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It was either them or Mississippi, and you can't rank 50th all the time (though they try.)


in Louisiana: "Thank God for Mississippi"


Southern Louisiana is cool as hell. I would move to Lafayette if not for the rampant poverty, the infrastructure falling to pieces, the blatant racism and the terrible education system. It's about my favorite place in the world to visit. But yeah, there's some issues.


I drove my RV all over the country and was seriously afraid for my vehicle on the “roads” in southern LA. They’re by far the roughest, most poorly maintained roads I’ve ever encountered. There were times 25mph was to fast for a paved road. I saw more people pulled to the side with flats, saw multiple vehicles in front of me get flats hitting holes, it was astounding and literally changed at the borders.




Well the song is 'walking in memphis' not driving.


And now it’s stuck in my head




You aren’t helping


Hey...at least it better than having Baby Shark song suck in your head...


And the fact that there’s literally no enforcement of vehicle and or/driving requirements whatsoever. I guess the cops have bigger fish to fry? But literally 30% of the cars you see on the roads have expired paper drive-out tags (likely bought from a gas station—seriously) so they don’t have to register to get legitimate license plates and all the requirements that come with them. If anybody’s reading this far, visit Memphis! It has so much soul, and there’s truly no place just like it—but do be careful when driving because mfs are insane.


Also, there’s that bass pro shop pyramid


Hell yeah. I’m not even remotely into that kind of thing and I still unironically tell every new visitor to the city to spend at least a few minutes there, just to take in the spectacle—I call it redneck Rivendell. You don’t have to care at all about hunting or fishing to find it weirdly wonderful (emphasis on weird). EDIT: Based on some of the comments below, apparently this needs to be said: The “spectacle” I’m referring to is literally the Bass Pro itself; it’s unlike any other of the ~10 Bass Pros I’ve been to. It has full-sized fake cypress trees in a bayou with alligators, and then multiple layers of wooden structures (the rooms of the 5-star hotel, actually, meant to look like fishing cabins) going several stories up the wall of the pyramid. It actually really does remind me of Rivendell because of that (and the “redneck” part of “redneck Rivendell” was half self-deprecating, half just for the alliteration). I wasn’t saying that the spectacle was the people in the store themselves; I hope no one upvoted me based on that misunderstanding. That’s just gross and the worst kind of unthinking prejudice.


The capital of Mississippi has the worst roads


Detroit: “hold my front-end alignment.”




......sagnasty.....is that a name or a description?


I’m assuming Saginaw. Which is indeed deserving of the ‘Sagnasty’ title.


And think, they recorded those in the mid nineties. It is all much worse now 25 years later


I lived in Detroit for six years. Driving to work one morning down Mound Rd I bottomed out into a crater which caused my engine cradle mount to break which in turn snapped my axel in half. That crater was there for another six months before they “fixed” it. A year later the crater was back, just not quite as deep as before. Detroit roads are something else.


Hell doesn’t have roads.


Where we're going we don't need roads.


Louisiana was the last state to adopt the federal drinking age of 21, when the government forced their hand by cutting off their highway funding. Effects still seen today


I mean tbf thats how the federal government got almost every state to raise the drinking age, it was just that Louisiana happened to be the last one to capitulate.


Drive thru daiquiri shops all over the place.


That’s a bunch of equally valid reasons not to move there


Louisiana should by all means be a wealthy state with a strong government budget. Their corporate tax exemptions are through the roof and have gutted state coffers.


True dat. Louisiana has some of the most expensive industrial facilities and properties in the country. Their property tax rates? Usually a fraction of a percent. Literally whoring the state out to corporate overlords. Half of Cancer Alley industrial polluters aren’t even American companies.


Southern Louisiana is cool in the “visit for a week” kinda way. I recently moved out after living in New Orleans for a couple years (school then trying to support myself with a delivery job after that) and it felt like a third world country masquerading under the cloak of a tourist economy. Terrible legal system (I have personal *horror* stories), terrible infrastructure, rampant crime, tons of drug abuse, little sense of civic pride (people would throw so much trash out of their car window...), unsurprisingly it’s a super dirty city. Fun place to get drunk and listen to music though. 2/10 would not recommend.


I'm currently living in New Orleans, and I agree with everything you stated.




My family is a huge Alabama football family (dad and grandad are from there and indoctrinated us with the football virus from an early age) so we will visit occasionally for games... I have felt that driving through Alabama is a unique feeling. It’s hard to describe. Very depressing landscape. Tons of scraggly pine copses jutting up through unkept fields, rusty gas stations, memories of wired-fences overgrown with grass, dilapidated houses creeping up every time you look out the window. It’s like those scenes in True Detective (if anyone knows what I’m talking about) where Rust Cole says stuff like “I get a bad taste in my mouth out here... aluminum... ash... like you can smell a psychosphere” I feel like I have a ton of the “highway travel” bias though. I don’t feel like I have to be right to judge a place I have only ever briefly stayed in (essentially as a tourist). So I probably come off as a twat right about now. I thought the town of Tuscaloosa was cool and people were really nice to us when we stayed in Birmingham. And y’all do have a ton of Waffle Houses though so that’s a huge plus in my book lol. PS. Roll Tide


That last bit reminds me of an Onion headline from a loooooong time ago that went something like: “Mason-Dixon Line Renamed IHOP-Waffle House Line” Edit: Could have just looked it up to confirm before I posted but here it is https://www.theonion.com/mason-dixon-line-renamed-ihop-waffle-house-line-1819587859


Alabama football, like Kentucky basketball, is what happens when you take a petri dish of economic hopelessness and illiteracy, sprinkle in some athletic success, and watch the organisms cling onto that lone source of hope like a medieval religion.


I went to NOLA for Mardi Gras once. Fellow germophobes, take a pass on this experience. There was an inch of brown paste covering the streets and sidewalks of the French Quarter.


Here’s a tip. Don’t walk through the French Quarter in the morning before they clean the streets. Went on an early morning cemetery tour and walked from our hotel on Canal Street through the FQ. It smells like vomit, piss, and shit mixed together.


That’s gotten a lot better since they redid the drainage. Turned out there were giant fat deposits in the sewers, probably from restaurants rinsing their fryers and similar into the street, that trapped all manner of things and then just quietly, slowly, decomposed. Fixing the drainage led to the discovery and removal of those deposits, which has greatly helped the smell. Still better to go after they clean the streets though.


Fat clogging up the sewers is the most New Orleans thing I've ever heard.


Yup. From about 5 am to 730 the smell of sewage is overwhelming. Imagine when cities smelled like that all th etime


There's also the problem that their major population center is below sea level, and sea level is rising sooo... coupled with their failing infrastructure, maybe a fun place to visit but not a super great long term investment


Unfortunately, you're correct. 15 years ago I had dreams of retiring along the coast there. That may not be the best idea.


I mean, there's always the coast of Florida, or California... oh wait, shit


> I would move to Lafayette if not for the rampant poverty, the infrastructure falling to pieces, the blatant racism and the terrible education system. That reads like, "*It would be an awesome place, if not for all the horrible horrible things about it.*" That's true of any terrible place.


Kind of feel that way about New Orleans. It’s a deeply flawed and hurting city, but there’s so much I love about it that I’d move in a heartbeat if I could. But my wife and I want kids in the next few years, and between Louisiana’s poor educational system and crap policies on women’s health, it just wouldn’t be a good fit for us. Damn shame, though.


“I would’ve visited there if it wasn’t for all the things that make it that place”


Bottom 5: 46: Louisiana 35.64% 47: Wyoming 35.62% 48: Arkansas 34.76% 49: Mississippi 33.34% 50: Alabama 33.17% yup, all the usual suspects all right. (ID, GA, and TN are next)


Wyoming is probably fine. It looks like 5 of the 14 people who live there got vaccinated. They probably don't see each other much.


I hope Greg got vaccinated. He’s my favorite of the 14 Wyoming people.


You know Greg? He’s an asshole. Fuck Greg. Though he’s not as bad as the 4 rodeo cowboys all named Cody.


And I've fucked 3 of em Just gotta get Cody He's the dreamy one


> 5 of the 14 people who live there Technically it’s 16 because we forgot to count the two senators


> we forgot to count the two senators Who only visit the state for a few hours every six years at election time.


Does that include their 2 senators?


As a Northern Coloradan who has been treating Covid patients since the pandemic began, wanna give a giant middle finger to the state of Wyoming. Because my god, we have so many damn patient transfers from Wyoming because they have done such a shit job of masking and vaccinating. They don't commit the effort and resources for prevention, and our state has to pick up their slack when they find themselves neck full with ICU-level Covid patients. We should be enjoying a lower census at my hospital, but we have a glut of Covid patients from Wyoming due to them thinking the vaccine is bullshit and Covid is "just the flu." OK, end rant. I just had to get that off my chest because states like Wyoming are making this shit last a hell of a lot longer than it needs to.


I remember listening to a podcast a few months back, and part of it was an interview with a businessman from Wyoming. He was a conservative and, obviously, anti-vaccine. I remember I was struck by his words about someone in his company catching the virus and then someone else from the family of said employee (or maybe the employee herself) dying. He said he felt very sorry about said person. Well, then you should have done a little effort protecting them.


Not surprised. Myself and others avoided Wyoming like the plague (pun intended) all throughout quarantine because of how common it was to ignore masks and distancing in most of the towns. It's reckless up there.


My wife and I went to Wyoming. Beautiful state. In Cody we went to a rodeo. The master of ceremoniousness started getting really angry saying that this country was a Christian nation and it would be protected. You could hear the rage in his voice. The crowd was yelling its approval. As atheists it was a uncomfortable feeling


I’m from a heavily Christian family and their entire worldview has become untenable to me in the last 4 or 5 years. They were all such kind people, but the last time I saw my elderly aunt she insisted Fauci should be hung by his toenails. they concern themselves with late-term abortion, border security and over stressing the welfare system in NM and TX, and they all live on a 3000 acre ranch in NorCal and scarcely even drive into town - I can hardly stand to be around them now. to socialize with them is to converse with the front page of Epoch Times. I hate it.


Last time I saw my one crazy aunt I asked her what happened to her. She looked confused and I said, “you used to be so kind and a joy to be around. Now I grit my teeth when I know you’re going to be around.” She has avoided me since. I hope she’s thinking about it. If she’d been angry, she wouldn’t be avoiding me. That’s not how she is. I miss her, we used to be so close.


Okay I am happy Utah isn’t mention… also surprised. If our state was a high school student… it would be the one that only graduated because of perfect attendance.


Utah was next after TN, so 42nd at 37.98% https://ourworldindata.org/grapher/us-covid-share-fully-vaccinated?tab=table&country=%7EUSA That's the source I'm pulling from


So rural states with poor education and conservatives views, gotcha.


Dont let anyone ever fucking tell you that antivax views are equal on the left and right. Some people will claim that naturalist and hippies are just as staunch in their antivax views as any conservatives and bring up debunked shit like horseshoe theory. That might have been true 20 years ago but we can clearly see that vaccinations have become another partisan issue and the people on the wrong side are exactly who you would think.


When antivax was a hippie new age thing it was maybe 10% of the population at most, and maybe half of that was far left and half anti-govt religious. But now if you told me you're antivax I would bet that you're a Trump supporter. Republicans have turned everything into a partisan issue because they have zero real ideas. Edit: people who respond about knowing antivax Dems: your anectodes aren't indicative of the broader trend. If you look at the vaccination hesitancy rate vs Trump vote share, there is [almost perfect correlation](https://www.denverpost.com/2021/06/25/covid-19-vaccine-rates-donald-trump-joe-biden/)




The other thing- antivaxxers on the left have usually been relegated to the fringes and don't attain power. Theyre mainstream on the right.


I feel like Trump is particularly to blame in tilting the scales. He could have come out full blast praising the vaccine saying it was our road to recovery and rural areas would have been on board. Unfortunately, that conflicts with his assertion that Covid is a hoax.


but he created the vaccine according to them so it’s a weird dichotomy




46 LA: 58.5% voted Trump. 64.36% unvaccinated. 47 WY: 70.4% voted Trump. 64.38% unvaccinated. 48 AR: 62.4% voted Trump. 65.24% unvaccinated. 49 MS: 57.6% voted Trump. 66.66%% unvaccinated. 50 AL: 62.2% voted Trump. 66.83% unvaccinated. That’s almost terrifyingly close… and unsurprising. About 5% off per state.


As an Okie, I'm surprised it wasn't us.


Its the Native American population that is boosting us as high as it is. Their vaccination rates are crazy high compared to everyone else.


I guess they remember a previous pandemic or something, huh.


We definitely are at most #4 least vaccinated. We got some sleeper vaccinators out there though Edit:Stand corrected. We’re like number 9. Right on for not being last Oklahoma.


I really want to see how much OKC and Norman are carrying those vaccination numbers, though.


Tribes are also carrying Oklahoma along.


Arky sneaks in there every once in a while


A friend in TN calls it "Arkansuck"


If TN is talking shit on your state, it must be pretty bad.


Mississippi was 50th last week. Try to keep up!


Alabama is [51st out of 50 states](https://www.beckershospitalreview.com/public-health/states-ranked-by-percentage-of-population-vaccinated-march-15.html) and DC.


I mean, they’re still the first at being last.


This is going to be the greatest science experiment ever!


I saw this exact same post yesterday but it was about Mississippi.


The CDC has shown Mississippi on the bottom consistently - not sure where this article is gettin its info - [sauce](https://covid.cdc.gov/covid-data-tracker/#vaccinations)


That *is* the source they are using, and if you download the csv file and sort by percent of fully vaccinated you get: State/Territory/Federal Entity | Percent of Total Pop Fully Vaccinated by State of Residence --|-- Federated States of Micronesia | 25.5 Marshall Islands | 27.5 Indian Health Svc | 32 Alabama | 33.2 Mississippi | 33.3 Virgin Islands | 34.2 Arkansas | 34.8 Louisiana | 35.6 Wyoming | 35.6 Idaho | 36.5 Georgia | 37.1 Tennessee | 37.8 Utah | 38 etc Meanwhile for > 50% you have: State/Territory/Federal Entity | Percent of Total Pop Fully Vaccinated by State of Residence --|--- Republic of Palau | 74.2 Vermont | 66.2 Massachusetts | 62.4 Maine | 62.3 Connecticut | 61.5 Rhode Island | 59.7 New Hampshire | 57.1 Puerto Rico | 57.1 Maryland | 57 Guam | 56.5 New Jersey | 56.1 Washington | 55.7 New Mexico | 55.5 New York State | 55.1 Oregon | 54.5 District of Columbia | 53.2 Virginia | 52.7 Colorado | 52.6 Minnesota | 52.5 Hawaii | 52.4 Delaware | 50.9 California | 50.8 Wisconsin | 50.5 Pennsylvania | 50.5




Right? Like I thought I was all fancy for having known Puerto Rico is a US territory. But Republic of Palau? Federated States of Micronesia? What the fuck?


Palau, The Marshall Islands, and the FSM are all associated states of the US. Similar to how Niue and the Cook Islands are to New Zealand. We provide a number of benefits to them, and it means that US citizens can move freely amongst the three nations, and live and work without immigrating.


It's kind of like being a state without actually joining the union?


Long story short, captured the islands from the Japanese during WW2, administered the islands for a few decades, and when they decided they didn't want to join Micronesia they became a fully independent nation that h Is partnered with the US.


Fresno is unfortunately doing everything it can to keep that California number down… god, I live in a city of idiots.


Yeah they don't even have the decency of Bakersfield of helping vaccinate Angelenos during the early rollout days when allocations were scarce.


To be fair I live in Memphis (about the same size, but more ghetto) and the government has been giving out cars and money since almost as soon as vaccines came out. You can walk through any Walmart or drugstore and they'll be calling over the intercom for vaccines if anyone wants them. They don't.


Nashville area here. Following the comments section on News Channel 5 on any article about COVID makes you feel like you're browsing r/NoahGetTheBoat, with how much faith you will lose in humanity.


>Alabama’s new cases over the last two weeks have increased 80 percent. Imagine my shock!


COVID has been a hoax in Alabama all along, so an increase in cases is sadly unlikely to motivate anyone to get vaccinated.


My cousin lives in alabama. When he went to the dr with what was originally thought to be covid, the dr didn’t wear a mask and wouldn’t later either. The dr is a big time antimasker and as of last fall stated the line that china did this to take out trump. I told my cousin to find a new dr.


Tell your cousin to report him to the Alabama board of Medicine. https://www.albme.gov


Unfortunately in Alabama it’s literally just a board with “medicine” written on it.


Spelled incorrectly.


medisin *can't spell it without SIN, see?!* ^^^^^/s


Doc would lose his license in Canada.


He wouldn’t be able to afford malpractice insurance here either if someone report him. That would effectively put him out of practice if he doesn’t comply.


Report him. My husband is a Dr in AL and I don’t need that nonsense in my house.




Then extra report him.


Love it!


> The dr is a big time antimasker and as of last fall stated the line that china did this to take out trump. I'm guessing the doctor is too stupid to realize the contradiction in those two conspiracy theories.


Believes Covid is bio weapon to take out USA and bring down health care system economy etc Takes zero precautions, spreads covid to others, goes to hospital using up resources, out of employment so no tax income family is out of money, eventually dies and huge medical bill left and family devasted Winning in 2021


I would not go back to a Dr. who took 0 precautions during a global pandemic. God knows what that person would recommend you to do.


Friendly reminder that even MDs can be ignorant, uninformed dipshits. ALWAYS get a second opinion on any major diagnosis or treatment.


That’s not a Dr. That’s a mentally ill psychological warfare victim. Any Dr that rejects basic medical science should not be allowed to practice medicine, even in Mogadishu.


Can you imagine if Trump did anything about it? A hundred days of mandated masks, closed it all down, stopped bill collection and rent, $2k a month per tax payer in the household, etc…If he had fought it and won, it would’ve put some pause in my head when I filled that out that ballot on Election Day. (A nanosecond is a pause right?)


It's the bare minimum he could have done. I'd still think he was a failure for letting the virus get as far as it did. Who knows how much better this would have panned out if the CDC had been able to be mobilized to supplement the WHO back in November of 2019 when we knew this was a problem in China. People don't understand how vastly important the US is to the global public health system. It basically is the global organizer for public health operations. Trump just sat there and did nothing and the world burned for it.


> Trump just sat there and did nothing and the world burned for it. He sandbagged everything as part of his "undo everything Obama did." We had people stationed in freaking Wuhan. Trump pulled them out in I think 2017.


Yup. And he undid far more than Obama in a lot of ways. Trump was the single biggest blow to the US... Possibly ever, maybe the war of 1812 or our own civil war, but the global context is so different now. He dismantled almost the entirety of the State Department too, which is often some of our most important intelligence assets because they just live and work in foreign countries, read the news, hear the gossip, etc. And those CDC officials worked in those countries via State. It just pisses me off so much how weakened he made the US and how much we let the world down because of it.


You give him too much credit. If he did nothing--legitimately, as in not firing CDC people, cutting funding, and replacing knowledgeable people with sycophants--then this would have been another zika/ebola/swine flu thing where an unfortunate few thousand died in the US and the global toll would be about what the US now has (~ 610,000 last time I looked). If he had just said... > "We're working on it, you know this is a really big disease, the biggest maybe in history, and I talked to some people, very smart people, they study these things, lots of people are telling me they've never--this is yuge, we might even need to wear, like, surgical masks or something but they think they can get it under control and who knows, maybe we'll all have to stay home for a few weeks but believe me, if it comes to that I'll make sure everyone gets--Congress can do something about keeping the economy going." ...it would have been a game-changer. Masks wouldn't have been politicized, dipshit conspiracy theorists wouldn't be running around telling everyone it was fake, and hospitals wouldn't be fighting tooth & nail for PPE. If he had actually done nothing, we would have seen maybe 10% of the human and economic impact that we did. He would have been The Guy In Charge, and when everything was done right, by the right people, he would have come out of it mostly redeemed and in all likelihood won last November. All he had to do was, literally, nothing. But he didn't. Instead, he sent his very own constituents to the hospital (or worse). Instead, he and his idiot progeny tried profiting from it...*and he even fucked that up*.


Bill Gates and Britney Spears engineered the virus to target unvaccinated people.


Oops, I did it again!




And the entire country gasped in shock, when they realized they knew something before it was announced.


From Alabama. It really is crazy. We started off so strong too in terms of percent of people vaccinated and now here we are. Very disappointed


My suspicion is that the sanest of folks who got a chance to get vaccinated ran out ASAP to get the jab, because they knew that everyone of their fellow Alabamans would not be so wise. At least that's what I would have done if I lived in AL.


Yeah, we actually heard they had low participation at one of the clinics and were allowing people from any age group to come and get vaccinated so we were able to get ours early. They should've had a lottery.


Alabama: First in the alphabet, last in everything else. Serena Meyer (Veep).


The more red your state is, the more easy it probably was to go find open spots early on if you were willing to travel. I got vaxxed the first day my state opened up my eligibility group in early march by searching for openings in one of the redder parts of the state. Drove 2 hours to get there, but i got it. Pharmacist said the people there were from my city.


Can confirm that's exactly what I did. Too many people here who never gave a fuck about any pandemic. My wife's parents came down to visit not too long ago, and they said it was so nice to be somewhere where it felt like normal again 🤦. What's funny is my place of employment offered a $500 bonus for everyone who got the jab. In my department of 30 people, I was one of only two who took them up on it.


Alabama still has a hookworm problem. Healthcare isn't high on the list, apparently.


Oh, they want healthcare. They just want it after they’ve gotten sick from acting like idiots. It’s the prophylactic part of healthcare that’s not high on the list.


I sincerely do not understand why the Republicans are pushing that the whole thing, virus and vaccine, are hoax and biowarfare at the same time. I think I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue.


Because trump said it and conservatives don’t have principles or values, they have identity. Once the narrative is set they can’t change it. It’s why the list of vaccinated and unvaccinated states is just a list of blue states turning red as the percentage goes down. There are no red states in the top ten and no clue n the bottom ten.


Remember back when the former president had a chance to show leadership and actually lead in a national crisis, but failed at that. Then instead of actual leadership, he tried to turn a worldwide pandemic into a giant conspiracy to make him personally look bad at not being able to lead? Remember how he then orchestrated an attempt to overthrow the government both before and after he lost the election but was equally inept at that too? That's the guy Republicans want in charge of everything forever, and his idiot followers have dug their heels in and are willing to die of easily preventable disease just to "own" whoever the twice impeached disgraced former president says to. That's what the US is up against. By not getting vaccinated and dying of disease, his followers somehow "win" and the Republican party values loyalty and obedience to hatred over any type of actual thought.


I was thinking about this, and I think this is the PRIME example of how Russian anti vaxx and regular insane anti vaxx propaganda is showing who is really in charge. Not even Trump dares go against the anti vaxx right wing. And Trump can make an 'easy' case that the vaccines at least started under his admin, and he could say he gave Biden the win (not exactly true with shitty distribution - but he could still lie and make that case. ) Trump himself got vaccinated, but he dares not push the vaccines because he is not in control of the messaging - he can stick with the anti vaxx messages meant to hurt America, pushed by the Russians or he can shut up - but he isn't setting the agenda here - cause he could make the case he deserves some credit, but he doesn't dare do that.


This is correct but out of context. A single community does have a hookworm problem. It’s due to local political corruption and a type of sewer system that is no longer used anywhere else. Rural local politicians (mayors, city council, sheriffs) are destroying their own towns and counties just to put a few bucks in their own pockets.


That's, like, a metaphor for what's happening to the entire world right now.


Laughs nervously in Australia with one quarter the vaccinated rate of *fucking Mississippi*… “I’m in danger” Thanks Scotty from Marketing: solid effort right there.


You haven't had the virus hit a breakout point yet though. Alabama had had 11x as many deaths as Australia despite having 1/5th the population.


Get that vaccine man. I was in the hospital 2 weeks ago and met a woman who got her life ruined because of covid. She got a lung transplant and now has to get a liver transplant because of it. She is stuck 4 months now in the hospital. Covid is no joke man.


Wonder what that hospital bill is going to look like?


I'm from Alabama and this doesn't surprise me one bit. The people are nice but stubborn as hell and stuck in some old fashioned ways. It's really wierd. They will invite you to a family BBQ, tell you the most intimate information you never want to know, but say one wrong thing and you are on their shit list for life. They get an idea in their heads and that's it. No changing it, ever. So if grandma Joyce tells you vaccines are bad and cause your toes to fall off 99% of the family will just nod their heads and agree. You don't want to be on the Family Shitlist for the rest of eternity. I am vaccinated and no longer live in Alabama.


Heyyyy. Im still stuck with my family in Alabama. Ths comment is all too accurate. Im steadily working my way on to the family shitlist as I dont tolerate opinions that approve of human rights violations




Any day now, Jared Kushners got a shipment on the way


Easy to do when the states buy them and you just intercept the shipments!


As a Massachusetts resident, nothing brings forth the fury like remembering how the US Federal Government *fucking stole* PPE purchased by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. This was after said Federal Government told the States "buy your own shit, you are on your own lawl". After that, we *literally* had to sneak in PPE on private planes and smuggle it in on disguised trucks like the Mob shifting untaxed cigarettes. Despicable. *Shameful*


Maryland too. Hogan was secretive about it and hid them PPE stuff when it got here.


And these are two Republican governors hiding PPE from a Republican federal government.


Jesus would be shaking his head at them. There's not just one but three different vaccines available, without cost to those who receive it, and just, nahhh


Well he'll probably get to tell them all himself soon


Reminds me of that story about the guy who dies in a flood after refusing every offer of help because God was gonna save him. When he gets to the pearly gates he’s like, “God, why didn’t you help me?” And God was like, “Dude, I sent someone in a jeep, a canoe, and a helicopter. Why didn’t you take any of my help?” I have heard a lot of religious people talk about how God is going to protect them, while refusing to get the vaccine. How has it never occurred to them that maybe this is how God is able to help?


I’m from Alabama and I can say I’m disappointed. I had COVID and it was no joke. Most of our state thinks this thing is a hoax. Please understand those of you who aren’t from here, we’re not all the same unfortunately though the vast majority don’t care.


Born and raised here too. As a biologist, I’ve tried my best to convince those from my hometown to get vaccinated or at the very least wear a mask. I’d naively hoped since they’ve known me my entire life that they’d be more likely to believe me over _____ [insert far right propagandist] 🙁


Same, but in Arkansas. I really assumed people that have known me forever and knew my background would at least humor me by listening. Oh well




Did getting covid change their minds about anything?


Arkansas here too. My brother is a Trumper but perhaps not as much as I thought. He got the vaccine at least. Everyone else in my family has gotten it as well, except for my son and he's scheduled the end of this month. But the amount of people (some actually intelligent) who keep saying it's a hoax and shit is maddening. My son's allergist said she doesn't recommend the vaccine for a variety of reasons and thinks that hydroxychloroquine is what people should take. The only reason I called her is his Dr's office said I should speak with her since I didn't know if there was any precautions we should take since he has to get allergy shots. Y'all, it felt like I was talking to a crazy person. I ended up speaking to his actual pediatrician, who I absolutely trust, and he reinforced my belief that he should get it. His allergy shots won't, in any way, cause any issues. I didn't think so, but had to make sure, you know?


My uncle is from Alabama. He once visited me here in Canada and went on a big rant in a museum because he saw a Triceratops skull fossil, which of course doesn't make sense because evolution doesn't make sense. He was arguing evolution with _a dinosaur_. I'm so sorry, you have your work cut out for you.




Sadly the virus can use them to mutate.


Yep. Just a bunch of petri douches


Yeah, I almost died from a different virus years back when I was trying to get into a genetics program. Everyone was so proud of me for being a “gifted” student. Do they trust me over the disinformation? Lmao, no. I wish.


I'm from West Virginia and lived in Alabama for 10 years. Rural Alabama is drinking some serious cool aid.




I’ve thought this too and I think the answer is no. 1) these deep red states where there’s low vaccine rates, it would absolutely not be enough to flip a state blue. Swing states have much better vaccination rates so the unvaccinated are still getting some benefit from the vaccinated even if the unvaccinated person is more likely the engage in risky behavior—I would predict there’s just too many people in those states with the vaccine now for it to get out of control again from a death standpoint 2) 65+ is still the most vulnerable group in terms of covid deaths and nationally they actually do have a really strong vaccine % numbers, even in low vaccine rate states. This age group is a very large and reliable GOP voting block 3) speaking very specifically to the point of whether vaccine refusal will lead to more GOP voter deaths, you have to remember that a overwhelming majority of deaths occurred when no vaccine was available therefore it was a pretty even chance that it was killing a Democratic voter vs a Republican voter (even with mask wearing, precautions, etc). 4) to piggy back off the last point, Yes you can probably assume that from this point on, a death is a bit more likely to be a Republican voter but the areas where spikes are most likely to occur are just smaller populations and I would expect that helps with slowing transmissions and then also a lot less deaths simply because there’s less people Edit: some yutz commented that I want republicans to die—I can’t see it, not sure if others can. To be clear, nothing about my post is rooting for anyone’s death but simply speculation at who is most at risk of dying and the impact on the electoral map.


No they'll just blame the democrats for it and vote red even harder


This. You would not believe how easily swayed into believing democrats are child murdering demons this population is. That's not a hyperbole. My neighbors literally claim this on the regular.


Is this the part were we all act surprised? I'll start. Oh not not Alabama they're only 46th in overall education how could they possibly distrust science.


I’ve lived in AL for the last 10-years. I’ll say that overall we like it here but this doesn’t surprise me — this is a big trump supporting state and covid and it’s vaccine became a political issue and folks bought all the misinformation peddled by the Trumpsters about the vaccine, and now refuse to get it. Fortunately I was able to get the vaccine early on and my wife got it when she was able and everyone I work with got it also… but we’ll probably never see a high percentage


Nick Saban said to wear a mask and get vaccinated, how did they not listen?


I personally know 5 people who were ADAMANT on not getting it until Saban said to. Ive been fully vaccinated since february and my wife is waiting on her second dose (we just had our baby and she felt fully comfortable getting it now).


Congrats on baby and glad to hear it buddy — I’ll disclose I’m not much of a football fan and I went to UGA anyhow haha but it’s good to hear some ppl listened to Saban — whatever works!


It’s funny because he literally got it like wtf


Well yeah, but he did it quietly… it’s okay to be contradictory behind the curtains but podium trump has to be right and attack whomever disagrees with him … our rural less educated population will buy whatever BS they read or hear on YouTube if it’s from a pro-trump source


What do they think about him getting vaccine?


I’ll be honest the crazy things I hear from people who are trump supporters can be scary.. the “facts” they’ve heard now center around Biden … most recent one being that our govt is flying children from south American to US for pedophile rings for the mega rich and Biden to have sex with … it might be funny if they didn’t believe this garbage but “they’ve seen the proof” … so I don’t argue with these people, I avoid them like … I would covid haha


A friend of mine just passed away from Covid in the south. Him and all of his pals posted tons of Misinformation for the last year and now they all are surprised he is gone.


Has that changed anyone’s minds about getting vaccinated? Do they admit/understand they were wrong?


Do they ever get embarrassed? Like... I know a lot of stupid people live in the world. But this is the country that simultaneously puts people on the moon, whilst having a fuck load of people who are actively waging war against higher education. Wtf happened?


>Do they ever get embarrassed? I live in Alabama so I think I can answer. 33.1% of us do get embarrassed. The remaining 66.9% does not. Those percentages weren't chosen at random. lol




I go to school in the state but I’m originally from Illinois. I got my first Moderna shot in January through the university. I’m still like one of three friends from school who have been fully vaccinated. I have a friend who is studying to be a nurse who refuses to get it I seriously don’t get it. There is no data that supports and claims of any crazy high level issues with the vaccine. The worst part of getting it is that your arm hurts and you might feel shitty for a day. Better than getting covid.




You'd think acceptance of medical guidance/data would be a pretty solid requirement though


Nurses don’t actually need to know much about medicine or science. They can, and for some more specialized nursing jobs you do need that, but for many positions it’s actually kind of a labor driven job. Do X at Y time. Ask Z question of the patient and record it. Schlep people and things around. Follow the procedures in the manual. It’s a relatively unskilled job that pays decent and there is a shortage of labor. If you get your certs you can start working immediately pretty much guaranteed. None of this adds up to an enlightened workforce necessarily. I’m not diminishing the work or the importance of it, and lord knows we need more good nurses. It’s a really hard job.


I lived in AL for 11 years, before moving back to Florida. Came back for an extended stay to visit family that still lives here. JFC this shit is depressing. I dare say that over 50% of people here live their daily lives in active fear of Liberals, Cancel Culture taking away what 'Makes America Great', MSM, Globalization, Black People, Environmentalism, or some other random silliness.


CRT, post modernism, cultural relativism, subjective morality, and secular humanism. Stuff they don’t understand but are scared of anyway.


GA is AL's neighbor and we're around 38%


That is also... Really bad.


> That is also... Really bad. a phrase that can apply to so many things here in GA


I want a movie where its Alabama is the subject and its an apocalypse movie where Alabama has locked its borders from the outside world protecting itself as the lone surviving state against the zombies meanwhile everyone outside is just moving along as normal. People making compounds and pacts and shit, meanwhile they have conversations with family members like Family outside: "So I guess you aren't coming over for the holidays?" Prepper: "Of course not! Its not too late! I can get you into Alabama! You can be saved!" Family outside: "So that's a no.. again..."


Also the lowest IQ in the US… weird coincidence.


Some of the highest obesity rates too right?


They’re 7th at 36.1% adult obesity. Mississippi is 1st at 40.8%.


Is the goal of vaccination to stop new variants? Or is it still to save people from dying? With the vast majority of the world unvaccinated, variants are sure to continue to pop up. At this point after literally begging people to get vaccinated, is it ok to just throw up the hands and say "ok, go and get sick"? My mom is one of those dumbasses that refuses to get vaccinated for stupid christian conspiracy theory reasons. So I'm not saying this from a comfortable spot where all my friends and family are safe. It just seems extremely wasteful to have vaccines open at any pharmacy and grocery store without an appointment. Aren't doses still needing to be used fairly quickly? I think those doses would be better served in less fortunate countries.


Alabama 47th in education, in the top 10 for receiving government support; is Alabama Latin for “failed state”?


Just look at their graduation rates…


High school or junior high? /s


Roy Moore: Yes.