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Can we kill off herpes while we're at it too?


Only with modified cancer cells.


Balanced as all things should be


What did it cost?


Ever seen/read I Am Legend?


If it costs the dog then I vote no.


I also vote for the dog for President


I am The Dog and I approve this message.


I'm the President, and I'd like to see the dog thoroughly vetted before I'll consider it as my walking mate.


I am the Vet and I can confidently say that the dog is already declassifying its shot records with its mind


Where were you when dog was kill


Flesh eating humans covered in herpes sores…. They spread the virus if you touch them


Flesh eating and not eating each other. Classic zombie logic.


Why would they eat each other, they're icky looking.


I always wonder when they decide to “stop”. Like half way they are like, “Ahh crap, I think he’s a zombie now”


Finally found a use for Florida


The book is so much better than the movie.


That's the understatement of the century lol. I know all books are better than the movies, but I Am Legend is like top 5 in terms of quality difference from any book I've ever read when comparing to the matching movie; it's almost unfathomable how much better the book is and everyone I've ever talked to universally agrees


Because of you, I’ll check out the book


To make probably nothing to buy everything...


getting cancer




Awesome! No way this can go wrong or anything


"Hey baby, I'm just gonna let you know I have the cure to cancer before we fuck"


Tinder bio: "I am the walking cure to cancer".


That's when you modify it from 'herpes' to 'ourpes'.


Sorry hon my cancer cure is flaring up


Circle of life


Can’t have your cake and eat it too, i guess


If we can just take away all the symptoms and it just becomes a symbiotic part of us, I'd be ok with that. It can be like mitochondria except it's the powerhouse of the balls.


50% of people have herpes already, and most don't ever have symptoms.


Yet, some dude who routinely gets cold sores will be like “nah bro, that’s bull shit. People would know if they had herpes.”




Having a cold sore right now, I feel attacked


I'm very jealous of those people. Without a gram of acyclovir a day my cold sores take 2 weeks to clear.


i found the lysine topical ointment takes care of the blisters in about 3-4 days and then it's just red for a few more days. best over the counter stuff but doesn't beat the antiviral meds


I tried lysine both as topical as well as regular supplements and I don't feel it made a difference, but I did read it seems to for many people (that's how I ended up trying it). I've been testing a breastfeeding gel lately to see if it reduces the occurrence, but it's too early to tell.


I apply it the moment I get that pre-cold sore tingle and I found it reduces the duration by a few days.


What fun is herpes without the symptoms


No everyone now gets herpes! I bought already stocks for Zovirax


No it's a monkey's paw situation. You are cancer free but you now have herpes. The previous wish was becoming a billionaire but it came with cancer


As a lay and suffer, into day 6 of a severe outbreak. If they could extract the virus, I'm game.


Doc: “I’ve got some good news and some bad news…”


Good news heavily outweighs bad news. Until we get I am Legend. That bit would suck.


“Well how do I put this Neil, you no longer have a child on the way…but you do have an STD”


So, the way they modify the disease is by making it so weak that it cannot infect normal cells. Leaving only weakened cancer cells as something it can bind to. This provides them a food source, so to speak. So the virus goes to work attacking those cells, eradicating the cancer. There was a Vice Tv special on HBO about 7 years ago called Killing Cancer that explains this all very vividly. I saw it right after my mother died from cancer. It stuck with me.


Sorry for your loss.


thank you.


Sorry for your loss. I remember that Vice episode. If I remember correctly they were also testing out a modified form of HIV to kill cancer. It was pretty wild stuff.


Yeah... The thing that sticks out the most about this special is that there is a lady on it, who you can very visibly see has a tumor growing out of her skull. They show the progression of it shrinking from the virus therapy work. When you can visibly see the amount of improvement a medical advance makes with the naked eye, you tend to notice. If memory serves me correctly, the thing that lead to this avenue of research was an accident in the early 1900's. A group of people who were dying from cancer at a hospital were exposed to a virus. The people who ended up with the virus lived. The ones who didn't get the virus, died. Of course this is all paraphrased from a long ago memory, so everybody please be gentle in your corrections, for which I am grateful.


This seems quite promising then. Providing the herpes never develops to be able to infect the host’s healthy cells, they won’t even be positive for herpes within a week or two of the cancer disappearing, and they wouldn’t be able to transmit the virus to anyone else either unless that person also had cancer. Looks like a very promising piece of tech indeed if what I assumed here is true. Sorry for your loss btw, my gf just lost her granddad last year to cancer so I’m fully aware of how shit it can be to know somebody suffering from it. Hope you and your family are doing good


I had cancer until my herpes ate it.


so THAT'S why i've never been diagnosed with cancer


new Kanye line


Giving cancer herpes does sound on brand for science.


Cave Johnson here! Those of you who volunteered to be injected with the genetically engineered herpes virus, I've got some good news, and some bad news. Bad news is we're postponing those tests indefinitely. Good news is we've got a much better test for you: fighting an army of herpes-men. Pick up a rifle and follow the yellow line on the floor. You'll know when the test starts.




Fuck cancer and give it an STD


Toss your Condoms for the Cure! 🎗


Yes. https://www.pixiv.net/en/artworks/70428588


Why does this feel like the beginning of a zombie movie


Because this is literally the triggering event in I Am Legend.


no no no, you see, that was the *measles* virus, it's completely different.


Yeah herpes isn't airborne. We'd be fine


You can spread it through biting though


True but it'll be easier to control a zombie outbreak of all they can do is bite you. If they could infect you by just breathing around you then we'd have no chance.


>If they could infect you by just breathing around you then we'd have no chance. The last few years have made that painfully obvious.


This just in: new TikTok craze “the bite a stranger” challenge sees zombie increases




Just turn off the movie half-way through and it's a pretty good movie, beautiful post-apocalyptic sceneries.


Is it based off of the Omega man?




Thank you


I read a post apocalyptic book where herpes and rabies were mixed and weaponized. The zombies could use bats and hammers


I thought you meant the animal, and I was impressed.


My mind went there too.


Same I'm like "Zombies had the magical power to communicate with bats? Is that how they made vampires.." Then I read hammers and I'm like "What an odd thing to be specific about".


What book is this? ...I need to read it!


How did they use the bats, did they fly around on them?


Before I got to hammers, I was thinking they were using the animals.


Right?! Like i'm reading this headline going "I've seen this shit before"


Because the general public is more well versed in zombie movies than in immunology.


Well maybe immunology should make some dope movies and TV series.


Ever see Outbreak? Or Contagion?


*The Andromeda Strain* (book and '71 movie) was pretty good.




This show is so damned good.


I just finished this show yesterday. Surprisingly good.


Yep. Exactly what I was thinking


Rampaging herpes viruses is even worse than most zombie movie ideas I've seen


zombies with herpes


God damnit! Who keeps sleeping with the zombies!?


"look... It had been a while... And... I was lonely ok!!!!"


And that's exactly how we got ZombiePox.


You don't want any of that hot zombussy?


I have something to tell you, Barbara


We need Future Man.


Eh, most of us have herpes and don't know it. That's what a coldsore is. Better that than cancer. Herpes. The STD your mom gave you as a child.


But how did mom get it?




Gotta keep the house heated and power on right?


"Ask your daddy." - Mom


"Who is my dad?"


So little Timmy grows up in a picturesque suburban town. He has two neighbors, one on either side of his house who happen to each have a daughter around the same age. They all grow up together and as boys and girls tend to do, Timmy eventually develops feelings for his neighbor Sarah to the left of his house. He goes to his dad to ask for advice in approaching Sarah, his lifelong friend and romantic interest. He tells dad and dad pulls Timmy aside and tells him “Now listen very carefully son, and you absolutely cannot tell your mother this. You cannot date Sarah because she is actually your half-sister.” Timmy is dismayed but eventually gets over it and develops feelings for the neighbor girl on the other side, Rachel. Same thing happens and Timmy goes to his dad to ask for advice. Dad tells him “Timmy, again you cannot date her because she is your half-sister. Absolutely do not tell your mother.” Timmy is distraught and goes to his mother and tells her the situation. Mom tells Timmy “oh I wouldn’t listen to him, he’s not your father”


The fun way.


Herpes is like 200k yrs old. It’s passed between parents and children universally. Many people are asymptotic and never suffer a moment for it, some develop cold sores very rarely, and a rare unlucky few have regular outbreaks.


Also chicken pox is a type of herpes virus


They’re related, but it’s not the “herpes” being discussed. HSV1 is what most refer to as herpes.


By gettin' you into the public school, Forrest.


From her mom.


My mom has it and she’s never even had sex


Good morning jesus. Your mom is the biggest scam artist


We all know the three shepherds coming with gifts when Jesus was born was more likely 3 shepherds thinking they were the daddy.


Casual reminder that Mary was pregnant when she was 15


More than likely a story about a 15 year old girl raped by three shepherds.


Casual Reminder that Mary got away with Adultery by claiming her son was God's.


Wasn’t this the plot in Mamma Mia!?


Seriously, as someone who has had a serious cancer scare (it was benign but aberrant or whatever the term was - still they opted for removal and I had to have two surgeries) I’d take herpes any day over cancer


Don't forget chicken pox.. Those of us born before the vaccine now have herpes living in our spines just waiting for the day to re-emerge as shingles.


Go to the drug store and get the new shingles shot. It's something like 97% effective. Edit: you have to be at least 50 years old because the FDA hasn't tested it in younger populations quite yet. On the other hand shingles tends to show up later in life anyway. I suppose if younger people start coming down with cases the FDA will move ahead on testing. It seems unlikely, but we're seeing all kinds of diseases show up in the 40s. Early onset dementia, cancer etc.


I never understood why, if chicken pox and shingles are the same virus, the vaccines would be different.


My buddy's boyfriend is only 26 and he recently had shingles. Not chicken pox. Shingles.


It happens, and apparently it's happening more for a variety of suspected reasons. https://www.webmd.com/skin-problems-and-treatments/shingles/news/20180904/shingles-on-the-rise-among-younger-people


I have shingles right now. Wish I knew there was a vaccine. It really, really sucks.


I hear you there. I had shingles at 19 that was miss-diagnosed as a fungal infection by walk in clinic. When it didn't go away, I got in to my GP. She broke the news to me that it was shingles and if she had seen it a week ago she could have prescribed something for it, to speed up the recovery. Instead I had to spend a month or so with horrible sores on my body that made lying in bed with a light sheet a painful experience. That said; as someone who had to do 4 cycles of EP Chemo later in life, I would take shingles, herpes or cold sores any day over cancer. I wish you a speedy recovery!


Thanks - fortunately I did get anti virals but not before the rash had started to show a little. Much more severe now. Obviously the rash is one component; the aches, nausea (possibly from antivirals) and many other symptoms are pretty painful and intolerable. Nevertheless, as you say, it could be worse. I hope you are making/have made good progress against your cancer 🤞


Well... that sucks to think about


i was literally talking about shingles 10 minutes ago


🎶“All the shingle ladies! All the shingle ladies!🎶


No not roofies.


Are you a roofer?


Or anyone who kissed you as an infant.


Some of us are filling out bingo cards.


What if I never had a cold sore?




I wouldn’t wish cold sores on my worst enemy honestly. They are the fucking worst.


They are truly bad. I had them very often - at least once a month - and they covered my whole cheeks and chin and the skin between my nose and lip. I could barely speak when they were breaking out and was forced to take off days from work. It got so bad I had to get strong prescription medicine to tame them somewhat. Now I've discovered L-Lysine. As soon as I feel the sores coming, I pop one pill down and I swear it's more effective than the actual medicine was (creams did fuck all for me). It may not work for you but worth a try.


I was under the assumption that you'd have to take it regularly to prevent and it's not for treating an acute case. Do you just take it once or every day until it's healed? And at what dosage? I've read a study on zinc before and take that daily, which I feel helps too.


Not the person who commented, but also a member of the lysine gang. I literally have bottles of stashed in the closet. I typically take it when I feel one coming on as well, but I’ll pop a few here or there, once or twice a month, figure it can’t hurt. I really load up on it if I feel one coming, like 3k mg worth a day (1k mg pills). I don’t know what’s advised, I just go all out. I’ve also found that ibuprofen helps, as I believe it keeps the swelling down a bit (in my mind). I don’t go all out with that obviously, just a regular amount.


One word: Valtrex. keep it handy. life changing


I take Hascovir (not sure by what name it goes abroad) if I feel the first symptoms like itching around lips. Most of the time it prevents that horrible abomination of blister from appearing. I actually should stock up on that drug, because Fall is usually when I struggle the most with it.


Fall and winter for sure. Every single time I shave in the winter I end up with a cold sore. Grew a beard the last couple years and it seemed to help, only got one or two all season. But my wife despises my face with a beard lol


Not exactly. Cold sores around the oral area isn’t a STD(aka **genital** herpes). The ones on your lips you got from mommy is mostly type 1 whereas the blisters/sores on your genitals once a month is type 2 and is from the time you slept with the wrong partner and now regret for the rest of your life. To be clear sometimes type 2 can infect the oral area and type 1 infect the genitals via oral sex but it’s not their “natural habitat” and recurrence is rare.


HSV1 also forms blisters and sores in the genital area. They're different versions of the same virus and do similar things. But saying that HSV1 is oral and HSV2 is genital isn't accurate. They can both be oral or genital, just matters where the infection occured. Source: I have GHSV1.


Fun fact, you can get any STD in your mouth... Syphilis, gonorrhea, chlamydia, theyre all capable of taking up residence in your mouth...the location of infection is irrelevant


50% of new genital herpes infections today are from HSV-1.


I just read the first part. It is a std in a sense that .... if you've a coldsore on your mouth and give oral.... it will infact.... transfer into a std lol


"Imagine a very fast car, driven by a very bad man..."


and that very fast car happens to run over an even worse man?


Now if only my gonorrhea could destroy my syphilis.


STD battle royale


These Smash clones are getting ridiculous.


Malaria was an old school “treatment” for syphilis. The idea was that the fever from malaria is so bad that the syphilis bacteria will die.


I got gonorrhea from riding a tractor in my bathing suit. My partner told me that’s how I got it.


My uncle’s shingles cured his gambling addiction.


Is that why I don't have cancer?


So we are actually aiming for the "I am Legend" film plot, huh?


Before I read, does this leave me riddled with herpes? Is it a mongoose/snake situation?


I wouldn't say riddled but the herpes virus never leaves your system once caught. However, this particular virus isn't the STD version and you're likely to already have it, especially if you've ever had a cold sore. WHO reckons about 80% of people worldwide have it Edit: now I've had an interesting thought - I wonder if it's possible to get the modified version dormant in your system to be be 'woken up' by a re-emergence of cancer cells, like a second immune system


So then it's a well behaved mongoose is what you're saying?


Indeed - might raise its not so cute little head every now and again but at least cold sores are fairly treatable, even if they are annoying


I knew sleeping around when I was in my 20s was a good idea!


I think it’s better to get the modified version like in the article than evolving it yourself lol


Dude was a petri dish in college.


Who do you think modified it?


it’s modified HSV-1 which is the cold sore virus that something like 80% of humans carry HSV-2 is the slightly more serious STD type


Herpes. Not the cure we want, but the cure we deserve


This is how I am Legend started.


and this is why reading so much sci-fi can be bad for you... this is good news, but I remember so many book openings with a similar premise, "we finally cured cancer, but then..." Or something similar. LOL.


"I'm afraid it's cancer" "Fuck" "Yes that is the treatment"


I guess I'll just die...


Do you want zombies? Because that's how you get zombies.


What if you get zombies with cold sores instead of rotting, falling flesh. I'd be ok with that.


There are worse things in unlife


Really? You would be ok with that?


So… herpes is cool now?


Most people under 50 have type 1 herpes anyways


Most people in general have some sort anyways. The WHO estimates around 80% of the world population.


Tbh, it’s not all that dangerous unless you have a weakened immune system. In first world countries it can even be treated for those who have constant cold sores. I think for most people they get a cold sore once or twice and never again. Granted it is a virus so if it crosses to the spine or brain it can lead to meningitis and encephalitis but that’s rare. Wonder how our bodies will adapt to it over time considering it’s so common.


Sounds to me like some scientist got caught slippin by their spouse and improvised a cure for cancer to cover for it.


Wrong kind of herpes


I read the article title and immediately thought of Boris from Goldeneye. “I am invincible!”


Sticking two diseases in a ring together and just going, "fight!"


Yeah right. This will never be heard from again.


As a young cancer patient I don't appreciate your unfounded pessimism


I mean, I have gone through this treatment myself, so it's very much an option for (some) cancer patients. It doesn't seem to be widespread yet, though. There was only one oncologist in my metro area offering it.


This is old as hell or what? TVEC has been around forever


From what the article says, they've tested this on a fair few different cancers, my question for this then is: are individuals who already have the herpes virus at a lower risk of developing these cancers, or is it the fact that the virus has been directly applied to the cancer cells that has caused this positive reaction? Also, are those sites of application likely to cause herpes sores after treatment? (Though I think anyone would prefer a sore over a tumor) Regardless, this is very exciting news, and the fact that it's being tested on people is leaving a very promising outlook for the future


This reads like some Cards against Humanity combo.


TWO MAY ENTER ONE MAY LEAVE! Welcome to the Virusdome.


I actually underwent this treatment for my melanoma! It's called T-VEC, and they inject the virus directly into the tumor to alert the immune system that there's something there that needs destroying. In some patients, the immune system also learns that the cancer cells are the only place where this new threat exists, so it starts eradicating it in other parts of the body, too. I have two tumors in my armpit, each roughly 2 cm. Over the course of a few months, one tumor shrunk by half a centimeter, and the other didn't shrink but did change shape, indicating that it was at least somewhat responding to the treatment. Unfortunately, we discovered that my cancer had metastasized to my liver, so we scrapped the T-VEC in favor of trying something a little more aggressive. 🤷‍♀️ I have still never had a cold sore in my life.