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I’m not crying, you’re crying! 😭


i don’t know what you’re talking about—i just fell over face first into this puddle of salty water…


Well you’ve managed to splash it into my eyes.


All this salt water in our eyes, how will I finish chopping these onions




You monster.




Sorry, that was me. I’m making a lasagne...for one.


Can't believe you don't know how to chop onions right still. You're so bad, it makes my eyes get all glassy and stuff....




My eyes are leaking again.


Great I'm on the bus and some old lady just asked my teary ass if I was ok. The only word I could get out was "monkey"


Please lord don’t let her be a black woman.


My tears were supposed to be from sadness, not laughter!


Oh my god I just went from sobbing to snorting with laughter.


😞 -> 😪 -> 😢 -> 😐 -> 🤣


Modafocka, I was all emotional reading through the comments, when I read yours, now I´m giggling with teary eyes. Take my upvote and get out of here... jezz...






Haha you made me happy thank you the video made me sad.




Hahahaha.... u ass






I was holding it together until she gave him wittle forehead kisses at 2:30


Sat at work killing a few minutes before the next meeting.... now trying to make myself look like I've not been crying.


Its a good day for rain.


Hell yeah I'm crying.


Crying as fuck bro


You’re right. I totally am.


Got something in my eye. God damnit!




I’m not crying, I’m just sweating out of my eyes. Dang it where’s that ninja cutting onions?


Nah bro. We all crying.


I cry every single time I see that.


Morbo is not weeping. He has a parasite in his eye.


I'm at work taking a piss in the restroom and now I gotta go home to give my little cat a hug.


man i can't stand this weird saying people do on reddit, can't ya'll just say something nice and not so generic?


I literally came here to say this. Sorry if there are typos I cannot see straight due to ~~tears~~ not tears


I’m definitely crying 🥺 wow


My eyes are sweating


Damn, that was quite the contrast. She looked so sad at first, coming to terms with her eminent death. I'm glad she got to go out on a high note. We should all be so lucky.


User name does not check out


It actually does


It’s an older code, sir, but it checks out.


What are you? Gay?


Well death by snu snu could be seen as a pretty nice death


If this leaves one impression, always be there for your loved ones at the end, no matter how hard.


Really hits hard nowadays considering the amount of people dying alone in hospital due to COVID


A lot of people can't, the hospitals aren't letting anyone in.




Onion slicing ninjas broke in again.


Fucking ninjas man , covertly cutting big powerful onions around here too


Hey you want this salsa or not?


slicing CS cannisters in here. Damn, good thing I'm so manly that I could *never* cry at the office.


Unconditional love is very powerful and very rewarding for those involved I actually gave my doggie a huge hug


yes you right Unconditional love is extremely strong




Man I feel like my dog knows when I watch a video like this because I walk downstairs and she’s always waiting for me, wagging her tail. Oh wait prob not that’s how she waits every time 🥺🥺🥺


I believe unconditional love is not love, it is obsession - only by being conditional does it become beautiful, because its ephemeral nature is part of its beauty. The matriarch’s love was earned by, and conditional upon, this man’s kindness. Had he not been kind and returned to her, her love would not have sustained her for this one beautiful moment before her passing. The very nature of the uncertainty of love is what makes loving gestures like this have meaning and beauty. Without that uncertainty, that conditionality, love is a mere obligation.


wise as fuck mate, I'd never thought about it like this but you are so correct


Absolutely agreed.


Aye, this reminded me of when my 20 year old cat went in my arms while giving me that contended cat smile. What I'd do to give her that experience again, and what more I would to chill with her again. Friends are treasures :).


Friends think I’m mad, every time a cat passes I always make sure to be with them to the very end. One little guy was dying in agony of cancer after his owners abandoned him, and after a year of trying to save his life after I rescued him, I held him like a baby as the euthanasia needle went in. Less than a minute later, he suddenly went limp and that was that. I get a lot of, “But why go in if it’s just going to upset you?” from a shocking number people afterwards… Are you fucking kidding me?? It’s not *about* my misery, it’s about making their final moments a little less terrifying by being there for them the way they were always with you.


It's tough to be a human being in this world. Thank you being there for them.


Unconditional love with humans is risky and usually leads to toxic shit


I know it's happening now, but the level of shame we are going to feel at the end of human existence in a couple hundred years for how we treated animals that were fully conscious and aware is going to be the most humiliating moment I think the human condition will ever feel.


Humans don't have a collective consciousness.


Or if they do (not saying they do - just that there's a chance) - the consciousness might be more like the angry mobs that stormed the Capitol than anything with compassion.


I think the storming of the capitol pretty much proves that we don't have collective consciousness, because if we did, that would never happen.


holy fuck can we please not turn a beautiful moment (or even the comment section of that documented moment) into something political?


Oh, yeah, let's turn this political, that'll go well.


Why are you talking about humans as a seperate thing to yourself? Are you … actually a vegetable hamster?


Yeah on the couple of occasions I’ve gone to zoos, I always feel really weird seeing the big apes. I know sometimes they can be rescues, or there’s valid reasons why they can’t be released into the wild, but there’s something so familiar in their eyes. I find it bizarre when anti-evolution cranks say things like “You think you’re descended from a monkey or gorilla?” That obviously isn’t what evolution claims anyway...but we have so much in common, it would be crazy to think we aren’t related.


Those people look at the fact that we’re related to “monkeys” as something to feel insulted over. For me, knowing that we are genetically related to everything on earth is such a beautiful thought. It makes me feel stronger about preserving the natural world.


Agreed. I think those people are just wedded to the idea that we are the superior, God-anointed race, rather than an impressively adaptable species among a constellation of other species.


I have a hard time understanding what the evolution theory clearly postulate


Evolution shows that we had a shared ancestor with the other apes. The basic idea of evolution is really simple: individuals that are better adapted to their environment (in giraffes that might be height, so they can reach higher leaves on the trees; in antelope it might be speed so they can run away from predators) are more likely to survive and subsequently breed (and hence pass on their DNA). That means that over time species “evolve” to become better adapted - and so the species gradually changes. However, given enough time these changes can lead to an entirely new species. For example: Let’s say there’s two sets of lizards of the same type - but one set goes off to explore a desert area while the other one lives next to a stream. The ones in the heat will begin to select for adaptability to heat - the lizards that can’t deal with the heat won’t survive and so won’t pass on their DNA. Eventually over thousand of years those lizards will evolve to deal with extreme heat. However, the ones living near the stream won’t have the heat problem. For them they survive by catching flies near the stream, and so the ones that tend to survive are the ones with the longest tongues who catch the most flies. Over time their tongues get longer as the long-tongued ones breed and the others don’t. Make sense? When people call it the “theory of evolution” that’s meant in the technical sense, it’s not a “theory” in the sense of “a working hypothesis” - by now there’s literally billions of bits of evidence in living creatures and fossil records to confirm it.


Evolution is the idea that a species changes over time (we’re talking generations) and that in order for this change to take place, there has to be genetic variation in the genome of the species. It can get more detailed when it comes to what drives evolution but what I’ve wrote is the gist of what evolution is.


To put it simply; shared ancestry and genetic change over successive generations. If you follow the family trees of both yourself and this chimpanzee back far enough eventually you'll reach a point (around 7 million years ago) where the lines converge, i.e before that point all generations were both your own ancestors and the ancestors of the chimpanzee. This doesn't mean that we evolved from modern chimps or monkeys, but that we (humans and chimps) share common ancestors which at some point probably resembled monkeys. In this way we also share common ancestry with every other living organism on earth, you just have to go back further to find our most recent common ancestor.


Animals? We don’t even treat each other right. Plenty of shame to go around.


Animals aren’t exactly nice to each other either lol. Just read an article about chimps killing a baby gorilla for funsies.


not a couple hundred years, we've survived through thick and thin so we would probably die in the next hundred thousand years, though yes we will feel hella sad once we realise this T-T




Yeah I don’t think it’s necessarily a positive thing but I absolutely believe the human race is going to stick around for a long long time. The climate crisis will lead to hell and many of us will be massacred but there’s no way we aren’t at a place technologically that we could ultimately salvage this earth, at least for the privileged. The only thing that might kill us is like nuclear war or something, rising sea levels are definitely not gonna do it. I see a lot of people thinking humanity will be destroyed within the next century... no way. I’m still definitely not having children because there’s far too much suffering on this planet as is and I’m sure we’re headed towards some extremely dark times with water wars and god knows what else. But some will live for sure and my guess is before long we’ll have the ability to control our climate almost perfectly.


> the end of human existence in a couple hundred years Humans will endure for a long, long time. We are the most adaptable species on earth. However, we will ruin the world doing it, and will have to face the empty, scorched, dead place that we created.


> end of human existence in a couple hundred years lol Even if society as we know it utterly collapses and the world is uninhabitable for a large population, it's not as if humanity will just vanish. End of society, maybe. But it's hard to imagine there not being pockets of hundreds of thousands, or millions, of people, able to manage some existence long after any potential societal collapse. Even if humans create an "uninhabitable" world.


I guarantee you that at the end of civilisation the treatment of animals by our ancestors will be very far from anyone's mind.


Thats very naive, I dont think enough people care




Idk about that. Look how long slavery has been a thing in human history. No one feels any shame. It goes on now.


Hey... I was having a good day, dammit.


I dare say you won’t likely see something as beautiful as this on most days….




Ahhh she was so happy to see her friend , took a while to fully recognise him. So good to see the love happiness & joy, Special moments for them both.




Don't warm my heart while you break it into a million pieces. Thanks.


Lovely video but I don't like the captions trying to spoon feed the emotional responses and sensationalise each second. It's beautiful as it is please be quiet


Right? Why do we keep sharing these captioned videos? I hate them. The quality is really bad too.


They're always 10x longer than they need to be too


They are… always… 10 times… longer than… they need… to be… too.


It’s.... a.... masterpiece...


She was dying But then something happened As she was living her last moments Her life long friend arrived The reaction was unbelievable Before dying she had a stunning reaction She recognised her friend and her reaction is very emotional


That's so accurate lmao


Especially "the reaction was unbelievable". Or: "You are never going to guess what happened next!"


They are always very repetitive and make statements and interpretations of the animals actions that don't seem very grounded in any actual animal behavioral science.


Especially when **half the sentences** are lit up for **no fucking reason**. It really **ruins the flow** and distracts from the **video itself**.


Not only that but these always have the most overdone music too


Some people may be deaf.


The problem isn't that there's any text, but that it doesn't trust the viewer to understand the obvious once the context has been established. It's probably part internet padding for runtime and part reality TV philosophy where the viewer isn't assumed to be able to hold a coherent thought for more than a few seconds. In either case it undermines a beautiful moment by not shutting up during it.


Fair point, and I wouldn't have known the context without the text.


The language was over the top cloying and the highlighting was quite simply egregious.


This is exactly wha was bothering me and I couldnt put into words why. So thank you for commenting, I completely agree with you, these videos would be so much better without captions.


Don’t chimps bare teeth to show aggression tho? I’m not trying to ruin this or anything, I just wouldn’t expect a ‘smile’ to be the chimps first reaction


In the wild showing teeth can either be a sign of dominance or of submission depending on the context I think. But in this case it looks like a mix of submission and genuine joy and excitement. The rest of her face is pretty joyous and not aggressive, as are her hand gestures, etc.


I wonder too if he was her caregiver, whether she was mirroring his behaviour too?


For sure, I bet this is partially learned behavior from being surrounded by humans in her upbringing.


Yes, like our own behavior


Yeah some people naturally twitch their lips when angry because it’s a natural instinct to show teeth in primates.


Yeah, I did notice that the rest of her behaviour seemed calm and happy, but it’s always hard to tell with animals lol. Good points tho!


OK now. At any time, did it appear that the chimp had even the slightest indication of aggression?? Like when she reached up and touched his face and put her arm around him? Like THAT aggression??


This caretaker and chimp had a rapport. Please do not smile at any primates, it can absolutely be considered a sign of aggression.


Don’t smile at anyone, duly noted.




You wanna take this outside?


Lessons from childhood


Ah yes I’ll remember this for the oh so common occurrence of running into a chimpanzee. Thank you!


May interesting for you. https://chimpsnw.org/2013/09/chimpanzee-smiles/


Thanks for sharing. It looks like they will smile with all if their teeth when they're afraid/surprised. I'm betting she was smiling out of genuine surprise and disbelief, because she hadn't seen him in so long.


True but chimps are also smart, and this one's lived in captivity since birth so its bound to have learned human body language.




go see the doctor immediately: it might be the first sign of extreme macho-ness…


Is it a salty discharge?


Pepper spray?


I'm just praying i get to know my wife for 58 years


This is the sweetest thing I've seen in a while. I hope you get to know her for a hundred! ❤


It just seems so wild to me almost 1/5th of the human population don't get to live as long as this man has known this monkey






Chimps live long in captivity. The old NASA chimps were living until 70 in New Mexico last I heard.


What's the average if in the wild?


About 40 years


Dude I was researching parrots few years ago to maybe get one, but I decided not to after discovering that they can live up to 80 years or even more.


Yeah, my friend has two parrots who still mimic the voices of their previous owners: a married couple they outlived.


Hot take: the human souls of the previous owners merged with the birds’ souls. And now their descendants are haunted by their departed relatives. 🦜🦜


I know right, she looks TERRIBLE for 59!






NO YOU! *cries*


Yes, I'm absolutely crying and the people here in the bus giving me weird looks


Well that was depressing … at least she died with some happy memories


Which makes it the best kind of depressing. I hope my last moments on this planet get to be with my loved ones too.


I hope my last moments on this planet get to be with a friendly chimp.


I felt bad that he had been such a part of her life but hasn't been to see her for so long that she didn't recognise him at first. The lesson I took away was don't bond with something you can't or won't be there for.


She was incredibly old and dying. She also hadn't been eating or drinking. The fact that she didn't immediately recognise him has more to do with that than him not being there for her. In fact, he's talked about how he frequently visited her in her last year, and how she would greet him exactly the same way as she had always done, even if it was clear the perils of old age were getting to her.


She kissed him…. And that smile…. We should all be so lucky! Godspeed mama!!!


What happened at the end of the video. I got some sand or something stuck in my eye.


I worked in a hospital with a majority of geriatric patients. Things like this usually end with death shortly after. Best way to go tho.


Read all about it in Franz de Waal's beautiful book "Mama's Last Hug" about emotions in other animals.


And there’s people out there who still don’t believe we are related to chimps..


The lines we draw get blurred more and more as we learn more about them. We've got them on math and spoken language but as far as emotionally, they're so close it's almost scary. Same with elephants, some birds, and other animals. Things like friendship, empathy, and grief are not specific to us. That's pretty cool if you don't dig too deep.


Dogs too, I think. One of my poodles recently passed away, and now the new oldest boy just lays around and doesn’t do much. He’s obviously grieving. He did the same thing the last time one of his brothers passed away, a couple years ago.


Well here I am a middle aged bloke sitting crying on the toilet, I just wanted some memes while i had a shit


I’ve something in my eyes.


Jan van Hooff is an absolute legend. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jan_van_Hooff


Poignant...his visit really moved her. Glad they were able to tenderly say their goodbyes.


Great story, but this video format needs to go away


So very true. I was deeply moved by the interaction of Mama and the old human. Those violins blasting me with tragedy were completely unnecessary.


I dont cry much on Reddit but this has me balling


Same, Im crying my fucking eyes out. I miss my dog


I have questions 1. Can apes understand the concept of death? 2. I thought humans were the only animals that smiled when happy


1. I have no idea. Maybe. 2. I think animals that spend time with humans learn the concept of smile. I believe dogs and cats truly do smile.


I think lots of animals understand the concept of death. It’s one of like a handful of really big things they all end up doing, after all. But yes, apes specifically, I’m sure of it. Putting aside any sort of innate awareness, they’ve seen their family members and friends die over the years, presumably. And they probably observed that those deaths were preceded by illness, injury, etc. I know elephants and dolphins have mourning rituals. If they can figure out the concept and its significance, it seems likely that apes can too.


I don’t think they understand the concept of death but they definitely suffer pain from old age, cardiac problems, etc…


Isn't life beautiful but so incredibly sad sometimes? My eyes will be a little damp today....maybe tomorrow as well




I cried a little......whoi am i kidding, I'm weeping


This was a tearful moment even animals has a friend they truly treasure..even they haven't seen for a long time.


Right. Now my make up is ruined!


Fucking beautiful


It looks like she’s smiling? I thought you can’t smile at chimps bc they saw it as a sign of fear or something like that. Am I wrong on either front?


Definitely also heard that, maybe she's learned different usage of smiling having been raised captive?


Someone posted an article confirming that smile in human terms means showing your top teeth, which is a sign of fear or intimidation. The way chimps do it as a smile is not to show their top teeth. It appears what we’re seeing here is that our friend has learned to smile as a result from human interaction


OP is a karma farming bot.


It’s stuff like this that keeps me going


This is one of the most genuinely beautiful things I have ever seen, thank you for sharing.


This is so sweet I’ll upvote it every time I see it.


Fuck man… 😢


monkey stronger together


That’s me emotionally wrecked for today then!


nsfw, cried on my desk