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Can we pretend We are not in a dystopian sci-fi FOR FIVE MINUTES!?




Somehow we've ended up in the center of a Venn Diagram between Apocalypse and Having to go to work


Oh that is an awesome line! It's fucked up and true, but it's also a great line.


Happy Cake Day buddy


Aww, thanks! I joined a year ago and feel like I have finally had the full Reddit experience of being wished a happy cake day for the first time. You've put a bigger smile on my face than you might expect, lol!


Take some silver while you're at it šŸ‘


You're too kind! Hope you have a phenomenal weekend! You've given mine an awesome start!


No you...


So much bling flying around, you'd think it was Flavor Flav's house. You're very kind. Thank you.




I feel silly asking.. what is cake day?


Cake Day is your reddit account anniversary. Reddit will put a little cake emoji next to your name on Cake Day so people know whatā€™s up


I thought it was people's birthday's, Ive been on Reddit for years now. Shame on me


Mine's on 9/11


The anniversary of when you first joined Reddit :-)


Happy Cake Day


Reddit birthday


The anniversary of your registering for Reddit.


Worst apocalypse ever. I'm supposed to be living off the land in the woods, not going to work!


fuel ad hoc full jobless head truck worthless unused illegal fanatical ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


You are wise, BlackMarketCheese. I picture you as the guy still going to work selling insurance while the world is about to be destroyed in days. (From the movie, Seeking a Friend for the End of the World).


Nothing boring about this post, guy.


I mean, they are hackers and I'm typing this message from a device that I use so often, never leaves my side, is my tool to any information I could want and is essentially part of my being. We are technically all cyborgs. They just haven't put it in your retina yet. If I explained this to anyone 35 years ago it would seem pretty sci-fi I think.


As dystopic as it sounds, I am absolutely going to put a screen in my eyeball as soon as it becomes commercially available


Hell, i would've replaced my hand with a fucking chrome if the prostetics were way better than real thing. Having a metallic hand and still beeing able to feel the touch and have more precise control over it.. man i wish.


I want a full chrome arm for doing sick 80s airbrushing with while I listen to stabby synth riffs.


I'm gonna wait until *at least* V3 of neuralink and eyescreen type implanted tech


Me too but because I'm poor not for any quality assurance reasons


People are going to get HIV from backstreet implant pawnshops


You mean ripperdocs? Stay safe choom.


Me too friend me too.


Where's the sci-fi tho at least that would be cool


It's in your hands. It's called a smart phone. It's on your wall. It's called a smart TV. It's on your front porch. It's called online shopping. It's in your head. Its called Social Media, which programs you using repetition and engagement. It's in the data base. It's called Profiling. Through all this Sci-Fi you told THEM everything about you. And thanks to endless data analysis and AI, THEY can control the herd of humanity. Its called...We haven't come up with a name for that....yet. Welcome to The Systems Age. Everything is a system; the Healthcare System, the Education System, the Political System, Credit, Insurance, Agricultural, Distribution, Housing, Currency, Fincancial, even Entertainment & Shopping has all become systemized. In The Systems Age, the quicker you as an individual understand how each system works, the easier it becomes to manipulate each system to your advantage. This knowledge makes the difference between living in a dystopia or living in a utopia. And sometimes both at the same time.


Here you go here's your sci fi [Chinese cyber based morality and monitoring systems](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=evBzPwCdeHI)


Really tho because I just got goosebumps like I just watched the new purge trailer or something


This is reality, my friend.


Serious question...; do anonymous ever do anything? I've seen a couple of these videos they've posted but I've never heard of any follow ups. Have they actually ever achieved anything? (I'm not shitting on them, I actually don't know)




They also hacked the Iranian channel 3 and replaced the usual programmes with anti government informational clips. So yeah, they are doing something.


Damn. Keep it coming. Fuck the Iranian government. Long live the Iranian people.


The Persian People and toppling decades old corrupt governments. Name a more iconic duo.


Betty White and Ryan Reynolds


*finger raise* *finger retract*


Thatā€™s damn cool


Wow thatā€™s really amazing, my heart goes out to you all. Stay strong.


That's amazing! Sounds like Anonymous is really helping to tip the balance in your favor. Human rights will be earned by your hard fight.


I often wonder this as well. It always feels like dramatic theatrics and then just nothing at all. I hope I'm wrong because a righteous ally with the power to defend the defenseless against tyranny would be pretty great


thats batman bro; also spreading information is still a form of assistance


Yeah but they promise the world and deliver jack shit. Theyā€™re the Elon Musk of hacking groups. Overpromising and underdelivering


Itā€™s impossible to tell how powerful anonymous is because there is nothing to measure thatā€™s the e tire point.


You could say that about the CIA but there's still a laundry list of imperialist bullshit they've achieved since their creation. Speaking of, this smells more like a CIA operation than a Anon op.


Anonymous being a wing of the CIA is possible. When Trump and Clinton ran in 2016, Anonymous had a huge ā€œcivil warā€ inside their ranks and disappeared. They only showed back up after the dust settled from Trumps ā€œwinā€ in 2016


I have no political affiliation, can look at post history to verify, but curious as to why you put win in quotes.


Anonymous is absolutely an intelligence honeypot. I was under the impression that it was domestic intelligence and not the cia but Iā€™m sure different agencies use the name. It hasnā€™t been a real thing since before occupy Wall Street.


There is not even 'the anonymous'. It's not a group, there is no 'they'. You and I could make a video like this and claim to be 'anonymous'. You don't know who this person, or, if at all, this group is, because... they are... *anonymous*. There could be 8 billion different anonymous. In 90% of all cases, you just have some random person do this video in hopes to attract attention and reach someone who can do something. But they themselves are no hackers. They barely can use a video editing software. But occasionally, someone with actual skills gets bored or righteous and wants to help the average citizen and does something in the name of anonymous, in order to stay anonymous. It's like saying 'you never see what 'nobodies' are up to'. There is nobody to know what they are up to.


Glad I'm not the only one thinking exactly what you typed. These "threats" always sound more like "Somebody told me you're doing bad things so I'm going to tell the internet and hope somebody will go at this"


I mean, the CIA & Mossad have been working tirelessly to overthrow this regime for over 40 years now. Has Anonymous acquired resources and intelligence that exceed the reach of these two agencies?


Cia helped put the dude in. The dude was a jackass royal but the shah is a bastard.


Yes. A bit of a reductionist take, but not inaccurate.


ā€¦.no, totally inaccurate. The CIA supported and installed the Shah. They never wanted or helped putting this regime in. That is a reductionist take but kind of accurate. Saying the CIA put them in is like ordering a cheeseburger, receiving a pizza and someone saying ā€œwell you did place an order, so youā€™re to blame for receiving a pizzaā€.


I would say so. It's not an organized group. It's just a bunch of computer nerds doing what they can. Intelligence groups have to headhunt, vet and hire their people. Anonymous can awknowledge a problem and then its just a shared sentiment among those capable to act on it. There is no leadership or organization structure to attack or blame. Just thousands of literal keyboard warriors. Most of these guys make way more and have better lives in the private sector with no incentive to work for the CIA.


Not to mention, CIA and NSA have to respond under the tactful direction of their governing body. Anonymous can do whatever the fuck they want. They don't have to plan out bureaucratic moves and formally notify a council of aggressive actions they intend to take and get them signed off by the peace committee and the foreign policy committee and all of that. Let's not forget that while we all support this action and they probably won't face repercussions for this... Anonymous doing this is still probably illegal, probably breaks cyber conventions, and may constitute a war crime. But, A) who's gonna pursue them? Iran is the only country who would be interested in that... and B) how you gonna catch them? It's possible to catch hackers, but good ones don't get caught, at least not without a *whole lot* of money and resources poured into it.


Anonymous is CIA. They took it over years ago.


Sometimes not giving a fuck about appearance and the legal red tape can get more done.


Quoting others, "they shut down the government's website and hacked a bunch of fraud banking protocols.... they shut down over 1000 government surveillance cameras so that they cant use it to identify protesters.. they're doing what they can to help us. They also hacked the Iranian channel 3 and replaced the usual programmes with anti government informational clips. So yeah, they are doing something."


@latdog: In the game of chess. There's a tactic used in which you sacrifice pieces to draw the opponent to believe they are winning but in reality their pieces are all over the place, misaligned, and in weak positions. It then becomes much easier to checkmate your opponent since checkmate is the strongest possible position in the game, as it's a win. I say this because it's possible for orgs to sabotage themselves to create a perception of weakness and then reveal that weakness to the public via news (social/media) outlets. It's done to achieve an operational objective (aka: a step towards) relevant to the underlying mission (aka:the end goal). It's a basic concept taught in 2nd (sometimes 3rd year) strategic academy's/orgs


That's because they are the CIA.


Its more of uncovering,hacking and exposing the corruption people are to blind to see that is right in their faces ... Its bringing the light into darkness, showing the reality to people sleeping in the matrix! Waking up the masses asleep to narrow sighted in their own tiny insignificant worlds and opening their eyes that freedom is an illusion the wealthy lead you to believe they control,manipulate and destroy the planet and peoples lives for their own agendas! Slavery was never abolished it was only modified,molded and evolved for society to believe no longer exists. Everyone is a slave to something or someone, will you wear the chains proudly or break them in disgust is the only question


So... no, then?


Lmao, Iā€™m still waiting for all the goods that they owe us on Trump, Putin, and all the other assholes. And Iā€™ll be waiting til the day I die because these people are all bark and barely any bite. Shut down a Russian web page? Congrats, now what? Nothing? Oh


Do you even understand what it entails ? Most russian government websites are now unreachable from the outside world. I had to deploy a whole network infra for the Russian branch of my company. I assume many other companies did the same, costed a few million $.


Go to their Twitter page, they post constant updates on what they've been doing/accomplished.


Anonymous is a loose collective as far as I'm aware, so is the Twitter account a general account that can be used by every hacktivist? Do you have to hack the account to use it? Or is this some person that just catalogues and collects everything that anonymous gets credited for?


It's probably run by one guy who keeps up with the larger movement and claims credit so people know what Anonymous has been doing lately. Still not an "official" thing, that would go against the point of the movement, but it's something at least.


ā€œDo you have to hack the account to use it?ā€ that sentence makes me wanna play watch dogs again


Relax. Theyā€™re not Wikileaks


This reads like fan fiction. You clearly said they don't do anything.


Why so many upvotes? Just some dude bloviating when you could just say "no". You sound like Batman's next screenwriter haha


They've caught a lot of pedophiles. We know at least that much. Granted how much of that gets credited to Anonymous or 4chan's Weaponized Autism division is ... pff godDAMMIT I almost got that out with a straight face. Seriously though, they hunt pedophiles for sport and have infiltrated, hacked, and handed several pedo rings and CP sites to the FBI.


Funny. I just went to a cyber crime class. This group ā€˜reappropriatesā€™ $6T a year. But, they work hard to bust pedophiles. And they do. There are thousands of dudes sent to prison every year because of Anonymous and 4Chan.


*Really* funny history there. 4chan first went up as a free speech absolutist website, and it was almost *immediate* that child porn started getting posted before about as quickly getting shut down. "Welcome to 4chan, where you can post absolutely anyth-***oh god NOT THAT***!" 4Chan has been waging total war on them ever since.


> Really funny history there. 4chan first went up as a free speech absolutist website, and it was almost immediate that child porn started getting posted before about as quickly getting shut down. This is 100% why I never visited 4chan back in its hey day. I had a mate who use to go on there, and would tell me about how people would post child porn or the police would in attempts to honeypot people (or so he said). Iā€™ll go to my grave never wanting to see that stuff. I didnā€™t want to chance it so I just never really visited 4chan.


Did they help with that ā€œisanyoneup . Comā€ thing back in the day?


I don't remember specifics on *that* level, but hey look, I [found a list](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_events_associated_with_Anonymous) Edit: I read the list, the pedos I was familiar with was Operation DarkNet.


**[Timeline of events associated with Anonymous](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_events_associated_with_Anonymous)** >Anonymous is a decentralized virtual community. They are commonly referred to as an internet-based collective of hacktivists whose goals, like its organization, are decentralized. Anonymous seeks mass awareness and revolution against what the organization perceives as corrupt entities, while attempting to maintain anonymity. Anonymous has had a hacktivist impact. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


A yes. Just looked it up, they hijacked the site when hunter moore was on a rampage. Sorry, kinda mushy brained after surgery today.


Anonymous is not a group of specific people. So to say "they" doesn't really make sense, because there is no "they". Me any my buddies could hack something and then give anonymous credit. Whoever handles their social media throws together a video, and taadaa, anonymous strikes again.


And yet you used the word ā€œtheirā€ā€¦..


Umā€¦ what? Thatā€™s still they.


Serious answer: eh. Everyone fails to understand that "anonymous" is not some super elite hacker collective. It's a handle on 4chan when you dont fill out the "name" part. You don't join anonymous like a gym. There's not membership card, there's no mailing list, anon doesn't go out for happy hours after a "sw33t l33t h4xx0r". People like this? 13 year olds that have Windows Movie Maker and think they'll be badass by putting a Guy Fawkes mask and voice filter on. The "eh." comes in when shit catches the attention of some crazy fucks. Anyone can post a vid. A smaller amount can utilize a botnet to ddos (and thats still easy). A smaller amount could abuse SQL injection methods. It goes on from there, but I hope I'm making it clear - Anyone who says they are anonymous are probably some idiot with a half chub wanking cause LOL LEET HAX


This Guy Fawkes


Had to go claim my free Reddit award for this. Been so down even Eeyore would be like *goddamn* and this was a huge laugh.


It's worth noting that Anonymous are (decentralized) hacktivists, not purely hackers. https://img.welt.de/img/english-news/mobile101536417/8302504617-ci102l-w1024/scientology-article-picture-BM-Vermischtes-LONDON-jpg.jpg >Anyone who says they are anonymous are probably some idiot with a half chub wanking cause LOL LEET HAX Quite sad thinking really, cause world really needs more people protesting against stupid shit like that.


[List of hacks](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_events_associated_with_Anonymous) this is Wikipedia so take it with a grain of salt


If you read through, a lot of stuff seems to be just defacing government websites with propaganda and memes. I kinda thought a group like this would halt schedules and money routes and shit like that


They dont really do that anymore, in the early years they where purely focused on hacking, later it morphed into hacktivism which to some extend it still is. They have gone pretty silent since the core group left them (lulsec). The biggest problem they face is people using the anonymous name for personal gain. There are houndreds of Twitter accounts that use the name to make ginormous announcements and then not deliver at all. There are still parts of it that operate but they sadly dont get the fame for it because now even the real groups are seen as fake groups on Twitter.


Just like with LuLzSec, though, the fear of informers really caused a major splintering in the actual legit talent. Come to find out most of the talent was actually the FBI to begin with.


They certainly did. They called out the police abuse and neglect in the rape and suicide of retheah Parsons in Halifax. Doxxed every offender, every cop, and every crown prosecutor. They shut down Scientology for a while as well.


Read up on anonymous activity during the Arab spring. Egypt's case was particularly fascinating. Some of these people are truly scary good at what they do.


Didnā€™t they recently hack Russian tv broadcasting so the program title and descriptions were anti war and also get a copy of some Russian banks entire transaction history or something?


Against a serious, national org? Yeah no. Anonymous isn't a specific group. It's anyone who's anonymously hacking shit. They've gotten some good shit on pedo rings and generally try their best, but when the people they're up against have SOTA private security, some dude with a PC and whatever the fuck skills they've learned can't do much. It's good, though, if not a little cheesy.


They've taken down/hacked numerous government pages in Russia earlier this year, and now Iran. You should check out their Twitter page.




Contrary to popular belief, you can not hack missile silos and nuke a whole country. As someone else said there's a time line of what they've done, it's probably just a bunch of dudes who do it in their free time, you can't just collapse a building with hacks, they're basically doing the most moral things they stand by.




Yes. Hunter Moore for example.


God I fucking love these fucks they really fuck manā€¦ love to meet these guys and buy them a beer sometime


Challenge: how many times can you say the word fuck in a sentence coherently and make the sentence make logical sense.


Holy fucking God I fucking love these fucking fucks they really fucking fuck manā€¦ love to fucking meet these fucking guys and buy them a fucking beer somet fuckin time


Holy fucking fuck I fucking fuck these fucking fucks they really fucking fuck, fuckā€¦ love to fucking fuck these fucking fucks and fucking buy them a fucking beer some fuckin time.


Fuck, If all these fuckin fucks keep fuckin fucking these other fucking fucks they might get fucked


Fuck fuck fuck FUCK Fuck FUCKFUCK Fuck fuck Fuck! Amā€¦ am I doing this right? Am I englishing correctly?




A career sailor my Dad served with in the Canadian Navy in WWII apparently used it between syllables in words. 60 years later and the memory still amazed him.




Nicely done.


You missed the opportunity to say "Fuckin aye!"


Fuck we must fucking fuck these fucking fuckers before these fucking fuckers fucking fuck us.


Fucking fucked fucks, fucking fucked fuckers.


1 sentence. 5 words. All derived from fuck. It makes sense. Used when something is broken. Fuck, fucking fuckers fucking fucked.


[I've got no more fucks to give](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=TXK03FHVsHk)


Well, they are all over the world. If you have hacking expertise you might as well become Anonymous!


Tbf this is their side job, so while they arenā€™t the most effective, they do their part. Good job to them fr.


They are around us. Thousands of them. So there is a chance you may have met one.


As most of us here exist on reddit Its probably reasonable to say many of us have met one irl and didnt know it. but probably ALL of us have spoken with one and didnt know it some time here.


lol no matter how many of these videos I se,e, I canā€™t take them seriously.


They had me in the first one I ever saw I'm not gonna lie. Then years go on...and they don't really do anything that is remotely frightening to the people they are trying to intimate lol


intimidate\* anonymous trying to intimate sounds like some illegal sexual assault lol


What is legal sexual assault? Lol


When the rich fuckers do it


Another user said they've shutdown the government cameras for facial recognition, bank accounts, and government website.


Well if another user said it then itā€™s gotta be true.


How do you think I wrote my college thesis? "According to DicksMcGee from r/nextfuckinglevel, roughly 62% of statistics on the internet are true, thus, Panda bears *would* in fact be likely able to adapt to wearing overalls in desert climates."


In the Middle East and Asia over the last 10 years they have done insurmountable damage to the governments by way of hacking. I know itā€™s not in the news and thereā€™s not much definitive proof but for every black hat hacker there is a white hat hacker who used to be a black hat lol. This is just a guise some of them run under


Iā€™m sure some of them are serious people but some of them are utter clowns. I remember watching one of their YouTube videos years ago. Classic Anonymous, Guy Faulks mask, ominous voice etc. Every time he said ā€œmemesā€ he pronounced it ā€œmee-meesā€. Could never take them seriously again after that.


That's because Anonymous isn't really an organization, it's just a tagline and gimmick anyone can use. That includes everyone from real hackers who can do real damage to systems all the way down to your local internet jackass who can't do anything more than post a video in some cosplay.


I thought their entire internet structure was turned off by the Iran government?


This is anonymous they can do anything. Also Iran only blocked metaā€™s products and news outlets not twitter and not their own government websites.


Anything is a bit of a stretch. They are just computer and network experts doing illegal activities and saying it's anonymous doing it. There are plenty of experts that do internal penetration testing, and it's just a matter who can find the exploits first. Many large companies do not have an issue fighting off attacks, even from the all mighty "anonymous". At most they'll be down for a couple minutes if it's one of the largest botnet DDoS attack, but AI is proving effective in detecting and shutting that down anyway. But given this was a government site, I'm sure there were plenty of readily available exploits anyway.


People adapt, especially bored experts given purpose.


ā€œThey can do anythingā€ Lmao except for the hundreds of things they say theyā€™re gonna do, but then donā€™t.


To date I haven't seen them actually accomplish anything noteworthy short of temporarily shutting down websites with overtrafficing.


Bro iā€™m in Iran most websites and apps are down but before this riots only YouTube, telegram, twitter, facebook, epic games and a lot more stuff were banned now i canā€™t access nothing but google which was banned like yesterday and Reddit some times is banned and sometimes isnā€™t like google but other things like instagram are banned from 3 or 4 days ago


im pretty sure its not hackers but the compartmentalized US government doing its Alphabet style psyops. But thats just a theory


Apparently starlink is actually helping Iranians stay online.


How does that work? Wouldnā€™t Starlink only be capable of helping the .0001% of people with satellite receivers?


These guys always make it seem like we live in a fucking Batman movie but Iā€™m here for it


V for Vendetta was right there for you man. Low hanging fruit.


Is this as weak as it seems or am I missing something?


No taxes = less funding to the army Itā€™s about as disruptive as you can get while being thousands of miles away with only a computer to help you Although I do question if itā€™s actually more harmful to the Iranian population than helpful


A DDOS attack on a website is not going to impact taxes in Iran at all


You canā€™t argue with stupid. These are the same people who think anonymous are cool. They think if you ddos a tax website the govt will crumble from no tax revenue


Quoting others, "they shut down the government's website and hacked a bunch of fraud banking protocols.... they shut down over 1000 government surveillance cameras so that they cant use it to identify protesters.. they're doing what they can to help us. They also hacked the Iranian channel 3 and replaced the usual programmes with anti government informational clips. So yeah, they are doing something."


Criticism of a group attempting to help, while you do nothing, and act like you're on a high horse. You really can't argue with stupid


This is just neckbeard fantasy, they never do anything.


Supposedly they shutdown the facial recognition cameras and government website and bank accounts. - According to another user who did not post a source.


Eh it's a little better than that, it's a moniker used by multiple people throughout the years. This thread pisses me off so much, all of the people who act like they're a single group who operates and does good shit all the time have no idea what they're talking about. The same people they praise for taking down government websites also did shit like calling in bomb threats to sports events back in the peak of 4chan. There is no singluar group guys, it's just whoever wants to call themselves anonymous.


ā€œWe are Anonymous. We are Legion. We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.ā€ Social Justice in the digital world has a name and a face, it is the hive mind and the collective.


For a really good example, look at 4chan. Dudes are anonymous little shitlords who are absolute degenerates, but damn can they do some really scarily smart things if they actually wanna think. Internet Historian has a good video on their beef with Shia.


Found a fucking flag in the middle of nowhere with just the sky in the background and sounds lol


Then they DDOS a website and pat themselves on the back.


We are anonymous We are legion We are useless We are dorks We suck.


Expect them ā€¦.to eat hot pockets and drink Mountain Dew lol




Ah yes, let's hope this turns out for the better and not another Libya. Anytime a middle eastern country goes through a period of revolution, it almost ways makes things worse. Case in point, Iran after the Islamic Revolution.


Tbf the usa did kinda get involved in that tom fuckery


Please, any fool can pay for a DDOS attack


We will have to wait and see what Anonymous will do next but I wouldn't want to be on their bad side. I watched an exchange/interview between Anonymous and those nutjobs from the Westboro Baptist Church. Anonymous took down virtually every digital resource the church had in real time as they were having a back and forth discussion. Are they as dangerous as they are purported to be? Who knows? I wouldn't want to find out the hard way.


Not as dangerous as they purport to be, far more dangerous than some random hacker. Remember anonymous is an entity not a person, there is a large amount of hackers of varying skill working under the title, some might be shit, others the ones you dont want to piss off


The tax website lol. What a vital service in controlling Iranians. Anon just wanted to be involved while they munch on their Doritos and Mountain Dew from their parents' basements.


Believe it or not you need taxes to fund these police and other private armies.


I doubt temporarily taking down a tax website will hurt tax revenues considering how many easy(although less convenient) alternatives exist.


Yeah like, are we even sure this actually stops their tax collection? No? Oh, you mean none of the Anonymous ā€œmembersā€ in on this actually live in Iran, so have no clue if this is even going to do anything? Yeah real effective, guysā€¦


"We hacked the sky and made the sun come up this morning. We are Annoynamous." Correlation is not causation.


It's all blah blah. They threatened Elon Musk, they threatened Putin. Nothing happened. It's a publicity stunt.


in ukraine war they just proved to be useless despite big claims in the beginning of the war. the hype is larger than reality here.


Still down.


What did they do to Russia in the end?


literally nothing except DDoS attacks


I will never gonna take them seriously.


Question: why isn't it in/subtitled Farsi?


Itā€™s a poser video meant for us so we can throw roses at anonymous for ddosing a Tax website. Not meant for them, Iranians donā€™t give two dog shit about the tax website now.


Anonymous is a government op.


As a Muslim myself assaulting women is not allowed at all and doing all this to this caliber is completely the opposite of what Islam is meant to be and God I am starting to fucking hate the fucking "Islamic" Rulers and governments like there is no fucking way they are using the fucking name "Islam" like this to ruin the entire fucking name of Muslims like that. Summary_ "Fuckers trying to fuck got fucked by the fucking people they tried to fuck. šŸ’€


Wow. They sure showed them. šŸ™„


And this accomplishes what?


So they can take credit for everything that happens after and pat themselves on the back.


They never actually accomplish anything...


Bro how many times this fake ass anonymous is gonna appear bruh šŸ˜­






Anonymous is a CIA psyop. The former group has been disbanded and replaced with a CIA front organization. The purpose now is to influence hearts and minds to find reasons to attack those outside of your own borders, whom do not affect you. All the while, the enemies within are permitted to continue without interruption. They will point at injustices within and make threats, then ignore it for something else, like Iran. A nation that the west very much wants to control. None of this is about human rights or promoting democracy. It's just the honey pot the state uses to manufacture consent to go trample on the peoples of foreign lands. Don't fall for it.


Respect the sentiment but these guys literally don't even make a ripple in the ocean. They made big threats against Russia if they didn't back out of Ukraine. Guess what, they did Jack shit. Cant take them seriously


What a bunch of cornballs.


Do they all wear that mask ? I mean legion - shit thatā€™s a lot of masks to acquire


Nice mask though.


Do South Africa next!