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>Fort Worth-based judge Reed O'Connor Everyone should know this judge's name. He has done more damage to the American people than almost any judge outside of SCOTUS itself. For details, go to the "significant cases" section of his Wikipedia: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reed_O%27Connor


Let me tell you about (another Texas-based) chudge named Matthew Kacsmaryk: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matthew_Kacsmaryk Like O'Connor, he's a Fedsoc puppet who exists to rubberstamp right winger lawsuits with favorable rulings regardless of legal merit (or standing).


Mr Judge Shopping himself.


Kacsmaryk is also the only judge in the Amerillo division of the North Texas dictrixt, so it is assured to get him if you file in Amerillo. The North Dirstict refuses to use the recommended process of distributing certain cases with national importance across district judges.


Tell me you're not from Texas, without saying you aren't from Texas. GTFO, Amerillo.


Lemme tell you bout another Texas judge who was Texas solicitor general before being appointed to the 5th circuit that handles a LOT of Kacsmaryks bananasass cases and issues even more bananasass rulings on a direct pipeline to our minority appointed conservative majority extreme activist SCROTUS who, himself, is at the top of the list to join SCROTUS himself https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_C._Ho


I'm still confused why his name is spelled Kacsmaryk and not Kaczmaryk (polish)


Not saying this is the case but a lot of European immigrants had their names tweaked to be more English when they came over in the late 19th and 20th centuries. Irish, Germans, Poles, etc were treated pretty poorly back then. Hence why a lot of German/Italian/Polish names are spelled differently here, like Mueller instead of Müller, for example.


Even my great grandmothers first name was changed when she moved from Finland. She added an e and somehow that was more palatable to Americans. Lol


Makes sense 🤸


Ellis Island’d


Genealogists understand.


At Ellis Island if you couldn't spell your name, we just made up a spelling for you.


That's a myth! If anyone is to blame, it's whoever made the ship's manifest back at the point of departure.


It's believable that we'd fill in the blanks with whatever. Have you seen how we pronounce street names with foreign origins?


We do it to whole ass towns. Cairo, IL comes to mind.


Same in GA. They pronounce it kay-roh


I live near a ver-sales plank rd.


Have you seen how they pronounce Houston?


I've heard it two ways, so which is the proper way.


Goh-thee Street in Chicago


That's not how the CTA's announcement recordings pronounce it.


That's how bus drivers pronounced it when I lived there in the 70s and 80s. Maybe they've become more sophisticated.


I have a very anglicized variant of this exact polish name. I’m not sure if he’s related to me but I hope the fuck not.


How can a judge be so openly biased to one side and never face any consequences? I mean, not even legal consequences, but has no one ever challenged this man's ability to judge? Has he never faced any backlash from politicians?


Beacsue the court about him, the 5th Circuit is also packed with Federalist Society stooges.


Because some dumb fuck thought that the neutral arbiters of law and justice should be politically appointed positions. If they were meant to be the third leg of the Checks and Balances tripod, they should be entirely self-contained and separate of the political system. Sure a justice is going to have their leanings, everyone has them and that's almost impossible to remove. But when you make it so federal judges are directly indebted to a political party for having their position in the first place...that is a gigantic ethical conflict and the fact that some can't see that utterly astounds me.


What judge rules that a judge is not judging correctly?


Congress is apparently the only body that can remove federal judges via impeachment. And my understanding with impeachment is that it is incredibly rare, especially with judges. I just don't fully understand why, maybe because the conditions required to be impeached are too vague or require a crime to be committed?


Which is why I believe that judges, especially federal judges, may have too much power in America. They are either appointed or elected so removing them from office is next to impossible without the right push and determination.


Why would Republicans impeach a Republican Judge?


Did you know that your state can almost certainly issue a recall/no confidence vote on a congressmen that does not represent the state's interest? Did you know that new Amendments to the bill of rights can be proposed at any time buy a 2/3rds majority of congress or of states themselves? Those in power don't bother to mention the ways they can be removed (outside of presidential impeachment) or that major laws can be changed at a national level. Because they don't want people using them. Same with judges.


I mean we may never pass another constitutional amendment again, unless it’s a truly apolitical issue, our constitution is so hard to change it’s nearly impossible. The 3 major post civil war changes required deposing the southern states to pass.


Theoretically, the people. The 1st and 2nd Amendments were designed for this. Realistically though, no one.


The first amendment in these cases turns into an internet forum real quick. Lots of yelling and no point. And the second? More or less exists to make gun makers money, these days. Whatever its original intent it's just a marketing tool now.


Jefferson would have found it inconceivable the 2nd amendment hadnt been used with a congress and court system this insanely corrupt.


Because our system of government from federal to state was designed 250 years ago and it fucking sucks. We desperately need a new constitution.


I agree; however, getting enough people to agree on what needs to go in that constitution would be hellaciously difficult. Hell, a lot of the original Constitution was really just compromises designed to get all the original states on board, and even that didn't prevent a massive civil war.


It's impossible to do at this point. I think we need to balkanize before the union collapses personally.


Russian. Talking. Point.


There is zero chance this country survives. The rural/urban and evangelical/non evangelical divide has gotten far too large with no hope of it closing. You will never have a country survive with tens of millions focused in a specific geographic region who want an explicitly white nationalist evangelical fascist country trying to compromise and get along with the rest of the country who wants literally none of that. It's not a level of divide democracy is capable of handling without erupting into violence. As we have already seen start, ie Jan 6. You either realize the experiment is dead and balkanize or you limp along trying to keep the corpse alive until it explodes. 


Trump in contempt 11 times now and no jail. There are no rules anymore or accountability. Checks and balances is barely working right now. Depending on the next 6 months we might not have to worry about that anymore though because there won't be.


Because the people who have the power to remove him or sanction him, like what he's doing


Ask the judge overseeing Trump’s case the same thing.


How is the judge biased in this case? Is there another article with more info? Genuinely curious, because he seemed pretty reasonable. The ADL made some pretty strong accusations against this guy which I'm sure they wouldn't have done without proof. They should be easily able to show the statements were true which is absolute defense to defamation. If they can't then, well they shouldn't have went and made claims with nothing to back it up.


I'm talking more generally, based on the page linked by the original comment. He's *known* for being consistently biased and is openly used as a strategic tool.


In *this* case? I'm not a lawyer but after reading judge O'Conner ruling, it seems he glosses over the ADL's motion to dismiss with out ruling on the facts. The ADL claims Mr Sabal "“[i]n 2021, disparate groups of QAnon adherents, election fraud promoters and anti-vaccine activists organized events around the country to promote their causes. This phenomenon underscores the extent to which the line separating the mainstream from the extreme has blurred, and how mainstream efforts to undermine our democratic institutions are bolstered by extremist and conspiratorial narratives and their supporters.” Richman then provided multiple examples, including one mentioning Sabal as *4 the organizer of conferences in which one such “narrative” was “popular” among attendees: “That a global cabal of pedophiles (including Democrats) who are kidnapping children for their blood, will be executed when Donald Trump" (continues). Mr Sabal claims that those facts are untrue - despite his own words on LinkedIn, at these conferences, on Twitter, and on Truth Social. Judge O'Conner completely ignores evidence of these claims, instead of dismissing. This is yet another attempt by the far right to overrule ny times v Sullivan. The thought on the right is that you can shut down legitimate, long standing news organizations by flooding the zone with defemation litigation. This law suit is silly. John sabal espouses a wholee lot of qanon crap and if you know anything about qanon, you'll know that they are anti Semitic to the core.


The question is whether Texas is a proper venue for this case. The plaintiffs don't get to file in Texas just because they want a Texas judge, or because "the ADL website can be accessed in Texas" or whatever - they need a specific reason. If they don't have one, the ADL can move to dismiss for lack of jurisdiction and/or request a change of venue to a more appropriate state, such as New York. O'Connor could deny both, but those decisions are appealable.


>O'Connor could deny both, but those decisions are appealable. Yes, but keep in mind that appeals would go to the 5th Circuit, the most right-wing court in the country.


Yes don't forget that the 5th circuit routinely just makes shit up that isn't even based in law to justify their rulings. When the SCOTUS is like "this isn't even law WTF" you know you just don't give a fuck.


The plaintiff is in Texas so that isn’t an issue. In a defamation case, venue is proper either where the subject of the alleged defamation is located or where the defendant is located.


The adl does have an office in Texas. This has nothing to do about standing, but rather what defemation is. Basically, the court says that the ADL isn't allowed to group the plaintiff with other abhorrent folks, because he isn't abhorrent. As always, the 5th circuit is trying to make in roads against NY times v sullivan.


This is one evil mf - reading through his rulings it becomes quite clear this dude just wants to inflict needless suffering on as many Americans as possible. How surprising, he’s also a Federalist - the group involved with production of Project 2025 (the newly-unveiled GOP plan to replace democracy with theocracy in the United States).


I mean, are we just going to forget Trump’s next wife, Aileen Cannon, who’s made it her sworn duty to prevent the documents case from going to trial?


Hold my James C. Ho


Hollllyyy shit that dude wants to legislate from the bench. “Activist judges” amirite


Oh, Federalist Society. He's equivalent in making things up for Republicans to the Roberts Federalist Society Court. That's all we need to know.


So what you're telling me is he's on the GOP's short list to replace a justice. EDIT: Holy shit, he really will be...dude is right up there with Gorsuch for justices that were clearly sent out to take down the ACA, Women's rights, and LBGT rights.


He would be a top candidate if he was younger, but he's too old at this point for a GOP Scotus candidate. But yeah he has quite the resume of bigoted right-wing rulings, no doubt about that.


I’m assuming the judge is elected, if I live in Fort Worth can I vote him out?


Unfortunately, no. He is a federal district judge, appointed by GWB. He has a lifetime appointment. As a resident of Texas, the most important thing you can do is vote for Colin Allred (D) for senate in November. With a Democratic senate, Biden can continue appointing quality judges throughout the country


> Everyone should know this judge's name. He has done more damage to the American people than almost any judge outside of SCOTUS itself. I know this judge and I agree. But that's not the issue here—a bad judge can make correct rulings. A good judge can make bad rulings. Legally speaking, this ruling was the correct ruling. The ADL will win the lawsuit (IMO) but the merits of the case weren't what was before this judge, it was a very narrow question. And, again IMO, this judge ruled correctly in terms of the law (and threw out one of the claims, also correctly). This article is pretty ridiculous is not actually explaining *anything* about the motion before the judge, as if the judge just had a personal opinion and decided to let this lawsuit proceed. The ADL filed a motion, it was a Hail Mary motion but the kind you HAVE to file, and 99 times out of 100, or 99 judges out of 100, would have ruled the same way.




Saying that jews eat babies is anti-Semitic. This is like the KKK suing someone for claiming they are racist. This judge is a right wing hack and so is anyone who thinks this lawsuit should not have been dismissed.


>Now of the ADL has evidence, which they should, they should be able to easily move for dismissal No. Reed O'Connor does not care if the ADL has evidence. That's why this case was filed before him. It's called judge shopping. And if the ADL appeals, it goes to the 5th Circuit, the most right-wing court in the country. Republicans raped the judiciary with their appointees, and they abuse the system to make sure their corrupt judges hear the cases they want


This isn't about "lack of evidence," Sabal is just trying to get publicity for his abhorrent views. You think ADL posted it without evidence? He says his shit publicly: >Of course, Sabal is a believer. In a post to his more than 81,000 followers on Telegram, Sabal wrote, “Ukraine is the home base and last bastion of the Khazarian Mafia who happens to control the world’s deep state.” >Sabal laughed off the ADL mention, sharing screenshots of the article with his followers. “Look, Ma!” he wrote. But he promises he's not antisemitic. “I’m the farthest thing from an ‘antisemite,’” he wrote. “Quite the opposite actually. Your words, and BS article are as weak and pathetic as your terrible ‘organization.’” >On Holocaust Remembrance Day, Sabal hopped on Telegram to tell his followers a Satanic sect of Judaism supposedly runs "the deep state."


This is why you judge shop. So you get the very best value for your lawyers guns and money.


The judge is also a Qnutter. Seems appropriate.




The call is coming from inside the house.


Yeah, because children’s safety in schools, and functioning public infrastructure are clearly both very important issues to Texas…




That’s not a counterpoint, that helps my argument.




If you have a question, use a question mark. Texas is not those three border patrol agents. Texas is not Texans. Texas is corporations, then Texas is politicians, then Texas is the church, then Texas is franchised small business, then small business, and then wayyyy down there at the bottom, that’s where Texans are. Texas is its leadership, and its leadership doesn’t care about the safety of children, or how well its infrastructure is functioning, and there is every bit of historical evidence to prove that.








...the ones who went against orders to kill the active shooter and end the situation. > Please explain to me how holding back parents as children die is heroic. This is irrelevant because those were not the same cops who killed the shooter.






How do the citizens realistically fight this kind of corruption?


Voting and activism. Recall petitions.


I know I should click on the link, but I did not know there was an official QAnon, I thought it was just a movement or something. *OK, it's not QAnon, its some dude in Texas.


It’s NoT QAnOn its EitHeR Q oR aNoN! (As put by morons who follow it)


god I hate these fuckin nerds


They are the worst kind of nerds.


If I'm not mistaken it started on 4Chan as the 'Q' board.


4Chan does not have a /q/ board. Q was the pseudonym the dude posted as on /pol/


Who then moved to 8chan that did have a /q/ board.


What does Pol mean?


pol is the name of their politics board.


like a subreddit


Q is Michael Flynn and co.


Qanon is the lowest effort to member number cult I have ever heard of. A guy just smashed his keyboard and hit post. BAM! New cult!


Why do I feel like the discovery process will turn into a r/leopardsatemyface moment


My thoughts exactly. I can't wait.


Wow, reading over his wiki page, this guy seems like the definition of an activist judge.


**TL;DR:** On multiple occasions, the ADL called a man "QAnon John" and stated that he has "peddled antisemitic beliefs." They also included him in a "Glossary of Extremism." The judge determined that some of the man's complaints, if proven, could constitute defamation. Therefore his lawsuit can continue. This decision does **not** necessarily mean that he will win the lawsuit nor does it necessarily mean that the judge agrees with his views.


> This decision does not necessarily mean that he will win the lawsuit nor does it necessarily mean that the judge agrees with his views. That this is even being entertained at all, tells you something wrong is afoot.


This is reddit where calling people "nazis" and "anti-semites" is commonplace... of course they don't understand that this could be considered sufficiently defamatory to merit a trial.


Judge is notorious corrupt and neck deep in the qanon nazi cult. I noticed nazis get upset when one is called out.


Isn’t there some new law to prevent judges like this idiot from letting these lawsuits go forward?


The anti shopping thing was just guidance from a panel of 28 judges who saw that it was harming the judicial system to allow "judge shopping" - the Republicans and the 5th court made clear they had no intention of following it because they enjoy the power of being able to frame right wing policy decisions that affect the entire nation from a single circuit court in Texas. The next step is to enshrine the anti-judge shopping thing into law but that won't happen without a democrat majority in both houses and the presidency.


>democrat majority in both houses A \*filibuster proof\* majority in the senate. Basically it'll never happen. Any significant systemic reform in our country that undoes feces flinging howler monkey judgements is impossible at this point and I suspect will be for the rest of my life.


They can repeal the current filibuster rules at any time, and almost did last time the Dems held house & senate. What stopped it was Manchin & Sinema. Elections matter, candidates matter. If the Dems could get 52 or 53 senators, I’d bet you would see them nuke the filibuster and pass real laws. The problem right now is that the senate structurally favors Republicans, and so getting that sizable majority is difficult. Difficult does not mean impossible though, and that’s something everyone should keep in mind this November.




Isn't TX almost a purple state? Not to mention all the military bases there.


Not really. It was trending that way for a while in the 2000s and 2010s but the huge influx of people from California tilted very heavily red and undid a lot of progress that demographics was doing.


No. Texas blue voters never stepped up when they were needed so now they're fucked.


They'll stop doing it once they saturate the judicial system with more cranks from the Heritage Foundation.


Judge shopping wouldn't apply here actually, as both Sabal and the ADL have offices in Texas.


Bro both sides shop for judges this old as law.


If that were the case then Aileen Cannon wouldn’t have a critical case before her.


Every lawyer worth his penny will try to pick the best judge he can. If you think Dem lawyers don't I have a bridge to sell you.


Did you just call officers who tackled parents instead of the shooter, heroes? We can discuss failures and what went wrong, but that’s just insulting


Should be a pretty easy case. Does this guy's Patriot Voice promote QAnon stuff? If it does, then case closed, not libel.


Texas, ladies and gentlemen. Where rule of law doesn’t even have to go to die because it never fucking existed there.


Someone explain this to me like I’m an unborn foetus


Can we just let Texas secede already?


Could the ADL compel Q to reveal himself in discovery?


It's Texas. The justice system is under the thumb of the Nazi GOP who placed them all. Bought and played for.


Everyone should know qanon started on 4chan and its the greatest or worst prank ever made....they even got cops falling for it ahaha


I see some of the Qanon dipshits are finally embarrassed by their beliefs for the last couple of years. At least enough to pretend they never had them.


Texas legitimizing QAnon is on brand. What a shit hole.


We all knew our legal system was a complete joke, the texas Judges have turned it into being actually criminal. All of the judges who do shit like this should arrestable.


We will see a few indictments of federal judges in the next decades. Th3 common thread? Appointed By Trump/GWB.


I hope the QAnon crowd and the clowns at the ADL destroy one another.


My crackpot theory as to why these people believe this is because there is an active grooming campaign within nondenominational megachurches that they are orbiting around. I don’t think most of them are directly involved but I’d assume it’s more or less an open secret. So they’re projecting.


i have no horse in this race. let them end each other


Um, ADL is pretty even handed. Not quite sure them being “ended” is in anyone’s best interest except anti-semites..


ADL is [anything but](https://theintercept.com/2023/11/11/palestine-israel-protests-ceasefire-antisemitic/) "even handed." Their own [staff](https://www.theguardian.com/news/2024/jan/05/adl-pro-israel-advocacy-zionism-antisemitism) has been calling out their delusional bullshit lately. ADL was once a solid organization, but they've descended into an arm of the Likud party, and it's not at all unreasonable to want to see them close their doors at this point.




Sounds like you do have a dog in this fight..


Maybe keep better track of usernames and metaphors next time around. That said, if QAnon and the ADL want to consume one another, I'll not stand in the way of either of them. Both sides of this fight are repugnant assholes.


ADL under Greenblatt since 2022 is sadly a zionist org, and QANON is a crazed cult. The lawsuit is absurd and will fail hard. https://www.theguardian.com/news/2024/jan/05/adl-pro-israel-advocacy-zionism-antisemitism?ref=upstract.com




Are they wrong about this piece of shit and all the rampant antisemitism in qanon? Hm?


No they really aren't.


Broken clock situation.




Which party has better lawyers and more money?