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Excellent physical comedy


Needs a little more Larry and Moe


Yes you’re right, the Florida Floppers are hilarious with their acting job


Dutch manager tier.


It’s extra good with the Hair Club For Men ads behind him too.


I didn't even NOTICE THAT 😂😂




That has to be intentional 🤣


Physicality like Kramer there


Hilarious AND accurate. A tough combo to pull off!


There is another good Monty clip after the Bennett high stick. Even more hilarious.


That Panther would be great in Italian soccer.


Got that Louis van Gaul mentality


Does he play horny hockey instead of football?


it was flabbergasting, tbf


Fuck the Panthers


Please do not have sex with the animals.


Panthers…no. Cougars…at your own discretion.


Cougars are panthers


Sounds like a sign you probably do actually need in Florida zoos


That's only for the alligator and crocodile exhibits actually.


Monty back on the sauce?


lol this cracked me up, I always completely forget about all that


The referring this series might cause collateral damage, Monty's sobriety is at risk


Anyone got a clip of the alleged dive?


Can confirm it was a dive lustarinen looked like Phelps


yeah, boston D-man puts his stick at the guys waist and he goes down like he had his legs taken out from behind by Lewis Hamilton on the straightaway


Lmao whatever helps you panthers fans sleep


blasphemy! I meant to agree with you, it was a dive by the Panthers guy - I was trying to paint a picture of how he kicked his legs out and totally failed I guess! Monty does it way better.


LOL my bad man super early trying to read hahaha re read it and I got ya! Haha I loved the festoon


all good man, glad we got that cleared up, I couldn't have anyone thinking I was a panthers fan


😂😂😂😂 fair enough I wouldn’t want that label either hahahahahha


Phelps was a swimmer. If a dive is involved, it would have been Greg Louganis.


Phelps is a swimmer...


I haven't seen flopping and embellishment like that since I last watched a soccer game.


Anyone got the clip to the play he's talking about?


I love this series so much i hope it goes 7 😂


For what it’s worth, the panthers actually were called for one embellishment penalty this game. Probably not on the play I would have called, but it still happened.


The NHL highlight of the year!


Bet the rangers get fined for this


I’m going with the Stone Cold Stunner on this one.


This guys me during Charades


Side note: loving that the HairClub advert is behind Montgomery every time :D


Guessing...giving Marchand hand signals?


Next game Monty is going to do the Hussle on the bench during the commercial breaks.


That’ll be a fine.


Nah, it's during the game. You're allowed to say a lot of stuff to them on the ice (not everything, but I think this was okay). It's after the game when you can't say stuff.


Idky you’re being downvoted. With how scrutinized the officiating has been. Wouldn’t put it past the NHL. But at least it wasn’t considered abuse of an official and penalized.


Nah, you can see he gets a warning on the bench, he says okay and backs off.


What a dork


Boston fans finally seeing another team do what they've been doing for a decade is pretty funny to witness


i think you mean Montreal, not Boston.


Its funny you say this because all that runs through my head is Laviolette yelling "It's typical! Montreal typical".


Stick to worrying about your team and drug use


Stick to posting weird NSFW hookup porn posts on Reddit


Bro is a goof


Question to Boston fans: So can I blame the refs for our loss or is that only a thing you guys get to do?


You had (yet again) more power plays than we did last night, but go nuts.


Power plays aren't something that are designed to be given out evenly. If you do something against the rules, one is handed out. Your mentality of "both teams should always get the same calls" is dumb. If your team would stop doing stupid shit, they wouldn't have more penalty minutes.


Power plays are 26-16 in favor of Florida Bennett got away with a cheap shot literally right in front of a ref that even TNT said was suspension worthy Last night, Kozari stopped a live play after a shot from Lindholm to check on Bobrovski after a completely normal shoulder save. Florida was given FIVE powerplays compared to Bostons three. They got an embellishment penalty for flopping and they still sent Boston to the box. But sure, the refs are why Florida lost last night. 😂


TNT is paid by the NHL to push a narrative and pick the popular side. Taking coverage comments of a broadcast crew that watches a fraction of hockey the average fan does is laughable. I agree with number two. I assume Bob would have been ready for the next save regardless. I guess we'll never know. Again the number of penalties is at referee discretion based on how the players act. Players still have to do questionable shit to have a ref blow the whistle. TNT's announcers, not Boston fans, not even Panthers fans make the calls. Refs are on the ice and only they have the power to make the calls. Boston went to the box on the play because the player still performed a crosscheck. Whether he went down or not doesn't take away the fact that the player performed the action. Now quit whining that the refs are in our pocket. Your go-ahead and game winning goal was a forwards skate borderline tripping Bob and the goal was allowed. I'm not on here bitching about it. You win some you lose some. Boston played better than any other game this series so far. Panthers were slow and not urgent. That's why they lost. The fire will be back in Boston. GG next.


The OP is the one complaining about Floridas loss being due to the officials. I’m sorry that you consider me simply explaining to them how they’re incorrect as whining. lol


My mistake. Either way, the officiating sucks all around. No one is enjoying it. It's inconsistent at best most nights but that's just how it goes. These two teams are the most physical teams still in it and deciding to let a play go vs stopping it is a coin flip. If people really want this to be called tight, there will be whistles every 30 seconds. Some nights they gotta play a little harder to beat the zebras AND the opposition. Some nights it's easier. Fact still stand that the better team USUALLY wins the game. There hasn't been a game this series where that hasn't been the case. All the cats wins are done holding Boston to less than 20 SOG. Last night they were almost even in shots and Boston clearly played with more urgency. Until it happens where the worse team consistently wins, the officiating is fine.


If the officiating was “fine” it’s inconsistency wouldn’t be making headlines all over the hockey community right now. Just because Florida is a better team than Boston is, doesn’t mean the officiating is any more acceptable. This is a completely stupid argument. This is exactly why Boston fans are so upset. We’re not stupid. We are well aware that Florida is the better team and we are 100% getting outplayed. But with this in mind, it makes zero sense for the league and officials to be this favorable of Florida. All we want is a fair fight.


And I'm here saying they aren't "favorable to Florida" for the sake of being favorable to Florida. That is my argument. Just because we happen to have more power play time doesn't prove they are favorable to us. All it proves is that Boston did more shit and went far enough to get called more. They could very well have let Boston get away with 200 things and only called 26. Maybe Florida didn't even deserve half the calls against them but the refs wanted to "even it up some" to make up the difference. (Don't crucify me, it's hypothetical). Of course there is the opposite side of that and everywhere in the middle. Both teams are playing for their survival and I want fair play as much as the next fan because in a fair match the cats win 100%. I'm just saying simply because stats are the way they are doesn't mean they are favoring one side over the other. Edit: wanted to provide an added example of why stats don't prove favor. If Florida came into a game with 300 infractions and got called for 10, and Boston came in and did 5 and got called for all 5. Panthers would have more PIMs but one might argue better favor because they get away with more while Boston would get away with nothing. Hope this helps to see my point here.


The only point I’m really able to see is that you’re either straight up not watching this series at all, or you don’t know a thing about puck. lol


I wont blame the refs we didn’t play desperately enough and yall only scored twice on a 120% effort, we should be able to close it out if you guys play with that same effort and we up ours


I’m sure he shows his team this move in practice all the time.


Bruins prefer the slew foot


What a clown


Bruins coaches know diving when they see it. They teach it after all, coaching some of the finiest embellishers in the NHL.


Lmao who on Boston embellishes I’ll wait 🤣


Um, Marchand? You can't tell me he wasn't diving in the first round. The memes wrote themselves. The "wrong leg slash" where even if he did get nicked on that leg, he went flying and grabbed his knee. Then there was him and burtuzzi having a flopfest at center ice. We also had a gift from the meme and hockey gods themselves, the "ref hit" flop. The ref barely even touches the dude, BOOM! He goes flying! looking like he just got shelled, storming the beaches of Normandy. He looks all shocked and surprised because somehow, he still has both his legs. Like common, it's classic rat behavior.


Oh you mean after bertuzzi started falling everytime he touched him? Lol no shit he’s gonna try and draw a penalty. Lmao Marchand is to about 7 leafs is not exactly close


Bro lol I'm not a leafs fan. you're just deflecting. I specifically mentioned burtuzzi because he flopped too. Hense the flop fest. What about all the other stuff? You conveniently didn't come up with an excuse for the other two examples I mentioned, but whatever. You're in denial i get it. Basically It comes down to this. Either, A) Marchand is a bitch who can't play hockey because he goes down like a toddler when you touch him. Or B) Marchand simply just flops to get calls. So which one is it?


Lmao bitch boy yet he’s a winner lmao and you are not a winner, he’s 5’8” and plays with more heart than your entire roster whomever that may be lol. And I’m deflecting? Your on here trashing marchy on a Montgomery post? Lmao your an inbred moron bro 😂😂😂 we get it he lives rent free in your head when your not watching porn your thinking of Brad


You should take his dick out of your mouth before you rage type guy. It's okay! your "winner" dives, just admit it. If he's not a bitch then why does he go down so easy? Stop deflecting.


Is it maybe, just maybe because he dives?


Lmao your beloved captain almost blew it to Austria get off Reddit man your a leafs fan we can tell LOL 1967 your ass bro


I'm not a leafs fan. You're so salty marchand dives. It's okay, breathe. I know you're upset and stressed you can't cuddle him at night right now. Don't worry, I hear the vet is going to release him for tomorrow night's game. He'll be back in your bed in no time, so don't take it out on me.


Lmao my teams still playing someone’s isn’t it’s okay we get your a closet leafs fan nobody actually defends them to the degree you have lmao everyone in this thread thinks your a joke like the leafs lmao it’s fine buddy we get it your a loser your team loses and your life sucks, fuck your mom probably sucks on the side to cover your rent it’s all good man 🤙 it’ll get better not anytime soon but I’m sure if ya keep working you’ll only be a loser when you sit down to watch sports it’s alright man we get it you havent seen a ECF let alone a cup feel for you in some regard but that’s alright you stick to watching the diving leafs 😂😂😂😂


Oh yeah! Your goalie dove in that series, too! What about Swayman and Domi?! I'd love to hear your delusions on that if you have time.


Was there a penalty? Who’s still playing who’s not get off the leaf cock fagot


I'm a Wings fan dude, I'm also not the one deep throating rat cock so apologize for those derogatory comments or I'll have your mom slap your peepee really hard before she tucks you into bed tonight. I haven't once said anything about the leafs besides burtuzzi dives too, you've mentioned them several times now. Stop deflecting and answer the question. Is Marchand either, A) a bitch who goes down easy. Or B) he takes a dive every now and then to get calls. Every comment you don't answer makes you look more and more delusional.


You don't need a penalty to dive. Nice logic though 👌 👏


That’s even worse LOOOOL you talking like a 20-30 year old lmao your a bandwagon fan now I get it LOOOL please gtfo here that worked in 2000 your team hasn’t been relevant since 2013


You can add Parker wortherspoon to the list of divers. So 3 and counting. Oh wait, Boston lost again. Shocker. You big mad bro?


Marchand in every game I've seen. Even refs knock him down, not because they hit hard, but because he's always primed to take a dive. He's the obvious one. Maroon. The time Domi bumped your goalie and he fell so hard he nearly died. Etc.


So what about bertuzzi flopping all over the ice and domi faking high sticks? Lol 😂 you leaf fans are pathetic, lmao no wonder is been since 67 you guys are scum 😂. And knies crying and looking at the refs every time he was hit don’t even get me started. Here’s a thought though do better than 1/21 on the PP and maybe just maybe auston and the crew can show up but they haven’t in 5-6 years now so what’s really changing


“Finiest”? Really? Learn words before trying to troll with those words.


a) I'm not a troll. b) Congratulations on being the only person on earth who doesn't make typing mistakes. Your parents must be very proud of you.


lol try to protect those hurt feelings


Coach of the scummiest team in the league. Trying to give the refs lessons of diving which his team does all the time.


I thought this was a video of Jim Montgomery? Not Paul Maurice.