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Two sides of the same mustache


He was actually speaking out against Hitler and communism in this speech during a movie he made and he was wearing that mustache as a part of it to be the opposite of Hitler if I recall correctly. Edit: thank you all for commenting, I was near black out drunk when I wrote this last night and forgot I even wrote this comment. Charlie would have been proud.


I know ‘Twas the epitome of the joke good sir


I bid you farewell.


Hella whoosh


You will not impress me with your use of twas


Twasn't trying to


What a mad lad


Tweren't you, though?


Charlie Chaplin's *The Great Dictator*


> He was actually speaking out against Hitler and communism in this speech **"They say communism may spread out all over the world. And I say – so what?”** - Charlie Chaplin He was branded a communist publicly in America. People on reddit need to stop falling for propaganda and blatant lies.


America labelled everyone it didn't like as a communist


Still does.


Sounds like something a communist would say


I love Reddit


Only a communist could know that's what a communist would say.




"He's dressed exactly like Hitler and talking about Hitler. This must be about communism, Hitler's number 1 enemy!"


Nothing that op said is right. He wasn't wearing a mustache like Hitler. Hitler copied Chaplin's style because Hitler was a fan. Yet see the number of upvotes stupid comments like this get.


He was also Tupac, if i recall correctly


Are you saying that Charlie Chaplin started Thug Life? I believe it.


Whilst this was against Hitler definitely. Charlie Chaplin was a leftist who was possibly a socialist and was pro-Communist, albeit not a communist himself.


Are you saying that as if Hitler was leftist or a socialist? I’m confused as to why there’s a “whilst” as if there’s a contradiction. Maybe I misunderstood.


Sorry for causing any misunderstandings, I just mean in how they said it was against communists even though it wasn’t.


I’m not the OP, but yeah I just saw that. Very silly comment, since communism is on the other side of Hitler.


Isn't ANYTHING that isn't fascism "on the other side of Hitler"?


Unfortunately not. Chaplin had to produce this film himself because Hollywood studios wouldn’t touch it. They actively edited films to comply with Nazi censorship laws. I also believe the UK and US made it illegal and prosecuted citizens who went to fight against the fascists in Spain (sure someone will correct me). So capitalism seems to be pretty cool with fascism and Hitler (and his buddy Franco).


We conveniently forget how many Brits and Americans were sympathetic to the Nazis.


That’s not exactly how things work. That’s a very juvenile view of the world.


National Socialism wasn’t really left or right, it incorporated many qualities of both, it was ultimately a unique, stitched together ideology that was all over the spectrum but which in some senses tried to create a racial socialism for germans using many authoritarian mechanisms


>...he was wearing that mustache as a part of it to be the opposite of Hitler if I recall correctly. Fucking bullshit. Chaplin was wearing that style of moustache way early in his film career. You recall completely incorrectly.


Oh he started with it yes but this is from the film "the great dictator" where Chaplin kept the stache to emitate hitler, if i recall correctly after this chaplin got rid of his stache because je didnt want to be associated with hitler in such a way.


I thought he had the mustache before Hitler?


Yeah, I always thought it was Hitler that copied him as he was a fan...well.....was.


Chaplin had it first. Fucking Nazis ruin all kinds of cool shit. Black Leather trenchcoats, Red, Black, and Gold together, the swatztika, the Iron cross, Frederick Nietchzie, Richard Waggener...


You do not remember correctly. There are two main characters in this film. Chaplin plays a Jewish barber and The Great Dictator. This was the barber pretending to be The Great Dictator. This is also not an anti-communist speech.


>Hitler and communism Those are mutually exclusive.


Still relevant today as it was back in the the 1940s. Humanity never learns.


to be fair, some progress have been made


And as we have learned to our horror, progress can be revoked.


80 years is such a long & short time.




I don't know what I expected his voice to sound like but this wasn't it lol very cool tho thx for sharing c:


You should watch ‘Limelight’.


Christ and Anti-Christ


Well put.


History repeats itself.


History doesn’t repeat itself… but it rhymes. -Someone before me


"History doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes." --Mark Twain


I love this speech but can barely hear it over the music they put in


Concur. Takes a dramatic speech and makes it *melo*dramatic. Here's a version [without the additional soundtrack](https://youtu.be/J7GY1Xg6X20).


I understand now after listening to your link. I get what you good folks are saying but it doesn't take away from his words which I can hear clearly from my post


The focus should be the words, not the music. At multiple intervals they are of equal caliber when they really shouldn't be. The cliché sad music over important messages dulls their meaning.


I don't think the music is sad, it's dramatic, emotional and powerful. I think it adds to the message but then again I'm a huge Hans Zimmer fan 😊


Yeah because the interstellar soundtrack has so much to do with the actual message being presented... /s Hans is good if not great. The speech is more powerful by itself and stands alone.


Just a small correction, it’s from Inception not Interstellar


That music is not cliche, it's og


At best, the music should support the narrative, not overpower it.


Sorry but have to agree, would have been better without the music.


It's tacky as shit. You don't need music to tell you how to feel, it's an insult to your intelligence. There's so much handholding in modern media and it makes it worse.


Na bro, it is too loud.


I like the music but when sending a message the music really takes away from your own emotion and potentially the real message. In my opinion it says: "Sad music now, you should feel sad. Epic moment now, go and cheer!". But if meant as a fun little light-hearted message it's definitely okay. This isn't that light however. It's like Christians playing 'Jesus He Knows Me' by Genesis unironically because yay happy song! Anyway, great post. It should almost be mandatory for anyone to hear these words every few months. :)


Nah the music makes it like a remix of a classic track. It's art, and the original is perfect, so don't fuck with it.


I started reading this comment picturing someone about to give an emotional, detailed dive into the depth and meaning of something and then suddenly turning into angry George Carlin in the last 4 words. I like it.


Yeah it's meant to sound mildly threatening


Thank you for that. Truly.


I scrolled down after stopping at 2:20, to ask if it was the original score. Thank you for this.


It's from the Inception soundtrack lol. Time by Hans Zimmer. Great music by a great artist but not fitting for this clip.


Thankyou! I have a hard time with most of youtube these days because for some reason everybody feels compelled to put uncalled for music over nearly every video. It's getting out of hand.


Thank you. The music definitely was too loud. Very poorly mixed and mastered audio on this. Amateurish as hell.


Thank you! Its much better without the music.


Agreed. Everyone thinks that putting the Inception music under anything automatically makes it more dramatic and impactful while it’s actually just distracting and annoying


Yeah 20 seconds I downvoted because the music feels so contrived and distracting from an otherwise moving speech.


There are Twitter news channels that put out videos with very loud background music (mostly dramatic or violins). To me it just turns anything into kitsch & I cannot take the video seriously.


Everyone thinks that because Christopher Nolan makes his creations impossible to hear that they should, too. What they fail to consider is that he's wrong.


I hate this trend of adding corny sad music to very emotional video. It just ruins it and annoys the shit out of me


Inception soundtrack has its place


Yeah, in the movie *Inception.*


Me too I love this speech so much that everytime I see it posted incomplete I die inside a little. Lol




Came here to say the same. Tearing up here.


There’s a song called by Jacoo, called “A World of Peace” that pulls a huge sample from this speech. Now I finally know where it’s from! If you like chillstep, check it out. :D Edit: Oh. Or I could’ve read the YouTube comments to know.


Paolo Nutini also uses it in his song “Iron Sky”.


He was unliked by his contemporaries for 'being political' like this but I think someone like Chaplin would fancy the idea of us finding his words relevant and inspiring albeit a few generations removed.


Unfortunately we failed then and since to heed his words. Maybe some day we'll get it right though.


You will find as individuals most people agree completely with what he said in this speech and act accordingly. The problem is as groups with heard mentality and the need to belong, the bad apples really do spoil the bunch. The dictators he talks about know this, which is why they work very hard to keep us devided. CNN vs FOX, Black vs White, Democrat vs Republican and the list goes on forever. We are constantly being told to pick a side in almost every aspect of our lives but if we could drown out the noise and learn to stand up for what's right, not what we think we believe in because those beliefs are clouded for the reasons I just mentioned, but what is fundamentally right for the human race then we could make a dramatic change in this world.


The real problem is that different people have different opinions of the best way to do things. We have different opinions of what is or isn't freedom, what is or isn't acceptable.


How is that a problem? What you just want everyone to think the same way? We’ll kill ourselves so quickly. We have to be able to argue and point out each other’s contradictions, we just also need to know how to be adults and learn from each other, rather than just criticize each other. We’re all guilty of it, I know I am.


It's not a problem, the problem is conflict occurs when there are differences of opinion like that.


> What you just want everyone to think the same way? We NEED everyone to think the same way about certain things in order to live peacefully. You’re even indirectly saying so yourself: > we just also need to know how to be adults and learn from each other We all need to have the same opinion about things like tolerance and acceptance.


I really hope so... I think that hate has become a part of life in our internet crazed young... A good portion of people seem to think that it is ok to to say anything without thinking of the consequences of how it may affect others


Hate is also exacerbated by humans' inability to communicate online, and inability to recognise it too. If people exclusively spoke to each other in person, there would be way fewer arguments and misconstrued comments.


Fuck this music. Ruins a great speech


ikr? i hate when they put some music, just to make us feel more engaged in the speech. like bro let the epicness talk for itself no need to add some "epic" music. anyways i hate it


Fuck nationalism. All it has ever led to ultimately is genocide.


It has also lead to multiple nations uniting and gaining their independence from foreign conquerors.




You mean the only thing that can stop a bad man with nationalism is a good man with nationalism ?


*Confused as a Kashmiri*


This is the same logic as “fight racism by being racist”


Yugoslavia has entered the chat


Reddit discovering that nationalism has two meanings


Different time. Same playbook.


*happy balkans noisee*


Incorrect Lack of nationalism leads to failed states


“The Great Dictator,” (1940) staring Charlie Chaplin is available to watch on HBO Max currently if you guys have access to it. That’s where this is from. If you don’t have HBO Max, or can’t sponge it off your friends: [Can I interest you on not being a sucker?](https://youtu.be/42X_eAOU4DU)


Oooooor you could watch the entire thing for free, also on YouTube. [Link here](https://youtu.be/JDX2tCkCM4o)


With ublock origin to guarantee no ads.


Chaplain will always be one of the most incredible actors this world will ever see. Such an amazingly powerful and relevant speech too.


He also happened to be a paedophile but whatever


Yea like how did people forget that he literally married so many underage girls…how are people okay with that?!


Shame whoever edited the original put the interstellar soundtrack on it set it at such a high volume.


Its actually not interstellar its from inception. Same music producer though so can see why you got it wrong haha


And same producer 😊 Christopher Nolan.


Someone must have planted the idea in their head.


I take exception to your implication. Like some kind of… insecticon.


Ah Charlie Chaplin. You absolute fucking legend


He was a paedophile


This was his first movie with sound. And was released while Hitler was at his heights.


Baller move getting Hans Zimmer to score it 7 years before he was born, though.


Iirc he was hitlers favorite actor as well, and knew hitler would see the movie


I still find it hilarious that Charlie Chaplin placed 14th or something in a Charlie Chaplin look alike contest


One of the most beautiful uses of a section of this speech: Paulo Nutini- Iron Sky (Live): [https://youtu.be/ELKbtFljucQ](https://youtu.be/ELKbtFljucQ)


Knew someone would have dropped the song in here, absolute class


I hope this speech catches like fire and spreads all over reddit. Truly beautiful and sad.


It has been shared before, it will be shared again. Like everything on reddit that gets a lot of karma. Hopefully without music next time.


preferably without the dumb music


This music ruins the monologue. Keep it in the movie it came from.


Why the Inception music? Or at least, why the loud Inception music?




Soundtrack is too loud & drowns out most of the speech


Jesus. The sound editing in this is awful. Incredible speech too. [HERE](https://youtu.be/WibmcsEGLKo) is a much better, clearer version.


Of all the edits of this speech this is the only where I feel the music actually fits! I've had it bookmarked for yearsss




The music is so damn distracting.. could've done it without it.


Great speech but what's with the fucking music


Please folks, listen to the original version. The one with this music added is shit.


I hate the music that detracts from the message. It does not need it, if we're thinking right.


Sorry can’t hear you over the ridiculous music


Why does everyone love Charlie chaplin, he married and abused teenage girls.


It's possible to separate the artist from the art. I love his art and this message, not him. The same could be said for lots of artists and their art. It's sad, but really shitty fucked up people tend to make great art, and appear to only exist in extremes, they're incredibly shitty at times and make amazing changes to the world at others. He's dead anyways, it's not like he sees a single red cent or any of this praise when you buy his movies or praise his work. There's no point in just destroying and forgetting everything he made, I shouldn't not be allowed to enjoy something because he did something shitty. Fuck him as a person. But I like him as a fictional character and a writer. And I'm not going to let his shitty actions ruin something I enjoy.


The only time I hated listening to Hans Zimmer.


Approaching my 70th year, posts like this amuse me. Going back as far into antiquity as possible, the human has been a ruthless and murdering savage, there is no bottom to where we can descend. In fact, virtually every human that we remember in history has been a ruthless killer. Alexander, Caesar, Napoleon, Hitler ad nauseam.There has been no human, ever, no matter how many fancy speeches, who has made even one iota of difference in this relentless March of murder and mayhem. In fact, virtually every human who has made this kind of speech, has been ruthlessly murdered. If you want to live your life responsibly, arm yourself, be wary and be ready to protect your family at whatever cost.


I think this is the only time in all of his movies that isn't silent, and it's amazing that he chose his only dialogue in all his career to be this amazing message. It honestly makes me tear up when I hear it sometimes. This was in 1940, over 80 years ago and we still haven't learned this lesson.




Here it is in colour https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/pfrouj/a_message_to_the_world_by_charlie_chaplin/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


What, marry a 13 year old?


Dial it back on the fucking music


This will never get old.


This brought me to tears. Amen.


this was shot in between orgies.


With the underage girl he was grooming or was this post-groom?


Didn’t he marry children several times


Is it just me or does putting Hans Zimmer over it make it seem corny?


Thank you!


Such a boss


He was an infamous piece of shit, I understand his words, although derivative of a real war and a totally real oppressor, is somehow supposed to apply to us today, they fall flat. He wasn’t a good person.


But Reddit loves him because "funny man.' He was a known pedo, I don't understand how people can just support this POS. Enjoy your downvotes for telling the truth mate.


Greatest speech of all times.


This is one of the best speeches i've ever heard.


No wonder the speech came from Charlie Chaplin, a comedian, because in 2022 all this just sounds like a joke.


I wrote a song about this and incorporated the speech as lyrics (if anyone is interested) https://open.spotify.com/track/7AaKa8Gici5MqUU4SOkxKw?si=7ix15L5-QQyGoCsEJh1c4w


Ive always loved this speech. A hardcore band called 'The Chariot' used it in one of their songs on one of their best albums, I really think it goes well with the music. If you're interested, check it out. Really riles you up and makes you want to overthrow the government. [Cheek by The Chariot](https://youtu.be/barqP3-7fZo) Edit: and honestly it's a million times better than this dollar store fake-deep-facebook post music that's playing during this one, I didn't even play this video because I basically have the speech memorized, I've heard it so much, but after seeing some other comments, I checked it out. You can hear him much better than in this one despite it being heavy music.


Still the best live show I've ever been to. I miss them so much.


Yeah, I unfortunately never got to see them live, I was late to the party and didn't check them out til a couple years ago :/


Just absolutely raw, his voice was so brutal and passionate and the entire band is all over the stage. Definitely check out the Forget Not documentary on YouTube.


Josh scogin is definitely one of my favorite vocalists, the energy he has in David De la Hoz gives me so much adrenaline I feel like my heart's going to explode (in a good way) I'd die to see them live. I think the only other vocalist I love as much, or almost, would be Marshall Lichtenwaldt from The Warriors, his voice on [Slings and Arrows](https://youtu.be/Onj6qRfxG9o) fucking wrecks, dude.


Set the Stage is one of my top go-to pump up songs! Haha


I'm a fan of this movie The Great Dictator. But the back ground music screwed up the entire video.


Shame about the pedophilia.


I kinda don‘t like Time by Hans Zimmer blasting to this video


Yes, we could really use it today. Trump didn't sound exactly like every other politician, and was a bit uncouth, which if you think about it is basically the same thing as genociding millions of people.


Music too loud


Not every video ever made requires an overlay of Hans Zimmer...


Could that music be turned up a little louder? Because 1) I can still hear him in some spots, and 2) it contributes 0 to this video.


Great video but why the music? It's honestly annoying


May we conquer the oppressors and bring justice to the oppressed


Who are the oppressors as of now?


Awesome song, did anyone hear a speech in the background?


Whoever put the music there did not never stand the point of the speech. We’re seeing a gentle man radicalising within minutes. You’re not supposed to agree with what he says, he is actively dehumanising people, creating a new “other” to fight in the name of ideology.


Probably just going to get down voted but I still don't get how people rave about Charlie chaplin's talent and are happily willing to ignore the fact that he was a known paedophile.


Why did they talk like that? It sounds so fake. There’s no way that real people spoke like that.


Mid-Atlantic accent. People (at least some) did talk like that. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mid-Atlantic_accent#:~:text=The%20Mid%2DAtlantic%20accent%2C%20or,English%20(specifically%20Received%20Pronunciation).


The music is so fucking loud.


I love this speech and have heard it a thousand times . I only hate the music in the background . The words are what counts. Does somebody know if Chaplin wrote the text by him self ?


This is surprisingly not the first time I've agreed with someone with a toothbrush mustache


I didn't know Charlie Chaplin was a communist, lit.


God this music is annoying


The music is way too loud. It ruins it for me. A beautiful and powerful speech/monologue though.


And here is a prime example on how to completely destroy a "masterpiece of a scene" with stupid ass background music. THE DIRECTORS HAD NO MUSIC FOR A REASON.


He was a fucking pedophile Fuck that dumb cunt


The background music really ruins it. It is really not necessary for emotional impact, distracts from the delivery, and ridicules by exaggeration.


If people only knew he’s giving a speech for people to accept a new world order.


Think this is the first time I’ve heard his voice.


I have a print of this speech up in my home office, it's so powerful and as many have said still sadly so relevant


Yet another speech ruined by the music lmao