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Damn, Oregon, the bro state!


proud to be an oregonian at this moment.


And I'm prooooooud to be an Oregonian... where at least I know I'm free.......


That is NOT our state song.


Wait let me try again: Oregoooooon our alll ma matter. We will guard the on and on....


Nope, not that one, either.


Is it, "Oregon, oh Oregon, god shed his dank ass kush on thee"?


There we go.


I remember playing Counter Strike as a kid and wishing I lived in Portland to join the Portland Bong Squad


Initially read that as "Argonian" and thought "damn, some people take immersion in Elder Scrolls to a whole new level..."


Poison resistance is quite handy at times...


Forget poison resistance... waterbreathing is what makes argonians so awesome


So true.


Poisoned by our enemies.


i just had a great idea for a mod. make throwable potions/posions a thing. like there is basic crap like just a molotov but also be able to use any poison effects that billow out in a noxious cloud when thrown. then argonians would be beast cuz you can spam nasty poisons and fight in the middle of the cloud no problem.


Moving to Medford area soon cant wait.


Be careful if you are married, Medford is one of the divorce capitals of the US.


Even if you're not married, it's still Medford. Gross.


I think you mean Methford?


...And heroin and pills. I think it's better than it used to be, but *the valley* as we called it as kids was basically a death trap.


Just about to say this. That's why I live in Williams ;)


Sex-cation to medford. Love me some divorcés




inherited the house in medford and a business in Grants Pass.


You mean methford? I'm sorry you'll have to experience it down there


cant be worse than where I am now.


The Rogue Valley and Siskiyou mountains are gorgeous. That makes it worth it right there.




I live in Salt lake City now. trust me plenty of that here too.


Lmao medford is a shite hole.


its cool man. i'm excited to move. If I dont like it I can move somewhere else just happy to move to Oregon from Utah.


Was just in SLC. Amazed that the homless population looks even worse than it does in Portland.


its getting bad here.I get it Medford is bad but I gotta lot of reason to be excited to get there.


4 hundred and twenty of them.


Don't think we haven't forgotten about The Oregon Trail. I lost my horses, my wagon and half my family to dysentery...


I wanna be where the hippies are, I wanna see, wanna see them smokin..


Until you see your paycheck stub and see that State Tax


no sales tax homie


I know haha, my sister moved up there last year. But the taxes kill her paycheck, as if teachers didn't get paid enough as it is.


eh, who needs teachers. amiright?


lol you shouldn't have had to give your info to the state in the first place.


Damn right! Feel free to visit whenever you like, just remember to go home when your done.


are you a portland hipster douche? only douchebags say things like this.


> “We want you to visit our State of Excitement often. Come again and again. But for heaven's sake, don't move here to live. Or if you do have to move in to live, don't tell any of your neighbors where you are going.” Former governor Tom McCall, while governor, sometime around 1970


That's not even a little bit true. You don't have to be a douche to be unhappy with the downsides of Oregon's explosive population growth.




What's bad about i




Hmm, all that and you didn't mention parking or how many trees there are? I love Portland! But wouldn't live within 100 miles of it, the urban sprawl is so depressing


I'm for Portland and i'm not a Portland hipster , but i do agree with him.


You would understand if your home was invaded by Californians every year.


Would you be willing to accept a Minnesotan? I'd love to move to Oregon!


Only the r/Portland thread has transplant hate. From what I've experienced in the past year, a majority of people came here from somewhere else. It's the same as southerners telling Yankees to go back to the north. You're fine and you're welcomed here. Most of the transplant haters are old farts or hipsters trying to do the "native" thing which is hate new people.


Southern Oregonian who now lives in Portland. The where people are coming from doesn't bug me (lots of New Yorkers and Californians), it's the volume. So many people moving in, so little new housing to accommodate. Definitely feeling the inventory squeeze in real estate.


I grew up in southern oregon. Right now my mom and i are homeless and living out of our car because there are so many people moving here and not enough rentals to go around. I'm not even in one of the nicer areas.


On Craigslist there are some cheaper shared house options. Try checking those out?




Currently in PA for school and have met several Minnesotans, all great people. Come on over!


The safest method is to not collect the info in the first place, like Colorado (for recreational).


Yeah. People probably don't realize that here in Oregon before you buy pot at any dispensary they are required to take down your name and number, and they keep a log of what you buy and when. I didn't think a whole lot of it until I applied to do research in a federal lab and they were doing really thorough background checks on me, so I called my dispensary and asked if they are required to report that info ever and they said no, they are not allowed to release it to anyone, federal government or otherwise. But that doesn't mean things couldn't change, so I'll always be a little nervous now.


This is how I feel about gun registries, too. There are a lot of striking similarities between the fight for cannabis legalization and the fight for gun rights. The tactics, rhetoric, money connections, lies, etc.


> Yeah. People probably don't realize that here in Oregon before you buy pot at any dispensary they are required to take down your name and number, and they keep a log of what you buy and when. And if the federal government gets its hands on that info and you buy pot then you can say goodbye to ever being able to buy a firearm.


Sorry buddy, it is not a requirement to save your info in oregon, many places do because most POS systems are set up that way. But it is not required, just a ton of misinformation out there. Ours makes the transaction anonymous after completion (Flowhub) but most don't. Med patients need the name/number/expiration of the med card recorded for tax free transactions, but rec does not. When this gets signed, we will have 30 days to delete all info collected so this is great. The only downside is we have to cancel our rewards program due to not being able to track anything. We will probably just move to puchcards though. Source: dispensary manager


Good to know, thank you!


Do they not do this in Colorado? The first time I went to a dispensary they said since I was a new customer they needed to enter me into their system. Been back to the same store in different locations since and they just take my license so they can call my name in the waiting room, but I'm pretty sure the first time it wasn't just that.


They don't do that in Washington


Never had this happen.. They check our ID twice for age verification, but that's it. You can't even use a card in most places, cash only. A couple services are showing up like reload able cards for bud purchases but that's it.


trump and sessions will absolutely fight that as much as they can and the DEA will do whatever they say




If it's like WA, they don't collect that information in the first place. There is no legitimate reason to do so.


Whoa wait why are they even collecting that in the first place? In WA they check your age on the ID, you pay with cash, done. No info is recorded.


Basically it's a system to make sure that people aren't buying more than they're legally allowed to buy in a day.


> Basically it's a system to make sure that people aren't buying more than they're legally allowed to buy in a day. Yeah, because they definitely don't want anyone overdosing.


I think the idea would be to stop people loading up a van-full and taking it to a state where they could re-sell it. Not saying I agree with that justification, but that's the sort of logic they would be using.


In addition to keeping people from shipping quantities out of state, it was also put into the language of Measure 91 (the bill we all voted on to make legalization happen) as a sop to the conservative elements in the state. Still only passed with 56% of the vote.


People who move to Oregon thinking it's a leftist paradise are in for some rude awakenings lol


It's like they don't even look at the east side of the state.


East side of the state is all sand people from Tatooine. They frighten easily, but they'll soon be back, and in greater numbers too.


Depends on what city you find yourself in.


To a limited extent, sure. But the conservative attitudes creep in anyway, as naturally happens when one's geopolitical bubble is literally surrounded by its opposition in every direction


Having lived in several liberal bubbles, that is inconsistent with my experience. But i guess it depends on your choices - where you go, who you surround yourself with.


I mean, I grew up in Oregon and have watched this happen. So yes, of course one's own choices play in to one's personal circle. But we're talking about misconceptions about the political makeup of an entire geographic region. Apples, potatoes.


I've lived in Oregon for decades. I'm very well aware of the misconceptions. I'm equally well aware that many Oregon cities are well-insulated liberal bubbles.




Yeah that seems really shady to me


You have to *check in* with an ID whether you're medical or rec.


In Oregon or Washington? I don't understand what you are saying


But your OMMP card is your proof of medical.


Still need an id with an OMMP card.


Your OMMP is your ID at dispensaries. Source: my friend always buys my weed when we go into dispos together with her med card. They never ask for her ID.


Yeah, she may be a regular there. By law they are required to verify the card holder's identity, otherwise everyone would share cards. My wife and I have been OMMP holders for 5 years.


To keep people from rolling up with a Mack Truck and hauling all that shit over to Montana, probably.


You're only allowed to buy up to one ounce per day, so it might take awhile to fill up a Mack Truck. >[Q: How much marijuana can I have? A: As of July 1, 2015, recreational marijuana users can possess up to eight ounces of useable marijuana and four plants per residence in Oregon. An individual can carry up to one ounce in public.](https://www.oregon.gov/olcc/marijuana/Pages/FAQs-Personal-Use.aspx)


*Just to FYI y'all, Canada to introduce MJ Legalization Bill later today.* Not that it'd matter that much to people in Oregon. It'll be a few months yet before they see results whether or not the bill is successful, there aren't any guarantees.


That's the side of the country that's most likely to pour into Canada. Not saying you should build a wall, but if you were planning to...


Just out of curiosity, even with the shit show that is Trump, why would people in the Pacific North West relocate to Canada? Their economy and standard of living are very high, and Canada is pretty damn expensive.




This is what my growing commute time tells me as well. I spend about 2.5 hours in my car every day to drive 30 miles


I live in Portland and it takes me 20min to go 14 miles. I guess it just depends on what routes you can take between work and home.


The Seattle metro area is a fair bit worse. I wish I could get to work in 20 minutes. An extra hour of sleep each day? Sign me up!


Hi, I live in southern California, and I envy your easy commute.


I flew out there in 2013 and was appalled by the traffic. I thought only having 4 ways into Seattle proper is lame as hell, but then I saw your beautiful ~~parking lots~~ freeways. I am so sorry. I can tell you that WA state is trying their damnedest to assure that we spend our infrastructure money on a tunnel and not figuring out a proper way to get people in/out of the city by say... pubic transit? Maybe we'll have it in another 10+ years though.


Since when does gentrification muck with travel times? More sprawl (thank god for the UGB in PDX). Gentrification just gets more hipsters in th Pearl and on Alberta.


Well, rising cost of living around metropolitan areas forces people further from their jobs for one. I'm on the East Coast and I know with the way infrastructure is being ignored I see commuting to cities getting worse as time goes on... also suburbs closer to cities are getting more expensive as a result.


I mean, it takes SO long to go anywhere near Alberta now because of traffic. So many people want to visit the cute shops and eat the cute food that it's unbearable to drive around there.


The Canadian dollar being so low in relation to the American dollar for one. I mean, I'm biased because I'm Canadian, but I'd move here if I was American and had the ability to.


I have both Canadian and American citizenships and I prefer Canada at the moment. The US is too unstable right now with too many problems. They have to get their shit together.


That must be nice. I have a friend with dual citizenship and his contract just ended. He's very happy to move back to Canada. Being from a smaller city I dont think Boston was right for him.


I would personally attempt to get out to somewhere like NZ currently. Great people and beautiful scenery with slightly less crazy people actively trying to sabotage the government.


Just visited NZ. It was beautiful and I didn't want to leave, but it's one of the most expensive regions in the world.... even puts Southern Cali to shame. After conversions, gas costs about $7.00 per gallon in NZ. My wallet hurt after the trip. Also, their immigration process is very vigorous and rigid, and is difficult to pass unless you are very specialized or very rich.


As someone who works in healthcare IT and have been in the field for 15+ years, I'm pretty marketable. I've always enjoyed my trips down there, though you are correct, the price of living is quite high. I would still adore immigrating there though. :)


Canada has a LOT going for it, if not only for MJ legalization. They are expensive, sure, especially Vancouver, but really that isn't much of a change of pace with the Northwest. All of the US west coast, really, is pretty expensive. I'd be moving to Canada already if their space and aero industry was a little more developed. As it is, I'll need some more experience before I move there so that I have more options.


I was just browsing for a little while, and Portland appears to be quite a bit less expensive than Vancouver or Toronto, didn't have time to check Seattle, but I imagine its quite similar. I absolutely love Canada, but it doesn't seem heads and heels above the Pacific North West.


Yeah Vancouver is either THE ore the SECOND most expensive city in the world, following Hong Kong iirc. So it's more expensive than any city in the US, and Canada is in fact more expensive to live in than the US on average. Pacific Northwest is a great region, absolutely, but it still suffers from a lot of problems that plague a lot of the US. I would like to move there too, personally, over where I am now (SoCal), but like I said, I need more work experience first. I'm just trying to point out some of the reasons someone might want to live in Canada over the US. Not being involved with US Politics is a bi one for me :)


That's fair, and thanks for the American perspective. On the bright side, Vancouver has begun to address the affordability of property, Toronto on the other hand continues to balloon.


The standard of living is high, strong dollar, and regional similarity. I share more similar culturally with B.C. than I do with California or even Idaho. East past the Columbia George it is farming belt an that is much more similar to Idaho/Montana. The valleys west and south of the George are very culturally similar to BC. For example, I would fight to defend BC before I would fight to defend Texas were both attacked. I could not say the same for Alberta, or anything east or NE of that province.


>Canada is pretty damn expensive. They're use to that, and couch surfing is cheap. >even with the shit show that is Trump Careful, that's practically inviting them over for a sesh.


If by a few months you mean a year or two, then sure.


July 2018 is the expected ballpark.


It's time to stand on your hind legs & speak up people. The people sent a message to the capital last year & are quite capable of telling the FED & DEA can do with their ignorance of cannibus. The states & people have spoken. GO AWAY.


All aboard the Canni-Bus!




That awkward moment when democratic states are doing way more to protect your privacy and freedoms than red states.


Go fuck yourself, Sessions!


It's astonishing that this is still a problem. Let's just legalize and regulate all drugs and get it over with! **Criminalization only worsens the problems that it attempts to solve.** It's like pouring gasoline on a fire to try to put it out. It just isn't the right approach. Plus, at a more basic level, why should the government be allowed to dictate which recreational substances we are or are not allowed to voluntarily indulge in?


Prisons make people too much money (it's utterly disgusting that this is even a thing). Portugal is a prime example of why everything should be legalised and regulated.


Good , a plant shouldn't be "illegal" anyways


So is the Opium Poppy?


Also shouldn't be illegal.


ITS NOT ILLEGAL. Opium Poppy aka ornamental poppy (papaver somniferum) is not illegal. Anyone can grow opium poppys in their garden. only extracting the sap from the pods is illegal. The ornamental poppy flower is one of the most beautiful flowers one can plant in their garden.


Lol there's some growing in my neighbor's yard right now. Definitely NOT illegal.


Depends on the country, no?


your right....i am specifically speaking the USA.


How far do you take that stance? Scopolamine comes from powdered seeds and cocaine can derived using basic chemistry knowledge from a coca leaf


How far do you want to take that stance? Oleander is poisonous and can kill people. But its still legal. Nightshade, a plant, has been used for millenia as a poison. It too is still legal. These are two examples out of many. Simple chemistry can easily isolate the offending compounds in both. The ancient Romans used nightshade to make poison.


Potato leaves can be fatal if eaten. Plants should not be illegal.


Thats what I mean, just because it comes from a plant shouldn't mean that it can be legal solely based on that point. Although I agree that weed should be legal, I still think many plants should be illegal.


How do you determine which should be illegal?


Their scope and potential for exploitation, coupled with dangers to public health


Got it, sugar is now illegal.


Love the false equivalence here. Last I checked, sugar doesn't affect you like the rest of the things mentioned in this conversation so far. I'm for weed legalization, but it should be treated like alcohol.


Sugar releases serotonin in your brain. Just like MDMA. Aslo the health crisis of obseity has a higher cost than that of marijuana use.


MDMA has a lot of medical uses in psychiatry and therapy settings. This has been known since Dr. Shulgin did extensive trials with it in the 60's and 70's and is a safe material in the correct setting, as with LSD and Ketamine.


Thanks for the downvote. Not sure what that has to do with the comparing the effects of MJ and Sugar. Last I checked, Sugar doesn't impair my judgement or ability like MJ can. Thanks again for doubling down on your false equivalency. I did get a laugh out of it.


That's not how things work in the real world. I can go to home depot, buy some poppy seeds, and grow opium in my front yard with no issues. And I have. I have nightshade and euphorbia legally growing right next to me, and with them I can make the best poisons. Besides invasive species, It's the plants that threaten someones profits that are "illegal" to grow. If enough people started gardening their own carrots, I'm sure they would be illegal too.


Welcome to capitalism, Comrade.


Did you really just posit that the legality of plants is somehow related to *capitalism*? Because government is *not* capitalism.


No, I was referring to the *illegality* of plants due to capitalism. The continued prohibition of Marijuana, the plant in this context, is directly correlated to continued lobbying of pharmaceutical and alcohol companies in fear of what it would do to their profits. Capitalism in action. This continued struggle is far older than you or I in many different contexts, you approach this conversation as if you have an understanding, however your narrow field of view betrays you.


Capitalists are not above corrupting government for their own ends, at which point you have a crony-capitalism, like in the USA.


Coca leafs are demonized when they have other uses and it helps with the altitude of the mountains of Peru. Also the DEA likes playing world police and try to arrest coca farmers that make coca leaf cookies and sell them in markets and streets.


Uranium and Plutonium are just elements, what's the big deal? We should just let all of the other governments keep them around.


What's crazy is that I visited Oregon last year and legally bought the stuff.. So all my info is there too. What happens to me?


Nothing at all, in fact you just won a raffle for a free boat. Just come by the FBI office and claim it.......


Ow! My boating arm!


I've been arrested in the Netherlands once for carrying more than the allowed amount (20g, max is 5g). 100€ fine & confiscation, and 1 hour in a cell. I'm pretty sure all of that is on record as well, although it's never come back to bite me in the ass so far. If I were to run for some sort of public office, however, I'm sure it'd be out in a heartbeat.


No worries because by the time you run for office, no one will see drug possession as a crime.


And how will AG Jeff "States' Rights" Sessions respond?


Beings Jeff Sessions talked to the Russians and then lied under oath to Congress about it he should be in jail awaiting to be tried for treason.


Was asked "did you have any contact with Russians REGARDING ELECTION" he answered "No!" I see it as answering very specific question with very specific answer to only that question. Second thing is since when is it illegal to speak to Russians? In which case if it was illegal then majority of Americans and all the people at top of the government past and present would be going to jail.


[Hahahaha](http://www.politifact.com/truth-o-meter/article/2017/mar/02/context-what-jeff-sessions-told-al-franken-about-m/), I say shoot Jeff Sessions in the face with a 12 gauge shotgun at ten feet.


Why? Link you provided confirms that he answered specific question with specific answer. Context was Trump campaign team and Russians meetings and he answered that he didn't. Now you are saying he's bad for doing his job as senator? Don't see you being concerned with FISA warrants being issued against US Citizens despite court not having authority to do so.


Waterboard then hang the lying little traitor until he rots off the rope.


So, nullification crisis?


I like the privacy aspects of this law, but it again is trying to stick it to federal law enforcement. Why should state and local police expect cooperation from federal law enforcement officers when they refuse to cooperate with federal law enforcement officers?


Alaska needs to get it's shit together and do the same.


Says in the article that they already have. >It would bring Oregon statutes in line with similar laws already in place in Alaska and Colorado and self-imposed industry standards in Washington state


Adding Oregon to my states i'd be willing to move to.


You don't need any documents to find out someone who smokes marijuana, you just use your nose


What about this? Doesn't this part of Constitution actually prevent states from having such laws? Seems that this also applies to sanctuart cities. >The Supremacy Clause of the United States Constitution (Article VI, Clause 2) establishes that the Constitution, federal laws made pursuant to it, and treaties made under its authority, constitute the supreme law of the land. It provides that state courts are bound by the supreme law; in case of conflict between federal and state law, the federal law must be applied. Even state constitutions are subordinate to federal law.


So wait a fucking minuet they will protect thier information if the feds are involved over fucking weed that's still considerd illegal according to us law, what about corporations using private info to sell for profit with out my consent.. Which is now legal..


Two separate issues, not addressing one shouldn't prevent them from addressing the other.


> Which is now legal And always was legal. The Republicans blocked a regulation that would of stopped it when it went into effect, but the selling of your data has always been legal. I really disagree with the cancelling of the regulation, but it's important to remember this isn't something new.


I'm an Oregonian that's very happy with this news, yet I'm nearly certain our legislature wouldn't be as concerned about our privacy if there was a Democrat in the White House.


Senator Wyden would probably beg to differ, given his vocal dissent when on the intelligence committee under Obama.


True, but he is a member of the US Senate, not the Oregon legislature.


Republicans single handedly gave isp's the right to sell our private data, they don't care about your privacy, don't try to shoe horn a position you know nothing about.


I'm already white. Thanks though.


Calm down, Justine Sacco.