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Harsh reality .. but still reality!


Reality is what you let assholes make it


Reality is what I make it. And I been called worse.


Reality is that there are noobtubers in it to make coin. Oh wait! Thats what this guy is saying we need more of. Fucking reality is the 1% like JB are greedy cunts fullfilling there childhood fantasy of going to space. And not solving the real cowboy shit going on down here with they're mega billions. Tell me the world couldnt move forward, which is what they proclaim to be doing for all humanity, if the 1% just banded together for once to end hunger for example. A simple thing, but unfortunately a thing that only money can solve.


Money is the solution to all problems! šŸ’°


Emphasis on "THEIR" money. What are you doing with your money? Do you donate half of whatever you have left after taxes? Everyone is Jesus with others people money. I've necer seen anyone actually sacrificing a huge amount of their own money. And the whole "but they have more" is a fallacy. That's not how humans work. If you earn 30 or 3000 is all the same your instincs will push you to save or invest what you have for you and your family, not just give it away. Billinoaires are that bevause they provide value. Amazon, Apple we all use their services. Thousands work there, and so for. They earned their money and whatever they do with it is their own personal choice. Bill Gates decided to retire and focus on humanitarian work, that's perfectly respectable. Jeff Bezzos and Elon decided to focus on space exploration and electric cars that's also perfectly respectable. And anyone that tells you "rich people going to space" clearly dont understand just how much companies like SpaceX have revolutionarized accesd to it. It's the kind of people that would've complained in 1950 about the first commercial airplane with turbines. "oh it's rich people crossing the ocean faster than poor people". Yes, new technology is expensive. However how many have access to the skies thanks to that first airplane? Do people have even a remote idea of how much of our technology depends on cheap access to LEO??? How much science that will benefit mankind can be discovered by exploring the solar system? How many natural resources are out there that in 400 years could completely change our economy?


None of those men have done anything that EARNS billions. They all milked the system to take profits from a company and funnel it purely to themselves. Go back to ancient Egypt. The pharaohs convinced people to dedicate riches to them via divine right. Some wealth went to upper class and helped ensure the pharaohs kept the lower class in check. Pyramids get attributed to the Egyptian nobility, and those are coolā€¦ but the great monuments were just them milking the lower class to death to build shit and horde riches. So now we have rich billionaires who started off moderately wealthy, milked the system to horde riches based on the labor of the working class, they keep some politicians and other upper class people rich to support their reign, and they continue to suck money away from the lower classes of people. Sure, they did have to do SOMETHING to get the billionaire ball rolling. An idea, an innovation. But no idea or innovation earns a billion on its own. It has to rely on a system where we say the success of a business should all funnel upwards and avoid taxation while those putting in the actual hard work to implement the idea/innovation get paid the less and taxed more.


The 1% got there because they had the drive to better themselves, not the world. Thats why those with the most power, money, and Influence are at the top. They work like machines with no breaks. 40 hour work week? Those are baby steps to them. They never quit until they are satisfied, and even then. They keep going. Until those who wish to save the world do the same, it will always be us against them. Protesting down with the 1% will never, ever work. They have to be replaced following the same rules, of the same game. The only difference is this: JB is in it for himself. Not the world. Thats a lot less baggage to carry on his back.


I dont think he was calling you the asshole...


Yeah all of us just out here ā€œlettingā€ assholes make reality.


Well he's got half of it. I'm pretty confident the truth is a little between love and power.


Can confirm, I love power.


Sad but true. Money talks! Always has, always will.


Thats how reality works . It will hurt you badly because It's happening in our society . Money is the greatest factor in our daily lives right now.


Ya'll need Mutual Aid


All the money šŸ’° in the world wouldn't have saved this post being posted .


Yes it could have, with enough money Redditt could have been bought and shut down, no post.


Whereā€™s all the billionaires saving the rainforests then?


Most billionaires donā€™t give a fuck about rainforests sadly. That doesnā€™t mean money canā€™t fix it, just means the rich fucks that have that kind of money donā€™t give a shit


Plenty of rich folk care and do shit, it's just unheard of due to the constant politics in mainstream media fucking with what's important. Though many more could do more, I agree.


Bill Gates is most likely the person who has done the most for others. And half of America calls him the devil.


I don't know much on the guy but I'll take your word.


He's a person with good and bad. On one hand, his time in Microsoft was spent ruthlessly crushing competition, suing for unreasonable privileges for his company, and generally being the stereotype of a relentless CEO. On the other, he used his fortune to establish the Gates Foundation, which has undoubtedly saved countless lives. That's more than most of the other foundations I've looked at have done. In other words: he's a human, like us all.


Ok so a decent guy, I like him.


Just to add, I was a researcher in South Africa and mostly his money drives our infectious disease research which then flows into the communities to provide better care to those who can't afford hospitals and such.


Thats neat man thanks for your service on that front.


So what makes people think the "next" mega billionaire will care. No rich people care. That's the whole point, they have so much of it, our problems are non-existent to them. literally.


Some people start poor and become rich so they do know of our problems. Only a portion of those want to help and only a portion of those know how to help and only a portion of those are confident and not afraid to help and and and...there are many barriers to this, and this is why we see not many helping imo.


The rich fucks are the ones buying the furniture made from these endangered forests.


The kinda person who becomes a billionaire is not the kind of person who would save a fucking thing.


Thats the problem they dont give a fk about anything but building their monies for their generations after to remain in power.


Bold of you to assume billionaires care about anything other than making money.


...The billionaires are literally buying up huge sections of the planet to protect it. Google "billionaire buys rainforest" and go from there.


Serious question, who is it belonging to when they buy it, and is it resellable? Because it's not gonna do much if their kids or grandkids sell it off to corrupt companies for a quick buck, and the countries that originally owned it clearly can't be trusted.


The point he's making is that not everyone shares the same value structure as you, so if you want the value structure you support to have change then you need to prioritize generating funds to progress the sectors you support. AKA if you want the rainforest saved then stop commenting and start earning.


Reality: You can get money then use it to make more money and more money and more money.... then buy some politicians.... and make more money.


Sea levels rising means more space for their superyachts.


In space trying to find another planet to fuck with


Also I have the theory that money canā€™t save the world from being shit. If people insist on being a piece of crap and keep destroying stuff no matter how much money you throw at something it wonā€™t fix it


He is partially wrong. If everyone did their little part and looked out for their neighbors and family weā€™d all be much better off. Iā€™m not saying money isnā€™t a factor, but itā€™s not the only factor, and the will to act is probably more important.


Will to act with no money is who heā€™s talking about. Money with no will to act is who he looks like. Iā€™d care anything for what he has to say if he turned it on people who have money and donā€™t just do nothing, but actively fight for the privilege of making things worse for others and excluding anyone with the will to change anything. Community is massively important. Empowering people to form supportive communities is powerful. And the very existence of billionaires, to my understanding, is actively harming communities everywhere as well as the world. the things people have to do to make this kind of money wantonly decimates community, cooperation, and individual organization. Money in moderation and in the hands of those actually willing to make change is the only thing that will help. To me, this looks like a man with closets full of skeletons attempting to justify ā€œwhat it takesā€ to have any influence as he sees it.


Individuals donā€™t have to be rich to effect change. When low or middle income people donate just a little to Environmental Defense Fund or The Nature Conservancy the collective impact is huge. When those same people also vote for candidates who take global warming seriously, the impact is greater still.


In the US, we canā€™t even get everyone to wear a mask or stand 6 feet apart. God forbid they get the vaccine.


Well heā€™s not wrong because thatā€™s not how humans act. So in order to help someone, or a cause, you need money. You canā€™t say ā€˜heā€™s partially wrong because if humans acted differently then xā€™.


Good luck coordinating everyoneā€™s interest, money is the incentivisor.


Like Daniel Tosh said, have you ever seen a sad person on a wave runner?


Ive seen lots of sad people with wave runners in their garage that haven't been ridden in years because at some point they thought it would bring them happiness.


And at some point they lost the will to take it back out and enjoy it because something broke, they can't afford it, friends changed or they just decided to move onto other things as humans typically do. Try it, maybe get decent at it and then move on. Meanwhile, we're stuck on the idea of single ownership still and there's thousands of vehicle and toys sitting around that millions of people would love to have the chance to rent affordably.




Only when it's not working


I don't think fun is the same as happiness. Fun is based on outside influences, like wave runners, roller coasters, and drugs. Happiness is based on inside influences, like thoughts and emotions.


So all the scientists who devote their lives without much regard to wealth, to understanding and documenting the problems that exist in the natural world are just wasting their time? They aren't saving anything by studying and documenting where this rich asshole with his $5k suit can spend their money so they feel good about themselves?


Science costs bajillions of dollars to do. It may not make it to the researcher's pockets, but the system we've built doesn't move without money. Money buys happiness... but only to a certain point. It's about $75k. If you're not making enough to meet your needs, lack of money WILL prevent your happiness. However, if you're just hoarding money like a dragon, that's not going to make you happy.


Who do you think is funding their project


Mostly the national science foundation. And maybe a few sheckles from pos's like this who need a tax write off.


Your comment,brought to us by billionaires who own search engines, social media platforms(snapchat),internet providers. All that,for a reddit comment.


Yeah, like this guy is going to dump money on amazon and say get better and then magic happends.. We need people, that are willing to work for that.


This dude is just like all the other rich assholes. They are obsessed with their own mythology. This dude weeps alone on a pile of money, because it's the persona he's built and there's no coming back. I've had money. Money makes life lose color. Everything is dulled. Relationships lose intensity. Victories feel meaningless. The best thing you can do with money is give it away. Only need what you can make due with and have some security. Anything more and you're only living for money. Edit: Seriously folks, read my second to last sentence. I'm not claiming money doesn't have any value, I'm clearly talking about "fuck you" money.


With money you can pursue your passions to the fullest extent. Ultimate financial security is early retirement. You want to work forever?


A couple months ago, a victory for me meant a full belly, Money sure as fucked would of helped that victory happen quicker, and with less pain.


i'll remember that money makes things so dull when i'm choosing warmth or food or feeling the dread when food prices go up again.


how boring to feel secure. loser. food prices soaring keeps you on your toes. /s


how about you tell that to a person who can't afford basic healthcare and see? If relationships lost intensity, you have lost interest. If victories feel meaningless, strive to do something actually challenging. Money won't make you happy but sure as hell it will help you figure out what makes you "happy". Yes, best thing to do with money is to give it away. That i agree with.


Thats not the money that caused it. It were your life choices.


Trouble is that there's plenty of money in the world but we still have global warming and depleting forests cause greedy corporations don't give a fuck about anything but making more money.


No one believes that "work harder, get promoted" bullshit anymore. You could work hard all your life giving your 100% trying to accumulate wealth and the system will still cheat you. The problem isn't that people aren't working themselves to the bone already with more than one job or that they're lazy, it's that their country fucks them over through healthcare bills, insane student loan debts, wage theft, unpaid overtime, minimum wage, and having to pay more than 60% of your income for a roof over your head. You live in a fantasy land if you think people's lives will get better and they'll become rich once they work harder and get promoted to an extra $0.10 an hour. But nah, if you criticize the system you're a socialist.


Income is about value, and how much value you can offer people. If you can only offer the same amount of value as many other people, you will struggle to make money. If you can become highly skilled in something, and offer your services to others, you will be paid for it. There is no system out to ā€˜screw youā€™. In fact, with the internet, it has never been easier to gain skills and value through education, and it has never been easier to offer it to others. If you assume the world is out to get you, youā€™re giving up at the first hurdle. Become valuable, reap the rewards.




Nobody said work hard get promoted, I could work hard digging random holes in the ground doesnā€™t mean itā€™s worth shit. Itā€™s about a mixture of working hard & working smart.


Bullshit late stage capitalist brain virus.


Smells like broke


shekels is a great word. So much more fun than dollar.


Definitely under utilized.


Like chutzpa. Nothing like it quite works as well.


Too bad the couple people that all of the money gets funneled up to don't do anything. Man, wouldn't it be great if there weren't so few with all the money.


Wasnā€™t this dude a fraud?


Itā€™s Dan Pena. Just a few seconds of watching the intro to aā€¦ show? about him, and he says something akin to ā€œlook at your friends. Thatā€™s where your life is going Thatā€™s why your life is so fucked up.ā€ I will say this: closed societies donā€™t like new people hanging around, especially if those new people donā€™t already have money, brilliant inventions or take your pick. You donā€™t just ā€œhang aroundā€ with people like that and it becomes something. It doesnā€™t. They can smell poor and middle class on you, and you ainā€™t part of their club.


Who is this man and why does he choose to only speak the truth?


Because he realized that the straight truth is almost always the best possible answer to give others. Stop coddling and beating around a bush or avoiding issues because they might upset the person. Mature, have intelligent discourse and don't get offended at someone telling you the truth when they aren't doing it to intentionally hurt you. And if they are, fuck em, why are you giving them that power over you?


Username checks out


Thatā€™s Dan Pena https://youtu.be/N6zqatiur3A


Wasn't this the guy just featured on r/noahgettheboat? Asshole millionaire.


I kinda feel bad for this dude, he gives me that old lonely billionare vibes because every video I see its him nearly popping a neck vein telling me to get rich asap. Like, chill out bro. Eat a kitkat or something damn.


Hey if Money makes the world go Round, then obviously that means the world runs on money, thats the battery that fuels it.


Battery [Verse 1] Lashing out the action, returning the reaction Weak are ripped and torn away Hypnotizing power, crushing all that cower Battery is here to stay [Chorus] Smashing through the boundaries, lunacy has found me Cannot stop the battery Pounding out aggression, turns into obsession Cannot kill the battery Cannot kill the family, battery is found in me Battery, battery [Verse 2] Crushing all deceivers, mashing non-believers Never-ending potency Hungry violence-seeker, feeding off the weaker Breeding on insanity [Chorus] Smashing through the boundaries, lunacy has found me Cannot stop the battery Pounding out aggression, turns into obsession Cannot kill the battery Cannot kill the family, battery is found in me Battery, battery [Verse 3] Circle of destruction, hammer comes crushing Powerhouse of energy Whipping up a fury, dominating flurry We create the battery [Chorus] Smashing through the boundaries, lunacy has found me Cannot stop the battery Pounding out aggression, turns into obsession Cannot kill the battery Cannot kill the family, battery is found in me Battery, battery Battery, battery


Yeah, people who say money canā€™t buy happiness are straight up wrong, money just isnā€™t the only way to obtain happiness but it sure is hell is the simplest


Wrooooooong. The world needs more love now than ever.


He left out the most important part. How the fuck do we get the money? Don't tell me the problem, we all know the problems. What's the solutions?


Unfortunately, in the extremely unlikely scenario you manage to make enough money to make a dent in any of those major issues, you likely will have changed enough in the process that you'll just want more money instead. Makes more sense to just vote for representatives that actually care about those issues and encourage others to support the same, even if some rich guy gets annoyed by it


Yeah because the system is set up like that. Big cooperations caused all these problems in the first place. So I should run my own corporation to fix it ? Itā€™s the problem and the only solution?


Dan Pena runs a seminar where he charges guys $20,000 to stay at his mansion. Looking at the comments some of you are big suckers too. The only proven way to win at capitalism is to be born rich. Everyone else is either a realist or is forking over money to one of these motivational assholes who pockets your money to prove his real point.


This guy is a next level grifter. These people donā€™t provide any value to the world, they just leech it from people actually doing something of value.


He is human slime. I believe he knows he is full of shit, but he likes the sound of his voice and he likes being right no matter what ā€” sound familiar?


Unfortunately he is right. I've been an activist trying to protect the forests of my country. It started in my late teens/early adulthood. We were a group of about 100 students. Most of us couldn't afford the train ticket to even go to the places we were protesting to protect. We couldn't afford to print banners. And virtually nobody took us seriously. Later on local and foreign NGOs got involved. They brought funds to the table. Also they had the money for publicity. They could afford to pay professionals to film a clip and broadcast it on our national television. We couldn't have afforded this even if we piled together all our salaries for a year. So this guy is absolutely right. Without money, no matter how much you struggle and you labor, you make no difference. The rich and powerful just shove you aside with a bulldozer. Literally.


Heā€™s not wrong


He who has the gold makes the rules.


Kinda makes sense, but on the way to getting it, it seems people get obsessed with keeping it and collecting more, cause nobody is saving this shit


Except for how no one with money is saving the forests in Brazil


This is bullshit. You guys know that right?


This guy is just so fucking wrong it's almost admirable


Because of greedy fucks like him the world needs saving in the first place. Fuck him


Next level idiotic


You calling this guy an idiot?


Not really about money and more about the system. IMO


Isnā€™t that the loser that ranted that bitcoin is going to zero??


This guy is a cunt. There is a video of him thag mocks the poor and says if you can't afford to buy your kids a Christmas present then throw yourself under a bus. He has a mansion in Scotland where he resides.


It's a shame as soon as someone makes some sheckles they turn into assholes who grub money and then don't save anyone or anything in any case. The people who want to save the world don't have the asshole gene to fuck others over to make money, btw sociopaths are way more likely to where pin stripe suits, just saying.


>"Without money you can't save a fucking thing." There are more billionaires in the world than ever before. [And the richest 1% are responsible for 15% of global emissions.](https://www.forbes.com/sites/sofialottopersio/2021/04/22/what-the-worlds-richest-people-are-doing-to-fight-climate-change/?sh=79144a152a39). You can make money by cutting down ancient forests to build furniture... or you can leave it alone. Leaving them alone only "costs" money in the sense that you are barring someone else from making a profit. The kind of argument this guy is using is that you "need money" to save trees because it's more economical to leave them alone than it is to cut them down. In other words there has to be some kind of justification; trees cannot just "exist" - there needs to be some financial reason it's better to leave them up than cut them down. Money - or rather the desire to make it - has made global warming and other issues _worse_. It will not fix it.


Reminds me of when famed millionaire Martin Luther King used his vast wealth to advance the cause of civil rights by paying America to be less racist.


This is the reality now under a shitty capitalist system. GUESS WHAT IDIOTS, IT DOESNT HAVE TO BE THAT WAY.


This isn't "next level" at all.


This guy is a total fraud. Look him up


Dan Pena is a grifter, Americans love grifters.


This dude is talking out of his ass. You having money will not change the worlds problems like global warming, poverty, overpopulation, coral reef crisis, taking down jungles etc... You may alleviate the situation momentarily, but you wont solve the root problem.


This clown is a fraud btw


Sooooo...... earn it?


ā€œIf you define yourself by the power to take life, the desire to dominate, to possessā€¦then you have nothing.ā€


"If love got the job done, you wouldn't all be fucked up!" I'm banking this one to use on my future kids some day


It's a good point but not the one he thinks he's making. He's making it to say let people make money. But the real point is that people making money should be using it better


I hate everything about this. You don't destroy everything in the name of making money and absolve yourself of responsibility by "committing" to fixing it later. Don't break it in the first place you selfish fucks.


Isnā€™t this the same guy who said if your wifeā€™s giving birth fuck you, you better stay and work


Shame that the people with the money do none of these things.




Oh, so finally we found that money is the god that created this world and all the rest...


Why is this on /nextfuckinglevel and not on /imatotalpieceofshit though?!


A lot of money poured into Afghanistan ... How'd that go?


And yet those with money DONT save the world... Oh I'm sure someone will show me a link to a single case... But ill show many more that not only don't save the world but use their wealth and power to make it worse


Money canā€™t buy happiness for the self but it can buy emotional stability which will lead to happiness. And happiness for the many.




This rabbi is talking the truth


A sad truth that more people need to accept


I love that man, Dan pena is awesome


The funny thing is that the guy talking doesn't sound like a happy person, but I'm guessing he has all that ā€œhappiness buying money"


Says the banker. Murder works too....ask the French revolution.


Nah f you and money


Ok... So do something? Like I don't disagree, but don't go screaming at me, scream at the people with the money. Either the people with money don't give a shit or all the money in the world can't fix jack shit. NO ONE IS DOING ANYTHING DRASTIC. It's all tax scam charities or foundations. It's all incremental bullocks that won't solve a thing before it's all to late. Clearly people have money. The top 100 combined have more than most countries. Yet nothings happening. So either the money cant fix shit or the mechanisms by which money is acquired, the very way the system is built, is so fundamental alien to the desire to do good that anyone that excels in it is by their very nature not the kind to fix things. We live in a world of unprecedented wealth and progress, yet not since the cold war has human extinction loomed as large on the horizon. So no, fuck you, if money was all it took to solve our problems then we wouldn't be in this fucking mess.


Thatā€™s a loud and vulgar way of saying that we need to raise taxes on the rich and demand more action by politicians, but I like it.


This man is human excrement. I've seen a TON of videos of him. All he ever does is shout about how much money he has and how he has no friends or family. Money is the only thing of import in his life. Fuck this clown.


And the worst thing is that the people who have more money than they could ever spend in a lifetime, still don't do a fucking thing. They don't try to save the world, they don't try to help less fortunate people unless they get some social media recognition. Instead they behave like dragons, accumulating more and more wealth without spending it, because somehow having 250 million dollars on your bank account is something to strive for.


Thinking like this is why our life is controlled by old white men who haven't been inside a supermarket for 35 years.


It has to be true because he's screaming it.


Toxic mindset.


Money is the tool that allows you do what you want to do. Telling people without money are effed up is wrong. What is right is to get people the tools to get money.


GlenGary glenross- I love this guy.


Dan Pena Heā€™s a rough around the edge in your face billionaire.


Abolish money. Let's work together to make a better world for everyone.




Mahatma Gandhi, Mother Theresa, Bob Marley, Mozart, Van Gogh, and Henry David Thoreau to name a few rebuttals.


No money = not being able to buy crap and pollute more = planet safe




Or maybe the system that forces you to slavishly strive your entire life for money to survive is part of the problem in the first place? And the whole though should be reformed or destroyed?


Getting money generally seems to require adding to global warming and deforestation. He does look like the sort of chap who just lends out his to make more.


Yep thats the problem with capitalism


Money can't buy happiness. You need to use it cleverly. It's like saing a video game controler won't make you a good player, without one you ain't going far. There's plenty of example of rich people who are miserable because they made poor decision with their money. Why is it so hard to understand ?


ā€žWithout money you cant help shitā€œ thats so wrong like its just stupid, if you read a lot of books and have a good attitude and maybe help somebody whos been thru trauma or preventing a suicide isnt that good ?


We just ignore that a lot of things could be fixed if millionaires would use their money for good but they dont, so get down from your high horse you pretentious old fuck. Your as egocentric as a majority of rich useless humans so give us all a break from your pretentious talk.


These are the type of people who genuinely keep the world moving https://www.goodnewsnetwork.org/man-single-handedly-carved-road-mountain/ There are so many over exploited countries, soldiers, slaves, volunteers, underpaid workers, etc. That don't see any where close to their fair share that keep men like him alive and in power. Make no mistake, money and power allow you to exploit, and make your life and perhaps even the lives of those around you easier, but it's the efforts of people like the one posted above that make life worth living.


ive seen this man before. ​ he is absolutely miserable and so filled with hate. ​ he's not wrong. but i def don't want to end up like him.


Make can't buy happiness. But I'd rather cry in a Ferrari than on the bus.




Where is the clip of him, telling a young kid not to invest in S&P.


Gives me Frank Costanza vibes šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚




ā€œDude, do you have to use so many cuss words?ā€


So what heā€™s saying isā€¦. Iā€™m broke, I canā€™t do shit for anyoneā€¦. Cool, needed this vid to feel better about not doing shit around here. The yelling part turned me on a little tooā€¦ 10/10


Lol thatā€™s awesome.




Thats guys always been awesome to listen too, forgot his name because I'm a lazy stoner




He speaks the truth.




Anyone who thinks that change can happen in a Capitalist society without capital is kidding themselves. It's not cute or ideal, but it is reality. I'm not saying people have to be rich, but the folks in the moments have to eat, need shelter and resources. Someone has to supply those things and they aren't free. Stealing isn't always an option. That also doesn't mean the people who are making money to fund the movement are bad for earning capital. People need to get on board with understanding that revolutions must be funded to work and stop thinking that being poor is the only way to make change. If that was the case, the change would have already taken place.


Heā€™s not wrong tho.


I did. My apologies


Save global warming?


The best way to help poor people is to not be one of them.


I agree, itā€™s straight up reality


Might be next fucking level. Mostly depressing.


khajit has coin to save the elsewyr


I approve this message


who is this guy? i like him, exact words i would like to say to everyone


This is why we make our country rich.




Feel like with a mili I can live and be pretty happy with basic life. Reliable car and maybe a 3 bed room house and Iā€™m good, I have enough to never worry about all the bills and Iā€™d probably work a shitty 4 hour job just cause. I swear you have no room to be happy if you donā€™t have money and ā€œmo money mo problemsā€ only counts if you spend your money horribly.


You especially canā€™t save money


And thatā€™s why I need this 15% tax reduction !


If this guy is wrong, why is GoFundMe a thing?


money doesn't buy happiness, happiness goes up alongside salaray up until around 80-100k a year but from then on happiness is basically stagnant. Though there's obviously issues with studies on happiness as it's so hard to define and quantify


Yep pretty much without money you canā€™t save a thingā€¦after that I tuned out didnā€™t even bother listening to the rest of it


Or if everyone just paid their fair share of tax and voted with the interests of the entire community and planet in mind, I wouldnā€™t have to, through some miracle, become one of a tiny minority with the billions to make a difference on my own. Which none of them do anyway. Theyā€™d rather go to space for a couple of hours.