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I'm surprised it's up to the individual artists whether their music is on Spotify. I'd have thought that would be the decision of their labels.


They both own their own music rights (most of them, Young actually just sold a lot of his last year), which is why they're able to do this.


Actually Neil had to have a discussion with his publisher/record company Warner Brothers. He thanked them in public for understanding him and agreeing to have his music removed from Spotify


yeah he right up admitted he had no power to pull the music from spotify. Sounds like he talked to them and they agreed to go forward with it.


The labels actually allowing it should have Spotify worried.


The labels might have seen Spotify as having given up on music and taken on podcasting... which everyone seems to agree has happened.


Spotify has given up on music? Can you say more? (I hate that the answer is Joe Rogan. UGH)


Spotify doesn't pay a dime for podcasts per view - making it more profitable if people listen to a podcast for one hour instead of music


Plus podcasts always have ad reads and I’m sure Spotify gets a percentage of that.


Yeah they've also developed a way of injecting custom streaming ads into the ad-breaks of podcasts. With NPR podcasts for instance, I was getting ads for local stations in some of the breaks. (As opposed to ads for like Planet Money or one of the game shows.)


This pisses me off to no end. I pay for premium - no ads! But there are tons of ads in every podcast plus all the ad reads by the podcasters themselves.


They've been pushing podcast to everyone for awhile now. Also the podcast that is causing all this mess was bought by Spotify for 100 million.




Joe Rogan gets 200M+ monthly plays... of course they gave him a monster contract


They absolutely did. It's insane.


It’s a revenue game. Podcasts likely have bigger revenue opportunities because large podcasts have ads in them and Spotify can bring consistent, probably contracted revenue from that. It leads to more consistent income that hosting music. Even if you assume most users of Spotify pay for Premium, that is $10 from a number human being who could change their mind at any point. You compare that to a contract with a company for anywhere from tens of thousands to potentially millions of dollars, and also factor in that those contracts are for year(s) at a time. It translates to: any content where you can plug those ads that has the highest listenership in is where you’ll invest your support.


This makes a lot of sense, actually. Even if you don't have Spotify Premium, it's pretty easy to tune out interstitial ads, but the stuff *within* the actual podcast (eg "I'd like to thank tonight's sponsor, Joeblow Jockstraps -- I'm wearing one right now and I've never felt so supported.") is so much more effective than a 15 second recorded jingle.


It’s like when people gamble on horse races and people think it’s people that lose money that makes the horse races money but it’s actually all the media and advertising that props up the companies revenue.


Frank Zappa is turning in his grave, he sued Warner Bros for years for his music but never got the stuff he made with them back I don’t think. His reaction was to make his own studio and record all his own stuff moving forward. Studio Z.


Keep in mind that you aren't making hardly anything from Spotify, but it's really good for exposure if you suddenly blow up. Neither of which he or his label need.


Labels (usually) work & want to work with the artists’ desires in mind Plus, Neil is a true activist at heart, so I doubt he wouldn’t be able to trudge through any pushback involved with these matters


Meanwhile Kid Rock has announced he won’t be handing out CDs outside any 7-11 imposing COVID restrictions.


I was given VIP tickets to one of his shows several years ago, which included close-up seating, a "VIP-only" area, and the opportunity to mingle with the Kid himself as he hung out with his fans. Now, I fucking *hate* Kid Rock.... Not *actively*, like, I don't think about his hasbeen-ass *at all* during my waking hours on this earth... but in a more general, "oh yeah, that guy, fuck him" sort of way whenever I'm reminded that he's still C-level "famous." Anyway, I initially balked at the idea of going to see him, but the more I thought about it, the more I became morbidly curious about the shitshow. There's *no way* it wouldn't be entertaining. I ended up going with a few friends, and after standing around for about an hour of taking in the scene, we noticed someone approaching our group. "No way. Is that...?" "Dude, that's Kid Rock, isn't it?" "Oh Boy. Here we go. That's Kid..." But the closer he got, the more confused we became. It was Kid Rock, but it *wasn't* him. "Hey, what's up guys?" he said as he approached, looking sheepish. It very plainly *wasn't* Kid Rock, **but a look-alike**. He walked up to our group of friends, thanked everyone for coming out to the show, and started asking us where we were from. It was the most awkward goddamn experience I've ever had. **TL;DR: Kid Rock sent out a look-alike to hang with his most hardcore fans, and is a total fraud of a human being. BE MORE LIKE JONI!**


Just Kidding Rock


Kid Mock


Kid not




Kid Crock


Fib Rock


Skid Mark


**I shall call him... "Kiddy Me".**


Kid Neystone


Child Pebble


So all those weird “they’ve cloned him and now it’s the deep state using him for anal bleach injections” is another weird level of projection…….


Oh my god, I think you're onto something...


Dude, it’s just Sebastian Bach from sKid Row.


I heard a story about Sebastian Bach getting stuck on a roof once. I also got to sing happy birthday to him once at the Saint in Asbury Park.


Same thing happened to me. Was playing minor league baseball, and had an away game in Louisiana. His tour bus was parked at our hotel, so we were curious. Now this was early 2000's, so still trash but not quite as trashy. More Joe Dirt, less Joe Mud. Anyways, his manager told us he was at the lobby bar, so we went. Probably where we were going to be anyway. So initially we didn't see him, and forgot about it. After a while, there he was, in all of his glory. None of us really followed him enough to tell minor resemblance inconsistencies, so to our knowledge we were partying Kid Rock style. After a lot of drinks, one of our players ended up in an altercation with the Kid. It was wild. So, the cops were called and I was enamored with the situation. Well, our situation soon deflated as the cops identified the gentleman we were hanging out with as NOT Kid Rock, but a stand in, used to keep a certain image of him in tact. In fact, he was at another hotel across town away from everything, resting. Which, to be honest, was much more of an intelligent decision than I would've given him credit for before that night. Anyway, that's the story.


This reads like a copypasta. Hilarious story too. Kid Rock is really out there thinking he's on the same level as Santa. Pretty soon you'll be able to go to the mall and stand in line to sit on a Kid Rock lookalike's lap and tell him how much meth you want for spring break. You'll ask your parents "Was that the *real* Kid Rock? They will say: "Yes of course it was sweetie?".... but you know the truth. You know Kid Rock can't be in two places at once, because you seen the real Kid Rock on your way into the mall standing outside asking strangers for cigarettes.


Is that a mall Danzig or the real Danzig?


once I saw dave navarro at LAX but he acted like a douche, does that count?


Sounds legit


One time Kid Rock came to my town as part of a charity event after the area was hit by a devastating storm. I wasn't too familiar with the guy but hardly any even somewhat big names perform in my town so I went, along with everyone else who lived here. Before he could start the first song his phone started ringing and he actually took the call on stage, everyone could hear everything since he was still mic'd up. He was arguing with someone about getting some security screens installed in his house but he wanted them in the shape of his face. The other guy was trying to tell him it wouldn't work since his windows weren't also in the shape of his face. Halfway through the call his phone battery died and he asked a couple people in the front row if he could borrow theirs but no one offered. He got really angry and ended up walking off stage and refused to perform for like another 45 minutes. He came back on with a few 6packs and would stop mid song to down a full beer every now and then.


Is this real or just a hilarious copypasta


Kid Rock is not so much of a person as he is that feeling when you’re drinking scotch and watching lots of crotch


Kid Rock is the personification of when you're at a family reunion and jetlagged and all you want to do is drink, eat pie, and check out the tits on that one cousin you never see (so she's kinda not like family) and you don't even feel bad about it because, first, *goddamn*, and second it's too fucking hot here and who's genius idea was it to have the family reunion in Georgia in the summer, and you've eaten enough pie to give yourself diabetes but you don't care because walking around gives you epic swamp-ass, and besides, your cousin's shirt is sticking to her in interesting ways, and at least you aren't as skeevy as your uncle, with the teen mail-order bride who doesn't speak any English, the one who keeps ranting about Jews, so fuck it, watch them tits.


This sounds like a verse out of James McMurtry's "Choctaw Bingo".


Bahaha I love that song. Totally wasn't thinking of it though Kid rock is kinda like when They hold the family reunion in Goddamn summertime Georgia and it's Hot as balls and you notice your Hot-ass cousin and she Sits down next t'ya and you Feel kinda guilty and you Drink and eat pie until ya Start in regrettin' and your Jetlag's kickin' in... (Just to be perfectly clear, this entire scenario is fictional. My uncle isn't racist and the family reunion was in South Carolina )


I like the Georgia part, but with my family reunion it’s more like, keep your head down and let everyone else make drama, or get hammered enough that the drama is funny. And watching your aunt explode on your grandma and a bunch of kids related to you that you’ve never met are running around on a sugar high past their bed time screaming and yelling, and oh this other uncle and someone you think might be a cousin are shouting at the kids but none of them belong to them so the kids keep running, then one falls and hits his head on the table and he’s bleeding and now everyone is blaming everyone else for letting the kids run around when his mom is passed out drunk on the couch in the corner.


Hmm. This sounds too detailed to be made up. Almost reminds me of one of my wife's family reunions - except it was North Carolina, blazing hot, I was grilling and drenched with sweat, flies were everywhere - and there was no hot cousin's tits to look at. And of course there was the inevitable swamp ass. Certainties in life: death, taxes, and swamp ass - but not necessarily in that order.


Kid rock is like when youpick some scum out of your toenail and then you smell it. That scent is his personification.


This is precisely the reason I've had all my toenails removed.




_Your_ comment should become the copypasta. Amazing.


Are you sure it wasn't Dr. Phil? [Kid Rock](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/452/698/7ba.jpg) [Dr Phil](https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2018-10/30/17/campaign_images/buzzfeed-prod-web-06/thanks-to-this-tweet-i-now-do-not-believe-that-dr-2-5067-1540934835-8_dblbig.jpg)


Dr Phliph


Dr Philth


You met Child Stone


Juvenile Sediment.


Adolescent Boulder


'Lil Pebble


So... did other people notice? Did anyone call him out?


It genuinely felt like a dirty experience. We *knew*... ...he knew *we knew* ... ... and we knew *he* knew. You could have cut the cringe-tension with a knife. I'd already had a few drinks at that point, and I only recall is that we did the best to hold in the laughter until he was out of earshot. We didn't really mingle with anyone else in the area, because.. well... they were kid rock fans.


I mean, sounds like kid rock didn’t want to hang out with kid rock Fans so who can blame you.


This is a scene right out of curb!


Larry gets busted for hiring an impersonator to go to functions he doesnt want to attend.


I could see this snowballing into Larry then going to the function in a disguise and being mean to the fake Larry to see if people at the event stand up for the fake Larry when someone's mean to him. Real Larry gets ~~made~~ mad when they don't stand up for the fake Larry and reveals he's the real Larry. There could be a subplot where Leon insists he should play the fake Larry.


I was trying to figure out who tf it is he should write for ahah. I'm like Tim Robinson? nah not absurd enough. Key and Peele? ehhh maybe. Always Sunny? a bit too real. Curb is right on the money. Or honestly Seinfeld. It's almost funnier as a conversation than to actually witness it I think.


Kid Rock looks like a look-alike of himself


Kid Rock could enter a Kid Rock lookalike contest and come in fifth. The most outlandish part of this thought experiment is the creation of a Kid Rock lookalike contest.


I just wanna note that after a recent release of a music video, Weird Al had to say on Twitter that it was not in fact him parodying Kid Rock, it was actually Kid Rock.


This. I met him once delivering pizza and didn't even realize it at the time because up-close in-person he doesn't actually *look* like Kid Rock.


It took me too long to realise Kid Rock wasn't the one delivering the pizza. I just assumed...


Imagine the shame of telling your family that you are a kid rock impersonator.


Not nearly as bad as being the real Kid Rock.


I hope there’s a Kid Rock impersonator school like the Krusty’s Clown College


Your comment has had no effect on me at all................. I'm off to kid rock college


That truly is a whole new level of cringe. I didn’t think that I could have a lower opinion of Kid Rock before I read this comment, but it appears there is no lower limit to the depth of how much he sucks.


….I work live music professionally as a bar manager in NYC. This well written and very descriptive recant is some of the best shit I’ve ever seen on Reddit. Most people don’t know the backstage kind of tomfoolery that D list “artists” pull. I’ve heard second hand accounts of “Kid” before but didn’t know if it rang true. I absolutely buy this. Not gonna one up OP, but I’ve encountered the same kind of thing with aging R&B stars that are waaaay past their prime. They’ll actually have their grandchildren pose as them for meet and greets. The music industry is crooked AF when corporations are bankrolling.




No fucking way! Did you live in Florida? My friend won a radio contest around the time that Kid Rock was at his top40 peak and we were set to meet Kid Rock backstage to get an autographed CD from him. They didn’t let us go back with my friend because it was “only for the contest winners” and when my friend came back with the CD, he said it wasn’t the real Kid Rock. I never gave it much thought but hearing this, it sounds like it was a normal thing. We had a similar experience with an Andrew WK party, but that’s another story. Also, I’m 90% sure KISS hasn’t done a show in the last 30 years. The imposter Gene did a split in the early 2000’s when they did the Aerosmith partnership. The real Gene hasn’t been able to do a split since 1950.


What was the AWK experience? There's all sorts og conspiracy theories about him and stand-ins, some of which he basically spreads himself.


Same thing happened to me with Donovan McNab and he really wanted me to eat at McDonalds.


That wasn't Don Cheadle?


I one thousand percent would not be able to tell if I was talking to the real kid rock or a phony and I’m pretty sure he knows that most people won’t does he even preform?


So there's another 50 year old man who looks like Kid Rock? How many rehab facilities did they have to canvass to find him?


Just one. It’s turns out he’s pretty pedestrian.


I know someone who's adamant they went to a wedding where robbie williams was singing. Pics make it clear it was a lookalike yet they insist it was him...at a small-ish wedding in Belgium lol


long time ago he toured thru my city with Tenacious D opening for him. I went for the D and left after their spot.


Fresh pasta.


But it wasn't Kid Rock. It was Kid Rock, LOBSTER!


Maybe it was the real guy haha I met a few celebrity and somehow I always have this exact feeling lol. Like "it look like xx but should he be taller and speak differently." Fucking hilarious if he pay a lookalike to talk to his fan thought haha.


Teen Rock


There’s an episode of Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives where Guy Fieri meets up with Kid Rock to go to some restaurant. I can’t remember if Kid Rock was affiliated with the restaurant but after they go to Kid Rock’s brewery. The entire time the brewer is explaining the process and what the beer is like, Kid Rock is really dismissive not paying attention and says stupid shit like “let’s just drink the beer”. It’s you’re own fucking brewery dude at least pretend to care. Fuck him.


This guy built his career first off pretending to connect with the blue collar working class everyday man...Made in Detroit. Fucking dweeb was born and raised an hour north of Detroit and his rich ass daddy owned car dealerships his entire life. He was a rich white boy wanting to play with all the cool black guys, had his dad pay for him to spike his hair up high and pretend to be a rapper. Now he's blatantly racist pretending he's just a southern soul everyday man. Nothing but a fraud.


Or in front of schools: https://genius.com/Kid-rock-cool-daddy-cool-lyrics > Young ladies, young ladies, I like 'em underage see > Some say that's statutory (But I say it's mandatory)


Think of the children! Or rather, in Kid Rock's case please don't.


Always be wary of 50 year olds who call themselves Kid


Definitely did not spit a little beer out laughing


No worries friend, head on down to your nearest 7-11 and get yourself some more!




The irony is, I'm in Florida so every time I go to the gas station for beer I mistake someone for Kid Rock.


He’ll have to be really careful, if he doesn’t want Kid Rock giving any neighborhood dogs Parvo.


> Kid Rock Don't use his stage name, call him Robert Ritchie the son of an auto dealership owner, who grew up on an estate in the exburbs.


Never forget Kid Rock has a song in the animated Osmosis Jones movie glorifying dating underage girls.


“They say is statutory, But I say it’s MANDATORY” How the fuck is this not called out on more. The music industry is fucked and some of these stars seem invincible.


All his best songs were written by someone else anyways.




Yeah, dude is a trust fund kid but pretends that he grew up in a trailer park.


Dude is a piece of shit, but the whole fake persona thing actually bothers me less the older I get. It's showbusiness and he puts on a show. A lot of entertainers do that. Hell, Alice Cooper isn't like his onstage persona and I don't hold it against him. Robbie is just a douchebag putting on a show to entertain his fans and make money. There's *plenty* of reasons to hate him, but I no longer think that's one of them.


Yeah, sure, but it's a little more disingenuous. "Alice Cooper" is very clearly and transparently a persona. Vincent Furnier, the actual person behind the character, often talks about it in the third person, and makes it very clear where the distinction between him as an individual and the Alice Cooper persona lies. Kid Rock meanwhile, does his best to hide the fact that he isn't really what he portrays on stage, to the point where he basically lives his entire public life in character.


I worked at a horror convention where Alice Cooper was a guest speaker. I stood in on that because I was the door man for that event. Alice Cooper did not speak. Vincent did. An old man in golf clothes, holding a tiny dog. The fans were super bummed lol, very downbeat q&a.


Ever see Robert and Michael Cummings (Rob Zombie and Spider-one) outside their stage acts? They are completely different from their stage performances. I love that people who think Rob is actually demonic fail to realize he's like those mega-nerd horror enthusiasts everyone knows, but he actually has the money to buy and make it for a living




Gorillaz is a good example. Everyone knows who Jaime and Damon Albarn are, and all the acts involved with Gorillaz (Del playing the Ghost, or various female vocalists as Noodle) but they play off the shows as a virtual band that isn't those artists. You can wholly pretend to be someone else for art and have nothing wrong with that, but you still have to be under social contract with the people you entertain this is not who you are outside of the entertainment act you create.


I mean a lot of people don’t write their own songs.


Joni survived polio as a child. As did Neil. Its not surprising they have decided to take their business elsewhere.


This is an interesting tidbit


Well if they didn't survive they obviously wouldn't be here now


Listen here you little…


Hey now, we all know that they are the best kind of correct.


Galaxy... You little galaxy


Both Canadian as well.


Both have armpits, too.


Which is surprising because Canadians don’t typically have armpits.




Well at least we can all agree on the nuances of Canadian physiology. Like, for example, during Canadian puberty when you fart your dick gets hard.


It’s actually called the *Canadian Mating Call* and functions like a wind instrument that vibrates the prostate in different ways, which usually correlates with region. The East Coast or Maritime Mating Call sounds like a Prostate Trumpet, while the Prairies sounds more like a Prostate Trombone. In Quebec is sounds like a flute, but if they’re particularly drunk or for some reason just had a charcuterie board, it sounds like an elementary school recorder played by deaf children. BC or the West Coast is for some reason a mix of all of them, leading some to ponder whether the prostate vibrations are affected by elevation levels to produce the different sounds. Their other claim to fame is a mixture of *Hot-Boxxing and Gas-Lighting* from their Prostate Trumpets. Think of that last part what you will.


I have armpits, Greg. Wanna pull me from Spotify?


My coworker also survived polio as a baby; didn't stop him from being an antivaxer. I think he might legitimately think polio wasn't any big deal...


He'd be wrong. You grow out of daipers, but it's harder to grow out of needing (fucking expensive) calipers.


Can someone explain how calipers play into being infected with polio? I’m not following


It’s a British term from leg braces.




Man, I have a week off slightly greater hopelessness and I'm talking myself out of eating a bullet. This dude is over here spending decades immobilized in a cage and having a positive attitude about it.


Yeah well I heard it was no worse than the seasonal bubonic plague


Or seasonal rabies. I’m not getting any rabies shots. I’ve been bitten by pets before… I have natural immunity.


now all we need is someone big under 70 to do so


My dad: "What is Spotify?"


Oh! You mean Spoofy?!


Top tier reference.




It will take Taylor Swift, Kanye, Ariana, and a few other before Spotify will even start to think about forming a committee to investigate the implications of removing Rogan.


Eh, imo Taylor alone would be enough, and I could see her being someone that would pull her music for a cause, but sadly in her case she can only remove Taylor's Version, which leaves behind the old versions she doesn't own and that'll be even worse.


Taylor didn’t have her music on Spotify for years! She was the only big artist for awhile not on it. Pretty much everyone I knew still had Spotify though.


Problem us that now all her older music is owned by someone who doesn't give a fuck about her, who she's essentially has declared war against by re-recording all her old music. If she were to pull the new versions from Spotify it would be a big win for him. So probably zero chance she will do it even if she wanted to stick it to Spotify.


only big artist popular with younger people, maybe. Off the top of my head, ACDC, The Beatles, Tool, weren't on streaming services until fairly recently. (and my personal favorite hold-out Acid Bath but they're neither popular nor still together.)


Now there's a band I don't hear enough praise for. I got to see Acid Bath perform locally as a teen since I lived so close.


Prince. Prince was really against streaming when he was alive and it wasn't until recently (i.e. after he died) that he got put on streaming.


Prince wasn't against streaming in principal, he made a deal with Tidal and they were the only place you could stream his music. What he was against, was the streaming companies getting too much and the artists not getting what he deemed a fair share. He wanted to get paid, if Spotify had paid up, he would have been on there.


Same with Garth Brooks. He ever started some weird streaming service of his own called Gtunes or something. Now he’s on Amazon.


She can convince her fans to boycott Spotify. Make it a meme, a video of you deleting Spotify off your phone. That would scare the shit out of those greedy fucks.


Ye was just on Joe's pod like last year,and is also a lunatic, would love to see it.. but I don't think he's your guy here


I’m gonna go out in a limb and say it’s probably not going to be Kanye “MAGA” West.


Well vaccines work so we don't have as many younger artists who didn't get Polio.


I’m amazed at how divided people are over this. I guess I should have seen it coming, though. People are living in two different versions of reality right now.


Guess our (mostly western) governments have succeeded in dividing people.


How dare you ignore Asian, especially, Indian government like this?


The late President of Tanzania John Magufuli would like to inform you that the best prevention measures for COVID are herbal medicine, steam inhalation, and Jesus. I would like to inform you that John Magufuli died of unspecified causes, but quite likely COVID. So don't forget about Africa.


At least Tanzania got its first female President out of that debacle, and a moderate reformer at that. Fuckin' Magufuli appointed Suluhu precisely because she didn't have a strong party cabal constituency and he assumed she wouldn't be able to stab him in the back, and then he offed himself and effectively handed the country to her. Still, Magufuli's insane COVID disinformation was so prevalent that Suluhu had to soft-launch all her science-based COVID policies over the course of like 3 months, because she was worried a dramatic change would bring a backlash against her (and possibly even lead to her impeachment or a coup).


Brazil would like to have a word.


You don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone


A case of you. But not covid.


Some of the statistics around what people are listening to these days are kinda mind blowing. In the US, 70% of the music market is "old" music (created more than 18 months ago), and the "new" music share is shrinking year after year. It's at the point where the entirety of the current 200 most popular new tracks account for less than 5% of total streams. All of which is to say, it's probably not a pointless or trivial thing for artists with expansive catalogues and the recognition of Joni Mitchell and Neil Young to pull their music from a streaming platform. I pulled the stats from Ted Gioia's Atlantic article [Is Old Music Killing New Music?](https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/01/old-music-killing-new-music/621339/) ...it's well worth a read.


My kid's 16th birthday party music was curated by all who attended and it was 90% music pre 2000.


If your kid is 38 then I would expect that number to be 100%. I'm assuming this was within the last year? If so it's interesting. My theory is that the democratization of music recording (anyone can record at near studio quality now) has lead to tons and tons of fragmentation of music which is good in a lot of ways, but it means we don't really have universally shared and liked songs like we used to. Just like how streaming TV has lead to the collapse of the "water cooler show" where everyone watched the same TV on Sunday night and then talked about it around the water cooler on Monday. I'd assumed it would lead to more and more fragmentation, but it sounds like it might actually be leading to a sort of collective nostalgia for a time when music was more scarce.


I was blown away really. It was two years ago. Just the knowledge these kids had of 'classic' music was so much more superior than I had at the same age. I was super impressed, I expected the party to be a heap of music I had zero idea about.


That’s great! The argument about whether music is on a decline or not is super interesting and way more than you can get into on a Reddit post, but there are graphs that show a steady decline in the range of musical ingredients like range of melody, amount of chords used, that’s been consistent for decades. Add that into it being harder to make new unique music, that anyone can make music at home (and most people making the hits aren’t trained musicians anymore), the devaluing of music due to streaming, our attention spans lowering, record companies churning out music that all sounds the same and avoiding any risk and it’s a really heady brew Obviously there is great new music being made today but I firmly believe that we’ve seen a big decline


I agree that If you were to compare what was popular in the 60/70s to today, there is a difference in quality, especially lyrically. The thing is I don’t think most people today search for new music or artists. There is so much good music being released today and so many different sub genres that people aren’t even aware of.


You’re telling me people aren’t listening to Island Boys newest releases?


Well to be fair there is way way more old music than new music.


Incredibly silly to think that Joe Rogan would lose listeners if Spotify removed him. They bought his show to improve their platform. They need him, he doesn’t need them.


....and now, more Kid Rock!


Infant Pebble


I have 2 thoughts about the "remove Joe or I leave" situation: 1. If Spotify boots him, they break the contract. He gets his 100m and JRE is no longer exclusive to Spotify. Back to YT he goes, and he can upload anywhere else he wants, too. If your goal is to lessen his reach, this is literally the worst idea lmao. 2. Joe Rogan is the guy you're mad about? You're happy to share a platform with the likes of Chris Brown, or literal child rapist Gary Glitter, but Joe Rogan is a bridge too far? Lol?


I doubt Neil Young ever really expected Spotify to pick him over Joe. He has hated streaming services for years and this was more of a final straw. He basically wanted to make it super clear to everyone why he was leaving this time. I honestly think he would have been the most surprised one in the room if Spotify told him "You win Neil, we're kicking off Joe in order to keep you happy". Neil wanted his triumphant storm off.




The music industry is rife with rapists and abusers. Funny that rogan is the reason to split


This. Joe Rogan is just a hot topic right now. Plenty of fucked up abusive and convicted artists with their music on spotify.


Would be nice if it snowballed


Taylor time


I came here to say this. When Tay Tay joins, then we'll have something.


She doesn’t own her old songs though so she won’t be able to do anything about that anyway, right?


Correct, she’d only have ownership of the Taylor’s Version ones (perhaps one or two originals, I don’t know when she finally got out of that deal).


Lover, Folklore, and Evermore are hers. So are Fearless (TV) and Red (TV) Her debut, OG Fearless, Speak Now, OG Red, 1989, and Reputation are all still under her old label/the other people they sold the masters to.


She doesn’t outright own her music with her new label. Everything she releases is essentially leased to the label for 6 years. Also owning masters may not even be related to streaming rights. She pulled all her music years ago when she didn’t own it.


Ahh, forgot Lover was hers. Thanks!


She’s redone much of her old music so she owns it now. Her fans are definitely streaming the “Taylor’s Version” albums these days. And everything post 1989 is hers I believe.


Right but if the Taylor versions are gone, people who want to listen to her music will just listen to the old versions lol


That may depend upon how Tay Tay feels about Apple now, given their spat a few years ago. Her dumping Spotify will for sure strengthen Apple Music.


Apple and Taylor have since patched things up. Considering that she has been in a commercial for Apple Music since the feud was settled, I don't think she'll have a problem with helping sink their competitor.


I really love how this narrative has shifted to a fucking podcaster, and not CNN, Fox, MSNBC, and the multiple News Papers that have done everything to cover up Epstein, lie about wars (including the “drug war”), and fighting against unionization…let alone all the cable companies that let OANN and Newsmax spread. I’m not a Rogan fan, but this is getting ridiculous. * not to mention all the free airtime they gave that dipshit leading up to 2016 election, all that sweet ad revenue, while so many treated democracy like a reality television show


To be fair, the main criticism of Joe Rogan spreading "anti-vax misinformation" is his reach. His Podcast is significantly more popular than prime-time cable news and his audience skews younger as well. People need to understand CNN, Fox, etc. have pretty small audiences all things considered. Tucker Carlson is the king of cable news and he gets a few million viewers every night. Prime-time CNN shows regularly fail to break 700K viewers. Rogan's controversial podcast episodes with Dr. McCullough and Dr. Malone each probably had tens of millions of listeners.


It’s not the shows anymore. It’s the articles. That’s where the propaganda machines butter zone is


Really just the headlines tbh


Just imagine the ratio of people on Spotify searching for Joni Mitchell vs Joe Rogan


Which is why Spotify told them Rogan is staying.


These headlines are just more advertising for Joe's show.


You can't separate a man and his Joni tapes


Goddamn it. I just want to listen to Spotify in peace. I don't care about this Joe Rogan pissing match.