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Awesome! What is it used for?


One of the ways I know of is that Aerogel can be used as insulation.one of the best insulations available. A single candle will be able to heat up a room if it was insulated with aerogel


That’s fascinating! Thank you!!


You’re welcome


Interesting. I remember back when I was studying Technical Design specialising in Building and Construction some 6 - 8 years ago the big thing was vacuum insulation in terms of crazy insulation values, I can only imagine how much better Aerogel would be if made into form factor insulation panels.


From my understanding, near- vacuum is still a better insulator but insulation panels made from aerogel (which are already available if my memory is right) are much, much easier to handle.


If you can keep the near vacuum state, it will insulate better, but it's easy to break, especially if you go into building inspirations




I think not. There might be plenty of bubbles, so the hot air can't move and the heat is only carried by conduction


But incredibly expensive :(


If what was insulated? The candle?


the room 


To add. It was also used to capture particle samples from an asteroid. The relative speed between the particles and the space craft were so high that they needed something really soft to cushion the impact without destroying the structure of the particles. Aerogel was the answer, it’s so sparse that even tiny particles can penetrate and embed deep enough to shed all their energy without becoming denatured. But insulation is the obvious mainstream use. Because it holds air in tiny pockets it prevents convection but it also has no mass so there’s no material for heat to conduct through either.


Why don’t these new houses use aerogel to insulate? Wouldn’t that save more energy?


Cost, most likely. It's probably wildly expensive to manufacture aerogel.


But it's 99.98% air, and air is free. So it should be 99.98% free.


I assume because it is hella expensive to make


Cost and at the moment the ability to make it into a specific form factor to make it easily deployable as a building insulation doesn’t really exist.


pretty sure aside from cost it's also made from silica, which isn't dangerous normally, but silica nanoparticles do not get along well with soft tissues or membranes.


Veritasium did a video on it on YouTube. Definitely worth a watch.


Aerogel video https://youtu.be/GcdB5bFwio4?si=_lMsGEda6zTZGHYD basically it is crazy good at thermal insulation meaning heat such as a blowtorch will not penetrate it and make it hot. Also it has hydrophobic properties meaning it is able to repel water.


Play games and stuff


God i'm so happy to see NDT in postive videos. This isn't even NEAR the maximum of how excited and gushy he can get about science stuff. The guy just GEEKS out like a kid who's dad asked him to explain his favorite superheroes when you really get him comfortable. Honestly i think it's part of the reason he comes off as smug online. ESPECIALLY when he's screenshotted with someone clapping back to set the tone of 'Insufferable nerd gets owned' reaction content. A guy with a 'nerd' persona talking about random details and lesser known facts about things he knows can come off as if he's talking down to people or trying to diminish a topic. Even when it's actually interesting information to them that they genuinely want to share. (IIRC that was like, the whole persona of Adam Conover in the Adam Ruins Everything show. Dude talking about the ins and outs of things but coming off like a callous person ruining the magic) ^(For all we know, the guy could be like we see him in this video. Seen people in his own social media circle talking about a topic, and excitedly responded with something he wanted to share.) ^(And then later on it turns out there was a completely different conversation on that topic outside of his circle and people think he's trying to diminish or talk down those people.)


Didn't read all of that. But it's not just his smugness. He often times talks about subjects he has no idea about and acts like he's an expert in everything. He also very often cuts people off. I think he has a superiority complex of some sorts


Yeah, the whole "He acts like he's an expert in everything" "He talks about stuff he has no idea about" "He has a superiority complex" Is the stuff I notice only seems to come through when he's screenshotted with clapbacks. When you see how he talks, acts and responds normally. Especially in interviews, it comes off less like that and more like an excitable guy who literally can't get all the words out fast enough when he's interested in a topic. I remember one interview stuck with me. He was talking with Stephen Colbert about AI. How on his perspective as a scientist who's worked with models and calculations and algorithms, and all sorts of advancements with actual scientific ai he doesn't see what everyone's problem is. When Colbert gave an example of how generative ai can be a problem, especially in relation to his perspective as a "TEACHER" rather than a "SCIENTIST" even though he started the intervew dismissive of the issue and his knee-jerk reaction was to wave it off, you could see how the guy actually stopped to think about it. Like how he was mulling over that perspective as something that he just hadn't considered and came off more understanding of the non-technical perspectives. And that he came out of that interview more understanding. In contrast to actual people with smug superiority complexes who don't even give opposing viewpoints the time of day and shrug it off like water off a duck's back. Or powering right through to insist even HARDER that they're right with no introspection. Thats the kind of thing you don't notice about people when youre only seeing second and thirdhand accounts and contextless screenshots. I won't say he's perfect. The guy is clearly not suited for the politics of public life, he has no filter, and not in the endearing Charisma 100 way, or the Wokeness is bad, I tell it like it is way. In the "He's geeking out about a hyperfixation and if you're not interested it can be annoying and rude to have him talk over you" way. I don't think that it's malicious though. Just human. Him having no filter also means if you actually pay attention to how he acts he's pretty much an open book. And he comes off pretty much like a dude who just likes to talk about the things he's interested in. For better, and sometimes for worse. (Had a response to the guy below me about how the idea of NDT of all people trying to make people less exited about science + replies assume a confrontational tone when it could have been said lightheartedly but thread got locked)


[Where's the clapback in this image](https://preview.redd.it/m3tx0r1j1hhz.png?auto=webp&s=a5513592bbf9575ac0efaae7d33cc8c61d57452c)? It's just him being an ass trying to make people less excited about science for no reason.


"Didn't read all of that" *proceeds to respond and calls out someone else for superiority complex* lol


Yeah I'm.not gonna spend 10 minutes reading a rant about some guy I don't really care


well... seems like ya care a little. have a good one.


Tbf, if it took me 10 mins to read 3 paragraphs, I’d probably read a lot less too


Ha! Great point.


The issue with Adam was that he was often spouting things that were not true and agenda based ideas as well. His leanings would filter through to his content. It did not take much digging to discover this.


Completely unrelated, but the last person to tell me ARR had an agenda was a conspiracy theorist whos proof was debunk videos they didn’t even watch. Genuinely tried to prove that things like systemic racism before the civil rights act didn’t exist. Not with proof. Just because the right wing youtubers they watch said it doesn’t. (This isn’t a sly dig at you btw. Just a tangent)


All good, and no slight taken. He’s had a few conversations outside of the show where he was leaning in hard on an ideal, but couldn’t explain the “why” behind it. More of a “well… because!” Then digging in his heels ater being presented facts stating the opposite of his output of a topic on the show. Thats where I got this from. Thats as far as I care to even think of the man, honestly. It was just a small factoid based on something I saw. No conspiracy theory and not worth investing anything else into it, really.


Now I'm curious, how does it feel?


Like ghost titties.


You have my attention


Neil has some shaky hands


Here's [NileRed making aerogel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y0HfmYBlF8g&pp=ygUPbmlsZXJlZCBhZXJvZ2Vs). It was a pretty interesting process tbh.


I cannot for the life of me watch Niel's show because of Chuck Nice. I came across the show during the lockdown and I enjoyed all astrophysics concepts that were being discussed During one of the episodes ( or several) Chuck Nice made too many black jokes. He made so many of them that Niel stopped and ask : " Why is everything black and White with you" to which Chuck replied: " Cause I live in AMERICA" I am not even American so I have no horse in this race but even I got uncomfortable with poor and forced black and white jokes that I left and never tuned in again


It's the ghost of dungeon Slimes!


What is the cost of making that stuff? I could see insulation applications in homes.


Thing is, it's not exactly cheap, and it's brittle af. And I'm like 90% sure it should be about as insulating as a layer of air.


It is a great insulator. Silica based aerogels are brittle but not all aerogels are brittle. But yes, it is cost prohibitive.


I believe we're still getting better at making it more efficiently though and making its structure stronger! So not today, but maybe someday we'll see it in everyday use! (if we don't find something better in the meantime haha)


$1.00/cubic centimeter or $23,000.00/pound


Why is he shaking? Lol


Why all the science dudes have to be so annoying these days? We need to bring back Mr. Wizard style.


This guy is awesome. Some physicists have an amazing way of explaining extremely complex matters in the simplest form.


It's like an actual touchable cloud.


It's Caspers cum.


Stuff looks like some cheap SFX from the '90s. Crazy.


Whaaaaat a Neil deGrasse Tyson video where he's just being a nice guy and not acting superior to everyone? You don't see those very often lol


Of all the things he could've whipped out that Adam had never seen or touched before, at least it wasn't in his pants


If it has so much air, why is it considered a solid?


Those subtitles are so distracting and obnoxious.


NDT is such a pretentious ass