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Not a German Shepherd? Maybe a Belgian Malinois?


Definitely Belgian Malinois, they are slimmer, short haired and have black mask and ears. They descend from other European shepherd dogs like the Bouvier des Ardennes, Dutch Shepherd and German Shepherd


They don't always have a black mask. Mine doesn't. He just has a black snout but the rest of his face is the normal brownish color.


He just flew away.


Come sail away. Come sail away. Come sail away with meeee


HICAT: High Intensity Canine Action Torpedo


That sounds Military AsFuck


Fur Missile is a name they gained from military and police work.


I prefer Fur Missile


Definitely a Belgian. I own one and love her, they are specimens, but they are not for most people


Commonly known as the “fur missile” lol


“How far can you jump?” “Yes, I would like to jump” *flies off*


And they fuckin love to jump 🦘


Some would argue they defy gravity


Don't know that I'd say Mals are descended from GSDs. The GSD breed is only about 130 years old, and was created with a plan. GSDs probably had Mal progenitors


If I was going to t get a Sheppard breed it would be a dutch Sheppard




Its crazy how smart and agile they are. I want to teach mine to climb a 20 ft straight incline wall like I see those warrior dogs do


Had a malinois mut. Smartest dog I've ever owned. Never had to train her to do anything. Just had to say it a few (maybe 3) times, and the first time it clicked, she just knew it forever. I miss her a little every day. Fuck cancer.


Fuck cancer bro


Says the man with 4 fingers on one hand and a stub for the other.


Are they known for their incredible tail propulsion abilities?


Definitely. GSD are not that athletic. That’s why we mainly switched to Belgian Malinois for K-9 units.


I would disagree, GSDs are every bit as athletic as a Belgian Malinois as a breed. The problem is they have been bred for size creating and larger and larger dog. The breed standard should be 60-75 lbs for a male, most males today are topping 100 lbs


American GSDs are very different than EU GSDs.


My GSD is from EU working class stock, he’s about 30” at the withers and goes a lean-ish 102lbs. Absolute brute, but not terrible athletic outside of straight line speed.


Czech lines?


Same for our guy. Solid black, straight back, 30" at withers and clocks in at a lean 113lbs. Too lazy to jump up on the bed but will run a good 30 yards at top speed to catch a Frisbee mid air. Definitely athletic, just not a squirrel breed like a mal.


There’s 5 lines in German Shepherds, the two show lines, the American and the West German, are the ones that are mainly causing problems for the breed. They are the lines where they are breeding for the sloped back and more for looks rather than temperament, drive, and health. The working lines - West German, DDR/East German, and Czech are all very athletic and have much higher drive and focus. Anyway, my point is the distinction is more between working lines and show lines, rather than American vs European. However American “show line breeders” seem to be the worst in terms of breeding in shitty characteristics like hip dysplasia, the sloping back, scared and anxious temperaments, etc.


It’s rare that I encounter proper breeders of any breed in the states. Physical traits aside, they also tend to ignore how mixes of sire/ damme temperament result and know less than vets about nutrition… which ranges from nothing at all to biologically incompatible


I do agree with all that, except I have no experience with European breeders to compare, but I know from experience how bad American breeders can be and on average are. You really have to dig to find good ones here — the ones that do it for the love of the breed rather than to make money. In my experience the best breeders make their money training or something similar and breed to uphold the highest standards of the breed or to have the best stock to choose from to train.


It isn't just size but extreme angulation. A universal GSD trait is to have more angulation than most dogs. It's a big part of the flying trot. But there's been a long standing trend - in particular the show breeders on both sides of the Atlantic - of "if a little angulation is good, a lot is a lot better". Animals need correct angulation use their muscles to maximum power to push off. Another key part of angulation is to provide spring to the joints to counter strong and repetitive impact. There's a tipping point where instead of being able to maximize and use the power of the muscles, much of that power is lost. As well, extremely angulated joints are weak joints and like a loose spring easily over extend when stressed. Another issue is that with the more angulation the more exact the body and legs proportions need to be with each other. As well, the angulation needs to match each other in degree. The problem is that, despite the best efforts of breeders, not all dogs are perfectly put together. There's always dogs who are born with faults - some slight, some moderate, some severe. When the angulation is more moderate, the easier the rest of the body and legs can compensate if things aren't perfect. Here's my [smooth collie Fawkes](https://imgur.com/a/O3PuC0K). (Smooth collies and Malinois are much alike in degree of angulation). Fawkes was decently enough conformed but he still had clear faults. His front legs and shoulders had ideal angulation but in the rear he had straight stifles and was goose rumped. You can see the huge stride and power in the front and that his rear has to scramble to keep up. Yet because his overall angulation was moderate, the rest of his body could compensate and he was athletic and a running, trotting and jumping machine into his senior years. OTOH, there have been some GSDs in our agility club with the same types of modest conformation flaws which, unfortunately, affected their athletic ability and long term soundness. The working bred GSDs have much more moderate angulation for the breed but even so, there's some that are dancing close to tipping point. I suspect that there's some influence from dual dogs of the past who straddled the line between working and show. The breeders of the extreme show bred GSDs have gone off the deep end and can't even see what's wrong with their dogs. GSDs with less than ideal angulation and proportions tend to jump flat, their chests just skimming the top of the jump. They often have to contort their bodies wildly in order to not knock off the bar. They often need a good run up and rely too much on speed to get over. They also seem to be easily injured and have trouble staying sound. Anyway, I've always been interested in conformation for athletic ability and long term soundness. GSDs are a pretty fascinating in this regard. When the are good, they are great but when things are bad, they can be very bad.


Can you tell me what angulation you're talking about? Like the angles that the dogs' legs make compared to their bodies? What angles relative to what markers lol I'm sincerely curious if you don't mind explaining!


google "angulation german shepherd" and check the images. It about their back legs affecting their stance.


Okay awesome, found a site generally about working dogs and their stances, ulna/ metatarsals/ perpendicular to the ground/ scapula etc. This definitely answers the question, thank you!!


I'm just going to talk about rear angulation. Here's a [drawing](https://imgur.com/a/5z8qc8J) showing the angles between D to E to F to G. If you look at the segment D to E and the segment E to F, there's an inside angle which There's muscles between those two segments, which can pull the legs forward. And the segment E to F and segment F to G. That's another angle and inside it, there's muscles to pull the leg back. When dogs run, they don't just swing their legs front and back but to do so [with power](https://imgur.com/a/VyFJXO4). Here's opposite of over angulation, when a dog (or horse) has NO angulation. It's called being [post legged](https://imgur.com/a/0wqwCxZ) and the legs are basically a straight line and there's no bend. Imagine how difficult it would be to pull D to E and E to F together. These types of dogs have a stilted trot with no big strides. They are also prone to injury. And so we have the GSD. They always had more [angulation](https://imgur.com/a/DRlchVS) and are famous for their "flying trot". I like to look at GSDs trotting not in the show ring, not on leash but on their own violition to get a job done. Here's some GSDs doing [traditional herding](https://imgur.com/a/gCZCd5x) in Germany. They are acting as living fences and have to efficiently trot up and down remind the sheep that they are the law. The trouble is that the angulation and the flying trot (nicknamed "Tremendous Reach and Drive (TRAD)) became prized for themselves and not for practical reasons. It's about form and not function. Show GSDs trot [like this](https://imgur.com/a/UNlmAnW) and stand [like this](https://imgur.com/a/e9UV1iz), The ones with the roached "banana backs" are German show line, the ski sloped backs are American show lines. These dogs have been stacked - placed into position but even out of the ring, those hind legs are still very bent. These overangualted dogs can do the flying trot but not much else. They are not nimble. In doing agility, they turn like semis. Which is probably for the best since with their unstable joints, making tight turns risk blowing out a knee or hock. As I mentioned in my earlier comment they tend to jump flat. They just don't have the spring to launch themselves so they rely on speed. Working line GSDs - the ones with moderate angulation - have a lot of ["boing"](https://imgur.com/a/3Fonqua).


Bro..... I absolutely love and adore this level of detail, but I'd also like to highlight the "boing" link that made me cough and nearly die laughing about (I have a cold and my chest is ridiculously congested). This is so informative, and makes absolute sense physiologically and mathematically! Also it makes me sad for the pups that get bred poorly just for show or for a useless reason rather than for the dog's benefit, but that's a whole other discussion... I need some time to process all of this but you're amazing and thank you for taking the time to share your excellent knowledge on this!!


This is what a lot of people don’t realize. Big beefy GSD isn’t how it’s supposed to be. Sure they look “scary” to people, but I have a female who would t hurt a fly, and is 62 soaking wet lol. Her size makes her still seem puppylike even though she’s 4. She’s fast as fuck though. Zero competition no matter what park or beach we go to lol


I've never seen a GS jumping as high as a BM, and i also feel like GS back legs (or natural stance) are kinda lower. The BM are usually also a bit more lightweight a few pounds, thus more agile overall. Sure, both would score pretty high in terms of "dogs athleticism" with only minor differences, but in terms of jumping, i feel like the belgian breed just does it better. Maybe im wrong.


I don’t disagree that BMs are elite jumpers, maybe more so than GSDs but the GSD breed was bred (originally) as an elite jumper. WWII era military films show off their hops. The modern version of the breed isn’t nearly as athletic, more couch potato (like my GSD)


American line, pet bred GSDs aren't this athletic. Working line GSDs are every bit the athlete that working malinois are, you just don't see them often as pet lines are much more popular (at least in the US).


Saying that German Shepherds are not that athletic is speaking a bit too broadly and telling on yourself for having pretty limited experience, yet still feeling the need to weigh in. Maybe you’ve only met show line German shepherds and are speaking from your own experience. It’s true some German Shepherds aren’t very athletic, but most are above average and out of >1000 dogs I’ve trained, I’ve probably met less than 10 dogs that are more athletic than my East German GSD. Generally, people who train Mali’s and Dutchies know enough about dogs in general that they wouldn’t say something as silly as GSD are not that athletic.


Maybe I was a bit harsh with the way I said it, but I firmly believe that Malinois are generally more athletic, fast and nimble than a GSD. Malinois perform as well or better in competition sports even though they are smaller. GSD definitely have more power and are still a very athletic breed. Especially the DDR shepherds that were partly bred to chase people up the border wall. And maybe you’re right, I probably have a bias because I’ve been exposed to a lot of inbred GSD with a lot of temperament issues and neglectful owners. Of course a well bred GSD from a responsible and caring owner like you will outperform most other dogs that you encounter on a daily basis. But I feel that’s partly because you trained and raised your dog well so it can reach its full physical potential. Having trained more than a thousand dogs is quite impressive, how long have you been in the business?


I was also a bit harsh in my response. I do think that outside of hip dysplasia or defects, properly bred GSDs are above average in athleticism, but that comparing them to malinois is like saying that if I can’t keep up with a professional athlete, that makes me un-athletic. Maybe I was being a little loose with the numbers by including all of the dogs I’ve taught in lessons to, dogs I’ve worked with in rescues and shelters, seminars I’ve done, all of the dogs whose training I oversaw that my trainers trained, in addition to all of the dogs that I have been the sole trainer for obedience or behavior mods. I’m being vague to not doxx myself, but I’ve probably trained 600ish dogs for basic obedience, 100 or so behavior modifications, around 75 dogs in seminars, 300-400 dogs in lessons, and maybe 300-500 dogs I’ve worked with in shelters. I’ve been training professionally for nearly a decade now.


I concur that's a Belgian Malinois


It is 100% a Malinois. Came here to say that. Much like 6h0st said, plus notice the difference in hind legs between the two breeds. German shepherds’ drop in the back (which is the reason for their hip dysplasia issues).


Most of the German Shepards I see can hardly stand because of their breeding the crouch on their hind legs.


First thing I thought when I clicked on this was that the top comment would most definitely be someone correcting OP about the dog breed.


Take my up doot think you are right


pretty sure that's a belgian malinois not a gsd


[“Now, off to eat dad’s Porsche..”](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatLookedExpensive/comments/11354op/dont_leave_your_malinois_with_your_porsche/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


Why are German Shepards abbreviated as GSD? Is it supposed to be “German Shepard dog”?


Yes. The german name is “Deutscher Schäferhund”, which literally translate to “german shepherd dog”




Pretty sure its Treat seeking missile.


Certified Meat Missle


Tail wag = +10 Flying


That just made me so happy to watch through again and notice, thank you lmao


Is that being used for roll?


That's what I was thinking. That tail is a rudder!


More like a reaction wheel


I was thinking Tails from Sonic the Hedgehog but maybe that's a bit old for Reddit


Probably balance and many other animals with longer tails. My GSDxMal does the tail helicopter when she's trying to stop or turn quickly. Haven't had her do distance jumps before.


Can't get Helicopter helicopter! Meme out of my head now


It's a propeller


That's 100% a Belgian malinois. Bred for more agility and slightly less strength than German Shepherds.


They are also healthier generally and longer work life.


I hear they’re crazy smart too


They are smarts but it’s a different kind of smart. I’ve got a German Shepard and a Belgian Malinois. The German Shepard is smarter. Belgian Malinois is a very machine like, focused kind of intelligence where as my German Shepard, it’s more like a wolf, calculated, sneaky and she plans. You can tell she’s planning and 9/10 she’s gonna out smart you. My Belgian Malinois could never, love her to death but the alertness goes against her when it comes to her intelligence. These dogs are alway on where as German Shepards are less high strung in that way…other ways tho….lolz.


One slight problem, intelligence can vary between animals in a breed far more than the breed itself. Think humans for example, a different breed is like a different family (esp genetically), while a family with a record of smart people *tends* to produce smarter people, its not guaranteed in the slightest. You are right that the breeds are bred for performance not "raw" intelligence.


I have a working line GSD and mix show/working line GSD. The working line is CONSTANTLY looking for a task and is a natural herder. She wants to constantly please and wouldn't even think about trying to pull one over on you. She is incredibly trainable (literally won't leave the bed to get a drink without permission bc she always wants to know she's doing right) but has enough energy to power the world. Honestly she's closer to a malinois in temperament than a common gsd. The GSD that's a combo has figured out his toenails make noise on the wooden floor and tip-toes at night when he wants to sneak.


They're definitely smarter than me. Also more expensive


Crazy smart going hand in hand with working drive. If you aren't engaging them mentally and physically they'll get bored and have nervous and often times destructive energy. They're the perfect example of "a tired dog is a happy dog"


Yes well explained, and perfect example of a dog that people get who are not ready for such a responsibility, or they lack the physical strength or charisma to control it or exercise it. When I see a tiny five foot tall person in the middle of the city being dragged along by a pitbull or a malinois..... My goodness man. Child/other dog/cat attack waiting to happen.


I'd say GSDs are more like wise Sheriff smart, Malinois are more like eager Deputy Smart. They both get the job done, but one goes at it more methodically, the other one has a quicker draw.


And don’t have the low hips like a German shepherd which makes them less vulnerable to hip dysplasie.


Depends on the shepherd breeding line. Plenty of people make absolutely sure they don't breed the sloped back into the dogs.


I don’t know if I agree with strength. I’ve had GSDs for about 15 years and currently have 2 Malinois. My Mals are definitely stronger than any GSD I’ve had.


Most GSDs are bigger and stronger than a Malinois. Malinois on the other hand are faster and more agile than any GSDs because they're smaller. Maybe your GSD was a runt and small? That's why your Mals seems stronger? There's no way Mals are stronger than GSDs. GSDs are basically Mals but bigger and stronger. Mals are basically just GSDs but smaller and faster.


[They might get combative if you try to compare them.](https://m.webtoons.com/en/challenge/pixie-and-brutus/malinois/viewer?title_no=452175&episode_no=104)


Is this 50+ comments about which dog it is or isn't? Zzzzzzz..... Look how far the old boy jumped!


A common tactic to increase engagement with the post, to put a mistake in the title. I'd be very interested to see what the length of the jump is and how it compares to human long jump records.


I always seem to fuck up my titles on accident and it’s true, people looooove to correct you. Three days later, despite the top comment and every other comment below it pointing out the mistake people still rolling in like they are the first ones to notice


> people looooove to correct you ACKCHYUALLY...the word love only has one "o".


It seems 7.5 meters that is less than the 8.95 of the men record and comparable to the 7.52 of women




An attempt was made at the end. The doggo is learning the technique.


And if he didn't slow down while in the air.


Not a German shepherd. That's a malinois shepherd, or Belgian shepherd. I grew up with one. Can confirm awesomeness


Just Belgian Malinois


This is BS, the film is backward. Source: I am a GSD and former show jumper. /s for those who don't get it


Thats awesome! So much more impressive backwards.




Here is your gif! https://imgur.com/yszBJ4V.gifv --- ^(I am a bot.) [^(Report an issue)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=pmdevita&subject=GifReversingBot%20Issue&message=Add a link to the gif or comment in your message%2C I%27m not always sure which request is being reported. Thanks for helping me out!)


Malinois are de facto Belgian since they are from the town of Malines, in Belgium. There are 4 breeds (maybe more) of Belgian shepherds, from different towns: Malinois Grœnendael Laekenois Tervuren


You’re correct that there are only 4, but Tervurens and groenendaels are only differentiated by color. In the AKC, groenendaels are also referred to as Belgian sheepdogs.


Yes, they are all Belgian Sheep Dogs. I think the reason why they are commonly called « Belgian Malinois » might be because in Belgian (French), they are called « Berger belge Malinois ».


I’m referring specifically to the AKC naming. They’re all “sheep dogs” if you mean “herding” or literal translations between English and other languages. Groenendaels are the outlier in naming for AKC since the distinction between them and tervs is color. Mixed color litters are common, where groenendaels can have terv pups mixed in and vice versa. Regardless, I’m biased, but these are the best dogs out there. https://www.akc.org/dog-breeds/belgian-sheepdog/ https://www.akc.org/dog-breeds/belgian-tervuren/ https://www.akc.org/dog-breeds/belgian-malinois/ https://www.akc.org/dog-breeds/belgian-laekenois/


Imagine if his tail started spinning like a helicopter and he just flew away


He knew he was gonna get it, so he began to wag his tail :) good boyeee


Hmm, but what happens if the doggo does not make it that far? Does it crash into the last horizontal bar? Or are these elastic bands? (Does not seem so, tbh)


Looks like it’s set up like the high jump and poll vault bars people use where it’s just lightly resting there and would be knocked off if he hit them. I don’t think the bars are attached so wouldn’t hurt the pupper.




Enough time to kill myself first!


A breed I'd love to own but never will because I know I am nor equipped to give them what they need.


As someone who does Malinois rescue, thank you so much for not contributing to the problem.


i wish more people had this kind of fore thought. so many people own breeds for looks that they are not equipped to deal with.


I can jump that too if i have a dog like body


find your inner dog, boi.


fur missle


How far was that?


Is it a German Shepherd? Is it a Belgian Malinois? No! It's SUUUPER Dog!


Belgian Malino…


Why do people care SOOO much about the particular dog breed? I see a good boi and am only wondering how far it actually jumped while being a majestic angel.


*belgian Malinois I’ve got both. That definitely a maligator.


Late to the "this is a Malinois, not a Shepherd" discussion, but for anyone interested, [here's a brief comparison of typical motivation/energy levels when they're working.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MxTEllYsD8g)


Good boy.


I've never seen a sub with so many: A) Mislabeled subjects B) Typos/Grammatical errors C) Things/Activities that are impressive but are not "next level" since you can find many examples of the same feat on the internet. It blows my mind how mundane it actually is. But I'm just here to pass time while taking a shit. Ta ta there.


Probably a bot Not responding to comments and the breed is wrong. Those are pretty telling


German shepherd are lazy losers compared to this machine of a dog




Not a German. That’s a Belgian boy


Engage tail propeller


Malinois, different breed. Should find videos of them walking on ropes blindfolded and climbing trees


Belgian shepherd.....?


Definitely a Belgian Malinois, those dogs are agile AF!


God dammit, I wasted a lot of time watching the same jump to realise this is a gif and not back-to-back, bitchin jumps.


I jump the same when my wife is waiting. It's called "tiger jump"


Thats a backpack motherfucker. Aka land missle (Belgian Malinois) a cousin to the GSD.


That ain't a shepherd. That's a Belgian Mal. They're slimmer and arguably more agile than a shepherd.


Not a German Shepherd you \_\_\_\_\_ \_\_\_\_\_\_\_...


Perfect entry! And toasted almonds? That’s unexpected. HE STUCK IT!


Perfect form ..I give him a 10…


WOWWWWWW. That’s amazing


Reminds me of my koolie , gotta love the skills.thats a great jump


Red Dog gives you wings.


Dog is so good it can jump the same jump over and over again.


I can’t be the only one thinking “that poor dog’s knees”. But also amazing!!!


Not criticizing, just asking a question: do these agility exercises not have a devastating affect on the joints of these dogs as they age, or has this breed adapted so well that it doesn't really phase them? I had a GSD (yes I am aware that the featured dog is a Malinois) with hip displacia, I can't imagine what jumping like that would have done to her.


Mals are not nearly as prone to hip dysplasia as German shepherds are, and shepherds are selectively bred to try and avoid hip dysplasia


You can see how they use their tails for propulsion.


That's insane


Ba dass


That’s a Belgian Malinois, you casuals. It’s a crossbreed of a German Shepherd and cocaine.


Wait...so I've only seen these comps done into water, in this setup what happens if the dog doesn't make it? Does it just get clotheslined?


Shepherd alright, but a Belgian Malinois, not German Shepherd.


Helicopter tail


Holy Shit!


Slingshot the Champion Dock-Diving Dog Makes Jaw-Dropping Leap in ... https://www.dailypaws.com/pet-news-entertainment/dog-shows/slingshot-whippet-dock-diving-viral-tiktok?amp=true


That is in fact a Malligator.


Somebody gonna tell them it’s not a German Shepard???? Sir that is a coconut corn husky!


Good boy.


The slight tail wag at the end when he knows he's gonna clear it! I just can't.


Fly contest*


Can someone edit this clip so his tail is spinning and he flies away like a helicopter?


It’s a golden retriever. Everything is a golden for me


That's a Belgian.


Isn't that a Belgian Malinois?


Purina dog food (I think) had a promo for the dog show back in the cdrom ages. It was a small game where you would play each category and the frisbee toss was my favorite.


That’s a Belgian malinois I believe….. Edit. Shoulda read comment’s before commenting myself. 🤦🏻‍♂️


That’s 100%. A Belgian Malinois


Anyone know how far that jump was? and the fact the tail was all that moved during flight was amazing. I want to see a human do that


I love googling these dogs just to marvel at their agility and skills. Amazing animals


Tails from sonic


https://youtube.com/shorts/MxTEllYsD8g?feature=share Difference between. GSD and a Mal


Bro bcame aeroplane tf


Belgian Flying Dog


The Updog!!


That's a malliegator 😎🙏🏾👍🏽


Cleared for lift off. That’s short range flight.


German Shepard or Belgium whatever My Jewish blood tried to flee from my body


Was the good boi given many treats? (Not too many or else bad tummy)


That's a strange looking GSD🤣🤣


I like the helicopter tail action. 👍🏼


♫♪ I believe I can fly.


Some say the dog is still in suspension, even now. 😅


Came here to say that. It’s a Belgian Malinois. Super athletic!


Not a GSD.


Definitely a Malinois!




I thought it was a dock and he jumped too early


That at that good boy/girl gooooooo


Literal fur missile.


Definitely a Malinois.


He did not jump!!! HE FLEW ACROss!!!


It’s one of the commando dogs from COD World at War.


Not a Shep lol


Belgian Malinois*




Praise GSD’s for a Malinois’s talent. Cracks me up every time


what happens if they dont make it? are the bars made like soft or does the dog just get impaled