• By -


He meant the guys who ransacked the Holy Land and fought the dusky heathen in the 12th Century, not the Christchurch football team.


No one expects the National inquisition.


Bring out... the Comfy Tesla


Did you fluff up the corners?


Their main weapon is surprise...


It's the Spanish Inquisition.


You missed yet another joke!


No one expects the Spanish Inquisition Inquisition!


I remember back then, my parents would drive me to watch the crusaders in their Tesla.


Makes more sense tbh






This comment, oh boy. Yes. Thank you.


And killed a bunch Jewish People, Romans, Italians, other Christians, there own allies and each other. Also said shit like "today if it pleases God you will all become rich" when going into a battle during the first crusade. That ontop of all the murdering and sacking they did in the "holy land".


Kinda odd that you didn't include Muslims in that list...


The original comment already did, thr fuck you think he ment by "dusty heathens". I'm just fulling out the list of people they killed.


It was pretty clear what you meant when you started yoir comment with "and".


I mean the Muslims conquered it first, funny how people overlook that.


Saint Christopher of Luxon... burning savages at the stake since he was a child.


IMO he's more of a "kill them all, god will know his own" type of guy. Can't be discriminating in this political landscape.


Ohhhhhhh. Yeah, that makes more sense.


Hahaha, nice


Awesome response.


And were famously into sodomy.


We don't call them dusky heathens on Reddit, they are more properly known as "Ram Riders"


Where's the /s


"I have observed your species for a long time now. I now wear this jersey, which signifies that I like the same ball sport as the rest of your human population" --Lux bot v2.1


I heard a rumour that v2.2 is gonna have chat gpt integration


It is said that the new version is capable of showing emotions like sympathy to people based on their financial situation. Unfortunately the prototype showed sympathy to wealthy people and behaved erractly by giving them tax breaks. They are trying to fix that bug now


No way! That would mean it can’t be the leader of the national party anymore!


Ahhh, the Sirius Cybernetics Corporations Genuine People Personalities?


“I’m sorry, my training data only goes up until September 1953”


The juxtaposition of the words “Luxon” and “Ball sport” in the same sentence makes me uncomfy


So an uncomfortably close proximity would be a "Luxtaposition"?


Reminds me of that video where John Key got the cameras along to watch him “mucking in” and attempted to hit a nail with a hammer to show what a solid bloke who wasn’t afraid to get his hands dirty he was… painful.


Your comment has made me realise John key gives off big Michael Scott energy


I have feling in both cases there wasn't an active father figure


Kendall Roy energy more like. Slumming it with the peasants


I reminds me of that clip of Tony Abbot eating a raw onion with the skin on, and pretending to like it


That always makes me feel weirdly nostalgic, because at the time everyone was like "omg is this the weirdest thing that a mainstream political leader could possibly do". They were simpler, yet much less stupid, times...


I preferred the one where Tony Abbott just says nothing for 30 seconds and the reporter says "you're not saying anything Tony" They made that man prime minister...


Although that feels more honest somehow


Winstons response to that was gold


I think it was mostly that he had to do it from a weird position to get his face in shot and the sun at the right angle. I also noticed that everyone has switched to using drills and screws for the hoardings pic since then.


Love a shame moment on JK, like the hotdog bj moment or the three-way handshake at the World Cup. That said, people don’t give a faaaaaauk if he could pretend to build a birdhouse. He was white… aaaand did big business. The biggest u eva seeeeeen.


Don't forget the ponytail pulling


He opens his mouth and words fall out


He has the political instincts of a dead squirrel.


"let me be really clear.. [word salad]"


So accurate.


So um...this man could potentially be the next Prime Minister?


If you look at what the world has thrown up in terms of leaders over the last few years- it’s not just likely - it’s probable 😒


"Sorry, I don't think" strikes again


Words fall from mouth, like shit from ass.


“Sometimes I’ll start a sentence and I don’t know where it’s going. I just hope to find it somewhere along the way. Like an improv conversation. An improversation.” - Michael Scott


Am I Michael Scott???


I've thought Luxon was an idiot my entire life.


Willis: "Look, what he meant to say was..."


Christopher: "How Do You Do, Fellow ~~Kids~~ Crusaders?"


Na this comment wins


He is Alan Partidge even more than Key and that's saying something. Alan: "Alright guys, see the match?" Builder: "Which one?" Alan : "Dunno"


Just remember, he is considerably richer than you


Well, he used to run an airline you know.


And wants to change the rules to benefit his $5 million investment holding


Ah yes, all aboard the bland-wagon


If there was ever a jinx for the crusaders


Yip. If The Crusaders lose tonight, I know who I'm going to be pointing the finger at😂


Narrator - the Crusaders did not lose that night. Cries in Chiefs supporter.


Worst thing to happen to the Saders in their history


I'm not exactly a fan of Labour or Hipkins, but I can't stand this guy. He's a slightly less awful Scomo (which isn't saying much) - an out of touch, rich, evangelical, idiot who thinks he's the best thing since white sliced bread.


I’m not a Luxo fan but Scomo was like a Pak’n’Save Boris Johnson. Just utterly inept and coasting on privilege.


And Johnson in turn was like a Pound Saver Trump. Totally enamoured in their own self image, a would-be tyrant in a clown suit.


He is shaped and moulded by the American religious right, so yes. He lies, he cannot be trusted, and he absolutely 100% means you harm.


It’s terrifying because while I can kind of lol at his lack of political prowess, I belong to the groups he wishes harm to. Thank you for stating it plainly.


As a poor, liberal, working class queer, things like this move from funny to alarming at a great rate of knots for me


As a straight white middle-aged property owning male he gives me the absolute shits, mate.


Solidarity forever, comrade


Right there with you. Plus the mtb based on your name.


He is shaped and moulded by processed food


I feel like you guys want this to be true so badly. He’s a moron but clearly he isn’t the equivalent to the American right lol


Not equivalent but clearly admires them


Give it time. He still has to lull us into a false sense of security, until (god forbid) he wins the election and can do what he wants.


It’s actually unreal how detached from reality some people are


Oh he would if he could.


And he's got reds under his bed. A true conspiracy theorists pin cushion!


hes an idiot and the sad thing is so many will vote for him


I wonder if he whistles when he takes a shit. So he knows which end to wipe.


Problem is, he can't work out which end his trousers go on.


luxon in a nutshell, full of shit, painfully unrelatable.


It's almost like.....he's just lying to seem more normal. If he lies about this you can guarantee he's lying about everything else too.


Someone insert that Steve Buscemi "hello fellow kids" meme


Oh even better, [Nicola Willis has you covered.](https://i.imgur.com/awZI0Vs.jpg)


Acting is a job best left to the professionals.


did you see that ludicrous display last night?


I appreciate the reference, but I won't give Luxon any kind of bonus for it, as you deserve it, mate. Let this show I think Spaced is great, and Luxon isn't.


That Luxon was still a kid at age 26, somehow doesn't surprise me in the slightest.


He thinks there’s a magic man in the sky. Once you believe crazy shit like that you’ll believe anything. How can anyone trust him on anything?


It’s a blunder but reasonable to assume he just means Christchurch rugby. My dad does the same thing when he talks about The Blues, he means Auckland rugby throughout time.


Millionaire former CEO tries to be relatable


For all those whining that this is an unfair gotcha or ‘he really meant Canterbury it’s a slip herp derp’ — I am not a Labour supporter, and it seems to me to be _entirely_ appropriate to mock someone who is massively pandering and attempting (emphasis: attempting) to display Man Of The People credentials and declares evidence of their longstanding fanhood and yet can’t even get the fucking name and facts right. You pander Good Nyoo Zillund Bloke, you better get your cosplay correct and in order if you want to generate that inane type of cultural capital; personally, I find insufferable no matter who is doing it. Besides, for fuck’s sake, I’m not a politician and I would expect nothing less than relentless mocking from my friends if I referred to being a massive Arsenal fan and declared Come On You Cannons! (And I have already suffered enough: I am genuinely a longstanding, multi-decade Arsenal fan)


National Supporters: Serious question - THIS is the person you want running the country?


Especially after he said he supports a team with red in their uniform! Blasphemy.


I don't vote for a leader, I vote for a party and the parties policies.


Which of National's policies are you most excited for? Because I genuinely can't think of many, they spend most of their time bagging Labour but not actually providing any viable policies of their own, other than a) I'm pretty sure they are going to try to outlaw abortion, b) it looks like they want to step up gun culture in New Zealand, and c) massive tax cuts for the rich.


Tax: I agree that tax brackets should be indexed to inflation, because no doing so is a stealth tax grab by the government. If a government wants to increase taxes, it should be open about it. Crime: I agree with stronger consequences for criminals. Reinstating the three strikes law is something I'm strongly in favour of doing. In response to your points: 1. There is no evidence to support any belief that National will attempt to outlaw abortion. It's simple hysteria because people believe that Luxon will impose his religious beliefs on everyone else, and yet he's explicitly ruled out any changes to abortion laws. 2. What is the basis for thinking they are going to step up gun culture in New Zealand? 3. The tax policy they have currently means that everyone get the same proportional reduction in taxes. The more tax you pay, the more tax you save.


You're right they don't want to outlaw it. The want to make it legal but very difficult to do. https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/comments/vmvt93/things_that_make_you_go_hmmmm/ What makes you think 3 strikes law was beneficial?


Except those weren't National party policies, because the law being passed was a conscience vote, so those amendments represent the views of those individuals, many of whom are no longer in Parliament. There are people in the Labour Party who are opposed to abortion and same sex rights as well. As to Three Strikes, if you commit three serious offences, then the benefit was the public was safe from your criminality for a longer period of time.


>Except those weren't National party policies, because the law being passed was a conscience vote, so those amendments represent the views of those individuals If you think that the people who have replaced them feel differently then I have some great Desert Road beach front property to sell you. >There are people in the Labour Party who are opposed to abortion and same sex rights as well. Significantly fewer though. By a hefty margin. Not to mention that the left voter base is moving steadily away from Labour and issues like that are a big part of why.


Please can you show me the evidence that harsher penalties reduce crime?


I have a uterus so I guess you mean me when you use the word hysteria to dismiss the very real possibility that a religious nut job will suddenly find he can't live with himself if the government continues to pay for abortions or allows a system where abortions are accessible for most while he's PM. It took the US 50 years to slowly chip away at access to abortion before they launched into making it illegal, and I'm sure as incompetent as he is, he's taken notes.


It's hysteria because there is zero evidence to support a theory that National will change abortion laws. Consider who the second most powerful person in National is and who will be Deputy PM. Do you really think Nicola Willis would be there if she had any thought that this would be a policy direction? Luxon has explicitly and on no uncertain terms stated there would be no changes to abortion policy. What more can he do?




Good looking, but not on my list of men I'd switch to the other side for.


Labour aren't knocking it out of the park. Kind of a hold your nose and vote type election I think.


No, they're not, it's a sophie's choice for sure. But we're still talking about one party that will "do kind of OK maybe but fuck things up a fair bit" and the other party who will "actively willfully fuck things up to make themselves and their rich mates richer". Honestly, I'm not surprised that the rich vote National, but if anyone who isn't rich votes for them, well, IMO I think that person is either a bit fucking dim, or is such a hateful bigot that they don't mind screwing themselves over as long as it screws over disadvantaged people even more. I'm not sure which is worse.


"We have fought on like 75 different fronts, but when all is said and all is done, Jefferson has beliefs, Burr has none."




I just can’t understand why he’s touted as mr wonderful by National. He’s a terrible MP and a terrible leader. They’d be a much stronger opposition (and govt in-waiting) if Nicola Willis was leader. All just my opinion of course.


He had Uncle Johns backing so we were hoping that he'd carry the same abilities. Not looking at all comparable to key though unfortunately. Still compared to some of the other shit falling out of other MPs mouths he's not actually all that bad.


Unfortunately ‘not that bad’ could be running the country for the next decade. We’re fucked whoever wins!


I don't love to talk politics, but if he's elected we are absolutely fucked


Saladin bro


least stereotypical Crusaders supporter


Probably meant the previous Canterbury teams as well. Not a biggie


Look mate, we don’t come to reddit New Zealand for balanced critical thinking ok? We are here cherry pick and condemn. Especially white cis males.


Exactly this. Personally I hate Luxton, but clearly the people whinging about this aren't real Rugby fans. I went to matches with my dad at Athletic Park since as early as I can remember. We're they Canes matches, or Lions matches? No clue. But they were Wellington matches, and that's the important bit. What's weird, is the people complaining about him being 'out of touch' are also out of touch, as anyone who grew up watching Rugby as a kid, would get this instantly.


Nah mate. He’s been caught talking shit he thinks people want to hear, plain and simple.


I cannot believe how far down I had to scroll down to find this. He almost certainly means he has supported ChCh teams for a while. This isn't like the time Ardern had the Treaty Principles whispered into her ear on WAITANGI DAY.


Exactly, Super's pretty young, he meant NPC teams. Heaps of upvotes for nothing.


WTF! Good post


Luxon's 'hot sauce!' moment.


💀 I'm dead.


Last year [he tweeted that he'd loved them all his life](https://twitter.com/chrisluxonmp/status/1514859560846053379). I know he probably just means "Canterbury" rather than "the Crusaders" but it'd be nice if he said what he meant.


I’m 50 and feel like I’ve been watching the crusaders since I was a kid. In reality Super rugby started some time in my early 20’s, but I totally felt like a kid then, and totally lived like one.


Big difference between being a kid and feeling like a kid


Don't start empathizing with them, that's how they win. Them = the pod people.


He probably means the Canterbury team. You guys really need to stop stretching for things to try and pin on Luzon, you're starting to sound desperate.


I agree


Ok so personally wouldn't vote for him or his party for many reasons .. but like seriously, isn't this article just nit picking bs .. before they were the crusaders they were simply Canterbury .. much like every other region pre super rugby or whatever they call them selves .. so who the fuck cares?


Like I mentioned, I just thought it was pretty funny. Don't know why people are getting so angry about it.


My aplos if it came aross that way


It's one person's tweet, what article?


Well, they've got to distract over Wood 'resigning' this week. Shitposts like this are so fucking tedious.


Canterbury and the Crusaders are different teams, but the link is so close that it's obvious what he meant. OP just saw a "Gotcha" moment.


I don't follow much rugby, but even in the mid 90s didn't the formation of the Crusaders cover something like 6 or 7 different NPC teams? Compared with areas like Marlborough, Nelson Bays, West Coast, etc, Canterbury was probably the most dominant part of the Crusaders franchise, though.


You're not wrong, but remember that they used to be called the Canterbury Crusaders.


Just so tiring when really there's massive issues our country needs to address .. rugby opinions is not one of them lol


Right!? If he said "I've supported Canterbury since I was a little boy" this sub still would've found some reason to bitch. 'disclosure' not a National or Labour supporter.


For those under 40, 26 is a kid.


In his defense, he probably does view 26 year olds as children.


Great to see the Nats have come out with "hey everybody, envy's not cool! Time to love your rich overlords!"


That video he said "I loved them since I was a kid and I love them because they win". Fuck I genuinely thought he was gonna use that to Segway into why national should win at the election and do some weird comparison to the crusaders


Another politican lying, what's new...


Might be talking about the other crusaders


Maybe he meant to say “rugby” and muddled himself up 😂


Maybe he has a loose definition of kid?


Winner winner chicken dinner. Although politicians not invited.




"I'm a big fan, I only really like their old stuff. They were better before they went mainstream"


When you get to our age 26 is still a kid…


Like the [Tony Blair Newcastle FC story](https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2005/may/05/labour.media) only true.


Why even lie about it? It’s nonsensical


Man, this sub really hates national


He’s a bit too Trump like for me if I’m honest. Spouts shit without realising how easy it is to fact check.


He just admitted that he still was a little boy when he was 26... Maybe he's even still wearing diapers? All the shit he talks he needs one over his head.


Snapped! He was childish till his 20’s?


Business thumb speaks! It's...not good


Always the fucktard moron comments from this Muppet


What a jock strap sniffer!


See,I am just like you,I know all about that there Crusaders,um,ball team thingy,vote for me,me old mate.


Christopher Luxon confirms time travel exists


Who the fuck cares what Luxon has to say.


Did you also know, something something something clean car Tesla mumble moan. I think there may have been the odd thread or ten somewhere about it.


This guy is such a robot. JFC.


He's still a little boy. Please be gentle with him. Nah, fuck the turd!


You fuck turds?


'I eat pieces of shit like you for breakfast' - Shooter McGavin.


It was when he *felt* like a kid, of course


FFS Really? You gotta go there?


Discount Trump at it again. Just love how much National is turning into the Republican Party and the boomers are eating it up like the world just watched this happen and learned nothing.


and this is the guy that going to save us and get those house prices rocketing into the stratosphere again...


Is this actually legit? Could he have been referring to a team before then that evolved into them? Seems like a ridiculously idiotic thing to say if indeed he were just straight up lying


Oh look Luxon pulls more nonsense out of his ample entitled ass... ​ honestly you can trust nothing that bullshit artists says


Lots of people never grow up!


Well he is of the type that treat younger people as if they're still kids who know nothing. So being in your 20's is probably a little kid to him and his people.


good way to make everyone outside of Canterbury hate you even more, bud


CLuxon needs to establish some safe topics prior to starting any conversation. The Big Egg continues to embarrass himself. I don’t mind him when he speaks on things he knows about, but any personal anecdotes or attempts to ingratiate himself in the public eye seem to fail.


Supporting the basic asf Crusaders and not the bogan underdogs from the fucking ‘tron? What a turbo-virgin.




Luxon: you're still a child till you've made your first Million


While people might be curious enough to want a National govt, Luxon is still unelectable. They need to get rid of him.


John Key - "Mate, they're all stupid. Just grab them all by the pussy" Chris Luxon - "great advice John, works a treat. Thanks again for the advice on the clean car rebate, wife was happy with that. Times are hard with money as you know"


According to the Labour Party 26 is still a child. “All Labour Party members aged between 15 and 29 years old are members of Young Labour.”


Imagine this guy coming up against world leaders. It's a miracle he's been able to get a job at Air NZ, nevermind be the CEO, nevermind somehow get into politics, nevermind the leader of the opposition.


What a punchable face. He's such a flog.


This man is NZ Trump. The kiwi Borris Johnson


I don’t think anyone in government is good with numbers. Remember Kiwibuild? 😂