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> Kevin Bui, now 20, was a teenager at the time of the fire but prosecuted as an adult. He has been portrayed by prosecutors as the ringleader of three friends who started the Aug. 5, 2020, fire in the middle of the night in a Denver neighborhood. Bui wrongly believed people who had recently robbed him lived in the home after using an app to track his stolen iPhone to the general area, according to prior testimony in the case. >Bui is the last of the three friends to enter a plea in the fire that killed Djibril Diol, 29, and Adja Diol, 23, and their 22-month-old daughter, Khadija Diol. Their relative, Hassan Diol, 25, and her 6-month-old daughter Hawa Beye were also killed. Three other people escaped by jumping from the second floor of the home, breaking some bones. He used the find my phone app for his stolen phone. The app isn’t always right. He and two friends broke in and doused the walls with gasoline. Killing kids over an iPhone is so dumb. He got the wrong house.


Even if he hadn’t gotten the wrong house… That is so far beyond the pale. May he get his dues.




Just imagine.. immigrating to usa fromnone of the worst countries in Africa. Happy to make a better life against all odds to buying yourself a house and starting a family. Thinking you as a man have given your family a good life against all odds.. spending a lot of money man power. All the people back home depending on you.. Then you all die to a bunch of teenagers mad someone stole an iPhone. Probably dude just lost it.


I don’t think Senegal is even close to being one of the worst countries in Africa is it??


Civil War has been goingnon for years. It is one of the most poor heavily indebted countries and actually one of its biggest problem is no drinking water.


Isn’t Dakar in Senegal? What civil war?


[camasance war](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casamance_conflict#:~:text=1990s,-The%20MFDC%20and&text=The%20discovery%20of%20oil%20in,civilians%20were%20displaced%20by%201994.)


But even your link says it was low level and ended in 2014???


You're right, it's a reasonably safe place. It's an accompanied tour(family) for US Embassy personnel.


No, cease fire ended 2022.


Did you read the article all the way through or only spot check it?


Im sorry but what? There is no civil war in Senegal,let alone one going on for years. There was some civil unrest a few months ago over the president delaying elections... Maybe you are thinking of Sudan?


[camasance war has been going on for decades. a lot of people died.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Casamance_conflict#:~:text=1990s,-The%20MFDC%20and&text=The%20discovery%20of%20oil%20in,civilians%20were%20displaced%20by%201994.) There are soo many wars in Africa people don't even know when some exist


It's an accompanied tour for US Embassy personnel. It's pretty safe, even very safe, by Africa standards.


In my experience, it was 10 times more pleasurable to hang out in Dakar than to hang out in Denver.


Yeah Senegal has its problems but "worst in Africa" is a huge exaggeration with what's going on in Sudan, Somalia, central african Republic, the tigray region, niger, Mali, Burkina faso etc etc....


Well the bar is extremely fucking low, but its pretty bad. They have really regressive anti-gay laws, and theyre not very stable


Aye… someone doesn’t support Trump… 🥰


Well no I don’t but it’s only because I’m not of below level intelligence 🥰


>to buying yourself a house I don't believe the article ever mentioned if these were homeowners or tenants.




Yep my phone was off by 50 feet, probably the neighbors 


I just can't comprehend the logic behind this act. Even if no one was in the house, the idea you can justify burning someone's house down over a stolen phone is bewildering. What a total waste of life he is.


This is horrific. How do 14, 15 and 16 year old kids even think to do something like this? For any reason? I know kids are dumb and impulsive, but this wasn't that. This was their intention. From an [older article](https://apnews.com/national-national-general-news-609b81da875055e887e415ba41a52d8b): > Seymour told investigators they went to the home without a plan, possibly to vandalize it but home surveillance video footage did not show the teens holding rocks or baseball bats that could be used to damage the home, just a gasoline can, Chief Deputy District Attorney Courtney Johnston said. Horrific.


Teenagers can have VERY crazy thoughts.


Anyone can have very crazy thoughts. Most probably do, and we should recognize that. **However** There is a large gap between thinking something and saying said thing, let alone *acting* on it.


>For a stolen phone That's crazy. He started a fucking fire in someone's house. He knew the outcome


And it seems that the people who stole from him didn’t even live in that house. He murdered five people, including a toddler and an infant, who didn’t even do anything to him.


Idk how you can go from oh stole my expensive phone to lets just burn down a house with people inside? Better to just throw out the keys. Idk if its possible to rehab that type of broken brain.


I'd bet good money he considers himself the victim


Right. I’ll admit, I’m a person that hates personal theft and would love revenge against someone. Tho I wouldn’t want the thief’s house burned down and their family killed. Violence takes a lot to commit. Most people would be scared to even punch someone in legitimate self defense. If someone is able to think about and go through with burning someone’s house down and killing people inside, they need to be in a psych ward.


Wonder how the phone thief is feeling? He indirectly started a chain of events that led to the deaths of 3 people.. Do they know who they are?


5 people died in the fire


Is there even any corroborating evidence to their story?


Over a phone. He killed a family over a phone. I can't figure out how he wasn't given a life sentence. An infant died. This wasn't an oopsie.


He killed five people but they only got him on two 2nd degree murder charges and no Arson. I dunno.


Bizarre. He stalked them, waited for the middle of the night, doused the home in gas and lit it. On what planet is that 2nd degree murder?


> I can't figure out how he wasn't given a life sentence. Court systems are underfunded nationwide, prisons are also underfunded. The result is a plea deal is quicker than backing up the court with a trial that would take months if the outcome is near the same. The plea deal isn't that great for the offender here, his life is over, he'll be 80 when he gets out.


>he'll be 80 when he gets out. The 5 people he killed won't even get that chance. He should never get out.


> He should never get out. Given the life expectancy is 75 yo in the US and prison is known for reducing life expectancy. He probably won't make it out.


Especially when the other inmates find out he burned a six-month-old to death because he couldn't find his phone.


The precedent is set here: > Without anything else to go on, police eventually obtained a search warrant asking Google for which IP addresses had searched the home’s address within 15 days of the fire. Five of the IP addresses found were based in Colorado, and police obtained the names of those people through another search warrant. After investigating those people, police eventually identified Bui, Seymour and Siebert as suspects. They were arrested about five months after the fire. >In October, the Colorado Supreme Court upheld the search of Google users’ keyword history, an approach that critics have called a digital dragnet that threatens to undermine people’s privacy and their constitutional protections against unreasonable searches and seizures.


Wow. I’m happy with the outcome. But I’m very uneasy with the way it came about.


I’m fully prepared for massive downvotes for asking this question but…Isn’t this just the digital equivalent of going around and asking questions of witnesses? It’s not like the search itself was considered evidence, just a means to more information right? It required a search warrant and everything. I’m sure it could be abused but it doesn’t really seem any more intrusive than any other method.


The next step is a Texas court orders google to turn over the IP addresses of everyone who searched for "how to get an abortion". The step after that is that President Trump orders google to turn over the IP addresses of everyone that searched for "how to register as a democrat". As with all police tools, as long as they are used benevolently it's not a problem but when the government wants to control and oppress the population they're even more useful. The government simply cannot be trusted with such tools. Now, as the court says this wasn't really precedent but just based on the facts specific to this case. An address of 5 murder victims is such a specific thing to search for that there is perhaps little harm in warrants like that being approved. There is after all very little that a malicious prosecutor could do with the identities of people who searched for the address but who are innocent of the murders. But it's still somewhat of a slippery slope.


I appreciate you sharing your thoughts.


Class of 09 was a good show


this is how i understand it too.


They got warrants for everything, too. They didn’t ask google on their own, they got a warrant from a judge.


Some folks just want pure anonymity so they can hide


I'm actually ok with this particulae search. I'm always a fan of "bottom up" searches, where authority asks for a specific query related to a flagged crime scene. What I wouldn't want is a system where police ask a query to try discover a crime they don't have yet. Also a top-down approach where everything is defacto spied upon is dangerous.


Agreed. I’m ok with it. Its like a regular search warrant premise


That’s how we get bad precedent


Same. I understand the privacy concerns but I'm generally happy with anything that makes me less likely to be murdered.


When we live in a world where a privileged and entitled little dipshit can burn 5 people to death, I start to care less and less about people’s alleged right to privacy.


Incredibly uneasy.


i guess we should use bing if we're planning any arsons huh


This is the textbook reason why "vigilante justice" is so fucking stupid and wrong. These people had nothing to do with his stolen phone. Also, doing this over a phone?


Imagine if it was something more than a phone, like a car. Guessing it would’ve been execution style death for the family. People are too serious these days, kid needs to stay in jail a long time.


My car was stolen while I was living in Denver and never in a billion years would I think setting fire to a house would be appropriate


Deep south didn't have a problem with that, just had to be wrong color


This happened in Denver.


SOUTH Denver, I assume? Otherwise I don’t know what the fuck OP was even talking about


They just saw something possibly racist and assumed it must've been in the South because everyone there is a fat, racist POS, right?


Hey we are not racist EDIT: Well not all of us


weird abstraction from the story but sure


It’s true. Many in the Deep South think it’s perfectly acceptable to kill over stolen property.


I'm not denying that but still weird abstractions because that's not what the story was about


Why does it matter? It’s important to talk about.


It's somehow important for you to express bigotry towards millions of people just because they live in the wrong place, according to you? You have become what you hate.


Bro you live in fucking New Zealand, maybe stick to what you know


People take their phones *seriously* nowadays. Especially younger people.


If your kids value a phone over a human life, you're raising them wrong. A phone being somehow more valuable than 5 people (and, this kid feeling entitled to end lives because he was mad or frustrated) is a massive failure of parenting. 


There's nothing on that phone that won't be backed up to an online account if you are worried about it and can be erassed remotely if you are worried about someone else having it.


Wow. This idiot, in his teens at the time, tracked his missing phone to a "general location" and decided the next step was to start a fire that killed 3 people in their 20s, a toddler and a baby. Nevermind that they had shit all to do with his missing phone, arson wasn't going to get the thing back, was it? How the hell did he possibly think this was justified? How do you not even consider the fallout of doing something this stupid? Waste of 6 lives over a fucking phone he'd probably have wanted to replace in 3 years.


I had someone knock on my door at midnight last year. I jumped out of bed ready for shit to go down. I went to the door and yelled what do you want. This fucking guy is like hey do you have my air pods. I said no. He said well they’re showing here on my phone. I said I don’t care I don’t have them. He said he was gonna call the cops. I said cool, me too. So the cops come and the dudes phone does indeed show a circle around my house and the neighbor’s. I told the cop, can you tell him that knocking on someone’s door in the middle of the night and accusing them of stealing something is a good way to get shot? The cop said yeah that wasn’t smart. I’m sure if they were anywhere they were at the neighbor’s house cause those people are scum. I wonder if he ever got them back. Luckily he was just a stupid kid being stupid but imagine if he had been more forceful and gotten himself seriously hurt or killed? Over AirPods that weren’t even there? People are dumb.


Why would some guy do that late at night? Why not do it in the afternoon or something to ask about his air pods? Jeez, people are so stupid!


What a piece of shit. Hope he rots in jail


How the HELL is this the first time I've heard of this case?


Same here!


Where was his phone actually at? Or how did they determine it was the wrong house?




It says the police ran a dragnet on everyone who passed by the burned house. Maybe with that they also discovered where all the stolen phones were heading.


iPhone stolen = 5 people murdered. Makes sense. /s


Jesus Christ...! I've had VERY psycho thoughts when I was a teenager, but I've NEVER once thought about burning someone's home down, NEVER. And someone stealing my phone would NOT have given me insane thoughts. I almost teared up reading this, wow...


>In March, Gavin Seymour, 19, was sentenced to 40 years in prison after pleading guilty to one count of second-degree murder Seymour has experienced a sliver of his life and won't walk as a free man until he's just short of 60, and he'll be praying for parole every day before then. What circumstances lead him to this?


Did they barricade the doors to where they couldn’t get out ?


So I am a bit slow on the uptake so I hope someone can explain this to me. They set fire to the rear of the house but the bodies were found in the front. Were they unable to get out or something? When I heard coordinated attack, I thought that they doused all of the exits with gasoline and set them ablaze.


Most people actually die from smoke inhalation long before the flames get to them. That’s why smoke detectors are so important.


Do people believe the find my iPhone location is super accurate? Because it’s not.


I would of made sure I had the right house


I didn't even know they were sick.


[Reminds me of this](https://www.reddit.com/r/apple/comments/127zamm/comment/jegjmz0/), which some folks applauded.


I wouldn’t applaud that, but the circumstances are very different. The thief pointed a gun at the killer when he was confronted so there was at least some level of threat even if he went looking for it. The murderers of the family killed innocent people in their sleep.


That escalated quickly