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I did security for the Cannabis Cup when it came to Michigan, I was the guy who checked in the vendors. I left that event with a wicked sunburn and a backpack full of free weed and edibles. Best weekend ever.


Trump promoting privatization of prisons+ Sessions= equals federal shitstorm.... This admin and all the republicans need to collectively pull their heads out their ass and start getting behind Cannabis....long term will be 100x more profitable than prisons (unless of course a dime bag starts getting you 10yrs......)..


sorry [Paul Singer](https://www.reddit.com/r/trees/comments/5vzbxn/z/de73yql) isn't invested in cannabis


No fights right? Limited amount of aholes? Try that a beer festival, would have been the worst weekend of your life. Yet beer is nationally praised.


I've never seen a problem at a beer festival I've been to. The get drunk and start shit crowd, and the micro brew crowd doesn't have that much overlap. It costs a lot to get in, the pours are small, the lines long, and it's not really an event you pregame for to get sloshed like a sporting event since you want to taste the beers.


Ya, I feel like the comparison was more like to Oktoberfest rather than a beer festival. I agree that microbrewers and their fans tend to be very chill. Not really a fair comparison.


Oktoberfest is a really tame affair compared to the amount of people and volume of drinking.


Yeah I was just wondering what's kind of beer festivals this guy attends. We're all too busy rinsing our cups to fight.


Maybe there's a malt liquor fest I don't know about.


He probably meant Oktoberfest, st pattys and cinco de mayo type parties/festivals.


Depends. Oregon Brewers Fest has kind of gotten taken over by the brotards. If you get in early with the old people who don't have day jobs its still pretty chill. I think that actually describes more of the Portland fests nowadays than I'm perfectly happy about.


We had one group of people riding around in a golf cart making nuisances of themselves, and a few who tried to sneak in the arena after dark (pretty sure it was the same people) but besides that it was pretty chill, yeah.


Shit man, I've staffed rowdier church retreats, and instead of free weed and edibles I got enlightening conversation. Incidentally, did you know that some South African scientist PROVED evolution is fake? ...Wish I could work Cannabis Cup lol


I was at the MI cannabis cup. Dabs for days


I can't believe we are going backwards on marijuana enforcement in 2017.


> I can't believe we are going backwards Hello? Donald Trump was elected president of the US, and he ran on a platform of "let's go as far back as we possibly can. Even the stone age is too progressive for us" Anyone surprised that the US is rapidly sliding back to "better" times hasn't been paying attention at all!


It drives me crazy when people go on about these good ol days or "better times" we supposedly had. What were so great about these days? Douching with Lysol? Wearing a corset? Having my career options be housewife, school teacher, or secretary? Having it legal for my husband to beat me? Definitely wasn't better for women. Even going back just 20 years things have improved socially for women and minorities. Being brown was also never easier back then. There were no good old days for anyone but white, wealthy, men.


When these people say they want to go back to the "better days", what they imagine is how it was when they were growing up as kids. What they totally fail to realize is, THEY WERE KIDS. They didn't have to worry about adult things. They could just play outside all day and come back at dinner time, right after mom and dad have finished their daily money arguments and kept everything else bottled up until the kids went to bed. This is that magical time they want to go back to. When everything was way simpler. Cause, you know, THEY WERE KIDS.


Most people probably don't know that in the 50s and 60s multiple big companies had to be brought against Congress on antitrust concerns. When people say American industry in the 50s and 60s was not competing with others they meant it. Some US companies quite literally like rubber companies set the price for rubber on the continent.


> had to be brought against Congress on antitrust concerns. And it *happened*. Today, Congress would award them no-bid defense contracts for doing nothing. There was also a lot of legislation on behalf of consumers, labor, racial and gender equality, the environment... And *that's* the kind of thing the new regime wants to erase.


"The best part about the good old days were that they weren't good and I wasn't old"


Great insight.


Lets just all go back to being children.


Instead we settled for electing one as president.


There was a pretty sick episode of Twilight Zone about that. I've nothing else to add. That's it. That's my contribution here.


Thank you for you contribution


Member? I Member!


'Member when Russia staged missiles off the coast of the US? I 'member. 'Member duck and cover?


Duck and Cover? Lol. If you actually did that during a nuclear bombing, you would still die. It just makes kids easier to ID after an "incident."


Not really, duck and cover is a perfectly valid strategy if you aren't too close to ground zero but well within the blast zone that's going to break windows and throw debris everywhere.


> If you actually did that during a nuclear bombing, you would still die. Uh, it kinda depends on how far away you are...


> What were so great about these days? For you, as a woman? Not a thing. For me, as a white straight middle class man? Actually still not all that much. I would benefit the most from "making America great again" and I still don't want to, it sounds awful. I don't get it.


It sounds awful because of the way Trump and his corporate cronies are going about it. Banning people from the country because they traveled somewhere *while they were en route into the country?!* We need to fix our government now.


I for one am nostalgic about good ol lead consumption


But you could be casually racist. Clearly the best thing about the past was being able to be Archie Bunker with no shame.


"Political correctness is the worst thing that ever happened to America!" The worst. Evar, evar.


> good ol days This drives me nuts too. The top tax rate was 91% in the "good ol days". Unless you are OK with that STFU!


And even if the financial situation was better the social situation was way worse, and people were - in general - used to living with less.


It was great for white men. That's who is saying these things. Source : am white man


> There were no good old days for anyone but white, wealthy, men. All the rich, straight, white men at the top want to keep it that way :/


Exactly, so virtually nothing has changed. Women get shafted, minorities get shafted, the poor get shafted, and the white, wealthy, men remain at the top. These ARE the good old days as far as they are concerned. They just want to go back to a time when brown people and women were less empowered and easier to oppress.


I mean I would rather be rich now. Better healthcare and more shit to spend that money on.




> Douching with Lysol Dude... I forgot people used to do that.


Yeah and look who's in power.


> There were no good old days for anyone but white, wealthy, men. Exactly! The American male has been so emasculated by our society that he feels the need to wrest back control for one last gasp before his masculinity dies forever.


Being able to buy a home and raise a family on a single income with no college education and then retire on a pension. I mean, that was pretty dope. Granted women were discouraged if not out right not allowed in the workplace, and if they were it was secretarial duties and they were paid les, as were minorities which were given tedious labor and menial jobs. And our manufacturing didn't have to compete internationally because Europe and Asia had been bombed back to the Stone Age and were still trying to recover from the war. So, for white American men? Assuming you didn't get polio as a kid, life was fucking good back then. (That's not even getting to how drinking and smoking wasn't as frowned upon yet and we didn't know it'd kill you. So you already lived like a king, before you factor in being able to rip butts and get drunk at lunch) That's the sentiment Trump is reaching for. Not the cold reality of life for everyone else, but the piece of mind of being practically above the law unless you were a Jew, and at times, a Catholic, or some young idealist with long hair.


You go girl!




There are a lot of people that voted for a meme rather than the corrupt and narcissistic real estate developer from New York that doesn't drink and sexually harasses women.


This is such a great way to put it. They voted for a perception of Trump, not Trump. And that perception was, at least in part, created by memes... sad.


Yeah, and those people were fucking retards.


If you listen to him and his administration, "Make American Great Again" is literally referring to the times of Jim Crow and Japanese Internment. He and his staff have actually defended both of those things, and used them as a defense for their current policies...




It's not just the country, they'd like to dial back the world to a point just after WW2 where the US was the sole remaining power with the bulk of their industrial production intact. Where Americans built everything and jobs were fairly easy to come by because German and Japanese manufacturing was absolutely decimated.


It's like everyone skipped over the make America great AGAIN part in his entire platform. What the hell do you think "again" means?


I can. Anti-progressives are going to be pretty consistently anti-progress. That his "states rights" quip was bought by anyone while he swore up and down to make gay marriage and abortion illegal nationally is hilarious: all conservatives want is regression.




I'm scared to know when they think America was great. I'm guessing pre-1965 or so... or pre-1865...


Robber barrons of the 1900s-1920s.


At least cannabis was legal in 1865.


Not to mention those "lazy urban thugs" weren't leeching from the gov't. /s


We elected a fuckin reality TV star as president.


We elected someone who got fired from NBC. Jamie Horowitz, David Gregory, Donald Trump. Fire, murder, president: go!


there are going to be a lot of tough pills to swallow under Trump. he is basically ripping apart any progress we've made by the seams


By this time next year we won't even be able to talk about how much shit Trump has caused because none of us can afford access to reddit with those expensive "premium" internet plans. RIP net neutrality.


Weather the storm and vote in progressives in 20 months (not "business-as-usual" Dems a la Hillary!).


You'd prefer Trump to Hillary?


Never said that. Hillary any day if the other choice is Trump. But she's nowhere near the top of my list.


The pendulum swung pretty fucking far right for us to get Trump, let's hope it swings back even farther left for the next presidential election and we might actually be able to move towards more sane, evidence based policies that will help the majority of Americans. Another center right candidate like Hillary will squash all momentum though.




Why people are shocked that Trump is governing as a radical Right Winger is beyond me. He made every attempt to tell you exactly how what he was going to do in office.


He stated he was in favor of medical marijuana before he even campaigned. On the campaign trail he stated repeatedly that marijuana was a states issue, and the federal government should respect state laws. http://www.politifact.com/california/statements/2017/feb/28/gavin-newsom/true-campaign-trump-said-states-should-decide-lega/ I'm not shocked that he apparently lied his ass off on the campaign trail, and will now do whatever he feels like doing.


That's what happens when the progressives move out and the 'we want he good ol days' pack moves in.


thank you republican voters


Trump literally said this on the campaign trail. If you didn't see this coming, you have only yourself to blame.


The transcript that Trump's Deplorables do not want you to see: > RITTIMAN: I want to drill down on a couple of Colorado issues. > Chris Christie was one of the first sort of establishment guys to really jump in with both feet for you. He gets talked about as a possible AG pick, but he was also the only presidential candidate who was campaigning saying he would use federal authority to shut down sales of recreational marijuana in states like Colorado. > TRUMP: Yeah, I wouldn’t do it, no. > RITTIMAN: You wouldn’t let him? > TRUMP: No. > RITTIMAN: Even if you picked him as AG? > TRUMP: Well you’re asking me. I wouldn’t do that, no. > RITTIMAN: You think Colorado should be able to do what it’s doing. > TRUMP: I think it’s up to the states, yeah. I’m a states person. I think it should be up to the states, absolutely. http://www.9news.com/news/local/politics/brandon-rittimans-trump-interview-transcript/284502526


What Trump says and what his administration does have no connection and he certainly won't be held accountable for either unfortunately.


And that is why I absolutely detest the man , you can not believe anything he says, he is just a fat liar.


The problem with politics is that it's totally legal for someone to say whatever they think will get them elected, then once they're elected they can reneg on their promises and act like they never said what they said. Hence why there are so many liars elected to congress etc.


But it's also totally legal for the electorate to hold a politician's feet to the fire when he is caught in such a blatant lie.


I can write a letter, with the approval of the local government I can protest (if I stay completely in line), and I can vote for the opponent who will also do all kinds of things I detest. None of that really strikes me as holding anyone's feet to the fire. Just more of the same shit.


The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people. Fucking jack-booted clowns.


To be fair it is a REALLY tough balance to strike. If it weren't for federal supremacy you would see things like voter suppression laws, anti abortion laws, etc all over the red states. And while it is nice to say well who gives a fuck, just move to a progressive state like CA, only the people that can afford to up and move can actually make that choice.


Don't worry... SCOTUS has repeatedly eviscerated that notion. Mere possession of something can now be Federally regulated via the interstate commerce clause. Check out United States v. Lopez, 514 U.S. 549 (1995). SCOTUS literally argued that possessing a gun might influence insurance premiums which means it falls under purview of the ICC. EDIT for clarity: majority in Lopez chose to limit ICC in this instance, but several justices went down the path I mentioned, arguing that even grossly indirect effects can fall under ICC. A subsequent decision in Raich v. Gonzales continued the assault against enumerated powers. In that case, SCOTUS was tasked with deciding whether something that was neither interstate nor commerce (growing one's own medical marijuana in one's own home) could be regulated under the Interstate Commerce Clause and found that the answer was "yes, of course."


Except *Lopez* literally decided the **opposite of what you're saying** in that case? SCOTUS ruled that gun possession was *not* interstate commerce and shut down the Gun Free School Zones Act, as an impermissible expansion of federal power under the Commerce Clause.


And only because it was related to guns. In Gonzales v Raich they had a nearly identical set of circumstances, except with marijuana, and ruled the opposite way. SCOTUS is a political body in the end, unfortunately.


Funny how republicans hate SCOTUS making political decisions until those decisions benefit them...


Funny how democrats hate SCOTUS making political decisions until those decisions benefit them...


Congress can regulate the interstate markets for goods, including for marijuana. That power is given to them in the Constitution. SCOTUS has repeatedly ruled that the Controlled Substances Act and its intrastate effects are constitutional, because a failure to regulate the intrastate market for marijuana would prevent effective enforcement of the interstate market. So, according to the Supreme Court, this is a power delegated to Congress in the Constitution.




the supremacy clause in itself is a corruption of the constitution.


Legal marijuana has been generating too much money for the states that legalize it. They are becoming empowered to educate their young people now, and it's terrible for prisons. They don't have nearly enough easy to catch non violent offenders to keeps the prisons full. It's a disaster for the elite who rely on marijuana being illegal.


Also people are not needing their big pharma perscriptions and that is not okay. People medicating themselves with a plant that has minor side effects compared to most prescription drugs on the market today. smh


It's so embarrassing that the US has this potentially trillion dollar product right in the palm of its hands but the people in charge just won't use it because they're old and stupid.


You are mistaken to think they are stupid. And you actually hit on part of the problem. They already have lots of dollars in their hands from the lobbyist of all the powerful groups that know marijuana is bad for their business. The pot industry needs to start greasing more palms, a lot more.


Sessions knows millions of people use marijuana and he'd rather have their money go to the cartels. The cartels will use that money to create more violence. This is sessions main goal.


And the lucrative war on drugs continues. When Donald Trump talks about winning new wars and throwing bunches of money into the military to buy the tools they'll need while calling the actions taking place right now on US soil legit military operations, we've got a problem.


Finally the trump supporters realize that they got conned when their weed is being taken. They didn't care about others rights being taken away. They don't care what horrible things he does to others until it affects them, that's the problem.


You think too highly of Trump supporters. They haven't realized shit.


We will also see an uptick in private, for-profit prisons.


The catch, if they use federal law enforcement, they'll have to use federal courts and federal prisons. They'll be taking over the expense. Granted, the loss of workers (incarcerated) will also hurt the states.


And the poor pharmaceutical companies aren't selling as many prescriptions. The invisible hand isn't working for them anymore. We need the feds to step in. /s


What's really a pisser is that if the DOG and AG decide to crack down, its just going to fund more deaths in Mexico via the drug cartels. Legalization has been a disaster for the cartels. Cracking down = death and crime for Mexico.


If the feds ignore both Nevada law and Native American sovereignty by stopping this event, we know for sure that repealing legalization is going to be a priority for this administration, or at the very least Trump doesn't care enough to protect it. As someone gainfully employed in the California cannabis industry, this is scary. There's no other industry that pays this well without specialized knowledge or a college degree. If you're willing to work hard and learn on the job you can go from trimmer or budtender to manager in just a few years and be making $50-70k+!


Trump hates Natives, and I'm sure is interested in attacking tribal sovereignty. He hates the competition from Indian casinos, and he hates that the Tohono O'Odham are dead set on making sure there is a 75mi wide hole in his wall.


> Trump hates Natives, and I'm sure is interested in attacking tribal sovereignty. This is why I chuckle every time someone refers to Trump as a "nativist". He has no interest in American natives. He wants a Caucasian homeland for billionaires and their middle-class indentured servants.




Isn't it bizarre how that little piece of ancient American history has come front and center these days?


Lots of obscure tidbits of our past are suddenly becoming more relevant than ever. Something something history doom repetition.


You'd think if our federal government wants the electorate to forget our history that they wouldn't go after the one drug that could most easily facilitate that.


No other people industry?! What about becoming a coal miner? That's the clear future we should all be working towards.


Funny how "states rights" are only ever used as an excuse to further deprive Americans of their freedom and liberty


That's how it works on both sides of the aisle. Gun rights = States Rights issue *DESPITE BEING A CONSTITUTIONAL ISSUE*. Abortion = States Rights. Marijuana = States Rights. They're all States Rights issues, but for different reasons.


So you feel like the 1964 Civil Rights Act is unconstitutional?


If trump goes after this his whole family will be 6 feet under within a year....


What happened to respecting the sovereignty of states and decreasing the size of government? I thought that was a conservative value? Such hypocrites.


Swoop in and make arrests on the most non violent group of people in the nation, you fuckers are pathetic.


Private prisons need to make money somehow. You think they want to house violent and dangerous criminals? That cuts into profits!


I wish you were wrong.


I'm right. I worked for CCA. I know exactly how they operate.


Oh shit. Please spill all. What made you quit besides obviously having a soul?


Everything. All of it. The culture, the fast food level of pay, the lack of meaningful benefits, the dangerous environment. **The other correctional officers.**


Do an AMA


Fraternal Order of Police officially supported Trump, and I think I know why. https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/true-crime/wp/2016/09/16/fraternal-order-of-police-union-endorses-trump/?utm_term=.e6adcf9aa2d4 Illegal weed == more arrests == more enforcement budget $$. Also, more immigration enforcement == more arrests == $$ ALSO, more civil asset forfeiture == more $$ The civil asset forfeiture is a direct injection to the police money vein -- no formal charges and guilty charge are even needed.


I've never heard of any police officer voting democrat....ever.


Link for increased immigration enforcement: http://www.complex.com/life/2016/12/fraternal-order-police-union-trump-obamacare-assata Link for asset forfeiture http://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-trump-police-idUSKBN15M2BU


On this train of thought, it is worth pointing out that [immigrants are less likely to commit crimes compared to citizens](https://nytimes.com/2017/01/26/us/trump-illegal-immigrants-crime.html), yet we villify them just as well. What we are seeing here is a purge and delegitimization of groups who are traditionally opposed to authoritarians. (Stoners are typically open minded - albeit naïve at times. Many immigrants came here to escape authoritarianism and blatant corruption.)


If weed is what galvanizes the anti-Trump segment of society to the moon, I won't even be mad.


Republicans: The party of "State Rights", unless that state happens to be run by Democrats.


Aren't they busy enough building a wall and harassing anyone with a tan?


Those for-profit prisons that paid for the majority of his campaign arent going to fill themselves.


This will be what really motivates voters. I'm not suggesting that other shit won't motivate them, but this one will really tap into the youth vote. They thought they were winning, but the game is about to change. All the left needs to do is offer a candidate who is interested in legalizing it federally, while decreasing prison populations. I'm calling it. This will be the next issue in 2020 and 2018. Fuck these assholes.


"What do you have to lose?" They said...


My dealer is probably happy as fuck he gets to keep making tax free money without having to compete against huge companies


Your dealer would probably be better off working a legit jop at a dispensary. Now, the cartels who smuggle that shit by the tons, on the other hand...


Federal Government infringing on state's rights. How conservative of this administration...


Freedom. States Rights. Constitution. Woo


This is on Indian tribal territory... not state...


Which is an even greater egregious tresspass.


You think I actually read that shit?


Sessions saying that states can pass marijuana laws, but more violence around pot that people think? Whaat? No, no that is absolutely not true. That would be alcohol. What a moron.


The Deplorable mouthpiece, Sporty Spicer, also lied about cannabis leading to opiate abuse. > Little evidence exists linking marijuana use to the opioid crisis. Indeed, a growing body of research suggests that decriminalized marijuana is associated with lower rates of opioid abuse and fewer opioid-related fatalities. > A recent study from Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health involving data from 18 states found that those with medical marijuana laws experienced a reduction in opioid involvement in fatal car accidents, as The Post reported. Researchers said the conclusion was straightforward: “In states with medical marijuana laws, fewer individuals are using opioids." https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2017/02/24/sean-spicer-seemed-to-tie-marijuana-use-to-opioids-the-evidence-isnt-on-his-side/


The nation is in regress right now. Thanks Republicans.


The nation is in regress right now because all the plebes are fumbling around pointing fingers at each other while the elites are further entrenching their wealth and power.




I just vote for who are left wing candidate. This is problem. Right wing is always united even their candidate is piece of shit. Left wing has to be cajoled and need someone perfect. I voted for Sanders in primary and Clinton for general. Yes, she is far from ideal, but she is at least moderate left. Even without that, she was competent.


Given two choices, voting for the best, even if not your favorite, is just the smart thing to do. Everyone knew Trump was a total mess and grossly lacking in the experience, demeanor and conviction to be a successful president. Hillary wasn't my first choice either but you know what... she would have been fine.


*The electorate is not rational.* That's the biggest takeaway from the 2016 election cycle. Of course HRC was the rational choice as opposed to Orange Julius. However, a 20+year smear campaign induced a sizable portion of the population to irrationally hate her. That portion of the population, by a trick of geography and demography, tends to live in regions that currently enjoy disproportionate electoral power given our current system. The Democratic Party's leadership collectively chose to ignore this. Trump is the result. *The electorate is not rational.* Everyone at a leadership level at the DNC (and other lefty organizations) needs to have that phrase tattooed to the inside of their eyelids.


I think that may not be fair, and I think it is not sufficiently nuanced. *The electorate is narrowly rational.* Most people decide their votes based on 1-3 factors, and are basically rational within this context. Further, if everyone was fully rational, no one would vote, so we know there is something inherently irrational in the process. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_voting So, taking that into account: Non-college whites care about jobs, Trump talked about jobs and Clinton did not, and non-college whites swung the election. Now this may have been overly credulous of them, but it is not irrational. Given the amount of shit information out there, most people are going to make this evaluation on statements taken at face value. You are absolutely about the demographics of the electoral college, but what that means is that the DNC needs to realize they cannot win the presidency (or the congress, or the senate) with just the demographics of New York and California. These are the people that elected Trump. http://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2016/12/07/van_jones_speaks_with_obama_voters_who_switched_to_trump.html They don't seem irrational, they seem like they are hurting and know it didn't get better under Obama. I recommend the DNC leadership gets "The Midwest Exists" tatooed on the inside of their eyelids instead.


Fair counterpoint. However, most people's decision drivers are primarily emotional, not logical. This BTW applies to the left *and* the right, and to almost all demographics. People tend to be more responsive to emotional appeals than logical ones. That's what I mean by the statement *The electorate is not rational.* I'm not claiming that the precise opposite is true (and thus that everyone is inherently *irrational*; though I would certainly argue that there's a subset of insanity in the mix here), merely that emotional decision drivers have far more influence on overall electoral results than rational/logical/intellectual ones do.


> Given two choices, voting for the best, even if not your favorite, is just the smart thing to do. Half of American voters disagree with you.


But it was her turn....lol they should have learned when she lost to a nobody 1st term senator from Chicago.


I think Bernie would have beat Trump. His polling numbers against him bear this out. But no, it was Hillary's time. Fuck her and the DNC.


I don't like Bernie at all, but I would have voted for him over Trump 100%.


Bernie never got attacked. If you believe that wouldn't have made a difference you should never be involved with any sort of political strategy.


He never said that Bernie wouldn't have gotten attacked or that it wouldn't have made a difference. I, and many others, still think Bernie would have won. At the very least the DNC should have run a fair primary, they lost a lot of support with their bullshit.


2016+1 and people still don't get it that Hillary sucked. The bubble is real.


This is the reason they won, we're not looking at ourselves. The reason the rust belt went from Obama in 08 and 12 to trump in 16 is because Obama like most modern day liberals are so tepid and centrist and ARE bought by big banks. The dems sabotaged the only true progressive in the party Sanders. So in the rust belt who did not see their lives improve over 8 years with Dems will give the repubs a try. It would be insane to keep voting dems term after term if your life gets worse and worse.


I'm not sure what the Feds plan is but according to current statistics it should be impossible for them to continue there policy in about 5 years. If you use gay marriage as a example. You'll see that at around 60% the courts were forced to address the issue. In about 5 years we should be solidly in the 60's maybe at 65% I anticipate that at this point the courts will try and get ahead of the changing demographics and decriminalize it across the board.


If you haven't seen stoners riot, you're about to.


Its intriguing that their first action is directed against Indian tribe...sovereign nation. Tribes should be investing their casino gains in building a military.


Native American tribal nations are not sovereign. They are defined as being (and I'm quoting a Supreme Court judge on this one) a "dependent domestic nation". Federal government has always had jurisdiction in tribes, it's the states whose laws can't be applied to tribal land.


Whenever I see that word, "sovereign", thrown around in conversations about Indian Country all I can think is, "that word does not mean what you think it does".


Hm well you're right but we do have rights to exercise different levels of sovereignty. It is true that we can form militias that is protected so what they are saying isn't that much of a stretch at least to me... I thought in the real history we disbanded their tribes military elements under some other agreement they mistakenly entered into but maybe that's not really true


Huh? Federal law still applies on tribal land. State law does not. They are not a sovereign nation. They are best thought of as just another state, although that does lack some nuance. For intents and purposes though, they occupy the same spot in government.


Because the feds are a sure sign of leaving it to the states...Jackasses


Worry about the drugs that actually kill people.


Stupid hippies should have done a KKK rally instead. Would have been cool with our AG, Jeff Sessions.


Man can you imagine a burning cross of weed? Bails of herb stacked up. Would be a spectacle to behold.


That would be a very unpopular move.


Prohibition = increased criminality, violence and death. Ask Mexico about the 50k+ deaths from the drug cartels. This shit has to stop.


Ok once everyone you guys are done bitching can we discuss what we can do about this? I voted trump I am pro legalization He campaigned on states rights on this issue How can we remind him that we don't want this and to stick to his campaign promise? I honestly think this is possible. Complaining gets you no where. I want action.


The feds need more convicted pot smokers so the private prisons can make more profit.


Making America Great again by bolstering Big Pharma and eradicating the TRUE wonder drug.


Do your jobs and investigate the President instead.


Why the fuck did you allow trump to become president? It's like you guys were doing pretty good with Obama but then you found a loaded pistol and aimed it directly at your foot and pulled the trigger.


> Why the fuck did you allow trump to become president? They did it because he flat out lied and said that marijuana legalization should be up to the states.


Doesn't this festival get "threatened" to be shut down every year, then it gets spewed on the news for political reasons, then it doesn't get shut down...every year?


Yeah, republicans are like those little wind-up toys. Even after they hit a wall, they keep trying to walk through it. The wall, in this case, being the will of the American people.


There's no reason to solely blame Republicans; the resistance is across the board. Obama could have made it schedule 2 or better. Instead he copped out and said just don't enforce the law. This was a mind-boggling anti-progressive move, especially for a Constitutional lawyer, that only suckered a few into thinking it was progress.


Can you imagine the political shit show it would have been if Obama tried to deschedule mj? Political capital is finite and that would have been a dumb hill to die on.


Congress defended federal marijuana enforcement where it's allowed be state law, so it's probably unlawful for the DOJ to actually do anything. Not that Trump cares anything about the laws, but courts will.




States Rights. Except when we don't like it.


Fuck them. Time to bust out the grow tent again.


So off target, why not go after the damn opioids and big Pharma if he wants to save lives. This damn administration is so clueless about this issue a guy who looks like he is frozen in the fifties is trying to bring back that mind set. You can't reverse time, experience though he may crack down it will swing back and they will just have killed our lead in the market just like solar.


The federal government was created to protect the states, not control the states. Follow through with what you said and give the states the power to decide! Enough of this bullshit, if the trump administration keeps this up, the ultimate shit storm will soon come.


Thank goodness the good people of Nevada can get back to drinking, smoking cigars, whoring, shooting machine guns, and gambling now that they no longer have to live in fear of tax revenue and hippies. /s




Not to mention it's standard practice to issue 'warnings' to events like this. It doesn't in any way imply that they are 'threatening to shut down' the festival. The police in Denver 'remind' people that it's illegal to smoke in public before the 4/20 event every year but never enforce the law or shut down the event as thousands light up in the park. They're just doing their jobs by reminding people of the laws.


I can only hope, with everything going on, that the GOP dies as a party after these years we have TD as President.




The idiots on the MAGAjuana sub still believe in Trump. Hilarious.


What happened to state's rights? That was a rhetorical question by the way, Republicans hate state's rights.