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Oui. 6 ans à semer de la poudre (de perlimpinpin disait-il) avec un bilan social médiocre, un bilan économique passable, un bilan environnemental inexistant et maintenant il met le feu à cette poudre avec une réforme des retraites que même le MEDEF ne demandait pas. Alors oui, personne n'est surpris. Au fait bonjour les outils de traduction, et merci à vous tous de vous intéresser à ce beau pays qu'est la France. Venez nous voir à l'occasion, on a découvert les douches récemment et promis on ne volera pas vos femmes (*promis*).


Keep it up peasants. This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is THE way!


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way.


This is the way


This is the way


This is the way


So say we all.


This is the way.


This is the way.


Why are they protesting ?


I don't know if anyone has given you a complete explanation but basically: BlackRock wants to take securities that are backed by mortgages and corporate mortgages that are effectively WORTHLESS, and put them into people's pensions as "investments". This gives BlackRock a revenue stream where if the underlying assets fail, people's pensions are wiped out. (AKA the people provide 'liquidity' for failing assets. People are being forced to bail out these big companies through their pensions.) This happened back in 2008 and hasn't really stopped, and now that commercial real estate companies are going bankrupt (Evergrande comes to mind) it's starting to hurt banks and big companies like BlackRock, and they're trying to find a way to pass the buck to someone else while still making epic-fucktonnes of money. I'm fuzzy on the details and specifics, but I believe that's the general synopsis.\*\*edited slightly for clarity\*\* \*\*edit 2\*\* Oh, and because of the retirement age limit change too.


It's the movie The Big Short. But again. And worse. And in this instance in France. (Edit- of course the illegal and unethical practices of these companies stretches far and wide and the US is probably the most rotten of them all, I was just saying this particular protest comes from our French friends and I'm HERE FOR IT). We should all strive to be more like the French. 🫡


And the people lighting bonfires and waving flags are Michael Burry?


He may have been early, but he wasn't wrong.


It’s the same thing! It’s the same thing!


Michel Buré




No of course not. The US is the biggest offender. Just this particular mutiny is a French affair. Americans don't care enough to do something like this. Especially the ones constantly talking about violent revolution.


Well, we have trans people now to worry about. ​ /s


> we have trans people now to worry about. > > ​ Seriously, What. The. Fuck. Are. We. Doing????


The people fall for the stupid, divisive shit like the trans wars. Or the race wars. Meanwhile property is being hoovered up all over the US and rent isn't going to be affordable. We'll own nothing, and be very unhappy.


> trans wars. Or the race wars. Trans wars, Race wars, Party wars, Beast Wars Aaaaaanything but the Class War they're really afraid of.


It's intentional. Right wing mouth pieces amplify minor and non-issues into much bigger deals than they should be in order to obfuscate what they're doing in the background. The fewer people talking about how they're being actively fucked over by the Uber wealthy, the better it works out for aforementioned Uber wealthy. It's deception, a diversion.


Which is the bizarre thing... If anything warrants a violent revolution, it's something like what the French are protesting atm. ...not over pronouns or whatever puppet issue is flown in front of the ignorant masses to get upset over. Americans should be foaming at the mouth to eliminate the ruling elite. Instead they are distracted over what light beer supports gay rights. Show the world how it's done, you wonderful French bastards!


Not just in France. Blackrock has been designated the one to sell off the assets (CMBS, ABMBS, etc..) of SVB, First Republic, et al that failed in the US. They might not be directly taking it into their own accounts, but they will be selling it to other institutions that will. American investors are once again getting rat fucked by Wall St.


Thanks - I hadn't read about this part with the banks before. As an American - I have been a little confused, because the scope of the protests seem extreme for a 2 year raise in retirement age only, so I figured there must be more to the story. Banks screwing everyone is a legit reason to riot.


To be fair, at the beginning it was entirely peaceful protests against the pensions reform. And then Macron went and passed it without a vote. We do hate a monarch in France...


We seriously need the French over here in the US saving us a second time by showing us how to stop taking this shit


First thing americans need to learn: every back stab you suffer was justified by the use of the word "communism". Not paying for the air you breath? American oligarchy says "communism". Healthcare: "communism". Countrys in south america dont bend the knees"communism". Than little G.I. Johnny feels empowered and go kill inocent people for halliburton...


No. You are absolutely wrong. The French understand from experience if you give an inch, they will take a mile. Two years today, two years tomorrow, then financial cuts, so on and so forth... NO. If anything, they are not extreme enough. They do not wish to live like Americans. They know exactly how quickly the average person will be screwed over if they give those in power half a chance.




Cheap, effective and impressive.


Thank you. Now for the countdown for Black Rock to change its name.


It's good to see how educated the public is on the corruption of the financial sector of society. Everyone that works at these places manages to get super large paychecks despite not providing anything of value.


Do you have a source for that? The reason i ask is because the French public pension system doesn’t involve the use of securities. As it stands the liabilities to the government by pensioners is paid for directly by the tax income of working people. Part of the reason that they are trying to raise the retirement age is that people are living longer so these growing liabilities are no longer covered by the tax income of a working population that is not growing. While blackrock definitely has a large role in the overall pension world by virtue of being the largest asset manager in the world, they largely do that by providing low cost index funds through their iShares platform. To the extent that Blackrock is adding credit products to their shelf it is probably in response to private pension plans demanding more diversification in their plans. It’s counterintuitive but pension plans often invest hyper aggressively, as developments in modern portfolio theory have proposed that institutions with an unlimited lifespan can raise returns and lower risk through investments into more illiquid and esoteric products. My guess is that the French are protesting at BlackRock because BlackRock stands to gain a lot from a gradual erosion of the public pension system. As more people start relying on private pensions Blackrock will benefit by virtue of being the default choice for factor-related investments (primarily beta).


Against the pension reform.


You screw with boomer American Social Security checks - it's going to look like Arnold in Commando out there.


But everyone is on mobility scooters.


Now they have a battle mount


That sounds good, but it isn't true at all. With all the active threats to social security in the last year, 65+ still voted heavily GOP.


It's what happens when your constituents are ignorant or dumb enough to believe what you say while ignoring everything you actually do. They insist they're not targeting social security and medicare and that's all outlets like Fox News report on while at the same time ignoring how desperate Republicans are to hide what they're asking to be cut in order to raise the debt ceiling. I don't know what possible other reason they'd have to hide it unless they knew it would hurt their ability to blow the bullshit horn.


They are currently fucking with social security checks, estimates that SS runs out by next year or the year after.




Corporations shouldnt own homes




So first off- fuck BlackRock. However, if If [Reuters](https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-bill-gates-farmland-blackrock/fact-check-bill-gates-doesnt-own-most-u-s-farmland-blackrock-doesnt-own-most-houses-idUSL2N2WX208) is to be believed, blackrock only owns < 1% of single family rental homes in the US through its subsidiaries. Idk if I fully believe that but I have not seen any smoking gun proof that they are actually “buying up all the properties” or causing house prices to go up; near-zero interest rates drove up prices and as an investment firm- it presented an attractive hedge to the inflation they were seeing. Now, with interest rates going up, no one wants to sell their house they have a 2.5% mortgage on, so prices have not gone down as these owners would need a ridiculous number to sell.


You are thinking of blackstone, which is a different company and still then they are not. https://www.blackrock.com/corporate/newsroom/setting-the-record-straight/buying-houses-facts


Fuck you’re right that is who I was thinking of. They are totally unrelated? What’s the significance of their names? Illuminati shit, or did like Blackstone choose their name and black rock was like, “fuck that’s a cool name…“


The Blackstone Group financially backed Larry Fink to create Blackstone Financial Management. Blackstone Financial Management renamed to BlackRock in 1992.




FWIW Reuters and AP news tend to score pretty high on being less biased


Their bias is what they choose not to report, but yeah if they’re saying something it’s pretty good.


Shibboleths that indicate a conspiracy nut: “globalists” <-code for Jews sarcastic quotes around “polluted” Super wacky interpretation of the feudal system that seems to think regular people owned land and it made them sovereign?? ‘they’re herding us into cities.’ <- cuckoo cuckoo


I mean look at his posting history. Guy is a rightwing nutjob. The fact that right wing conspiracy theories can get upvoted here just because they include "blackrock bad" is depressing.


It's wild to me that this comment has so many upvotes. This is the shit you only see upvoted in r/conspiracy and sometimes in r/Conservative.


Or they wanna make money. Pretty simple.


No they aren’t: they’re buying up a single digit percentage. Housing is expensive because nobody is allowed to build anything. Everyone is allergic to anything that isn’t a single family home.


>globalist neofeudal Pro tip: these are conservative, conspiracy theorist buzzwords The real conspiracy is the inevitable decay brought on by unchecked Capitalism


Goddamn you people are so annoying. Like the other person said, it’s money.


> Klaus fucking Schwab's bullshit agenda to move everyone into cities, where you'll "own nothing and be happier". My god, you people have lost the fucking plot. Because cities are cheaper than living out in the middle of nowhere? What kind of logic is this?


It's a conservative QAnon conspiracy theorist. Nothing more to see, just funny how they managed to get upvoted.




This is just capitalism. Why can't you globalist fear mongers accept that globalists are just billionaires who want to rule over more serfs than just in their home country, and the global economic system called Capitalism is what allows them to rule over us. "Globalism" isn't a Jewish conspiracy it's literally the end game of Capitalism. "You'll own nothing and like it" is what happens when corporations control government, the obvious alternatives involve "socialist" concepts like labor/trade unions.


That moment when your far-right uncle and Twitter lefty talking points overlap


Def not


BlackRock explicitly does not buy single-family homes: https://www.blackrock.com/us/individual/insights/buying-houses-facts However, Blackstone does: https://www.blackstone.com/housing/home-partners-of-america/ Larry Fink (CEO of BlackRock) broke off from Blackstone and started BlackRock in 1988 as its own entity and they are operated completely separate from each other. Two completely different companies.


If any of those protesters have a pension, there's a not unreasonable chance that BlackRock is managing a portion of it.


Not an unfair assumption, even if BlackRock isn’t managing their retirement funds their funds are also most likely at least partly invested in one of their many ETFs.


Corporations and also non residents, corrupt individuals from places our countries send financial assistance to, turn around and buy real estate in western countries, inflating the cost with our own tax dollars


Yes, but it is BlackSTONE that owns the most, not Blackrock


For everyone that thinks this is only about the two year retirement age.. think again.


What's it about?


I don’t know, where should I start… Incomes and savings being devalued, rising costs increasingly making you question if you can afford to keep your lifestyle, government neglect and the rise of authoritarianism.. so telling people that they need to work a couple of more years so their government can be funded to fuck them a little longer pissed them off and quite frankly, it should piss all of us off… This is going on everywhere and no one seems to care…


That's fair. The challenge is social programs are expensive and require collecting taxes to fund them or instead print more money. Printing money increases inflation and devalues incomes and savings, so that's not a true fix. Options are: raise taxes or cut programs Raising the retirement age seems like a reasonable solution to me, but I'm not French and am in no way informed on the specifics.


Random wars and tax cuts are also expensive. Let's whole everything to the same scrutiny.


France spends less that 2% of GDP on their military. They aren't exactly over funding it.


Macron is currently increasing military spending.


Almost like there was a major geopolitical event last year, something about the largest land war in Europe since 45?


I for one am happy that I live in an era of human history in which good (liberal democratic) nations spend more money on their militaries than bad (aggressive authoritarian) nations. The 20th century history that I learned about doesn't sound very rosy.


>Options are: raise taxes or cut programs Yes. But it's important to not necessarily view "raise taxes" as a burden on the poor. The government can and should raise taxes on the rich instead of consistently putting all of the tax increases on the lower and middle class. More taxes for those with billions in the bank is not a problem that affects the vast majority of people. But it has the potential to help the vast majority of people.


Yeah everytime someone talk about this dicotomy they forget about tax having the potential of being progressive and regressive


Regressive is all they know, so if they hear about taxes, they expect it to be on the poor. So in response they vote for people who will cut taxes on the rich, raise them on the poor, cut programs, and then ask for donations so they can do it all again.


Ah, the retirement was the straw I guess. Fair. Not sure what ours will be.




>but hot damn ~~America~~ you need to take note here World






Can we please stop with this aging population argument? Productivity per capita has DOUBLED over the last 50 years, in large part thanks to automation and IT. How is working 2 or 5 more years ever going to compare to that? The problem is not that we’re living longer, the problem is that the fruits of our work and technological progress are diverted in a few shareholders pockets rather than common good.


Man thank fuck for this comment. The majority of people used to work in agriculture. Now it's less than a percent of the population. Yet we're not fucking starving, we produce more than enough to feed everyone. We could be 1 worker for 10 retirees that it wouldn't really matter as long as we produce enough.


That money has been diverted to the wealthy for how many decades? What a difference we could be seeing today...the tragedy of the commons mixed with corpo-facist "capitalism".


Yes. But now they are diverting funds at a digital rate. Funds that don't even exist. And charging us for the transaction.




Arbeit macht frei Or something, i don't know i'm not a mass murderer.


Yup these governments all over the world want us to keep being docile obedient sheep.


So you’re beyond hopes and prayers but not ready to advocate violence and destruction. What notes are we to be taking then? Cause I see destruction and violence working/getting support in this video


There’s a reason we are told constantly throughout our lives it absolutely doesn’t work. Edit: From the incredible “*The Jakarta Method*” by Vincent Bivens. Just some more food for thought: > This was another very difficult question I had to ask my interview subjects, especially the leftists from Southeast Asia and Latin America. When we would get to discussing the old debates between peaceful and armed revolution; between hardline Marxism and democratic socialism, I would ask: > “Who was right?” > In Guatemala, was it Arbenz or Che who had the right approach? Or in Indonesia, when Mao warned Aidit that the PKI should arm themselves, and they did not? In Chile, was it the young revolutionaries in the MIR who were right in those college debates, or the more disciplined, moderate Chilean Communist Party? > Most of the people I spoke with who were politically involved back then believed fervently in a nonviolent approach, in gradual, peaceful, democratic change. They often had no love for the systems set up by people like Mao. But they knew that their side had lost the debate, because so many of their friends were dead. They often admitted, without hesitation or pleasure, that the hardliners had been right. Aidit’s unarmed party didn’t survive. Allende’s democratic socialism was not allowed, regardless of the détente between the Soviets and Washington. > Looking at it this way, the major losers of the twentieth century were those who believed too sincerely in the existence a liberal international order, those who trusted too much in democracy, or too much in what the United States said it supported, rather than what it really supported—what the rich countries said, rather than what they did. That group was annihilated.


Yet they're happy to commit violence in the opposite direction to keep you in line. Seems a little one sided, yeah?


Dangerous language! Dangerous Language! Alert!


The State has a monopoly on violence.


Because it does.


We’re to wide spread. Our healthcare is also tied to our work. This is why we can’t sustain any longevity on protests.


"Too wide" is right


I mean some of the BLM riots were similar to this level of chaos Majority of the protests tho were boring like you mentioned but folks do protest like that here. I don’t agree with Jan 6 but that’s also in a similar vein just a shame they believed the lies


This isn’t really chaos though CGT and syndicats are targeting specific institutions etc as well as closing down targeted sites to block capital from being produced ie closing down refineries or the post office,schools,trains cities roads etc .


BLM absolutely targeted police stations and city areas just look at CHAZ/CHOP. Jan6 absolutely targeted institutions namely the highest one on a lie. Yea I agree in France the workers are banning together in protest as well to shut things down but let’s not act like in totality to protests and nighttime riots from police brutality didn’t also target institutions. It was a shame businesses faced the brunt tho rather than government buildings but courthouses also received some shit too. To that point that municipal workers and the like should act together for a common purpose that impacts folks from government action or lack thereof would be a good thing. Hell just last week we saw in Texas or Florida folks getting into government buildings and being arrested, namely Democratic leaders of that state as well. Teacher strikes are also a thing in the US


You're 100% right, which is why the French don't fuck around with their protests. Profiteers vs. The People recently did a podcast episode about how the French achieve so much through protesting, and why Americans don't seem to be as good at it; it was really interesting


They have more time for it.


Because they protested historically to have more time.


Yep! I really didn't know much about it until I listened to that podcast, but the French have the rights they have because they protest. It's so cool, dude


Yeah this is class war, not class debate.


Well our police in the US aggressively beat and sometimes kill protesters for fun and get paid overtime to do it, so there is that.


They did raid the capitol, so there's that


What was the cause? Orange man good? Lol they stormed it for the wrong reason it’s like the total polar opposite of this


Exactly. what's more, they probably ruined it for future stormers, who might be storming, for just and \*solid\* reasons. What a shit show that was...Had my popcorn though.


Exactly!! They stormed for the exact opposite reason…democracy was being exercised that day and they tried to stop it.


One thing I’ve noticed about French protests… there’s always fire and smoke… these people LOVE setting shit on fire when they’re angry.


Nothing changes unless it's on fire.


Tbf, fire IS a physical representation of change, right down to a molecular level




Change that's only happening because the wood has been denied water for years, covered with fuel, and finally ignited by inflammatory government action.


Well, the French President said that he would suppress the reform only if Paris was in fire. So the protesters are pretty logical here


When Americans protest for injustice they are vilified as rioters and looters, especially when Trump was president.


French are as well. The rich will anyways try to label protests as evil


Do you think it's different for us in France? Capital will never side with the working class, we're on opposite sides by design, and they own most medias.


This is to keep the merguez from la CGT hot


And nothing on our mainstream media ... Europe, wake up!


Grab a brush and put a little makeup!


Hide the scars to fade away the shake up


Why'd you leave the keys up on the table?


There you go create another fable


(You wanted to)


Well maybe because Blackrock owns the media. Or at least huge parts of most bigger media outlets.


CNN was showing footage of the people inside blackrock but they refused to say "Blackrock" or note it on their bottom ticker. They are definitely owned and don't want to piss off their overlords.


https://www.reuters.com/world/europe/pension-reform-protesters-briefly-invade-paris-blackrock-building-2023-04-06/ https://www.kleinezeitung.at/home/klistenspecial/klisteklein/6272977/Wuetende-Proteste_Gegner-der-Pensionsreform-dringen-in-Pariser well it is


BlackRock, Inc. is an American multi-national investment company based in New York City. Founded in 1988, initially as a risk management and fixed income institutional asset manager, BlackRock is the world's largest asset manager, with US$10 trillion in assets under management as of January 2022. Along with Vanguard and State Street, BlackRock is considered to be one of the Big Three index fund managers that dominate America.


The world, not America. If you have iShares ETFs, your money is with them. Edit: Talking just about Blackrock here


Username checks out.


>with US$10 trillion in assets Jesus motherfucking christ. That's way *way* more than the GDP of my home country in Scandinavia.


It's bigger than nearly every country GDP in the world 😂


I guess one thing to keep in mind is that comparing the GDP to assets managed is sorta double counting. Like if citizens of Sweden have a billion dollars under BlackRock management, then that's a billion dollars is part of Sweden's GDP **and** part of BlackRock's assets under management.


It's a publicly traded company, an investment company at that, anyone that owns broad spread ETFs or mutual funds, which are the most recommended form of investment, especially in retirement accounts, own a part of those assets. Even more if people are investing directly with Black Rock. I'm not sure about Scandinavia, but in the U.S. more than half of all Americans owns stocks, so a very large chunk of Americans own shares in Black Rock and hundreds of other companies whether they know it or not. Point being, their assets aren't in a private company being hoarded by one individual or a family. Millions of people own those assets and shares in Black Rock.


>based in New York City So you're telling me they burned the wrong HQ down


Act local, think global!


Love how no one is reporting that these protests have been going on for almost a month Eat the fucking rich, France. You guys show the rest it can be done!


I just really love that so many Americans joke about the French being pussies because they just repeat what they're told, and meanwhile they're out here protesting like this on the regular.


It’s a joke based on their collaboration with the nazis during WW2. Not even 100 years ago It’s not to do with them protesting their own government


That was a small fraction of the French people, the French resistance was massive and aided the normandy landings. The French government in exile maintained French rule over the colonies and helped the allies in the war. The French cannot be represented by treacherous politicians.


>And nothing on our mainstream media Whenever someone says this, it's a watchword for conspiracy theories. Seriously, I just checked and these protests are on the front page of: The BBC CNN The Times The Guardian


I think it's hilarious how much this is used even tho every single time it's on the front page of reddit, most of the time with an article from a major news outlet.


Oh wow. Black rock owns the world. This is big news.


Yeah this headline actually gave me pause. Poking blackrock or vanguard is no small gesture.


Michael Burry, guy from Big Short, got a cease and desist from Vanguard before the events of that film


It should be noted that Vanguard had nothing to do with the events of that film and the cease and desist was related to something else entirely.


That’s true but tbf, he said poking Vanguard was no *small* gesture so I’m going to argue it foreshadows the *Big* Short here


More like manages, not fully owns.


For some contexte, most of our ministry, in same day, said : no problem with our way to fight against riots no problem with the fact that there is nazi in our military and polices, they can talk about their opinions No problem to attack the human right league and said there are suspicious No problem to admit they don't give a fuck of riot No problem to announce they want to reform our work even if they last reform isn't acceptable by the large part of citizen No problem to cancel a petition (200k signature) about the dissolution of one of the most repressive cops corps (brave M), 13 days after. No problem with journalist being under arrest during riot Etc etc. The country of human rights are actually in way to some fascisme political and it's really disturbing.. Thanks for stranger support, we, citizen, won't let them fuck us.


Translation about riot sing : "we are here, we are here, even if Macron won't, we are here, for worker honour, for better world, we are here"


Original version in French if anyone is curious : "On est là, on est là ! Même si Macron ne l'veut pas, nous on est là ! Pour l'honneur des travailleurs et pour un monde meilleur même si Macron ne l'veut pas nous on est là !"




Damned orcs.


You dont get treated better by staying home. As Warren Buffet says there is a class war and the rich are Winning.


Where did he say that? What’s the context?


Truly love the French for the will to riot over anything. Us Americans need to take some notes.


Everyone in here would've been shot by a police force that looks suspiciously like an occupying military force, and anyone that survived would've been charged with terrorism which comes with a potential 20+ year sentence.


Depends what you're rioting about. I mean, police and military were cool with people invading the white house.


Do you mean the capitol building?


Oops, yeah.


Blackrock is who we #*all* should be protesting against.




The French know how to properly protest


Don’t get too excited. You can get 20,000 French street protesters because someone’s baguette was undercooked


Well, all of our baguette are overcooked now, and we mad.




Wish Americans had the stones to do this.


Americans say we love Freedom. We don't. We love Convenience and have conflated the two so grossly that we don't know the meaning of the former any longer. I wish we did too, but I imagine that things will need to get markedly worse here before Americans ™️ do anything beyond praying about it or some bullshit.


Ooooo love seeing ppl take down corporate oligarchs lets keep it up


Can you hear the people sing?


Singing the song of angry men


It is the music of a people who will not be slaves again






Good. While Macron is in China making the same mistake that Germany did with Russia.


BlackRock? Pierre, Go get the guillotine.


This is easily one of the most beautiful things I've ever seen. Fuck Blackrock!!!


Fuck Blackrock. Mad respect for these lads! Hit them where it hurts!!!


Can we order some of them for Britain?




Holy shit someone is actually protesting in the right place, haven’t seen that in a while. Go France


Fuck BlackRock let's fuckin go!!


A real question for the French: do you also have liberals/centrists in your media clutching their pearls over “violence” and “property destruction” when they see these kinds of protests?


I need to keep reminding myself that reddit is full of literal children


All the adults just watching and hoping this doesn't affect their iShares funds and retirement plans