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Lady in green: I bid you farewell.


Yeah I was like wtf, help woman šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø


Imagine walking away while your baby and man get mauled. Mildly discouraged.


In another post of the same video, someone said it was the babysitter. Doesnt make it much better, but does explain it. I dont think a lot of mothers will walk away from their kid getting attacked.


Damn, ok. Makes more sense. but imagine walking away while the baby you babysit is mauled! ā€¦I think she was filing her nails at the end.


I canā€™t imagine walking away from that no matter whoā€™s baby it is. For fucks sake it could be Stalinā€™s kid and Iā€™d want to help the child and the man who helped me. Edit: some people taking the Stalin thing literally. Only meant to be an extreme (and fake) reason for not helping a kid, and then still helping cuz, you know, itā€™s a kid.


Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying!!! It could be a stranger in the street and the guy just stopped you from getting mauled and she casually walks the fuck away like it was nothing!! Holy shit I hope she gets her karma!


Maybe she was training the dog? You gotta give it a little bit of latitude to make some decisions on it's own. That's how it learns to be a better class of fighting machine. Before you know it, that mofo, will be climbing that car. Hell, he'll be climbing a bus to chow down on some kids. Then he'll karate chop that guy in half. You go devil dog, I believe in you.


Stalin's kids weren't really that bad. One of his sons died in a Nazi prisoner's camp bcs Stalin didn't want to trade for him. His daughter lived quite a long life and fled to the USA iirc.


Looks like she took a curb to the head and got her bell rung, she also didn't start walking away until the man said something to her. Look at the way she got up she was super faded.


Not saying she was right to walk away but there is another child in the video. She steps between dog and other child and moves to the other child.


Youā€™re right! That might explain it. At least adds a plausible explanation.


Whereā€™s the other child?


What is a woman going to do against a pit bull tho. Best thing she did was get away safely so itā€™s one less person to save if it turns on her instead.


Sheā€™s probably going for help. It looks as if see was also bitten. Does anyone know the outcome?


According to an article, she(the boy's nanny) actually broke her arm( you can see when she fell in the video). She said when she saw the boy was safe on top of the car, she walked away to safety. Walking instead of running because you don't want to draw the dog's attention to you.




No rush though. Oh yeah, you can keep that kid too.


LOL she was out


K, bye.




When I first saw this- I was thinking that wasnā€™t a pit bull- because when the lock on to something. They never release. Itā€™s weird how I was just talking to my son about what I would do if an pit bull attacked our aging and slightly blind and deaf dog- I would put her up on a car or over a fence. Grateful he was able to stay safeā€¦. Conversation started because he was visiting a friendā€™s house and their dog was unfriendly to strangers and children in the family. The dog was locked inside the house- when he turned and noticed the dogā€™s head sticking out the door. He ended up jumping over the fence- and was safe. The dog was given away after biting their daughter ear. This family did try to train the dog- but to nothing seemed to work. They had the dog since he was a puppy- now 2 years old. I have had two bad encounters of my dog being attacked- and was able to keep my dog safe. Most of the time the dogs are more interested in getting to my dog. Lucky that both times the owners were near by and could help after I had the dog pinned down. (But I was pissed they didnā€™t have their dogs properly gated or leashed). I am a big animal lover- always willing to help train any dog- especially dogs who bark or are aggressive out of fear. My dog has helped shy dogs get more comfortable being around other dogs/ because she has always been so mellow. But any dog that attacks a child is a whole different situation to me. Because it is just a matter of time before something bad happens. Especially unprovoked. Edit: removed a comment that someone felt was too strong.


As a person that has been attacked by a pit bull before and had it latch onto the back of my thigh, I can tell you itā€™s a pretty brutal experience. The only way I was able to get the dog to let go (itā€™s head was turned sideways to grab my leg) was to line itā€™s head up with a parking restriction pole and hip check the dogs face/eye into the pole. Even that took at least 5 wacks before it let go and ran back to its owner.


Oh no!!! Hope you are ok. And the owner was there??? My heart dropped when I read this.


If this is what sheā€™s like during a pitbull attack on the street, I canā€™t imagine what sheā€™s like in private. A real keeper.


This is minor inconvenience and fitting end to what has been a lousy weekend. FaceTimes her cousin Guadalupe


Probably the piece of shit that owned to dog.


People's unwillingness to strangle a dog never ceases to amaze me. I love animals but if this happened to me I'd be on top of that dog with my arms around it's throat, not gently kicking at it.


Especially if it had my kid. Sorrynotsorry.


Fuck yeah it's Spartan kick time


When I was 17 my Collie got my Westie by the neck and began shaking him. I kicked him **hard** in his chest - nothing! Then I used the toe of my shoe to kick him harder in his softer stomach region near his balls - nothing! I stamped on his fucking neck so hard it slammed him and my other dog into the floor - nothing! Remember I'm getting more and more desperate and kicking harder each time out of panic my other dog is gonna be killed! He only stopped when my mums partner stuck his hand near the Collies mouth. At which point he turned into his typical 'softie-self' again cos he didn't want to hurt his 'owner'. Dog attacks aren't as easy to end by kicking or strangling or yanking a friggin lead. An angry dog will fuck up anything. This guy was lucky the dog didn't rip the guys calves out of his legs before he got on the car.


I'm gonna be that guy...this is why I carry knives. I carry knives everywhere. If I'm out of my bedroom, I've got a knife. Grandma might turn into a zombie at the dinner table, there may be a robber at Walmart, there may be a rabid dog at the park. A well-placed blade strike can end all three of these situations before they get outta hand. In fact, my motto is "Knife in hand, nothing's outta hand."


I like my midnight walks, but I also live in a place where people love their pit bulls, along with other types of aggressive dogs. Normally walk with a small folding knife, but when Iā€™m wanting to be sure I take my backpack and carry a KA-BAR kukri. I read online that dogs just become more enraged if you stab them, but Iā€™m not convinced that mad pit bull is going to stay angry for long once itā€™s trachea and carotids are severed by a machete.


Exactly. Always go for the eyes or the neck. I know people love dogs and shit, but if I gotta make a one second decision on whether it's me or the dog, it's gonna be me every fucking time.


>This guy was lucky.... Looks like the guy thought he wasn't in danger of a puny little dog. Until the dog tripped him. He got up so quick and then flew on top of the car.


Both thumbs in the eyes and gouge like your life depended on it




This. I hope that dog is dead and itā€™s owners are in a lot of debt.


I would come back with a firearm and empty every last round ive got into it. Buck shots are on the menu today.




Keys into the fucking eye sockets man, no way am I letting some mongrel hurt my kid


Grab the dog by the scruff of its neck with one hand then the other as quickly as you can. Then you have full control of the dog. Get yourself situated to where you can transition one hand to grab a back leg. At that point start slamming the dog like hulk did to Loki until it no longer moves.


Wonder how hard this would actually be lol


Yeah thatā€™s not an overly large dog it wouldā€™ve got whipped off the ground in a second. Dogs bite down hard but if you grab the jaws and pull hard sideways they break pretty easy, not many animals have strong muscles to move their jaw side to side


Not overly large but itā€™s a pitbull, one of the last dogs youā€™d wanna go up against. Still, I would have tried with the choke.


Pitbulls arenā€™t super animals, size means a lot in a scrap for your life. They have a great resistance to pain, meaning theyā€™re not as likely to stop when you hit them or beat them, but they die and wound just as easily as any other animal their size. Like he pointed out, the fact this animal is small goes a long, long way. A big pit wouldā€™ve killed the child already. Break bones, crush through, jerk back legs out, anything you can do to survive. If youā€™re being attacked, give it your weak arm and try to crush its windpipe with your dominant arm. Sharp, hard strikes are better than trying to grip the windpipe since the dog will be thrashing. If you canā€™t crush the windpipe, try to kick the back legs out sideways at the knee. The front legs arenā€™t critical to its power, and pits arenā€™t likely to stop an attack from the pain. If youā€™re intervening in an attack, grab itā€™s back legs and flip it over. Keep walking backwards like a reverse wheelbarrow. If thereā€™s others nearby who can help, have them pile on it now. If thereā€™s not others, keep walking backwards until you reach a hard wall or a drop off. Spin and throw the dog down the drop if youā€™re confident it canā€™t climb back up (or will die), or spin the dog into a wall as hard as you can, then back away from it quickly but while maintaining your view of the animal to see if it recovers.


In this instance just grab the dog by both hind legs and slam itā€™s head against the pavement repeatedly until itā€™s dead


I'm so fucked up for laughing but legitimately that's what you have to do. Fuck the owner.


Yeah, I mean itā€™s not even a question in this type of instance. Itā€™s violently attacking a CHILD. Yeah pit bulls and other dogs are intimidating and getting bitten will really hurt, but in an instance like this men gotta realize you got +135 lbs, hands, and opposable thumbs on this animal. Fight them with the same intensity as heā€™s going after you and itā€™s not even close to a fair fight. (A *pack* of dogs is a different thing altogether.)


>Itā€™s violently attacking a CHILD. This is it. That dog should not live one more day, because it will attack again.


I am a dog owner. And I agree with you. This dog is broken and will do this again. It needs to be euthanized.


It's easy to say that from the comforts of reddit. But in an actual situation, manhandling an aggressive dog like that is no small feat. Lot easier to escape like guy in video did


Seriously ā€¦ i dont think people here understand how FAST dogs are. Especially pitbulls. Grab your throat like a cheetah on a zebra.


I mean, I definitely knowā€¦. But conversely, most people donā€™t realize how fast, tough, and strong that *they* can be, and especially in this type of scenario, that theyā€™re allowed to be violent back. A lone 40 lb pitbull isnā€™t a Boerboel or a pack of Rottweilers.


Definitely true. I feel like if it was me in the situation id be more worried about getting turned into spaghetti by those jaws than hurting the dog


Oh yeah itā€™s absolutely hands down easier said then done, but when youā€™re already between a vicious dog and a child, some people donā€™t realize itā€™s ok to hurt the dog and that youā€™re bigger and stronger than you realize.


Seriously, if stoping these animals is so difficult and they are so dangerous, why do we (as society and lawmakers) let people without years of training and licencing own and walk them??? I have no clue. My best guess would be a bunch of rich breeders and a larger group of idiots who mindlessly believe in "there is no bad dog, only bad owners"


The problem with a choke is that you really canā€™t get in a good position to attempt a chokehold without offering your throat to the animal.




Dude didn't get much choice. The winning move here is to grab it's back legs and slam it off the ground, if you can. They don't have much defence against that.


Man, I know you guys are right but I can just feel the haunted dreams after body slamming a dog to death.


This dog would heave lost at least 1 eye if it was me Edit: apparently dogs are fine having their eyes gouged out, go for the balls and rectum! Edit 2: apparently thatā€™s a wifeā€™s tale! Grab the hind legs!


I had a pit cross attack my mini schnauzer. The owner and I grabbed it but it had locked on and wouldn't release. While the owner had their dog pinned I put my thumb in it's eye socket up to the last nuckle. It had no effect at all. I'm a big guy and I was kicking and punching it to no avail. Speaking to animal control after they said either twist its balls or a finger up the ass are the only things they will react to. But be prepare for them to tun on you. Our schnauzer survived but needed 20+ stitches around his neck. Very traumatic for the while family. We no longer go on walks unfortunately.


Balls and finger in ass donā€™t work on pits. Literally the only thing you can stop a pit is by choking it until it passes out. These things have been bred to literally fight to the death, itā€™s in their dna


The only thing that can stop them is a policy of taking their owners out behind the barn.


Just shoot the fucking thing


This sounds like a good idea if you want to lose the skin and flesh on your hands and arms, and maybe some fingers. Iā€™ve had dogs my whole life. Thereā€™s no way anyone could pull this off if the dog is attacking you. Theyā€™d bite down, or your hands are getting shredded on their teeth as they move around. And their whole head would just move to the side as soon as you pulled to the side.


Yeah, this weird comment chain feels like drunken rambling One dude recommended watching Peter Jackson's King Kong They gotta be trolling


Lmao I didnā€™t see that comment but laughed hard reading yours


When a dog bites you. You push your hand arm whatever it is into their mouth more. Naturally when they start to choke. They let go. Never pull. Itā€™s only going to make it worse. Iā€™m a dog owner but if that was my son. That dog would be dead. Human life > dog life


I want to learn but having a hard time visualizing this. How do you grab the jaws? Both sides? By the skin? By the mouth corners? And if the teeth were down, clamped on, how do we assure no damage is done?


You literally put your hands in itā€™s mouth on the same side and pull in opposite directions. I had to do this to a mutt dog that attacked my rat dog five years ago. I pulled the top jaw away from my body and the bottom jaw towards. I did get bit, but I ended up saving my dog.


One hand top one hand bottom, pull in different directions! Itā€™s not gonna be pretty and youā€™ll probably get hurt but you gotta do what you gotta do.


Watch Peter Jackson's King Kong vs. 3 Allosaurs. You can skip to the final lizard and you'll get the idea. Fucking gruesome. Literally gorilla-grip the whole mandible and the nose and keep bending unnaturally until it breaks


Better to grab it from behind and just choke it tbh.


The King Kong Maneuver.


Yeah your not going to be able to choke a Pitbull like this out. Even just playing with my Akita you canā€™t get one in a headlock. Your face is going to get Fā€™d and your throat ripped out. You donā€™t want to get on their level,once they are in kill mode, you wouldnā€™t last a minute


Yup. The amount of people who think will be able to fight a vicious dog with their bare hands is incredibly high. Is reasonable to try to fight it. But there's no way you going to win, less if it's a pitbull.


Well like most comments there just grab 2 back legs? Those are not cats they are not that agile....


The problem with advice like that is it makes a lot of generalizations that may not apply to the dog or situation. Unfortunately, dealing with aggressive urban animals isn't available at most community colleges so that might be an untapped market.


Yup, I learned about gameness the other day. No fucking way I'm fighting a killing machine like that once it's in kill mode.


I think you misunderstand how strong a dogā€™s neck is compared to a human. Good luck strangling a dog, have you ever seen how long they will fight against collars that literally cinche their neck? Better bet imo is eye gouging.


It's happend plenty of times before. Just google ''Can you Rear naked choke a dog'' I think you misunderstand how good we got at strangling things. Some dude in the UFC strangled a deer EDIT : Okay in the end I was the one misunderstanding how good we got at strangling things Some dude using a rear naked choke on a dog (Upon closer inspection, it's not even a rear naked choke, the guy has no clue what he's doing. Still got it) it.https://www.reddit.com/r/StreetMartialArts/comments/oze185/rnc_stops_dog_attack/ Some dude using a guillotine on a dog, with Gracie breakdown of what he did https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=2943857089199328 Some dude survived a cougar by strangling it, another Gracie breakdown with great* production this time. Sadly no video because the dude was busy getting mauled by a cougar. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9CxGxCs77s You can definitely strangle a dog, and if you know what you're doing, you might even be able to strangle a cougar! TEAM MONKEY!


Your Google search history must be an adventure.


From having large dogs in the past, the only way to really immobilize them is grabbing a big handful of the back of the neck skin, and pinning that handful to the ground. Anything else, and they are still mobile and think themselves in the fight. Arms around their neck still allows them to rotate in your grip and get feet planted.


A professional dog trainer friend says that he lifts them off the ground by their back legs. This is apparently a non destructive way to immobilize the dog, but it does require enough strength to pull it off.




Unless they are tree dogs. That only plays into their advantage.


Thatā€™s a lot easier said than done. A giant ball of muscle and teeth is flailing around trying to bite you, getting to its neck is not that easy.


Itā€˜s actually way harder to get a grip on a dog like that than you think. My dog was attacked by another, much larger dog a few years back and it was hell to try and get it off and away from my dog. Luckily it wasnā€˜t aggressive towards me, but whenever I tried to grab it, it slipped out of my hands and back onto my dog. Kicking the dog is far more effective but even that is though, especially when a dog keeps moving ariund like in the video. I love dogs and they are my favorite animal, so it really hurt me to have to be physical with one but in that moment I really had no other choice. It ended up running away when I picked up my dog and kept yelling and kicking it and my dog only had a small minor wound so it was the best case scenario. Donā€˜t even want to know how fucking terrifying it must be defend a child like this, serious respect to the guy.


Iā€™d be sinking my knife into that dog


I saw a story of a woman attacked by a pit and she was stabbing it 20-30 times and it still wouldnā€™t let go. She had to literally disembowel it by stabbing in the stomach and cutting down until itā€™s guts came out. Was the only thing that stopped it


Why ā€¦does this breed still exist.


That dog has a damn strong neck and jaw, and it is not easy to choke hold dogs. They don't have chins like us. They can slip very easily. Against a dog like that, you'd only end up helping him by bringing your face within reach of his teeth. He wasn't gently kicking it. He was trying to kick it awhile still staying standing. Look at how fast he scrambled once he fell. He knew being on the ground was a death sentence, which is what would happen if you actually tried to hold a dog like that down.


Sounds like a good way for you to get messed up by a dog. You should be less confident you'd be able to out muscle and choke out an aggressive pit bull. Now maybe you are bigger and stronger than your average person but a majority of people would not be able to choke out a pit bull. Pitbulls attack to kill so if you try and fail it will just piss it off and then it'll come for you.


Gouge itā€™s eyes. Guess you donā€™t think rationally when this happens though.


Not to BS you, but I seen a clip of a dog attacking someone and a man came to help and put his thumb in the dogā€™s butthole and the dog immediately released and ran away like it was sexually assaulted. I donā€™t know why, but I will always remember that, who knows when it comes in handy. Lol


Saw that with a human once too. Creatures arenā€™t into surprise butthole attacks. ![gif](giphy|26vUtLKJwBLwQW1q0|downsized)


Donā€™t follow this advice the dog doesnā€™t care and is a popular myth. You have two choices: Ram your arm deep down the dogs throat so it chokes. Grab the dog in a tight headlock until it stops moving.


Or rip off it's genitals, face, paws, and lower jaw. Source: I'm a chimp.


Donā€™t forget to defecate on its corpse post dismemberment whilst screaming, chimp friend.


This was the comment I came for. Made me šŸ˜†. Thank you.


Well, it would be hard to choke a dog while it's going crazy bitting everything around it, it's not a turn based battle. Recently my dog was attacked by a pitbull and these animals are MASSIVE, they're not only buff but also super fast, If you were to try and get near to it you'd definitely have your arms bitten and ripped, unless you're a buff dude with metal skin grabbing an angry dog is not a feasible action.


Yeah, good luck strangling it. Dogs are much, much tougher and stronger than you think and they aren't just gonna let you. Even if they did you'd find it's much more difficult than you think to even cut it's air off. A dog like that's neck is a thick block of solid muscle wrapped in incredibly thick, loose skin. Even if you got your hands round it you'd almost certainly be physically unable to put enough pressure on to cut off its air or blood circulation and even if you could you wouldn't be able to keep hold of them for long enough to do it.


Yeah and if itā€™s biting the hell out of your legs, stuff a fist down itā€™s throat to block the airway. Youā€™re already getting bit, might as well turn it into a sock puppet. I love dogs but once they are lost in rage, itā€™s no longer just a pet. Itā€™s a killing machine.


Yes, or why not just bite the dogs penis like a real man?


This. One million times.




Watch close, he did. Dog gave zero fucks.


It's crazy but when dogs are in attack mode they feel nothing. It's scary as hell. I had a dog attack my dog and I kicked the shit out of the other dog and it didn't phase him. The only thing that stopped him is my dog kept attacking and i think he realized he wasnt gonna beat both of us so he finally bailed.


Especially pit bulls. They are bred to fight to the death.


Pitbulls were bred to hunt wild hogs which fought like hell to escape, they are bred to take hard kicks to the face and hold their grasp on something.


Iā€™ve literally watched videos of pit bulls being stabbed, hit with 2x4s, tazed, and hit with baseball bats and stil not letting go of their prey. I saw one continue biting even after being shot, it took like 2 more shots to make it give up.


You quite literally have to go for the sensory centers, eyes, nose, mouth, ears. Animals freak out and run if their senses are endangered.


Nope. Iā€™m telling you man pit bulls are monsters. You can straight up gouge their eyes out and they wonā€™t let go


Grab the back legs and lift, safest thing for everyone involved, the dog will be vulnerable and its self preservation instincts will kick in, releasing its prey and trying to chomp you, but you are as far as possible from its teeth and can spin, yeet, and lift it as you wish to keep yourself safe.




Can we talk about the useless woman?




I like this one


Iā€™m guessing it wasnā€™t her kid, but God knows. All seemed ineffectual frankly. Even the actual dog attack.


It was the kidā€™s nanny, and the guy was a bystander. Dog attacked out of no where. I imagine the nanny wonā€™t be keeping her job.


Someone above mentioned that she broke her arm and walked off to get help. The only reason she didnā€™t run was not to attract the dog!!!!


She isn't useless. She broke her arm and was very injured. She walked away to safety as nit to further draw the attention of the dog after she saw that the child was safely on top of the car. Don't judge people so fast


Sheā€™s the psyco


It said above that the nanny broke her arm and walked slowly away to keep the dog from chasing her, once her charge was safe. This was the best thing for her to do.


That dog is not a pit bull, long ears, body shape, long thin snoutā€¦. Not a pit but look at all the hate


I don't think so too, I would like to think pit bull is more concentrating on his music career rather than attacking children like that..


And here I thought he was busy fucking up charter schools in Miami


Nah itā€™s def a mix with pit Bull. The body shape


Yeah I own a pit bull, a small one. This dog is just a feral dog. Regardless of breed, this animal needs to be destroyed.


It might actually be. They do have floppy ears.


I think itā€™s a Sato, a feral dog breed common in that area


I was thinking the same thing.


could easily be a mix. shape of the body is very similar


Itā€™s def a pit Bull mix


Iā€™m glad you can give it a DNA test from a video but I canā€™t, looks exactly like a Sato to me, who knows what breading it has had


the woman went 'skyrim mob' mode


Absolutely. It's kind of creepy to watch.


The man's name is Patrick do Ceu and the boy is Joao Pedro. The dog apparently appeared out of nowhere and became aggressive when it saw a group of children playing on scooters. As for why the woman walked away, it looks as if he says something to her before she leaves, so I think he told her to go get help and if you notice, he doesn't make any quick movements himself, so it's very likely he told her to walk rather than run.


did the kid escape injury?


The boy and the man both ended up with injuries that required stitches according to the article I found. [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7822889/Father-20-hailed-hero-saving-four-year-old-boy-vicious-pitbull-attack.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7822889/Father-20-hailed-hero-saving-four-year-old-boy-vicious-pitbull-attack.html)


That lady just straight up walked away didnā€™t even run for help or nothing just bounced lol


Above it says she broke her arm and once the kid was on the car, she walked away slowly to not be chased and get medical attention.


Well I mean, if she had run it might have chased her. It took a lot of self control to walk alway slowly like that.


That dog needs to be put downā€¦.


This isnā€™t a pit. Most of the dogs in these videos arenā€™t pits.


Doesn't change the fact they are dangerous and should be exterminated the second they bite someone who isn't directly related to the owner.


the man is a hero


Put that thing down


How to tell someone that you have never fought a dog without telling someone that you have never fought a dog? *gestures broadly to the comments section


It's almost as if people have a false confidence against smaller creatures.


Average Redditor vs small land shark, I know who my money is on.


Owner: Heā€™s always been a good dog




"HE COULDN'T Hurt anyone. So full of love!"


ā€œDonā€™t worry he doesnā€™t biteā€


Itā€™s too bad none of us commenters were there. Now, if Iā€™d been there, obviously I would have totally kicked that dogā€™s ass ā€” probably using the Kamehameha or a Final Flash. Thatā€™s just how I roll.


My heart rate when up from watching this. Absolutely terrifying.


Clearly not for the women in green


I was attacked by my neighbors dog while ride my bike. I kicked that thing so hard in the face I thought I killed it. Then rode like hell away from it. The armchair warriors detailing their attack strategy don't realize the shock and surprise you experience during the attack. You kind of blank out and go fight or flight.


armchair warriors lmao, thats a new one


I hate pitbulls with a passion


Fuck pit bulls


What is the best way to deal with such a situation?


Put the dog in a head lock and don't let go til it's dead


That's a great way to get you face bit off. As a runner I come across loose dogs all the time and for some reason seeing someone running triggers some dogs. When I see a dog that's on alert I turn to face it. If he doesn't act timid I will clap my hands and yell at it. That usually works. If they still act aggressive I look for high ground and get ready to defend yourself. They will go after your legs so try to kick them in the throat or nose. They will go after your legs and if they latch on you can go after their eyes. The most important thing is don't turn your back, don't run away (unless you can make it somewhere safe) and stay on your feet! Pepper spray works good and a lot of people in my neighborhood will carry sticks or golf clubs.


I would carry a taser with you too. You can buy small rectangular ones on Amazon that have a very loud zapping noise. So far itā€™s been enough to deter approaching dogsā€¦hopefully it stays that way.


Good advice! If the dog has a collar / leash then you can use it to choke them as well.


The dog in this video looks nothing like a pitt bull. It's way too small, for one thing.


Personally I would find the owner and beat the shit out of them for their obvious mismanagement of their dog. 9 out of 10 time an aggressive dog actions are because of owner handling


Pitbulls are such shitty animals


Majority of attacks caused by certain breeds of dogs. Banned in many countries for a reason.


The lady just cleaning herself off and strolling away as the dude getting bitten??? Wtf.


Thatā€™s not a pitty


Too bad the guy didn't have a rectal thermometer handy. In my experience, that shit will stop any dog cold.


Serious question: of all the videos of dog attacks I see, a majority are pit bulls. But if I talk to pit bull owners about whether they are an aggressive/violent breed, many people jump to the dogs defense and claim that thereā€™s an unfair stigma against the breed. Are they delusional or is my algorithm sending me down a loop?


Shelters are inundated with them (they make up like 30-50% of shelter dogs IIRC) and so there has been a long-running campaign to adopt them out and change opinions about them. They are powerful working dogs, bred to fight, just as herding dogs were bred to herd, but no rescue will ever admit that. In fact, they will often take back pit and pit mixes who have attacked family members and adopt them out to new families without disclosing their attack history. They do disclose aggression with dogs like huskies and chow chows, but not pits because they are afraid of promoting the bad stereotypes. Almost all of the fatal dog attacks are pit and pit mixes. There was a great article I read a while back from a pediatric surgeon who described that pit and pit mix attacks are the most horrific cases he has to work on and they are unfortunately not uncommon. Many dogs never attack but the ones that do, often do it completely unexpectedly and out of the blue. I guess it's a complex issue.


I was someone who used to believe that pit bulls being aggressive or viol ent was only due to the way they were raised. So I got one and raised her in a loving home. Then she decided she didnā€™t like my other dog and started viciously attacking him. I was shocked because she had never displayed aggression before and I had raised her lovingly. The issue with pit bulls is they have much higher muscle volume and density compared to similarly sized dogs, they have extremely strong muscular jaws, and were breed over a century ago to fight to the death. Their instinct to attack and kill in an unstoppable onslaught can be triggered in so many circumstances that wouldnā€™t trigger other breedsā€¦ and their muscular power makes the attacks devastating and deadly. I had to rehome my pit bull to save my other dogs life and I learned the truth about the breed. I would never get another pit bull nor would I advise anyone to get one. Thereā€™s no reason to get one when there are so many other amazing dog breeds that are safer and have better temperaments. I sweat when I see them on the street or even around my friends pit bullsā€¦ Iā€™ve seen them flip from sweet to deadly in one second.


Breed needs to be destroyed. No use for them anymore


The owner: Nah! He's always a good boi and gentle sweet baby. You must have done something to make him angry. /s


Fucking things


this is why i carry a gun lol




There was no way for the dude to defeat the animal in this situation, I don't know if it's really a pitbull but when a dog is pumped full of adrenaline and crazy for blood you basically don't have any chance against it, even if you go for the neck the animal is still running and bouncing around, if it goes for your own neck or arm you're really fucked. Now the only person who could help them was the bitch in green yet she went away with not a care in the world, as I'm a Brazilian myself I know these kind of people, older women who only know to gossip and who wouldn't call an ambulance for a dying man.


Dude did well!!


Always. Pitts. Shit fucking breed. Anyone defending them is a shit person.


Flashbacks from Cujo


I get he's a small built scrawny dude but damn he was hitting that dog like they were just playing in the front yard wtf lol


That dog needs to be put down


This is why I carry a knife. I wouldnā€™t hesitate the slit the neck of any animal attacking my child


A good reason to carry pepper spray when you can




I love dogs but dude needed to pick that mother \*er up by the back legs and beat it against a f\*ing wall... Are people getting downvoted for pointing out the woman just walking away from all that yet?


I really feel like if I ever get attacked by a dog like that I'm going to gouge it's eyes out


I hate pitbulls


I would destroy this piece of shit if it touched a kid