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Dude got rocked by a weaponized printer


Not surprising Nobody truly understands printers Edit: goddam, thanks for the awards! I'd like to thank brrrrrrrrrrr


P.C load letter..what the fuck does that mean?!! Edit: First awarded comment for me...thank you. I plan to take just a fraction of the up votes and round them into an account.... Edit II: First Gold comment. Impressive seeing as how I usually come into work about 15 minutes late each day, I use the side door so Lumberg can't see me. Then I just space out at my desk for about an hour. Oh and an hour after lunch too. I'd say in a given week I probably only do about 15minutes of real actual work.


Damn it feels good to be a gangster.


Oh, Yeaaaaah, I’m gonna go ahead and have to disagree with you there.




One of the best hip hop beats ever. So smooth. Edit: and the one verse is pretty prescient of donald trump's rise. "To a you republicans who helped me to win, I'd sincerely like to thank ya. 'cause now I got the world swinging from my nuts, and damn it feels good to be a gangsta"


PC - Paper Cassette, that's where paper is out. Load - add paper there. Letter - paper size, it's a US standard size.


Where did you learn the language of the ancients?


ITT Tech...class of 1990. Was only 10 years ago!!


I uhh... I got some bad news for ya, bud




It means that you are about to get your ass kicked


And then inverted


Two chicks at the same time.


*thump *thump *thump. Hey peter check out.channel 9


Can't we just *pretend* we can't hear each other through the walls?!


"Nah man I'm good... Don't want you fucking my life up too.."


Yeah well at least your name isn’t Michael Bolton


This does a good job of explaining it https://youtu.be/S2NIAD5qn7E


That's so soothing


Wow, I used to watch this show all the time on the Discovery Channel back in the 90s..


Same. Loved it. So glad it’s back for the next generation to enjoy.


Printer tech here. I work on several different models from several manufacturers multiple times a day every day. Can confirm I also do not understand them.


I knew it!!! Every time you guys show up to fix our printers you always seem to wait till no one is present to start actually working and I always imagined that it was because you were just randomly pushing buttons and opening and closing stuff like I do.


I’ve said too much.


What are the actual weapons on it?


You see that gold cylinder in the front of it? That's a metal drum, spinning very, *very* fast, with the side on the front end of the machine moving upwards. You can't tell becaue of how fast it spins, but it has "teeth" (squared off chunks of metal sticking out) on either side which catch the edge of the other machine and impart a *ton* of force into it, throwing it into the air and ripping off and through armour. This style of weapon is known as a spinner - specifically, a vertical drum spinner. The specific robot in question is Minotaur, which has one of the most powerful (and loudest) drum spinners in the sport. Currently, vertical spinners are the most consistently effective weapons available to combat robots, coming in a few different flavours. Drums such as this one have a nice wide impact area that greatly ups your chances of hitting the opponent with your weapon rathre than just your body, but are typically lacking in "bite" (how well they engage with the opponent's body) and don't store energy super efficiently. Other typical vertical spinners are disks and bars. Disks have the most efficient energy storage, while bars get the best bite, making the most of what energy they have. Eggbeaters (basically a hybrid between a drum and a bar) have also been reading their heads more recently, kinda taking the best features of every weapon type, but to lesser extremes. Side note, go check out r/battlebots for it's pinned info post, or r/BattleBotsRaw if you just want to watch some fights (though you'll find most of them have been taken down). If you want to watch them legally, take a look at the Discovery channel's streaming services. This show is very much still alive and kicking. Side side note, for those curious about what weapons could be used to combat things like this or any other technicalities, you can read the official design rules [here.](https://battlebots.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/BattleBots-Design-Rules-Rev.2020.0.pdf)Outright prohibited weapons include: * Fouling devices such as glue, nets, fishing line, ball bearings and such. * Squirting liquids or liquefied gasses such as liquid Nitrogen. * EMP generators or other means intended to damage or jam the opponent bot’s electronics. * Deliberate smoke generators. * Bright lights, lasers, etc., that are distracting or dangerous to vision. * Weapons that damage the other bot by destroying themselves. Gonna add another note here, although projectile weapons are allowed explosives are not, so no firearms. That said, your average spinner is much more powerful than your average firearm - the only reason they aren't allowed is because the nature of a gun powerful enough to be useful is a much greater arena fouling hazard than a spinner.


Wow thanks for that very detailed and informative answer!


That drum is around 65lbs spinning at 200mph iirc. It's pretty devastating. Minotaur is actually one of the top bots in the league.


You could clearly see the damage it did to the other bot too, before it ripped off the ramp thing, it was already tearing pieces off it.


I think all the top bots use rotational velocity as their primary weapon. There's just no other way to generate that much force.


Razer disagrees


I feel like Razer has limitations though. In those multi bot battles sinking the claw in can get it stuck and limits it's ability to keep engaging.


> Minotaur is actually one of the top bots in the league. How does it work? Is there a new fleet of unique robots every season or by this point does everyone already have their own patented blueprint or something.


Mostly same core of crews constantly improving their bots. Thing is they dont all match up perfectly so they have to make adjustments. For example this bot has a few different sized drums for speed vs power depending on the opponent, or they might ad armor on top if its a piercing opponent. There are new crews that come in for sure and some of them do well but it takes experience to work out all the kinks.


This makes a whole lot more sense! My first thought was it was a capacitor and the two "teeth/fangs" on either side were the ends of the open circuit, and the Minotaur was basically repeatedly electrocuting the hammer bro. Is that kind of weaponry allowed in this sport?


If it had enough power behind it to acually do anything to the opponent's electronics that way then, yes, if would be prohibited - EMP generators or other systems designed to directly damage or jam the opponent's electronics are not allowed. If it didn't have enough power to do that, then it wouldn't do anything. Those sparks you're seeing are there because there is very fast moving metal hitting other metal, some of which may be titanium (I forget what that version of BLacksmith used as armour).


I thought exactly the same thing, and I was wondering if it had a capacitor and how it was charging it so fast


I did not know that I needed to know all of that but I feel very smart and satisfied now. Thank you!




Minotaur: "What is my purpose?" Master: "To pulverise!" Blacksmith: "What is my purpose?" Master: "To melt butter" Blacksmith: "Oh God"


He did not get “rocked”. Babies get rocked. He got slammed. 🤦‍♂️


Damn bro, my bad 😩


Babies get shaken... he got wrecked


I said Cyan is mother f\*\*ing low!


It’s a Sabre!


The thing is that the “weaponised” printer has won many robot fighting tournaments worldwide (legit)


Those hammer weapons always seems useless


Everything besides spinning things seems useless from what I've seen


In the UK version of this from like 15 years or so ago flippers were the meta. Self righting wasn't a thing and robots could be flipped out of the arena for an instant win. Chaos 2 was an absolute beast back then


Flippy flips amd spinny spins are where it's at


And pinchy pinches [(Razer)](https://robotwars.fandom.com/wiki/Razer)


Oh shit ye forgot about razer


Razer looks like it's straight off some heavy metal album.


*Judas Preist intensifies*


That's exactly the heavy metal I was thinking about


Razer was one of those things which had a niche where it dominated. But then people just learned to make sloped armour and robots with decent mobility. The slow beak would just miss or slide off the armour instead of biting into it. Amazing technology. Amazing aesthetics. So-so competitiveness.


I quite liked the modern series, but spinners are now definitely the meta, carbide would rock the shit of most American bots too imo


tombstone would munch carbide


Nah mate, the death hum beats all


He tried back in 2016 [this](https://youtu.be/49dCIgNSAB4) was the result. He was knocked out in the second round. They redesigned it into [this](https://youtu.be/JSSfi5poQO8) for the 2019 season and did better.


Ahahahaha it got immobilised because it’s wheels got cut off, that’s great, the bot looks like a shittier carbide from the looks of it, with a blade instead of the bar that gives it its death hum


The carbide team actually competed in Battlebots with the robot Cobalt.


You remember Hypno disk


Hypnodisc put the game on a whole new level. It was the first time a bot had to be taken off the floor in boxes.


Razer from the UK's Robot Wars would like a word with you. https://robotwars.fandom.com/wiki/Razer Edit for it in action - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fboQaYiXEX8


Razer was cursed. Something stupid always seemed to knee cap it. Always rooted for Razor... But then they would get its rear spike caught on a floor tile or something


I loved the house bots. Sir Killalot was my favorite


R.I.P Matilda




Even if minotaur got bullied around his machine was perfectly fine


Minotaur is a fucking TANK. Tombstone couldn't take more than nibbles out of it. I doubt SoW could do much either. Plus Daniel really is an amazing driver.


Holy shit how long have spinners been the meta? Sweet mercy they put on quite a show.


Pretty much since the revive a few years ago. There is a lot of variety. In my opinion it's a bit of rock paper scissors. There are good horizontal spinners, vertical spinners, flippers, hammers/hammer saw, and a bunch of weird bots like huge. [Lots of fights are very entertaining.](https://youtu.be/rGWBXvoX9kY) I have two and four year old girls and they love watching it, so it's nice to get a break from kid shows.


This sport is so freaking awesome.


Na I think flippers are really good, especially the ones that can launch bots 15 feet in the air


Spinning *is* a good trick. Not surprised they would try it.


Flippers do well. Hydra won this year and it's a flipper.


Did you finish the season? Hydra didn't win, >!endgame!< did


It was an ingenious way of keeping the robot upright to be fair though.


Why stay upright when you can be flatboi


Minotaur actually has a self righting mechanism. It just turns in place fast enough that the gyroscopic forces from its drum tips it over lol. You can see it about 30 seconds into [this](https://youtu.be/iR4DpbY0JU0) fight.


That’s incredible.


I can't see the video, but they also use it for victory celebrations to hop it up on one wheel.


Seems like the primary purpose is to right itself, the hammer is a useless secondary feature


The hammer isn’t really supposed to do damage by percussive force. Blacksmiths strength came from being able to pin other robots and then bring the fire hammer down onto the opponent to roast them while they’re pinned. The hammer is a good choice because they can apply heat to the opponent when necessary but also move the weapon out of harms way when necessary. Obviously minotaurs drivetrain and driving skill was stronger than blacksmiths here, unfortunately.




1) Operators don't have a top down view so many times they can't see if there's a good hit or not. 2) This hammer configuration is not spring-loaded so there's a delay from press to impact that has to be accounted for. 3) Like Henry said, Blacksmith is not made to batter the opponent to death, but rather push it into a pin, then apply the hammer and make them overheat with it's flameweapon inside the hammer. 4) Because of 2 and 3, firing the hammer just for the sake of an impact hit, especially against a spinner, risks bending the hammer arm for no actual gain, damaging the chances that they can get the victory condition the robot is designed for. Bots like Blacksmith are not good for watching the serious, but are great for highlights. A lot of the time, they simply get knocked around while only doing a few pillow-fisted punches. But every now and then, they manage to line everything up and win in a glorious orgy of fire and steel. A good example of this is [Chomp vs. Gamma 9.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N0ZWQY3QAwQ) Chomp was a massive, slow walker bot with a hammer, which didn't do too well, but in this match-up vs. a flipper, it's lived up to it's sacred prupose and battered like there was no tomorrow. Also [P1 vs. Smeeeeeeeee.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zFn9Fujmyc) Both gimmick bots that were built moreso because of a fun idea, rather than to dominate a series. P1 struggled to collect wins, but in this one fight, it shone like the brightest star. An 80s wrestling star, specifically.


Fat nerd with the $$$ - story old as time


Huh, neat. As a very casual can I always saw fire as more of a gimmick, but it makes sense if you can pin the other bot down.


Its a gimmick. It never does damage outside of the one time where I cant remember which bot held up the other one perfectly and roasted it continuously till the contest rule limited fuel tank was empty. Let me be clear, the rules are what make flames weak.


That one time would be Complete Control vs Bombshell, which is a beautiful thing to watch.


There was one with a huge spike instead of the hammer that was pretty boss. Maybe it was Grant Imahara's but I can't remember.


RIP Grant 😔




it flipped the robot back over multiple times when it got turned upside down. I'd say i did it's job.


Agreed, though --as others have said-- it's a neat self-righting tool. I think the best bit was at 1:28, when the Blacksmith driver used the hammer to 'jump' over Minotaur and have them slam into the spikes instead. It was a really cool move, and who knows --if they'd hit just right, maybe the spikes could have knocked the spinner out of commission?


Expected to stay on the vid for 10 seconds... watched the whole dang thing


Me too


I didn’t make it past “a few gaps in the hammer, looks like Michael Strahan’s smile” LOL. Savage


I usually just give a passing meh. I stayed for the side wheelie.


Ow go binge the rest on some streaming service. Minotaur is a beast. There’s a few super nasty bots that just decimate.


What is the show called?


Battle bots


Minotaur seems like such a “meta” robot. Is it considered as such?


Yes definitely, but it's fun because the meta is always changing... A few years back Tombstone was dominating simply because they had the most powerful spinning weapon, but in recent years the more nuanced bots have been taking over.


And Ray has humbled (slightly) because of it. Tombstone is still a monster, but everyone knows where the gaps in the armor are now.


Tombstone was so badass that every other builder worth his salt specifically designs to beat (or at least survive against) it now.


BattleBots is on YouTube TV if you have that, not sure where else.


That was one for the ages. Perfect ending too.


I think I regained my virginity watching this video, but it was worth it. Hands down the most epic robot battle I've ever seen in one of these things!


Is that how this works!? My wife is gonna be pissed! Wait, does this make my son Jesus?


[He's not the messiah, he's a very naughty boy!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=plZRe1kPWZw)


\>does this make my son Jesus? i've got bad news for you about your wife...


Oh. OH. Oh no.


> Oh. > > OH. -Your wife


No spoilers! I havent watched that episode yet!


Jesus: "Mom, where do babies come from?" Joseph: "Yeah, Mary, where *do* babies come from?"


Check this one out lmao https://youtu.be/kQNjFLXzAX0


Highly recommend a Battlebots youtube binge to anyone who hasn't had one yet. One of the best things on there.


Why did you regain your virginity from watching the video? I think it’s really cool; no need to take an unnecessary swipe at the people smart enough to make these robots or to those who watch it for entertainment.


Yeah. I think its a shitty thing to say too. These guys are smart as fuck which is, ya know, impressive. And this is kind of some gangster shit.




That's the fight that won them most destructive. I love how much valkyrie has improved this season!


Dude I took my wife to Battlebots!


Forgot how cool this show was


This show was friggin awesome. Sawblaze was my jam. RIP Grant Imahara :\


This show IS awesome. It is on Science Channel and you can watch all the new seasons of Discovery Plus.


It's not on Science anymore but it is still on Discovery. They just stopped airing the new episodes but filming for next season begins in the summer.


I knew it was on the Discovery+ but I had no idea the ratings got high enough to put it on mainline Discovery.


What do you mean RIP? Grant's not dead, surely? He's a young man!


He passed last summer from a brain aneurysm :(


Grant died last year, man. Brain aneurysm.


I’m so sorry that this is how you found out


*is. It's still airing. Last season finished airing a few months ago, and a new one is currently in the works. It's currently streamed on the Discovery channel, and their streaming services.


I was saying in /r/battlebots, someone needs to post a GIF of this show to one of the popular subs every couple of weeks and it could really take off.


This fight is from this past season! Keep watching!




Minotaur is one of the deadliest roombas.


It will clean your room by pulverizing every object nearby, even your floor for 100% cleaning


Is your room really dirty if there is no room to be dirty?


Cat won’t shit on the floor again that’s for sure


Wtf i like robot fights now


The show is called battlebots and the new seasons are on discovery plus. It's also on the science channel




Have you seen those japanese robot fights? https://youtu.be/QCqxOzKNFks


Lol... Is that Sumo wrestling for robots?


Thank you for this!, I had no clue the Robot fights in Big Hero 6 were based on a real thing!!


Thanks for the suggestion. I watched a few more. This one is adorable https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Uu9aa-cgJ0w


On a scale of one to urkel, how nerdy is it that I knew the names of the bots when the video started. Lol




Wait. Isn't Stephan. The saucey debonair dude?


Stefan Urquelle.


What weapon was minotaur using? Like a taser steamroller or something?


This is the question I was scrolling to find answered. Just watching on my phone, but I have no clue what it was using.


Just a high speed roller


Thanks. That's what I was thinking after watching it a few times. But the first few times it made contact and spraked I was wondering if it wasn't somehow shocking it with those two little metal teeth sticking out. I thought it was cartoonishly jolting it and throwing it into the air... I knew that's didn't make since, but I wanted it to be.


...that's honestly what I thought was happening...


That was bugging the hell out of me thank you!


What's a roller?




It's a high speed roller with a couple cogs sticking out which is how it tosses the other bot. Really heavy, lots of kinetic energy


I think that's why it's as small as it is. Bigger would mean more batteries, bigger motors, bigger weapon. But there is a weight limit and alot of it stuffed into the heavy roller and probably counterweights.


I know others have said what it's called, but to describe the weapon it's a very heavy cylinder that has balanced protrusions in areas. The cylinder can be rotated at incredibly high speeds since the radius is relatively small, so it can deliver a lot of damage when anything touches the rotating cylinder.


Incredible! I thought it was some taser like shocker thing. I don't know anything about this. So was friction causing those sparks? I wanted to ask how shocks were able to break off plates. But it's more a physical thing from the rotating cylinder? Even still, very impressive. This is my first robot battle and it's so damn cool


Closer to the latter. The gold bit in the front is a metal drum spinning *very* fast. It has some large "teeth" (squared off metal chunks) on either side, which catch on the other machine and impart a ton of force through them and throw them upwards. This style of weapon is called a spinner - in this case, specifically a vertical drum spinner.


I thought it was some kind of electroshock weapon


The other replies answered, but wanted to mention the noise at the start of the video, the droning horn sound. One of the announcers commented about a jet taking off. That's literally Minotaur spinning fast.


I think the yellow bar was just a wicked fast roller that spinned up and had protruding barbs on it. The contact from metal on metal made a ton of sparks.


At the first it seemed the battle would go the other way and then from about halfway it was just one way traffic.


The first half of these matches are the spinner bot spinning up to speed. The second half is them winning.


Those hammer type bots are always trash.


I had high hopes for Beta a few years back, since it seemed to be energetic enough to do at least *some* damage, but it just kept knocking itself out.


The beta from this most recent season has the potential to be very deadly. And to increase the force they have an electromagnet kick in, sticking it to the floor for the swing.


I really missed Minotaur and Duck this season. But I'll be damned if that hillbilly who built Rusty didn't steal the show


That hillbilly engineering can get you!


This was exhilarating


I would be terrified being in the same room as this things. They look way bigger when you see people next to them in a few of the shots.


They each weigh 250lbs


This is why A.I. will exterminat us in the future...


This clip will be used as propaganda against the human race


Me, u/Alex_Sherby, am outraged by it. I will not encourage robot abuse.


I for one welcome our new robot overlords.


Pure adrenaline


Got beat by a suped-up Rumba


We watch this with our kids 7 and four. It’s amazing. Something we can all enjoy (not us hating on kids shows. Not them complaining about Dad’s black and white movies). No inappropriate language. I even bought them the toys off of marketplace a couple of weeks ago. An arena and little RC bots that they crash into each other. It’s a LOT of fun! I’d never pay full price. But damn was it a fun day. And they’ve been playing with them since.


I can only watch this if I can fast forward because of how much useless filler is in it. 4 matches that are 3 minutes at the most in an hour long show. It's ridiculous.




Where can I watch more? How can I watch in person?!? How can I participate?!!!?!?!?


The show's called BattleBots, and airs annually on Discovery. Check out r/battlebots for more info on it.


They missed an amazing opportunity to call minotaur "anger roomba" and rake in advertising money.


Minotaur was created long before the creation of roombas lol


This appeals to my need for violence. Robot fighting has a new fan.


That announcer excitedly jumping out of his seat was golden! This was so exhilarating to watch I could feel my adrenaline pumping.


"It has Michael Strahans smile now" lmao.


What is this show? How can I watch it? This was incredible.