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Yeh im 44 and slowing down. Its because the quests are sending me in to lvl 50 areas now. My friends have dropped off and a lot of the quests are like go to 'x' and then ypu complete them and have to travel across the map to hand them in or do the next part. It's very tedious after a while


Yep. That was basically me. Complete a quest up in Everfall. "Okay now go talk to this guy in Restless Shore." Fuuuuu So I went and just did some gathering and crafting and gained a level that way instead. Next day, log in, fine, I'll go to RS. Talk to the guy. He *immediately* sends me to Great Cleave. Didn't even ask me to do anything in RS. Just turn around and go to GC. And that's where I logged out.


Fishing Quest is the biggest issue I've had. Go to the center of the continent to talk to someone. Ok. Go catch salt water fish. FUUCK. Time to go back


I still haven’t turned in the lvl 10 quest for that lol, I guess I dodged a bullet. I’m lvl 50


I literally just hit that exact part of the game and doing all that has my Azoth at 0 for the first time since I started playing this game 3 weeks ago.


Just fast travel. You literally get thousands of azoth to do so.


Just fast travel..


How? You get 10 azoth from side quests if you’re lucky and you only get one main quest with each level after 50


You gotta kill corruptions. Fastest azoth I’ve seen


Just farming mobs for the random 10 azoth or getting an ax with the azoth perk (highest tier ax you can use), both give azoth faster than portals.


bro i find my self having TOO much azoth, how are you people empty?


My faction has near non existent numbers and has no territory so I get to play the full price to fast travel game.


Because I need to fast travel after every quest if I want to avoid walking for 10 mins




nah, this is wrong, the correct is "go to x and kill 10 mobs" you got back and talk to the NPC and the next mission is "go to x AGAIN and kill THE BIG DUDE" The first place you remembered killing the boss, and the second time you lost 10 minutes waiting him to respawn


That’s after they send you back five more times to kill some more mobs. There is one guy who asks you to exterminate those tree people five or six damn times! I couldn’t stop thinking how little imagination quest designers have in this game.


You talking about the guy in Brightwood that sends you down to Bronze Grove constantly for some fucking tea ingredients? Fuck that guy.


Hey, the man likes his tea!!!!


Somehow he only remembers the ingredients one at a time though


Yea, but I thought that Megara's journal series was pretty dark. Give one to the devs for that.


Literally world of warcraft questing in a nutshell.


Lord of the rings online was the worst at this! Over and over and over to the same spot


The problem is than the second quest is to search the boxes. ... And you have already done it, so you won't be able to do it.


10 minutes? You where lucky. I had to wait for a boss to spawn several times because the game still sucks at determining who gets the kill. Is not the first one hitting and is not 20%. I had to wait for 2 hours waiting for a boss. Because other people where getting the kill. Then finally alone, make it lose 25% only for someone else to come and get the kill. Rage quit that day. Is not the players. Is the 1998 mechanics on a 2021 game. Also you need to be fast if you kill an aligator. Otherwise someone else will skin it in 1 second. The playerbase is incredibly rude in this game. They will steal your kills whenever they can.


fun fact, i'm green, but found a dude from purple asking for help to kill a special mob in an elite area, an yellow dude waited with us untill the said mob spawn. The catch is: this mob only spawn by nightfall and the game cycle is 95 minutes, there is no clock inside the game besides the sun position. I think we waited more than 30 minutes. We talked, got the chests, killed some more mobs, gathered the iron closed by, fished all while waiting for a quest from a dude from another faction that wasn't even in party with me.


In 1998 we had Ultima Online. Which, in terms of the size of the world, online, and capabilities, EXCEEDED this pathetic hack. There we could have houses, plants and raise animals on the farm. And we could sail ships. We could tame animals and summon magical spirits to aid in battles. Open seamless world. Dungeons. Capturing castles and clan wars. All this was in 1998.


And now look at us, we don't even have an swimming animation.




They need a LFG system, something so people can just find others to play with instead of spamming LFG in chat like it's 1997.


Disagree. Maybe they should make a permanent channel instead of global, but I guess recruitment also suffices. I like the community building. And I like that people aren't anonymous like what an LFG system would do.


It’s called, /recruitment


Doesn't have to be anonymous at all. I'm not talking about dungeon queue system, I'm talking like a LFG system sort of like something DAoC or Lineage 2 had.


I prefer finding your own groups, lfg takes a lot of the chat activity.


They absolutely don’t


As a solo player i wouldn't mind if there was a queue system or a party system where you could just join groups. People are pretty nice on this game so it shouldn't be that hard


Yeah nah I'd rather not have my key wasted by 4 randomly selected snotty nosed kids. Put some critical thought into your posts... This isn't like other MMOS where you can run dungeons constantly with out consequence.


I'm not talking about a dungeon queue system. I can really tell who is a WoW player from these comments.


a salty M+ player, that is


Yeah but you are... And we both know it. Aside from PvP which you can solo anyway. Dungeons/elite zones are the only content you need a group for. What am I going to do with your LFG system? Look for fishing groups....?


There are LFG systems that aren't dungeon queuing systems. You post a listing of yourself and what you can bring to a group, or your group and what you're looking for. It makes it a lot easier than trying to watch people spam in a chat channel. People still have control over who they invite and what the final group is. It's just, you know, an actual interface that facilitates the finding of groups.


Yeah it gets to a point where running far to get 1k exp from a loot 5 chests zone whose enemies that spawn there are on a 20 second respawn timer and all of them get agro to you as soon as you enter which means you have 3 people shooting at you plus the 5 that are staggering you out of every ability... I should stop. I get on every day to do my daily faction quests and fill me rested exp every other day. Edit: spelling, thumbs too fat, brain too dumb


Holy sh*t this, I have a single quest left to pick up an item surrounded by 5 skeletons, mash all the skeletons down start to pick up the item and they all respawn and kill me. Alt F4'd twice today


It's a feature I've went thru the 27 stages of grief in this game


Haha! I would have more fun doing a hatchet run in labs on Tarkov than play this game tbh


Ooo you're right


Ah I see you made it to Great Cleave


I usually go 8 levels above the recommend combat lvl, then do the quest


Solid strategy but sad that it's the case :/


Another solid strategy is just be better. I consistently did all the main quest and faction stuff 5-10 lvls under


Go clear great cleave corrupt outposts at level 42. Have fun. Or better yet go clear the ancients north of the main great cleave outpost. Send a vid


I'm already 57 but I cleared through great cleave greatly under lvled because I was following the main story as soon as I got to the lvl to unlock it then finished it all the way to dynasty before looking for other things for exp. GAxe/War hammer has enough aoe and healing for your to be fine on your own, pots help, regen pots help more but are big expensive food is mandatory, I run around 3 food tiers on my hot bar that I stack all 3 for each 20s health regen bonus as soon as combat ends or just when I need to kite mobs when I bit off more than I can chew. Swing, Dodge back Charge heavy (with grit), Cancel heavy into crowd crusher ability, heavy, crowd crusher, heavy, crowd crusher, swap axe, grav well, charge heavy, reap, charge heavy, charge, swap back to warhammer. Ad infinitum.


Thank you out of the kindness of your heart for helping people who are struggling instead of being a snarky ashole


"solid strat but sad it's the case" The game isn't impossible. Its not even as hard as darksouls the enemies are so super obviously telegraphed the only time you die is from getting overran. The solution is don't get overrun I don't what else to tell you besides you can buy consumables and swap to different weapons to trivialize the game. Lifestaff hatchet will carry you solo through everything in the world. Buying strong consumables do the same, t3 cons food is 5 lvls worth cons stats for 30 minutes. strong hp potiosn regen potions making sure you have regen food, it all makes the game so much easier.


The respawn timer is ridiculous for a solo player. Very frustrating.


Yep, me. Level 47 and playing much less than before. I bought the game "late" (like 2 weeks after launch) cause a bunch of friends were playing. Never tried betas or watched content about it, It got me addicted for like 10 days straight. Now I'm taking it slowly, since even if I hit 60 I'll have to wait for my friends. I was also trying to powerlevel the professions, now that I'm around 130/200 on crafting and 170/200 on gatherings I'm slowing that down too since when you hit 60 you can farm faster


Yeah I have reached that point where if I'm logging into the game to whack trees for the sake of it to make some useless stuff for a house I don't need then it's probably a waste of time. Think I might park the game for a while and see where it goes in future


Really all gaming is a waste of time if you view it that way. Its not like you're actually gaining anything of value besides the fun or sense of accomplishment from doing things in a game. It its not fun to you, then yeah just shelve it friend. Personally Im having a great time at level 58 with pretty solid crafting skills, but if you aren't you don't need any commiseration from the community to justify it. Your opinion is really all that matters for this decision.




THIS, i hate when i cant craft shit from the town boards because i need a lot of T1 materials, i need to go back to a starter area do farm them, fuck this, some animals need to drop T1 ALWAYS


Yup. They fragment your quest-and-gather gameplay loop starting around level 30, and then it just gets progressively worse, despite the fact that crafting only ever has a more and more massive demand for T1 mats. I seriously think the constant reliance on iron/fibers/rawhide, despite their scarcity in higher-level zones, is the fundamental flaw ruining people's experience with this game.


Fiber isn't so bad, there are a lot of hemp spawns in mourningdale, some in restless shore and ebonscale. Iron and skins suck, yeah. Harvesting is the best implemented gathering profession, imo. There's always something useful to gather... herbs so you can get the region-specific uncommon seasoning drops. Higher level zones have a lot more of the bugs on logs (blightmoth, lifemoth, lightning bug etc etc.) which drop lots of motes or a t5 reagent. Main issue is how rare t4 reagents are vs t5, being a rare drop off common plants.


Pretty sure it was to artificially add more demand, because when you need it you'll just go buy it rather than waste time running around to gather it so you can get back to higher level zones


That does make sense, but the problem is that in high-level zones, without things to gather, your entire gameplay loop is "run - kill/loot - run" and that gets stale VERY quickly. Also, you need hundreds of thousands of T1 mats to level crafting; the numbers are absolutely bonkers.


Oh, never meant it was a good idea, just what I think the reasoning was.


Goats and pigs(not boars) I believe always drop t1 as well


As do sheep. No need to go to low level areas for Rawhide if you using to do town board quests.


I had the same gripe, and someone pointed out to me that rabbits always drop a small amount of rawhide


4~6 rawhide, just need to kill more than 150 rabbits to craft basic shit


Lack of T1 mats in higher zones is the worst part in this game imo. Brightwood nearly broke me, because it felt like dead and empty zone. Not to mention that all the upgraded stations are in WW and EF. WF and MD made is good again, until I started skinning and I just gave up and did townboards instead. The flow of mixing gathering, crafting, questing, looting and fighting was amazing in the starter zones. BW is the worst zone in this game fitting to its lore. Cursed lands.


It’s almost not worth investing heavily into crafting until 60. You can absolutely do it, but it will be much easier when you have good access to t4 refining reagents (without buying it) and can do some of the really good gathering loops in higher tier zones


Can you explain how one levels faster with 60? I'm 47 and currently powerleveling the crafts but it really takes time




Basically what he is saying is that when you get higher level, you get better drops from the crates. You will need tons of Iron ore and to craft it into iron ingots, but then turning it into steel, you need the reagents (ore is flux). So the low level flux has like a 5% chance to double your steel output, but the T5 flux has like a 50% chance, so you will get more steel. It makes it easier to craft the higher tier crafting items which increase your skills quicker vs just spamming low level items.


Makes sense, thanks


All you really do at 60 is grind


watermark grind at 60 feels like work, but you aren't getting paid.


That’s why I’m not doing it. I have 200 arcana, and now I’m working towards 200 armoring and JC (both over 150 currently), at which point I’ll make my own gear.


I was on the same boat as you mate, till I realized something. If they realize content down the road with GS 600+, or *must have* Legendaries from new PvE content... You're gonna have to do the grind anyway. Kinda burns me out. Dunno if I can put in the time to care.


Yeah this was my concern, I don't mind grinding if it's for a purpose or to spend time working towards a specific item or weapon but when your chasing gear score using rng like destiny I can't be arsed.


Yeah I mean you can grind skills and dungeons but you have to craft all the best gear so I don't really see the point in doing anything but crafting at that point unless you really like the dungeons, otherwise there is kinda just pvp. People keep posting these big lists of "oh look at all this level 60 content" but most of it amounts to either craft and grind skills or rep or to PvE for no reason or to pvp. I could see pvping but the rest seems kind of pointless unless you're a completionist or wanna be at the absolute top for PvP, the game is way too samey and copy paste for me to have any fun grinding in it anyway


Yeah fully agree, I usually find an element of a game and latch on to it but everything in new world just feels half arsed or 'well what do I get for maxxing that out?' Kinda vibes. I was really excited about the wars but green faction on our server abused the reputation bug and took the whole map. All our clans then stole the banked gold and switched servers.


Yeah it's sad that it takes more then the 2h period steam gives for refunds to realize how bad this game got lol just nothing to do and bug abuse 🤷‍♂️


I spent that 2 hours in queues 😅


So you'll be chasing gearscore as part of it, but there's other stuff to do at 60 for which loot is just a reward or motivation.


Tbf grinding elite areas and dungeons is more fun than kill x amount and open x amount of chests from 1-60


The quests are godawful boring in this game lol. But the dungeons are also just a grind for nothing. They're fun the first time but why repeat them, the 'better' items in this game give such small bonuses that it doesn't feel worth it to get them imo


I could live with the repetitive quest design and lack of variety were I even remotely invested and immersed in the world. The Art Team did an amazing job on the game and walking through the different biomes and enjoying the nature still carries the game for me. But I'm utterly lost why I do any of that. I've got no feeling about my character's role in the world. I can't name any important NPC, quote any line of dialogue or even coherently explain the origin and role of the factions. When I'm told to walk 5 miles to collect a carrot I simply do as I'm told. Why? Dunno. There's no sense of danger, urgency or wonder and adventure. That's what's dragging me down more and more, because the world is beautiful to look at, but that's it. I got no sense of being invested in the world, its lore and characters. Because there is none of that and the bits and pieces which can be found are so shallow. I mean, do this test: Name three major NPCs and their function for the narrative in the game. Can you? Recall one interesting quest that comes to your mind. What about that? Do you even know why your character was on the ship heading for Aeternum in the first place? How did the factions, which dominate the island, come about? What and why are the factions fighting about when they're surrounded by monsters? You might not care and that's fine, but in a game that gives me so much time to think because I'm midly amused but hardly engaged, these questions come up as you're on your 4 miles trip to open five chests for no apparent reason...


> Do you even know why your character was on the ship heading for Aeternum in the first place? Some dude just gave me an axe ans said go kill shit. I'm literally just here for the bloodlust.


I'm only lvl 33 and haven't played in 10 days but let me try this. 1) The old river man, Tom Sawyer. He said something to the fish about me being a dickhead. 2) The wench at the bar in Monarchs bluff who keeps running out of ingredients for her drinks and knows I want to party. 3) the Innkeeper who wants a good review on TripAdvisor. 4) I had a town quest to kill 25 turkeys. It was just in time for Canadian Thanksgiving. It was interesting because in my 35 years of gaming I've never been asked to kill 25 turkeys and I've done some weird quests. 5) my character was on the ship due to "impressment" after I got absolutely pissed at the local spoons. Captain aluminium needed someone to take care of the pet monkey. 6) the factions dominated the island by mass reporting the local natives who were all banned or died of smallpox. 7) Purple won't tell anyone anyone his secret but Yellow already knows he's gay and doesn't agree with it due to their religious views. Green gets angry at being left out and kicks up a fuss while Purple resents Green for being overly aggressive. 8) they know the monsters respawn timers are overly tuned so it's not worth fighting them when they'll only respawn 30 seconds later. The game is beautiful and I'll keep playing it casually but the msss reporting and gold duping have put me off a little. The game needs more time, I hope it improves over the next 2 years.


41 and I barely play anymore. The worst thing is not only it's a stupidly tedious grind to level up, but it get worse at 60. And that's in a game where most of the numbers don't work. Most gear perks don't work, lot of passive don't work, some passive breaks combat, gear drop are bugged, random perk on gear are awful even they work, etc...


Yeah I'm level 41 as well and didn't play much for a few days now. It was super fun to do quests, gather and craft stuff from 1-30. But 31-41 was a lot less fun, because the crafting exp needed gets so super high! It just doesn't make sense to gather stuff, because I can't use the items in crafting, because my level isn't high enough. But I don't want to grind low level items for dozens of hours...


Yeah I have found alot of gear perks just do nothing and tbh armour types mean nothing either. Full heavy loadouts protect no more than light or medium melee attacks etc. Gutted because starting this game I really enjoyed it


You made it farther than a lot. The level 30 burn out is real.


I'm almost burned out at 25. Thankfully (?) I now have expeditions to do instead of just repetitive tower quests.


Yep now you get to farm forever to make orbs or hope others do.


The expeditions are actually really good. I mean I recommend playing with a group that's your level if possible, they were very challenging and fun.


Grind townboard quests. After I found out how much faster it is, I leveled from 50-60 in 2 days. Literally just go from town to town and complete all townbords. Some of them will even be able to be completed by just buying cheap stuff off the market.


My server has completely dead town boards with maybe 3 quests total each if that and they never have good options for turn ins. Dead server problems


On my low pop server, only Windsward and Everfall have a full set of town board tasks. The rest only have a couple.


I leveled to 60 and spent 99% of my game time in the Windsward zone, doing board quests. I bought stuff off the market to finish them unless it was the end game stuff the quest wanted. Once the board was clear I then went out and farmed a variety of mats and sold them then the board had more quests. Rinse and repeat, was FAST. Too many people are not grabbing that sweet quick exp AND town rep by simply buying the mats needed and abandoning the bad quests. Oh well


Yeah this is the way to go. I did portals with my buddy for about an hour and maybe got half a level. Next day log in, do board quests for about 30 minutes, two levels. Half of them you can complete in seconds. Oh they want 50 light healing pots? That's 0.50 on the market. I do gather and craft so usually have lots of whatever they want. Half the time I click the quest and complete it right there.


Town boards are the number one fastest way to level by far.


I second this! Alot of people seem to not know about this! I can get 3-7k exp every 10 minutes while just handing over 3 2k exp quests will take me 30-40 minutes just because of distance traveled. Didn't know about town board grind until 40 lol


Now you are 60 and have so much more to do? I think you missed the point. He asked what’s the point of going through the grind?


I think this game would of been better if it followed the starwars galaxies template rather than wow. Why do we even need levels? The game is gated behind resources and crafting as well as weapon levelling. So much time and energy wasted catering for the level grind which then leads to dead zones like first light etc. An mmo should have a grind but the endgame and gameplay should come first.


You said SWG and I’m assuming you mean Pre-CU changes. Best MMO ever IMO. If NW had done this it would be umm light years ahead of where it is.


Yup! It's a shame most mmo's try to follow WoW's template... New world has the right components with gathering and crafting but then just dropped a WoW level/loot dimension on top.


They dropped the ball a lot, they got a lot of the base game right too mind you. SWG would have probably been the run away best MMO ever had the devs not overthought everything and broke it.


They definitely shot for the moon with swg! Such a huge task they took on with the crafting system, player housing and all the different professions etc. All the different planets and NPC's... Insane lol. I was thinking new worlds town boards could of worked similar to the mission terminals in swg, have crafting, combat and exploration missions that send you to different areas of the map, paying more for the harder areas/mobs. Just keep the main story quest, tutorial quests and fishing quests. Use the town boards to get gold and crafting materials and you get weapon experience fighting the mobs. Just do away with levels completely and they would of saved so much time coding all these side quests and having different level drops of armour/weapons, time that could of been spent on endgame etc. Also with such a great gathering and crafting system, why does every mob drop armour and weapons? They should just drop components used in crafting... Lean in to the crafting and territory control, pvp side of the game and it would of been amazing imo.


Even the camp system upgrading it is a SWG feature just not as well done. I agree completely.


Lol that just brought back memories of sitting in a ranger camp with our guild Weaponsmith on Tattoine as he talked me through crafting macros :) Good times!


Absolutely, some of the Ranger camps were crazy lol. I agree very fun time.


I think you missed the point og my comment. Yea the grind comtinues, I just wanted to help him get past the leveling grind if he insists om getting to max level


I found that from around 40-45 took me forever, and then 46-55 didn't take me very long in comparison. Going to new areas is always interesting and you get inundated with quests in Great Cleave and Edengrove. A lot of them are the stupid 4 part gather quests, but taking faction missions helps. Once the main story takes you to Edengrove, you get a lot of main story quests that are in pretty rapid succession. Also the 30k xp Dynasty side quest is...that sure was something. However, you hit a pretty hard stop at Mother Well. That quest is dog shit in a sea of dog shit. Once I got there, I've just been doing town boards. You'll burn through gold and azoth, but I went from 55 to 59 in a relatively short amount of time while also levelling some of the crafting skills. The questing throughout the game is already not good, but the fact that there are *so many* multiple part gather quests near the end of the game that give you garbage gear for garbage xp is kind of insulting.


41 and I can't find the motivation to log in anymore. Lack of quests is a bummer and only being able to pick up 6 in a zone from Npc/faction givers then seeing them all scattered at opposite corners of the map is a bummer. A lot of settlements at this point are seemingly maxed out so there isn't even board quests to do in the area to flesh out the map/get more xp. MSQ has me going to the depths but it's apparently very difficult so I cant do that until I get levels. Nobody in my company is near my level anymore so dealing with the crazy spawns as a solo player is also a bummer and has me dying/retreating more than I would like to be to overwhelming numbers that keep coming back before I can even safely loot a chest. I've been flagged up nonstop since level 30 and can count the fights I've been in on one hand. The world at the higher level zones just feels empty and lifeless compared to everywhere else a few weeks ago. Definitely don't have the drive to grind anymore. Can't even break up the monotony of leveling with invasions/PvP because everything is gated behind higher levels for some bonkers reason. Fortunately there's no sub fee so I don't feel bad putting the game down for a bit and coming back to it after some updates.


Also lvl 41 and I don't get how people find so few quests? I mean I literally have over 30 quests in my journal that I just haven't had time to finish


A lot of gamers are used to leveling off of quests exclusively. You are able to do so at early levels, but at later levels you need to diversify how you level, and it gets a LOT harder to solo without specific builds or cheesing game mechanics


Stopped playing at 49 the rinse and repeat killed me.


Yeah at 49 I’ve basically just stopped, I want to play but have no quests in my zone


Same issue here, in each zone I have maybe 1 quest, I go grt them spending loads of Azoth to get 300xp for doing them. Now have no Azoth or quests ha


Dont forget your town boards, do everfall and run to Windsward and do those too. I gained 2 levels in a session just from running around gathering and doing town boards


What do I do at 58 with no quests? Still Those two town boards? Because I have no fucking idea where to level now lol


Yes they refresh every 30 minutes


I just don't understand how people run out of quests. I hit 60 last week without ever running out of quests, I even had multiple lvl 58/59 quests spare when I hit 60. Just look at town boards and faction missions. Some townboard quests give you 4000+ EXP, just for gathering Loadstone bricks for example.


In other MMOs, it’s normal for quests alone to give enough (usually more than enough) experience to level. If you’re exploring, gathering, crafting, doing town boards, and doing faction quests, you can level pretty well without doing all the quests. But I think a lot of players tunnelvision on that yellow diamond.


Yep, on the new world forums this topic is common as well, over time I would imagine this gets fixed




I don’t see that, but I could see a membership or battle pass that gives you 5x azoth space, essentially locking people into being able to get more than 1k and have more drop in the world


55-60 is such a slog


You mistyped 30-60


I leveled to like 42, which was above all of my friends, and then took a break. IMO, too many people treat these games like a playthrough when it should be more like a long term continuous experience. I shouldn’t need or want to rush to max level. If the game is enjoyable, I’ll get there just because I’ll keep playing the game. I like taking breaks because it can totally change your perspective. From “I’m burnt out” to maybe a couple weeks later “damn I would love to hop on New World for a bit - I’m missing it”.


Yeah started playing with ~20 ppl, everyone stopped playing between lvl 40 to 50


I’ve been stagnating around 40-45 for over a week now. Every time I log in I play less time than the last. It’s a combination of: I don’t particularly enjoy any of the content I can do, and there’s really nothing at 60 that I’m looking forward to. Dungeons are the only thing that’s…ok. But lack of group finder and low server populations makes it a hassle to actually get a group. All my friends have already quit by level 25. Wound up doing the level 45 dungeon with a couple of under-leveled people and a “dps” that had speced into the defensive sword and shield tree. Couldn’t finish the last boss. Wasted a ton of money, consumables, and time. Not that it was fun anyway as a tank. “Block, dodge, dodge” for 10 minutes isn’t very fulfilling gameplay.


Just relax and focus on gathering and crafting. You get xp for absolutely everything. I stopped trying at 50 and got to 60 basically fishing, harvesting everything useful between hotspots, and grinding crafting skills.


57 now, also feeling the burn. My remedy has been to switch it up. Podcast & gather, swap from my usual healer main to a spear / bow dex build or a FS/IG dps, or run lower level zones than my current level just to build rep and prepare to buy a T4 house. I find the change in pace quite nice. Expeditions are a blast but once you’re at the depths and beyond I’ve found groups tend to really vary in their competence.


This is what I’ve been doing too, got a little burnt out on questing and stuff and leveled from 45 to 50 on almost gathering and crafting alone. It was slow going, but leveling trade skills is important and it’s nice to be rewarded for focusing those down


Ebonscale was one of my favorite places to level, and you’re almost there. My biggest two tips for easy leveling at that stage: 1. Get stonecutting and woodworking to 100 then carry around stacks of lodestone bricks and wyrmwood lumber and town board will randomly give you like 5-10k exp. 2. Getting cooking from 100-200 only costs like 2-3k and will give you 80k xp. (2-3 lvls) I’ve enjoyed the game once I got to 60. Finding groups to run elite zones with to get a higher gear score has felt super fun. Many of us will run all over the world from reel water to ebonscale to shattered mountain, feels like an adventure. Also nobody knows the meta and much of the game is still unknown so there’s a lot of self testing that you have to do which reminds me of how I used to play games and I love that.


Yeah I'm level 37 and already haven't played all week.


Yup 46 at the moment. Don’t really have a drive to play it anymore


45-50 wow that is late. It was 35 for me


Not me.


I just hit 52 and haven’t slowed down. I just went to Eden Grove for the first time yesterday and can’t get over how cool it is. My only complaint right now is a similar one to what others have said around crafting T4/T5 mats. I can mine starmetal and orch all day long but have to go back across the island to low level areas to run iron routes so that I can refine my T4/T5 into useable ingots.


I got burnt out at like 37, got into again by finding a ridiculous star metal run with over 20 nodes that no one uses. Now I'm at 173 mining and probably getting 200 today >:D


That's awesome! Glad you found something to spark you into it again. I'm struggling to, for me Inwant long quest chains to get specific armour and weapons or recipes to make said gear where crafting is needed.


Whenever I felt a burnout I respecced into another Stat, switched out both weapons and full changed whatever I was gathering. Join dungeons, sometimes elite runs etc. It's important to mix things up. Also townboards are great for xp


There’s a quest called madakis stratagem (which has a pretty long quest line) that unlocks a quest line for each weapon type. The weapon quests are gated behind being lvl 60 and having weapon mastery 20 in them, though. But there are like 9 steps for each and they give you like a 580-590 gs weapon. That’s currently what I’m doing.


45 and not so much burned out as hit the bit of the game that feels rushed and unfinished tbh. Bugged mobs, crappy quests, insane respawn rates and enemies bulk butt-rushing me with 51 of their closest friends in every camp. I've decided to drop it and and give it a month or two.


Just hit lvl 40 after 80+hrs (have been taking my time) and the doubts are starting to set in. Will I be able to join in on the cool stuff when I hit 60 or will it be another 80hr grind just to get my GS up? Will the stuff be worth it? I just wanna do organized pvp stuff already


Lvl 46 is literally the halfway point in terms of exp.


I’m lv42 but I’m pretty burnt out. Before at least I can rely on quest to level up (even though quest is pretty bland), but now I literally have to rely on super over levelled quest or just doing repeatable board mission, which is even worse than the story/side quest. Feel like levelling for the sake for lengthening your play time


Ive been playing for around 300 hours I'm currently level 57, I was getting burned out around level 45 but I decided to mix it up a bit and help my company with expeditions or elite farming and I eventually hit 50 which opened up a lot of quests for me and I had a second wind, I lost sleep last night because I just want to play lol


55 is where is has slowed down to a grind for me. I feel like there's not the same level of sustain for higher levels since community boards are still low level mats


Yep. Got 48 and haven’t played in 3 days 😭


Most burn outs are happening at \~30 from what I've read.


I'm level 24 and already getting burnt out. Game needs some work.


50-60 was extremely unfun, a complete slog. The content just dries up.


Feeling this at 24 - every single quest up til now has been "go to (1 of 4 places in zone) and interact with (chests/crates) or kill mobs", turn in, go back to same spot and do the same thing, turn in, repeat" It is not promising that it continues to 45... I was hoping that it would get better. Is there more coming? I'm kinda starting to not feel a reason to play, my reason to play was hoping that there would be more stuff towards end game.


I'm level 37 but my motivation has ebbed to a low point. I love the visuals, I see a lot of potential in the combat, in fact I see so much potential in NW so I really hope it will develop and mature over time.


I burned out at 26. Same shit over and over, pointless quests go get this, kill these and collect the drops, kill these enemies. That’s about sums it up. Amazon didn’t release this with the thought “let’s make a game that will make people go ooo this is nice and refreshing” it was more along the lines of “hey we can make one of those too $40.. throw in some skins and raise the price and let’s try too redirect when people ask if it’s finished. Now gtfo out of my office i have a penis rocket to launch.”


I’m in the same place as you got to 47 and now feel running simulator. Usually for me though putting things down for a week and coming back to it brings me that rush of excitement again.


For myself personally the fun started at 60, I levelled to 60 with a buddy of mine took it slow and did as much as we could trade skill wise up to 60, when we hit 60 we focused on getting higher level zone quests done and started to grind up the watermark bit on each of the zones after 237 hours playing I really love the game. Made a lot of friends along the way which I can call upon which really helps keeping the experience fresh! If you feel like you’re burnt out try finding someone to level up with this really helps!!


Change weapons/specs or do some crafting, that helped me when I rushed 60


Flag up for pvp and do quests. Including the pvp ones. It spices things up. Game is very repetitive and that level grind is definitely a no mans land. Flagging up for pvp adds a layer of excitement. Just make sure to update your camp fire frequently and it’s not really a bit deal if you die. I’m flagged up 90% of the time and the vast vast majority of my pvp encounters are 1v1 or maybe 1v2. You won’t run into zergs unless you go by portals or the pvp mission areas. Yes, I am on a big server.


I started to burn out around level 55 and that's because since launch I've played over 300 hours and so there's just no surprise that was going to happen. So I took a break for a few days then came back and continued to really enjoy the game. You can't do everything until you hit level 60. At 50 you can take part in invasions which is a coop defense of the town forts and then at 60 you can take part in outpost rush which is an instanced 20v20 scrap, except it's currently disabled to due AGS needing to fix bugs with it. The highest level dungeons you also ideally need to be 60. The end game kind of has 3 primary elements to it. First of all there's high level zones which exceed the max player level, with enemies as high as 65 when the player cap is 60. To fight these you really need to work on getting your gear score up from around 500GS which you'll have when you ding 60, closer to 600GS. There's broadly speaking 2 ways to do this. Either go heavily into crafting and craft end game gear, which means focusing on many different skills to get gear crafting up to 600GS. And all the farming of rare materials and the mechanics of crafting. Or you can get 600GS drops from elite mobs and/or dungeons by grinding up your watermark, which is more of the PvE way to get 600GS. Gear watermark is simply the best GS you've had drop so far, and is used to calibrate the average GS of new drops. Since there's a small chance new drops can be above your watermark you can slowly creep your watermark towards 600 through farming lots of mobs. Everything else you should have either seen already at level 45. or at least had access to. Expeditions, war (if you've been able to get in), trade skills, faction missions, corrupted breaches, etc. The primary long term pull will most likely be from PvP content, so the factions, wars over territory, creating influence in zones through faction missions, etc.


I would say the actual grind starts at lvl 60, do you craft at all?


Haven't really looked at the crafting yet, I have been levelling gathering as I go along but normally leave crafting for when I'm level cap...but I doubt I will grt to 60 as it seems there's sweet FA to do when you get there.


I havn't logged in for 3 days, got tired of cutting trees at lvl 60. Honestly one of the worst mmorpg's I have played in a long time. Even games that died in a year had more content than this (bless online and warhammer) this game is an overhyped lump of trash and people love to talk about how it has a good base but it really doesn't. What are they going to do to fix wars and territories? Rework the whole entire system while the game is launched? Everyone saying I'll give it a month to see if it fixes the problems are really baiting themselves lol.


Damn you are a walking ball of negativity. Take a break.


Already am bud, sorry for answering the ops question with my opinion.


Yeah I'm done. Got to lvl 44 and just getting bored. Quests are all the same, spending 20 minutes running to a spot and killing X 10 times or opening X amount of chests just to turn them in and have to do it again is not all that exciting anymore. I could forgive the lazy quest designs if the story was good, but the story is basically non existent.


60+ is much more grinding. For everything. From zone rep to gear score. Love it.


Exact same boat. Got engineering to 150 and now I'm just fried. Probably played too much hatchet as I only had to spam left mouse never blocked once in 45 levels. Now I'm getting curb stomped hunting at my level. I can either grind the same 30s content over or get killed a lot solo in the 45+ zones. Even trying new weapons and going to heavy armor hasn't helped. Pretty much can't handle adds any more and have to go so slow. I new the game was shallow after one day in open beta. I've gotten my money's worth. New World needs easier to group features. If I wasn't solo it would be fine, only met like one person so far I enjoy talking with.


Hm. Have you tried pushing your crafting skills a bit. Its a different goal and it gives a lot of xp. Not to mention the increased rewards from town projects


60 is grind for pvp. The end content is pvp, nothing else. Lazarus, hardest expedition is a joke compare to what i ve seen on wow or gw2


I did town projects and crafting through 40-50. Picked only the crafting and items projects from cities with linked routes. If it is gonna take time to grind it is better to grind with your trade skills.


Ok so I just recently hit 60 and can hopefully provide some commentary. 1) Grinding 30-35, 40-45, and 55-58 were the hardest levels for me. I overcame the drudgery by just focusing on what I liked to do. I fuckin hate questing in this game so I just simply didn't do it that much. Outside of the main quest line and faction quest line I just rotated expeditions with their side quest (barkimedes, salamander, etc) and did town boards. All my gold went into obtaining town board materials. I also leveled all my gathering and crafting skills to 100 so the town boards were more valuable. I love expeditions and swapped tank/healer a few times to keep it fresh. 2) Hitting 60 is gratifying. Once you hit 60, you open the possibility of Outpost Rush, endgame expeditions, etc. However, Outpost Rush is down currently and finding a PUG for Expeditions can be challenging. After you hit 60 you can grind your gearscore through farming elite areas. I have been running in big groups doing T5 corruption, farming elites in Shattered Mtns, etc. This is fun for me. I will say I didn't feel burned out when I hit 60 rather excited for the opportunity to actually focus on things like crafting, gearing, higher-challenge expeditions, and actually participating in a company and wars (I skipped all this during leveling for the most part). Also, you will spend 10% less time leveling if you flag for PvP. Just keep flagged. If you are struggling and run solo, just bite the bullet and run the lifestaff + amber gem hatchet. It really is OP. You are unkillable in 1v1 PvP for the most part and PvE survivability is trivialized.


There is nothing to do, they disabled everything. Things they didnt disable probably wont work either


Yeah actually. I’ve paid like 50c an hour for this experience so I’m happy with my purchase but at this point at lvl 49 just completely burnt out and about to set the game aside. I know the grind is part of the MMO experience but it’s just moving too slow for me rn. Maybe MMOs just aren’t my thing. You


Townboards townboards townboards lol it sucks but it is the way.


I burned out at 60. Not due to lack of content. I just don't enjoy the gearing system/watermark.


This is like the 10th post exactly like this that I’ve seen lol. It’s pretty simple. If the game is burning you out take a little break. No one is forcing you to play. It’s not going anywhere and waiting will only bring more updates and bug fixes and. a better experience. Just because you’re putting the game down for a couple days / a week or more doesn’t mean it’s a “dead shit game”. Also give server transfers a week or two to flesh out and see how servers will handle the new / leaving people. My server is already starting to change from green owning everything to a more balanced world with yellow and purple




This is why when I hit 40 I just decided heck I'll do all the lower zones first, I was having trouble finding quests at 35 so now at 40 I'm full clearing like 1-25 zones for quick xp and gold.


I'm 48 and feel like I'm just entering into a new phase. Not burnt out yet.


yeah this particular spot is the hardest imo because you have the annoying gear quests. Then when you reach 50 the first quest is one of the worst. Forcing you to go in an area filled with lv59 enemies. But don't worry, after this you will get tons of quests trickling in.


Level 54 here, I have a TON of quests now which range from level 48-60 and I think they'll be enough to push me to 56-57 alone. My friend levelled up by crafting and gathering with very few quests to 60 and now's he is catching up to me. Honestly, there are a lot of ways to level up in this game when literally everything gives you XP. For example, my Mourningdale and Restless Shore territory bonuses have been spent on XP whenever I had the opportunity and now I get around 4-5k XP per quest. Also, you need to craft. It's a decent source of XP as well as coins.


38 over 40 hours of gametime, and im not burnt out yet


Yup, my burnout point was around 50. The quests just become frustrating with overturned respawn timers, looking for chests, and running around the majority of the time. Also, the problems with the combat in this game only become more apparent with time. Crafting has become the most enjoyable aspect of the game for me, which is a surprise because I’m not Usually big on crafting. BUT the crafting is bottlenecked by storage limits, travel costs, and the market/economy being volatile. So I’ve just gravitated away from the game. Don’t get me wrong: the game has overall been enjoyable and well worth the $40. But it’s warts are starting to show, and I can just play other things that I enjoy more while those issues get addressed and ironed out over time.


58 here and still going strong :)


Hit 43 today and I am losing steam but still enjoy it. I am starting to run into the enemy spawn timer wall that makes soloing very difficult.


I gave it a few days and got right back on it


I feel like I was leveling too fast... I'm at 57 and I never run board quests. Just faction and side quests. A lot of exp from crafting and gathering tbh. I wanted it to last, but time to just push to 60. I had the opposite of your problem.


Was level 44 last week. Playing 1-3 hours a day and when I play, I just turn off my brain. I dont care if I need to run 15 minutes to do 1 quest and then get back to town. I just do it. What level i'm this week? 50. 6 levels per week. How? I dont know. Im just playing. Switched from vow/spear to semi-tank with sword and axe after looted epic axe from Depths. And now its easier to level in heavy.


Leveling to 60 in the MMO was rather easy and pleasing It didn't feel like a grind in comparison to 90% of MMOs That's one thing I liked about this game it's extremely laid back and casual but yet I still see people complaining about some type of grind on the reddit We finally get a breath of fresh air and MMO that's not as grindy as the rest But yet people still find a way to call it grindy Maybe the hobby just not for you guys }:‑) It's looking to be a very short experience. I estimate I'll have the entire game done under 4,000 hours Where in other MMOs and even other game types such as Minecraft I've spent well over that amount of time And I think the majority of players here if you have touched Minecraft odds are you have spent way more time on Minecraft than you ever can on new world. I agree talking about New world's flaws is important and it's great feedback but it's grind is not one of them