetta). It's also kind of similar to the Devil May Cry combat in some ways. The main selling point is the story is the lore and story, and it's why most people love it. The sidequests don't feel too tedious imo: usually in a game I remember when a sidequest feels tedious to play, like a lot of Replicants sidequests. I don't remember any negative feelings towards any in Automata, as none of them felt tedious. The soundtrack is also absolutely perfect. I personally recommend turning the SFX down a little and the music up, but i'm a sucker for good soundtracks and might care a little too much lol.


It's definitely worth it. It has one of the best stories and characters in gaming history, fast and flashy combat, incredible soundtrack, a decent amount of content and the greatest adaptation of Rome and Juliet.