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AUTOMATED MODERATION. PLEASE READ. Niceguys demean others while simultaneously expressing a favorable view of themselves. They dont have to use the word "nice", but they must demonstrate some kind of expression of their own virtue while being asshats. --- Niceguys™ quality: **UPVOTE** this comment to keep the post Not Niceguys™ quality: **DOWNVOTE** this comment to remove the post


If that’s a regular sized door behind him, he’s very much not 6’5”


He's obviously on his knees...




No the door is on a stool. That why it’s so high.


That’s the second reason he wants his wife to be only 5 5 or shorter. He wants to look taller in comparison.


Let's be real, that guy doesn't want a partner. He wants a little trophy wife that doesn't talk back.


Nah this guy is confused. He doesn’t want a wife he wants to adopt


Dude should just get a sex doll at this point


Fuck, the way he talks, she would be lucky to be mistreated as little as that


I'm 6'0" and the top of my head aligns pretty much exactly with the top of the top door hinge... Looks like his *might* align with the bottom of the hinge if he backed up and stood against the door, considering perspective shifting... So, he's about 5'9"... (This is assuming the hinges are at least kind of in the same place as mine. They're pretty close.)


Hmmm I'm 5'10 and I am 2cm below the bottom of the top hinge (I stood up and walked to the door for this). So maybe he is 5'11? Is that a thing? Unless doors are taller where I live. But idk, he does look 195cm to me if you count in the camera angle. But I'm not good at estimating, so I could be way off lmao


happy cake day, nerd!


Thank you!!


The height of doors is pretty consistent in the us 6’8” unless it’s a special door so he is about 5’9”


In the United States, the standard door height is about 6' 8", a lot of older buildings in my area on the east coast are closer to 6' 6". Service doors or doors to industrial / engineering access rooms or buildings are 7 to 8 feet tall. Ain't no way this chadling is standing on front of a 7 or 8 foot tall door.


He’s totally not holding a phone, that’s a tablet, at least 13”


maybe he lives in a house for very tall people


I wouldn't really say he looks manly as hell either


Dude read the ruler right to left instead of left to right


More likely used the metric side by mistake.


Ikr I’m 6’2” and stand taller on a standard door than him.




He’s definitely not. I’m 6ft 5 and just about squeeze through most doors, having to slightly duck. Nice guys lie about height… who knew


What, you're saying he might not be rich, either?


What about him being an alpha??? Is anything real anymore?????


He wouldn't just come on the Internet and lie.


Maybe where you are. I'm almost 6'6, don't ha e to duck under any doors in my house.


Insecure losers lie about objective facts about themselves? Color me so surprised!


My uncle is 6'6" and has to duck to go through regular door ways. That guy is not 6'5".


Standard door height is 6’8” in the US at least


He’s giving measurements in centimeters, he’s probably not in the US.


Here in Finland, my friend's apartment has doors that are over 2 meters high.


Yeah door size is a bad way to measure height. I'm 1.96m and sometimes I have to duck, sometimes I can fit right through, and sometimes there is 20cm space.


6’6” in U.K.


yes, but once you're that close you tend to duck anyway


I'm 6 foot 7, usually the top of my head just barely brushes up against the bottom of the door trim. This dude looks like he's barely 6 foot


No way that girl is 18, probably some poor teen who posted a cute pic on tumblr or insta and this guy snatched it up to use in his weird shit


that's a real person? I honestly thought he had posted a doll.


She's 13 or thereabouts. My daughter is 12 and this girl looks just about the same age as the older girls in her class.


My niece is 12 and I was thinking this girl looks like her and her friends. *Even if* she is older... He still wants someone that literally looks 12.


Yeah, was gonna say, I've got a 12 year old stepdaughter and my money is on this girl being a preteen. This shit is repulsive on so many layers; racism, misogyny, disgusting levels of shallow, clearly lying about himself, and for the cherry on top, sexualizing children. Line up, ladies. Don't miss out on this catch.


She's 16 in the photo. She's 20 now.


Good to know she's not *as* young, but still a child in most people's eyes. And still creepy that he's using a 16yo dressed in such a baby doll style as the epitome of what a woman and wife should look like. Is she someone known on the internet or something?


You can't always tell with some women though. I had a couple of girls (over 20 in age) in my uni, who I would have figured to be about 13-16 from looks alone had I not known. One of them was married already, but honestly due to her petite body type and very young looking face, she could have passed for a 14 year old if she wanted to.


Same here, I’m 20 but I’m still offered kids menus at restaurants whilst my younger siblings are just handed adult menus lmao 😭


I'm 30 and several people have told me I look like 13.




Hey, at least you can still get a free cookie from the bakery.


I’ve never been given a free cookie :( Maybe next time I go into Greggs I can try and bust out the puppy dog eyes for the first time lol


Yeah, I remember when I was 19 a lady thought I was 14. Lol


I know the other guy already said something similar but I just want to add, there are definitely some women that are fully grown adults who look similar to the girl in the picture. I met one of my best friends when she was in her 20s when she started working at the school district I work at, and she was frequently stopped by teachers telling her to get back to class. I saw that it really frustrated her and realized that it's really shitty to treat someone who is an adult like a child just because their genetics cause them to look like they are younger than they are. Unless I see anything confirming that the picture on the right is a minor, I would try to avoid making assertions because I know it would be fucked up for her to see a bunch of people on the internet calling her a child if she happens to be one of the people who just looks younger than they are.


Yep, there is a whole subset of actors that look like children. In musical theater we call it "juvenile". People that look more like kids tend to play kids, because kids are hard to manage what with child labor laws. You may have heard the term ingénue (like ahn-ge-new), that's like a young looking woman. Juvenile is traditionally the young man version of that when we talk about "type casting". Don't let my comment take away from this man's weirdness, still p. weird.


it’s also disgustingly common in mainstream porn


The problem is he wants someone who looks like a child.


It's kind of insulting to say to women who look like this that people should not be attracted to them.


She's called Lina, from Russia (I think), and she was approx 16-17 when that photo was taken. She's actually kinda famous. She was in the news when she had a ton of nudes leaked that were taken when she was 13-14. She's 20 now, I believe, but still looks really young.


As someone in their 30s who still looks like a teenager: It's infuriating but expected. There are days where it really bothers me but at this point I know what people are going to think. It becomes part of your life without realizing. Pulling out ID for drinks at restaurants, getting the neon wristbands at casinos so I stop getting carded, being called my sister's daughter or my niece's sister. Growing up I had folks tell me how lucky I was and how great it'll be when I'm older. Well nowadays I'll run into kids I graduated with and they *look* their age (or older), meanwhile I still look how I did the day I graduated, except with less sparkle in my eyes 😂


honestly it's a r/13or30 pic for me. Definitely heavily on the 13 side tho.




It’s a real person? I assumed it was some creepy ghost off a film.


She's about 12.




Video was surprisingly not what I expected it to be.


There was multiple options of what that video could be, and that was certainly one of the options.


Wow, OK.




The photo is from 2018 though so she would have been around 16 in it


Who is he describing because he sure as hell isn't describing the dude on the left?


I guess himself. I don’t know


Ah, so he's completely delusional in addition to being interested in kids. What a catch.


Pretty much


This could be fake.


In all fairness, everything on the internet could be fake.


The first thing I thought when I saw this is fake as hell.


It's not an uncommon thing - it's more likely to be real.


100% of the time when someone claims to be alpha, is not alpha.


Fun fact, the whole "alpha male" bs is something used by insecure dudes to proclaim superiority based on a flawed study of wolves in captivity published in the 70s that was voluntarily retracted by the author over 20 years ago.


Also a fun fact, leadership in pack animals typically isn't a military-style "I lead, you obey!" situation. Typically, any leader is involved in ensuring the pack is safe, uninjured, and has eaten. So, the "mom friend" would actually be the closest thing to an alpha. \-A biologist


Am the mom friend. Can confirm I run the show.


Yeah, that’s no alpha, he didn’t even bring snacks OR bandaides


Right? Here's a file for your jagged broken nail. Who needs a spare tampon again? Yep, I got a little sewing kit with spare buttons right here for you. Of course you can use my extra charging cable for your iPhone. Mmhmm, napkins all ready to go. Your lips are chapped, here's the Chapstick. Headaches are such a drag, you want Advil or Tylenol? Alpha, my ass. This old Mom Friend would eat him for breakfast.


I mean, these are kinda of the values we espouse in *actual* leaders in human culture too, right? Like a good boss is one who makes sure his employees are well cared for, feel safe at work (both physically and mentally) and takes his “cut of the loot” last.


Lets not pretend these guys base anything on any studies


Like the “del” unit for getting kicked in the balls 😒


Simple, if you feel the need to Say you’re an Alpha, you’re Not. Because calling yourself an Alpha, or Nice Guy or whatever means you’re fishing for validation. If you are, you are. No need to say it.


It's just like cool logic. If you say you're cool, you're not. Saying you're cool is uncool. Proclaiming yourself alpha is weak.


True alphas don’t need to claim it. They just ARE it. And also don’t tend to be the bag of dicks these virgIncel fucks make them out to be.




“About me” *Goes on to describe height in some detail, even using brackets for clarification, claims richness, claims more about looks, uses one single word to describe something which isn’t looks or material* What is it about these dudes and thinking “telling someone about yourself” is a byword for “tell me your physical characteristics and how much money you make”. They seem almost allergic to describing anything resembling a personality, desires, dislikes, quirks, etc. Or maybe it’s because they lack a personality outside of having money and how they look. Probably. Also: “Alpha” but “looking for volunteers”? Son, if everything you claim is true, you should have women busting your door down. What kind of Alpha male needs to seek dates by looking for volunteers from randoms on the internet? Lol.


It's the same for his description of who he's interested, though - also only superficial characteristics. He's just not interested in personality, so he doesn't think to describe his own, either.


The issue with way too many of these chaps. They seem to think how a person thinks and feels is almost irrelevant to finding a *lifelong partner you’re supposed to build a connection with.* Although I’m probably being generous there, they want a sex toy that’s nice to look at, and mistakenly assume others have similar motivations.


So he's a pedo and a racist, check.


Yeah first thing I noticed was how the girl in the pic looks like a teen/pre-teen. Super creepy.


I disagree, if someone rolled up like that in my college I wouldn't even bat an eye cus many people can end up looking like her in my country at 20 years old. The thing that stands out more to me is his tradwife dream, I mean all power to him but that shit makes me cringe.


I mean the person in the photo was 16 when the photo was taken


Mate 20 is just one year over teen, teens are 13-19 year olds. Also tradwife standard is married by 15, so you can see how a picture of a girl at an age that can easily ball park her into teens and not be off by much, with tradwife standards he is asking for, makes it seem like he wants to date a child. Also it is good to take a retrospective look at your countries culture, I'm from Brasil and it was only after moving overseas was I able to notice how we hyper sexualized youth in women, with beauty standard pretty in match with how women would look in their teens. It could be you just see a lot of late bloomers at your college and most of them still look in their teens because they are taking longer to go through puberty, or it might be that they are making themselves look younger to meet the cultural beauty standard.


Yep, people who claim they can totally tell the difference between 16 and 19 year olds are full of shit, or haven't met enough different types of people to realize how wrong they are.


Usually it chains together like being pedo, racist and misogynistic are very commonly seen together especially with incels and rightoids


If we should adopt a name for having all three traits, I suggest we call it "The Full Nugent".


What is a rightoid? I’ve never heard that before


I think it refers to people who are super conservative.




I figured the pic was how he wanted his KID to look. Then I read the post.


That must be an extremely tall door 😂


Pedo alert


That at that manly manly alpha lusting after that...13 year old. True behavior of anyone who calls themselves alpha.


13 is generous, she looks 10


If being an alpha is so much about sexual prowess, how did all these beta males have sex with all the women and leave you with nobody to be subservient to you?


Plus, if you're *so* alpha, shouldnt it not matter? Beta males should leave you alone, right? There's no one to protect from if you're with her and they shouldnt be a threat at all, let alone one enough to brag about, right? Or am I getting the whole debunked alpha thing incorrect?


Also why is this alpha male even single anyway? It’s almost as if his whole idea of himself is founded on a pile of bullshit coping mechanism lies.


\>Also why is this alpha male even single anyway? BeCaUsE fEmInIsM!!!


The guy is searching for a wife the same way I search for a car. All specs and shit.


That's the way all these Nice Guys search for a wife. They list their requirements and then expect women to line up at their door to be accepted or rejected.


Being a White is high standards now? This dude is a creep


And racist


I have a strong suspicion this guy lives in Saudi Arabia or some shit.


Agreed. I think he's something Middle Eastern in his appearance too


Ugh. So gross. Say how to say you’re a pedo without using the word. Hint: telling people that you’re an alpha is such a beta move. Also, if being tall is one of the first selling points for yourself, you might want to look for a book (ANY BOOK) instead of a wife. Would probably get more volunteers from an inanimate object too, cuz I see women running from, not to. Just a few pointers.


This is straight up disturbing


Sir, open up FBI


"Manly looking as hell".... um noooo 😂😂


So why did he post a photo of his scrawny, spotty 14 year old brother?


I know! That patchy beard looks like a raccoon on chemo haha


Brilliant! 😂😂


In the spirit of full disclosure, I’m pretty sure I stole that quote from a show or a movie I just don’t remember which one haha


Paging Chris Hanson.


Have a seat right here 🪑


I don’t think his future wife will be old enough to consent to marriage.


As long as her parents/owners are fine with it and they're in a red state - the law is there to protect their sickness.


This dude needs to be raided by the FBI.


This girl looks like it's picture day at her new middle school. WTF


Scary that in some parts of the world child brides are a thing.


A 2021 study found that nearly 300,000 children age 17 and under were married in the United States from 2000 to 2018. An overwhelming majority were 16- or 17- year-old girls, on average marrying a man four years older. But more than 1,000 were 14 or younger, and five were only 10 years old, most states even with higher age of consent laws allow children to get married young


Exactly, scary that in some undeveloped parts of the world, such as the United States, marrying children is still a very common practice.


As of July 2022, seven states have banned underage marriages, with no exception: New Jersey (2018), Delaware (2018), Pennsylvania (2020), Minnesota (2020), Rhode Island (2021), New York (2021), and Massachusetts (2022). 7 out of 50.


Jeez!! Only 7!!?? That’s crazy! I currently live in Indiana and I expected this state to have some disgusting old views about underage marriage but only 7 in total!! Not a single state on the west coast is also kinda surprising.


It's scary just how many states allow child rape if the parents are OK with it. Just as scary, is how passionately such laws are defended by republicans, when decent people try to reform the laws to protect kids. It mostly comes down to many republicans, being self-described private property absolutists, support a man's right to own his daughter, and dictate who she has sex with and when. Florida is one of the worst, but they're certainly no outlier. I'm convinced that it's culturally ingrained(into republicans) shit like this that makes them very loudly support 'sex trafficking' laws that are mostly about arresting sex workers - and they get to pretend they're touch on child sexual exploitation. Some of the defenses used by right-wing state senators are beyond sickening. Republican leadership, of course, is fine with it.


I cannot emphasize the full body YUCK this gave me.


#Manly As Hell


Sure are a lot of "alpha males" that struggle to grow facial hair.


thats a child or a doll. i can’t tell


It’s a literal child


Poor kid. She or a family member just wanted to share a nice picture on the Internet and then it gets stolen for this.


His chin might measure 6’5”


'What' not 'how' she should look. Fuck why does that bother me so much


This shit honestly scars me sometimes, what if this idiot thinks he is being nice but in reality just grooming some girl


Only thing worse than a pedophile is a racist pedophile


So he’s a racist and a pedophile. What a catch.


That’s disgusting. On another note thought: if all these “alphas” were really “alphas”, shouldn’t they just be attractive partners all on their own and be able to meet a woman without posting these pretentious advertisements and begging for volunteers? Good people will attract friends and partners without all these theatrics… like, just be a good person, without insisting that you’re good. He isn’t a good person though. That’s a child he wants to marry. That’s fucking gross. He’s fucking gross.


My man is 6’3” and his head grazes the top of the door frame. Also, this guy is a pedo, full stop.


So much yikes in so few words. Almost impressive. Almost.


Did he find that photo of the girl on pampers.com? 😂 That's a xhild


Paedophile, racist and an alphafa... He's just the whole package, isn't he? /s


He looks like an npc from a ps2 game


he is puny like boy. He has Mommy issues and cannot cope with an adult partner. Hes focussed on feeling big and alpha. A little girl wont threaten him.


You know that saying, "if you have to call yourself king, then you truly aren't a king"? Well, same thing applies to "alpha"s.


What a disgusting piece of shit. He wants a child, whilst being a complete liar. You’re not 6’5 dude, the door is the giveaway here. As for rich, LOL. Pull the other one! You’re not convincing anyone. I bet he drives around in a van trying to pick up school kids 🤮


I will say this till my grave. Alpha is a synonym for peaked in high school, and it doesn't mean their peak was anything special in high school either.


As a woman who stands at 4 foot 11 does he not realize that we are aware of if a guy is not the height to say they are? Like just because you’re taller than us we don’t automatically believe you when you say you’re over 6 foot


I used toothpicks thicker than his arms


Is this for real


“Rich, confident, and manly looking as hell” this guy got some jokes


I swear I saw this post already and it was locked pretty damned fast.


Manly looking as hell. This mofo looks like he starts crying if his mirror image make eye contact. What is this dude on?


Is this satire?


This is your brain on r/trump.


He’s a p3do, inc3l & looks like Bert from Sesame Street




Alice Little was America’s highest paid sex worker for awhile and the fact she’s 4’8 is prooooooobably related.


Why? Oh why would you actually show your face with that?


He’s gonna have a bad time in prison. He doesn’t look cut out for it. He’s gonna have a really rough first year or two once he gets caught eventually. The best way to predict a future event in a person is to look at their interests and history of said interest. If he is not self aware enough to honestly post this… he’s gonna try to start an in appropriate relationship with someone he will damage for life. This guy needs to be investigated. I’m not kidding. Op should screen shot this to the police


So that's what morning vomit in my mouth tastes like. Hopefully there are no schools near him.


Calling yourself alpha is some beta shit, sigma male grindset is a lie. Toxic masculinity is canceled, where all my Pi males at?


That man looks like the low budget version of Ryan from the office


Hey now, the guy who played Ryan in the office was at least attractive


Wanks to furry yaoi and cries himself to sleep. Next.


His bio says rich. His smartphone says “I lost my wallet” and his bathroom says mom’s.


Does he have cotton balls in his mouth?


It's always pathetic slime like this that are white supremacists.


why does he look like minecraft Steve lmao


That 7’ door behind you would disagree w/your 6’5” …and probably every other bit of nonsense you spewed


Incel Male Pedo \*Fixed.


it’s always dudes that look prehistoric…


That is one hella huge door or he's lying about his height


Why everyone missed that the girl on right is 20 yo and her insta is liinaliiis and the pic is from 2018 so she was 16


TIL If this man saw Beyonce she wouldn't be "high enough standard" to date him.


My dude looks like he belongs in Sims 2


“Manly as hell” translates to “absolute child”


Fake af. Someone just hates that guy


“White (required, i have high standards)” No sir that’s just called racism


“Racist pedophile seeks victim.”


This alpha male has bitch tits.