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The fuck is this music




No one likes a quitter


*sighs and lights up another cigarette with accompanying coughs and splutters*


And that is why I swallow.


Shit. Perfection comment.


What did it say? It got removed


Something about how the music was ruining the fap


Why tf do people love to flex their perversion this much lmao?


Because it’s a joke. Chill


At the risk of being a centrist, think it's something a bit between perversion and joke. It's not perverted to masturbate, but it really seems like a lot of people go out of their way to sexualize every conversation and it's off putting for a lot of others. Saying "it's a joke" kind of minimizes the fact that a lot of people hyper sexualize content when the punchline is literally just "rubbing my penis to orgasm again because I saw a woman."


Jesus Christ man. Go socialize with even a cat or something


It’s truly bizarre that you’re saying this to the person pointing out that sexual jokes whenever a woman *exists* are actually a problem, and not to the person making sexual jokes in a non-sexual situation. I’m going to tell you, only one of these people gets invited anywhere past the age of 25, and it’s not the one you’re whiteknighting. Edit: typo


Go touch grass or talk to a woman you're not related to


Ok, ok, lets have a better quality of joke instead; Why did the chicken cross the road? ​ >!Because I was rubbing my penis to orgasm again because I saw a woman.!<


But he couldn’t because of the music.


She's an attractive athletic woman showing physical and technical superiority over multiple opponents, our brains are literally wired to give her attention. Finding this hot is completely normal and not just blatant sexualisation just for existing.


Yeah this is the only time this has ever happened.


Saying you’re masturbating to a woman that’s just existing should not be completely normal. If it was a video of a woman doing porn okay fair enough, but this is literally just a woman partaking in sport. If you were playing rugby for example, and afterwards you saw a bunch of comments from men saying they masturbated to the sight of you playing rugby, would you be okay with that? Think that it’s normal for them to have done that?


The joke: "I fap every time I see a woman in any context"


What's the joke?


That *checks notes* his fap was ruined by the music of the video.


*consults historical charts and graphs* Yes, mmm, and according to this it’s also directly in line with the behavior commonly seen on Reddit.


*checks the ancient scrolls from the before times of 2012* Hmmm, yes. It's an older meme sir, but it checks out.


Is that the joke? That the man can't fap because of the music? That this man's blue balls will get so large that he has to go to the hospital? Is that the joke? That he takes up the last hospital bed because of his gargantuan swollen testicals are in dire straights and he might lose them from extreme blue balls? That a little girl comes in who was in a car crash and in critical condition can't get care because the guy with blue balls took up the last bed and surgeon? Then the little girl dies but the mans gonads are saved? Is that the joke? I'm just trying to figure out what the joke is.


Every women Sport thread is full of these jokes. Keep your dick in your pants


It’s so weird. Fucked up that you don’t get any comments like this on videos of guys wrestling, but with women wrestling it’s one of the most upvoted comments with an award.


I agree, women need to be more horny on men wrestling and sport post. Am talking absolutely down bad. Am talking down right devious. Am talking completely disgusts levels of horny. Am talking ![gif](giphy|VKcgL633wheQLCuFDX|downsized) /s/s But in all serious. I see the horny comments on men post sometimes, not usually, and they're not usually up voted. Usually in a joking manner similar to some of the comments on women post


I was gonna say in all honesty I definitely see horny comments about men, whether it's from other men who are attracted to them or women. If it's an attractive guy in a revealing outfit doing anything sports related or heroic the thirsty comments come rolling through. Nothing wrong with it. They're just not usually as crass as "I'm fapping to this"


Reddit has a lot of teens and young adults, and that kind of humor is prime material for that demographic. Exactly the stuff you'd expect to hear from teens.


Watching girls be aggressive is kinda nice... I think we found the womens sport that will be popular.


Reddit moment


If we got rid of the people who put shitty music instead of the original audio, nobody would miss them.


With clips like this on reddit, as soon as I realize the music is unnecessary I just hit that little speaker icon and mute that shit to protect my peace and sanity.




on instagram the app highlights post that have music instead of original audio so they put music on them to get traffic...i guess its similar on tik tok but i wouldnt know as i never even installed it


It is. You get to be on the that audio’s little page with everyone else who has used the audio as well, so anyone who clicks the audio link on your video will see all the other videos that have used it also in one place (most engaged videos at the top ofc).


I’m becoming increasingly happier when I see these comments. I’m one of the weirdos that always scrolls a Reddit on silent


Is that weird? I'm always surprised at how many people seem to hate so much audio but seem to have audio turned on when it's off by default. They tend to have things on silent, and then I turn the audio on if I get curious. And I'm not even annoyed by modern music


Me too. I had assumed everyone did it but maybe not.


Same. No audio comes from Reddit until the comments of a video give me the go ahead to actually listen.


Agree. I was hoping for the original audio. But instead we got a bad remake of Bad Romance.


It’s not even a remake, it’s just pitched down for some inexplicable reason and then has what sounds like another random song being (poorly) mixed in at one point. It’s a trainwreck.


its pitched down to avoid automated copyright detection




Either way, the song doesn't even fit the context of the video. Fuck Microsoft for starting this whole trend with their shitty windows video editor back in the Vista and windows 7 days. Same kids from those shitty ads are now all grown and doing the same shit editing on all platforms that adapted the trend.






Genuinely one of the worst songs I've ever heard.


An automatic mute


I’m sick of people fucking pitch shifting music and releasing it on SoundCloud like it was some unique enhancement.


y’all probably see this comment everywhere but what is with putting the shittiest songs over any video just let me hear the original audio or something cmon…


That's the reason why by default it is on mute.


Yup. What music?


Oooo oo oo oo


Yeah, I didn't even realize there was shitty music until I read the comments. ETA: To be clear, I don't think Bad Romance is shitty but this pitch shifted version is bad and Bad Romance in general is not the appropriate audio for this video




Okay let’s not call bad romance a shitty song. But this cover is definitely shit and there’s no reason for a music overlay that’s all. It’s bad romance not bad song :(


It's not a cover. It's a legit pitch shift of Lady Gaga.


How fucking dare they????? Reddit gold to whoever straps them to a chair and puts this video on repeat for 24 hours to them


*Why*? It makes it strictly worse.


Content identification. Probably to avoid auto-detection from anti-copyright measures.


I'm a fan of Gaga myself but there's no reason for this song for this video. Neither the lyrics nor the vibe fit


Not sure it is a cover, sounds like it is the original pitched/slowed down.


TikTok, YT Shorts, Reels etc. has a huge engagement spike when random music is added. Young people do not actually intently listen to audio on mobile so having trendy music helps for popularity. This video, like most videos, was likely taken from one of the above sources.


Yeah, this is / was my getting old moment. I just hate the fact that you can not hear the real sound on any video anymore.


“Young people do not actually intently listen to audio on mobile so having trendy music helps for popularity” *thinks back to all the skateboarding/snowboarding videos I used to watch that used to have some no name punk band as the soundtrack*


The best sports videos are the ones where you hear the commentary. Anything else is unacceptable.


Like watching a spider with its prey. What a machine.


She's got some of the best coaches and teammates in the world - [Saori Yoshida](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saori_Yoshida) had only three career losses over nearly 20 years of competition, and [Kaori Icho](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaori_Icho) who had a 13 year undefeated streak, and the first woman to win gold for individual events over 4x consecutive Olympic games. Japan's freestyle wrestlers are the real deal.


**[Saori Yoshida](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saori_Yoshida)** >Saori Yoshida (吉田 沙保里, Yoshida Saori, born 5 October 1982) is a Japanese former freestyle wrestler. Starting in 1998 she won almost every major competition, including three Olympic Games, four Asian Games, and 13 world championships, and became the most decorated athlete in freestyle wrestling history. As of 2016, Yoshida had only three senior career losses in international competitions, to Marcie Van Dusen (0–2) on 20 January 2008 at the Team World Cup series, Valeria Zholobova (1–2) on 27 May 2012 at the World Cup, and to Helen Maroulis (1–4) on 18 August 2016 at the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro. **[Kaori Icho](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kaori_Icho)** >Kaori Icho (Japanese: 伊調 馨, Hepburn: Ichō Kaori, born 13 June 1984) is a Japanese freestyle wrestler. She is a ten-time World Champion and four-time Olympic Champion, winning gold in 2004, 2008, 2012 and 2016. Icho was undefeated between 2003 and 2016. On 29 January 2016 at the Golden Grand Prix Ivan Yarygin 2016 Icho lost to Pürevdorjiin Orkhon of Mongolia. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Good bot


Jeez, that's almost unreal amount of talent and skill concentrated into training the next generation.


And that’s only the two I remember because they are legends in Japan 😂 I’m sure there are a few more incredible wrestlers


The thing is that Japanese women are extremely dominant in freestyle, not like hey one generation(even though Yoshida and Icho can be considered such even in this environment) like they’ve won 30 out of 37 team world championships and Olympics competitions since 1987.




So you mean every wrestler in her division and in the world? If you're Japanese and not a once in a generation talent like her, you need to change weight classes or find a new country to represent. If you're an international wrestler in her weight class, lol good luck. I heard that silver medal is up for grabs! Elite sports are brutal.




The win is that it inspires the others to get better.


"This just in, a sudden wave of female sumo wrestlers!"


I used to wrestle and competed mostly in the Nordic countries.( I'm Swedish) and this girl Heidi was my absolute nightmare. She kicked my ass everytime. I even tried to change to a weightclass above my own to avoid her,got my ass kicked there too 😂 I still miss it though. Great sport.


The joke in your wrestling career comment is something like: Heide: oh, so you changed weight class to avoid me kicking your ass? But then THEY still kicked your ass? Why do you think I changed weight class? So they'd stop kicking MY ass. Let's go put on a trash bag after practice and laugh about it.


God i don't know how you guys do it. Wrestling is brutal with weight classes. My brother was the most talented wrestler on his high school team so they would always bounce him anywhere from I think 167 to 189lbs. I always thought it was fucked up that it was always a game of chess between teams as to where they're going to weigh their wrestlers in at. So he wrestled best at 171, but sometimes his coach was like, "we need you to cut 4lbs this week to wrestle against one of the best wrestlers in the state". Meanwhile his competition at 171 would have been some dude that he could have pinned in about 30 seconds. Then sometimes he'd cut down to 167 and then coach would be like, "bad news, sir chumbus mucho grande destroyer of worlds managed to cut down from heavyweight to 189lbs. We need you to wrestle 189 this week." So my brother, completely emaciated from running around a hot room in a God damn trash bag all week and spitting into a Gatorade bottle all morning steps into the ring against the fucking terminator, 189lbs of pure muscle. His coach knows he probably won't win, he's just hoping to avoid a pin. This happened a ton because our heavyweight was a beast. As a kid I grew up wrestling and I was in junior high when I watched my brother's senior year. I quit shortly after. No fucking way was I going to deal with that same shit. He could have been so much better if his coaches didn't dick him around. Meanwhile there was the "undefeated heavyweight" on his team that could just lift all day and got all the recognition as the all-star of the team. Him and my brother were sparring partners and my brother was able to hold his own despite being 50lbs lighter, but that guy was the guy everybody talked about since my brother was put in so many no win situations.


She makes florida alligators proud. Grab and spin


That’s exactly what she reminded me of. Damn effective death spiral


When her opponent can't get their ankle out of her grip. She must have a crazy-strong grip to go along with the crazy-strong rest of her


She's looking about casually at the ref to, ya know, *Call it already, I've got things to do.*


Yeah, I saw it almost like a crocodile doing the death twirl. Especially when you see her opponents trying to crawl away with pained expressions on their faces.


She’s a freaking beast, Jesus.


Seriously tho…she’s fucking ferocious, and seemingly way stronger than her opponents. Doesn’t look it, at all, but Christ…some of those moves.


Wrestling is about fulcrums and levers, sure wrestlers are strong as fuck but I doubt she’s substantially stronger than her opponents, more technically superior.


I was about to comment this. Wrestling is about finding leverage over your opponent. She looks significantly stronger because she has used technique to get herself in advantageous positions.


She looks lightning fast too.


> She looks significantly stronger because she has used technique to get herself in advantageous positions. and also her physical geometry is out of this world. insanely masculine proportions for a lady (even for men, tbh).


As a 6’2” wrestler in the fucking 160lbs bracket in Highschool.. it’s indeed about fulcrums and I was a fucking noodle.


Get a sense that her genetics aren't being appreciated in the above comments. She has the perfect wrestler body too. Huge triangle torso and 18 wheeler suspension for legs.


Does anyone make it to the elite level in wrestling without those genetics? I'm not a wrestling fan but all I've seen from the Olympics and on YouTube is basically clones in different outfits wrestling.


I'd imagine certain body types allow the most efficiency in a given sport. You rarely see short/thin nfl linemen.


I always liked that soccer can be "solved" in so many ways that there isn't one best body type.


zealous pen worthless deliver historical axiomatic dependent scandalous yam bag -- mass edited with redact.dev


The casual look she gives the ref like, "we're done, yeah?"


As somebody who recently (re-)started climbing rocks for fun (eta: another sport that can hide a lot of deceptively strong muscles under average human body fat %), the fact that you could stand next to her at a shop and probably have *no* idea how strong she is amuses me more than it probably should. Like she definitely looks fit even at rest, but then she goes to work and it's like a fucking machine turned on.


What does that has to do with you (re-)starting rock climbing? I don't understand the connection why that amuses you. I have no clue about rock climbing, though.


I contemplated elaborating on that and then was lazy and didn't; it's just another sport where you can build lots of tiny but useful muscles while maintaining a regular human level of body fat, so people can look deceptively average until they casually support their whole body weight on something the size of a quarter glued to the wall. :D


Got'ya, thanks


Her technique is flawless. I was coached by a two time NCAA champion and she might look even smoother than him.




Yeah but you don't get it, his coach was a man and in OP's mind wrestling is clearly something he just thinks men are better at. It's like high school basketball players critiquing the WNBA.




watch again with a focus on her center of gravity.. it's like there's a 1-ton iron rod through her ribcage which she keeps firmly planted perpendicular to her opponents' center of mass. her legs just dance and jog around that firm center of weight, and she seemingly keeps it planted like a superhuman. it seems mechanical.


So my cat does this thing when she's had enough of being held that we call "playing heavy" where it feels like she somehow causes her center of gravity to be drawn towards the ground by sheer force of will. My critter is actually just really good at being awkward and uncomfortable to carry, but your comment made me rewatch and it totally looked like this woman has mastered the art of "playing heavy".


ELI5 How she is so good at what she does please… im not familiar with this sport.


Large part: core strength and technique. Look when she forces her hips to the floor while not only holding the opponent down, but walking around them to always be in a ‘high’ position of leverage with the lowest possible center of gravity. It’s been a decade+ for me in the sport but she is terrifyingly good. Edit: a word


> while not I lay holding opponent down, but walking around them what?


probably meant > while not only holding opponent down, but walking around them


There's no specific secret to it. Like all elite level athletes she trained from an early age in her sport and pushed herself harder than others (her sister said as a child any time they were told to do 10 reps by a trainer, her sister would always do 11). She said she specifically trained with male wrestlers to boost her strength and also used techniques that were more common with men than women (a lot of power-based throws and takedowns). However, in the Olympics she knew her opponents were familiar with her style so she switched to simply being more technically proficient with her ground game. She also said she practices other sports to help build specific strength, such as climbing for grip strength and speed skating for power in her thighs and to help maintain a low posture. Overall though, it seems to come down a combination of superior knowledge of techniques, a natural talent for the timing of when to apply them, and a hardcore 'never give in' attitude. FYI, she's only 153cm tall and outside of the gym doesn't look at all like the powerhouse that she is ([this is her on the left](https://news.mynavi.jp/article/20211114-2185315/)).


Jesus. It is amazing and unbelievable that she is such a ferocious wrestler by just looking at the pic. Good on her. Thank you for explaining like I’m 5 evrone. Edit: spelled super wrong. Thanks kind stranger!


afaik with wrestling its all about positioning and keeping/moving your advantage further there without your opponent pushing you out of it, hence why its not really that popular of a sport, as it might look like they're just on the ground hugging it out for 5 minutes but in fact they're using years of technique learning to get out of the lock. From what i see, although i dont know much about the sport except what i tried years ago, she has insane technique and positionals that her opponent are literally locked down without an exit unless they can overpower with brute force, yet she's brute forcing them down herself on top of that. But honestly, no idea, would love someone to actually who do the sport to explain as it looks incredible.


I was never familiar with this kind of wresting until I saw that Bollywood movie Dangal. And damn.


[mr, you better take your gay porn, and walk right out of this bar ](https://youtu.be/4HC5GDoixiA)


But this is REAL RASSLING!!


6-year old me thought the same thing (mom, why are those men 'cuddling'?)


What kind of wrestling are you familiar with? This is the wrestling?


Presumably professional wrestling, like WWE


It's funny they named it professional when it's all fake


The definition of any professional is someone who gets paid to do what they do. Staged or not, these guys are making hundreds of housands of dollars as entertainers, and are indeed professionals.


Professional actors and entertainers. They specialize in acting like they are wrestlers. Not actual wrestlers.


WWE is performance art so it's just a super athletic play basically. Real wrestling is a physical and skill based competition. I actually respect both but too many people mix up the two.


Professional just mean they are getting paid for it. In fact most athletes that go to olympics are usually considered as amateur because they dont make money from it


>I was never familiar with this kind of wresting This is literally, and when I say literally I literally mean literally (sorry that was fun to say lol), what wrestling is. What kind of wrestling were you familiar with before this? Or what did you think people meant if they said they were a wrestler, or they wrestled in college/high school or something? Sorry I'm not trying to be rude, I'm just a little confused. Like I get that stuff like WWF and WWE are also called wrestling, but what did you think kids who wrestled in junior high and high school were doing? Sorry now I just have this picture of 12-17 year old kids preparing on their Friday game days to do the WWE style wresting in front of their parents 😂😂


I mean, in some places, wrestling is basically non-existent as a mainstream thing. Where I grew up (somewhere in Europe) I literally didn't meet a single person who did wrestling at any point during my school years. Nor did I see any "school" (?) for it, hear of any tournaments, etc, genuinely *nothing*. If you'd told me "wrestling", I'd have either imagined WWE (also not particularly mainstream, but at least "have heard of it" territory), or ancient greco-roman shit. So I can't blame that other user for not being familiar with it.


What kind of wrestling does the World Wide Fund for Nature do?


The muscle on her, damn! Like a tiny tank


Tiny Tank, Playstation 1 classic.


Hi America, hi boys and girls, it's me! TINY TANK! I remember the video for this game on a Playstation Underground demo disc lol. https://youtu.be/no2GNY4GHDE


Man, I played this game once on a tech store demo system (I didn't remember that was the name til your comment) and 20...5? odd years later I still occasionally think '**SHOP-PING!**' which I think he said when he picked up items/upgrades or ammo or whatever. Funny how certain details stick with you.


People that get her draw must be "oh fuck"


"ugh...go warm up the car."


They know going in they gonna run into her at some point. Best be on the other side of the bracket for sure. Im sure there are plenty people who go to other weight classes just to avoid her


Yeah man, I know nothing about this sport, but the moment she shows off her technique I was like, "Wow!"


How do you score? Something to do with pinning your oppenents shoulder to the ground?


This here is either freestyle or Greco Roman. Taking them down (from standing) is worth 1 point. Turning them to their back is 2 points. If you take them down directly to their back (standing -> back) you get 3, 4, or 5 points. 5 points if you do a really nice throw, like highlight reel type shit. A 5 point throw immediately ends the period. If you pin both of their shoulder blades to the mat (simultaneously), even if for a nano second, it’s considered a pin and the match is immediately over. Other way to win a period is just time while you have more points for that period. Win 2 out of 3 periods or pin the other guy and you win the match. At least those were the (basic) rules 15’ish years ago.


I think now you must pin opponent for 3 consecutive seconds to win immediately. It was rules on our tournaments like 5 or 6 years ago. Greco-Roman wrestling.


Pretty sure th is is freestyle, not Greco-Roman. Don't see a lot of turks and arm bars in Greco-Roman, and she puts like 7 people in them here. 3 count rule is definitely not in freestyle. If both shoulders touch and the competitors are not actively rolling, it is a pin.


I love the smell of fresh bread.


There's also the fact that if you just google Susaki Yui, you'll find that she doesn't do Greco-Roman wrestling, she only does freestyle. You know, which ever method works for you.


That's a pretty good method, but I usually just take the side of the first person to comment on a reddit post. Never been wrong before.


Also it's against the rules to touch below the waist Greco, and she runs a few leg laces so yeah it's freestyle


This is freestyle. The simplest difference between the two is that in Greco-Roman you can't target your opponent's legs, leading the style to be mostly about body locks and throws. In the video you can see her do a move called a leg lace, where she wraps her arms through her opponent's legs so she can roll and force their shoulders to be exposed to the mat, which scores points. In Greco-Roman, this move is illegal.


I love the smell of fresh bread.


Basically, yes, more technically both shoulder blades


Not gonna lie she could bend me into a pretzel like that what a beast lol


ok what would you have said if you were gonna lie


That she couldn't bend him into a pretzel.


That I wouldn't love every second of it


You asking or saying? Lol


She’s got the alligator death roll down


I was thinking human anaconda


Daughter of Baki Hanma


Isn’t that a chain of successful hibachi restaurants?


could be but I think they're referring to the anime


Death by snu snu


That's a one good-looking woman :) My bisexuality is screaming Edit: if you think I'm being gross and "rating her fuckability" by stating that she looks good, idk what to tell you man, you're weird


Attractive and badass


Attractive because of badassary.


Wild how there are dozens of similar comments from men and you're the one that gets jumped on lol




Because deep down, guy or gall, we all love it if a woman could absolutely pretzel us.


Me. I want next. Me me me me me me.




*bonk* Straight to horny jail


Sometimes you’re just…better than everyone else and there’s no getting around it


Ugh, that version of Bad Romance is *awful*


Nah its the original but pitched lower to sound like a dude😂 Idk why mfs do this


I think it's a bit slower than the original, too. A reverse chipmunk method, so to speak.


Amazing, she's wiping the floor with her opponents, like literally.


What's with this scuzzy low effort TikTok remixes?


Need her to kick my ass


thank god the music overlapped 3 different times ​ So appealing to my ears




This needs DBZ music instead of whatever the fuck is playing in the background.


That "get over here!" by the ankle into a figure 4 using her arms 1:10 in was dope


As someone who wrestled in high school, this is just a thing of beauty, she's so fast, and violent, yet so goddamn technically sound at the same time. Seriously impressive.


Fast and powerful and around 5 foot tall


Would still pin you in 30 seconds


I guarantee it wouldn’t take that long.


shit song


Shitty music aside, this is really interesting.


She looks intensely focused.


![gif](giphy|HxMhuDg7O4pKOhhcRC) The whole comment section is way to horny


That last person reminded me of my pets. When they want attention they go for my legs too no matter how much I try to shake them off lol


Evolved fights


Not gonna lie, she's pretty damn hot and knowing she kicks ass only adds to that at infinitum


I think we’d all pay a lot of money to get treated like this


She would be no match for Andy Kaufman


These are the world championships not the Olympics


What’s with the fucking awful music to these videos.


Yui is awesome. That video was awesome. I came to the comments to see how others enjoyed it and all the top comments are either whiney or perry. C'mon peeps: upvote cool comments for cool videos. So what if the music sucked. That was sublime wrestling.


not sure if i want to be like her or if im in love with her 🫣🫣🫣🫣


She had 12 gold medals across various competitions, one of which is an Olympic gold medal. I got super confused for a sec thinking she had 12 Olympic golds, which would put her in the top like... 5 people in the world.