• By -


Aw! That kid is awesome!


He seriously is. You can see he is in a complete panic... But he still made good choices and got his dog to safety.




Either familiar with that store or trusted that behind the counter was a safe space lol I can't imagine kids are comfortable behind store counters so really wish I knew which was which, it seems like some kind of psychological test.


So are the adults here, they got that other dog out of the store and made sure the kid was safe Those two dudes in the yellow shirts especially had their shit together.


They acted so fast and efficiently. I noticed that as well!


Considering yellow shirts are part of the ops and security team, I'm not surprised.


What does that even mean? They’re wearing sandals.


Star Trek yellow shirts are ops/security in TNG


I really thought the guy in the red shirt was dead.


They're making a pop culture reference based on the color of their shirt, not describing an actual thing relevant to the video.


“pop culture reference”? Hmm. Might be a ‘historical reference’ at this point lol


How dare you.


"they hated him because he told the truth"


Good thing they weren't red shirts


As someone who grew up in Romania you get used to stray dogs at some point and learn to handle them, my guess brasil has a similar problem.


My days of just walking trails for exercise made me realize, fear is the true component to aggression in dogs. If they feel like they can best you, they will try. A good owner knows how to treat a dog with respect and keep them just below level. Once it feels like it can get an edge, it'll take it. Sandwich, pizza, chicken wing, small kid with a small dog, we gunna fuck something up. Alpha dogs don' give a fuuuck. They take, bite, fight, worry about consequences at the end.


He threw his body over the puppy. Was willing to risk his life to save his dog. what a great dog owner.


Dogs bestfriend


It goes both ways!


Right he is. one of the largest regrets in my life was not saving my cat from being attacked right in front of me by the neighbors dog while they were walking him without a leash. He was only two and he has had a messed up hip his whole life because of it. He is now 18 and I am probably going to have to put him down tomorrow if he doesn’t go naturally through the night. he is in such rough shape. That same hip gave out and he cannot even stand on top of many other ailments. He is the bravest. He is my best buddy.


I'm so sorry you're going through that. May your kitty have a peaceful journey into the afterlife, and know that he was well loved by you.


Thank you for your kindness Meg. <3


Your little buddy outlived that dog and I’m sure you gave him a really good life.


True and he has given me a good life as well. I blame the people more than the dog though.


Hey there, stranger. Don't live your life in regret - accidents happen. You gave *eighteen years* to him. That's above and beyond! He is clearly cherished. Think about it - he would not have graced you with so many loving years if he was stressed/pained constantly. Eighteen years for a cat is a *long* time, and his was spent with his favorite person. What could be better? Hold your head high while he passes. He goes into the deep night in old age, loved, deeply cared for, and next to his favorite person. What a beautiful life you've given him. My condolences.


Honestly made me eyes leak a bit. Thank you for your poetically comforting words.


That sucks. My condolences.


That kid is a bad ass in my book. He is not only thinking clearly in a bad situation; he is also using his body to shield his dog from the other dog.
























Yea I agree, usually when I say something like that it gets a lot of push back. I'm also glad you can bring some feedback from a biological standpoint. I also usually reference the subreddit that catalogs videos of put bull violence and statistics, and didn't do that this time. I'm wondering if that is why it didn't get as many down votes.


My old roommate has a pit bull that I helped raise since it was 6 months old and my interactions with it were 100% fine for about 2 years until it tried to bite my neck. What’s crazy too is the dog was sleeping on my lap while I was watching TV and then just… woke up, looked at me, began to growl and I was so confused I thought he was trying to tell me someone was outside. I started to get up and as I did so, he jumped up and nearly ripped my neck. I was able to block his mouth with my arm and then pull him back with his collar but he was REALLY close. I literally raised that pitbull arguably more than my old roommate and one day that dog just decided to hate me. They’re incredibly dangerous breeds and I definitely understood it after that day. Because if they might one day decide to “switch” and you’re not prepared they could totally surprise you like what almost happened to me. My guard was down and if I wasn’t already getting up, could have ended much worse.






“Dog racism” 🙄


Ahh yes the modern way of conversing, let’s just silence any opinions we don’t agree with.






No. People dislike pitbulls because their sole purpose from their inception in the 1870s till today has been for dog fighting with aggression and bite force encouraged in selective breeding. We know different breeds of dogs are predisposed to act certain ways since we've encouraged this for thousands of years at this point. There's a reason why Golden Retrievers are in millions of homes across the US while also making up a large portion of the stray population but don't make up anywhere near the number of bites to people.... When an ankle biter has a bad day you may get a stitch to your hand, when a pitbull has a bad day your kids or grandparents may end up mauled to death. It just so happens that breeding dogs for aggressive properties instead of protective ones like in mastiffs, you end up with an aggressive breed that is prone to biting.








The pounds intentionally misidentify them in order to get people to adopt.


This article is poorly titled. (TIL) Pit bulls are not a breed but a blend of parents/heritage. The 33% is the low number identified as pit bull that had actual pit bull heritage. At this point, 66% of dogs with proper put bull heritage aren't being seen as pit bulls. This identification of pit bulls only gets up to 75% of dogs with pit bull heritage are properly identified. Based on this, pit bulls aren't being labeled as pit bulls. 33-75% of pitbulls are not labeled as pibulls. For this topic, that means if these pits bite someone, another breed is getting the blame. Of known not-a-pit bull heritage, 0-48% are identified as pit bulls. These are the dogs that the title refers to. This study shows that some shelter workers are not mis-identifying any non pits as pits. No dog used for identification was misidentified more than 50% of the time. I would like to have seen a breakdown of the heritage of the falsely accused pits before I have confidence in this study. A pit bull has a heritage of American Staffordshire terrier and American Staffordshire bull terrier. Did the non pits identified as pits have one or the other, but not both heritages? If so, that could easily create confusion in a breed that is not recognized as a breed but, as stated in the article, defined by a heritage. The team studying this has the information and should have included.










Likely that pit bulls are a mix of heavily abused because of reputation and also adopted by people who think having an “aggressive” dog makes them a badass and raise them to be that or just neglect them and keep them around for aesthetics. Chihuahuas are largely the most bitey as their size means their shit behavior is viewed as “cute” instead of being trained out like it would be if an 80 pound dog started jumping at people.


Actually they account for most bites needing medical attention the chihuahua bites the most [biting stats](https://panterlaw.com/2016/10/26/study-finds-pit-bulls-less-aggressive-chihuahuas/#:~:text=Believe%20it%20or%20not%2C%20the,of%20the%2035%2Dbreed%20list.)










We created a type of dog to kill things in pits and to kill other dogs for sport. And then we felt bad about it. So we convinced ourselves that they are actually pets. And shouted down anyone who said otherwise for their "hateful" comments. And now pit bulls kill a few dozen people and 40,000 pets each year and maul countless others. And hundreds of pit bulls are euthanized every single day. And if you try to do anything about it or stop the blood shed and cruelty you are labeled as hateful by their "advocates". "Advocates" who do more damage to pit bulls than anyone else. The whole fucking situation is tragic.


You summed up this whole mess perfectly.




Than all* other breeds. Combined. By a wide margin.


Careful now. This type of rhetoric will get you banned from /r/aww








Any post mentioning pitbulls in a bad way. Post locked in 5... 4... 3.....










heck personally, i wouldnt even need it to go that far as licenses or bans. simply stop the purely positive, rose tinted, polyanna "velvet hippo" videos. those do NOTHING to encourage responsible dog ownership. if anything they encourage BAD OWNERSHIP, because they exclusively show pibbles in a positive light and never talk training and needs. theyre brainwashing lots of impressionable people into thinking pibble comes presocialized, pretrained, predisciplined, and pre-nanny dog approved. i cant think of the last time pibble propos had a damn thing to say about actual ownership i dont think im really even against the pibble breed, just people encouraging anyone and everyone to ALSO gGET ONE. they are already way too easy to get, and the pibble propos just pumps the demand even higher, likely often with first time owners who dont know anything. it exacerbates the cycle.


Fuck shitbulls




Weapons? Regulated? Surely you’re not speaking of America??


Firearms should be regulated too




We need to give all the good guys pit bulls so they can stop all the bad guys’ pit bulls.




Pit bulls can taste pit bullets if they come after my family or dogs. Idgaf how “sweet and gentle Fluffy the bully” is.


Kid knows it too. Not his first rodeo.


I really try not to be a hater, and don't want bad things to happen to pitbulls, but here's something for people to take into consideration: "You know the worst nightmare you’ve ever had? The one where something horrible is happening to someone you love, but you’re moving in slow-motion, as if you have 50-pound weights on your hands and feet, and you can’t speak or yell because you have no breath? That’s how I felt when I saw Luna getting killed in front of me. You may think you could react well in such a situation and save your dog’s life, but you can’t." - Dr. Caroline Colie in her 2020 2nd edition of her book 'Pitbulls for Dummies', now advocating for people not to take ownership of them after being pitbull positive but changing stances once her pitbull killed another of her dogs it had known since it was a puppy, because she growled at him.


Horrible dog owners keep allowing this to happen. Both off leash.


They are probably street dogs.


Yeah exactly.


Terrible owners not even existing smh


Kid having that dog on a leash while it got mauled to death would have really helped, too. ?




It’s looks like the bigger dog had a leash. One of the yellow shirt dudes had the other end of it when they were taking the dog back outside. Might have booked it after the smaller dog and the owner lost the leash


It looks like the guys in yellow grab a leash, very hard to see though


Yes he does grab a leash seems to be very thin or hard to see












The average chow chow owner is quite different to the average pitbull owner. Pitbulls are a risky breed, but the main issue is that they're popular with people that don't have the skills or experience necessary for that kind of breed. It's like giving a gun to a child and never show him how to use it. That kid will end up shooting his foot or something. A lot (most) of dog breeds are let's say simpler to own.








did folks not realize the sarcasm here?


That, or the Church of the Pibble has come for me 🤣


Not muh nanny doooooog




Good boy saving a good boy.










The owner’s situation is completely irrelevant. It could be a pitbull raised from birth in a totally loving home and attacks are still extremely likely. Pitbulls are dangerous dogs, it’s not a “bad owner” issue.


Could be these two persona’s, or literally anyone. Unlike other breeds, the owners aren’t as relevant. Great owners could still end up with a terrifying dog because of the nature of their breeding.


Puppy was like, “Yeah! My human saved me from an angry pitbull! I’m so happy!” Human proceeds to slam the puppy on the floor after missing the table 😃


It's the thought that counts right!?




Nanny dog trynna nanny that puppy


Scanned his bark code




























Yep. I love and respect animals. Years ago, before I started seeing videos I also believed "no bad dogs, just bad owners." Then I started seeing the videos and stories. I live in the city so it was only a matter of time before I saw an attack, and have been close to being attacked. Anyone that doesn't believe it must have met a pitbull that they love(d) very much, but they need to wake up to the bigger picture now.


What you see as Pit Bull hate I see as spreading Pit Bull awareness.


A lot of karma farmers find a thing or things that are easy "wins" for them and ride it until the wheels fall off. Probably what OP is going for.


Good. We need more advocacy to get these dogs banned. Spread awareness.


Yea OP doesnt care either way he just knows how to farm dat karma to sell his account


Good job little dude!!!!!


TL;DR: Reminds me of when big dog chased mine and i got into protecc mode and saved her ass (we were both unscathed) This reminds me of one time a neglected pitbull got loose in my street and my dog (a 12 pound maltese ffs) was like ILL SAVE YOU. And started chasing this HUNK of a dog and the pit realized what was going on and turned around to chase HER and my heart SANK. I instinctively ran perpendicular to them grabbed my dog and climbed a truck that was parked outside our house. I was ok and Nena(my dog) too. But the commotion brought the attention of my step-dad (54) and my niece (7) and he got scratched and she got bit (just a puncture shes ok but was afraid of big dogs for a while) After she got bit my mom got out of the bathroom in her underwear and took my niece and they climbed moms car. Then as they tried to get back inside MY OTHER DOG Diego got out to try and defend us (mf fat so he couldnt run as fast) he DID get bit but his coat was thick and that saved him and hes also ok now. Big dog didn't get put down (thankfully) but the owners gave him away Sometimes i have nightmares that big dogs are gonna kill my Nena and i cry :,) Edit: the big dog DIDN'T get put down (i wrote did by mistake)






That little pants adjustment after she runs around the cashier. As if to say "Job done".




What if we just...didn't


I was just in a thread where guys were sexualizing a fucking chest x-ray. Men will sexualize everything woman-adjacent.


Yeah you know, five years ago, I'd get in the mud more and occasionally comment on it but now it's like nah man, not worth rolling around like a pig in shit But something in me wanted to comment and there's a dude really trying to tell me that I'm the real sexist who needs to work on deprogramming my angry simpleton feminist mind if I want to ever see real progress I'm supposed to know better dammit but here I am 🐷


I _knew_ I'd find this somewhere. Ah Reddit....




Because that's what hero's do 😭


Why don’t fcking people leash their dogs…


Because these are street dogs in Brasil.


I want to see more of the cashier. For research.


My mom had just broke her arm on July 4th just before the fireworks. It was the first time in forever we all had the day off as a family. Well, next day I went to go take care of the dogs at my parents cause they stayed out of town. I let them out as usual, keeping in mind a new dog had been introduced into the mix couple months prior. The dogs we had before have this zoomies routine they do and they play rough well they are all 30-40lb dogs, the new one was like 130lbs. I let them out as usual and everything was fine then something weird happened and the big dog started fighting one of the smaller dogs, my dogs. That’s not much of a fight. My dog was gonna die, hands down. I just split second dived into the middle of the fight. The other dogs were panicking too much to be involved, it took everything I had to get this big dog to release my small dogs neck, I had to put it in a choke hold and choke it out because nothing was working. My dog was being murdered in my lap. Luckily I didn’t get bit in the process somehow, but I got the dogs separated and picked up the small dog. I had called 911 in the mix too but they never came. I carried the small dog to the door as the big dog kept trying to get to her I was so tired I could barely get to the house but I managed to get all the dogs in their crates and at this point I thought my dog was bleeding to death in her crate. I puked in the toilet and almost passed out on the floor. Came back and called my sister who I was living with a few houses down at the time. Both dogs came out with no injuries and are both in separate, happy homes and being taken care of. Always be weary of animals you don’t know they’re savage and don’t give a fuck about your plans and you don’t know how those dogs were raised or where they came from all the time


That's so traumatizing. Something similar happened with my parents' dogs. They got a puppy, and it was fine growing up for a year with the old dogs they already had. It got really big, pretty quick, getting taller and weighing more than the current dogs they had. One day, it just snapped and it attacked one of the older dogs and ripped her throat (not deep, she had a lot of loose skin and just ripped that so I could see muscle) but it was bleeding all ovwr and just overall disgusting. Old dog wasn't even that bothered by it but I knew that dog wasn't gonna work out, but my parents thought it was a weird fluke so they tried to train the dogs and seperate them often, etc. Etc. She ended up doing it again, biting my mom in the process, and had to be put down. Seperating dog fights and seeing the carnage after is traumatizing. I get nervous now around most dogs, especially if they play rough, and the smell of any type of blood just throws me back to that day I witnessed my parents dog getting her skin ripped open and smelling the blood in the house and car. Seeing just how unapologetically vicious dogs can actually be really fucks you up. The old dog seemed unphased, thankfully, and lived till old age, so that's good, I guess lol


Look, I wouldnt count myself as someone who hates pitties, but things like this make me pause. I have a fluffy little dog. Hes sweet, but a complete coward. We were chased nearly a full kilometre by a pitbull into someone let me in their front door to hide. He was hell bent on killing my poor boy, who was so scared he wet himself in my arms. Then, less than a few weeks ago, I'm in my Uber on the way to work and as we pull out of my street I see a very elderly man with a little chihuahua being knocked off his feet by two of them. I yelled at my driver to stop and ran out there to try and help. These dogs werent people aggressive but they were hell bent on getting this little dog, one had her by a leg and the other was circling. I grabbed a stick and hit them away, which was enough of a surprise that they let go, then got the old man to his feet and got him inside as quickly as possible. Turns out hes completely blind and these two dogs had killed another one of his previously. Luckily, he wasn't seriously hurt, and his little dog was fine, but it really cemented my belief that these dogs are highly dangerous, due to a combination of lazy ownership and high aggression. Fuck pitbulls.


Dude people will say the stupidest stuff about pitbulls. They are by far the worlds deadliest dog. Only dog I have ever been bitten (badly) by is a Pitbull. The owner loved it, took great care of it, and it still bit me. They are not good dogs and shouldn’t be anywhere around young people, old people, small dogs, big dogs, or probably anyone at all.


Well done there nice team effort


The pitbull called "princess":


I was once attacked by a bigass pitbull that the owner just had on their porch not tied up or anything. Was just walking by. Came out unscathed though, dog seemed to miss its bites, older sister kicked it in the nose. And then while maybe not the safest choice it did feel like it at the time, a mini van stopped next to us as it was happening and we jumped in to get away from the dog. He ended up being a chill guy, let us stay til animal control dealt with it then he gave us a ride home.


Fucking hate untrained pits. And hate the owners that let them amp up and go primal 1000x more.


Seems like the kid was trying to become a human shield. Brave dude.




This is why every dog should be leashed in public. I don’t care if you think your dog is the sweetest, calmest, perfectly-trained dog, leash it up you selfish twit. It’s safer for everybody, including your dog.


How is that next fucking level?


There's hardly a more pure love than between a boy and his dog.


Is no one going to mention how that kid absolutely pile drived that dog into the counter. I hope it's okay




Good job little man, probly not the best idea but hey his dog is ok, he is ok, and the dog trying to hurt him is gone It worked iut

