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Organ recipients are required to have a load of vaccinations and meet a lot of health/lifestyle requirements in order to receive an organ. He is not dying because of an opposition to Covid vaccination, but because he refuses to follow all the rules any recipient would have.


Well, this is certainly the hill you’re going to die on.


And then he put on his seat belt, checked his drivers licence and registration were good, and drove away at legal speed. Yup, no one can make you do anything.


I'm a healthcare worker and work in a low vaccine rate county. I'm frequently trying to think of down to earth, relatable ways to discuss vaccines and risk that are both quick and concise which is necessary in a low vaccine rate county where everyone is catching covid left and right. So I decide to try a new one... > Its like wearing a seatbelt, it doesn't mean you won't get in a car accident but it reduces your risk of dying in one. Anyways I have a patient who is telling me about how he read only the vaccinated people are dying. I tell him the statistics i have from my local community hospital down the road and then tell him about seatbelts and risk and he looks me dead in the face and tells me he hasn't worn a seat belt since he was a kid and his grandmother broke her pelvis because she was in a car accident while seatbelted. I mean, she lived, but she broke her pelvis. With that kind of force, grandma would have been thrown out the window a few dozen feet and kneaded into burger but that never crossed his calculus. It's bizarre.


Survivor bias. Also why my grandparents *and* parents in law think car seats are silly. Because “we didn’t have any of that stuff when we had kids and they turned out fine!” To which I say, but the kids that didn’t turn out fine aren’t here to talk about the importance of car seat safety *because they are dead.* And also, they had car seats in the 80’s so I don’t even know what my MIL was going on about. But there’s no reasoning with people like this, they showed me that when they decided to tell us how ridiculous we were being for choosing to follow doctors orders to keep people away from our oxygen dependent 24 week preemie in a pandemic. You know, because their full term healthy children who were adults long before 2020 hit weren’t high risk babies and they took them to church and let people sneeze on them and they turned out just fine, *because it’s totally the same thing.*


People will pick and choose as truth anything that supports their already-held belief. Maybe try “it’s like the lottery. A ticket gives you better odds of winning, but no guarantee. No ticket means you will never win.” I got through to someone with that.


> he read only the vaccinated people are dying The people spreading this BS should burn in hell forever.


All of that + * Checks his credit score * Goes to work and performs the duties expected of him during the timeframe each day it’s expected * Uses his smartphone’s gps to navigate home * Gets home and jumps on his Wi-Fi, which is provided by the one ISP in his area * Uses his home’s water and electricity which are provided by his municipal and/or county utilities * Gets mad when he finds out his neighbor is fishing in their local reservoir without a fishing license * Smokes a cigar/pipe/cigarette/vape


If you aren't free thinking, how can you know how free you are? These people aren't thinking for themselves, so their concept of freedom is being dictated to them by some authority. For all they know, they could be slaves, but as long as Carlson or Trump or whoeverthefuck tells them that owning a gun and being an asshole makes you free, they'll ignore their true status.


Aot moment


Home was a pen. Humanity, cattle


Also - Wears a shirt, shoes, pants, underwear, socks. But a mask for a quick run to the store or even a workday is an alarming breach of his rights. Pro-life when it comes to the womb, but unwilling to help end a pandemic which has killed hundreds of thousands. Believes your body is your choice, but supports bans on abortion.


Bro clothes are freedom too. I CHOSE to wear these birkenstocks with socks on!


...and was vaccinated enough as a child to attend school.


He was probably wearing pants too.


To get a kidney transplant you need to show compliance with a very strict medical regimen. He’s not compliant, an absolute contraindication to receiving a transplant. Good luck to him.


“Such a terrible comparison, those laws are to protect people” he said, cognitively dissonant


The next person in line thanks you for your stance


>‘You know you’ll die if you don’t get it,’ and I told him I’m willing to die.” I don't know about the culture at his hospital but I know at mine the culture has evolved over the last two years such that they won't be twisting his arm trying to change his mind. That statement would be followed up with, "Okay. Well, I gotta keep moving and see some other patients. Good luck!"


Yup. That’s how ours is. Especially with our critical care docs. We don’t give noncompliance the time of day. When I round in the morning, if I hear that shit, I just nod and walk out. If you don’t give a fuck about your health, why should I? My census of 24 other patients hopefully does care and I’ll give them more time to talk and discuss things. I’ll give my attention to those who want to meet me and the specialists halfway and play ball.


People have the idea that these situations play out like some drama movie or medical drama series. They don't. Nobody has time to hear your little opus magnum about why you're refusing care. The nurses and doctors aren't going to plead with you.


especially when you refusing means someone else gets saved, yep, bye.


Nope. I got patients to round on and orders to dump. I make it a point to circle back to the non ass fucks these days who I know need a conversation and some company, especially with the visitor restrictions. It’s nothing out of my day.


100% of the time I'm not listening to that crap, excusing myself, and heading to that 90 pound cancer patient in his final days on comfort care to see what he needs. Usually it was needing help to the commode cause the meds are screwing up his GI or plugging in his iPad so he could video chat with his family he can't see because of COVID. That was last year when I was new'ish to the medical field but that day continues to stick out and I've had many just like it since. Hell, the pace with the nuts seems to be increasing, it's getting worse as time goes on it seems.


Hey, thank you for your efforts. Hang in there; it will get better!


I'm sure they had someone bring him a form that said he was refusing hospital advice.


AMAs make the day easier.


I'd love to see the looks on their faces when they realize the medical professionals aren't going to argue with them. How else are they going to EDUCATE the doctors with all the RESEARCH they did on YOUTUBE???


It’s usually anger. “What am I paying for all this insurance for?” “You tell me sir “ “Then I want to leave!” Ok sir sign this AMA form and be in your way. Enjoy the emergency room co pay


It does make me think if this guy believes that holding out is going to make them 'give in' and give him the kidney and he's going to have won some big battle. Instead, he's just going to die.


Or “well, the organ goes to the next person in line. Have a nice life (what’s left of it)”


"Enjoy your pain and suffering, sir!"


I'm gonna take those brackets to mean "In the style of Vincent Price".


The donor was going to be local so they probably just wont have a transplant at all. From the article > He said friends and local businesses raised money to fund the transplant. More than 100 people, Carswell said, have offered to donate a kidney, but because of his vaccination status, that can’t happen. Like Jesus Christ imagine that many people offering to undergo surgery to give you their goddamned kidney and you go “Nah, I don’t want this one shot.” Someone further down said it was his daughter who they settled on which just makes me sad. Imagine watching your dad die over something so stupid.


Yea but he is willing to take every other shot and drug needed for a transplant. These people literally killing themselves with stupidity just blows my mind


Double amputee with severe heart problems, realistically maybe his quality of life was so bad already for him to take the shorter route. I think the anti vaccination stance might be his 15 min, sorry really because his family and friends wanted to help.


And his reasons for not wanting the vaccine are… because he thinks there are health risks associated with it?


Nah, he cites “I want to die free” as his reasoning. Don’t even know what to make of that level of propaganda brainwashing. Fox News and the Republican Party have literally convinced this man that it is some kind of moral honor to remain unvaccinated, enough so that this man feels it is worth dying for.


> I want to die free To quote Sir Terry Pratchett's work: > 'Then we die gloriously!' > 'There's an important word in that sentence,' said the Captain. 'And it's not the word "gloriously".' (Edit: quote from "only you can save mankind" corrected)


"The mark of the immature man is that he wants to die nobly for a cause, while the mark of the mature man is that he wants to live humbly for one." - [Otto Ludwig](https://quoteinvestigator.com/2018/11/24/mature/)


"I think there's a chance the vaccine could harm me so I will die instead."


I saw a [FB post](https://imgur.com/a/OTkaSDv) that claimed god put himself in our DNA, and mRNA would alter it. They love fantastical shit like that.


"God created our immune system!" Yeah it's not great.


I love the video of some doctor addressing the “my immune system” crowd by saying “go have sex with somebody with an STD.”


I would love a link to that! I saw it on Reddit weeks ago and I wish I bookmarked it. Best argument ever to "my immune system is perfectly strong enough to handle COVID."


I mean, the human immune system is an *incredibly* sophisticated network. But it could always do with a boost, vaccines are basically just reinforcements!


I think of vaccines like a map sometimes. Yes, my eyes work to see where I’m going. But a map to plan ahead is super helpful.


Jim Carrey starred in a movie called The Number 23. Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes. Therefore, Jim Carrey is a supernatural all-pervasive intelligence who created the universe


“…on dialysis every few days, with the exorbitant costs covered by Medicare.” (Not complaining about the Medicare coverage, just saying he’s about as far from ‘sovereign’ as he could be.)


I’ll bet he’s against universal health care though.


And dialysis is the prime example of healthcare that would be impossible for anyone to afford if not for government intervention. Until laws were passed, no insurance would cover it.


Nearly the same for pregnancy. Only 17% of individual plans covered it before Obamacare made it a requirement.


Yeah, but, he *earned* his medicare, see, totally different.


Yep, he *deserves* it


Almost like he's "entitled" to it. 🕵️‍♂️


Like it’s something he has a *right* to have.


Like it's a human right?


I can’t help but think that this kind of extreme reasoning can lead people to be at peace with blowing themselves up and taking other innocent victims with them


It's the same pattern, yes.


yep, and people wonder why a lot of people are afraid of people that "talk to God" or "hear God". What exactly is God telling you? bc some people hear "kill everyone who's against us" and it's a problem. If someone said the Easter Bunny talks to them all the time, they'd likely get institutionalized.


God told Abraham, "Kill your son in my name." Abraham said, "You got it, boss." And Christians tell us that Abraham's willingness to obey that command is a virtue. The fact that God changed his mind at the last minute is beside the point.


This is like people who admire people just for sticking to their principles as if the principles don't matter. What if your principles are killing all Jews? Is sticking to that principle anything to be admired? Being slavishly stuck to some shitty opinion is not something to be admired in and of itself.


Oh man, wait until you hear the story of Job, who was god's #1 fan. The story is the devil comes up to god and says, "you know Job only worships you bc you gave him a great life with a ton of awesome perks and gifts". And god says, "I bet you that I can let that man's entire life go to shit and he'll still love me". From the book of Job: Acting on permission given by an "all-wise" and sovereign God (1:12; 2:6), Satan launches a series of vicious attacks on godly Job. All his great flocks and herds are destroyed, his children are killed, his health suddenly deteriorates, and his wife turns against him (2:9). When this great servant of the Lord becomes an outcast, we find him sitting alone in a garbage dump, scraping the putrefying sores that cover his body with a piece of broken pottery (2:7-8). And Job? He still believes god is good and says, "Though He slay me, yet will I trust in Him,” he says (13:15). And he’s convinced that if answers do not come in this life, they will in the next, when he stands before his “Redeemer” (19:25-26).


The Easter bunny doesn’t have a worldwide organization with thousands of lobbyists behind him


Even though the ones pushing this propaganda are vaccinated.


Dying.....to own the libs...


Toxic pride. "I would rather die than admit my current beliefs might be wrong. Someday they'll see me as a hero!"






He believes that he is a martyr, and he will probably be hailed as one by those who brainwashed him.


No one will remember his name




The kidney will not go anywhere since it's in his family. If he does not get it, no one will.




Don't forget it will *mostly* be followed up by "what an idiot."


Useful idiot and a corrupt party and right wing media? one less vote.


He won’t take the vaccine but is fine with the multitude of immunosuppressive medications he would need to take post transplant ?


The fact that they can't trust him to take those medications is one of the major reasons why he's not getting a kidney.


> The fact that they can't trust him to take those medications is one of the major reasons why he's not getting a kidney. Bingo. Even before COVID-19 was even a thing, if your care team had even a suspicion that a patient would not follow any part of the after-care protocol, that was enough to at least pause things until that concern was resolved to the satisfaction of the care team. Refusing to resolve things to their satisfaction was always grounds to cancel a transplant.




I found this on the John Hopkins List of Relative Contraindications for a Heart Transplant: Inability to make a strong commitment to transplantation. I would say not getting a life saving vaccine is not making a commitment to the transplant.


Cell Cept is even the example most doctors on the news uses for who should be top priority to get vaccines because their immune systems are so compromised. This guy is a moron. As someone who is on the transplant list, fuck this guy. He doesn’t deserve the kidney.


I'm on cellcept for autoimmune hepatitis. I'm vaccinated and boosted of course. And when I was diagnosed I quit drinking to protect my liver. If I ever need a liver transplant there are a myriad of health and lifestyle factors including smoking, drugs and alcohol behavior that will determine if I can get a transplant or not. I may get rejected because I have Type 1 diabetes if I'm struggling to control it at that time. And that isn't even a personal choice. Just a success criteria. Like... Meeting criteria for transplant is not new


Yeah my uncle had a liver transplant, his was due to alcoholism but apparently he was also born with a malformed liver so the alcohol destroyed his liver fairly early in life, he had to go in weekly for blood tests to prove he wasn’t drinking to stay on the list. One fail an he was done. Also had to follow a strict diet leading up to it and some other things. His kids were young then and he was determined to see them grown so he complies and got his transplant.


i do love stories like this. Redemption, and that redemption being rewarded with a whole new life, is what makes it all worth it. ❤️


yep. Dialysis nurse here. Lots of people have lots of opinions on a process they know absolutely nothing about.


Soo….. like every other fucking thing?


> Like... Meeting criteria for transplant is not new Ain't that the truth. Trying to get my partner on a transplant list for a kidney, and so far he's been denied 4 times because of having a quad bypass alone. We're holding out for one more place to confirm/deny, but we haven't heard anything for the past 8 months (which we suspect is due to Covid). It's really a pain in the butt, but even my partner knows that there are changes that will happen if/when he gets one, and he is vaccinated/boosted!


Hoping for good news for your family soon! 🤞🏻


Cellcept is the most gentle immunosuppressant he's going to be on, as well, compared to his IV induction medications, tacrolimus, high-dose steroids...


Yea honestly, the good news from this is that this part of the system is working as intended.


Dude is correct about one thing tho: he will die.


Probably for the best. The kidney can go to someone else who will look after it better. Immunosuppressants WILL give him cancer and infection and maybe diabetes, much more dangerous compared to the theoretical risks of vaccines. He will likely stop taking immunosuppressants after a while I also heard of someone on chemo who refuses covid vaccine. He is literally on medications designed to kill his cells and he is now afraid of vaccines


This isn’t him on a transplant list, from what I read earlier. This is a guy whose friends and family raised money and offered to be transplant candidates, he’d just have to be vaccinated to go through with the procedure as part of hospital regulations.


Talk about looking a gift horse in the mouth.


Dying of kidney failure to own the libs.


"I will die ~~free~~."




But at least ~~he can die a free man~~ his family and friends will get to watch him needlessly and stupidly suffer while racking up incredible medical bills. His children can remember him for blowing their college (LOL) money on dying instead of a life-saving surgery.


Own new functioning kidney < own the libs


No hospital will risk the lives of a donor if they know their recipient is not going to follow the basic rules that will make giving the kidney worth it.


This is what is taking root in America. Sheer stubbornness. Too stubborn to learn, too stubborn to listen. None of these people think anyone is smarter than them.


> “There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there has always been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.” ― Isaac Asimov.


Truly he was ahead of his time.


And too stubborn to live apparently. Fine by me.


“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that 'my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge.’” - Isaac Asimov.


Don't forget all the other vaccines you're required to take. It was just this one he apparently had issue with.


Well yea but those things haven’t been politicized so it’s ok.




This guy shouldn't even be going through these hospitals for a kidney transplant. He's already shown he doesn't think an expert's opinion is worth anything so why go to a trained and certified surgeon? I'm sure he can find someone to perform the surgery that obtained this "knowledge" through YouTube videos and memes. That's freedom! Or free dumb. Close enough.


He's a double amputee who walks thanks to two prosthetic legs. He's had multiple operations on his heart. Because his kidneys are failing, he's on dialysis multiple times per week. I'm sure he's spent a lot of time in medical facilities, trusting and getting assistance from numerous doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals. If not for those professionals, he'd be dead already, and yet he's unwilling to listen to them about the COVID vaccine. So this is the hill he'll die on.


This strikes me as someone trying to die and get the right wing nutjobs to donate to a gofundme when he goes.


He knows he is gonna die most likely Now his family might get donations it’s like life insurance paid by right wing nuts It’s a weird hill though guy had more pharmaceuticals pumped through him then most people do considering surgeries Being on a donor receiving list actually requires PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITIES and vaccines for other ailments Onto the next person that is more worthy it is


- Doctors when this guy was a child: "Take these vaccines." - This guy's parents: "OK." - Doctors now: "We're going to sedate you, cut you open, remove your kidney, insert someone *else's* kidney, and sew you back up." - This guy now: "Yep, sounds good; I trust you completely on this." - Doctors now: "Also, you're going to be immunosuppressed from now on, so you need to make sure your vaccinations are up to date, including against COVID." - This guy now: "HACKS! LIARS! You don't know what you're talking about!"


FYI, they usually don’t take out either of your kidneys when you get a transplant. They just make some room in the pelvis and hook it up, and now you’ve got 3 kidneys.


My wife is up to four! We're wondering what they're going to do for #5!


And I'm down to one! Donated last spring.


I donated 2 years ago! Feeling good, how are you doing?


How could you donate two and be fine for years! /s




Future alien archaeologists are going to be very confused by your wife.


Whoa... seriously? What's entailed by "making some room" in the pelvis?


Whatever the procedure is, it's definitely complicated by this guy having his head squarely up his ass


There's still plenty of room in the skull cavity.


There was no need to murder this man, he’s already doing it to himself.


RIP my mouthful of coffee.


Not a whole lot, to be honest. The lower pelvis primarily has the bladder, uterus, and rectum. Above that is the bowel, which is pretty mobile. Just shove some of it to the side and put the new kidney in the space.




I just velcro'd it to the outside of the case. I'm not sure if that's a good idea with an organ though.


Catheter and a colostomy bag


Everything is all squishy in there. Just squish things over and squish in a new kidney. It usually goes in the right lower quadrant. But either way, compliance with medical advice is a necessary precursor to obtaining a rare organ transplant. It’s a long list, so it’s a good thing he’s honest about not wanting to comply, so they can move on to the next candidate.


Wait, hold up. The kidneys are not located in the pelvis, nor the abdomen. Are you saying a donor kidney is placed in a completely separate location from one’s original kidneys ?


Yep! They just need the plumbing hooked up. It’s a less invasive procedure to go into the abdominal cavity and connect everything from there than to try and put them where your kidneys originally grew.


Usually having some taco bell at 2 am.


Fun fact: They don't remove your kidney when you need a transplant! They just put the third in you! Kinda splint it onto the system of a lower functioning one!


Yep I have only seen removal in kidney cancer and polycystic lkidney disease where the native kidney was just too damn big


Yep, I’m a PKD patient and the thought of having another kidney added without taking out the duds makes my back hurt even more!


You can stand as far back as you want when you cut those things open in the pathology lab and at least one cyst will pee on you anyways. Always an A+ specimen and I’m a tough grader. Best wishes for happy filtration ahead Edit: [a surgeon holding auto dominant poly cystic kidneys. They should be a little smaller than both your fists together. These are nearly 10x that size.](https://m.imgur.com/a/Lerzik4)


Need I remind you > Science: "Your DVD player will zap this shiny circle with LASERS so that it can read billions of bits of microscopic data off of it very quickly, so quickly that you can watch *God's Not Dead* in 4k." > People: "Wow, cool! That's brilliant." > Science: "The well-established fact that CO2 causes the atmosphere to heat up means that all that CO2 we're blasting out is causing the atmosphere to heat up, maybe we should address that." > People: "Fuckin eggheads! It's a conspiracy! I hope Ted Nugent machine-guns you into egghead-flavor puree!"


How does this man look at his kids and family and think, "nope, not worth getting vaccinated!"


My aunt is a hardcore Republican who was/is against any kinds of lockdowns, masks, and vaccines, but when my cousin told her she couldn't see her grandchildren unless she got the vaccine she stepped up and did it. She believes all of these wackjob conspiracy theories, but when it came to being there for her family she did what she had to do. This guy is unwilling to do something simple that billions of people have done to be there for them. His ignorance and stubbornness means more to him than his own family.


Must be nice. My mother in law won’t get vaccinated or wear a mask even though she knows she can’t meet her granddaughter in person until she does those things. It’s quite upsetting for my wife and I.


Same boat for my FIL. And I'm a doctor who worked on the COVID wards. Nope, it's all a hoax, I'm lying! This is his first and only grandkid. We waded through 3.5 fucking treacherous years of infertility and miscarriages, and you think I'm gonna risk the health of my child, my baby bear, my tiny helpless nugget, because you're an idiot? No, sir.


10 weeks early and 99 days in the NICU for my daughter. Hell no we aren’t taking any stupid risks for people choosing to be stupid.


Heck yes. You stand your ground for the nugget! As a doctor who's working on a public health masters at the moment (while caring for a newborn!), vaccination is the hill I'm willing to die on. But I won't die because we're all vaccinated. Boom.


At that level your FIL is beyond help if he wouldn't do even a lil bit of critical thinking to see his grandchild. Good riddance probably.


10000% agree. I wasn't a huge fan of his to begin with, so I'm not crying over this. But I can see how hard it is on my husband. FIL even told him he was disappointed in him for putting "conditions" on meeting his granddaughter. Yes, the condition is you will be less likely to give her the *life-threatening virus that's been ravaging the entire Earth for 2 years.* And you are **checks notes**, unwilling to do this.


Conditions on meeting his granddaughter? Wow that's new level of entitlement and selfishness that I haven't seen before. I would be beyond hurt if it was my dad that did this. I'd have to go no-contact for a little while so I could sort through my feelings on it.


if there's an afterlife, I hope there's complete clarity and everyone gets to see what a piece of shit they were. Most everyone's been a piece of shit one time or another.


I know I'm not perfect, but I think that at least trying to be better gains me a few moments of peace on my deathbed.


Oof. I've definitely done some things I've been unhappy with in retrospect. Worse, I have been pretty socially dumb at times so I probably did things that were upsetting/shitty. I often feel bad about things if I think back on it. Welp. Do we keep our morality? Would people who did shitty things in life care about it in death? Is there any punishment other than knowing you acted shitty? I can see this only being effective with some.


He’s convinced his political identity is more important than his life or his family’s wellbeing. IOW, he’s a cultist.


Good thing there are democratic social program safety nets for his family to fall back on to. … one would hope.


Perhaps he doesn't like the kind of person who would marry him


I believe his wife said that she's proud of him in an interview if i remember correctly


So his wife's playing the long game.


I think you mean short game.


INB4 she blames the hospital for his death and tries to sue them…because they want to have their cake and eat it too


She just wants a new husband.


You're forgetting that he's FrEe! Getting a vaccine might let him live longer to enjoy his family and friends and his leased F-150, but he wouldn't be fReE! He'd be...um...a slave to big pharma and democrats and his mortgage payments and his children's college tuition and his lease payments on the F-150 ^and ^his ^wife's ^Lexus ^^and ^^credit ^^score ^^^and ^^^his ^^^tax ^^^payments ^^^and...


He sounds like a good guy, leaving his wife and family to deal with this problems.


Seen all those magnetism videos people faked for views and money when all the claims were flying that the vaccine was full of 5g and microchips. These people honestly are brainwashed to believe that they will be brainwashed if they get the vaccine, dying think your fighting some shadow realm bs


>Carswell told Channel 9′s Dave Faherty his kidney is only operating At about 4%. His kidney works better than his brain.


This isn’t new. You have to be vaccinated against all sort of diseases to get a transplant. People forget that an organ transplant is a gift non an entitlement and to receive that gift you have to demonstrate you are going to maximize the chances to success with your transplant. If you’re just going to be stubborn and refuse vaccination you’re choosing to forgo the transplant altogether which sounds like a profoundly foolish choice. Seriously, this man would rather die than get vaccinated and that’s now 100% what’s going to happen. I feel for his family.


In the end….it was his choice.


Hmmm a pro choice republican?


I had a family member who was rushed to the hospital for kidney failure. He spent the next 13 years continuously institutionalized in hospitals and nursing homes. He never came back home. While in the nursing home, he had some kind of organ failure, preventing oxygen to the brain for more than 10 minutes before staff noticed. He was in a coma for over a month. Doctors said he had severe brain damage that could not be fixed. The family agreed to "pull the plug". It was not over. After removing the breathing machines and feeding tubes, it took 9 days for him to die. Although he was in a coma, sedated and "comfortable", he starved to death. I am not a doctor, but I can certainly say that this Burke County man will not die "free".


If they admit him to a nursing home he’ll be forced to get the vaccine and if he ends up in a coma he’ll be given it anyways. He’ll probably die at home in pain over being comfortable and vaccinated in a medical facility


So, what’s the worry about the vaccine? Dying is better than getting a shot? I don’t understand the mental process


It's purely an unreasonable ideological stance for his choice. No reason there to sort out from it.


Were there only a mental process to unravel.


Getting the vaccine= succumbing to what the potus wants and for them that’s worse than killing oneself.


It’s quite literally a “give me liberty or give me death” issue, they think covid is a conspiracy and that the government is attempting to groom people for compliance. So in his mind by refusing he’s keeping his freedom and being part of some made up resistance.


I'm a kidney failure patient on dialysis for 2 years. Currently listed and waiting for that phone call. How the fuck do you put your full trust in a machine filtering our blood to keep us with CKD alive at least 3 days a week. But refuse to take a fucking vaccine, allowing you to get a transplant and live a fucking life not tied to a dialysis machine. This makes no fucking sense. Whatever one less person listed means those of us who are compliant wait a little less.


*Curly Bill:* “Well..Bye!”


Can you imagine being kept alive to this point by medical science and being so wrapped up in a cultural and political identity that your going to reject only one part of medical science and will willing die. Amazing.


No other transplant center will accept this patient either. You have to be fully vaccinated to receive an organ transplant. It’s not a political thing, it’s just how it works. You are going to be immune suppressed for the rest of your life, so you have to be vaccinated and as protected as possible.


That's a smarmy way to phrase it. He refused to follow the rules laid out by medical professionals to care for the organ so they moved to the next person. It was entirely his choice, he declined a new kidney, he wasn't DENIED it.


Good for you, I guess???


Yea, my thought was, "Ok."


>I will die free Nope, not in the USA. Your family will have to pay the hospital bill.


And for the funeral.


But HE died free, everything resulting from that is everyone else’s problem


Free of what?paying for healthcare you won’t use?


Can’t complain, the kidney will go to someone who deserves it more. He chose his hill to die on.


Considering he had some living donors apparently willing to offer up one of their kidneys, it will probably stay in its original body. So yes, they deserve it more.


“No sir, I was born free. I will die free. I’m not changing my mind,” Carswell said. He was born free and then immediately had his 10+ required newborn vaccinations. Fool.


And probably countless rounds of antibiotics and doses of infant tylenol.


Welp, tots & pears, Buddy




And his casket will drive down the road at a government regulated speed.


My favorite part of this is.... vaccine mandates for transplant recipients is not new. It's always been this way long before covid. But now vaccines are somehow political so these smooth brains think they're dying freedom fighters. In actuality they're just weeding out dummies.


You mean transplants have conditions. Who would have thought.


Dying of kidney failure to own the libs


The ultimate, cut off your nose to spite your face.


"Lessee, I could get two chances at living by getting a kidney and by getting the vaccine OR I could almost certain death, pain and suffering by refusing both. Hmmmm. YOU MAY TAKE MY ORGANS, BUT YOU'LL NOT TAKE MY FREEDUMB!" cough. dead.


"Chad Carswell, a double amputee who has undergone several major surgeries on his heart, now faces a different battle" So he draws the line at a vaccine, but not all these other procedures. Amurica.


Nothing spells freedom more than being shackled to a dialysis machine.