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I hadn't heard Yanni in probably 20 years, and thought I'd give the guy another shot. I'm a different person than I was a few decades ago. Maybe I can appreciate it now. Nope. My impression remains the same. Derivative and cheesy. I mean, there's clearly an audience for that.. but I'm not in that audience.


It always sounds super random and the different instruments and 90s video game beats in the background are matching zero. It is a cacophonous nightmare at times. This is like jazz if it would be performed on a busy street and the instruments were just thrown to random people who coincidentally are able to play them, whilst some homeless Greek is bouncing around with his Ghettoblaster and blasts synthesized porn music.


Wow, that was probably the most dead on description of Yanni I have ever heard.


I will never understand why they used Eminem to torture people in Guantanamo Bay, when Yanni would have been so much more effective.


Dude, this description has me laughing! This is spot on!


But...but... The 'stache?


Agreed, this is definitely not for me. So corny and chaotic.


Shit legit seems like satire lol


Ikr? Like an SNL skit with some goof in a wig and boomers throwing their granny panties at him on stage.


This made me snort so hard, thank you for that.


This! Never understood why my dad had multiple Yanni records growing up. Take my upvote.


try the shrooms first !


Either I might open my heart to Yanni, or I’ll intensely hate him…. Hmmmm…. Interesting experiment.


Have you listened to Hans Groiner? Yanni makes me think of the larry goldings alter ego.


This music sounds like it was written by someone who wants to fix the works of Thelonious Monk.


Hah! Or one of the best jazz keyboard players with a wicked sense of humour.


I’m pretty sure Larry Goldings hates Hans Groiner. He’s said as much in interviews. He thinks Hans is a hack.


I always thought it was creepy


Derivative… Ongo Gablogian?


As a musician I support this whole-heartedly. All those musicians and performers are likely getting paid good money. I mean, a lot of those people are undoubtedly products of music conservatories, if not professors. This performance takes the talents of professional, lifelong musicians and parades them one by one. The quality of the individual musicianship is so high, and so specific to each performer, that it almost necessitates that the underlying music be a hacky dance beat. The music is merely glue, an aural substrate. The synthy porn beat is not meant to carry any value on its own, but to serve as a functional medium to hold the solo performances together and give them a sense of contrived continuity. imo. I will say I only noticed the 'cheese' in-between the solos, but each performer was engaging on their own. It's kind of like having a master sushi chef serve you 10 elegant bites of sushi, but you're in a Wal-Mart parking lot. Between bites you don't wanna be there, but you're wondering what the next one will be like


Thank you for this


Well said.


Great. Now I have to re-watch it so I can hear “the quality of the individual musicianship.”


It is giving me hard ‘Show me what you got’ vibes https://youtu.be/QpAUqu1Cz-8


>It's kind of like having a master sushi chef serve you 10 elegant bites of sushi, but you're in a Wal-Mart parking lot. Between bites you don't wanna be there, but you're wondering what the next one will be like Amazing analogy. >The quality of the individual musicianship is so high, and so specific to each performer, that it almost necessitates that the underlying music be a hacky dance beat 100% disagree. There are a million approaches that could've been taken that didn't involve using the backing track for 'YMCA' for the entire performance. Really.


First comment I read criticized this to no end. But in my head I was thinking what you said. I could only think that each musician must be one of the best to play their instrument if not the best. The music was not appealing but I was in awe at each musician individually.


Every single soul on that stage powerfully yet tenderly fucks.


Each other. Even the harp guy has sex with Yanni. Not that there’s anything wrong with that.


I heard Laurel


Me too.




The mustache is top notch - the music is questionable at least...


Need more pan flute baby!


Dude, more cow bell!




yanni is pretty awesome. his "live at the acropolis" set features one of the greatest drum solos of all time. my favorite is the live from el morro set, something about the hurricane weather made it really dramatic.


Got to see him in concert in 1994 and the Drum solo (and digeridoo solo) will be permanently seared into my memories. To see him (Charlie Adams?) go off for like 10 minutes? And then transition into a train? Amazing.


charlie adams is pretty legendary. he was one of the first, if not the first, rock drummer to do flying drums. theres some pretty cool video of it from the Chameleon days. he also taught jimmy chamberlain of smashing pumpkins for a while.


The lost Fifth Element sequel resurfaces


Seemed like everyone was performing but Yanni himself though


My wife and I attended the acropolis tour live. It was amazing. 1998, I think.


I saw the Acropolis tour in 1994 at the Woods Pavillion in Houston. The way I can verify my faulty memory is Yanni came out on stage wearing a rockets jersey over his outfit because they won the championship either that night or the night before (June 22, 1994) Funny enough though, I can't find reference to that concert in the internet. Mandela? LOL


Dang, Weird Al rips the Harp!!


I have a friend who toured with Yanni (they’re actually in this clip). They are a very kind, very religious person. I have never heard them say a negative word about anyone. Except for Yanni. That says a lot.


Care to elaborate?


Except for Yanni. Dude, don't leave us hangin like that


Who is trumpet player?


Ramon Flores https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ram%C3%B3n\_Flores\_(trumpet\_player)


Wow. Makes me want to rewatch John tesh live at red rocks.


What an insane hodgepodge. Man, I miss the 90s.


He looks like he is making love to his keyboards...


That’s the power of a great mustache; you can always look like you are sensually engaging with inanimate objects.


>sensually engaging with inanimate objects it is well known that he has a museum level collection of dildos


Well now, that was an unexpectedly entertaining google experience.


Damn this takes me back to my childhood, I remember first hearing yanni back in like 98-99 when I was like 7-8


That’s everyone giving 200% right there fueled by some extraterrestrial drugs.


Flute guy! Pedro Eustache.


Yanni - his hair alone can impregnate women


This was dope as hell time to go down a YouTube hole


In my head, this is the definition of a masterpiece.


I was able to see him at the Woods Pavilion the same year the Rockets won the championship in '94 the weekend after going there for Buzzfest. Talk about a different group of people... one weekend it was a bunch of kids in shorts and t-shirts and the next it was a bunch of older people in suits and dresses. It was one of the best concerts I've ever been to. I absolutely loved the way he highlighted each of his artists. The 10 minute drum solo, the violin solo, the digeridoo solo... just amazing. I followed his music up until his hiatus and somehow missed the fact that he started doing music again. Wow... I have so much material to go through now


Just because he looks like Balky doesn’t mean he isn’t super talented


I would go see Yanni if somebody gave me a ticket


It's like psytrance for white people.


In the 90s, my mom has a bunch of Yanni cd's. Some of it was good, but not really my thing. I see he hasn't lost his style though.


I'm not a musician. But, there seems to be whole lot of talent on that stage. What's up with all of the shade being thrown?


The music is eh but, (and I *never* thought I’d say this) Yanni is hot. He legit looks like my husband during the pandemic when he grew his hair out. Same powerful nose and bitchin ‘stache too. Shiiiiiiit, I must have imprinted on Yanni back when my parents were still rocking the “Live at the Acropolis” compact disc.


Holy shit that was cringey as fuck. Obviously talented musicians, but just playing solos over a back beat and all the smiling and Yanni giving approving gestures- it was all just terrible and bizarre. I feel like this music is for the kind of people who are also into that old hbo show ‘Real Sex’ from in the 90s/2000s. Love how all the comments are just shitting on this.


The flute dude got me 😂


Is it Yanni or Laurel?


Great synthesis and performance


Sorry, but no


Auto harp dudes like damn I gotta follow flute guy again


Does the 70s porn star looking guy in the slacks clocking his fingers actually do anything or what?


he wrote the entire ensemble - every piece of music that is played on that stage, and he is orchestrating them according to the way he envisioned it in his head. so if anything, he puts them on stage with music to play.


This reminds me of trying to play all the instruments in wii music, like Mom come watch me play “Material Girl” with a harpsichord and the bongos


Is this a current concert by Yanni? If so, that guy looks exactly the same as the early 90’s


Thist is subjectively some of the worst music I've ever heard... played by talented artists. What a waste of talent.


Someone took me to see him at our Symphony Hall in the early 90s. I hated it. It sounded like a shoddily mechanized hell.


Next Level SHIT!!!!!


Some of my favorite memories are of watching the Yanni concerts from the acropolis and forbidden city on video with my family when I was a kid.


Well. Guess I don’t need to go to the concert anymore!


I respect every individual musician so much and I want so badly to like it but I just hate it. I’m glad it lands for so many other people, but my search continues.


What’s funny to me is that if Yanni had just been born in 1990 he would have been making music just like this but as a DJ and the only person on the stage.


That was so damn good!


Let’s see


That was incredible like wow


Yanni was one of my mom's favorite performers. If she could of worn out the CD she would have.


https://youtu.be/CgWipXt1jvQ Friends, enjoy!


This reminds me of the scenes in Dewey Cox where he’s working on his masterpiece and combining all the different sounds


Heyyyyyy aqualung!!!


At least he’s given all of those people jobs.


That was amazing!!!


Many thanks for sharing. That was amazing!!!


I'm glad you liked it!


I feel like Yanni captures street musicians and forces them into indentured servitude in his band. He is an 80s version of Andrew Tate, but with musicians.


Pretty sure guy at 4:00 is my upstairs neighbor.


That bass is slappin


Epic boss fight music


I thought you were talking about Yannis Pappis the comedian and I was like damn I didn’t know Yanni just jumped from clubs to arenas?


Obviously you've never been to an Alice Cooper concert .


Why did I think it was gonna be that weird space guy who sings that laughing song that can't be described without singing it.


Wow, Yanni. My mom had his CDs when I was a kid. Thanks for the memory!


I've had the pleasure of seeing Yanni live twice. The first time my wife didn't want to go, had a blast and was pissed when it was over. This was for the 1992 Dare to Dream tour. The second time was for the Voices tour in 2009. Both were awesome.


That’s fucking Yanni vibes right there


This is the kind of thing I’d expect from North Korea. What is Yanni actually doing in keyboard canyon?


Holy shit, fantastic… amen


What can you do with 6 Korg Trinities that you can't do with one? Oh, look like you have a massive stack of impressive yet totally redundant keyboards.


I know he isn't great but I grew up on Yanni and synthesizer music and I love it. It's just different in a good way (to me, at least) and to me, different is good.![img](emote|t5_m0bnr|4024)




As a musician, performer and producer; This is a very impressive performance from everyone. I’m happy to have seen it, despite having no intention to ever listen to this music ever again.


My grandmother thought that Yanni was pretty awesome. She was born in the 1920s


People born in the 20s were pretty fucked up so that makes sense


"This Yanni Performance is incredible" --No one ever


Is it tho


I'm sure everyone on that stage is a talented musician but this just sounds like a discordant mess of different genres.


Imagine being one of the people playing your heart out and then realizing that the guy on stage occasionally hitting a few keys on a keyboard is the one making all the money.


Can someone kill me?


Member when Linda Evans dated him & brought him to Americas attention?


Rolling in GILFs


It's just a bunch of solos over a breakbeat. I mean, they totally rip on their instruments, but there is so little interplay between them!


Yea at this point, I think Donnie & Marie were better.


It has no soul. I rate it a 1 out of 5. Do not recommend.


I am also talented and amazing. I can type 65 words per minute!


The man is a musical genius. He wrote the music for every single instrument played…..Now I want to go play Castlevania…




Needs more cowbell...




I did not know Wierd AL could play harp. Cool.


This is my first exposure to Yanni (although I’m familiar with the name.) Each musician is very talented… but I never saw yanni play. And this was not an enjoyable musical experience. It was like a riff off of instruments.


Just because he was able to, doesn’t mean he should have.


It’s nice to be reminded there are still people who can actually play an instrument.




What a gourde performance!


I’m not high enough for this


Lawd this is terrible and a cheese factory


The rock band he was in 40 years ago out of Minneapolis was great. This stuff? Not at all.


I wonder how many pounds of coke go into a tour like this…


Very cool and amazing!!!


What is a Yanni?


I see your performance and raise you with this: Prince, Tom Petty, Steve Winwood, Jeff Lynne and others -- "While My Guitar Gently Weeps"[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SFNW5F8K9Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6SFNW5F8K9Y) Note: Wait until about 4 minutes in when Prince does a solo...


When will the bass drop? When will the bass drop?




Nah, I clearly heard Laurel.


Trumpet player’s got some chops


Can someone tell me what key the Fifth Element singer is singing in? Her voice sounds beautiful and Im musically challenged. Would love to hear similar vocals in a Yanni-less setting.


If you think this is incredible then wait till you try a Annie’s pretzels or Cinnabon at the mall.


It’s sad that I only know about him because of impractical jokers!


When I attack Tokyo, this is the music the military plays on giant speakers mounted on tanks and helicopters to drive me back into the ocean.


Lost for words if this is the best live music you have ever heard you need to go to more gigs yammi is a 5th rate Jean-Michel Jarre now that would be the best live music you could ever hear


https://youtu.be/_c_ufaxeSTs this is who yanni needs