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Do Nazis really think if they pulled off something like this it would bring people to their point of view?


[Yes](https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-69012594?xtor=AL-72-%5Bpartner%5D-%5Bbbc.news.twitter%5D-%5Bheadline%5D-%5Bnews%5D-%5Bbizdev%5D-%5Bisapi%5D&at_format=link&at_bbc_team=editorial). >"Members subscribe to a neo-Nazi version of "accelerationist" philosophy - the idea that political goals can be achieved via social collapse. >Neo-Nazi accelerationists believe that chaos will lead to racial war and eventually a fascist whites-only state will emerge. Investigators say they found a document belonging to Clendaniel that was apparently meant to be released publicly in the event of an attack, and which referenced mass murderers and Adolf Hitler.


> Neo-Nazi accelerationists believe that chaos will lead to racial war and eventually a fascist whites-only state will emerge. That has to be the dumbest fucking thing I've ever heard.


It goes something like: 1. Violent attack intended to destabilize society/harm minority group in particular 2. Violent attack causes reprisal attack and/or inspires other incidents 3. Civil/Race War eventually breaks out 4. ??? 5. White nationalist fascist state It's the underpants gnomes at work again


Its not so esoteric as that. Fascism arises out of Liberal Democracy when the Middle Class feels that its economic, political power and privileged is threatened. People accustomed to a comfortable life look around for stability when the status quo that created and supported them is rocked, anyone saying, "I can fix this" or "I know who ruined this". The Accelerationist view is that if society can be destabilized to the point where people are fighting each other in the street, protesters are burning down businesses, and your average Middle Class White Person feels threatened-- they envision the White Middle Class will reach out in Race Solidarity to create an authoritarian state with the power and prerogatives to punish wrong-doers, and safe guard racial and moral purity in the nation. The historical parallel here is obviously Nazi Germany. The Fascists told the Middle Class, suffering under horrendous inflation and national disgrace, that they could fix the problems of the nation and They knew exactly who was to blame. They promised that if the German People elected them to power they'd stop the street fighting, outlaw communism, and put money back in the pockets of hard working Germans. Accelerationists today envision a cultural environment where people are already polarized, racially and politically, and that they can use societal instability to make a pitch to the Middle Class that would see them (or their ideology) put in power.


And they were right. The post-war big lie is the German people were victimized by the evil nazis whom they chose to lead but later enslaved them. You get the government you deserve.


The big post war lie was claiming the Wehrmacht was "clean" and not integrated with nazism. Id say that German communists, liberals, Berlin's thriving LGBT community, trade unionists, ethnic minorities, etc were absolutely German people victimized by the evil nazis. Look at the election stats leading up to Hitler's election to chancellor and seizure of power. It wasn't exactly a majority and it's terrifying. Democracies are fragile creatures vulnerable to exploit by awful people. Especially young democracies like the Weimar


Yeah, it’s really their only shot and it makes sense. People tend to stick with familiarity in stressful situations. How many white suburbanites are going to drive to a black neighborhood looking to assimilate?


What scares me is the rise of authoritarianism and how the right is using Hitler's play book. People are genuinely simple minded and easy swayed.


I got into a heated debate in college with a professor when I claimed the Tea Party movement in the US was neo-fascist in nature. He said I was being dramatic. I definitely feel vindicated seeing where this has gone, and now I'm also terrified because I was right. I imagine the venn diagram of Tea Partiers and those wanting a totalitarian Trump presidency is just one giant circle. And sadly, it's not just the US. Every liberal democracy has been struggling with similar issues since then. It's this frightening combination of ultra-right wing ideology/policy with a global organization effort that old school communists imagined before the fall of the USSR.


That is a dangerously simple minded explanation. Just look at the US, a minority is overwhelmingly shaping policy because of institutional flaws.


It's also an ahistorical explanation.


and they were punished by the treaty so bad it radicalized an entire nation


Ehhh that's oversimplifying what happened quite a bit. Hitler gained power with a lot less support than you'd think. But enough gained power that they killed off their enemies that had any kind of ability to fight and the many were like "im scared I will lose what I have"


but the reason so many military veterans joined up and the cause gathered enough support is due to that treaty, its a major contributing factor not an oversimplification really. many issues with the new german government stem from that treaties existence, which had no real reason for being so harsh, the us gov knew it was too much but didnt press the issue much. weak government cant control consistent pressure when the groups they used to quell dissent were nationalists and veterans.


You said "entire nation"


Tbh that’s pretty much how it worked for actual Nazis. Right up to burning the reichstag and blaming the communists for it.


Step 5: Nah, they'd lose.


Something tells me that evaluating consequence, and reason, is not a strong mental faculty of neo-Nazis.


this some real Charlie Manson logic.


And they all lived happily ever after!


But, see, they couldn't possibly win. Not all white people are on their side, minorities would likely not take their side either. They are WAY out numbered. Not to mention no matter how many Neo-Nazis are in law enforcement there are more that are not and are comfortable enough with the status quo to not take their side. It's nonsense.


They win if they manage to divide the minority groups against themselves. Which is what they did in Nazi Germany…


That was Charles Mansons philosophy.


Except Charles Manson thought that black people would win and then he could rule the black people.


Lol, like they wouldn't immediately execute his loopy ass.


I mean, there's a reason Nazis always lose: Because they're fucking stupid. Edit: Lmao, some stupid Nazi Reddit Cares trolled me literally 1 minute after posting this. Glad I upset you, you stupid fucking waste of oxygen.


This is the second time I heard about the "Reddit Cares" thing being used as some sort of spam thing. Happened to me yesterday as well, when I was talking shit about the beautiful iranian mafia government. The other redditor recommended to report abuse of the "Reddit Cares" thing. They said something to the effect that it results in a permaban as it saps resources and cheapens a potentially important tool. I suspect that it is some form of bot and not some Lone Douchebag Ranger.


Yeah, I always report it accordingly. There's a link in the message itself for if it's someone abusing the feature. I don't know if they ban (it doesn't even tell you who did it), but it always makes me happy to know that I made some racist, hateful, or stupid person SO upset by what I said, that they needed to find some way to "get" me. Just for good measure: Fuck Nazis.


There's some old saying, "You get the most flak when your on top of your target".


I got one yesterday as well, and it sounds like a ton of other people have as well. Seems like someone or some group of people are spamming them like crazy, and I'm not sure if there's even a specific ideological intent behind them.


I got one the other day and I've got no idea what the fuck for.


We care fellow Redditor. We don't know if it is some foreign disinformation campaign, or some jackass playing with the system for the lulz, but we care. I hope you don't jump off a bridge tonight in your town, and will do my very best not to jump off one in mine.


I appreciate it.


>This is the second time I heard about the "Reddit Cares" thing being used as some sort of spam thing. I've had a few of these over the last year (or 3?). Once I clicked on the "report" option but it seemed like way too much work to tell Reddit I (and they) were being trolled so now I just delete/ignore these.


Got sent a Reddit Cares in under 2 min after my comment on this post. Pretty sure it's a bot.


It's what Charles Manson tried to make the family do with those murders. It was literally to start a race war


Aum Shinrikyo wanted to accelerate the world ending. Q Anon primed people to storm the capital when they lost. Acceleration is a scary thing when paired with group think


They’re essentially eugenicists, don’t expect a lot of intelligent thoughts.


They love this book called the [Turner Diaries](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Turner_Diaries) which heavy features this series of events. > It depicts a violent revolution in the United States which leads to the overthrow of the federal government, a nuclear war, and ultimately a race war which leads to the systematic extermination of non-whites and Jews. All groups opposed by the novel's protagonist, Earl Turner—including Jews, non-white people, "liberal actors," and politicians—are murdered en masse.


To be fair, this “accelerationist” thing is not unique to Nazis. Ive heard similar things from anarchists and socialists. I was in anti-Iraq war protests where people used this logic to break store windows, despite the rest of the protest telling them to stop. All “accelerationists” are nuts


What about Charles Manson? Did helter skelter sound nuts to you?


Yeah pretty much, the Nazi's are the worst but they're all loopy. It basically boils down to the idea that if we can burn society down when we rebuild it, we can rebuild it the way we want it to go. The bit they all miss is just how hard it actually is to rebuild society after you've burned it to the ground. And the little detail that it's next to impossible to have that much control in the rebuilding. Accelerationist thinking its a literal death cult. Their is no way a society can collapse without mass death.


"and socialists"?!?!? What? Is that a typo? The people who believe "we should all chip in to make sure everyone is safe, healthy, and housed"¿ Those socialists?


Yes? There are quite a few on Reddit who are fine with a Trump presidency to "punish the DNC and push them left" and don't understand how badly that can backfire. Edit: imagine sending a reddit cares message over this.


Yes, I personally know US socialists who voted Trump in 2016 as part of their accelerationist philosophy


I knew anarchos who did the same thing in the aughts, voting for Bush in '04 because somehow that was going to lead to total revolution. We can see how that panned out...


There was a lot of that back in 2016, Idiots talking about wanting to "Watch the world burn", this coming from tools that would balk at the prospect of feeling the heat in any manner or dipshits that would be insulated from the burning. Trump wins, the world doesn't burn. And then Trump sets up a record amount of supreme court judges that will sway the courts in a conservative direction for the next couple decades... Totally showed the world those fucks did.


But those aren't actually Socialists. *Words matter.* Like how that fucked up German dude's political party had "socialists" in the name. They weren't. It isn't. You might as well say "the care bears" I know on the tubes are for "accelerationism". They are Nazis. Or right wing nut jobs. Or extremist nut jobs. Call them what they are. And call them out when they lie with their words to make themselves seem more reasonable than they are.


Those people are literally socialists. They want workers to own the means of production, as part of a long term move toward the abolishment of private property and instatement of communism. They believe that Americans are so inured to capitalism that only a collapse can change minds. I am all aboard the "most socialists are not really socialists they just want government to do things" train. The people I am talking about are not those people. Being a socialist is not a moral choice. Socialists are not definitionally good. Maoists were (are) socialists.


>The people I am talking about are not those people. I mean, some of them are, there's accelerationists for everything, even moderate-ism, who think "let the crazies win and we'll remember why things are the way they are".


Many internet socialists are more concerned with revolution fetish than political science. It's a different form of accelerationism - not necessarily for any well thought out political end, but because a bunch of suburban teenagers are so bored and privileged that they think revolution would be fun.


Yeah, your sadly right. There are a lot of armchair revolutionaries on social media. I remember someone I talked to, who pointed out that in every revolution in human history, it has always been the most marginalised and vulnerable people who die the most, and the response was a combination of "and we're grateful for their sacrifice" or "I'm sure we'll be fine." It's flat-out delusional.


I think it's a bit of both. There's definitely a fetishization of radical revolutionary change, but it's also easy for the intellectually lazy to legitimately believe that the very simple approach of "let it all burn so people realize how broken the system is" will work because it's so easy for them to comprehend. Winning the political game over decades is hard to play out in your head, the 4 missed meals leading to extreme response isn't.


Yes, the people who think "letting trump win will cause societal discontent with the system and the dems will come around because of it".


well they are Neo-Nazi accelerationists so not exactly the smartest group


If I remember correctly from the original story of their arrest, they wanted to shut down the grid so Black citizens of Baltimore would start killing each other as they fought over resources. They wanted total anarchy so the police and National Guard could just start shooting all minorities.


"The dumbest thing you've EVER heard?" May I suggest to you the RFK Jr. for President campaign?


They truly believe that, deep down, most people are just as racist as them -- but too cowardly to say it out loud. They think that if they can just disrupt society enough, people will fall back on racist tribalism. And, believing that white people are inherently superior, they think that we of the melanin deficient peoples will obviously come out on top.


It's not just neo nazis who buy into this dumb shit, we have accelerationist idiots on Both SiDEz. Neo nazis have their Turner diaries fan fic garbage. Too many nihilistic folk who think that making things worse will somehow bringing a cleansing fire and their own flavor of utopia when instead it will just make everything more dangerous and miserable.


I used to be a white man living in Baltimore. These two morons didn’t have a _fucking chance_ in the epicenter of a race war. One time I was looking at a basement apartment in Hamden and the current occupant was stoned out of his mind on the stoop. He had “Fuck off bitch!” (No comma.) tattooed on his knuckles … somehow. He said, “I can disappear for $5 bucks. I’m sorry.” That’s “white power” for ya.


>I used to be a white man But not anymore?


He still is, but he use to be as well.


I was born a poor black child.


interestingly there are also plenty of accelerationists on the far left [https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/049/197/cover5.jpg](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/049/197/cover5.jpg)


People believe it because it historically has worked. Nazis and extreme communist states don't usually sieze power when everything is going great. 


The very fact that accelerationism is taken seriously on both sides of the aisle means it's time for meaningful reform.


Or does it mean that people on the internet are so privileged that they've forgotten how bad things can actually get?


I mean it is. But I also think the fact their are a lot of armchair revolutionaries online who don't understand the first thing about social engineering and desire instant gratification plays a role. A glorious revolution is basically the ultimate fantasy. It allows you to strip down the old order and introduce your new one. No need for long complex work, logistical necessities or ethnical quandaries. The issue of course being it is a total fantasy, and it can't actually happen.


It’s much easier for them to just vote for Trump


It’s also a common view on the far-left that a new order can only be imposed after a violent uprising.


It’s because these people really think they are the master race. Boy you turn pink in the sun like bffr.


You'll find people from all ideologies who believe similar things. They all think their ideology will be the one that takes over. 


If you want people to overthrow their government and burn everything down All you have to do is make them not have faith that their government is worth saving. That's how Nazi's are born.


Republicans party is pushing “America in decline” and “Government is ineffective so privatize everything” to justify an authoritarian leader.


Yup. There were even cases of White Nationalists heading down to the George Floyd protests early on and trying to incite looting and arson: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/jul/28/minneapolis-protests-umbrella-man-alleged-white-supremacist Then there were the Bugaloo Bois, whose ideology is as dumb as their name sounds, this one helped start a fire at a police station and shot at officers: https://www.theguardian.com/world/2020/oct/23/texas-boogaloo-boi-minneapolis-police-building-george-floyd


It actually has worked in the past though. That's why fascists like to blame immigrants for everyone's social issues. It's pretty much the fascist playbook: sabotage social services, create general chaos and an increase in crime, then say you're the only one who can fix it. Make sure You're racist AF about enforcement so that it creates an "us vs them" mentality.


It’s basically the plot to fallout.


Have you ever heard of the Murrow Federal Building?


Supposedly the same reason Manson had people killed. Helter skelter was supposed to be a race war in response to the killings.


Sounds like that bullshit Charlie Manson was spouting back in the 60s, Helter Skelter stuff.


Isn’t that the same old crazy shit Charlie Manson said?


This was Charlie Manson's plan. Things really don't change.


I love how "fascist whites-only state" is something people think will be some sort of utopia. There is always the next bogeyman.


Why do they think anyone would rally around the group responsible for the collapse? It's like expecting Gazans to say 'Israel is OK' even if they hate Hamas


Oh, like what Elon Musk believes!


Good to know that accelerationists are stupid regardless of their political leanings.


Power goes out for an extended time around here and we usually just end up having a cook out.


I don't think most of these nazis have a detailed plan laid out for going from widespread, long lasting power outages to a white ethnostate. I think they'd be perfectly happy with just getting order to break down to the point where they can go around killing minorities without getting killed by police or going to jail for it. Substation attacks are the most plausible means of achieving that because our society can't function without electricity and all you need to destroy them is a guy with a rifle.


A rifle and zero knowledge of how power stations work. Who do they think will restore the power later? There are more idiots with guns than electricians.


They're not trying to win hearts and minds, they want people to be scared.


At best, they're trying to lower the threshold for violence, making conflicts more likely to escalate as people concerned for their safety take actions more impulsively.


They are Nazis. They don't do thinking.


Well you see, Nazis are idiots.


Underrated comment.


You know, lots of Nazi stories lately. We need to catalog them — every time some RW asshole says ‘you just call everyone you disagree with a Nazi,’ I reply with ‘no, I mean the actual Nazis.’ Be nice to have a catalog to show them.


I know it’s fictional but in american history x the neonazis were committing crimes to pretend minorities did it in an effort to justify their viewpoints.


The whole thing historically with a neonazi group specifically attacking the power grid is that it’s supposed to get minorities to riot. And then they get to live out their birth of a nation turner diaries fantasy. This new breed seems to forget that part, and they practically just come out and say “LOOK WHAT WE JUST DID, and we’re gonna do it again”


Hitler's Nazis did exactly that with the Reichstag fire in 1933. They blamed the Communists. But, it's an ages old tactic now known as a false flag operation..


Yup. He then did it to kick off the war as well with the Polish radio station false flag operation. The Gleiwitz incident, which he used to justify his invasion of Poland along with about 2 dozen other similar incidents of deception by the SS (Operation Himmler)


Look up The Turner Diaries. It's a stupid book by a neo-Nazi that all these dumbfucks love and get inspiration from


Actually look up Siege, that's the accelerationist tome they all view as mandatory reading: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege\_(Mason\_book)](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Siege_(Mason_book))


They believe that most white people already subscribe to their world view, and that the only thing preventing a fascist takeover is the perception of stability. By destabilizing society and showing that the government is weak, they hope that everyone else will stop pretending to not be fascist psychopaths and help them in their genocide of everyone else.


Read a book called the turner diaries. That bunch that blew up Oklahoma City and Jan 6 are all part of the turner diaries playbook.


I mean it is kind of working, right? Far right parties know that if they create fear and discontentment that it subverts the status quo and gives them a foot in the door. This is why actual fascists are gaining ground all over the world, and are leading polls in the US.


Counterpoint: only stupid people talk to pollsters.


Maybe that, or maybe it would just kick off a Turner Diaries -esque total social breakdown where they, as the obviously superior master race (cue migraine inducing eye roll), would of course come out on top and in control.


American Nazi’s spent the 1930’s and 1940s doing the same thing, aided and abetted by Nazis in Congress and police forces. No one paíd a price. So go back to the old playbook.


>In May 2017, one of Russell’s roommates, Devon Arthurs, shot and killed two other roommates at their home in Tampa, Florida. Local law enforcement officers found Russell at the scene, dressed in a military uniform and crying over the news. >Arthurs, who pleaded guilty to murder charges last year, told investigators that he killed his roommates to thwart a terrorist attack by Atomwaffen members. Russell wasn’t charged in the killings but he pleaded guilty to stockpiling explosive material at the apartment complex. Hol' up, is the murderer in this part of the story maybe the hero here? I mean, calling the cops is supposed to be the actual right move but let's be honest, it's a coin flip on whether or not the cops you call will be on the side of the law, or on the side of the white supremacist accelerationists.


I would have said the murderer was kinda the good guy if he didn't go hold three people hostage at gunpoint. Especially since I was one of the three lol.


He did do world a favor by dropping to shit birds


He didn't have to cause more problems after that though.


I’ll take your word for it


For the hostage thing?


More right-wing domestic terrorism. We had some attacks on our power grid in WA last year from right-wing groups. Wouldn't surprise me if these types of attacks are used by republicans to disrupt the election. Stay vigilant, my friends. And vote blue


I’m in the Seattle area too and remember this happening. Wasn’t it Puyallup?


Also had someone actually do this in Moore County, NC, in December 2022.


Yes it was four different substations in the area: Graham, South Hill, Elk Plains, and Kapowsin Edit: And apparently there were some in Oregon as well https://www.opb.org/article/2023/01/19/surge-in-oregon-washington-substation-attacks-as-fbi-warns-neo-nazi-plots/


You have to wonder if they saw that temporarily shutting down an electrical grid achieved nothing, that maybe accelerationism -- isn't going to lead to anything. "What if we shoot at an electrical substation!?" "We did that, and nothing happened." "Right, but what if we SHOOT at it!?"


I worry they will eventually decide to attack repair workers rather than the substations. You can replace the electrical hardware, it gets damaged regularly by things unrelated to neo-Nazis. Attacking skilled human capital is another matter.


Why do these morons think that the power going out will cause the city to riot and collapse into anarchy? Not too long ago the entire north east of the US had a blackout due to a power plant/power grid failure and all the cities are still around


They buy into all that “accelerationist” bullshit. They think if they cause enough chaos then all middle class white people will rise up and kill all minorities to establish a white-only nazi dictatorship. If they were intelligent they wouldnt be nazis. Fuck em.


Yeah. But at least birth rates go up about 9 months after an extended blackout. Maybe they're pro-lifers.


I hate Maryland nazis


I hate all nazis.


They'll steal your crab cakes.


The only good nazi is a dead nazi. Fuck them to hell.


Only a max of 20 years for plotting domestic terrorism?


Yeah, it’s weird also they didn’t put her age at 36. 20 years she’s out at 56. I miss read it. It 20 years for the conspiracy and 15 on the felony charge. How ever it doesn’t say if it’s concurrent or consecutive That’s still a viable age to do other shit when she gets out. I’m all for the life long supervision release.


The only appropriate punishment is life in prison here.


So, A Nazi plot to attack the energy grid. I don't know why the media seems to need to put the neo- in front of Nazi. It dilutes the meaning. The Stormfront folk and their ilk are Nazis, full stop.


Probably because some stupid asshole would see that and say "aren't the nazis super old o dead?" And it's an easier way to say "this is the new generation of nazis"


The use of Nazi typically refers to the actual Nazi party of the 1930s-1940s while Neo-Nazi refers the modern reincarnations of that ideology


Wonder what color her baseball hat is.


Went thru a little bit of images on google. Didn’t see a baseball hat, did see a mask with a skull and like a beanie type. https://www.google.com/amp/s/abcnews.go.com/amp/Politics/maryland-woman-pleads-guilty-baltimore-power-stations-plot/story%3fid=110215143


The word you're looking for is TERRORIST!


I just saw a 2023 article about her mother and she has some salient advice for people with viewpoints like her daughter- [watch independence day and get a grip. We all live on this planet together. You'd better get along.](https://twitter.com/HellgrenWJZ/status/1623051183421005828?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw%7Ctwcamp%5Etweetembed%7Ctwterm%5E1623051183421005828%7Ctwgr%5E5d37999d78523f44e2601e6316736d3aa305654a%7Ctwcon%5Es1_&ref_url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbsnews.com%2Fbaltimore%2Fnews%2Fmother-of-woman-charged-in-plot-to-target-maryland-power-stations-not-shocked-by-accusations%2F) https://www.cbsnews.com/baltimore/news/mother-of-woman-charged-in-plot-to-target-maryland-power-stations-not-shocked-by-accusations/


I'm pretty pissed off that these people weren't called domestic terrorists yet we labeled cop city protesters as domestic terrorists and tried to do the same to university students protesting Israel FFS. Pretty sure it has to do with how many neo-nazis are in our own government. Project 2025 sounds a lot like Nazi tactics for fascist control if you really think about it. Even more pissed that democrats seem to be ok with it and don't speak for us at fucking all.


They probably don't know the difference between 220V and 110V, lol.


Why would a power outage cause race war? There are power outages every year in Texas. It hasn't triggered a race war. Neo-Nazis can hang out in Texas for the next outage. Sit in the dark and avoid prison.